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Remove temp files during unit tests. 1.19 Tue 2020-10-13 - Merge blead change: Remove . from @INC when loading optional modules. 1.18 Tue 2020-10-13 - Correct documentation for add_bits - Explain $args,... in constructor prototypes - Add base64_padded_digest method - Add support for the SHA3 digests - Update .gitignore and get make manifest working - Github CI - Move Digest to a more modern directory tree layout - Enable strict/warnings for code and tests - Drop use vars - Provide a consistent tidy to the code base - Get rid of the use of bareword file handles - Modernize the changelog - Use File::Temp for temporary test files 1.17 Sun 2011-10-02 - Less noisy &#39;git status&#39; output - Gisle Aas - Merge pull request #1 from schwern/bug/require_eval - Gisle Aas - Don&#39;t clobber $@ in Digest-&gt;new [RT#50663] - Gisle Aas - More meta info added to Makefile.PL - Gisle Aas - Fix typo in RIPEMD160 [RT#50629] - Gisle Aas - Add schwern&#39;s test files - Gisle Aas - Turn on strict. - Michael G. Schwern - Convert tests to use Test::More - Michael G. Schwern - Untabify - Michael G. Schwern - Turn Digest::Dummy into a real file which exercises the Digest-&gt;new() require logic. - Michael G. Schwern - Close the eval &quot;require $module&quot; security hole in Digest-&gt;new($algorithm) - Michael G. Schwern 1.16 Tue 2009-06-09 - For SHA-1 try Digest::SHA before tryign Digest::SHA1 as suggested by Adam Trickett - Gisle Aas - Support Digest-&gt;new(&quot;RIPEMD-160&quot;) as suggested by Zefram - Gisle Aas - Use 3-arg open for fewer surprises - Gisle Aas - Sync up with EBCDIC changes from core perl - Jarkko Hietaniemi 1.15 Mon 2006-03-20 - Improved documentation. 1.14 Sat 2005-11-26 - Documentation tweaks. 1.13 Tue 2005-10-18 - Fixed documentation typo. 1.12 Thu 2005-09-29 - Fix documentation typo. Patch by &lt;;. 1.11 Sun 2005-09-11 - Make Digest-&gt;new(&quot;SHA-224&quot;) work. Patch by Mark Shelor &lt;;. 1.10 Mon 2004-11-08 - Added Digest::file module which provide convenience functions that calculate digests of files. 1.09 Fri 2004-11-05 - Fix trivial documentation typo. 1.08 Thu 2004-04-29 - Make Digest-&gt;new(&quot;CRC-16&quot;), Digest-&gt;new(&quot;CRC-32&quot;) and - Digest-&gt;new(&quot;CRC-CCITT&quot;) work. Patch by Oliver Maul &lt;;. 1.07 Sun 2004-04-25 - Updated benchmark. 1.06 Thu 2004-04-01 - Added MIME::Base64 dependency. - Minor doc tweak. 1.05 Mon 2003-12-01 - Drop Digest::MD5 dependency. Avoids circular dependency now that Digest::MD5 depend on this package to inherit Digest::base. - Included a section about digest speed with benchmark results for some implementations of this API. 1.04 Sat 2003-11-29 - Doc tweaks to unconfuse 1.03 Fri 2003-11-28 - Added add_bits() method as requested by the Digest::SHA author Mark Shelor. - Added Digest::base class that Digest implementations can use to get default implementations of addfile(), add_bits(), hexdigest() and b64digest(). - Digest-&gt;new(&quot;SHA-256&quot;) and similar should work now given that you have either Digest::SHA or Digest::SHA2 installed. 1.02 Sat 2003-01-18 - Sync up with version bundled with perl-5.8. Patch by Jarkko Hietaniemi &lt;;. - Override INSTALLDIRS for 5.8 as suggested by Guido Ostkamp &lt;;. 1.01 Sat 2003-01-04 - Document the clone() method. 1.00 Tue 2001-03-13 - Broken out of the Digest-MD5-2.12 distribution and made into a separate dist. </code></pre> </main> <div class="content-pagination"> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer-container"> <div class="footer-social"> <div class="footer-link footer-logo"> <a href="/"> <img src="/static/images/metacpan-logo.svg" alt="MetaCPAN" /> </a> </div> <a class="footer-social-link" href=""> <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> </a> <a class="footer-social-link" href=""> <i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> </a> </div> <div class="footer-links"> <div class="footer-link"> <a href="/about">About</a> </div> <div class="footer-link"> <a href="/about/sponsors">Sponsor</a> </div> <div class="footer-link"> <a href="">grep::cpan</a> </div> <div class="footer-link"> <a href="/recent">Recent</a> </div> <div class="footer-link"> 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