sfadb: Gardner R. Dozois : Tomes
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Dozois : Tomes </div> </div> <!-- pagetitle --> <br clear="all"> <!-- open left pane --> <div class="floatleft"><div class="leftpane"> <br> science fiction awards database <br> </div> <!-- leftpane --> </div> <!-- floatleft --> <div class="floatright"><div class="pagemain"> <div align="center"> <table class="threadbox" width="90%"> <tr><td class="threadleft"> <a href="DatlowOriginals">Datlow: Originals</a></td><td class="threadmid"> <— <a href="Anthologies_Directory">Anthologies</a> —></td> <td class="threadright"> <a href="JonesHorrorBests">Jones: Best Horror</a></td></tr> </table> </div> <div class="contentblock"> <div class="summarybox"> <img src="../graphics/DozoisTomes.jpg" width="650"><br> </div> <div class="summarybox"> As Robert Silverberg did for Arbor House a decade earlier, Gardner Dozois produced three big retrospective anthologies in the 1990s for St. Martin's. (Actually his first volume was published in the UK by Legend (as <b>The Legend Book of Science Fiction</b>) a year before its US release, but it was St. Martin's in the US who followed up with two additional volumes in matching formats.) Dozois' introduction emphasizes that the book contains stories that most impacted him as a reader, rather than being any kind of historical overview or objective compilation. Thus his lower historical boundary is the mid-1950s, about the time he started reading SF himself. <br><br> He also notes that he omitted famous stories by Keyes, Clarke, Asimov, et al, for being already heavily anthologized -- and includes a long list of other stories he would have liked to have used. <br><br> Dozois' second volume, like Silverberg's second Arbor House volume, was a volume of short novels, or novellas. Thus, longer, though fewer, stories than in his first volume. The scope is roughly the same as in the first volume: late '50s to early '90s. And as in the first volume, Dozois mentions in his introduction stories he might have included were they not already over-exposed (or unavailable), and emphasizes that his selections are those that appealed to him personally, as a reader. <br><br> Dozois' third "Modern Classics" volume was a collection of fantasy stories. His very long preface describes his belated appreciation of fantasy, as opposed to science fiction, and addresses the ambiguous distinction between science fiction, fantasy, and horror. And as in his previous volumes, he mentions many stories that, for one reason or another, are not included here, no matter how highly he regards them. <br><br> Dozois did two "best of best" selections drawn from his first 20 Best of the Year anthologies done for Bluejay and then St. Martin's. The first volume includes stories published from 1983 to 2002, and there are indeed some overlaps with the earlier <b>Modern Classics</b> volumes. Reflecting a common pattern, Dozois' second "best of best" anthology is devoted to novellas (though his earlier volume had included novellas by Kress, MacLeod, Marusek). <br><br> The final volume here is a sequel to the previous two: the best stories from the last 15 annual anthologies, stories published from 2003 to 2017. (The title is misleading -- the stories are from a span of 15 years, not 35.) <br><br> Most frequently reprinted authors in this group: Michael Swanwick (5); Nancy Kress, Ursula K. Le Guin, Lucius Shepard, Gene Wolfe (4 each); Pat Cadigan, Greg Egan, James Patrick Kelly, John Kessel, Ian R. MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling, Jack Vance, Howard Waldrop (3 each). <br clear="all"> <div class="clearFix"></div> </div><!--summarybox--> <br><ul> <li> <b>Modern Classics Of Science Fiction</b>, (St. Martin's, 1992) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction</b>, (St. Martin's, 1994) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>Modern Classics of Fantasy</b>, (St. Martin's, 1997) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction</b>, (St. Martin's Griffin, 2005) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels</b>, (St. Martin's Griffin, 2007) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> <li> <b>The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction</b>, (St. Martin's Griffin, 2019) [<a href="">isfdb</a>]</li> </ul> <br><hr><br> <div align="center"> <b>Combined Contents by Author and Title</b></div><br><br> <a href="Brian_W_Aldiss_Titles">Brian W. Aldiss</a> <li> Total Environment (<i>Galaxy</i> Feb 1968) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Worm That Flies (<b>The Farthest Reaches</b>, 1968) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Poul_Anderson_Titles">Poul Anderson</a> <li> The Longest Voyage (<i>Analog</i> Dec 1960) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Tale of Hauk (<b>Swords Against Darkness</b>, 1977) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Eleanor_Arnason_Titles">Eleanor Arnason</a> <li> The Potter of Bones (<i>Asimov's</i> Sep 2002) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Kage_Baker_Titles">Kage Baker</a> <li> Where the Golden Apples Grow (<b>Escape from Earth: New Adventures in Space</b>, 2006) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="John_Barnes_Titles">John Barnes</a> <li> Martian Heart (<b>Life on Mars: Tales from the New Frontier</b>, 2011) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Stephen_Baxter_Titles">Stephen Baxter</a> <li> The Invasion of Venus (<b>Engineering Infinity</b>, 2011) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> People Came from Earth (<b>Moon Shots</b>, 1999) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Peter_S_Beagle_Titles">Peter S. Beagle</a> <li> Professor Gottesman and the Indian Rhinoceros (<b>Peter S. Beagle's Immortal Unicorn</b>, 1995) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Elizabeth_Bear_Titles">Elizabeth Bear</a> <li> The Hand is Quicker (<b>The Book of Silverberg</b>, 2014) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Mongoose (by <a href="Sarah_Monette">Sarah Monette</a> & EB) (<b>Lovecraft Unbound</b>, 2009) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Greg_Bear_Titles">Greg Bear</a> <li> Blood Music (<i>Analog</i> Jun 1983) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="R_S_Benedict_Titles">R. S. Benedict</a> <li> My English Name (<i>F&SF</i> May/Jun 2017) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Terry_Bisson_Titles">Terry Bisson</a> <li> Bears Discover Fire (<i>IASFM</i> Aug 1990) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy <br> -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="James_P_Blaylock_Titles">James P. Blaylock</a> <li> Paper Dragons (<b>Imaginary Lands</b>, 1985) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Edward_Bryant_Titles">Edward Bryant</a> <li> Particle Theory (<i>Analog</i> Feb 1977) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Pat_Cadigan_Titles">Pat Cadigan</a> <li> The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi (<b>Edge of Infinity</b>, 2012) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Pretty Boy Crossover (<i>IASFM</i> Jan 1986) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Roadside Rescue (<i>Omni</i> Jul 1985) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Suzy_McKee_Charnas_Titles">Suzy McKee Charnas</a> <li> Beauty and the Op閞a or The Phantom Beast (<i>Asimov's</i>) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Ted_Chiang_Titles">Ted Chiang</a> <li> Story of Your Life (<b>Starlight 2</b>, 1998) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="James_S_A_Corey_Titles">James S. A. Corey</a> <li> Rates of Change (<b>Meeting Infinity</b>, 2015) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="John_Crowley_Titles">John Crowley</a> <li> Missolonghi 1824 (<i>IASFM</i> Mar 1990) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Snow (<i>Omni</i> Nov 1985) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Tony_Daniel_Titles">Tony Daniel</a> <li> A Dry, Quiet War (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 1996) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Jack_Dann_Titles">Jack Dann</a> <li> Going Under (<i>Omni</i> Sep 1981) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Indra_Das_Titles">Indra Das</a> <li> Weep for Day (<i>Asimov's</i> Aug 2012) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Avram_Davidson_Titles">Avram Davidson</a> <li> The Golem (<i>F&SF</i> Mar 1955) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Manatee Gal Ain't You Coming Out Tonight (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 1977) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Aliette_de_Bodard_Titles">Aliette de Bodard</a> <li> Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight (Clarkesworld Jan 2015) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="L_Sprague_de_Camp_Titles">L. Sprague de Camp</a> <li> Aristotle and the Gun (<i>Astounding</i> Feb 1958) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Gnarly Man (<i>Unknown</i> Jun 1939) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Samuel_R_Delany_Titles">Samuel R. Delany</a> <li> Driftglass (<i>If</i> Jun 1967) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Star Pit (<i>Worlds of Tomorrow</i> Feb 1967) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <a href="George_Alec_Effinger_Titles">George Alec Effinger</a> <li> Two Sadnesses (<b>Bad Moon Rising</b>, 1973) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Greg_Egan_Titles">Greg Egan</a> <li> Glory (<b>The New Space Opera</b>, 2007) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Oceanic (<i>Asimov's</i> Aug 1998) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> Wang's Carpets (<b>New Legends</b>, 1995) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Esther_M_Friesner_Titles">Esther M. Friesner</a> <li> Blunderbore (<i>IASFM</i> Sep 1990) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="William_Gibson_Titles">William Gibson</a> <li> The Winter Market (<i>Vancouver</i> Nov 1985) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction <br> -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Molly_Gloss_Titles">Molly Gloss</a> <li> Lambing Season (<i>Asimov's</i> Jul 2002) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="H_L_Gold_Titles">H. L. Gold</a> <li> Trouble with Water (<i>Unknown</i> Mar 1939) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Daryl_Gregory_Titles">Daryl Gregory</a> <li> The Illustrated Biography of Lord Grimm -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Eileen_Gunn_Titles">Eileen Gunn</a> <li> Stable Strategies for Middle Management (<i>IASFM</i> Jun 1988) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Joe_Haldeman_Titles">Joe Haldeman</a> <li> The Hemingway Hoax (<i>IASFM</i> Apr 1990) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> None So Blind (<i>Asimov's</i> Nov 1994) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Gwyneth_Jones_Titles">Gwyneth Jones</a> <li> Emergence (<b>Meeting Infinity</b>, 2015) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="James_Patrick_Kelly_Titles">James Patrick Kelly</a> <li> 10<SUP>16</SUP> to 1 (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 1999) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Mr. Boy (<i>IASFM</i> Jun 1990) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction <br> -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> Someday (<i>Asimov's</i> Apr/May 2014) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="John_Kessel_Titles">John Kessel</a> <li> Events Preceding the Helvetican Renaissance (<b>The New Space Opera 2</b>, 2009) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> The Pure Product (<i>IASFM</i> Mar 1986) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction <br> -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Damon_Knight_Titles">Damon Knight</a> <li> The Country of the Kind (<i>F&SF</i> Feb 1956) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Extempore (<i>Infinity Science Fiction</i> Aug 1956) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Kathe_Koja_Titles">Kathe Koja</a> <li> KIT: Some Assembly Required (<i>Asimov's</i> Aug 2016) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Nancy_Kress_Titles">Nancy Kress</a> <li> And Wild for to Hold (<i>IASFM</i> Jul 1991) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> Beggars in Spain (Axolotl Press) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> Pathways (<b>Twelve Tomorrows</b>, 2013) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Trinity (<i>IASFM</i> Oct 1984) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="R_A_Lafferty_Titles">R. A. Lafferty</a> <li> Configuration of the North Shore (<b>Orbit 5</b>, 1969) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Narrow Valley (<i>F&SF</i> Sep 1966) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Rich_Larson_Titles">Rich Larson</a> <li> Jonas and the Fox (Clarkesworld May 2016) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Ursula_K_Le_Guin_Titles">Ursula K. Le Guin</a> <li> The Barrow (<i>F&SF</i> Oct 1976) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight (<b>Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences</b>, 1987) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Coming of Age in Karhide by Sov Thade Tage em Ereb, of Rer, in Karhide, on Gethen (<b>New Legends</b>, 1995) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Forgiveness Day (<i>Asimov's</i> Nov 1994) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="Tanith_Lee_Titles">Tanith Lee</a> <li> Into Gold (<i>IASFM</i> Mar 1986) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Yoon_Ha_Lee_Titles">Yoon Ha Lee</a> <li> Flower, Mercy, Needle, Chain (Lightspeed Sep 2010) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Fritz_Leiber_Titles">Fritz Leiber</a> <li> Scylla's Daughter (<i>Fantastic</i> May 1961) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Space-Time for Springers (<b>Star Science Fiction Stories</b>, 1958) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Ken_Liu_Titles">Ken Liu</a> <li> The Long Haul: From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009 -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Ian_R_MacLeod_Titles">Ian R. MacLeod</a> <li> Breathmoss (<i>Asimov's</i> May 2002) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> The Discovered Country (<i>Asimov's</i> Sep 2013) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> New Light on the Drake Equation (<i>Sci Fiction website</i> May 2 2001) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="David_Marusek_Titles">David Marusek</a> <li> The Wedding Album (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 1999) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Paul_J_McAuley_Titles">Paul J. McAuley</a> <li> Dead Men Walking (<i>Asimov's</i> Mar 2006) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Second Skin (<i>Asimov's</i> Apr 1997) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Ian_McDonald_Titles">Ian McDonald</a> <li> The Little Goddess (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 2005) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Recording Angel (<i>Interzone</i> Feb 1996) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Tendel閛's Story -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="Maureen_F_McHugh_Titles">Maureen F. McHugh</a> <li> The Cost to Be Wise (<b>Starlight 1</b>, 1996) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> The Lincoln Train (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 1995) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Useless Things (<b>Eclipse Three</b>, 2009) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Richard_McKenna_Titles">Richard McKenna</a> <li> Casey Agonistes (<i>F&SF</i> Sep 1958) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Sam_J_Miller_Titles">Sam J. Miller</a> <li> Calved (<i>Asimov'</i> Sep 2015) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="David_Moles_Titles">David Moles</a> <li> Finisterra (<i>F&SF</i> Dec 2007) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Sarah_Monette_Titles">Sarah Monette</a> <li> Mongoose (by SM & <a href="Elizabeth_Bear">Elizabeth Bear</a>) (<b>Lovecraft Unbound</b>, 2009) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Ray_Nayler_Titles">Ray Nayler</a> <li> Winter Timeshare (<i>Asimov's</i> Jan/Feb 2017) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Edgar_Pangborn_Titles">Edgar Pangborn</a> <li> The Golden Horn (<i>F&SF</i> Feb 1962) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Frederik_Pohl_Titles">Frederik Pohl</a> <li> The Merchants of Venus (<i>Worlds of If</i> Jul/Aug 1972) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> Outnumbering the Dead (<i>Asimov's</i> Nov 1992) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="Robert_Reed_Titles">Robert Reed</a> <li> Good Mountain (<b>One Million A.D.</b>, 2006) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Guest of Honor (<i>F&SF</i> Jun 1993) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Mike_Resnick_Titles">Mike Resnick</a> <li> Kirinyaga (<i>F&SF</i> Nov 1988) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Alastair_Reynolds_Titles">Alastair Reynolds</a> <li> The Sledge-Maker's Daughter (<i>Interzone</i> Apr 2007) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Turquoise Days (Golden Gryphon Press) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="Adam_Roberts_Titles">Adam Roberts</a> <li> Hair -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Keith_Roberts_Titles">Keith Roberts</a> <li> The Lady Margaret (<i>Impulse</i> Apr 1966) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Signaller (<i>Impulse</i> Mar 1966) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Joanna_Russ_Titles">Joanna Russ</a> <li> Nobody's Home (<b>New Dimensions II</b>, 1972) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Souls (<i>F&SF</i> Jan 1982) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Geoff_Ryman_Titles">Geoff Ryman</a> <li> Have Not Have (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 2001) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Robert_Sampson_Titles">Robert Sampson</a> <li> A Gift of the People (<b>Full Spectrum</b>, 1988) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="William_Sanders_Titles">William Sanders</a> <li> The Undiscovered (<i>Asimov's</i> Mar 1997) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Lucius_Shepard_Titles">Lucius Shepard</a> <li> The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule (<i>F&SF</i> Dec 1984) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> Salvador (<i>F&SF</i> Apr 1984) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction <br> -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> A Traveler's Tale (<i>IASFM</i> Jul 1984) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Robert_Silverberg_Titles">Robert Silverberg</a> <li> Sailing to Byzantium (<i>IASFM</i> Feb 1985) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction <br> -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> Tales from the Venia Woods (<i>F&SF</i> Oct 1989) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Cordwainer_Smith_Titles">Cordwainer Smith</a> <li> Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons (<i>Galaxy</i> Jun 1961) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> On the Storm Planet (<i>Galaxy</i> Feb 1965) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Brian_Stableford_Titles">Brian Stableford</a> <li> Mortimer Gray's <I>History of Death</I> (<i>Asimov's</i> Apr 1995) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Allen_Steele_Titles">Allen Steele</a> <li> The Emperor of Mars (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 2010) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Bruce_Sterling_Titles">Bruce Sterling</a> <li> Dinner in Audoghast (<i>IASFM</i> May 1985) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Dori Bangs (<i>IASFM</i> Sep 1989) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Flowers of Edo (<i>IASFM</i> May 1987) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Charles_Stross_Titles">Charles Stross</a> <li> Lobsters (<i>Asimov's</i> Jun 2001) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Rogue Farm (<b>Live Without a Net</b>, 2003) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Theodore_Sturgeon_Titles">Theodore Sturgeon</a> <li> The Other Celia (<i>Galaxy</i> Mar 1957) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Thomas_Burnett_Swann_Titles">Thomas Burnett Swann</a> <li> The Manor of Roses (<i>F&SF</i> Nov 1966) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Michael_Swanwick_Titles">Michael Swanwick</a> <li> The Changeling's Tale (<i>Asimov's</i> Jan 1994) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> The Dead (<b>Starlight 1</b>, 1996) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> The Edge of the World (<b>Full Spectrum 2</b>, 1989) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Griffin's Egg (Legend) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <li> Tin Marsh (<i>Asimov's</i> Aug 2006) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Judith_Tarr_Titles">Judith Tarr</a> <li> Death and the Lady (<b>After the King</b>, 1992) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Lavie_Tidhar_Titles">Lavie Tidhar</a> <li> The Memcordist (Eclipse Online Dec 2012) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="James_Tiptree_Jr_Titles">James Tiptree, Jr.</a> <li> Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (<b>Final Stage</b>, 1974) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Steven_Utley_Titles">Steven Utley</a> <li> The Real World (<i>Sci Fiction website</i> Aug 30 2000) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Jack_Vance_Titles">Jack Vance</a> <li> The Miracle-Workers (<i>Astounding</i> Jul 1958) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Moon Moth (<i>Galaxy</i> Aug 1961) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Overworld (<i>F&SF</i> Dec 1965) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Carrie_Vaughn_Titles">Carrie Vaughn</a> <li> The Best We Can ( 17 Jul 2013) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Howard_Waldrop_Titles">Howard Waldrop</a> <li> Flying Saucer Rock & Roll (<i>Omni</i> Jan 1985) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> God's Hooks! (<b>Universe 12</b>, 1982) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> The Ugly Chickens (<b>Universe 10</b>, 1980) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Peter_Watts_Titles">Peter Watts</a> <li> The Things (Clarkesworld) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Manly_Wade_Wellman_Titles">Manly Wade Wellman</a> <li> Walk Like a Mountain (<i>F&SF</i> Jun 1955) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="T_H_White_Titles">T. H. White</a> <li> The Troll (<b>Gone to Ground</b>, 1935) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Kate_Wilhelm_Titles">Kate Wilhelm</a> <li> Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (<b>Orbit 15</b>, 1974) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Walter_Jon_Williams_Titles">Walter Jon Williams</a> <li> Daddy's World (<b>Not of Woman Born</b>, 1999) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> Surfacing (<i>IASFM</i> Apr 1988) -- The Best of the Best, Volume 2: 20 Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels </li> <a href="Connie_Willis_Titles">Connie Willis</a> <li> Chance (<i>IASFM</i> May 1986) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <li> Even the Queen (<i>IASFM</i> Apr 1992) -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Robert_Charles_Wilson_Titles">Robert Charles Wilson</a> <li> Utriusque Cosmi (<b>The New Space Opera 2</b>, 2009) -- The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <a href="Gene_Wolfe_Titles">Gene Wolfe</a> <li> A Cabin on the Coast (<i>F&SF</i> Feb 1984) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy <br> -- The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction </li> <li> The Death of Doctor Island (<b>Universe 3</b>, 1973) -- Modern Classic Short Novels of Science Fiction </li> <li> The Fifth Head of Cerberus (<b>Orbit 10</b>, 1972) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </li> <a href="Jane_Yolen_Titles">Jane Yolen</a> <li> The Sleep of Trees (<i>F&SF</i> Sep 1980) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <a href="Roger_Zelazny_Titles">Roger Zelazny</a> <li> Death and the Executioner (<i>F&SF</i> Jun 1967) -- Modern Classics of Fantasy </li> <li> This Moment of the Storm (<i>F&SF</i> Jun 1966) -- Modern Classics Of Science Fiction </div> <!-- contentblock --> </div> <!-- pagemain --> </div> <!-- floatright --> <br clear="all"> <div class="copyrightblock"> Copyright 2012 - 2025 by Mark R. Kelly and the <a class="white" href="">Locus Science Fiction Foundation</a>. All rights reserved. </div> <!-- copyrightblock --> <div class="timestampblock"> This page last updated Thursday 3 Sep 2020 at 10:24 PT </div> <!-- timestampblock --> <br clear="all"> </div> <!-- wrap --> </body></html>