DCP: (visit #28)
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info --> <h3> <a href="/country.php?id=19">United Kingdom</a> : <a href="/region.php?id=99">Wales</a></h3> <h3>near Gyfelia, Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom<br> <font size="-1"> Approx. altitude: 90 m (295 ft)<br> (<a href="/maphelp.php#ConfMaps">[?]</a> maps: <a href=",-3&ie=UTF8&ll=53,-3&spn=0.029221,0.11673&t=h&z=13&iwloc=addr" class="maps">Google</a> <a href="" class="maps">MapQuest</a> <a href="" class="maps">OpenStreetMap</a> <a href="/showworld.php?lat=53&lon=-3" class="maps">ConfluenceNavigator</a>) <br>Antipode: <a href="confluence.php?lat=-53&lon=177" TITLE="The confluence opposite this confluence on the globe">53°S 177°E</a> </font></h3> <h5>Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)</h5> <h5>Quality: good</h5><br> <h5>Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.</h5> <!-- Small pictures --> <p> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=2"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb2.jpg" alt="#2: View to the South" title="#2: View to the South" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=3"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb3.jpg" alt="#3: View to the West" title="#3: View to the West" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=4"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb4.jpg" alt="#4: View to the North" title="#4: View to the North" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=5"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb5.jpg" alt="#5: View to the East" title="#5: View to the East" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=6"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb6.jpg" alt="#6: GPS Reading" title="#6: GPS Reading" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="167" height="169"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=7"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb7.jpg" alt="#7: Ground Zero" title="#7: Ground Zero" 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src="/uk/wa/n53w003v27/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #27: [25-Sep-19]" title="Visit #27: [25-Sep-19]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#27: [25-Sep-19] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=20702"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v25/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #25: [19-Jun-16]" title="Visit #25: [19-Jun-16]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#25: [19-Jun-16] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=19135"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v24/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #24: [20-Apr-13]" title="Visit #24: [20-Apr-13]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#24: [20-Apr-13] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=18246"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v23/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #23: [20-Dec-11]" title="Visit #23: [20-Dec-11]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#23: [20-Dec-11] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=18245"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v22/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #22: [15-Dec-11]" title="Visit #22: [15-Dec-11]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#22: [15-Dec-11] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=18227"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v21/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #21: [17-Nov-11]" title="Visit #21: [17-Nov-11]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#21: [17-Nov-11] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=17251"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v20/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #20: [18-Sep-10]" title="Visit #20: [18-Sep-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#20: [18-Sep-10] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=17161"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v19/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #19: [12-Aug-10]" title="Visit #19: [12-Aug-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#19: [12-Aug-10] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=17067"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v18/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #18: [28-Jul-10]" title="Visit #18: [28-Jul-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#18: [28-Jul-10] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16443"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v16/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #16: [11-Oct-09]" title="Visit #16: [11-Oct-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#16: [11-Oct-09] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16479"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v17/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #17: [20-Sep-09]" title="Visit #17: [20-Sep-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#17: [20-Sep-09] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16115"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v15/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #15: [28-May-09]" title="Visit #15: [28-May-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#15: [28-May-09] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16071"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v14/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #14: [28-May-09]" title="Visit #14: [28-May-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#14: [28-May-09] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=13571"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v13/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #13: [17-Mar-07]" title="Visit #13: [17-Mar-07]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#13: [17-Mar-07] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=13502"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v12/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #12: [24-Feb-07]" title="Visit #12: [24-Feb-07]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#12: [24-Feb-07] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=13436"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v11/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #11: [23-Dec-06]" title="Visit #11: [23-Dec-06]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#11: [23-Dec-06] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=11277"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v10/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #10: [24-Sep-05]" title="Visit #10: [24-Sep-05]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#10: [24-Sep-05] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=9396"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v9/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #9: [17-Sep-04]" title="Visit #9: [17-Sep-04]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#9: [17-Sep-04] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=7540"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v7/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #7: [23-Nov-03]" title="Visit #7: [23-Nov-03]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#7: [23-Nov-03] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=7220"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v6/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #6: [27-Aug-03]" title="Visit #6: [27-Aug-03]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#6: [27-Aug-03] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=6695"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v5/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #5: [23-Mar-03]" title="Visit #5: [23-Mar-03]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#5: [23-Mar-03] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=6145"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v4/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #4: [08-Sep-02]" title="Visit #4: [08-Sep-02]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#4: [08-Sep-02] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=4645"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v3/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #3: [18-Nov-01]" title="Visit #3: [18-Nov-01]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#3: [18-Nov-01] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=2599"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v2/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #2: [03-Dec-00]" title="Visit #2: [03-Dec-00]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#2: [03-Dec-00] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=1984"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #1: [15-Jul-00]" title="Visit #1: [15-Jul-00]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#1: [15-Jul-00] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=8903"> <img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v8/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #8: [03-Jul-04]" title="Visit #8: [03-Jul-04]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#8: [03-Jul-04] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- table for the narrative, picture list, pending list, plans, and notes --> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td> <br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=1"><img src="/uk/wa/n53w003v28/thumb1.jpg" alt="#1: The Confluence from 10m Distance" title="#1: The Confluence from 10m Distance" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="525" height="393"></a><br clear=left><br> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <em>(visited by <a href="/visitor.php?id=5887">Rainer Mautz</a>)</em> </font> </p> <div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: smaller;"><p><b>12-Oct-2024 -- </b>This is the 2<sup>nd</sup> out of 3 reports visiting confluence points during a trip to the UK for an extended weekend. The story continues from <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=23725">53°N 2°W</a>. </p><p> In the morning, I started from Golborne east of Manchester by a rental car (yes, I sometimes do drive a car). My actual goal for this trip was the confluence one degree further west near Blaenau Ffestiniog which requires a longer hike for the visit. This confluence however is exactly on a road and doesn’t need any walking. I call these type of confluence “drive-in confluence”. It would be interesting to know, how many drive-in confluences there are already on our earth. </p><p> The side trip to this confluence delayed me only by 20 minutes. Driving on the main road B5426 I pulled in a small road called Sontley Road at distance of 150 m and parked my car at distance of 30m. I found the confluence 5m from the small asphalted single track road just above the creek Gefeiliau Brook. Judging from the sand sacks that stabilize the bank, there must have been a flood recently. </p><p> After the visit, my biggest problem was to make a U-turn. I did finally turn in the next village and continued my trip further westwards. </p> <p>CP Visit Details:</p> <ul> <li>Distance to a road: 5 m</li> <li>Distance to a track: 5 m</li> <li>Distance of car parking: 30 m</li> <li>Time to reach the CP from the track: 1 min</li> <li>Time at the CP: 9:49 AM</li> <li>Measured height: 88 m </li> <li>Minimal distance according to GPS: 0 m</li> <li>Position accuracy: 5 m</li> <li>Topography: hilly</li> <li>Vegetation: Hazelnut trees, beech trees.</li> <li>Weather: mostly sunny, 14° C (felt temperature)</li> <li>Given Name: The Sand Sacks Confluence</li> </ul> <p>The story finishes at <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=23727">53°N 4°W</a>.</p></div><br clear=left> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#000070" width="535"><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF"> <b>All pictures</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=1">#1: The Confluence from 10m Distance</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=2">#2: View to the South</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=3">#3: View to the West</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=4">#4: View to the North</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=5">#5: View to the East</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=6">#6: GPS Reading</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=7">#7: Ground Zero</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=8">#8: The Confluence Hunter</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=9">#9: Road at the Confluence</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=10">#10: Car Parking at the Confluence</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23726&pic=ALL">ALL: All pictures on one page</a></font></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>