We build Hamburg

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This has certainly been helped by the fact that Hamburg—with the help of HOCHTIEF—has for years been investing in infrastructure, and with numerous construction projects knows how to provide highlights: Hence, modern residential districts, musical theaters and the spectacular Elbe Philharmonic Hall improve the cityscape to bring out its best."> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"> <meta property="og:description" content="Hamburg, “Pearl of the North”: In surveys, the city on the River Elbe always belongs to the most beautiful and livable cities in Germany. The Hanseatic City is enjoying a record number of visitors, and international city tourism is booming. This has certainly been helped by the fact that Hamburg—with the help of HOCHTIEF—has for years been investing in infrastructure, and with numerous construction projects knows how to provide highlights: Hence, modern residential districts, musical theaters and the spectacular Elbe Philharmonic Hall improve the cityscape to bring out its best."> <meta property="og:title" content="We build Hamburg"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="no"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/98b5b8559c32129c9c9f5af4bd11b426/Css/main.css?1739430169" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/1710094660852ef5f22e6cbd04149805/Css/main.min.css?1739430169" media="all"> <script src="/_assets/01d46b3f62237cd331ad02378af2000d/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js?1739430169"></script> <script src="/_assets/ef58a024645292131dd099b7f741b2b7/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js?1739430169"></script> <script src="/_assets/7091e4d8752ec1424e669e309c816af7/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js?1739430169"></script> <script src="/_assets/081ca71880aa54b53e1069cd5f36dac5/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js?1739430169"></script> <!-- Copyright (c) 2000-2020 etracker GmbH. 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Then HOCHTIEF is just the right place for you. Because we realize projects with experience, technical excellence and innovative solutions. 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The Hanseatic City is enjoying a record number of visitors, and international city tourism is booming. This has certainly been helped by the fact that Hamburg—with the help of HOCHTIEF—has for years been investing in infrastructure, and with numerous construction projects knows how to provide highlights: Hence, modern residential districts, musical theaters and the spectacular Elbe Philharmonic Hall improve the cityscape to bring out its best.</p> <p>On this page</p> <div class="utilitybox c-white-dark-bg inpagemenu jst" data-jst-type="inpagemenu"><div></div></div> <h2 id="philharmonic-hall" class="heading-section h3">The Elbe Philharmonic Hall </h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Nikida" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>“Building of the Century”, “Most Popular City Landmark”, “Cultural Monument for Everyone”—any talk about the Elbe Philharmonic Hall involves superlatives.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>The project at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Completion: January 2017</li><li>Architects: Herzog &amp; de Meuron</li><li>Acoustics engineer: Yasuhisa Toyota</li><li>Artists: NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, Riccardo Muti, Cecilia Bartoli, Einstürzende Neubauten, Sir Simon Rattle</li><li>Scope: several concert halls, luxury hotel with 244 rooms, 45 condominiums, visitor plaza at a height of 37 meters, gastronomy, parking garage</li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Stunning Architecture</h3><p>The “Elphi”, as Hamburg’s residents lovingly call the concert hall, is surrounded by the UNESCO world heritage “Speicherstadt” (warehouse city), the huge urban development project HafenCity and the industrial harbor areas.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Nikida" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>The concert hall thrills Hamburg’s residents and visitors with its extraordinary architecture: A huge glass superstructure, reminiscent of a wave, rises up out of the former quayside warehouse. The teamwork of all companies involved was essential for realizing this unique and complex project.</p> <div data-name="Linkbox" class="linkbox utilitybox"> <div> <a href="" target="_blank" data-jst-type="svg-icon" data-svg-symbol="icon-external" tabindex="500" data-name="Iconlink" rel="noreferrer" class="iconlink medium jst svg-icon ol-off before"> NDR documentation </a><br> <br /> </div> </div> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-video-01.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/hamburg-elbe-vid-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> <figcaption> HOCHTIEF used the BIM technology (Building Information Modeling) during construction of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall. In 2007, before construction began, the team created virtual 3D models of the building. </figcaption> </figure> <p>Where cocoa and coffee were previously stored, a 110-meter high concert hall with hotel, exclusive apartments, gastronomy and parking garage has been built. HOCHTIEF gutted the historic quayside warehouse and converted it into a noble cultural palace.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-half-03.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>The renowned architects’ office Herzog &amp; de Meuron had previously designed the spectacular building of the concert hall.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-var-01.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Glass and red brick—precisely this mix is typical for the combination of history and the will to rejuvenate in Hamburg’s architecture.</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-video-02.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/hamburg-elbphilharmonie-video-02-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> <figcaption> Enter the "Elphi" on the longest curved escalator in Europe and visit the impressive concert hall in flight. ©Hamburg Marketing GmbH. </figcaption> </figure> <div class="blockquote-wrapper clearfix stretch-both stretch-col-3"> <blockquote> <figure> <img class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/_processed_/0/f/csm_hamburg-elbphilharmonie-var-02_2929062c5f.jpg" width="639" height="639" /> <br/> </figure> <p class=" xxl quote light jst icon-quote before" data-jst-type="svg-icon" data-svg-symbol="icon-quote"> “For the acoustics we had to seamlessly assemble 406 individually cut and milled oak wood elements. That was an extreme challenge, because the components weighed up to 300 kilos and were up to six meters long. It was worthwhile. Because everyone who enters this treasure trove wants to touch the walls.” </p> <p class="sub"> Karin Ross, site manager of the Recital Hall </p> </blockquote> </div> <h2 id="hamburg-harbor" class="heading-section h3">Hamburg Harbor </h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©FakconCrestAir" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Hamburg Harbor—“Germany’s Gateway to the World” – is not only one of Europe’s biggest seaports but also one of the biggest transshipment ports worldwide. The harbor infrastructure of the most important logistics location is therefore permanently being improved. HOCHTIEF has realized more than 20 projects in quay wall construction here. One of these is the container terminal Burchardkai, and another is the Rethe bridge.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>The project at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Burchardkai</li><li>Rethebrücke</li></ul> </div> </div> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-video-01.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-video-01-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <h3 class="h3 light">Burchardkai</h3><p>The construction of Burchardkai was the starting signal for a new era in the harbor. Because from 1968 it was possible for the first time to load and unload a full container ship, the “American Lancer”, in Hamburg.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Udo Thomas" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-full-02.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>There, HOCHTIEF specialists built three berths for large container ships, and a quay wall with a total length of 1.5 kilometers.</p> <h3 class="h3 light">Rethe Bridge</h3><p>When two large ships passed through the river crossing of the Rethe bridge or if trains used the bridge up to 40 times a day, for drivers of vehicles this meant: Switch off the engine and wait. Now this is a thing of the past. Because the new Rethe bridge built by HOCHTIEF separates rail and road traffic.</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-video-02.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hafen-video-02-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <p>The unique structure can proudly claim to be “Europe’s largest bascule bridge for combined road and rail traffic”.</p> <h2 id="hamburg-musical-theaters" class="heading-section h3">Hamburg Musical Theaters </h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Mamma Mia! Together with New York and London, Hamburg ranks amongst the most important locations for musicals. This is above all thanks to the close proximity and large number of musical theaters in the harbor city, most of which were realized by HOCHTIEF. With more than 50 million people in the audiences since the beginning of the boom in the mid-1980s, this type of event has generated flourishing tourism—and there is no end in sight.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>Projects at a glance:</h4><ul><li>2001: Stage Theater im Hafen </li><li>2014: Stage Theater an der Elbe </li><li>2015: More! Theater am Großmarkt Hamburg </li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Entertainment made by HOCHTIEF</h3><p>Some of the world’s most successful musicals are being staged in Hamburg’s theaters. HOCHTIEF converted or newly constructed the buildings for this.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Robert Nießen, project manager at HOCHTIEF, was involved in the biggest theater projects, and learned one thing in particular:</p><p><strong>“Theater construction means responding to many different client’s change requirements—right until the end. Theater makers are creative people, and you have to respond to this creativity, because ultimately that is why the theater is being built!”</strong></p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-01.jpg" width="960" height="804" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <h3 class="h3 light">“Stage Theater im Hafen”</h3><p>From the original old musical theater, only the striking tent character has remained. HOCHTIEF completely retrofitted the existing theater in record time. The “Lion King” has been staged here since 2001.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-02.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Robert Nießen remembers this first theater construction project of HOCHTIEF for the Musical Company Stage: “We were daring and crazy enough to be persuaded to build an almost new theater in eight months. But successfully. In the end our client was able to fully take advantage of Christmas business as planned.</p><p>This is how the provisional Buddy Holly arrangement became a permanent Hamburg institution - and HOCHTIEF became the preferred partner of STAGE.</p> <h3 class="h3 light">“Stage Theater an der Elbe”</h3><p>HOCHTIEF built the new theater on the site of an old shipyard, right next to the “Stage Theater im Hafen”.</p> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-03.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-04.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-05.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <p>With its striking silver skin, it already attracts the gaze of everyone on the other side of the River Elbe.</p><p>In November 2014, the new musical dome opened with “Das Wunder von Bern” (“The Miracle of Bern”).</p> <h3 class="h3 light">“More! Theater am Großmarkt Hamburg”</h3><p>This musical building located in the center of Hamburg has a great deal of charm. HOCHTIEF integrated the theater into a heritage-protected central market hall dating from the 1960s.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-full-01.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Robert Nießen and the team mastered many technical construction challenges during ongoing central market operations. For example, they were only allowed to bring all the necessary material into the theater with heritage status through the existing entrances—and without using a construction crane or heavy transportation equipment.</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-video-01.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-video-01-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-half-03.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption>The project manager reports: “Statics was the crucial issue. Hamburg’s central market is built for light vegetable crates, not for heavy stages. We had to construct a building within a building, and to do so we had to recreate curved prestressed concrete floors with four steel arches, each weighing 15 tons. We achieved this with the aid of our own specially-built transportation trolley with 32 wheels for load distribution.”</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-06.jpg" width="960" height="1285" /> <figcaption>“And in the 6 m high basement with diverse storage, cooling and technical rooms we reinforced 36 existing supports, partly at the most impossible places—for example, right next to the medium voltage substation.” </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-musicals-fuer-hamburg-var-07.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption>Hamburg’s biggest theater is hence the only theater in the world located in a busy central market.</figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <h2 id="the-new-hamburg-districts" class="heading-section h3">The New Hamburg Districts</h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Hamburg’s population is growing, but residential, living and working space is very limited. The solution: Obtaining space through new, creative ideas. Consequently, HOCHTIEF helped create new districts: in empty buildings, on disused sites and even on the water.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>Projects at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Quartier21 (2013)</li><li>Water Houses (2013)</li><li>Hamburg Heights (2018)</li><li>Katharinenquartier (2015)</li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Quartier21</h3> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Ralf Meyer" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption>On the spacious site of the former Barmbeker Hospital, “Quartier21” was built—a concept for cross-generational living and working in the 21st Century. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-var-01.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption>HOCHTIEF converted the 21 pavilions with heritage status, dating from 1913, turning them into modern apartments and supplementing them with new residential buildings. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-var-02.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption>The district contains educational and social facilities, gastronomy, shops and offices.</figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Water-Houses</h3><p>The old urban district of Wilhelmsburg didn’t have the best reputation. Now it has developed into a showpiece residential district.</p> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-var-03.jpg" width="960" height="1440" /> <figcaption>The residential project on the island in the River Elbe, shows how direct waterfront locations can be used as modern residential locations using creative means. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-half-03.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption>The five Water Houses—some equipped with their own canoe jetties—were realized by HOCHTIEF in 2013.</figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Hamburg Heights</h3><p>On the former “Spiegel-Insel” site in the Hamburg Altstadt district, HOCHTIEF refurbished and modernized the two heritage-protected high-rises of IBM and Spiegel. Under the name “Hamburg Heights”, new life was breathed into the two buildings dating from the 1960s, with offices and smart hotels. Two new buildings were also constructed.</p> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-half-04.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-var-04.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Katharinenquartier</h3><p>The new Katharinenquartier district was built on the former, disused school grounds next to the Katharinenkirche church. In the central urban district Hamburg-Altstadt, HOCHTIEF realized three residential and commercial buildings. They provide space for 131 apartments, as well as offices, gastronomy and retailing.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-neue-quartiere-hamburgs-half-05.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <h2 id="airport-helmut-schmidt" class="heading-section h3">Hamburg Airport Helmut Schmidt</h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Reimo Schaaf" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-airport-helmut-schmidt-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Hamburg’s Airport is Germany’s longest serving airport. It was set up in 1911 and today it is one of the most modern airports in Europe again. Thanks to a comprehensive expansion program by HOCHTIEF, it has become an engine of growth for the whole metropolitan region.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>The project at a glance (1992 to 2014):</h4><ul><li>Two terminals</li><li>Airport Plaza, </li><li>Urban railway line</li><li>Parking garages</li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Keeping up with the Times</h3><p>To make Hamburg’s Airport fit again for the future, it was restructured as a private enterprise after being state-owned for many years.</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-airport-helmut-schmidt-video-01.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-airport-helmut-schmidt-video-01-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <p>In 2001, HOCHTIEF became a private partner of the airport and kept its shares until 2014. The airport needed this partner for the biggest investment boost in its history.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Reimo Schaaf" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-airport-helmut-schmidt-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>HOCHTIEF was crucially involved in expanding the airport: for instance, two terminals were built, as well as new parking garages, a hotel and the airport plaza. Since 2008, the almost four kilometer long urban railway tunnel has connected Hamburg’s Airport with the urban district of Ohlsdorf.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-airport-helmut-schmidt-var-01.jpg" width="960" height="640" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <h2 id="more-flood-protection-for-hamburg" class="heading-section h3">More Flood Protection for Hamburg</h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hochwasser-schutzprojekte-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>One thing is sure: To deal with climate change and a rising sea level, Hamburg requires a comprehensive and intelligent concept for flood protection. Because extreme weather situations and Elbe flood waters are occurring more frequently and are making storm surges a permanent danger. One consequence: Flood protection for the harbor city was increased. With new protective walls, built by HOCHTIEF, the people of Hamburg can now feel a good deal safer as they look to the future.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>Projects at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Schaartor Sluice</li><li>Niederhafen /harbor promenade</li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Niederhafen /harbor promenade</h3> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hochwasser-schutzprojekte-full-01.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>HOCHTIEF shows how attractive effective flood protection can look. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hochwasser-schutzprojekte-full-02.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>With the harbor promenade “Elbeboulevard”, designed by star architect Zaha Hadid, stretching between the St. Pauli Piers and the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, the flood protection system has been raised from 7.50 meters to 8.90 meters. </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Sky View Imaging" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hochwasser-schutzprojekte-full-03.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>In comparison: During the great storm surge in 1962, the water only rose to just below six meters.</figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Schaartor Sluice</h3><p>In the direct proximity of the harbor promenade is the Schaartor Sluice, which directs the Alsterfleet into the River Elbe and the inland harbor. All around the Schaartor Sluice, HOCHTIEF refurbished and raised the existing flood protection system along a length of almost 200 meters. The big challenge: HOCHTIEF was only able to work when the water was at certain levels and with equipment which it had developed itself. For instance, a site manager had to obtain a boating license.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Sky View Imaging" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-hamburger-hochwasser-schutzprojekte-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <h2 id="the-new-a7-highway" class="heading-section h3">The New A7 Highway </h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Dominik Reipka" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-half-04.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>The A7 highway is the main traffic artery for Northern Germany and Hamburg. Its expansion from six to eight lanes enables local and long-distance traffic to flow once again. The consortium Via Solutions Nord around HOCHTIEF, renewed a 65 kilometer long section of the highway. It is also operating and maintaining a 59 kilometer long section until 2044. From the Elbe tunnel to the border of the city state, the noise protection is also being considerably improved: The so-called “Hamburger Deckel” (Hamburg Lid) is part of the large-scale project.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>Projects at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Stellingen Tunnel</li><li>Schnelsen Tunnel</li><li>Langenfelde Bridge</li><li>Elbe Tunnel</li></ul> </div> </div> <h3 class="h3 light">Langenfelde Bridge</h3><p>The new Langenfelder Brücke bridge marks the starting point of HOCHTIEF's expansion work on the A7 motorway to the north. Here, the now six-lane motorway crosses a total of 17 railway tracks, a train station, a pedestrian tunnel and a main road.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Sky View Imaging" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-half-02.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Among engineers, the bridge is considered a "masterpiece of bridge construction".</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-video-01.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-video-01-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <h3 class="h3 light">The Hamburg Cover</h3><p>The inhabitants of Stellingen and Schnelsen, who live right next to the A7 highway, had increasingly suffered from traffic noise.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-half-03.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>Step by step HOCHTIEF suppressed the noise under the cover: Along a stretch of 900 meters, the A7 highway in the vicinity of Stellingen was not just expanded, but also covered over.</p> <figure role="group" class="stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <a href="#" tabindex="500" class="jst video__wrapper video" data-jst-type="video" data-url="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-video-02.mp4"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-video-02-screen.jpg" width="1280" height="720" alt="" /> <div class="figure__imageoverlay video" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="svg-icon icon-video center"> </div> </div> </a> </figure> <p>Together with the completion of the 560 meter long noise protection cover in Schnelsen to the north of the highway, new noise barriers and noise-reducing asphalt, residents next to the A7 highway have now recovered considerably quality of life.</p> <h3 class="h3 light">Elbe Tunnel</h3><p>Without the Elbe Tunnel, nothing functions in Hamburg. Not only commuters and companies but also holidaymakers heading north benefit from the expansion construction work performed by HOCHTIEF—most recently in 1995.</p> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©Dominik Reipka" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-a7-half-04.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <h2 id="european-xfel" class="heading-section h3">Mega tunnel for science—European XFEL</h2> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside stretch-both stretch-col-2"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-european-xfel-half-01.jpg" width="960" height="960" /> <figcaption></figcaption> </figure> <p>A different type of tunnel: With the European XFEL (X-Ray Free-Electron Laser) the world’s most modern and powerful microscope is operating in Hamburg. It is located in a tunnel system realized by HOCHTIEF. Here scientists can make the “dance of the molecules” visible: X-ray flashes create three-dimensional detailed images of molecules, cells, viruses and chemical reactions.</p> <div data-name="Utilitybox" class="utilitybox "> <div class="c-white-bg"> <h4>The project at a glance:</h4><ul><li>Built: 2009 to 2016</li><li>First x-ray laser beam: May 2017</li><li>Length of Tunnel System: 5.8 kilometers</li></ul> </div> </div> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--single carousel--inline jst" data-autoplay-time="10000" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-european-xfel-full-01.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>The 5.8 kilometer long tunnel system stretches from Hamburg-Bahrenfeld to Schenefeld in Schleswig-Holstein, where the research campus with underground experimentation hall is located. The project is one of the most ambitious research projects in Europe.</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-european-xfel-full-02.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>The electron packages are sent on a kilometer-long journey through the tube. They travel for precisely one hundred-thousandth of a second. Shortly before the end of their high-speed journey, the packages are distributed to several tunnels.</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-european-xfel-full-03.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>HOCHTIEF engineer Gunnar Reimann therefore built eleven tunnels all at once. That was pioneering work. &quot;Like an arm extending into the hand and fingers&quot; is how Reimann describes the cave-like branching work of art.</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="carousel__item"> <figure data-name="Figure" role="group" class="caption-outside none"> <img data-jst-type="lazy" class="jst lazy" alt="©HOCHTIEF" src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/hamburg/hamburg-european-xfel-full-04.jpg" width="1920" height="960" /> <figcaption>The laser light has to hit the end point exactly. &quot;That&#039;s why we had to drive the tubes with absolute accuracy&quot;, recalls Reimann. And it worked. The tunnels are a precision landing.</figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>We build the world of tomorrow.</h3> <div data-name="Subgrid" class="subgrid stretch-both stretch-col-3 "> <div class="row"> <div data-name="Subgrid Item" class="col-24"> <div data-name="Carousel Tiles" class="area-display tiles carousel-tiles c-white-bg "> <div data-name="Carousel" class="carousel carousel--quadruple jst" data-jst-type="carousel"> <div class="carousel__item"> <div data-name="Tile" class="tile"> <a href="/we-build-new-york" tabindex="5000" class="d-block"> <div class="tile__image"> <img src="/fileadmin/user_upload/we-build/abschluss-img-new-york.jpg" width="484" height="680" alt="" /> </div> <div class="tile__content"> <p class="heading h2 bold c-white"> New York</p> <div class="tile__link"> <span class="iconlink sm bold c-white svg-icon before icon-internal ol-off jst" data-jst-type="svg-icon" data-svg-symbol="icon-internal"> Learn more</span> </div> </div> </a> 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