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The objective of the journal is to cut across the boundaries of established sciences and achieve an interdisciplinary view of these interactions. Experimental, conceptual, and modelling approaches are welcome. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="coverModal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 p-3"> <img class="img-fluid" alt="BG cover enlarged" cofileid="20455" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><div id="cmsbox_126157" class="cmsbox "><h2>Journal metrics</h2> <p>BG is indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc. We refrain from displaying the journal metrics prominently on the landing page since citation metrics used in isolation do not describe importance, impact, or quality of a journal. However, these metrics can be found on the <a href="">journal metrics page</a>.</p></div><div id="recent_paper" class="cmsbox j-article j-article-section"><div id="recent-paper-content"> <div id="recent_paper_header"> <h2>Recent papers</h2> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="469" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Exploring macroevolutionary links in multi-species planktonic foraminiferal Mg∕Ca and <i>δ</i><sup>18</sup>O from 15&thinsp;Ma to recent</a> <div class="authors">Flavia Boscolo-Galazzo, David Evans, Elaine M. Mawbey, William R. Gray, Paul N. Pearson, and Bridget S. Wade</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 1095&ndash;1113, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_120597" data-show=".short_summary_120597" data-hide=".short_summary_button_120597" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_120597" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Here we compare the Mg / Ca and oxygen isotope signatures for 57 recent to fossil species of planktonic foraminifera for the last 15 Myr. We find the occurrence of lineage-specific offsets in Mg / Ca conservative between ancestor-descendent species. Taking into account species kinship significantly improves temperature reconstructions, and we suggest that the occurrence of Mg / Ca offsets in modern species results from their evolution when ocean properties were different from today's. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_120597" data-show=".short_summary_button_120597">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="469" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="498" data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Long-term impacts of global temperature stabilization and overshoot on exploited marine species</a> <div class="authors">Anne L. Morée, Fabrice Lacroix, William W. L. Cheung, and Thomas L. Frölicher</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 1115&ndash;1133, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_123778" data-show=".short_summary_123778" data-hide=".short_summary_button_123778" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_123778" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Using novel Earth system model simulations and applying the Aerobic Growth Index, we show that only about half of the habitat loss for marine species is realized when temperature stabilization is initially reached. The maximum habitat loss happens over a century after peak warming in a temperature overshoot scenario peaking at 2 &deg;C before stabilizing at 1.5 &deg;C. We also emphasize that species adaptation may be key in mitigating the long-term impacts of temperature stabilization and overshoot. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_123778" data-show=".short_summary_button_123778">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="498" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="600" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="437" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">A shift in circadian stem increment patterns in a Pyrenean alpine treeline precedes spring growth after snow melting</a> <div class="authors">Helen Flynn, J. Julio Camarero, Alba Sanmiguel-Vallelado, Francisco Rojas Heredia, Pablo Domínguez Aguilar, Jesús Revuelto, and Juan Ignacio López-Moreno</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 1135&ndash;1147, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_124520" data-show=".short_summary_124520" data-hide=".short_summary_button_124520" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_124520" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> In the Spanish Pyrenees, changing snow seasons and warmer growing seasons could impact tree growth in the montane evergreen forests. We used automatic sensors that measure tree growth to monitor and analyze the interactions between the climate, snow, and tree growth at the study site. We found a transition in the daily growth cycle that is triggered by the presence of snow. Additionally, warmer February and May temperatures enhanced tree growth. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_124520" data-show=".short_summary_button_124520">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="437" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object type-0 in-range paperList-discussion" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Utilizing Probability Estimates from Machine Learning and Pollen to Understand the Depositional Influences on Branched GDGT in Wetlands, Peatlands, and Lakes</a> <div class="authors">Amy Cromartie, Cindy De Jonge, Guillemette Ménot, Mary Robles, Lucas Dugerdil, Odile Peyron, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, Jon Camuera, Maria Jose Ramos-Roman, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Claude Colombié, Lilit Sahakyan, and Sébastien Joannin</div> <div class="citation">EGUsphere, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <div class="statusMessage"><span>Preprint under review for BG</span> <nobr>(discussion: open, 0 comments)</nobr></div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_126987" data-show=".short_summary_126987" data-hide=".short_summary_button_126987" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_126987" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> BrGDGT are a molecular biomarker utilized for paleotemperature reconstructions. One issue, however, with utilizing brGDGTs is that the distribution differs in relation to sediment environments (i.e., peat, lake, soil) which change overtime. We utilize the probability estimate outputs from five machine learning algorithms, and a new modern brGDGTs database to track change and apply these models&rsquo; to two downcore records utilizing pollen and non-pollen polymorphs to confirm the model&rsquo;s accuracy. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_126987" data-show=".short_summary_button_126987">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object type-0 in-range paperList-discussion" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Ideas and Perspectives: Potentially Large but Highly Uncertain Greenhouse Gas Emissions Resulting from Peat Erosion</a> <div class="authors">Thomas C. Parker, Chris Evans, Martin G. Evans, Miriam Glendell, Richard Grayson, Joseph Holden, Changjia Li, Pengfei Li, and Rebekka R. E. Artz</div> <div class="citation">EGUsphere, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <div class="statusMessage"><span>Preprint under review for BG</span> <nobr>(discussion: open, 0 comments)</nobr></div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_126689" data-show=".short_summary_126689" data-hide=".short_summary_button_126689" >Short summary</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_126689" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Many peatlands around the world are eroding and causing carbon losses to the atmosphere and to freshwater systems. To accurately report emissions from peatlands we need to understand how much of the eroded peat is converted to CO<sub>2</sub> once exposed to the atmosphere. We need more direct measurements of this process and a better understanding of the environmental conditions that peat is exposed to after it erodes. This information will help quantify the emissions savings from peatland restoration. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_126689" data-show=".short_summary_button_126689">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!--<script id="recent-template" data-journal-url="" data-journal-shot-cut="bg" type="x-tmpl-mustache">--> <!-- {{%FILTERS}} <div class="grid-container paperlist-object{{#hasType}} type-{{type}}{{/hasType}}{{^hidden}} in-range{{/hidden}}{{#hidden}} hidden{{/hidden}} paperList-{{htmlSelectorSuffix}}" data-diff="{{publishedDateDifference}}"> {{#listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100"> <span class="article-subtitle">{{{.}}}</span> </div> {{/listSubtitle}} <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb|absoluteUrl}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> {{#publishedDate}} <div class="published-date"> {{. | date.d M Y}}</div> {{/publishedDate}} {{#manuscriptTypeTitle}} <div class="manuscriptType" > | {{.}}</div> {{/manuscriptTypeTitle}} <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="{{articleLink |absoluteUrl}}">{{{title}}}</a> <div class="authors">{{{authorsText}}}</div> {{#hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, {{volumeNumber}}, {{#citationByArticleNumber}}{{articleNumber}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}{{^citationByArticleNumber}}{{#pageNumberPrefix}}{{.}} {{/pageNumberPrefix}}{{firstPage}}-{{lastPage}}{{/citationByArticleNumber}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}{{^statusMessage}}{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.|number_format}} views</nobr>{{/views}}{{/statusMessage}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{^hasFullCitation}} <div class="citation">{{journalCitation}}, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">{{doi}},</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">{{doi}},</span> {{year}}</div> {{/hasFullCitation}} {{#statusMessage}} <div class="statusMessage"><span>{{.}}</span> <nobr>{{statusExtension}}</nobr>{{#views}} |<nobr> {{.|number_format}} views</nobr>{{/views}}</div> {{/statusMessage}} {{#shortSummary}} <image class="show-hide short-summary-button short_summary_button_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-hide=".short_summary_button_{{id}}" height="14" width="50" src="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.png" xlink:href="{{assetsPath}}{{projectShortCut}}_icon_summary.svg"/> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary_{{id}}" style="display: none"> <fieldset> <legend>Short summary</legend> <div class="content"> {{{.}}} </div> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_{{id}}" data-show=".short_summary_button_{{id}}">Hide</a> </fieldset> </div> {{/shortSummary}} </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> {{#hasAvatar}} <a class="paperlist-avatar" href="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}"> <img class="img-responsive" src="{{avatarThumb|absoluteUrl}}" data-web="{{avatarWeb|absoluteUrl}}" data-width="{{avatarWidth}}" data-height="{{avatarHeight}}"> </a> {{/hasAvatar}} </div> </div>--> <!--</script>--> </div><div id="highlight-articles" class="cmsbox landing-page"><div id="highlight-paper-content"> <div id="highlight-articles-header"> <h2>Highlight articles</h2> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="420" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 18 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Toward more robust net primary production projections in the North Atlantic Ocean</a> <div class="authors">Stéphane Doléac, Marina Lévy, Roy El Hourany, and Laurent Bopp</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 841&ndash;862, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_121143" data-show=".short_summary_121143" data-hide=".short_summary_button_121143" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_121143 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_121143" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_121143">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_121143" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> The marine biogeochemistry components of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) models vary widely in their process representations. Using an innovative bioregionalization of the North Atlantic, we reveal that this model diversity largely drives the divergence in net primary production projections under a high-emission scenario. The identification of the most mechanistically realistic models allows for a substantial reduction in projection uncertainty. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_121143" data-show=".short_summary_button_121143">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_121143 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This study presents a new methodology to address the divergent projections of Net Primary Production in the North Atlantic Ocean in the last phase 6 of CMIP. The method is based on the process-based selection of models in the different ocean regions. This method can contribute to improve the reliability of climate change impact assessments on ecosystems and human societies. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_121143" data-show=".ce_comment_button_121143">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="420" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="432" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 12 Feb 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">What controls planktic foraminiferal calcification?</a> <div class="authors">Ruby Barrett, Joost de Vries, and Daniela N. Schmidt</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 791&ndash;807, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_122288" data-show=".short_summary_122288" data-hide=".short_summary_button_122288" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_122288 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_122288" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_122288">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_122288" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Planktic foraminifers are a plankton whose fossilised shell weight is used to reconstruct past environmental conditions such as seawater CO<sub>2</sub>. However, there is debate about whether other environmental drivers impact shell weight. Here we use a global data compilation and statistics to analyse what controls their weight. We find that the response varies between species and ocean basin, making it important to use regional calibrations and consider which species should be used to reconstruct CO<sub>2</sub>.</p> <!--a=1--> </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_122288" data-show=".short_summary_button_122288">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_122288 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This study reveals that size-normalized weight (SNW) in planktonic foraminifera varies by species and environment, making it unsuitable as a universal pCO2 proxy. Regional calibration and species-specific approaches are essential for reliable paleoceanographic reconstructions. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_122288" data-show=".ce_comment_button_122288">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="432" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="295" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 28 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Assessment framework to predict sensitivity of marine calcifiers to ocean alkalinity enhancement – identification of biological thresholds and importance of precautionary principle</a> <div class="authors">Nina Bednaršek, Hanna van de Mortel, Greg Pelletier, Marisol García-Reyes, Richard A. Feely, and Andrew G. Dickson</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 473&ndash;498, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_119122" data-show=".short_summary_119122" data-hide=".short_summary_button_119122" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_119122 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_119122" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_119122">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_119122" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> The environmental impacts of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) are unknown. Our synthesis, based on 68 collected studies with 84 unique species, shows that 35 % of species respond positively, 26 % respond negatively, and 39 % show a neutral response to alkalinity addition. Biological thresholds were found from 50 to 500 &micro;mol kg<sup>&minus;1</sup> NaOH addition. A precautionary approach is warranted to avoid potential risks, while current regulatory framework needs improvements to assure safe biological limits. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_119122" data-show=".short_summary_button_119122">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_119122 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> This paper warrants selection as a highlight due to its comprehensive synthesis of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) impacts on marine calcifiers, offering essential insights for understanding potential ecological risks of this climate mitigation approach. By leveraging data from 96 studies and capturing responses across eleven biological groups, the paper establishes a predictive framework for biological responses to OAE. This work addresses a critical gap in OAE research, providing a precautionary guideline that can inform future studies, guide regional applications, and communicate risks to stakeholders. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_119122" data-show=".ce_comment_button_119122">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="295" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="442" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 22 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Growth response of <i>Emiliania huxleyi</i> to ocean alkalinity enhancement</a> <div class="authors">Giulia Faucher, Mathias Haunost, Allanah Joy Paul, Anne Ulrike Christiane Tietz, and Ulf Riebesell</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 405&ndash;415, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_121939" data-show=".short_summary_121939" data-hide=".short_summary_button_121939" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_121939 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_121939" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_121939">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_121939" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is being evaluated for its capacity to absorb atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> in the ocean and store it long term to mitigate climate change. As researchers plan for field tests to gain insights into OAE, sharing knowledge on its environmental impact on marine ecosystems is urgent. Our study examined NaOH-induced OAE in <em>Emiliania huxleyi</em>, a key coccolithophore species, and found that the added total alkalinity (&Delta;TA) should stay below 600&thinsp;&micro;mol&thinsp;kg⁻&sup1; to avoid negative impacts. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_121939" data-show=".short_summary_button_121939">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_121939 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> The authors show the effects of elevated seawater pH and alkalinity on the ecophysiology (i.e., growth rate and cellular particulate inorganic and organic carbon) of marine ubiquitous calcifying coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi through laboratory experiments to discuss the ecological implications of ocean alkalinity enhancement, a key strategy of marine carbon dioxide removal. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_121939" data-show=".ce_comment_button_121939">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-height="442" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object in-range paperList-final" data-diff="0"> <div class="grid-100 hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-caption="© Author(s). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License." data-web="" data-width="600" data-height="215" width="80" height="80"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85"> <div class="published-date"> 16 Jan 2025</div> <a class="article-title" target="_parent" href="">Efficiency metrics for ocean alkalinity enhancements under responsive and prescribed atmospheric <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> conditions</a> <div class="authors">Michael D. Tyka</div> <div class="citation">Biogeosciences, 22, 341&ndash;353, <nobr class="hide-on-mobile hide-on-tablet">,</nobr><span class="hide-on-desktop">,</span> 2025</div> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle short_summary_button_121851" data-show=".short_summary_121851" data-hide=".short_summary_button_121851" >Short summary</span> <span class="show-hide journal-contentLinkColor triangle ce_comment_button_121851 ml-2" data-show=".ce_comment_121851" data-hide=".ce_comment_button_121851">Co-editor-in-chief</span> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary short_summary_121851" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Short summary</div> <div class="content"> Marine CO<sub>2</sub> removal (mCDR) is a promising technology for removing legacy emissions from the atmosphere. Its indirect nature makes it difficult to assess experimentally; instead one relies heavily on simulation. Many past papers have treated the atmosphere as non-responsive to the intervention studied. We show that even under these simplified assumptions, the increase in ocean CO<sub>2</sub> inventory is equal to the equivalent quantity of direct CO<sub>2</sub> removals occurring over time, in a realistic atmosphere. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".short_summary_121851" data-show=".short_summary_button_121851">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="j-widget__max ce_comment ce_comment_121851 mt-3" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Co-editor-in-chief</div> <div class="content"> Assessing the efficiency and durability of marine carbon dioxide removal (CDR) requires the development of clear measurement, reporting, and verification protocols. In this contribution, Michael Tyke presents a path forward into the robust quantification of marine CDR, presenting and explaining how different metrics can be used, providing new tools for modellers, observationalists, and policymakers. </div> <div><a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide=".ce_comment_121851" data-show=".ce_comment_button_121851">Hide</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-15 tablet-grid-15 text-right hide-on-mobile"> <a class="paperlist-avatar" target="_blank" href=""> <img class="img-responsive" src="" data-web="" data-width="600" data-caption="© Author(s). 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Liss (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom), Klaus Jürgens (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany), Frédéric Gazeau (Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France), and Hermann Bange (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany) | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1325" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1325" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1325">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1325" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1325"> Over the last 2 decades, studies have shown that the sea-surface microlayer covers large areas of the global ocean and, under certain conditions, can even form biofilm-like (and thus unique) habitats between the ocean and the atmosphere. Due to its recurrent biofilm-like features and unique position at the atmosphere&ndash;ocean interface, the microlayer is central to a range of global biogeochemical and climate-related processes, including marine carbon cycling, air&ndash;sea gas exchange, physical surface processes, and aerosol production. Despite the fact that processes occurring in and across the microlayer have received increasing attention during recent years, our knowledge about the microlayer remains rudimentary. New approaches and technologies have been developed to understand the formation and function of the microlayer on a mechanistic level. For example, the BASS (Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer; <a href=""target="_blank"></a>) group has been funded to explore the significance of the microlayer as a bio- and photochemical reactor in an unprecedented comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, and BASS findings will contribute to this special issue (SI). The purpose of the SI is twofold: (1) to present outcomes of a BASS mesocosm study and (2) to present further contributions on the microlayer from the wider research community based on field, mesocosm, modelling, and laboratory studies. This SI will bring together the latest scientific studies to describe the microlayer as an interface between the ocean and atmosphere across different disciplines. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1325" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1325">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer" data-url="" data-id="1325" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Biogeochemical processes and Air&ndash;sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer" data-url="" data-id="1325" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Mercury science to inform international policy: the Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP) and other research</a> (GMD/ACP/BG inter-journal SI) </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 10 Nov 2023&ndash;indefinite | David McLagan (Queen's University, Canada), Ashu Dastoor (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada), Johannes Bieser (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany), Celia Chen (Dartmouth, Department of Biological Sciences, USA), Jane Kirk (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada), Adrien Mestrot (Institute of Geography, Switzerland), Anne L. Soerensen (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden), and Xun Wang (Institute of Geochemistry, China) | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1294" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1294" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1294">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1294" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1294"> <p>Mercury (Hg) is a chemical pollutant of human health concern worldwide; a consequence of anthropogenic activities; and the focus of the Minamata Convention on Mercury (MC; <a href=""target="_blank"></a>), an international treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. The MC entered into force on 16 August 2017 and committed to limiting the use and environmental release of mercury. Also, the 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals of the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) commits parties to mitigating emissions of mercury (as well as cadmium and lead) from a variety of point sources and provides guidance on mitigating emissions associated with heavy metal use in manufactured products. The MC framework requires an evaluation of the effectiveness of its measures in meeting the objectives beginning no later than 6 years after the convention’s entry into force and periodically thereafter. The Protocol on Heavy Metals requires a periodic review of the progress towards meeting the obligations in the protocol and the sufficiency and effectiveness of those obligations and an evaluation of whether additional emission reductions are warranted.</p> <p>This multi-journal special issue (SI) is intended to develop the required information that can be scientifically exploited to address key policy questions of the conventions: (1) what are the contributions of anthropogenic emissions and releases and other Hg sources to current Hg levels observed in air, biota, humans, and other media? (2) How have these contribution levels changed over time and over the timeline of the convention? (3) How do the contribution levels and their trends vary geographically at the global scale? (4) What are the contributions of anthropogenic emissions and releases and other drivers to the temporal trends in observed Hg levels across global regions? (5) How are observed Hg levels expected to change in the future?</p> <p>The special issue aims at collecting relevant research advances arising from the design, implementation, and results of the Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP) and from the scientific community on all aspects of biogeochemical mercury cycling, including primary and secondary emissions, observations, process studies, and single to multi-compartmental and statistical model development and application. A challenge of analysing the fate of emitted mercury is that it can recycle between the atmosphere, land, and ocean, and as a result, past and present emissions can continue to affect the environment on timescales of decades to centuries. MCHgMAP is an ensemble modelling initiative developed to inform the effectiveness of evaluations of the MC and LRTAP, utilizing a coordinated modelling approach between single-medium (atmosphere, land, and ocean) and multi-media mercury models to consistently simulate the changing global and regional environmental Hg cycling and analyse its drivers. The SI includes an overview paper on MCHgMAP, describing its scientific background and design (an important and crucial preparatory stage), which will be referenced by the individual papers on this project that follow.</p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1294" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1294">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Mercury science to inform international policy: the Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP) and other research" data-url="" data-id="1294" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Mercury science to inform international policy: the Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP) and other research" data-url="" data-id="1294" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">RUSTED: Reducing Uncertainty in Soluble aerosol Trace Element Deposition</a> (AMT/ACP/AR/BG inter-journal SI) </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 02 Nov 2023&ndash;31 Oct 2026 | Frédéric Gazeau (Villefranche Oceanographic Laboratory, France), Manmohan Sarin (Physical Research Laboratory, India), Suzanne Fietz (Stellenbosch University, South Afrca), Douglas Hamilton (North Carolina State University, USA), Akinori Ito (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan), Morgane Perron (Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin, France), and Mingjin Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1291" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1291" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1291">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1291" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1291"> <p> SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research) Working Group 167 (Reducing Uncertainty in Soluble aerosol Trace Element Deposition, RUSTED), appointed in October 2022, brings together experts from the atmospheric chemistry, ocean biogeochemistry, and modelling communities. Aiming to reduce uncertainties in soluble aerosol trace element deposition, RUSTED will quantitatively assess different aerosol leaching schemes; formulate standard operating procedures (SOPs) for frequently used aerosol leaching schemes; and develop a user-friendly, open-access database of aerosol trace element data which includes advice on the use of the data in Earth system models. </p> <p> In this special issue, we propose to curate cutting-edge studies which advance our knowledge of the deposition of soluble aerosol trace elements and their impacts on marine ecosystems. We also encourage the submission of manuscripts which address challenges and/or report recent advances in the field of aerosol trace element deposition from researchers outside the working group. </p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1291" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1291">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="RUSTED: Reducing Uncertainty in Soluble aerosol Trace Element Deposition" data-url="" data-id="1291" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="RUSTED: Reducing Uncertainty in Soluble aerosol Trace Element Deposition" data-url="" data-id="1291" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-parent special-issue triangle_special_issues"> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 title triangle-content"> <a href="">Ecological and biogeochemical functioning of the coastal upwelling system off Peru: an in situ mesocosm study</a> </div> <div class="grid-100 tablet-grid-100 mobile-grid-100 date"> 01 Feb 2020&ndash;indefinite | Eric Achterberg, Javier Arístegui, Francisco Chavez, Michelle I. Graco, Hans-Peter Grossart, Dimitri Gutierrez, Ulf Riebesell, and Silvio Pantoja | <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="info-link show-hide" id="info-chronologically-link-1079" data-show="#info-chronologically-content-1079" data-hide="#info-chronologically-link-1079">Information</a> </div> <div class="j-widget__max short_summary" id="info-chronologically-content-1079" style="display: none"> <div class="widget dark-border"> <div class="legend journal-contentLinkColor">Information</div> <div class="content" id="1079"> The Peruvian upwelling system is one of the most productive ecosystems in the ocean. Continuous upwelling of nutrient-rich water generates high primary production, supporting an efficient food web and leading to high fishery yields. An extensive oxygen minimum zone underlying the productive surface waters gives rise to high losses of fixed nitrogen via denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation. This results in nutrient ratios of upwelled waters deviating strongly from Redfield stoichiometry, with a high N deficit and excess P. How this unusual nutrient stoichiometry affects plankton community production and succession and how this feeds back on biogeochemical cycling are still not well understood. To address these questions, an in situ mesocosm experiment was conducted in the coastal upwelling system off Peru in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center 754 "Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean". The field experiment took place from January to April 2017 during a coastal El Niño, a rare event of El Niño conditions confined to Peruvian coastal waters. Key objectives of this mesocosm study, which involved 57 researchers from 10 nations, were to unravel the interplay of pelagic ecology and biogeochemistry under the unique environmental conditions of the Peruvian upwelling system. This special issue in Biogeosciences is intended as a collective outlet for publications resulting from this study, covering the broad range of research topics from seawater chemistry to plankton ecology and pelagic biogeochemistry. </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-auto"> <a href="#" class="show-hide triangle" data-hide="#info-chronologically-content-1079" data-show="#info-chronologically-link-1079">Hide</a> </div> <div class="col text-right"> <a class="si-mobile-native-share" href="#" data-title="Ecological and biogeochemical functioning of the coastal upwelling system off Peru: an in situ mesocosm study" data-url="" data-id="1079" style="display: none;"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> <a class="desktop-share" href="#" data-title="Ecological and biogeochemical functioning of the coastal upwelling system off Peru: an in situ mesocosm study" data-url="" data-id="1079" title="Copy to clipboard"> <i class="fas fa-lg fa-share-alt"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function (){ if(!navigator.share){ $('.si-mobile-native-share').hide(); $('.desktop-share').show(); } else { $('.si-mobile-native-share').show(); $('.desktop-share').hide(); } $('.si-mobile-native-share').click((event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); let element = event.currentTarget; if (navigator.share) { let url = window.getUrl(element); navigator.share({ title: $(element).attr('data-title'), text: '', url: url, }).then(() => { console.log('Successful share'); return false; }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error sharing', error); return false; }); } return false; }); $('.desktop-share').click((event) => { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); let element = event.currentTarget; let url = window.getUrl(element); window.updateClipboard(url); return false; }); }); /** * Method for copy something to clipboard * @param newClip */ window.updateClipboard = function (newClip) { if (navigator.clipboard) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(newClip).then(function () { }, function (err) { console.warn('Error during copying to clipboard: ', err.toString()); }); } return false; }; window.getUrl = function (element){ let dataUrl = $(element).attr('data-url'); if(typeof dataUrl !== 'undefined' && dataUrl.length > 0) { return dataUrl } else { let id = $(element).attr('data-id'); return window.location.href + '#' + id; } } </script> </div><div id="news_container" class="cmsbox "> <h2>News</h2> <div class="grid-container paperlist-object"> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <a class="no-border paperlist-avatar-unclickable" target="" href=""><img alt="" cofileid="732715" src="" width="80px"/></a> </div> <div class="hide-on-desktop hide-on-tablet mobile-grid-100"> <span class="published-date">20 Feb 2025</span> <a target="" href="" class="article-title">Get involved, become a referee, and help shape BG's community publication output</a> <p class="citation">We are pleased to announce that a new referee application form is now available. 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Through their invaluable contribution our interactive open-access journals maintain their high scientific standards and their ongoing success. <a target="_blank" href=""><img cofileid="17978" alt="" src=""></a></p> </div> <div class="grid-85 tablet-grid-85 hide-on-mobile"> <span class="published-date">10 Feb 2025</span> <a target="_blank" href="" class="article-title">Thank you to all our referees in 2024!</a> <p class="citation">A big <a href="">thank you to all referees</a> for their volunteer work in providing fair, thorough, and constructive peer-review reports! 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