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Send suggestions to <a href=""></a>.</p> <p class="archive">To browse the contents pages and articles of back issues of D-Lib Magazine, select the appropriate item from the list below. You may also browse alphabetized lists of stories, editorials, and briefings by <a href="author-index.html">author</a> or <a href="title-index.html">title</a>.</p> <div class="divider-short">&nbsp;</div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">January/February 2017 &#150; Volume 23 Issue 1/2</span> [&nbsp;<a href="dlib/january17/01contents.html">Full Contents</a>&nbsp;]</p> <p class="archive"> Guest Editorial: <a href="dlib/january17/01guest-editorial.html">RepScience2016</a><br /> Authors: Amir Aryani, Oscar Corcho, Paolo Manghi, Jochen Schirrwagen <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/stocker/01stocker.html">From Data to Machine Readable Information Aggregated in Research Objects</a><br /> Author: Markus Stocker <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/burton/01burton.html">The Scholix Framework for Interoperability in Data-Literature Information Exchange</a><br /> Authors: Adrian Burton, Amir Aryani, Hylke Koers, Paolo Manghi, Sandro La Bruzzo, Markus Stocker, Michael Diepenbroek, Uwe Schindler, Martin Fenner <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/wang/01wang.html">Supporting Data Reproducibility at NCI Using the Provenance Capture System</a><br /> Authors: Jingbo Wang, Ben Evans, Lesley Wyborn, Nick Car, Edward King <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/aryani/01aryani.html">Graph Connections Made By RD-Switchboard Using NCI's Metadata</a><br /> Authors: Jingbo Wang, Ben Evans, Lesley Wyborn, Amir Aryani, Melanie Barlow <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/nuest/01nuest.html">Opening the Publication Process with Executable Research Compendia</a><br /> Authors: Daniel N&#252;st, Markus Konkol, Edzer Pebesma, Christian Kray, Marc Schutzeichel, Holger Przibytzin, J&#246;rg Lorenz <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/ayer/01ayer.html">Conquaire: Towards an Architecture Supporting Continuous Quality Control to Ensure Reproducibility of Research</a><br /> Authors: Vidya Ayer, Cord Wiljes, Philipp Cimiano, Christian Pietsch, Johanna Vompras, Jochen Schirrwagen, Najko Jahn <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/samuel/01samuel.html">Towards Reproducibility of Microscopy Experiments</a><br /> Authors: Sheeba Samuel, Frank Taubert, Daniel Walther, Birgitta K&#246;nig-Ries, H. Martin B&#252;cker <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/candela/01candela.html">HyWare: a HYbrid Workflow lAnguage for Research E-infrastructures</a><br /> Authors: Leonardo Candela, Paolo Manghi, Fosca Giannotti, Valerio Grossi, Roberto Trasarti <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/january17/proell/01proell.html">Enabling Reproducibility for Small and Large Scale Research Data Sets</a><br /> Authors: Stefan Pr&#246;ll, Andreas Rauber </p> <div class="divider-short">&nbsp;</div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">March/April 2017 &#150; Volume 23 Issue 3/4</span> [&nbsp;<a href="dlib/march17/03contents.html">Full Contents</a>&nbsp;]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/march17/hoeffler/03hoeffler.html">ReplicationWiki: Improving Transparency in Social Sciences Research</a><br /> Author: Jan H. H&#246;ffler<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march17/lovins/03lovins.html">Broken-World Vocabularies</a><br /> Authors: Daniel Lovins, Diane Hillmann<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march17/kindling/03kindling.html">The Landscape of Research Data Repositories in 2015: A re3data Analysis</a><br /> Authors: Maxi Kindling, Stephanie van de Sandt, Jessika R&#252;cknagel, Peter Schirmbacher, Heinz Pampel, Paul Vierkant, Roland Bertelmann, Gabriele Kloska, Frank Scholze, Michael Witt<br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/march17/schopfel/03schopfel.html">Open Access to Scientific Information in Emerging Countries</a><br /> Author: Joachim Sch&#246;pfel<br /><br /> Conference Report: <a href="dlib/march17/karcher/03karcher.html">Workshop Report: CAQDAS Projects and Digital Repositories' Best Practices</a><br /> Authors: Sebastian Karcher, Christiane Pag&#233; </p> <div class="divider-short">&nbsp;</div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">May/June 2017 &#150; Volume 23 Issue 5/6</span> [&nbsp;<a href="dlib/may17/05contents.html">Full Contents</a>&nbsp;]</p> <p class="archive"> Guest Editorial: <a href="dlib/may17/05guest-editorial.html">Libraries Advancing the National Digital Platform</a> <br /> Authors: Trevor Owens, Ashley E. Sands, Emily Reynolds, James Neal, Stephen Mayeaux <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/english/05english.html">SimplyE &#151; More People Discovering More From the Library</a><br /> Authors: James English, Leonard Richardson <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/strover/05strover.html">At the Edges of the National Digital Platform</a><br /> Authors: Sharon Strover, Brian Whitacre, Colin Rhinesmith, Alexis Schrubbe <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/spellman/05spellman.html">Toward Gigabit Libraries</a><br /> Authors: Susannah Spellman, James Werle, Carson Block <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/becker/05becker.html">On the Record, All the Time: Audiovisual Evidence Management in the 21st Century</a><br /> Authors: Snowden Becker, Jean-Fran&#231;ois Blanchette <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/caswell/05caswell.html">Diversifying the Digital Historical Record: Integrating Community Archives in National Strategies for Access to Digital Cultural Heritage</a><br /> Authors: Michelle Caswell, Christopher Harter, Bergis Jules <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/schneider/05schneider.html">ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections</a><br /> Authors: Josh Schneider, Peter Chan, Glynn Edwards, Sudheendra Hangal <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/christen/05christen.html">A Community of Relations: Mukurtu Hubs and Spokes</a><br /> Authors: Kimberly Christen, Alex Merrill, Michael Wynne <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/fraimow/05fraimow.html">The National Digital Stewardship Residency: Building a Community of Practice through Postgraduate Training and Education</a><br /> Authors: Rebecca Fraimow, Meridith Beck Mink, Margo Padilla <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/meyerson/05meyerson.html">The Software Preservation Network (SPN): A Community Effort to Ensure Long Term Access to Digital Cultural Heritage</a><br /> Authors: Jessica Meyerson, Zach Vowell, Wendy Hagenmaier, Aliza Leventhal, Fernando Rios, Elizabeth Russey Roke, Tim Walsh <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/gore/05gore.html">The Digital Public Library of America and the National Digital Platform</a><br /> Authors: Emily Gore, Michael Della Bitta, Dan Cohen <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/vanhyning/05vanhyning.html">Transforming Libraries and Archives through Crowdsourcing</a><br /> Authors: Victoria Van Hyning, Chris Lintott, Samantha Blickhan, Laura Trouille <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/vitale/05vitale.html">SHARE: Community-focused Infrastructure and a Public Goods, Scholarly Database to Advance Access to Research</a><br /> Authors: Cynthia R. Hudson-Vitale, Richard P. Johnson, Judy Ruttenberg, Jeffrey R. Spies <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/green/05green.html">Expanding the Librarian's Tech Toolbox: The "Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Librarians Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library" Project</a><br /> Authors: Harriett Green, Eleanor Dickson <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/may17/dulin/05dulin.html">Scaling Up Ensuring the Integrity of the Digital Scholarly Record</a><br /> Authors: Kim Dulin, Adam Ziegler </p> <div class="divider-short">&nbsp;</div> <p class="archive"><span style="color: #e04c1e; font-weight: bold;">July/August 2017 &#150; Volume 23 Issue 7/8</span> [&nbsp;<a href="dlib/july17/07contents.html">Full Contents</a>&nbsp;]</p> <p class="archive"> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/beel/07beel.html">RARD: The Related-Article Recommendation Dataset</a><br /> Authors: Joeran Beel, Zeljko Carevic, Johann Schaible, Gabor Neusch <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/ramapriyan/07ramapriyan.html">Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products</a><br /> Authors: Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, David Moroni, Chung-Lin Shie <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/gallinger/07gallinger.html">Trends in Digital Preservation Capacity and Practice: Results from the 2nd Bi-annual National Digital Stewardship Alliance Storage Survey</a><br /> Authors: Michelle Gallinger, Jefferson Bailey, Karen Cariani, Trevor Owens, Micah Altman <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/dolski/07dolski.html">Explorations of a Very-large-screen Digital Library Interface</a><br /> Authors: Alex Dolski, Cory Lampert, Kee Choi <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/williams/07williams.html">The Best Tool for the Job: Revisiting an Open Source Library Project</a><br /> Authors: David J. Williams, Kushal Hada <br /><br /> Article: <a href="dlib/july17/witkowski/07witkowski.html">Massive Newspaper Migration &#151; Moving 22 Million Records from CONTENTdm to Solphal</a><br /> Authors: Alan Witkowski, Anna Neatrour, Jeremy Myntti, Brian McBride </p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="1" bgcolor="#e04c1e"><img src="img2/transparent.gif" alt="transparent image" width="100" height="1" /></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" class="backBodyImage" width="100">&nbsp;</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><p class="footer">Copyright &#169; 2017 Corporation for National Research Initiatives</p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="1" bgcolor="#2b538e"><img src="img2/transparent.gif" alt="transparent image" width="100" height="1" /></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table> </form> </body> </html>

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