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The site is an integral tool for members.'>Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences </a><a class='nav_group_item pg_childrenscancerandleukaemiagroup' href='/portfolio/CCLG' title='Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group' data-description='The CCLG’s main aim is to ease the stress and anguish of the process, and they have lots of different and fun methods of helping out their members.'>Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_dttv' href='/portfolio/DTTV' title='D&TTV' data-description='The Design and Technology Association needed a video platform that would engage and communicate with their members, and help make the organisation a knowledge hub for pupils and teachers in the Design and Technology industry.'>D&TTV</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_digitalgrowthprogramme' href='/portfolio/Digital-Growth-Programme' title='Digital Growth Programme' data-description='The Digital Growth Programme host a range of events and training workshops available for eligible delegates in the East Midlands. They aim to help small businesses improve their online presence and repertoire.'>Digital Growth Programme</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_grainandfeedtradeassociation' href='/portfolio/Gafta' title='Grain and Feed Trade Association' data-description='Training, contracts, arbitration, events, news; you name it, GAFTA's membership website provides it for their members.'>Grain and Feed Trade Association</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_institutionoffireengineers' href='/portfolio/IFE' title='Institution of Fire Engineers' data-description='The IFE is a registered charity founded in 1918. The IFE assesses knowledge of fire and professional experience, awarding internationally recognised membership grades and fire-related qualifications.'>Institution of Fire Engineers</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_newsworks' href='/portfolio/Newsworks' title='Newsworks' data-description='Supporting the rebranding of newspapers to ‘Newsbrands’; the site had to present downloadable content for Newsworks' members in the media industry and those with an interest in Newsbrands.'>Newsworks</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_nuclearinstitute' href='/portfolio/Nuclear-Institute' title='Nuclear Institute' data-description='For the NI, the education and training of nuclear professionals is of paramount importance, while providing the public with vital information about the nuclear industry.'>Nuclear Institute</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_meetingsindustryassociation' href='/portfolio/MIA' title='Meetings Industry Association' data-description=''>Meetings Industry Association</a><a class='nav_group_item pg_nationalassociationofjewellers' href='/portfolio/naj' title='National Association of Jewellers' data-description=''>National Association of Jewellers</a></span></span></li> <li class=' page_62147' data-page_level='1'><a href='/Contact' title='' data-description='Get in touch with Ben or Christine to chat about your next project.'>Contact</a></li> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlNavDrop" class="nav_drop_panel"> <div class="drop_inner"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('.nav_btn_toggle').on('click', function () { var menuHeight = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlPanelNav').find('ul.nav_root'); if (menuHeight != undefined) { menuHeight.height(menuHeight.height()); } $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlPanelNav').toggleClass('open'); }); var $pnlPanelNav = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlPanelNav'); var $pnlNavDrop = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlNavDrop'); var $pnlDropInner = $pnlNavDrop.find('.drop_inner'); var $hoverTargets = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_pnlPanelNav li'); var $exitTargets = $pnlPanelNav.add($pnlNavDrop); var menuIsOpen = false; var menuDelay; var navTimer; var navDelayOpen = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_hdnDelayOpen').val(); var navDelayClose = $('#ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_ResponsiveNav1_hdnDelayClose').val(); function cancelNavTimer() { if (navTimer) { clearTimeout(navTimer); navTimer = null; } } $($pnlPanelNav).find('.nav_root').on('mouseenter', 'li', function () { $thisMenuItem = $(this); //cancel timed nav close cancelNavTimer(); //open nav after delay navTimer = setTimeout(function () { openMenu($thisMenuItem); }, navDelayOpen); }); $($pnlPanelNav).find('.nav_root').on('mouseleave', 'li', function () { cancelNavTimer(); }); $($pnlPanelNav).on('mouseleave', function () { //cancel timed nav close cancelNavTimer(); //close nav after delay navTimer = setTimeout(function () { closeMenu(); }, navDelayClose); }); function openMenu(menuLink) { $hoverTargets.not(menuLink).removeClass('hover'); //$thisLink.addClass('hover'); menuIsOpen = true; if (menuLink.hasClass('has_children')) { $pnlDropInner.empty(); $pnlNavDrop.addClass('open'); menuLink.addClass('hover'); var $thisNavGroup = menuLink.find('.nav_group'); $thisNavGroup.height(menuLink.find('.nav_group_folder').outerHeight()); var $navGroup = $thisNavGroup.clone(); $pnlDropInner.append($navGroup); } } function closeMenu() { $hoverTargets.removeClass('hover'); $pnlNavDrop.removeClass('open'); } }); </script> </div> </div> <div class="row row_full"> <div class="gd_1 row_page_header"></div> </div> <div class="masterpage_content"> <div class="row_page_intro"> </div> <div class="row row_full row_pad bg_grey"> <div class="standard-content__container"> <div id="ctl00_ctl00_CorePlaceHolder_DisplayPagePlaceHolder_ctl00_StandardContent1_ctl00_ctl00_pnlHeaderWrapper" class="content_header header_privacy_policy"> <h1 class="standard_content_header"><span>Privacy policy</span></h1> </div> <div class="standard_content_content_wrapper"> <div class="standard_content_content"> <div class="standard_content_content_inner"> <p>Senior take Data Protection seriously. Any information collected about you is used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018. This privacy policy discloses the privacy practices for This privacy policy applies to information collected via our website, our marketing activity and information we need to be able to work with you.</p> <ul> <li><span style="background-color: transparent;">What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the web site, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.</span></li> <li><span style="background-color: transparent;">What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.</span></li> <li><span style="background-color: transparent;">The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.</span></li> <li><span style="background-color: transparent;">How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.</span></li> </ul> <blockquote class="quote1"> <p>We are the sole owners of the information collected on this web site. We never sell, share or rent your data to any other organisation and we will only pass your data on if required to do so by law.</p> <cite>Senior Internet</cite></blockquote> <h3>Information collection, use and sharing</h3> <p>We are the sole owners of the information we collect. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We never sell, share or rent your data to any other organisation and we will only pass your data on if required to do so by law.</p> <p>We collect information in the following circumstances;</p> <ul> <li>If you send us an email or complete a form on our website</li> <li>When you start to do business with us as a client or supplier</li> <li>When you apply for job opportunities on our website.</li> <li>When you become a member of our team</li> <li>From your company website or public profile</li> <li>If you call our Office</li> </ul> <h3>What information do we collect?</h3> <p>The information we collect may vary based on what services and information we provide for you;</p> <ul> <li>Your name, company, job title, email, address and contact number so we know who you are and what services you require from us.</li> <li>We collect personal information on job application forms such as your name, address, work history, qualifications and references; along with any other information which you choose to supply us with on your CV</li> <li>We keep a record of emails we receive and we send you so that we can supply relevant services for you</li> <li>We use cookies to analyse traffic and behaviour on our website - please review our Cookie policy for details</li> </ul> <p>You may refuse to provide us with some or all of your personal information, however, this might restrict how we interact with you.</p> <h3>How do we use your information?</h3> <p>We use your data to:</p> <ul> <li>Provide you with the services that you have requested</li> <li>Keep you informed about what Senior are doing or trends in our sector</li> <li>Tell you about changes in our services or new services we feel would be beneficial to you.</li> <li>Look after your relationship with us, including:</li> <ul> <li>Setting up meetings</li> <li>Dealing with any problems, enquiries, or complaints you may have</li> <li>Resolving queries on invoicing or payment.</li> <li>Keeping our records accurate and up to date</li> <li>Complying with any legal or contractual obligations we may have</li> <li>Measuring the effectiveness of the website.</li> <li>Enabling you to apply online for jobs </li> </ul> <li>All telephone calls into Senior Office are recorded</li> <li>Unless required by law data will be held for 12 months or 6 months for job applications</li> </ul> <p>Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about recent launches, advertising campaign, services, products, or changes to this privacy policy.</p> <p>We must notify you in the following circumstances;</p> <ul> <li>If we suffer a data breach and your data is affected in a way that it poses a risk to your rights and freedoms.</li> <li>If we carry out your request to correct/update, erase or not use your data.</li> </ul> <h3>Your access to and control over information</h3> <p>You can opt out of receiving information from us at any time by emailing or using the unsubscribe option on our marketing emails.</p> <ul> <li>The right to request a copy of personal information held about you.</li> <li>The right to request that inaccuracies be corrected.</li> <li>The right to request us to stop processing your personal data.</li> <li>The right to withdraw consent.</li> <li>The right to delete the data we hold on you.</li> <li>The right to restrict processing.</li> <li>The right to request transfer of your data to another controller.</li> <li>The right not to be subject to automated decisions.</li> <li>The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.</li> </ul> <h3>Data security</h3> <p>We take reasonable technical precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information including running our website over https. When you submit information, your information is protected both online and offline. We hold your data on secure servers and all of our teams or contractors are briefed and have signed Data Protection Policies.</p> <p>Our policies and processes ensure your information is only available to our employees who need to see it to do their job, and those employees are highly trained for this responsibility.</p> <h3>Updates</h3> <p>Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and all updates will be posted on this page.</p> <p>If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 0115 838 9555 or via email.</p> <h3>Contact us</h3> <p>Any questions, queries or comments with regards to this policy or how we handle your personal data are welcomed, even if you wish to be removed from any communications. 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