Major Sanchirov from Kalmykia were killed in Syria during the defense of Palmyra from the militants | Last news from Russia

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</script> <div class="content"> <div class="post" id="post-44660" class="post-44660 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-world"> <h1><a href="" title="Permalink to Major Sanchirov from Kalmykia were killed in Syria during the defense of Palmyra from the militants" rel="bookmark"> Major Sanchirov from Kalmykia were killed in Syria during the defense of Palmyra from the militants</a></h1> <div class="meta-cat1"> <noindex><a href="" rel="category tag">World news</a></noindex> </div> <div class="meta"> <div class="meta-by"> <noindex>By: admin</noindex> | </div> <div class="meta-date"> <b> December 20 2016 17:30</b> </div> </div> <div class="post-content"> <p><script async src="//"></script><br/> <!-- en-news-4-u mobile --><br/> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:320px;height:100px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3464379745311987" data-ad-slot="9238811158"></ins><br/> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script><br/> The media continues to receive information about <u>the victims</u> in Syria, the commander of the air assault battalion of major Sanal Sanchirov a native of Kalmykia. Relative military said the date <span id="more-44660"></span>and place of death of the battalion commander. While comments from the defense Ministry about the death of a major airborne still not been received. <p class="maintext"> The sister of the deceased Love Sanarova told <u>&#8220;Kommersant&#8221;</u>that her brother died on December 8 during a mortar attack near Palmyra. &#8220;In the death certificate, which we brought from parts, it is said that he died on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic in the city of Palmyra. It was a fight, they came under mortar attack. We were told that several of his colleagues received in battle wounds, they are now in hospitals,&#8221; said a relative of the deceased. <p class="maintext"> At the same time close to the defense Ministry source, &#8220;Kommersant&#8221; reported that Sanchirov was among the military deployed extra 8 Dec on the Palmyra protection and assistance to Syrian government forces. According to the interlocutor of the edition, got to the front, major and a few Russian troops clashed with the terrorists and soon was covered with mortar fire. <p class="maintext"> At the end of March 2016, the Syrian army announced <u>the release of</u> Palmyra from the militants. However, on 11 December, when government forces were focused on the assault on Aleppo, Islamists have once again managed <u>to take the city</u> under their control. Earlier, the Russian and Western journalists <u>noticed</u>that the Syrian army lost typeface on a background of success in Aleppo, by associating this failure with the lack of ground forces of the army of Assad. <p class="maintext"> <b>On a business trip Sanchirov in Syria, the family learned &#8220;after the fact&#8221;</b> <p class="maintext"> In addition, the sister of the deceased said that Sanchirov went on a business trip to Syria in September this year. &#8220;But we learned about it after the fact&#8221;, &#8211; said the interlocutor of &#8220;Kommersant&#8221;. Also, according to relatives of the military, first the major&#8217;s body was brought from Syria to Moscow, then it was goodbye to the shelf in Kamyshin, 13 Dec funeral was held on:. Sanchirov was 37 years old, his military career he began to build after school and in the summer of 2016 graduated from the Moscow military Academy, said the sister of the deceased. <p class="maintext"> On the eve of the information on the death Sanchirov confirmed <u>RIA &#8220;news&#8221;</u> and online publication Meduza in the administration of Yashkul district. District leadership reported that the major was buried on 13 December in his home village of Yashkul. &#8220;Sanal Sanchirov was buried at home in the village of Yashkul December 13, was organized by the civil funeral&#8221;, &#8211; told RIA &#8220;news&#8221; the representative of the administration. <p class="maintext"> Also last week, the information about the death Sanchirov in Syria appeared in social networks. In the group Yashkul House of culture on the site &#8220;Vkontakte&#8221; the announcement was made that the parting with the military will take place on 13 December in the village of Yashkul. In the group &#8220;Overheard Kalmykia&#8221; airborne veterans anonymously posted a message in memory of Sanchirov disclosing that the major was killed in Syria while performing their military duty. <p class="maintext"> It is known that Sanchirov graduated from the Ryazan higher airborne command school (RVVDKU). Margelov V. F. He served in the military 74507 is the 56th separate airborne assault brigade, stationed in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region. Sanchirov rose to the rank of commander airborne assault battalion. <p class="maintext"> Earlier, Moscow has repeatedly stated that the Russian military did not participate in the fighting in Syria, and units of special operations forces only perform in the Arab Republic further exploration of videoconferencing for strikes of the Russian Federation, engaged in bringing planes in remote areas and solve other specific tasks.<br/> <script async src="//"></script><br/> <!-- en-news-4-u text --><br/> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:468px;height:60px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3464379745311987" data-ad-slot="6309891955"></ins><br/> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script></p> <h3>Major Sanchirov from Kalmykia were killed in Syria during the defense of Palmyra from the militants 20.12.2016</h3> <div style="clear:both;"></div><div class="header_text" style="text-align:"><h3>Share this news</h3></div><div name="#" class="buttons_share" style="text-align:left; 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