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Generally a more stable build," said Dylan MCallahan for Softpedia. "More stability to come in the future."</p> <p class="mgbot_20">As you might know, the Chromium OS operating system is the open-source variant of Google's Chrome OS, and this special build can run on that tiny Raspberry Pi 2 computer, as you can see from the video attached at the end of the article.</p> <p class="mgbot_20">Raspberry Pi 2 owners who want to test Chromium OS on their devices need to first <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">download the binary archive</a>, extract it somewhere on their PC, write the image on an SD card, insert the SD card into Raspberry Pi 2's SD slot, and boot the OS. Have fun!</p> <div class="videospot" title="Click to play video"><a style="width:600px" href="" class="hp_news_gr_2" data-embed="" target="_blank" title="Click to play video" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img data-gidx="-1" width="600" class="ggnoads" src=""/><span style="left: 170px">Play Video</span></a></div> </article> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div id="clrfx" class="meta3 noborder"> <span class="fl">#<a href="" title="More stories about "Chromium OS"" rel="nofollow">Chromium OS</a>#<a href="" title="More stories about "Raspberry Pi 2"" rel="nofollow">Raspberry Pi 2</a>#<a href="" title="More stories about "Google Chrome OS"" rel="nofollow">Google Chrome OS</a>#<a href="" title="More stories about "ChromeOS"" rel="nofollow">ChromeOS</a>#<a href="" title="More stories about "Raspberry Pi"" rel="nofollow">Raspberry Pi</a></span> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid_10 prefix_1 fr"> <div class="fl posrel" id="leankare"></div> <div class="storystream hot fl grid_10" id="sidebox"> <div class="ss-head mgbot_5 nosel"><div class="upcase">hot right now</div></div> <div class="pfscroll" id="pfscroll2_init"> <div class="more-data-slot overhide fl mgleft_20"><a href="" title="Samsung May Never Launch Another Note"><b>Samsung May Never Launch Another Note:</b> The company will just focus on foldables and the Galaxy S</a></div><div class="more-data-slot overhide fl mgleft_20"><a href="" title="Google Paid $8.7 Million in Bug Bounties Last Year"><b>Google Paid $8.7 Million in Bug Bounties Last Year:</b> Company says its vulnerability rewards program is growing</a></div><div class="more-data-slot overhide fl mgleft_20"><a href="" title="The Windows 11 Taskbar Is Finally Getting More Features"><b>The Windows 11 Taskbar Is Finally Getting More Features:</b> Microsoft working on bringing drag and drop support back</a></div><div class="more-data-slot overhide fl mgleft_20"><a href="" title="Apple Releases iOS 15.3.1, And You Need to Install It ASAP"><b>Apple Releases iOS 15.3.1, And You Need to Install It ASAP:</b> The update includes an important security fix</a></div><div class="more-data-slot overhide fl mgleft_20"><a href="" title="Here鈥檚 How Much Samsung鈥檚 Galaxy S22 Models Will Cost in the U.S."><b>Here鈥檚 How Much Samsung鈥檚 Galaxy S22 Models Will Cost in the U.S.:</b> Full U.S. pricing information for the Galaxy S22</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid_48 mgtop_20 mgbot_20 sepbrd"> <div class="fsz26 sepbrd4 nomgtop bold col-blue curpo" id="loaderbtn" onclick="loadDisqus()"><i class="fa fa-comments faded"></i> Click to load comments</div> <span class="disclaim semibold faded">This enables Disqus, Inc. to process some of your data. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Disqus privacy policy" class="underline">Disqus privacy policy</a></span> <script>var disqus_config = function () { = ''; 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