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To select a text or a group of texts you want to browse through, choose a value from one or more of the columns of the filter. It is now possible to select more than one value for each column in the filter. For each document you will get <a href="">text</a>, <a href="">notes</a>, metadata and a first <a href="">basic bibliography</a>. The column Document has some special features: </p> <p> <ul> <li>by clicking on an item listed there one can navigate to it in the "Document" tab of the browsing module </li> <li>ticking off an item incluedes this tablet in the selected subcorpus, independently of other filters; in this way one can add hand-picked tablets to a subcorpus</li> <li>it works as concordance of texts: not only current document numbers (including tablest which we have the text of but which have now been lost, noted聽with the symbol <b> < > </b>, e.g. KN聽<32) are listed there, but also joined tablets (followed by the symbol <b>>+</b>) and old document numbers (followed by the symbol <b>>=</b>);聽concordance searches can be done using the following signs in the search fiedl of the column: </p> <p> <ul> <li><b>=</b> will find all document numbers which have now been changed</li> <li><b>>+</b> will find all joined tablets</li> <li><b>!</b> will find both numbers which have now been changed and tables that have been joined to others, that is all numbers currently no longer indicating a Mycenaean document </li> <li><b><</b> will find all tablets which are no longer preserved</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </p> <p> By clicking on <b>"Highlight Changes"</b> it's possible to see the part of a text (or of its classification) which, due to joins or new readings, was changed in its newest edition, be it in a corpus edition or in a dedicated journal article (sources are quoted in the notes and in the general literature list). This is particularly relevant for the texts from Pylos (for which many new joins have been published since their last edition in 1973) and for the texts from Knossos (for which a new translitteration has just been published, see the section on the <a href="">texts</a> in DAMOS). </p> <p> Each tablet can also be saved for later reading or printing, by clicking on "Open in new window": you will see the tablet in a pop up-window, independent from the browsing filter and with a more printer-friendly layout. In this way, you will also have the possibility to look at and compare various documents at the same time - each in its own window. </p> <p> To perform a word search within the selected group of documents choose the tab on "Word search" or "Multiple Word Search" (co-occurrences). </p> <p> When searching: </p> <ul> <li><p>you can choose between looking for the <b>normalized</b> or <b>actual</b> form of a word: the search will then not take into account editing signs like brackets or subscript dots. E.g., if you are looking for ko-wo you will get also such forms as ko-]w蹋o蹋 (the resulting occurrencies will be anyway listed grouped by actual form). </p></li> <li><p> you can choose to look for an <b>exact form</b>, an undetermined part of a word (<b>free text</b> search), the <b>beginning</b>, or the <b>end</b> of a word. Finally you can also choose to perform a word search using <a href=""> <b>Regular expressions </b></a>. </p></li> <li> <p> you can choose for your search to be case sensitive or case insensitive. </p></li> </ul> </p> <br /> <br /> <div id="citation"</div><b>Citation:</b><br /> <p> As other publications, DAMOS would be grateful if you could refer to its use in your publications. You can of course refer to web addresses (URI's), but especially for bibliometrical purposes, these are often problematic. We would therefore appreciate it if you could add a reference to: <br /> <br /> Aurora, Federico. 2015. DAMOS (Database of Mycenaean at Oslo). Annotating a fragmentarily attested language. In: Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera et al. (eds.), <i>Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally-conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015)</i> (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 198), 21-31, doi: <a href="">10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.415</a> </p></div></div> </div> </div> <!-- Page content end --> <!-- Page footer starts --> <div id="app-footer-wrapper"> <div id="app-footer"> <div style="padding:1em; width: auto; float: right;"> <div> <div style="font-weight:bold;">This service is maintained by:</div> <div><a href="">DMLF - HF</a></div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 1em; width: auto; float: right;"> <div> <div style="font-weight:bold;">Contact information:</div> <div><a href="">Federico Aurora</a></div> <div class="email">E-mail:</div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 1em; width: auto; float: right;"> <div> <div class="vrtx-label" style="font-weight:bold;">Licence Info:</div> <div>Content: <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div> <div>Software: <a href="">GPL-3.0</a></div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 1em; width: 30em; float: right;"> <div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" style="color: red; display: inline;">&nbsp;</span><a href="">How to cite DAMOS and refer to its use</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Page footer end --> <!-- privacy policy footer starts --> <div id="privacy-policy-footer" class="info-link-wrapper"> <div class="info-link"> Application name uses cookies. <a class="policy-text" href="#">Find out why, and how you can delete or control cookies</a> <a id="footer-info-link-close" class="info-link-close" href="javascript:void(0)">close</a> </div> </div> <!-- privacy policy footer ends --> <!-- UiO app JavaScript --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/v1.09/responsive-libs.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/v1.09/uio-app-responsive.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/v1.09/uio-app.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ /* $("#showHideFilter").click(function(e){ $('#filterpanel-showhide').toggleClass('hidden'); }); */ $("#showHide-rad2").click(function(e){ $('#filterpanel-rad2').toggle(); }); /* $("#showHide-rad3").click(function(e){ $('#filterpanel-rad3').toggleClass('hidden'); }); $("#showHide-rad4").click(function(e){ $('#filterpanel-rad4').toggleClass('hidden'); }); */ $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown(); }); </script> </body> </html>

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