Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country) – Parliament of Australia

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class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Australian Parliament House Security Pass Office')" href="/About_Parliament/Australian_Parliament_House_Security_Pass_Office" alt="Australian Parliament House Security Pass Office secondary link">Australian Parliament House Security Pass Office</a><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Sitting Calendar')" href="/About_Parliament/Sitting_Calendar" alt="Sitting Calendar secondary link">Sitting Calendar</a></ul> </div> <br /> </div> <div class="row "> <div class="columns"> <p>Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country) for the 47th Parliament are formally recognised by the Presiding Officers.&nbsp;Their recognition lasts for the term of Parliament.&nbsp;View&nbsp;the list of the<a href="/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Friendship/Previous_Parliament_Friendship_Groups">&nbsp;Parliamentary Friendship Groups for the previous (46th) Parliament.</a></p> <p><strong>Establishment of Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)</strong></p> <p>Presiding Officers' guidelines are available&nbsp;<a href="/-/media/05_About_Parliament/International_program/Friendship_groups/47th_Parliament__Friendship_Non_Country_Groups__POs_Circular_Feb24.pdf?la=en&amp;hash=A17BB2BA399E769A25BCD19D895DB0FAF3A05187">here</a>.&nbsp;<strong>These guidelines apply to&nbsp;<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)</span>&nbsp;only.&nbsp;</strong>A separate process applies for Parliamentary Country Groups. An example application to form a Parliamentary Friendship Group (non-country) is available&nbsp;<a href="/-/media/05_About_Parliament/International_program/Friendship_groups/47th_Parliament__Friendship_Non_Country_Groups__Draft_letter.pdf?la=en&amp;hash=4B0CAD42EF06BFE24ADB294058B149A023F28CF6">here</a>.</p> <p>For more information, please contact the International and Parliamentary Relations Office: (02) 6277 4340 or&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Membership lists</strong></p> <p><strong>Please note</strong>: enquiries regarding membership lists (current or former) should be directed to the contact person/s for that group as per the list below.</p> <hr /> <h3>AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARY GROUP ON POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT</h3> <p>The APGPD is open to all Senators and Members of Parliament and is non-partisan. </p> <p>Since 1995, the APGPD has worked across party lines to champion women&rsquo;s empowerment, break down gender discrimination, and advocate for universal sexual and reproductive health services and rights through Australia&rsquo;s foreign policy engagement. We recognise the empowerment of women and girls as being central to driving successful and sustainable development globally. </p> <p>We are also part of a global network of parliamentary groups on population and development that similarly connect parliamentarians across party lines and country borders to work in cooperation.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Lisa Chesters MP<br /> Senator Mehreen Faruqi<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT (APPCAN)</h3> <p>The purpose of APPCAN will be to:</p> <ol> <li>Raise awareness of the incidence of child abuse and neglect to all Federal Parliamentarians; and</li> <li>Provide a forum to further understand the mitigating causes and to hold discussions with relevant stakeholders in an endeavour to address the social and economic costs of child abuse and neglect.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> Senator Dean Smith<br /> (Co-Convenors)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY ANTARCTIC ALLIANCE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to ask questions about Antarctica, raise awareness about Australia's policies and investments towards Antarctica, communicate information and host events.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> Senator the Hon. Jonathon Duniam<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR THE ABOLITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY</h3> <p>It's objectives are:</p> <ol> <li>To advocate for the abolishment of the Death Penalty;</li> <li>Support organisations whose work relates to the abolition of the Death penalty;</li> <li>Advocate for increased transparency and disclosure from countries regarding the numbers of executions and people under the sentence of the Death Penalty.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Senator Dean Smith<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE AFL</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to engage with the Australian footballing community and continue to explore ways to use sport as a connective mechanism to strengthen our communities.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator the Hon Jane Hume<br /> Hon Richard Marles MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AGED CARE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will facilitate discussion of issues arising within the aged care sector and how Parliamentarians can deliver aged care with older Australians at its heart and support our dedicated aged care workers.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA (AIA) CAUCUS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to support and engage with the work of Amnesty International Australia (AIA) as part of the global movement promoting and defending human rights and dignity.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Kate Thwaites MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ARTHRITIS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to arthritis.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Louise Pratt<br /> Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ASBESTOS RELATED DISEASE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to:</p> <p>1. raise awareness of asbestos related disease<br /> 2. inform Parliamentarians, Shadow Ministers and Ministers of the plight of sufferers of asbestos related disease<br /> 3. facilitate a forum whereby organisations already working on asbestos related disease research and awareness-raising can come together to coordinate their activities</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Lisa Chesters MP<br /> Mr Russell Broadbent MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ASTHMA</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to asthma.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Mr Tony Pasin MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUKUS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to facilitate discussion around aspects of the AUKUS partnership and to work with the equivalent Parliamentary Friends Groups in the US &amp; UK to share information and promote discussion between our respective Parliaments and Congress.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Aaron Violi MP<br /> Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN BOOKS AND WRITERS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the publishing industry on matters relating to the work of writers, printers, publishers and whole of industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION (ABC)</h3> <p>The aim of the&nbsp;Group is to provide a forum for raising awareness and support for the vital services the ABC provides to the Australian community. It will also facilitate initiatives and events to promote and enhance the ABC.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Andrew Wilkie&nbsp;MP<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY (ACU)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with researchers and thought leaders from ACU on matters relating to the mission, research and community engagement of the university.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Alicia Payne MP<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN'S STORYTELLING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with creative media groups on matters relating to Australian children's books, theatre, screen and music.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR AN AUSTRALIAN HEAD OF STATE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the Australian public on matters relating to transitioning our nation from a system of Constitutional Monarchy to a Republic.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Russel Broadbent MP<br /> Dr Helen Haines MP<br /> Senator Fatima Payman<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN MOTORSPORTS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the Austalian Motorsport industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP<br /> Mr Bert van Manen MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN MUSIC</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with music organisations and musicians on matters related to Australian music.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Josh Wilson MP<br /> Ms Zoe McKenzie MP<br /> Dr Sophie Scamps MP<br /> Senator Sarah Hanson-Young<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with Red Cross on matters relating to the work of the Red Cross in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Mr Pat Conaghan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN SCREEN INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholder groups on matters relating to Australian Screen Industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Perin Davey<br /> Mr Josh Burns MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN SEAFOOD INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with industry stakeholders on matters relating to seafood in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Glenn Sterle<br /> Mr Andrew Wallace MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN SPIRITS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with Australian distilled spirits industry stakeholders on matters relating to supporting and growing Australia's distilled spirits sector, which is an important economic contributor to regional communties.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Perin Davey<br /> Mr Brian Mitchell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN TUBERCULOSIS (TB) CAUCUS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet with various TB organisations that focus primarily on the Asia Pacific region and to increase awareness of TB and its impact.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Kate Thwaites MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIAN URBAN DESIGN</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a bipartisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with representatives of peak organisations (including the Planning Institute of Australia, the Australian Institute of Architects, and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects) on matters relating to good urban design in shaping our nation and the successful and sustainable development of the built environment.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Mr Cameron Caldwell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIA'S CHARITABLE, NOT-FOR-PROFIT AND PHILANTHROPIC COMMUNITY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to stay engaged with the critical contribution charitable, not-for-profit and philanthropic foundations are making across many sectors of the Australian community.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Dean Smith<br /> Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUSTRALIA'S ORGANIC INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that this bi-partisan Group will provide a forum for MPs and Senators to meet Australian organic producers and operators along the supply chain (from paddock to plate) who will display their produce. This forum will provide an opportunity for members to discuss growing economic benefits, opportunities, and challenges in the industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Aaron Violi MP<br /> Mr Dan Repacholi MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with relevant stakeholders to raise awareness of the diseases and organisations working toward care and cure.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Gordon Reid MP<br /> Dr Sophie Scamps MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF BIOSECURITY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with relevant stakeholders on matters relating to Biosecurity.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Linda White<br /> Mr Andrew Willcox MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF BLOCKCHAIN</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and engage with representatives from the blockchain industry and other sectors that use emerging digital technologies.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Andrew Bragg<br /> Dr Andrew Charlton MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF BOWEL CANCER</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Bowel Cancer Australia and discuss matters relating to bowel cancer that is a significant health concern in Australia, impacting both men and women of all ages.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF BREWING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with brewers, producers and associated stakeholders on matters relating to domestic production, regulation, and innovation in the brewing industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Alison Byrnes MP<br /> Mr Sam Birrell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE CAPITAL REGION</h3> <p>The aim of the Parliamentary Friends of the Capital Region is to provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with ACT cultural attractions (including national institutions) and regional providers to provide parliamentarians with a better understanding of the national capital region.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr David Smith MP<br /> Senator David Pocock<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CANCER CARE AND CURE (PFOCCC)</h3> <p>The intention of this group is to provide a non-partisan forum to meet and interact with health groups, advocates, cancer fundraising groups, cancer research facilities and other experts on matters relating to cancer care and cure in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Deborah O'Neill<br /> Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CARAVANNING</h3> <p>The intention of this group is to provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholder groups including industry organisations and manufacturers on matters relating to to the caravan and camping sectors.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Helen Polley<br /> Hon Scott Buchholz MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CHILD &amp; ADOLESCENT HEALTH &amp; MENTAL HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to health &amp; mental health issues experienced by children and adolescent individuals.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CHILDHOOD CANCER CURE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will promote an understanding of this very important issue and provide a platform for organisations, experts and stakeholders with professional and lived experience to inform Parliamentarians to help shape policy and raise public awareness.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CHILDREN'S LITERACY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will support the promotion of public messages encouraging parents and caregivers throughout Australia to read to their children every day; and inform Members and Senators of the importance of and benefits of children's literacy.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Catryna Bilyk&nbsp;MP<br /> Ms Angie Bell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CLEAN INVESTMENT</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with climate organisations on matters relating to accelerating the transition to net zero through clean investment.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Karen Grogan<br /> Senator David Pocock<br /> Senator Andrew Bragg<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CLIMATE ACTION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to Climate Action.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Mr Josh Burns MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to the 2026 Victorian Commonwealth Games.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Libby Coker MP<br /> Hon Darren Chester MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CONSERVATION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with landholders, Traditional Owners, and conservation groups on matters relating to conservation and environmental protection.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator David Pocock<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> Ms Tania Lawrence MP<br /> Senator Sarah Hanson-Young<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF COOPERATIVES AND MUTUALS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to discuss issues relating to co-operatives and mutuals across Australia. </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP<br /> Hon Kevin Hogan MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CRICKET</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with stakeholders involved with the sport of cricket. This Group will seek to engage all Senators and Members with any cricket programs within their electorates and celebrate the important contribution that crickets makes to Australian society.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Julie Collins MP<br /> Mr Ross Vasta MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CYCLING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on the contribution of the bicycle and active transport to contribute to a more efficient transport system including new technologies, better physical and mental health, contribution to a low carbon future, improved community liveability and environment, increased transport equity and regional economic development.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Zaneta Mascarenhas MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mr Andrew Wallace MP<br /> Dr Helen Haines MP<br /> (Co-Deputy Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will facilitate discussion regarding issues arising within the cystic fibrosis community and how parliamentarians can support the over 3,600 Australians living with cystic fibrosis.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander&nbsp;MP<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF DEFENCE INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that&nbsp;this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholders, policy-makers and industry representatives on matters relating to defence industry and its contribution to Australia in terms of national security and economic prosperity.</p> <p>It is intended that this Group, once formed, will official partner with the AIDN Showcase event celebrating the success and importance of Defence Industry. The event is being organised by Precision Public Affairs.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Meryl Swanson MP<br /> Mr Keith Wolahan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF DEMENTIA</h3> <p>The intention of this Group is to provide a non-partisan forum to promote the understanding of the disease and its affects on the Australian community. More than 470,000 Australians live with dementia everyday and more than half of these prople are living in residential aged care. If Australia is to find a cure, create dementia friendly communities and meet the care and training needs associated with the disease we must continue the national conversation.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Helen Polley<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF DENTAL HEALTH AND INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for the encouragement of the oral health and wellbeing of Australians.</p> <p>The group will meet and interact with the Australian Dental Industry Association, as well as other stakeholders, consumers, and experts to promote the development of dental innovation and advancement of good health.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Joint Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with early childhood stakeholder groups on matters relating to early intervention and development issues, childhood vulnerability and parental education, child safety and early learning.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p> Senator Marielle Smith<br /> Senator Andrew Bragg<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF EATING DISORDER AWARENESS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will bring together parliamentarians to raise awareness about eating disorders, to advocate for support for those affected by eating disorders, and to interact with stakeholder groups on matters relating to eating disorders. </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Mr Andrew Wallace MP<br /> Ms Zoe Daniel MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND FUTURE FUELS TRANSPORT</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet with experts to discuss promoting greater EV awareness and ways to incentivise their uptake.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah MP<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR ENDING HIV, STIs AND OTHER BLOOD BORNE VIRUSES</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Louise Pratt<br /> Senator Dean Smith<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ENDING LONELINESS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Academics and stakeholders, including the Ending Loneliness Together Charity and the Global Centre for Loneliness and Connection, on matters relating to loneliness as a health and a social issue. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of an individual's sense of connection and belonging, and the need to reduce social isolation to reduce the incidence of mental health problems.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Andrew Giles&nbsp;MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chair)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ENDING POVERTY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with government and non-government organisation and associations on matters relating to the impact of poverty in Australian society and what the Parliament can do to address this.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Alicia Payne MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with experts, victim-survivors, and stakeholder groups on matters relating to implementation of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and their Children and measures to prevent, respond to, and recover from family, domestic and sexual violence.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Larissa Waters<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Alicia Payne MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS AWARENESS</h3> <p>This PFG is open to all Senators and Members and is non-partisan. Its objectives are:</p> <ol> <li>To raise awareness of endometriosis as a reproductive and chronic pain condition affecting many women throughout Australia.</li> <li>To inform Parliamentarians, Shadow Ministers and Ministers of the plight of sufferers of endometriosis with a view to securing fudning for further medical research and awareness raising.</li> <li>To facilitate a forum whereby organisations already working on endometriosis research and awareness raising can come together to coordinate their activities.</li> </ol> <p>Meetings of the PFG take a variety of formats, including a general approach to inform members of recent developments or to focus on specific issues. Guest speakers may sometimes be invited.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Lisa Chesters MP<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE ENERGY TRANSITION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with renewable energy producers and distributors, and to promote and build support for the transition to renewable energy among parliamentarians and their constituents, using existing, proven, and approved technologies.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Dan Repacholi&nbsp;MP<br /> Hon Darren Chester MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ENTREPRENEURS, SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Members and Senators to meet and interact with entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses from around Australia. Strong relationships have been forged with the business community across electorates and states, and members of the group can build on those relationships and take a national lens to the small and medium business community as well as entrepreneurs, to power the Australian economy into the future.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> Mr Bert van Manen MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF EPILEPSY&nbsp;</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Henry Pike MP<br /> Dr Gordon Reid MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR EYE HEALTH AND VISION CARE</h3> <p>The purpose of the Parliamentary Friends for Eye Health and Vision Care will be to:</p> <ul> <li>Provide a non-partisan forum for Members and Senators to meet and interact with specialists and experts in the area of eye health and vision.</li> </ul> <p>The group will also be used to disseminate accurate information regarding eye health and vision.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Libby Coker MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY (FSHD)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum to promote an understanding of FSHD and how Parliament can work to assist those suffering from it.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FINTECH AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with leaders from fintech and other industries on matters relating to digital technologies and to create new opportunities for business and consumers.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Andrew Bragg<br /> Dr Daniel Mulino MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FIREARM SAFETY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholder groups on matters relating to firearm safety, and particularly, to ensure that our laws and regulations continue to reflect the principles of the reforms enacted after the Port Arthur tragedy.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Josh Burns MP<br /> Mr James Stevens MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FORESTRY, TIMBER AND PAPER PRODUCTS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Senators and Members to meet and interact with those involved in forestry and to support their efforts to promote Australian made timber and paper products.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Raff Ciccone<br /> Senator the Hon Jonathon Duniam<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FOSTER CARERS AND CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with foster carers and young people with lived experience on matters relating to foster care.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Ms Kate Chaney MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FREE TV</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholder groups and interested parties on matters relating to the Free TV industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Daniel Mulino MP<br /> Senator Andrew Bragg<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF FRESH PRODUCE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholder on matters relating to the fresh produce industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Raff Ciccone<br /> Mr Andrew Willcox MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the work of 'Foundations for Tomorrow' on matters relating to the emerging global movement for an intergenerational lens on policy development, and the growing imperative for Australia to overcome short-term policy development in favour of long-term governance.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Sophie Scamps MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Zaneta Mascarenhas<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GALLERIES, LIBRARIES, ARCHIVES AND MUSEUMS</h3> <p>The aim of the Parliamentary Friends of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) is to provide a forum to meet and interact with the directors, librarians and curators of museums, galleries, libraries and archives with their umbrella organisations. The group will meet on matters relating to the important role of these institutions in curating, celebrating, critiquing and shaping our culture and history.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr David Smith MP<br /> Ms Zoe McKenzie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GAMBLING HARM REDUCTION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with peak organisations, including the Alliance for Gambling Reform, to raise awareness of the impacts of gambling harm on Australians and discuss the ways Australia can reduce current levels of losses and gambling harm.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Andrew Wilkie MP<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GENERAL PRACTICE</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Susan McDonald<br /> Dr Sophie Scamps MP<br /> Dr Gordon Reid MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GLOBAL HEALTH</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p> Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GOLF</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will encourage health and well-being for all ages, and promote golf as a sport for all and a sport for life.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The group will also be used to encourage golfers and stakeholders to work together to promote the sport and make it a realistic health and social well-being goal for Australians. </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Meryl Swanson MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with governance and risk policy experts and professionals on matters relating to improving governance standards across Australian society.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Zoe Daniel MP<br /> Mr David Smith MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GRANDPARENT AND KINSHIP CARERS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will:</p> <ol> <li>Provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with&nbsp;<span>informal and formal grandparent and other kinship carers both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and with experts and other key stakeholders.</span></li> <li><span></span><span>Seek to raise awareness amongst Parliamentarians and the wider population of the existence of grandparent/kinship care families.</span></li> <li><span></span><span>Promote the need for better recognition and support for all Australian grandparent/kinship care families.</span></li> <li><span>Inform Parliamentarians of the latest developments in improving services for grandparent/kinship care&nbsp;families.</span></li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Tracey Roberts MP<br /> Senator Dean Smith<br /> Senator Dorinda Cox<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE GREAT BARRIER REEF</h3> <p>The purpose of the group is to encourage bi-partisan support for the Great Barrier Reef.</p> <p>The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world and contains an abundance of marine life throughout its over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays.</p> <p>The Reef is recognised as one of the world's best managed coral reef ecosystems. It is our great privilege and responsibility to protect and manage this unique and special place so it can be enjoyed for many generations to come.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Nita Green<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE GREAT SOUTHERN REEF</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with commercial and recreational fishers, seafood processors, scientists and academics, conservationists, environmental and cultural groups, and others, on matters relating to the protection of and preservation of the environmental, cultural, and economic significance of the Great Southern Reef.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Peter Whish-Wilson<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> Hon Darren Chester MP<br /> Mr Josh Wilson MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF GREEK AUSTRALIANS (HELLENIC CULTURE)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Community organisations providing support to the Greek Australian community on matters relating to Hellenic culture and community wellbeing.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Clare O'Neil MP<br /> Mr James Stevens MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HAEMOCHROMATOSIS</h3> <p>The purpose of Parliamentary Friends of Haemochromatosis will be to:</p> <ol> <li>Raise awareness of Haemochromatosis amongst parliamentarians and the wider population;</li> <li>Promote the need for more Australians to be diagnosed and treated; and</li> <li>Inform Federal Parliamentarians of the latest developments in treatment, screening and raising awareness.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE HAZARA&nbsp;</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Andrew Charlton MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> Senator Nick McKim<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HEARING HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will raise awareness of new technologies and the organisations that are working towards bettering the hearing and communication skills of individuals.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATIONS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to educate and advocate for the prevention and better care and management of cardiovascular disease in the community.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP<br /> Senator Wendy Askew<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HOCKEY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to the great game of hockey.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Madeleine King MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mr Phillip Thompson OAM MP<br /> (Deputy-Chair)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HOUSING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with community housing providers, experts, peak bodies and other key stakeholders involved in all elements of planning for, building, delivering and maintaining housing in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator David Pocock<br /> Ms Angie Bell MP<br /> Mr Josh Burns MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF HYDROGEN</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to hydrogen.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> Mr Dan Repacholi MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with international students and industry leaders from both the public and private sectors, on matters relating to the student experience, market distribution and the sustainability of growth.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Julian Hill MP<br /> Ms Zoe McKenzie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE (IHRA)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Holocaust commemorative organisations, survivors, and their families on matters relating to the strengthening and promotion of Holocaust education and remembrance and combating antisemitism.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Josh Burns MP<br /> Mr Julian Leeser MP<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF IRANIAN AUSTRALIANS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to the challenges facing the Iranian community in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Keith Wolahan MP<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> Mr Peter Khalil MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF JUSTICE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to support and engage in the conversation regarding a human-rights based approach to justice.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Lidia Thorpe<br /> Senator Fatima Payman<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF KIDNEY HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to champion improved kidney health outcomes for all Australians and meet with those impacted by kidney disease.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Marielle Smith<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF LANDCARE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Senators and Members to meet and interact with the Landcare community and support its efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and management of our natural resources.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Raff Ciccone<br /> Senator Perin Davey<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FIRST RESPONDERS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will have four main objectives:</p> <ul> <li>Elevate within the Federal Parliament greater awareness of the role of Law Enforcement and First Responders</li> <li>Inform Federal Parliamentarians of the need for continual advocacy of the welfare and wellbeing of Law Enforcement and First Responders</li> <li>Inform Federal Parliamentarians of the national and international initiatives with potential to improve the working conditions of Law Enforcement and First Responders; and</li> <li>Ensure that Federal Members of Parliament are given ample opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the work of Law Enforcement and First Responders</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Sam Lim MP<br /> Mr Llew O'Brien MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF LGBTIQA+ AUSTRALIANS</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Louise Pratt<br /> Mr Stephen Bates MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF LUNG HEALTH AND LUNG CANCER</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to discuss matters relating to protecting lung health and improving outcomes for the 1 in 3 Australians who currently live with a lung disease or lung cancer.</p> <p>The Group will meet and interact with the Lung Foundation Australia, as well as consumers and experts on related matters including but not limited to; prevention, treatment, equity, research, awareness, occupational exposures, COVID-recovery and more.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF <span>LYMPHOEDEMA&nbsp;</span></h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to discuss issues and raise awareness of the disease.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MANUFACTURING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with businesses, unions, industry and advocacy groups to help support and strengthen Australia's manufacturing industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP<br /> Mr Scott Buchholz MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MATERNAL HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with government and non-government organisations and associations on matters relating to maternal health and care during pregnancy and transitioning to mothering and the issues faced by women receiving maternity care, and what the Parliament can do to address this.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Alicia Payne MP<br /> Mr Llew O'Brien MP<br /> Dr Helen Haines MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEALS ON WHEELS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to raise awareness and recognise the vital work Meals on Wheels volunteers do in our communities every day.</p> <p>This work is more than just delivering healthy and nutritous meals, it includes high-frequency contact with our most vulnerable citizens, safeguarding our communities from the significant health impacts of social isolation and loneliness.</p> <p>For around 60 years, Meals on Wheels has delivered food and friendship to older Australians and those in need. At last count, more than 7 million meals are delivered by more than 23,000 registered volunteers to 90,000 people each year in NSW, QLD, SA and TAS alone.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Mark Coulton&nbsp;MP<br /> Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> (Joint Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ME/CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with Emerge, ME/CFS/Australia and community groups on matters relating to Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Jordon Steele-John<br /> Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (MEDTECH)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with members of the Medical Technology (MedTech) community on matters relating to the support and development of the Medical Technology (MedTech) Industry in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mrs Melissa McIntosh MP<br /> Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEDICINAL CANNABIS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholders and the community on matters relating to Medicinal Cannabis.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Anne Urquhart<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEDICINE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to medicine.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MELANOMA AND SKIN CANCER AWARENESS</h3> <p>The Group will provide a forum for Members and Senators to meet with organisations which are dedicated to preventing and curing melanoma through research, treatment and education programs, and deliver support to melanoma and skin cancer patients and their families.</p> <p>The Group will aim to improve Senators and Members' awareness and the importance of early detection.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Jason Clare MP<br /> Hon Darren Chester MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEN'S HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with experts on matters relating to men's health.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah&nbsp;MP<br /> Mr Sam Birrell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MEN'S SHEDS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with Australian Men's Shed Association and other organisations on matters relating to Men's Sheds.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Rob Mitchell&nbsp;MP<br /> Mr Ted O'Brien MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MENTAL HEALTH&nbsp;</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs, Senators and their advisers to meet and interact with people with lived experience of mental health conditions, carers and experts on matters relating to mental health and living with mental illness.<span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Tracey Roberts MP<br /> Mr Andrew Wallace MP<br /> Senator Jordon Steele-John<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MICROBIOLOGY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with academic, clinical and scientific microbiologists on matters relating to:</p> <ul> <li>Infectious diseases</li> <li>Public Health</li> <li>Food Safety</li> <li>Research and Innovation</li> <li>Biosecurity</li> <li>Veterinary and agricultural microbiology</li> <li>Epidemiology</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Joint Convenors)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MINDFULNESS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will support and promote health, wellbeing and mindfulness amongst elected members, senators and staff. Mindfulness teaches participants the skills to pay attention and "be in the moment". It is a systematic training of the mind which helps to anchor us and enable us to focus on priorities, performance, and behaviour.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Marielle Smith<br /> Mr Andrew Wallace MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Parliamentarians to interact with Motor Neurone Disease Australia, health professionals and the wider MND community on matters relating to strongly supporting advancing care, advocacy, and vital research to find better treatments and eventually a cure for this disease on behalf of those living with MND.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Alex Hawke MP<br /> Senator the Hon Carol Brown<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MULTIPLE BIRTH FAMILIES</h3> <p>It is intended that this group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with multiple birth families on matters relating to the challenges of raising a multiples family.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS</h3> <p>The intention of this Group is to provide a non-partisan forum to help raise awareness and promote MS research toward the prevention, better treatments, and a cure for MS in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Wendy Askew<br /> Senator Deborah O'Neill<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NATIONAL RUGBY LEAGUE (NRL)</h3> <p>It is intented that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the NRL on matters relating to the promotion of rugby league and junior rugby league for both men and women.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Keith Pitt MP<br /> Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NETBALL</h3> <p>It is intented that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to support, participate and grow the sport of Netball.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Joanne Ryan MP<br /> Senator Bridget McKenzie<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NORTHERN AUSTRALIA</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Susan McDonald<br /> Mr Luke Gosling OAM MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NUCLEAR INDUSTRIES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to nuclear industries.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Dr David Gillespie MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Hon Bob Katter MP<br /> (Deputy Chair)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NURSING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and discuss a range of issues facing the nursing profession and how the nursing profession can provide solutions to the issues facing Australia's health system.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> Dr Helen Haines MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF NUTRITION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum to help raise awareness of the importance of nutrition for a healthy life; work with Dieticians Australia to educate parliamentarians and the community about the importance of good nutrition for a healthy life with the goal of assisting in the development and implementation of a national nutrition policy. </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Helen Polley<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE OECD</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and generate interchange with OCED experts on interest to Australian policy issues, as well as building greater awareness of the OECD's work, and Australia's contribution to it.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Zoe McKenzie MP<br /> Dr Andrew Charlton MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE OLYMPICS AND PARALYMPIC MOVEMENTS IN AUSTRALIA</h3> <p>This Parliamentary Friendship Group is open to all Senators and Members and is non-partisan. It's objectives are:</p> <ol> <li>To promote, reaise awareness of and encourage participation in sport for benefits of health, longevity, fitness, skill, achievement, social interaction, wellbing and other benefits of exercise for all individuals in Australia;</li> <li>To promote the fundamental principles and values of Olympism and Paralympism in Australia, particularly in the fields of sport, health and education, by promoting Olympic and Paralympic sporting, health and educational programs at all levels of schools, sports and physical educational institutions and universities;</li> <li>To promote the practice of sport as a human right, where every individual must have the possibility of participating in sport, without discrimination of any kind which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play; and</li> <li>To recognise the heritage, culture and contribution of our nation's first people, and to give practical support to the issue of First nations reconciliation through sport.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Mr Bert van Manen MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ORCHESTRAL MUSIC</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Members and Senators to meet and interact with Australia's six symphony orchestras, the Adelaide, Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney, Tasmanian and West Australian Symphony Orchestras, as well as the organisations and individuals that support them. In addition, the group will consider issues relevant to symphony orchestras and symphonic repertoire, the broadcasting and accessibility of classical music to all Australians, and other issues and concerns relevant to orchestral music.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Senator Claire Chandler<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ORGAN DONATION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to organ donation.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Dr Anne Webster MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE OUTBACK WAY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the Outback Way Development Council on matters relating to the Outback Way.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Marion Scrymgour&nbsp;MP<br /> Mr Rick Wilson MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE OVERSEAS TRAINED DOCTORS IN AUSTRALIA</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and be updated on the issues that overseas trained doctors in Australia are facing.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> Hon Mark Coulton MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PAIN MANAGEMENT</h3> <p>The intention of this Group is to provide a non-partisan forum to help raise awareness for better management of pain conditions; explore opportunities to work with Painaustralia to improve quality of life for the more than 3.6 million people living with chronic pain conditions, their families and carers; and minimise the social and economic burden of pain on individuals and the community.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Wendy Askew<br /> Senator Helen Polley<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PALLIATIVE CARE </h3> <h3parliamentary> <p>The purpose of Parliamentary Friends of Palliative Care will be to:</p> </h3parliamentary> <ol> <li>Disseminate relevant information to Members and Senators on palliative care issues and services available;</li> <li>Act as a non-partisan forum for policy discussion among Members and Senators on palliative care; and</li> <li>Provide feedback to Members and Senators on opinions and concerns raised by community groups and constituents around palliative care issues.</li> </ol> <h3parliamentary> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> </h3parliamentary> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PARKINSON'S</h3> <p>The intention of this Group is to provide a non-partisan forum to back up the work of Parkinson's Australia; broaden research into this condition; raise awareness of Parkinson's disease; and support the people living with this disease and their families and carers.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Wendy Askew<br /> Senator Catryna Bilyk<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF POLICING</h3> <p>The aim of the Parliamentary Friends of Policing is to promote the work of the Police throughout Australia keeping local communities safe. It will provide a non-partisan forum in which Members and Senators can engage with Police officers and representative groups, raising awareness of the unique and diverse roles that Police serve.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr David Smith MP<br /> Mr Llew O'Brien MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PORTS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet with Ports Australia and its membership on matters relating to the port and maritime supply chains.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Alison Byrnes MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PREVENTATIVE AND PUBLIC HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum to promote an understanding of preventative and public health and how Parliament can work towards improving policy in these areas.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Dr Helen Haines MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS FOR THE PREVENTION OF DIABETES</h3> <p>This Parliamentary Friendship Group is open to all Senators and Members and is non-partisan. Its objectives are:</p> <ol> <li>To raise awareness through Parliamentary events, with Members of Parliament and the wider community, of the impact and prevalence of diabetes in the community.</li> <li>To assist in the development of public policies and increase public awareness of diabetes.</li> <li>To regularly engage with research and medical groups that work to prevent, manage, understand and cure diabetes.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Mr Rowan Ramsey MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PRIMARY EDUCATION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Members and Senators to raise awareness through Parliamentary events, with Members of Parliament and the wider community, of the importance of primary education in Australia. The group aims to assist in the recognition of the important role teachers, teachers' aides and all school staff have in the education of young Australians, and to promote the need for all children to receive the very best education available to them.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Senator Sarah Henderson<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PRIMARY PRODUCERS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Members and Senators to meet and interact with Primary Producers in regard to policy, as well as to hear opinions and concerns raised by Community groups and constituents on primary production. </p> <p>The group will also be used to disseminate accurate information regarding primary producers and production.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Meryl Swanson MP<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS</h3> <p>The Group will provide a forum for Members and Senators to meet with organisations which are dedicated to preventing and curing prostate cancer through research, treatment, and education programs, and deliver support to people diagnosed with prostate cancer and their familities.</p> <p>The Group will aim to improve Senators and Members' awareness and the importance of early detection.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Jason Clare MP<br /> Hon Warren Entsch MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RAIL</h3> <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to the rail sector.</span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Mr Dan Repacholi MP</span><br style="color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;" /> <span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Hon Mark Coulton MP</span><br style="color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;" /> <span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">(Co-Chairs)</span></p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RARE DISEASES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with intended stakeholder groups on matters relating to rare diseases and how we can work towards bettering the lives of the estimated 2 million Australians who currently live with a rare disease.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Senator Wendy Askew<br /> Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RECREATIONAL FISHING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with peak organisations including Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation, on matters relating to Recreational Fishing.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> Mr Andrew Willcox MP<br /> Mr Dan Repacholi MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RED MEAT</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Senators and Members to meet and support those who help secure our food security and provide high value, high quality red meat protein products.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Raff Ciccone<br /> Senator Susan McDonald<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF REFUGEES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to support, celebrate and engage with people and organisations who share the vision of a more welcoming country for refugees.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Kate Thwaites MP<br /> Hon Dan Tehan MP<br /> Senator Nick McKim<br /> Ms Zoe Daniel MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS AND FAITH COMMUNITIES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with representatives of religious schools and all faith communities, enabling a greater understanding of the needs of religious schools to provide a genuine, high quality, faith-based education to parents seeking an education that aligns with their values and beliefs, and the ability of communities of faith to manifest their beliefs, consistent with ICCPR.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p> Senator Deborah O'Neill<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mr Julian Leeser MP<br /> (Deputy Chair)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RESOURCES GROUP</h3> <p>All Senators and members have been invited and are welcome to be members of this group. Whilst the Parliamentary Friends of Resources group has no sponsorship from external organisations, individual events as they may occur from time to time, may be sponsored by related organisation to cover any associated costs.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Susan McDonald&nbsp;<br /> Mr Dan Repacholi MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ROAD SAFETY</h3> <p>The Parliamentary Friends of Road Safety has four main objectives:</p> <ul> <li>Elevate within the Federal Parliament greater awareness of road safety;</li> <li>Inform Federal Parliamentarians of the need for continual improvement in road safety outcomes;</li> <li>Inform Federal Parliamentarians of the national and international initiatives with potential to improve road safety outcomes; and</li> <li>Ensure that Federal Members of Parliament are aware of the enormous social and economic cost of failing to continually prioritise improved road safety outcomes.</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Glenn Sterle<br /> Mr Llew O'Brien MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RUGBY UNION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to:</p> <ul> <li>promote, raise awareness of, and encourage participation in rugby union for benefits of health, longevity, fitness, skill, achievement, social interaction, wellbeing and other benefits of exercise for all individuals in Australia;</li> <li>promote the practice of sport as a human right where every individual must have the possibility of participating in sport without discrimination of any kind which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, and;</li> <li>recognise the heritage, culture and contribution of our nation's first people, and to give practical support to the issue of First Nations reconciliation through sport</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Graham Perrett MP<br /> Senator David Pocock<br /> Hon Scott Buchholz MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RUNNING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with fellow on runners on matters relating to running.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> (Chairs)<br /> Hon Darren Chester MP<br /> Dr Gordon Reid MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF RURAL AND REGIONAL HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to hear first-hand of developments and initiatives in rural and regional health.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Anne Webster&nbsp;MP<br /> Mrs Fiona Phillips MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SBS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and help enable SBS to better serve all Australians including multilingual, multicultural, and Indigenous audiences.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Maria Vamvakinou&nbsp;MP<br /> Mr Russel Broadbent MP<br /> Ms Dai Le MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SCAMS PROTECTION&nbsp;</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Monique Ryan MP<br /> Senator Jess Walsh<br /> Ms Kate Chaney MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Chaplaincy Service Providers of the National School Chaplaincy Association on matters relating to School Chaplaincy and the National School Wellbeing Program.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Matt O'Sullivan<br /> (Chair)<br /> Mr David Smith MP<br /> (Deputy-Chair)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SCIENCE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs. Its aims include:</p> <ol> <li>To enable a meaningful dialogue between scientific leaders and parliamentarians about the science that underpins policy and to inform political debate.</li> <li>To provide a forum for eminent Australian and visiting scientists to engage with parliamentarians.</li> <li>To provide a mechanism for parliamentarians to seek expertise from scientists in relevant disciplines.</li> </ol> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Richard Marles MP<br /> Hon Karen Andrews MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SCOUTS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with Scouting groups from across Australia.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SENIORS</h3> <p>It is intended that this group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with older Australians on matters relating to older Australians.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Bob Katter MP<br /> Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck<br /> Dr Mike Freelander MP<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SHOOTING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to support, participate and grow the sport of Shooting.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Bridget McKenzie<br /> Mr Dan Repacholi MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with social science researchers and experts on matters relating to a broad range of social policy issues.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Carina Garland MP<br /> Mr Julian Leeser MP<br /> Senator Barbara Pocock<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SOIL</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with soil scientists and researchers, policy-makers, farmers and land managers, industry representatives and stakeholder groups (including the Office of the National Soils Advocate, the Soil CRC and Soil Science Australia) on matters relating to the health and maintenance of Australia's soils.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Michael McCormack MP<br /> Ms Meryl Swanson MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE SPACE INDUSTRY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with academics, industry representatives and researchers active in the space industry.</p> <p>The Australian Space Industry has grown in recent years, and Senators and Members can remain informed of the role of the Space Industry in the Australian innovations, technological, and scientific fields.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Steve Georganas MP<br /> Mr James Stevens MP<br /> (Joint Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF ST JOHN AMBULANCE AUSTRALIA</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to engage with the important community work of St John Ambulance.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator the Hon Carol Brown<br /> Senator Andrew McLachlan CSC<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SUICIDE PREVENTION</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with various organisations with the core focus primarily on:</p> <ul> <li>Acknowledging the innate health risk suicide poses to our society;</li> <li>Addressing regional/rural areas and other groups at higher risk of suicide; and</li> <li>Acting as a forum for policy discussion among Senators and Members on suicide prevention strategies.</li> </ul> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Mr Julian Leeser MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SURFING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with surfing icons and industry leaders on matters relating to surfing.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Libby Coker MP<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> Senator Peter Whish-Wilson<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF SURF LIFE SAVING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with Surf Life Saving Australia on matters relating to national coastal safety and preventing drowning.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p> Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP<br /> Ms Angie Bell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF TECH AND INNOVATION</h3> <p>It is intended that this bi-partisan Group will promote engagement and understanding between industry, investors and Parliamentarians on tech, investment and innovation topics.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Aaron Violi MP<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> Mr Jerome Laxale MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF TECH POLICY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with experts from academia, civil society, and industry on matters relating to technology policy and regulation.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator David Shoebridge<br /> Hon Paul Fletcher MP<br /> Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah MP<br /> Senator David Pocock<br /> Ms Kate Chaney MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THOROUGHBRED RACING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with representatives of the thoroughbred racing industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Dan Tehan&nbsp;MP<br /> Senator the Hon Anthony Chisolm<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THREATENED SPECIES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a platform for organisations, experts and stakeholders who work with threatened species and provide opportunities to shape policy and raise public awareness.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Mike Freelander&nbsp;MP<br /> Ms Jenny Ware MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF TOURISM</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to work cooperatively on issues relevant to the sector and talk with tourism organisations and businesses across the country.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Tania Lawrence MP<br /> (Chair)<br /> Hon Kevin Hogan MP<br /> (Deputy Chair)</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE TREATY ON THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with ICAN on matters relating to the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Senator Jordon Steele-John</span><br style="color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;" /> <span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Mr Josh Wilson MP</span><br style="color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;" /> <span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Mr Russell Broadbent MP</span><br style="color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;" /> <span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #222222;">Hon Warren Entsch MP</span><br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF TRUCKS, TRAILERS, TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact with representatives of the transport industry, enabling a deeper engagement between them and the Parliament and elevate the opportunity to focus on priorities to make a safer, more productive and environmentally sustainable heavy vehicle industry.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Glenn Sterle<br /> Hon Nola Marino MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF THE ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with relevant stakeholder groups on matters relating to The Uluru Statement from the Heart.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Dr Gordon Reid MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Allegra Spender MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF UNICEF</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with UNICEF Australia and other civil society organisations on matters relating to the protection, safety and well-being of children both internationally and in Australia.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Sally Sitou MP<br /> Ms Angie Bell MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF VETERANS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with members of the veteran community.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Matt Burnell MP<br /> Mr Keith Wolahan MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF VIDEO GAMES</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with stakeholders and representatives of the video games industry on matters relating to the production, showcasing, and distribution of video games.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Hon Tim Watts&nbsp;MP<br /> Senator the Hon James McGrath<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF VITICULTURE</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Meryl Swanson MP<br /> Senator Ross Cadell<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WASTE &amp; RECYCLING</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact on matters relating to waste and recycling.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Libby Coker MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA&nbsp;</h3> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Ian Goodenough MP<br /> Senator Louise Pratt<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WESTERN SYDNEY</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with the residents and businesses of Western Sydney on matters relating to them.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Maria Kovacic<br /> Ms Susan Templeman MP<br /> Ms Dai Le MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WOMEN AND WORK</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to discuss issues impacting women's economic security and workforce participation.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Larissa Waters<br /> Ms Louise Miller-Frost MP<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> (Co-Convenors)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WOMEN FOR ELECTION (WFE)</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs to meet and interact with Women for Election on matters relating to redressing the gender imbalance in political representation across all of Australia's parliamentary chambers; from Canberra to our local council chambers.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Sarah Hanson-Young<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> Ms Sally Sitou MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WOMEN IN SPORT</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for MPs and Senators to meet and interact on all matters relating to Women in Sport.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Joanne Ryan MP<br /> Ms Zali Steggall MP<br /> Senator Bridget McKenzie<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with health groups on matters relating to women's health and wellbeing.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Ms Kate Thwaites MP<br /> Mrs Bridget Archer MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF WRONGFULLY DETAINED AUSTRALIANS</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for parliamentarians to meet and interact with advocates, former wrongfully detained Australians, loved ones of those currently arbitrarily detained, and NGOs on matters concerning the arbitrary and wrongful detention of Australians abroad.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Peter Khalil MP<br /> Senator Claire Chandler<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE</h3> <p>It is intended that this Group will provide a non-partisan forum for Senators and Members to meet and interact with young people and youth-led organisations to discuss matters relating to areas of policy that affect young Australians.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Mr Andrew Wilkie MP<br /> Ms Rebekha Sharkie MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3>PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH</h3> <p>This is a non-partisan group for all MPs and Senators who are concerned about the reported increasing rates of poor mental health among young Australians (those from 12 to 25 years of age).</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Persons:</span></p> <p>Senator Karen Grogan<br /> Mr Aaron Violi MP<br /> Mr Stephen Bates MP<br /> Ms Kylea Tink MP<br /> (Co-Chairs)&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <ul class="links" > </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="large-3 columns"> <div class="show-for-large-up"> <div class="sidenav" role="navigation" aria-label="Secondary navigation"> <a class="sidenav__heading" aria-expanded="false" role="button" tabindex="0"><span class="sidenav__heading--span">In this section</span></a> <ul class="restartSecondary sidenav__list"><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Senate')" href="/About_Parliament/Senate" alt="Senate secondary link">Senate</a><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'House of Representatives')" href="/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives" alt="House of Representatives secondary link">House of Representatives</a><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Work of the Parliament')" href="/About_Parliament/Work_of_the_Parliament" alt="Work of the Parliament secondary link">Work of the Parliament</a><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce')" href="/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Leadership_Taskforce" alt="Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce secondary link">Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce</a><li class="sidenav__item" /><a role="link" onclick="sendGoogleAnalyticsEvent('Secondary Nav', 'Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country)', 'Parliamentary departments')" href="/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_departments" 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