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You may also browse alphabetized lists of stories, editorials, and briefings by <a href="author-index.html">author</a> or <a href="title-index.html">title</a> or you may search the contents of the monthly magazine and reference pages.</p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">January 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 1</span> [ <a href="dlib/january97/01contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/january97/retrieval/01shneiderman.html">Clarifying Search: A User-Interface Framework for Text Searches</a><br /> Authors: Ben Shneiderman, Don Byrd, W. Bruce Croft <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january97/medical/01aronow.html">Ad-Hoc Classification of Electronic Clinical Documents</a><br /> Authors: David B. Aronow, Fangfang Feng <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january97/oclc/01weibel.html">Image Description on the Internet: A Summary of the CNI/OCLC Image Metadata Workshop September 24 - 25, 1996, Dublin, Ohio</a><br /> Authors: Stuart Weibel, Eric Miller <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january97/01sully.html">JSTOR: An IP Practitioner's Perspective</a><br /> Author: Sarah E. Sully </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">February 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 2</span> [ <a href="dlib/february97/02contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/february97/02maccoll.html">The Professional Magazine and Parallel Publishing</a><br /> Author: John MacColl<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/february97/ariadne/02kirriemuir.html">The Professional Web-zine and Parallel Publishing: the Web Version</a><br /> Author: John Kirriemuir<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/february97/columbia/02chang.html">Finding Images/Video in Large Archives: Columbia's Content-Based Visual Query Project</a><br /> Authors: Shih-Fu Chang, John R. Smith, Horace J. Meng, Hualu Wang, Di Zhong<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/february97/cnri/02arms1.html">An Architecture for Information in Digital Libraries</a><br /> Authors: William Y. Arms, Christophe Blanchi, Edward A. Overly<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/february97/02mckiernan.html">Hand-Made in Iowa: Organizing the Web Along the Lincoln Highway</a><br /> Author: Gerry McKiernan </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">March 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 3</span> [ <a href="dlib/march97/03contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/march97/sesame/03clews.html">Digital Language Access: Scripts, Transliteration, and Computer Access</a><br /> Author: John Clews<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march97/laval/03letourneau.html">SOS-SD: A Data Warehouse-Based System for the Optimized Selection of Spatial Data</a> [<a href="dlib/march97/laval/03letourneau-french.html">French Version</a>]<br /> Authors: François Létourneau, Yvan Bédard, Marie-Josée Proulx<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march97/bt/03pollock.html">What's Wrong with Internet Searching</a><br /> Authors: Annabel Pollock, Andrew Hockley<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march97/03jones.html">Java and Libraries: Digital and Otherwise</a><br /> Author: Paul Jones<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march97/navy/03norris.html">Sink or Swim? The U.S. Navy Virtual Library (NVL)</a><br /> Authors: Bob Norris, Denise Duncan </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">April 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 4</span> [ <a href="dlib/april97/04contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/04larsen.html">Relaxing Assumptions . . . Stretching the Vision: A Modest View of Some Technical Issues</a><br /> Author: Ronald L. Larsen<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/04arms.html">Relaxing Assumptions about the Future of Digital Libraries: The Hare and the Tortoise</a><br /> Author: William Y. Arms<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/04lynch.html">The Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard: Part I: A Strategic View of Its Past, Present and Future</a><br /> Author: Clifford A. Lynch<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/cornell/04payette.html">Z39.50: The User's Perspective</a><br /> Authors: Sandra D. Payette, Oya Y. Rieger<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/04goerwitz.html">Fear of Offending: A Note on Educators, the Internet, and the Bible Browser</a><br /> Author: Richard L. Goerwitz<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/april97/04barber.html">OhioLINK: A Consortial Approach to Digital Library Management</a><br /> Author: David Barber </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">May 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 5</span> [ <a href="dlib/may97/05contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/may97/meldex/05witten.html">The New Zealand Digital Library MELody inDEX</a><br /> Authors: Rodger J. McNab, Lloyd A. Smith, David Bainbridge, Ian H. Witten<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may97/peters/05peters.html">Across Languages, Across Cultures: Issues in Multilinguality and Digital Libraries</a><br /> Authors: Carol Peters, Eugenio Picchi<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may97/michigan/05pricewilkin.html"> Just-in-Time Conversion, Just-in-Case Collections: Effectively Leveraging Rich Document Formats for the WWW</a><br /> Author: John Price-Wilkin<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may97/ibm/05gladney.html">Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Assuring Convenient Security and Data Quality</a><br /> Authors: Henry M. Gladney, J. B. Lotspiech<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may97/plotkin/05plotkin.html">Data Modeling for News Clip Archive: A Prototype Solution</a><br /> Authors: Robert C. Plotkin, Michael S. Schwartz </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">June 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 6</span> [ <a href="dlib/june97/06contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/06band.html"><i>Sui Generis</i> Database Protection: Has Its Time Come?</a><br /> Authors: Jonathan Band, Jonathan S. Gowdy<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/06lagoze.html">From Static to Dynamic Surrogates: Resource Discovery in the Digital Age</a><br /> Author: Carl Lagoze<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/metadata/06weibel.html">The 4th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Report: DC-4, March 3 - 5, 1997, National Library of Australia, Canberra</a><br /> Authors: Stuart Weibel, Renato Iannella, Warwick Cathro<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/zuno/06ferguson.html">Paying Their Way: Commercial Digital Libraries for the 21st Century</a><br /> Authors: Innes A. Ferguson, Michael J. Wooldridge<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/ibm/06gladney.html">Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Document Access Control</a><br /> Author: Henry M. Gladney<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/06borgman.html">Multi-Media, Multi-Cultural, and Multi-Lingual Digital Libraries, Or How Do We Exchange Data In 400 Languages?</a><br /> Author: Christine L. Borgman<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/june97/06davis.html">Workshop Report: The Technology of Terms and Conditions</a><br /> Authors: James R. Davis, Judith L. Klavans </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">July/August 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 7/8</span> [ <a href="dlib/july97/07contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07seaman.html">The User Community as Responsibility and Resource: Building a Sustainable Digital Library</a><br /> Author: David Seaman<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07guthrie.html">JSTOR: From Project to Independent Organization</a><br /> Author: Kevin M. Guthrie<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07renear.html">The Digital Library Research Agenda: What's Missing – and How Humanities Textbase Projects Can Help</a><br /> Author: Allen Renear<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07chesnutt.html">The Model Editions Partnership: "Smart Text" and Beyond</a><br /> Author: David R. Chesnutt<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/humanities/07powell.html">SGML Creation and Delivery: The Humanities Text Initiative</a><br /> Authors: Christina Kelleher Powell, Nigel Kerr<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/america/07shaw.html">Making of America: Online Searching and Page Presentation at the University of Michigan</a><br /> Authors: Elizabeth J. Shaw, Sarr Blumson<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/japan/07hara.html">Markup and Conversion of Japanese Classical Texts Using SGML in the National Institute of Japanese Literature</a><br /> Authors: Shoichiro Hara, Hisashi Yasunagat<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/vatican/07gladney.html">Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Digital Images of Treasured Antiquities</a><br /> Authors: Henry M. Gladney, F.C. Mintzer, F. Schiattarella<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07green.html">Beyond Word and Image: Networking Moving Images -- More Than Just the "Movies"</a><br /> Author: David Green<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july97/07bearman.html">Electronic Records Research Working Meeting, May 28-30, 1997: A Report from the Archives Community</a><br /> Authors: David Bearman, Jennifer Trant </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">September 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 9</span> [ <a href="dlib/september97/09contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/september97/09collins.html">Fundamental Science and Federal Management Reform</a><br /> Author: Eileen Collins<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/september97/thibadeau/09thibadeau.html">Antique Books</a><br /> Authors: Robert Thibadeau, Evan Benoit <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/september97/ibm/09lotspiech.html">Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Protecting Documents Rather Than Channels</a><br /> Authors: Ulrich Kohl, Jeffrey Lotspiech, Marc A. Kaplan <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/september97/laval/09laval.html">Software Agent-Oriented Frameworks Meet Georeferenced Digital Library Interoperability</a><br /> Authors: Zakaria Maamar, Bernard Moulin, Yvan Bédard, Gilbert Babin <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/september97/theses/09fox.html">Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: An International Effort Unlocking University Resources</a><br /> Authors: Edward A. Fox, John L. Eaton, Gail McMillan, Neill A. Kipp, Paul Mather, Tim McGonigle, William Schweiker, Brian DeVane </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">October 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 10</span> [ <a href="dlib/october97/10contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/october97/sugimoto/10sugimoto.html">A Multilingual Electronic Text Collection of Folk Tales for Casual Users Using Off-the-Shelf Browsers</a><br /> Authors: Myriam Dartois, Akira Maeda, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Takehisa Fujita, Shigeo Sugimoto, and Koichi Tabata <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/october97/adil/10plante.html">The NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library: The Challenges of the Scientific Data Library</a><br /> Author: Raymond L. Plante <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/october97/ibm/10li.html">Progressive Content-Based Retrieval from Satellite Image Archives</a><br /> Authors: Lawrence D. Bergman, Vittorio Castelli, Chung-Sheng Li </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">November 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 11</span> [ <a href="dlib/november97/11contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/november97/daniel/11daniel.html">Extending the Warwick Framework: From Metadata Containers to Active Digital Objects</a><br /> Authors: Ron Daniel, Jr., Carl Lagoze<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/november97/thetis/11thetis.html">THETIS: Design of a Data Management and Data Visualization System for Coastal Zone Management of the Mediterranean Sea</a><br /> Authors: Catherine Houstis, Christos Nikolaou, Manolis Marazakis, Nicholas Patrikalakis, Jakka Sairamesh, Anthony Tomasic <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/november97/11spink.html">Development of the Digital Ranch: A Lot of Bull on the Net!</a><br /> Authors: Amanda Spink, Jane Hicks </p> <div class="divider-short"> </div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">December 1997 – Volume 3 Issue 12</span> [ <a href="dlib/december97/12contents.html">Full Contents</a> ]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/december97/oard/12oard.html">Serving Users in Many Languages: Cross-Language Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries</a><br /> Author: Douglas W. Oard<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/december97/stats/12tupek.html">Quantitative Literacy: New Website for Federal Statistics Provides Research Opportunities</a><br /> Authors: Alan R. Tupek, Cathryn S. Dippo<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/december97/12watson.html">Digital Libraries and Special Libraries: Initial Concerns of Special Libraries in the Social Welfare Sector</a><br /> Authors: Mark Watson, David Streatfield<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/december97/12cromwell-kessler.html">Dublin Core Metadata in the RLG Information Landscape</a><br /> Author: Willy Cromwell-Kessler<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/december97/ibm/12lotspiech.html">Safeguarding Digital Library Contents and Users: Digital Watermarking</a><br /> Authors: Fred Mintzer, Jeffrey Lotspiech, Norishige Morimoto </p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="1" bgcolor="#e04c1e"><img src="img2/transparent.gif" alt="transparent image" width="100" height="1" /></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="backBodyImage" width="100"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><p class="footer">Copyright © 2017 Corporation for National Research Initiatives</p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="1" bgcolor="#2b538e"><img src="img2/transparent.gif" alt="transparent image" width="100" height="1" /></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> </form> </body> </html>