DCP: (visit #12)
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info --> <h3> <a href="/country.php?id=19">United Kingdom</a> : <a href="/region.php?id=98">England</a></h3> <h3>near Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom<br> <font size="-1"> Approx. altitude: 229 m (751 ft)<br> (<a href="/maphelp.php#ConfMaps">[?]</a> maps: <a href=",-3&ie=UTF8&ll=52,-3&spn=0.029221,0.11673&t=h&z=13&iwloc=addr" class="maps">Google</a> <a href="" class="maps">MapQuest</a> <a href="" class="maps">OpenStreetMap</a> <a href="/showworld.php?lat=52&lon=-3" class="maps">ConfluenceNavigator</a>) <br>Antipode: <a href="confluence.php?lat=-52&lon=177" TITLE="The confluence opposite this confluence on the globe">52°S 177°E</a> </font></h3> <h5>Accuracy: 8 m (26 ft)</h5> <h5>Quality: </h5><br> <h5>Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.</h5> <!-- Small pictures --> <p> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=2"><img src="/uk/en/n52w003v12/thumb2.jpg" alt="#2: Osten; view east" title="#2: Osten; view east" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" 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hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#10: [23-Dec-15] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=19947"> <img src="/uk/en/n52w003v9/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #9: [31-Aug-14]" title="Visit #9: [31-Aug-14]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#9: [31-Aug-14] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=17157"> <img src="/uk/en/n52w003v8/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #8: [11-Aug-10]" title="Visit #8: [11-Aug-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#8: [11-Aug-10] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=12332"> <img src="/uk/en/n52w003v7/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #7: [04-Jun-06]" title="Visit #7: [04-Jun-06]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#7: [04-Jun-06] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a 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title="Visit #3: [31-Jan-04]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#3: [31-Jan-04] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=5185"> <img src="/uk/en/n52w003v2/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #2: [30-Mar-02]" title="Visit #2: [30-Mar-02]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#2: [30-Mar-02] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=3985"> <img src="/uk/en/n52w003/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #1: [22-Jul-01]" title="Visit #1: [22-Jul-01]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#1: [22-Jul-01] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- table for the narrative, picture list, pending list, plans, and notes --> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td> <br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=1"><img src="/uk/en/n52w003v12/thumb1.jpg" alt="#1: Norden; view north" title="#1: Norden; view north" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="525" height="393"></a><br clear=left><br> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <em>(visited by <a href="/visitor.php?id=23751">Lord Helmchen</a>)</em> </font> </p> <div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: smaller;"><p><b><a href="#en">English</a></b></p> <p><b>27-Sep-2019 -- </b> Dieses war der 20. CP (von 27) auf unserer 4-wöchigen Großbritannien-/Irlandtour. Der CP liegt auf einer Wiese in direkter Nähe zu einem schönen großen Baum ca. 500 Meter südlich von Michael Church. Wir kamen aus nördlicher Richtung und durchquerten besagtes Michael Church. Da die Sträßchen dorthin alle schon eng waren (und Parkplätze rar), nutzte ich die erste passable Wohnmobil-Abstellmöglichkeit ca. 400 Meter Luftlinie vor dem CP und ging zu Fuß weiter. Zunächst der Straße Richtung Südosten folgend; dann rechts eine kleine Stichstraße in südwestlicher Richtung leicht ansteigend.</p> <p>Nach ca. 150 Meter ergab sich bei einem Gatter die erste Möglichkeit eine (Vor-)Wiese zu erreichen. Dieses Gatter daher überstiegen und (rechts haltend) zu einem weiteren Gatterdurchgang auf die CP-Wiese marschiert. Dort beim großen Baum CP lokalisiert und die notwendigen Fotos gemacht. Zurück zum Wohnmobil auf gleichem Weg – dauerte so alles in allem ca. 20 Minuten.</p> <p><b><a id="en" name="en">English</a></b></p> <p><b>27-Sep-2019 -- </b> This was the 20th CP (of 27) on our 4-week campingcartour accross Great Britain and Ireland. The CP is located on meadow beside a huge tree approx. 500 southwards from Michael Church. We came from northern direction and parked our campingcar rather badly in a “lay-by” at a distance of approx. 400 meters to the CP. I followed the road first in southeasterly direction, then turned right in a smaller, slightly ascending road.</p> <p>After some 150 meters an enclosure led to a meadow – I surmounted this gate and crossed the meadow (righthand) to an other gate. Behind this second gate the meadow with tree and CP waited for me. CP localisation then was fast and easy – the necessary pictures taken and then same way back to the campingcar – all done in about 20 minutes.</p></div><br clear=left> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#000070" width="535"><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF"> <b>All pictures</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=1">#1: Norden; view north</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=2">#2: Osten; view east</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=3">#3: Süden; view south</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=4">#4: Westen; view west</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=5">#5: GPS</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=22904&pic=ALL">ALL: All pictures on one page</a></font></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>