sfadb: Stephen Jones : Best New Horror

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The first five volumes were co-edited by Ramsey Campbell, and with the seventh volume the titles changed from <b>Best New Horror</b> to <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror</b>. Short introductions in the early volumes grew into comprensive overviews of some 100 pages in later volumes; similarly the Necrology at the end of each book grew to be nearly as long. <br><br> Titles are shown here somewhat normalized; individual volumes sometimes used number words, others used digits; some included the world "Volume," others didn't; some used a colon before the word "Volume," others didn't. There were variations even between the same volume's UK and US editions. Further, though the anthologies were British in origin, the US editions were often published simultaneously, and occassionally appeared before the UK edition. <br><br> Volumes past the 25th are appearing irregularly from PS Publishing in the UK, under its Drugstore Indian Press imprint. <br><br> Most often reprinted authors: Ramsey Campbell (23); Kim Newman and Michael Marshall Smith (17 each); Steve Rasnic Tem (16); Christopher Fowler and Nicholas Royle (14 each); Joel Lane (12); Neil Gaiman (11). <br clear="all"> <div class="clearFix"></div> </div><!--summarybox--> <br><ul> <li> <b>Best New Horror</b>, Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds. (Robinson, 1990) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Best New Horror 2</b>, Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds. (Robinson, 1991) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Best New Horror 3</b>, Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds. (Carroll & Graf, 1992) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Best New Horror 4</b>, Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds. (Robinson, 1993) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Best New Horror 5</b>, Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds. (Robinson, 1994) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Best New Horror 6</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 1995) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Seven</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson/Raven Books, 1996) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eight</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 1997) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Nine</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 1998) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Ten</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 1999) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eleven</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2000) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Twelve</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2001) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Thirteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2002) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Fourteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2003) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Fifteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Carroll & Graf, 2004) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Sixteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2005) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Seventeen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2006) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eighteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2007) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Nineteen</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2008) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 20</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2009) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 21</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2010) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 22</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2011) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 23</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2012) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 24</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2013) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 25</b>, Stephen Jones, ed. (Robinson, 2014) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> </ul> <br><hr><br> <div align="center"> <b>Combined Contents by Author and Title</b></div><br><br> <a href="Joan_Aiken_Titles">Joan Aiken</a> <li> Hair (<b>The Monkey's Wedding and Other Stories</b>, 2011) -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Kim_Antieau_Titles">Kim Antieau</a> <li> At a Window Facing West (<i>AHMM</i> mid-Dec 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="Sarah_Ash_Titles">Sarah Ash</a> <li> Mothmusic (<i>Interzone</i> Aug 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Peter_Atkins_Titles">Peter Atkins</a> <li> Adventures in Further Education (<b>Horrors! 365 Scary Stories</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Aviatrix (<b>Demons and Deviants</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Between the Cold Moon and the Earth (<i>Postscripts</i> May 2007) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Cubist's Attorney (<i>Cemetery Dance</i> #56 2006) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Dancing Like We're Dumb -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Dale_Bailey_Titles">Dale Bailey</a> <li> Hunger: A Confession (<i>F&SF</i> Mar 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Necrosis -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Spells for Halloween: An Acrostic (<i>Charlotte Observer</i> Oct 13 2004 (+8)) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Clive_Barker_Titles">Clive Barker</a> <li> The Departed (<i>The New York Times</i> Oct 30 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Haeckel's Tale (<b>Dark Delicacies</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> A Night's Work -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Christopher_Barzak_Titles">Christopher Barzak</a> <li> Dead Boy Found (<b>Trampoline</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Chris_Bell_Titles">Chris Bell</a> <li> Shem-El-Nessim: An Inspiration in Perfume (<i>Postscripts</i> Spr 2009) -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Pinckney_Benedict_Titles">Pinckney Benedict</a> <li> The Beginnings of Sorrow -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Emma_Bircham_Titles">Emma Bircham</a> <li> The Ball Room (by EB, <a href="China_Mieville">China Mi関ille</a> & <a href="Max_Schaefer">Max Schaefer</a>) (<b>Looking for Jake and other stories</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Michael_Bishop_Titles">Michael Bishop</a> <li> Dr. Prida's Dream-Plagued Patient (<i>Aberrant Dreams</i> Spr 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Pile (<i>Subterranean (online)</i> Win 2008) -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Robert_Bloch_Titles">Robert Bloch</a> <li> The Scent of Vinegar (<b>Dark Destiny</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Chaz_Brenchley_Titles">Chaz Brenchley</a> <li> How She Dances -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> The Keys to D'EspTrance -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Alan_Brennert_Titles">Alan Brennert</a> <li> Cradle (<i>F&SF</i> Jan 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Ma Qui (<i>F&SF</i> Feb 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Jean-Daniel_Breque_Titles">Jean-Daniel Br鑡ue</a> <li> On the Wing -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="Poppy_Z_Brite_Titles">Poppy Z. Brite</a> <li> The Devil of Delery Street (<b>McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood (<b>Borderlands</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> How to Get Ahead in New York (<i>Gauntlet</i> #4 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Mussolini and the Axeman's Jazz (<b>Dark Destiny: Proprietors of Fate</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> O' Death, Where Is Thy Spatula? (<i>The Spook (online)</i> Jul 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> The Sixth Sentinel (<b>Borderlands 3</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="John_Brunner_Titles">John Brunner</a> <li> They Take (<b>Dark Voices 4</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Edward_Bryant_Titles">Edward Bryant</a> <li> Colder Than Hell (<b>Cold Shocks</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Human Remains (<b>Darker Passions</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="David_Buchan_Titles">David Buchan</a> <li> Holiday Home -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Scott_Emerson_Bull_Titles">Scott Emerson Bull</a> <li> Mr. Sly Stops for a Cup of Joe (<b>Gathering the Bones</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="John_Burke_Titles">John Burke</a> <li> The Right Ending (<i>Time Out Net Books</i> 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Donald_Burleson_Titles">Donald Burleson</a> <li> Hopscotch (<i>Terminal Fright</i> Spr 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Mulligan's Fence (<b>Lemon Drops and Other Horrors</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Pump Jack (<i>Bare Bone</i> #1 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Snow Cancellations (<i>2AM</i> Fll 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Rick_Cadger_Titles">Rick Cadger</a> <li> The Brothers (<b>Sugar Sleep</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Pat_Cadigan_Titles">Pat Cadigan</a> <li> This Is Your Life (Repressed Memory Remix) (<b>Dark Terrors 3</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Ramsey_Campbell_Titles">Ramsey Campbell</a> <li> All for Sale (<i>Gothic.Net website</i> Nov 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> The Alternative (<b>Darklands 2</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Breaking Up (<b>Acquainted with the Night</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> The Callers -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> The Decorations -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Digging Deep (<b>Phobic: Modern Horror Stories</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Entertainment (<b>999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Fear the Dead (<b>Fear Within</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Going Under (<b>Dark Love</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Holding the Light -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Holes for Faces -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> It Helps If You Sing (<b>Book of the Dead</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> The Long Way -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> No Strings (<b>Shadows and Silence</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Passing Through Peacehaven -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Peep (<i>Postscripts</i> May 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Rae -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Respects -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Same in Any Language (<i>Weird Tales</i> Sum 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> The Unbeheld (<i>The Spook (online)</i> Jul 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> The Winner (<b>Taverns of the Dead</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> With the Angels -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> The Word (<b>Revelations</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Jonathan_Carroll_Titles">Jonathan Carroll</a> <li> The Dead Love You (<i>Omni</i> Dec 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="David_Case_Titles">David Case</a> <li> Jimmy (<b>Brotherly Love</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="Mark_Chadbourn_Titles">Mark Chadbourn</a> <li> The King of Rain (<i>Squane's Journal</i> #3 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> The Ones We Leave Behind (<i>Dark Horizons</i> #48 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Michael_Chislett_Titles">Michael Chislett</a> <li> Mara (<b>Conventional Vampires</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> The Middle Park -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> Off the Map (<i>Supernatural Tales</i> #2 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Simon_Clark_Titles">Simon Clark</a> <li> Exorcising Angels (by SC & <a href="Tim_Lebbon">Tim Lebbon</a>) (<b>Exorcising Angels</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Swallowing a Dirty Seed (<b>Midnight Never Comes</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Douglas_Clegg_Titles">Douglas Clegg</a> <li> Underworld (<i>Phantasm</i> #3 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Where Flies Are Born (<i>Tekeli-li!</i> #2 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Nancy_A_Collins_Titles">Nancy A. Collins</a> <li> Raymond (<b>The Ultimate Werewolf</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="J_L_Comeau_Titles">J. L. Comeau</a> <li> Firebird (<b>The Women Who Walk Through Fire</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Owen Street Monster (<b>Borderlands 3</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Taking Care of Michael (<b>Borderlands 2</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Storm_Constantine_Titles">Storm Constantine</a> <li> Of a Cat, But Her Skin (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <a href="Basil_Copper_Titles">Basil Copper</a> <li> Ill Met By Daylight (<b>Cold Hand On My Shoulder: Tales of Terror & Suspense</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Albert_E_Cowdrey_Titles">Albert E. Cowdrey</a> <li> Fort Clay, Louisiana: A Tragical History -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> The Overseer (<i>F&SF</i> Mar 2008) -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Peter_Crowther_Titles">Peter Crowther</a> <li> Front-Page McGuffin and the Greatest Story Never Told (<b>Black Cats and Broken Mirrors</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Les_Daniels_Titles">Les Daniels</a> <li> The Little Green Ones (<b>Dark Voices 4</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Avram_Davidson_Titles">Avram Davidson</a> <li> The Boss in the Wall: A Treatise on the House Devil (by AD & <a href="Grania_Davis">Grania Davis</a>) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Grania_Davis_Titles">Grania Davis</a> <li> The Boss in the Wall: A Treatise on the House Devil (by <a href="Avram_Davidson">Avram Davidson</a> & GD) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Susan_Davis_Titles">Susan Davis</a> <li> The Centipede (<i>All Hallows</i> #33 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Terry_Dowling_Titles">Terry Dowling</a> <li> Nightside Eye -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Scaring the Train (<b>The Man Who Lost Red</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Two Steps Along the Road -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Steven_Duffy_Titles">Steven Duffy</a> <li> The Oram County Whoosit -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Andy_Duncan_Titles">Andy Duncan</a> <li> The Map to the Homes of the Stars (<b>Dying for It</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Pauline_E_Dungate_Titles">Pauline E. Dungate</a> <li> In the Tunnels (<b>Beneath the Ground</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Scott_Edelman_Titles">Scott Edelman</a> <li> A Plague on Both Your Houses (<b>Best New Horror 8</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> The Suicide Artist (<b>Suicide Art</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> What Will Come After -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="Harlan_Ellison_Titles">Harlan Ellison</a> <li> Jane Doe #112 (<i>EQMM</i> Dec 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Mefisto in Onyx (<i>Omni</i> Oct 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Objects of Desire in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear (<i>F&SF</i> Oct/Nov 1999) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Sensible City (<i>F&SF</i> Oct/Nov 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Carol_Emshwiller_Titles">Carol Emshwiller</a> <li> I Live with You (<i>F&SF</i> Mar 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Steven_Erikson_Titles">Steven Erikson</a> <li> This Rich Evil Sound (<b>Revolvo and Other Canadian Tales</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Dennis_Etchison_Titles">Dennis Etchison</a> <li> The Detailer (<i>Horror Garage</i> #1 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> The Dog Park (<b>Dark Voices 5</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Got to Kill Them All (<i>Cemetery Dance</i> #34 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Inside the Cackle Factory (<b>Dark Terrors 4: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> No One You Know (<i>Brutarian</i> #23 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> When They Gave Us Memory (<b>Final Shadows</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="John_Farris_Titles">John Farris</a> <li> Story Time with the Bluefield Strangler (<b>Borderlands 5</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Christa_Faust_Titles">Christa Faust</a> <li> Tighter (<b>Strange Bedfellows</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Gemma_Files_Titles">Gemma Files</a> <li> The Emperor's Old Bones (<b>Northern Frights 5</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Kissing Carrion (<b>Kissing Carrion</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Slick Black Bones and Soft Black Stars -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Some Kind of Light Shines from Your Face -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Paul_Finch_Titles">Paul Finch</a> <li> The Old Traditions Are Best -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Charles_Coleman_Finlay_Titles">Charles Coleman Finlay</a> <li> Lucy, In Her Splendor (<i></i> 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Russell_Flinn_Titles">Russell Flinn</a> <li> Subway Story (<i>British Fantasy Society Booklet</i> #15 1990) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Christopher_Fowler_Titles">Christopher Fowler</a> <li> Arkangel -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> At Home in the Pubs of Old London (<b>Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Christmas Forever (<i>Independent on Sunday</i> Dec 21 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Crocodile Lady (<i>Crimewave</i> #5 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Lantern Jack -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Learning to Let Go (<b>Personal Demons</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> The Luxury of Harm (<b>The British Fantasy Society: A Celebration</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Most Boring Woman in the World -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Mother of the City (<b>The Time Out Book of London Short Stories</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Norman Wisdom and the Angel of Death (<b>Sharper Knives</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Oh I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Seven Feet (<b>Demonized</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> The Twilight Express (<i>Postscripts</i> Win 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Unforgotten (<b>Lethal Kisses</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <a href="Esther_M_Friesner_Titles">Esther M. Friesner</a> <li> Lovers (<b>South From Midnight</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Gregory_Frost_Titles">Gregory Frost</a> <li> Divertimento (<i>IASFM</i> Dec 1989) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Lizaveta (<i>IASFM</i> mid-Dec 1988) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> That Blissful Height (<b>Intersections</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <a href="Neil_Gaiman_Titles">Neil Gaiman</a> <li> Bitter Grounds (<b>Mojo: Conjure Stories</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Click-Clack the Rattlebag -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> Feminine Endings -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire (<b>Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Harlequin Valentine (<b>World Horror Convention 1999 Program Book</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> October in the Chair (<i>Conjunctions</i> #39 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> The Problem of Susan (<b>Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Queen of Knives (<b>Tombs</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> The Wedding Present (<b>Dark Terrors 4: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Witch Work -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> The Witch's Headstone (<b>Wizards</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Stephen_Gallagher_Titles">Stephen Gallagher</a> <li> The Horn (<b>Arrows of Eros</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> Little Dead Girl Singing (<i>Weird Tales</i> Spr 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Not Here, Not Now (<b>Cold Cuts III</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Restraint (<i>Postscripts</i> Spr 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Mick_Garris_Titles">Mick Garris</a> <li> Forever Gramma (<b>Life in the Cinema</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="Ray_Garton_Titles">Ray Garton</a> <li> Shock Radio (<b>Methods of Madness</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="John_Gaskin_Titles">John Gaskin</a> <li> Party Talk -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="John_Gordon_Titles">John Gordon</a> <li> The Night Watch (<b>Left in the Dark: The Supernatural Tales of John Gordon</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Under the Ice (<b>The Burning Baby and Other Stories</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Charles_L_Grant_Titles">Charles L. Grant</a> <li> In the Still, Small Hours (<b>Deathport</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> One Life, in an Hourglass (<b>The Bradbury Chronicles</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Sometimes, in the Rain (<b>Northern Frights 2</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Whose Ghosts These Are (<b>The Museum of Horrors</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Muriel_Gray_Titles">Muriel Gray</a> <li> Shite-Hawks (<i>The Third Alternative</i> #27 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Marni_Scofidio_Griffin_Titles">Marni Scofidio Griffin</a> <li> Last Train to Arnos Grove (<i>The Urbanite</i> #7 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <a href="Elizabeth_Hand_Titles">Elizabeth Hand</a> <li> The Bacchae (<i>Interzone</i> Jul 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Cleopatra Brimstone (<b>Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Justice (<i>F&SF</i> Jul 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> On the Town Route (<b>Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 5</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Saffron Gatherers (<b>Saffron and Brimstone: Strange Stories</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Christopher_Harman_Titles">Christopher Harman</a> <li> Behind the Clouds: In Front of the Sun (<i>Postscripts</i> Sum 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="M_John_Harrison_Titles">M. John Harrison</a> <li> Anima (<i>Interzone</i> Apr 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> The Dead (by MJH & <a href="Simon_Ings">Simon Ings</a>) (<b>The Sun Rises Red</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring (<b>Little Deaths</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="James_Herbert_Titles">James Herbert</a> <li> Others (excerpt) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="David_Herter_Titles">David Herter</a> <li> black and green and gold (<i>Postscripts</i> Spr 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Joe_Hill_Titles">Joe Hill</a> <li> 20th Century Ghost (<i>High Plains Literary Review</i> v17 #1 2002 (+2)) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Best New Horror (<i>Postscripts</i> Spr 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Throttle (by JH & <a href="Stephen_King">Stephen King</a>) -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> Thumbprint (<i>Postscripts</i> May 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Glen_Hirshberg_Titles">Glen Hirshberg</a> <li> American Morons (<b>Darkness Rising: The Rolling Darkness Revue Chapbook 2005</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Dancing Men (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Devil's Smile (<b>Alone on the Darkside</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> His Only Audience -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Miss Ill-Kept Runt (<b>Twilight Limited: The Rolling Darkness Revue 2007</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Safety Clowns (<b>Acquainted with the Night</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Struwwelpeter (<i>Sci Fiction website</i> Nov 28 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> The Two Sams (<b>Dark Terrors 6: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Brian_Hodge_Titles">Brian Hodge</a> <li> The Alchemy of the Throat (<b>Love in Vein</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> The Dripping of Sundered Wineskins (<b>Love in Vein II</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Extinctions in Paradise (<b>Werewolves</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> If I Should Wake Before I Die (<b>Outsiders</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Just Outside Our Windows, Deep Inside Our Walls -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Nesting Instincts (<b>Lies & Ugliness</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Nina_Kiriki_Hoffman_Titles">Nina Kiriki Hoffman</a> <li> Zits (<i>Iniquities</i> Aut, <A HREF = "../t/t442.htm#A23760">Fll 1991</A>) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Simon_Ings_Titles">Simon Ings</a> <li> The Dead (by <a href="M_John_Harrison">M. John Harrison</a> & SI) (<b>The Sun Rises Red</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Charlee_Jacob_Titles">Charlee Jacob</a> <li> Flesh of Leaves, Bones of Desire (<b>Brainbox: The Real Horror</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="M_R_James_Titles">M. R. James</a> <li> The Game of Bear (by MRJ & <a href="Reggie_Oliver">Reggie Oliver</a>) -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="K_W_Jeter_Titles">K. W. Jeter</a> <li> The First Time (<b>Alien Sex</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> True Love (<b>A Whisper of Blood</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Roger_Johnson_Titles">Roger Johnson</a> <li> Love, Death and the Maiden (<b>The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories 2</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Gwyneth_Jones_Titles">Gwyneth Jones</a> <li> Grazing the Long Acre (<i>Interzone</i> Jan 1998) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Sally_Roberts_Jones_Titles">Sally Roberts Jones</a> <li> Easing the Spring (<b>Cold Cuts</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Graham_Joyce_Titles">Graham Joyce</a> <li> The Coventry Boy (<i>The Third Alternative</i> #32 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> First, Catch Your Demon (<i>Brutarian</i> Fll 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Under the Pylon (<b>Darklands 2</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Xenos Beach (<i>The Third Alternative</i> #23 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="Paul_Kane_Titles">Paul Kane</a> <li> Rag and Bone -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Brian_Keene_Titles">Brian Keene</a> <li> "The King", in: Yellow -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Michael_Kelly_Titles">Michael Kelly</a> <li> October Dreams -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Princess of the Night -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Woods -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Chico_Kidd_Titles">Chico Kidd</a> <li> Cats and Architecture (<i>Supernatural Tales</i> #2 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Mark of the Beast (<b>Second Sight and Other Stories</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Caitlin_R_Kiernan_Titles">Caitl韓 R. Kiernan</a> <li> The Ape's Wife -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> As Red as Red (<b>Haunted Legends</b>, 2010) -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Emptiness Spoke Eloquent -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Houses Under the Sea -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> In the Water Works (Birmingham, Alabama 1988) (<b>Tales of Pain and Wonder</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> The Long Hall on the Top Floor (<i>Carpe Noctem</i> #16 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> La Peau Verte (<b>To Charles Fort, With Love</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Postcards from the King of Tides -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Waycross -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Garry_Kilworth_Titles">Garry Kilworth</a> <li> Inside the Walled City (<b>Walls of Fear</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Out Back -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Wayang Kulit (<i>Interzone</i> Dec 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Stephen_King_Titles">Stephen King</a> <li> The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Throttle (by <a href="Joe_Hill">Joe Hill</a> & SK) -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="T_E_D_Klein_Titles">T. E. D. Klein</a> <li> Growing Things (<b>999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> One Size Eats All (<i>Outside Kids</i> Sum 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Joel_Knight_Titles">Joel Knight</a> <li> Calico Black, Calico Blue (<b>Strange Tales Volume II</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Kathe_Koja_Titles">Kathe Koja</a> <li> At Eventide (<b>Graven Images</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Bondage (<b>Extremities</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Impermanent Mercies (<b>Dark Voices 3</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Leavings (<b>Borderlands 3</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> The Timbrel Sound of Darkness (by KK & <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg">Barry N. Malzberg</a>) (<b>Christmas Ghosts</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Marc_Laidlaw_Titles">Marc Laidlaw</a> <li> Cell Call (<b>By Moonlight Only</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Jay_Lake_Titles">Jay Lake</a> <li> The American Dead (<i>Interzone</i> Apr 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Goat Cutter (<b>Greetings from Lake Wu</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Terry_Lamsley_Titles">Terry Lamsley</a> <li> Blade and Bone (<i>Ghosts & Scholars</i> #17 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> The Break (<b>Conference with the Dead</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Climbing Down from Heaven (<b>Dark Matters</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Sickhouse Hospitality (<b>Don't Turn Out the Light</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> The Stunted House (<b>Subterranean Gallery</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> The Toddler (<i>Ghosts & Scholars</i> #20 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Two Returns (<b>Under the Crust</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Walking the Dog (<b>Conference with the Dead</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <a href="Geoffrey_A_Landis_Titles">Geoffrey A. Landis</a> <li> The Singular Habits of Wasps (<i>Analog</i> Apr 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Joel_Lane_Titles">Joel Lane</a> <li> And Some Are Missing (<b>The Sun Rises Red</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Black Country -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> By Night He Could Not See -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Hunger of the Leaves (<b>Swords Against the Millennium</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Like Shattered Stone (<b>The Science of Sadness</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> The Lost District (<i>The Third Alternative</i> #27 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Midnight Flight -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Mine (<b>The Lost District</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Moon Never Changes (<i>Peeping Tom</i> #24 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Power Cut (<i>Skeleton Crew</i> Apr 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Slow Burn -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Still Water (<i>Supernatural Tales</i> Spr 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="John_Langan_Titles">John Langan</a> <li> City of the Dog -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="David_Langford_Titles">David Langford</a> <li> Serpent Eggs (<b>Irrational Numbers</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Roberta_Lannes_Titles">Roberta Lannes</a> <li> Butcher's Logic (<b>Lethal Kisses</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Dancing on a Blade of Dreams (<i>Pulphouse</i> Nov 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> The Other Family (<b>Don't Turn Out the Light</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Joe_R_Lansdale_Titles">Joe R. Lansdale</a> <li> Christmas with the Dead -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> The Crawling Sky -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Deadman's Road (<i>Weird Tales</i> Feb/Mar 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> The Hunt: Before, and the Aftermath -- Vol. #24 </li> <a href="Stephen_Laws_Titles">Stephen Laws</a> <li> The Crawl (<b>Dark of the Night</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> The Song My Sister Sang (<b>Scaremongers 2: Redbrick Eden</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Richard_Laymon_Titles">Richard Laymon</a> <li> Bad News (<b>Night Visions 7</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Tim_Lebbon_Titles">Tim Lebbon</a> <li> Exorcising Angels (by <a href="Simon_Clark">Simon Clark</a> & TL) (<b>Exorcising Angels</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Falling off the World -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Remnants (<b>Fears Unnamed</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> The Repulsion (<i>Extremes</i> 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Trick of the Light -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> White (Masters of Terror Press) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="Marc_Lecard_Titles">Marc Lecard</a> <li> The Admiral's House (<b>At Ease with the Dead</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Tanith_Lee_Titles">Tanith Lee</a> <li> Doll Re Mi -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> Israbel (<i>Realms of Fantasy</i> Apr 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Under Fog -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Where All Things Perish (<i>Weird Tales</i> Fll 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Yellow and Red (<i>Interzone</i> Jun 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="D_F_Lewis_Titles">D. F. Lewis</a> <li> Kites and Kisses (<i>Peeping Tom</i> #22 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Madge (<i>Back Brain Recluse</i> #15 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Mort au Monde (<i>Dagon</i> #26 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Thomas_Ligotti_Titles">Thomas Ligotti</a> <li> The Bells Will Sound Forever (<b>In a Foreign Town, In a Foreign Land</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> The Bungalow House (<i>The Urbanite</i> #5 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Gas Station Carnivals (<b>The Nightmare Factory</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> The Glamour (<b>Grimscribe</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> I Have a Special Plan for This World (<i>Horror Garage</i> #2 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> The Last Feast of Harlequin (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Medusa (<b>Fantasy Tales, #7</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Our Temporary Supervisor (<i>Weird Tales</i> Fll 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> The Strange Design of Master Rignolo (<i>Grue</i> #10 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> The Tsalal (<b>Noctuary</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="John_Ajvide_Lindqvist_Titles">John Ajvide Lindqvist</a> <li> The Music of Bengt Karlsson, Murderer (<b>A Book of Horrors</b>, 2011) -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Kelly_Link_Titles">Kelly Link</a> <li> Catskin (<b>McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Most of My Friends Are Two-Thirds Water (<b>Stranger Things Happen</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> The Specialist's Hat (<i>Event Horizon Online</i> Nov 15 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Stone Animals (<i>Conjunctions</i> #43 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Alison_Littlewood_Titles">Alison Littlewood</a> <li> About the Dark -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> The Discord of Being -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> The Eyes of Water -- Vol. #24 </li> <a href="Brian_Lumley_Titles">Brian Lumley</a> <li> No Sharks in the Med (<i>Weird Tales</i> Win 1989/90) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> The Nonesuch (<b>The Nonesuch and Others</b>, 2009) -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Place of Waiting (<b>The Ghost Quartet</b>, 2008) -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> The Taint (<b>Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Richard_A_Lupoff_Titles">Richard A. Lupoff</a> <li> Simeon Dimsby's Workshop (<b>Necronomicon Programme Book 2001</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="F_Gwynplaine_MacIntyre_Titles">F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre</a> <li> The Clockwork Horror (<b>Evermore</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Ian_R_MacLeod_Titles">Ian R. MacLeod</a> <li> 1/72nd Scale (<i>Weird Tales</i> Fll 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Camping Wainwrights (<i>Postscripts</i> Win 2008) -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> The Dead Orchards (<i>Weird Tales</i> Spr 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Snodgrass (<b>In Dreams</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Tirkiluk (<i>F&SF</i> Feb 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Barry_N_Malzberg_Titles">Barry N. Malzberg</a> <li> The Timbrel Sound of Darkness (by <a href="Kathe_Koja">Kathe Koja</a> & BNM) (<b>Christmas Ghosts</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Michael_Marano_Titles">Michael Marano</a> <li> Burden (<i>Gothic.Net website</i> Mar 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="Helen_Marshall_Titles">Helen Marshall</a> <li> The Old and the New -- Vol. #24 </li> <a href="Claire_Massey_Titles">Claire Massey</a> <li> Marionettes -- Vol. #24 </li> <a href="Elizabeth_Massie_Titles">Elizabeth Massie</a> <li> Pinkie (<b>The Little Magenta Book of Mean Stories</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Stephen (<b>Borderlands</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> What Happened When Mosby Paulson Had Her Painting Reproduced on the Cover of the Phone Book (<b>Voices from the Night</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <a href="Graham_Masterton_Titles">Graham Masterton</a> <li> The Ballyhooly Boy (<i>Encre Noir</i> Dec 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> The Grey Madonna -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Richard_Christian_Matheson_Titles">Richard Christian Matheson</a> <li> The Film (<i>Rage</i> Jan 1997) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Making Cabinets (<b>Masques V</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Menage a Trois -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Venturi -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="L_H_Maynard_Titles">L. H. Maynard</a> <li> Flour White and Spindle Thin (by LHM & <a href="M_P_N_Sims">M. P. N. Sims</a>) (<b>Falling Into Heaven</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Paul_J_McAuley_Titles">Paul J. McAuley</a> <li> Bone Orchards (<b>The Time Out Book of London Short Stories: Volume 2</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Child of the Stones (<i>Sci Fiction website</i> Nov 12 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Dr. Pretorius and the Lost Temple -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Naming the Dead (<i>Interzone</i> Nov 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> The Temptation of Dr Stein (<b>The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> The True History of Doctor Pretorius (<i>Interzone</i> Aug 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> The Two Dicks (<i>F&SF</i>) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Robert_R_McCammon_Titles">Robert R. McCammon</a> <li> The Miracle Mile (<b>Under the Fang</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Pin (<b>Blue World and Other Stories</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Kirstyn_McDermott_Titles">Kirstyn McDermott</a> <li> We All Fall Down -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="Gary_McMahon_Titles">Gary McMahon</a> <li> Pumpkin Night (<i>Estronomicon</i> Oct 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Through the Cracks -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="China_Mieville_Titles">China Mi関ille</a> <li> The Ball Room (by <a href="Emma_Bircham">Emma Bircham</a>, CM & <a href="Max_Schaefer">Max Schaefer</a>) (<b>Looking for Jake and other stories</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Details (<b>The Children of Cthulhu</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Daniel_Mills_Titles">DANIEL MILLS</a> <li> Isaac's Room -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Photographer's Tale -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="David_Morrell_Titles">David Morrell</a> <li> They -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Time Was (<b>Taverns of the Dead</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Mark_Morris_Titles">Mark Morris</a> <li> Coming Home (<b>Taps and Sighs</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Fallen Boys -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> What Nature Abhors (<b>Night Visions 12</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Grant_Morrison_Titles">Grant Morrison</a> <li> The Braille Encyclopaedia (<b>Hotter Blood</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Steve_Nagy_Titles">Steve Nagy</a> <li> The Hanged Man of Oz (<b>Gathering the Bones</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Yvonne_Navarro_Titles">Yvonne Navarro</a> <li> Four Famines Ago (<b>Terminal Frights Volume One</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Adam_Nevill_Titles">Adam Nevill</a> <li> Where Angels Come In -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Kim_Newman_Titles">Kim Newman</a> <li> The Big Fish (<i>Interzone</i> Oct 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Castle in the Desert -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Cold Snap (<b>The Secret Files of the Diogenes Club</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Coppola's Dracula (<b>The Mammoth Book of Dracula</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Egyptian Avenue (<b>J.K. Potter's Embrace the Mutation</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Just Like Eddy (<i>Interzone</i> Oct 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> The Man Who Got Off the Ghost Train (<b>The Man from the Diogenes Club</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Miss Baltimore Crabs: Anno Dracula 1990 -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Original Dr Shade (<i>Interzone</i> #36 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Other Side of Midnight (<b>Vampire Sextette</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Out of the Night, When the Full Moon is Bright... (<b>The Mammoth Book of Werewolves</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Red Reign (<b>The Mammoth Book of Vampires</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> The Snow Sculptures of Xanadu (<i>Million</i> #5 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Soho Golem (<i>Sci Fiction website</i> Oct 13 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Twitch Technicolor (<i>Interzone</i> #28 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> A Victorian Ghost Story (<i>Interzone</i> Jan 1999) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Who Dares Wins: Anno Dracula 1980 -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Gregory_E_Nicoll_Titles">Gregory E. Nicoll</a> <li> But None Shall Sing for Me -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Thana_Niveau_Titles">Thana Niveau</a> <li> The Curtain -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Guinea Pig Girl -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Pier -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> White Roses, Bloody Silk -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="William_F_Nolan_Titles">William F. Nolan</a> <li> Blood Sky (<b>The Blood Sky</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Joyce_Carol_Oates_Titles">Joyce Carol Oates</a> <li> The Haunting (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Mike_O'Driscoll_Titles">Mike O'Driscoll</a> <li> 13 O'Clock (<b>Inferno</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> The Silence of the Falling Stars (<b>The Dark</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Reggie_Oliver_Titles">Reggie Oliver</a> <li> Between Four Yews -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> The Children of Monte Rosa (<i>Dark Horizons</i> Aut/Win 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Come Into My Parlour -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> A Donkey at the Mysteries -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> The Game of Bear (by <a href="M_R_James">M. R. James</a> & RO) -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> Quieta Non Movere -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Rosalie_Parker_Titles">Rosalie Parker</a> <li> In the Garden -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Norman_Partridge_Titles">Norman Partridge</a> <li> The Bars on Satan's Jailhouse (Roadkill Press) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> An Eye for an Eye (<b>Gahan Wilson's The Ultimate Haunted House</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Guignoir (<b>Guignoir and Other Furies</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Harvest (<b>Earth Strikes Back</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Lesser Demons -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="Holly_Phillips_Titles">Holly Phillips</a> <li> One of the Hungry Ones (<b>In the Palace of Repose</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Tom_Piccirilli_Titles">Tom Piccirilli</a> <li> Loss (<b>Five Strokes to Midnight</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Sarah_Pinborough_Titles">Sarah Pinborough</a> <li> Our Man in the Sudan (<b>The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories</b>, 2008) -- Vol. #20 </li> <a href="Martin_Plumbridge_Titles">Martin Plumbridge</a> <li> The Exhibit (<i>Chills</i> #7 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Tim_Pratt_Titles">Tim Pratt</a> <li> From Around Here (<b>Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Gulls (<b>TEL: Stories</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Kathryn_Ptacek_Titles">Kathryn Ptacek</a> <li> The Grotto (<b>Graven Images</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="Alex_Quiroba_Titles">Alex Quiroba</a> <li> Breaking Up (<i>West/Word</i> #1 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Tina_Rath_Titles">Tina Rath</a> <li> A Trick of the Dark (<b>The Mammoth Book of Vampires</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Jane_Rice_Titles">Jane Rice</a> <li> The Sixth Dog -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Tony_Richards_Titles">Tony Richards</a> <li> Man, You Gotta See This! (<b>Going Back</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <a href="Barbara_Roden_Titles">Barbara Roden</a> <li> Out and Back -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Bruce_Holland_Rogers_Titles">Bruce Holland Rogers</a> <li> The Dead Boy at Your Window (<i>North American Review</i> Nov/Dec 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Geeta_Roopnarine_Titles">Geeta Roopnarine</a> <li> Corbeaux Bay -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Iain_Rowan_Titles">Iain Rowan</a> <li> Lilies (<i>Postscripts</i> Sum 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Nicholas_Royle_Titles">Nicholas Royle</a> <li> Archway (<b>Dark Fantasies</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> Continuity Error (<b>London: City of Disappearances</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Dead End -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> Empty Stations (<i>Ambit</i> #161 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Flying into Naples (<i>Interzone</i> Nov 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> The Homecoming (<b>Shadows Over Innsmouth</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Lacuna (<i>Violent Spectres</i> #3 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Lancashire (<b>Phobic: Modern Horror Stories</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Moving Out (<i>Skeleton Crew</i> Jan 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Negatives (<i>Interzone</i> #35 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Night Shift Sister (<b>In Dreams</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> The Reunion (<b>Poe</b>, 2009) -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> Skin Deep (<b>Twists of the Tale</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Standard Gauge (<b>Thirteen</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Lynda_E_Rucker_Titles">Lynda E. Rucker</a> <li> The Burned House -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Last Reel (<i>Supernatural Tales</i> #10 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> No More A-Roving (<b>Darkness Rising I: Night's Soft Pains</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> These Things We Have Always Known -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Where the Summer Dwells -- Vol. #24 </li> <a href="Jay_Russell_Titles">Jay Russell</a> <li> Apocalypse Now, Voyager -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Hides (<b>Stranger: Dark Tales of Eerie Encounters</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Geoff_Ryman_Titles">Geoff Ryman</a> <li> Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (Fantasy) (<i>F&SF</i> Oct/Nov 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Mark_Samuels_Titles">Mark Samuels</a> <li> "Destination Nihil" by Edmund Bertrand -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> A Gentleman from Mexico -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Glyphotech -- Vol. #17 </li> <li> Losenef Express -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Sentinels -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Tower -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> The White Hands (<b>The White Hands and Other Weird Tales</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <a href="Al_Sarrantonio_Titles">Al Sarrantonio</a> <li> Summer (<b>Retro Pulp Tales</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <a href="Max_Schaefer_Titles">Max Schaefer</a> <li> The Ball Room (by <a href="Emma_Bircham">Emma Bircham</a>, <a href="China_Mieville">China Mi関ille</a> & MS) (<b>Looking for Jake and other stories</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="David_J_Schow_Titles">David J. Schow</a> <li> The Absolute Last of the Ultra-Spooky, Super-Scary Hallowe'en Horror Nights -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Busted in Buttown (<i>Reflex</i> Dec 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Dying Words (<i>Midnight Graffiti</i> Win 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Incident on a Rainy Night in Beverly Hills (<b>Seeing Red</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Obsequy (<i>Subterranean</i> #3 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> Unhasped (<b>White of the Moon</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="Michael_Shea_Titles">Michael Shea</a> <li> The Growlimb (<i>F&SF</i> Jan 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Robert_Shearman_Titles">Robert Shearman</a> <li> Blue Crayon, Yellow Crayon -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Featherweight -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Granny's Grinning -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Sixteenth Step -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Robert_Silverberg_Titles">Robert Silverberg</a> <li> Smithers and the Ghosts of the Thar -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="M_P_N_Sims_Titles">M. P. N. Sims</a> <li> Flour White and Spindle Thin (by <a href="L_H_Maynard">L. H. Maynard</a> & MPNS) (<b>Falling Into Heaven</b>, 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Iain_Sinclair_Titles">Iain Sinclair</a> <li> Hardball (<b>A Book of Two Halves</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> The Keeper of the Rothenstein Tomb (<b>The Time Out Book of London Short Stories: Volume 2</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="Angela_Slatter_Titles">Angela Slatter</a> <li> The Burning Circus -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> Lavender and Lychgates -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="Dave_Smeds_Titles">Dave Smeds</a> <li> Survivor (<b>Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Douglas_Smith_Titles">Douglas Smith</a> <li> By Her Hand, She Draws You Down (<i>The Third Alternative</i> #28 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <a href="Michael_Marshall_Smith_Titles">Michael Marshall Smith</a> <li> The Dark Land (<b>Darklands</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Everybody Goes -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> The Gist -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Handover (<b>Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Hell Hath Enlarged Herself (<b>Dark Terrors 2</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Later (<b>The Mammoth Book of Zombies</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> The Man Who Drew Cats (<b>Dark Voices 2</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Maybe Next Time (<b>More Tomorrow & Other Stories</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> More Tomorrow (<b>Dark Terrors</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Sad, Dark Thing (<b>A Book of Horrors</b>, 2011) -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Save As ... -- Vol. #9 </li> <li> Substitutions -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> The Things He Said (<b>Travellers in Darkness: World Horror Convention 2007 Souvenir Book</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> This is Now -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> To Receive Is Better (<b>The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Welcome (<b>White of the Moon</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> What Happens When You Wake Up in the Night (Nightjar) -- Vol. #21 </li> <a href="Sarah_Smith_Titles">Sarah Smith</a> <li> When the Red Storm Comes -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="S_P_Somtow_Titles">S. P. Somtow</a> <li> Chui Chai (<b>The Ultimate Frankenstein</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Darker Angels (<b>Confederacy of the Dead</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Brian_Stableford_Titles">Brian Stableford</a> <li> The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires (<i>Interzone</i> Jan, <A HREF = "../t/t680.htm#A34250">Feb 1995</A>) -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Laurence_Staig_Titles">Laurence Staig</a> <li> Closed Circuit (<b>Dark Toys and Consumer Goods</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="David_Starkey_Titles">David Starkey</a> <li> Ready (<i>Grue</i> #12 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Simon_Strantzas_Titles">Simon Strantzas</a> <li> Cold to the Touch -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> An Indelible Stain Upon the Sky -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> It Runs Beneath the Surface -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> The Other Village (<b>Strange Tales Volume II</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Stemming the Tide -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Peter_Straub_Titles">Peter Straub</a> <li> The Ghost Village (<b>MetaHorror</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff (<b>Murder for Revenge</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <li> Pork Pie Hat (<i>Orion</i> 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> A Short Guide to the City (<b>Houses without Doors</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="Karina_Sumner-Smith_Titles">Karina Sumner-Smith</a> <li> When the Zombies Win -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="David_Sutton_Titles">David Sutton</a> <li> The Fisherman -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> La Serenissima -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Those of Rhenea -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="Melanie_Tem_Titles">Melanie Tem</a> <li> The Co-op (<b>Women of Darkness II</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Safe at Home (by MT & <a href="Steve_Rasnic_Tem">Steve Rasnic Tem</a>) (<b>Hottest Blood</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <a href="Steve_Rasnic_Tem_Titles">Steve Rasnic Tem</a> <li> 2:00 pm: The Real Estate Agent Arrives -- Vol. #20 </li> <li> Aquarium (<b>The SeaHarp Hotel</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Bereavement Photographer (<b>13 Horrors</b>, 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Carnal House (<b>Hot Blood</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> Ghost in the Machine (<i>Bloodsongs</i> #7 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> Halloween Street (<i>F&SF</i> Jul 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> A Hundred Wicked Little Witches (<b>100 Wicked Little Witch Stories</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> Ice House Pond (<b>In the Fog</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Miri -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> Mirror Man (<b>Decoded Mirrors</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Pareidolia (<b>City Fishing</b>, 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <li> Safe at Home (by <a href="Melanie_Tem">Melanie Tem</a> & SRT) (<b>Hottest Blood</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Taking Down the Tree (<i>Pulphouse</i> Dec 31 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Telling -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Tricks & Treats: One Night on Halloween Street (<i>F&SF</i> Dec 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Waiting at the Crossroads Motel -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> What Slips Away (<b>More Monsters from Memphis</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Thomas_Tessier_Titles">Thomas Tessier</a> <li> Blanca (<b>Post Mortem: New Tales of Ghastly Horror</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> The Dreams of Dr. Ladybank (<b>Night Visions 9</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <li> Ghost Music: A Memoir by George Beaune (<b>Dark Terrors 2</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> In the Desert of Deserts (<b>After the Darkness</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Lulu (<b>Lulu and One Other</b>, 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <a href="Patrick_Thompson_Titles">Patrick Thompson</a> <li> The Stones (<i>Time Out Net Books</i> #2 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Lavie_Tidhar_Titles">Lavie Tidhar</a> <li> What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Z---- -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Richard_Tierney_Titles">Richard Tierney</a> <li> Autumn Chill -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="Don_Tumasonis_Titles">Don Tumasonis</a> <li> The Prospect Cards (<b>Dark Terrors 6: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <li> Thrown (<i>New Genre</i> Win 2006) -- Vol. #18 </li> <li> The Wretched Thicket of Thorn (<i>All Hallows</i> #29 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Lisa_Tuttle_Titles">Lisa Tuttle</a> <li> Food Man (<i>Crank!</i> #4 1994) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> My Death (PS Publishing) -- Vol. #16 </li> <li> Replacements (<b>MetaHorror</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Simon_Kurt_Unsworth_Titles">Simon Kurt Unsworth</a> <li> The Church on the Island (<b>At Ease with the Dead</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> The Cotswold Olimpicks -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Into the Water -- Vol. #25 </li> <li> The Lemon in the Pool -- Vol. #22 </li> <li> Mami Wata -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Ocean Grand, North West Coast -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Mark_Valentine_Titles">Mark Valentine</a> <li> The Axholme Toll -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> The Fall of the King of Babylon -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> A Revelation of Cormorants -- Vol. #22 </li> <a href="James_Van_Pelt_Titles">James Van Pelt</a> <li> The Boy Behind the Gate (<b>Dark Terrors 6: The Gollancz Book of Horror</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Jeff_VanderMeer_Titles">Jeff VanderMeer</a> <li> The Bone-Carver's Tale (<i>Asimov's</i> Apr 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> The Cage (<b>City of Saints and Madmen: The Book of Ambergris</b>, 2002) -- Vol. #14 </li> <a href="Halli_Villegas_Titles">Halli Villegas</a> <li> Fishfly Season -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Stephen_Volk_Titles">Stephen Volk</a> <li> After the Ape -- Vol. #21 </li> <li> Celebrity Frankenstein -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> Whitstable (excerpt) -- Vol. #25 </li> <a href="Karl_Edward_Wagner_Titles">Karl Edward Wagner</a> <li> At First Just Ghostly (<i>Weird Tales</i> Fll 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <li> Cedar Lane (<b>Walls of Fear</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Did They Get You to Trade? (<b>MetaHorror</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Final Cut (<b>Diagnosis: Terminal</b>, 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> In the Middle of a Snow Dream (<b>South From Midnight</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Passages (<b>Phobias</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> The Slug (<b>A Whisper of Blood</b>, 1991) -- Vol. #3 </li> <a href="Evangeline_Walton_Titles">Evangeline Walton</a> <li> The Other One -- Vol. #24 </li> <li> They That Have Wings -- Vol. #23 </li> <a href="Geoffrey_Warburton_Titles">Geoffrey Warburton</a> <li> Merry Roderick (<i>All Hallows</i> #23 2000) -- Vol. #12 </li> <a href="Ian_Watson_Titles">Ian Watson</a> <li> The Eye of the Ayatollah (<i>Interzone</i> #33 1990) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Lawrence_Watt-Evans_Titles">Lawrence Watt-Evans</a> <li> Dead Babies (<b>South From Midnight</b>, 1994) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Upstairs (<b>Horrors! 365 Scary Stories</b>, 1998) -- Vol. #10 </li> <a href="Manly_Wade_Wellman_Titles">Manly Wade Wellman</a> <li> The Finger of Halugra -- Vol. #7 </li> <a href="Robert_Westall_Titles">Robert Westall</a> <li> The Last Day of Miss Dorinda Molyneaux (<b>Antique Dust</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Leslie_What_Titles">Leslie What</a> <li> The Mutable Borders of Love (<i>Amazing</i> Nov 2004) -- Vol. #16 </li> <a href="Cherry_Wilder_Titles">Cherry Wilder</a> <li> Alive in Venice (<b>Dark Voices 2</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Back of Beyond (<b>Strange Fruit</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> The Curse of Kali (<i>Interzone</i> Jan 1996) -- Vol. #8 </li> <li> The House on Cemetery Street (<i>IASFM</i> Dec 1988) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="Kate_Wilhelm_Titles">Kate Wilhelm</a> <li> The Day of the Sharks (<b>And the Angels Sing</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <a href="Conrad_Williams_Titles">Conrad Williams</a> <li> City in Aspic (<b>Phantoms of Venice</b>, 2001) -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Outfangthief -- Vol. #13 </li> <li> Tight Wrappers (<b>Phobic: Modern Horror Stories</b>, 2007) -- Vol. #19 </li> <li> Wait -- Vol. #23 </li> <li> The Windmill (<b>Dark Terrors 3</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Liz_Williams_Titles">Liz Williams</a> <li> All Fish and Dracula (<i>Realms of Fantasy</i> Feb 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Chet_Williamson_Titles">Chet Williamson</a> <li> The Moment the Face Falls (<b>Monsters in Our Midst</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> ...To Feel Another's Woe (<b>Blood Is Not Enough</b>, 1989) -- Vol. #1 </li> <a href="F_Paul_Wilson_Titles">F. Paul Wilson</a> <li> Aftershock (<i>Realms of Fantasy</i> Dec 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Pelts (Footsteps Press) -- Vol. #2 </li> <a href="Gahan_Wilson_Titles">Gahan Wilson</a> <li> The Marble Boy (<b>After the Darkness</b>, 1993) -- Vol. #5 </li> <li> Mister Ice Cold (<i>Omni</i> Apr 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> The Outermost Borough (<b>Dark Delicacies</b>, 2005) -- Vol. #17 </li> <a href="Douglas_E_Winter_Titles">Douglas E. Winter</a> <li> Black Sun (<i>Iniquities</i> Aut, <A HREF = "../t/t663.htm#A33628">Fll 1991</A>) -- Vol. #6 </li> <li> Bright Lights, Big Zombie (<b>Still Dead</b>, 1992) -- Vol. #4 </li> <li> Loop (<b>Dark Love</b>, 1995) -- Vol. #7 </li> <li> The Zombies of Madison County (<b>Dark of the Night</b>, 1997) -- Vol. #9 </li> <a href="Gene_Wolfe_Titles">Gene Wolfe</a> <li> A Fish Story (<i>F&SF</i> Oct/Nov 1999) -- Vol. #11 </li> <li> Hunter Lake (<i>F&SF</i> Oct/Nov 2003) -- Vol. #15 </li> <li> Lord of the Land (<b>Lovecraft's Legacy</b>, 1990) -- Vol. #2 </li> <li> Sob in the Silence (<b>Strange Birds</b>, 2006) -- Vol. #18 </div> <!-- contentblock --> </div> <!-- pagemain --> </div> <!-- floatright --> <br clear="all"> <div class="copyrightblock"> Copyright 2012 - 2025 by Mark R. Kelly and the <a class="white" href="">Locus Science Fiction Foundation</a>. 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