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square;"> <li><a href="#Europe_SE_Bio"><strong>Senior Editor, European Renewable Fuels &amp; Feedstocks</strong></a><br />London</li> </ul> <ul class="myBlueList" style="list-style-type: square;"> <li><strong><a href="#APAC_SE_Oil">Senior Editor, Asia-Pacific Oil</a><br /></strong>Singapore/Dubai</li> </ul> <ul class="myBlueList" style="list-style-type: square;"> <li><strong><a href="#Europe_Policy_Carb">Environmental and energy policy researcher</a></strong><br />London<br /><br /></li> <li><strong><a href="#Asia_ED_Carb">Editor, Asia-Pacific Carbon</a><br /></strong>India, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand<br /><br /></li> <li><strong><a href="#Asia_ED_Ammo">Editor, China Ammonia</a><br /></strong>China, home-based</li> </ul> <p><strong><br />Sales Roles</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong><a href="#European_sales_manager">European Sales Manager</a><br /></strong>London<br /><strong><br /></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#Account_Managers">Account Managers</a></strong><br />London, Singapore, Houston</li> </ul> <ul class="myBlueList" style="list-style-type: square;"> <li><strong><a href="#New_Biz_sales_execs">New Business Sales Executives</a><br /></strong>Singapore, Houston</li> </ul> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"> <li><a href="#Sales_admin"><strong>Sales Administrator &amp; Customer Support</strong></a><br />London<a id="US_Carbon_ME"></a></li> </ul> <div> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Managing Editor, Americas Carbon Markets</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location: Houston/flexible</strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced commodity markets professional to head our innovative carbon team&rsquo;s expansion into a new region, with goals that include rapid expansion into new assessments and generating impactful news and analysis.</p> <p>Reporting to the Singapore-based Global Head of Carbon, the role involves helping to hire for and manage a reporting team, news-editing their copy, writing news and features, occasional market reporting, client engagement and developing new products and services to better help our clients manage risk.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>The initial workload will be focused on building a team and launching assessments throughout the Americas&rsquo; burgeoning carbon markets, but in particular the US West and East coasts. Once the team is built out, we expect the day-to-day role will involve managing news output and price assessments within a team of several journalists (50%), liaising with the industry by phone and in person, and helping to develop our carbon price assessments (25%) and writing some breaking stories as they arise (25%).</p> <p>Most importantly though, we are looking for the right person and so will be happy to tailor the role to the person&rsquo;s strengths where possible.</p> <p>An interest in energy markets and energy transition policy is essential while a second language would be a bonus, in particular Portuguese or Spanish.</p> <p>International travel and attendance at industry conferences will be required.</p> <p>Training/guidance will be provided for aspects of your role.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Alongside other regional leaders, take responsibility for the daily delivery of our global suite of carbon price assessments, news and market commentary output</li> <li>Liaise with carbon market sources, predominantly in North and South America, to expand and refine our suite of assessments</li> <li>Identify stories and trends for our daily newsletter</li> <li>Ensure news articles and market commentaries are written in Quantum&rsquo;s concise but value-added style</li> <li>Ensure deliverables to Quantum&rsquo;s research service are met</li> <li>Maintain and help build the company network of contacts</li> <li>Attend and report from industry conferences internationally</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>An interest in commodity markets and breaking news</li> <li>At least one year of management experience</li> <li>Very strong writing skills</li> <li>Good mathematical skills and experience with spreadsheets</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Health insurance, dental and vision plans</li> <li>Life insurance</li> <li>Retirement plan</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> and tell us what you can bring to the team.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Its clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located&nbsp;in more than 100 countries.<a id="US_Bio_ME"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Managing Editor, Americas Renewable Fuels &amp; Feedstocks</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location: Houston/flexible</strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced commodity markets professional to spearhead our market-leading renewable fuels team&rsquo;s expansion into a new region, with goals that include rapid expansion into new assessments and generating impactful news and analysis.</p> <p>Reporting to the London-based Editorial Director of Renewable Fuels and with a dotted line into the President of Americas, the role involves helping to hire and manage a market-reporting team, news-editing their copy, writing news and features, occasional market reporting, client engagement and developing new products and services to better help our clients manage risk.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>The initial workload will be focused on building a team and launching assessments in North and South America. Once the team is built out, we expect that managing the news file will take up about 30% of your working day and assisting the team with market coverage another 10%. The remainder of the role will be focused on client engagement and working with other regional leaders to ensure our news, price assessment offering and research are best in class.</p> <p>Most importantly though, we are looking for the right person and so will be happy to tailor the role to the person&rsquo;s strengths where possible.</p> <p>An interest in energy markets and energy transition policy is essential while a second language would be a bonus, in particular Portuguese or Spanish.</p> <p>International travel and attendance at industry conferences will be required.</p> <p>Training/guidance will be provided for aspects of your role.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Alongside other regional leaders, take responsibility for the daily delivery of our global suite of renewable fuel price assessments, news and market commentary output</li> <li>Liaise with renewable fuel market sources, predominantly in North and South America, to expand and refine our suite of assessments</li> <li>Identify stories and trends for our daily newsletter</li> <li>Ensure news articles and market commentaries are written in Quantum&rsquo;s concise but value-added style</li> <li>Ensure deliverables to Quantum&rsquo;s research service are met</li> <li>Maintain and help build the company network of contacts</li> <li>Attend and report from industry conferences internationally</li> <li>Experience and competencies</li> <li>An interest in commodity markets and breaking news</li> <li>At least one year of management experience</li> <li>Very strong writing skills</li> <li>Good mathematical skills and experience with spreadsheets</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Health insurance, dental and vision plans</li> <li>Life insurance</li> <li>Retirement plan</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email and and tell us what you can bring to the team.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market-moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since its inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="Europe_ME_Bio"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Managing Editor, European Renewable Fuels &amp; Feedstocks</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location: London</strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced commodity markets professional to work in a fast-growing team of leading renewable fuels market reporters and analysts.</p> <p>Reporting to the Editorial Director of Renewable Fuels, the role involves managing the European market reporting team of 3 people, news-editing their copy, writing news and features, occasional market reporting, client engagement and developing new products and services to better help our clients manage risk.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>Managing the news file will take up about 30% of your working day and assisting the team with market coverage another 10%. The remainder of the role will be focused on client engagement and working with other regional leaders to ensure our news, price assessment offering and research are best in class.</p> <p>Most importantly though, we are looking for the right person and so will be happy to tailor the role to the person&rsquo;s strengths where possible.</p> <p>An interest in energy markets and energy transition policy is essential while a second language would be a bonus.</p> <p>The work location is hybrid, but the role will be based in our London office between Tuesday and Thursday.</p> <p>International travel and attendance at industry conferences will be required.</p> <p>Training/guidance will be provided for aspects of your role.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Alongside other regional leaders, take responsibility for the daily delivery of our global suite of renewable fuel price assessments, news and market commentary output</li> <li>Liaise with renewable fuel market sources, predominantly in Europe and Africa, to expand and refine our suite of assessments</li> <li>Identify stories and trends for our daily newsletter</li> <li>Ensure news articles and market commentaries are written in Quantum&rsquo;s concise but value-added style</li> <li>Ensure deliverables to Quantum&rsquo;s research service are met</li> <li>Maintain and help build the company network of contacts</li> <li>Attend and report from industry conferences internationally</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>An interest in commodity markets and breaking news</li> <li>At least one year of management experience</li> <li>Very strong writing skills</li> <li>Good mathematical skills and experience with spreadsheets</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Pension scheme</li> <li>Life insurance</li> <li>Gym membership</li> <li>Cycle2Work scheme</li> <li>Discounts at national stores and other perks</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email and tell us what you can bring to the team.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="Europe_SE_Bio"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Senior Editor, European Renewable Fuels &amp; Feedstocks</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location: London</strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced commodity markets professional to work in a fast-growing team of leading renewable fuels market reporters and analysts.</p> <p>Reporting to the Managing Editor, European Renewable Fuels &amp; Feedstocks, the role involves finding and writing breaking news and features for global renewable fuels markets, market and price reporting for one or more of the European physical and certificate renewable fuel products, client engagement and developing new products and services to better help our clients manage risk.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>Covering the news file will take up about 70% of your working day and market and price reporting another 20%. The remainder of the role will be focused on client engagement and working with the wider team to help build out our price assessment offering and other products.</p> <p>Most importantly though, we are looking for the right person and so will be happy to tailor the role to the person&rsquo;s strengths where possible.</p> <p>An interest in energy markets and energy transition policy is essential while a second language would be a bonus.</p> <p>The work location is hybrid, but the role will be based in our London office between Tuesday and Thursday.</p> <p>International travel and attendance at industry conferences will be required.</p> <p>Training/guidance will be provided for aspects of your role.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Contribute to price discovery through developing and engaging contacts in renewable fuels markets</li> <li>Produce spot news stories that join the dots</li> <li>Produce high-quality longer-form journalism periodically</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>An interest in commodity markets and breaking news</li> <li>At least one year of management experience</li> <li>Very strong writing skills</li> <li>Good mathematical skills and experience with spreadsheets</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Pension scheme</li> <li>Life insurance</li> <li>Gym membership</li> <li>Cycle2Work scheme</li> <li>Discounts at national stores and other perks</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email and tell us what you can bring to the team.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="APAC_SE_Oil"></a><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Senior Editor, Asia-Pacific Oil</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location: Singapore/Dubai</strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for experienced energy analysts with a strong track record of market reporting in refined products, along with a keen interest in the news and events that drive energy prices.</p> <p>Day-to-day the role will involve analytical reports and breaking news for products markets, along with developing our energy price assessments through contributing to daily price reporting.</p> <p>We expect the role to involve 20% price reporting with the remaining time spent developing sources and building exceptional content for Quantum&rsquo;s client base.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Assess benchmark oil prices and contribute to price discovery through developing and engaging contacts in relevant energy markets</li> <li>Produce analytical articles that explain the fundamentals behind daily and longer-term oil price movements</li> <li>File high-quality longer-form reports periodically</li> <li>Tracking oil trade flows, supply/demand fundamentals, refinery/pipeline operations and corporate/government policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>A minimum of two years&rsquo; experience in energy or related commodity markets</li> <li>Strong content-writing skills and an ability to file timely and precise copy</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery and assessing physical spot markets</li> <li>Knowledge of derivatives markets including futures and OTC swaps</li> <li>A strong team player who enjoys working on collaborative content with colleagues</li> <li>A self-starter that works well under pressure and able to meet targets, particularly end-day price assessment deadlines</li> <li>Fluent in English and preferably one other language</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Gym membership</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are seeking a fresh challenge working in a fast-moving company, please contact our senior energy team by email at <a href=""></a> with a brief cover letter and cv.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="Europe_Policy_Carb"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Environmental and energy policy researcher</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location:</strong> London/hybrid</p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced policy analyst/researcher with experience of covering areas linked to tackling climate change and energy transition. The full-time role involves researching, setting up, maintaining and updating a written database of regional, country and sub-national policies dealing with climate change, with a particular focus on carbon pricing.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>For the day-to-day role, initially it will focus on setting up the database, by analysing up-to-date information of climate policies around the world, and then writing concise but detailed summaries of policies &ndash; planned and already in place &ndash; for each jurisdiction. The role will also involve maintaining each entry to ensure it is updated with any changes as they occur on a day-to-day basis.</p> <p>An interest in or knowledge of carbon trading, and a second language would all be a bonus.</p> <p>Work location is hybrid, but we are ideally looking for someone to work from our London-based office Tuesday-Thursday.</p> <p>International travel, and attendance at industry conferences may also be required.</p> <p>Training/guidance will be provided for aspects of your role.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Researching and writing climate policy-related copy for various global jurisdictions round the world</li> <li>Learning about climate policies around the world in order to help our subscribers to do the same, by offering engaging content and analysis</li> <li>Liaise with sources to maintain up-to-date knowledge of activities in various jurisdictions</li> <li>Maintain and help build the company network of contacts</li> <li>Attend conferences/meetings internationally that include policy-related content</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>An interest in and knowledge of policies related to tackling climate change and the energy transition</li> <li>Demonstrable writing skills</li> <li>Good analytical and research skills</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Pension scheme</li> <li>Life insurance</li> <li>Gym membership</li> <li>Cycle2Work scheme</li> <li>Discounts at national stores and other perks</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email and tell us what you can bring to the team.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="Asia_ED_Carb"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Editor, Asia-Pacific Carbon</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location</strong>: India, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand</p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>The global carbon markets are changing rapidly as more and more countries are adopting carbon pricing as part of their climate policies.</p> <p>We are looking for a commodity market reporter to report on the development of this market in Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Japan, including the varying different prices paid for different carbon credits.</p> <p>Reporting to the Editorial Director of Carbon and working with a team of four editorial staff in the region, day-to-day the role involves writing and breaking news in the Asian compliance carbon markets as well as helping develop our commodity price assessments through contributing to daily price reporting.</p> <p>We expect the role to involve 30% price reporting with the remaining time spent hunting down interesting news that impact supply and demand in this fast-growing space. Travel within the wider Asia Pacific region is a must.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Contribute to price discovery through developing and engaging contacts in Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Japan</li> <li>Produce spot news stories on a daily basis that join the dots and unveil trends</li> <li>Produce high-quality longer-form journalism periodically</li> <li>Attend and report from industry and UN conferences internationally</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>A minimum of five years&rsquo; experience in environmental or commodity markets</li> <li>Strong news writing skills</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter that works well under pressure</li> <li>Fluent in English and preferably one other language</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> <li>Gym membership</li> <li>Flexible working</li> <li>Generous holiday allowance and exchange policy</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are seeking a fresh challenge working in a fast-moving company and in a flat structure, please email outlining how you fit the role.</p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="Asia_ED_Ammo"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><strong>Editor, China Ammonia</strong></h2> <p><strong>Location:</strong> Home-based, China</p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for an experienced commodity market reporter to work in Quantum&rsquo;s growing ammonia news and price-reporting team. The full-time role involves reporting on domestic, import and export ammonia prices in China, and writing stories on green ammonia projects under development in the region.</p> <p>Your ideas to enhance our coverage of China will be encouraged, and we offer a work environment where your thoughts and experience will directly contribute to how we grow the business.</p> <p>For the day-to-day role, you will spend about 50% of your working day speaking to ammonia producers and buyers in China to find out the latest news impacting ammonia prices, with your remaining time spent writing stories on the green ammonia industry in China and developing our contact base.&nbsp;</p> <p>Knowledge of the chemical and fertiliser industry within China would be an advantage, and an interest in distribution and shipping would be a bonus.</p> <p>The position is home-based, but the role involves attending industry conferences in China, and travel to our office in Singapore and London when required.</p> <p>Full training/guidance will be provided for all aspects of the role, but you will also need to be a self-starter who can develop their own ideas to improve our ammonia coverage and product offerings.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Liaise with ammonia market sources, predominantly in China and the east Asia region to assess prices and report on market developments</li> <li>Learn about the role of ammonia in the energy transition and help our subscribers to do the same, by offering engaging content and analysis</li> <li>Identifying stories and writing them to Quantum&rsquo;s concise but value-added style</li> <li>Maintain and help build the company network of contacts</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>An interest in commodity markets and breaking news</li> <li>Demonstrable English writing skills</li> <li>Good mathematical skills and experience with spreadsheets</li> <li>Awareness of price discovery in opaque markets and what it entails</li> <li>The ability to juggle several tasks at once</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a hunger to work as part of a team</li> <li>Proven experience as a self-starter who works well under pressure</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>The opportunity to join a fast-growing company at an early stage of our development</li> <li>A workspace where your thoughts and experience are valued, and the flexibility to shape your own role</li> <li>Competitive salary</li> </ul> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding challenge, working in a fast-growing company where your ideas count, please email <a href=""></a> and tell us what you can bring to the team.<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries.<a id="European_sales_manager"></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> </div> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2><strong><span class="myBlueText">European Sales Manager</span></strong></h2> <p><strong><span class="myBlueText">London</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>If you have experience leading a B2B sales team and want a new challenge in a high growth company, this role is for you.</p> <p>Quantum is looking for a dynamic sales leader to bring new skills, processes and energy to our London based new business and account management teams. This role has responsibility for the company's Europe-Africa-M.East clients, and corresponding sales.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Ensure the overall regional sales target is exceeded</li> <li>Recruit, train and manage the new business and account management teams</li> <li>Lead by example by making your own selected sales</li> <li>Contribute regional sales activity for targeted global accounts</li> <li>Work with the Heads of Sales, Marketing and Strategy to refine sales processes</li> <li>Represent Quantum and meet the industry at various conferences and events</li> <li>Help develop our product by providing user feedback</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>A minimum of two years&rsquo; success in B2B sales management, as well as previous selling experience&nbsp;</li> <li>Ability to attract and develop a highly talented sales team</li> <li>A proven track record of closing deals and hitting targets</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a keenness to work as part of a growing, fast-moving, hard-working team</li> <li>Fluent in English, other languages desirable</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>Opportunity to grow professionally</li> <li>A workspace where your efforts will have a direct impact on the business</li> <li>Hybrid working</li> <li>Optional gym and healthcare benefits</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> </ul> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Remuneration</strong></p> <p>TBD</p> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p><a id="Account_Managers"></a>Email your CV and a covering letter to <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></h2> <h2><strong><span class="myBlueText">Account Managers</span></strong></h2> <p><strong><span class="myBlueText">Singapore, London, Houston</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Job description<br /></strong></p> <p>A newly created role to manage and grow an ever increasing client base, ensuring high retention rates and cross/upselling to meet the target.</p> <p>You will be highly skilled at quickly developing strong client relationships, and understanding the value our services bring for different client use-cases.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Ensure the EMEA renewals sales targets are exceeded</li> <li>Able to quickly navigate our client's structures to reach influencers and key decision makers</li> <li>Form strong relationships with the clients, understand their pain points and resolve through our products</li> <li>Introduce new products to the client throughout the subscription cycle</li> <li>Strong negotiation skills to unlock the full value of our services</li> <li>Represent Quantum and meet the industry at various conferences and events</li> <li>Help develop our product by providing user feedback</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>A minimum of two years&rsquo; success in B2B subscription sales account management</li> <li>A proven track record of closing deals and hitting targets</li> <li>Highly organised, good ability to prioritise, negotiate and close</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a keenness to work as part of a growing, fast-moving, hard-working team</li> <li>Fluent in English, other languages desirable</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>Opportunity to grow professionally</li> <li>A workspace where your efforts will have a direct impact on the business</li> <li>Hybrid working</li> <li>Optional gym and healthcare benefits</li> <li>Participation in the company share option scheme</li> </ul> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Remuneration</strong></p> <p>TBD</p> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p><a id="New_Biz_sales_execs"></a>Email your CV and a covering letter to <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2><strong><span class="myBlueText">New Business Sales Executives</span></strong></h2> <p><strong><span class="myBlueText">Singapore / Houston, TX</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We have exciting opportunities to join our commodity intelligence business on the commercial side to power our growth stage.</p> <p>We are looking for highly motivated, sales-focused hunters to find and close new business as we commercialise our news, prices and data services to a global audience.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s a rare opportunity to join a group of highly-experienced journalists and energy industry professionals as we seek to fulfil our goal of becoming a leading one-stop shop providing accurate, reliable and accessible news and data on energy and environmental markets.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Research, lead-source, engage, qualify and close new logos</li> <li>Ensure clients understand and realise the full value of our services</li> <li>Welcome and qualify inbound leads</li> <li>Raise awareness of our brand at senior levels within client organisations</li> <li>Represent the company at industry events</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>A minimum of two years&rsquo; experience in B2B subscription sales, using a value based selling process</li> <li>A proven track record of closing deals, hitting targets and building networks in new areas</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a keenness to work as part of a growing, fast-moving, hard-working team</li> <li>A self-starter that works well under pressure, is highly organised and loves to close</li> <li>Fluent in English, other languages desirable</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>Opportunity to grow professionally</li> <li>A workspace where your efforts will have a direct impact on the business</li> <li>Hybrid working</li> <li>Optional gym and healthcare benefits</li> <li>Potential participation in the company share option scheme</li> </ul> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Remuneration</strong></p> <p>TBD</p> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p><a id="Sales_admin"></a>Email your CV and a covering letter to <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a></p> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><span style="color: #0099cc;">Sales Administrator &amp; Customer Support</span></h2> <p><strong><span style="color: #0099cc;">London</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Job description</strong></p> <p>We are looking for a London-based sales administrator to join our growing sales team.</p> <p>We are a B2B news and data business serving clients globally in the energy and environmental commodities space. To help us grow faster, we need an exceptional, self-motivated and reliable person to support the global sales team, and client base.</p> <p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li>Managing invoices and payments</li> <li>Maintaining client records</li> <li>Client onboarding</li> <li>Preparing management reports</li> <li>Managing subscription renewals</li> <li>Setup and training of new salespeople</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience and competencies</strong></p> <ul> <li>Minimum two years&rsquo; experience in a client administration role</li> <li>A hands-on attitude and a keenness to work as part of a growing, fast-moving, hard-working team</li> <li>Efficient, organized with excellent customer service skills</li> <li>Numerate and used to working with spreadsheets</li> <li>Attention to detail and accuracy, ability to multi-task</li> </ul> <p><strong>What we offer</strong></p> <ul> <li>A culture where your thoughts and experience can have a direct impact on the business</li> <li>Hybrid working</li> <li>Opportunity to grow professionally</li> <li>Varied work in a diverse, relaxed yet professional environment</li> </ul> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Remuneration</strong></p> <p>TBD</p> <p><strong>To apply</strong></p> <p>Email your CV and a covering letter to&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>About Quantum</strong></p> <p>Established in 2021, Quantum Commodity Intelligence is the world&rsquo;s first price reporting agency dedicated to providing commodity market intelligence for energy transition and carbon markets.</p> <p>London-headquartered, but with registered offices in Dubai, Houston, and Singapore, the company provides commodity benchmarks for carbon offsets, crude and oil products, biofuels and environmental certificates as well as ammonia.</p> <p>In addition to its benchmark pricing, QCI offers clients access to real-time, market moving news and data.</p> <p>Bootstrapped and profitable since inception, the company raised $16.3 million in growth capital in July 2024 to broaden its suite of price assessments and commodity intelligence offering. The investment from US-based VC firm Elephant represented a minority stake in the business.</p> <p>Quantum&rsquo;s clients include energy majors, law firms, consultants, governments as well as of low-carbon commodities who use QCI proprietary price assessments and intelligence to better manage risk.</p> <p>Nearly 40,000 industry professionals have accessed QCI services since October 2021 and the company has clients located in more than 100 countries</p> <div> <div> <p><span class="mySubTitle">&nbsp;</span></p> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> </section> </main> <footer class="skin-footer"> <div class="footer-nav wrap"> <div class="footer-nav-col"> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/about-us/">About Us</a></div></div><div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/contacts/">Contact Us</a></div></div><div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/join-us/">Join Us</a></div></div><div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/price-assessment-methodology/">Methodology</a></div></div><div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/glossary/">Glossary</a></div></div><div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/api-feed/">API Feed</a></div></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col"> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/latest-news/">Oil News</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/biofuels/latest-news/">Biofuels News</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/carbon/latest-news/">Carbon News</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/ammonia/latest-news/">Ammonia News</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col"> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/all-prices/">Oil Price Assessments</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/biofuels/all-prices/">Biofuels Price Assessments</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/carbon/all-prices/">Carbon Price Assessments</a></div> </div> <div class="footer-nav-col-item"> <div class="footer-nav-title"><a href="/ammonia/all-prices/">Ammonia Price Assessments</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copy-right wrap">漏 2024 Quantum Commodity Intelligence Ltd., all rights reserved | <a href="/terms-of-use/">Terms of Use</a> | <a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy</a> | <a href="/cookies/">Cookies</a> | <a href="/policies/">Policies</a> </div> </footer> </div> <script> (function(ss,ex){ window.ldfdr=window.ldfdr||function(){(ldfdr._q=ldfdr._q||[]).push([];}; (function(d,s){ fs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; function ce(src){ var cs=d.createElement(s); cs.src=src; setTimeout(function(){fs.parentNode.insertBefore(cs,fs)},1); }; ce(''+ss+(ex?'_'+ex:'')+'.js'); })(document,'script'); })('lYNOR8xq6Zv7WQJZ'); </script> </body> </html>

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