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I hope he just decided to take some kind of sabbatical and is OK.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">crunchburger</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594442" target="_self">11:57 AM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594443"></a><div class="comments">Weird convergence. I'd been wondering what happened to him, and this morning I had moved his blog into the &quot;Abandoned&quot; subdirectory of my bookmark tree.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Irontom</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594443" target="_self">11:58 AM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594448"></a><div class="comments">I've never actually met him, but his pages were a heavily influence on my when I began to weblog four years ago. This past year, he moved to Socorro, New Mexico, a very small desert town I lived in for eight years. There, he met people I still have contact with, including <a href="">Schlake</a> (a net-eccentric in his own right).<br /> <br /> Anyway... Jorn's housemate let it known last night that he'd been missing for two whole months, and it appears all of his possessions are still in the house.<br /> <br /> Jorn's mentioned before <a href="">retreating to a cave</a>, and the desert around Socorro would be a good place to disappear, for good or ill. Those near him are worried, but so far there's no evidence for anything (other than having not accessed any of his accounts in two months).<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ewagoner</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594448" target="_self">12:03 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594453"></a><div class="comments">Jorn will be missed.<br /> <br /> FWIW, less than a week (?) before he disappeared, he returned from an at least 2-week hiatus from Robot Wisdom. I'd never seen him skip much more than a day before then.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">dyaseen</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594453" target="_self">12:06 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594465"></a><div class="comments">ewagoner, you probably know more about socorro than i do (i grew up in southern new mexico, and attended some science events at NMT) but all i can think about is how desolate it is. <br /> <br /> it is very worrisome. i wasn't a regular reader of robot wisdom, but i know that there is so much space out there that he might never be found. i just hope it is because he doesn't want to be.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">sugarfish</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594465" target="_self">12:18 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594476"></a><div class="comments"><i>Jorn's housemate let it known last night that he'd been missing for two whole months, and it appears all of his possessions are still in the house.</i><br /> <br /> This seems weird to me. I mean, at what point during those two months did the housemat think it was weird that he wasn't around .... this reads as though it was just in the past few days, but I can't believe that's really so.....<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">anastasiav</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594476" target="_self">12:31 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594480"></a><div class="comments">robotwisdom was my protometafilter. I hope he's ok.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">punilux</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594480" target="_self">12:38 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594482"></a><div class="comments">It's weird to me, too, anastasiav. Apparently, this isn't the first time that Jorn has dropped out of sight for a while, but it is the first time that it's been this long and without any possessions. I've gotten the impression that the housemate is a bit of a recluse as well who just yesterday decided that something must really be wrong this time and that help was needed.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ewagoner</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594482" target="_self">12:39 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594490"></a><div class="comments">I hope he's okay. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">gd779</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594490" target="_self">12:58 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594491"></a><div class="comments">Weird convergence indeed... I was thinking about him only this morning, for the first time in a while (his was the first weblog I discovered). I hope he's ok.<br /> <br /> Schlake is a good man. Toads rule in exile!<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">plep</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594491" target="_self">1:01 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594506"></a><div class="comments">It's very &quot;check Robot Wisdom&quot; cycle has moved from daily, to weekly, to &quot;why even bother&quot;. Maybe the warbloggers have finally got to him? I'm hoping he'll be back online before we see 2004.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Jimbob</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594506" target="_self">1:15 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594526"></a><div class="comments">man. if his ID is still in his apartment he's most likely dead or plans to never return.<br /> <br /> I've been reading robotwisdom since the very beginning and have always liked Jorn's outlook. What a god damn shame.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">n9</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594526" target="_self">1:44 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594553"></a><div class="comments">Have they gone to the local police? or FBI?<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">amberglow</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594553" target="_self">2:22 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594587"></a><div class="comments">&quot;Jorn's housemate let it known last night that he'd been missing for two whole months...&quot;<br /> <br /> Gee, one might think that it would take him a little less than <em>two fucking months</em> to make this known. What, did the guy wake up yesterday and say, &quot;Hey, you know... I haven't seen Jorn in awhile and it's his turn to pay the electric bill.&quot;<br /> <br /> Like amberglow, I too am interested I whether the police have been notified. Hopefully some time before last night. I wonder if some ambitious MeFite from that region might give the local cops a call and enquire if a missing person report has been filed.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">cedar</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594587" target="_self">3:02 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594601"></a><div class="comments">Okay. I did it myself.<br /> <br /> I called the Sorocco PD at (505)835-1883 requesting any information they might have. Officer Richard Lopez returned my call immediately and let me know that Mr. Barger was not considered missing or in danger.<br /> <br /> They recieved a report from his housemate roughly six weeks ago and made contact with Barger several days later, as he was walking down the street. At that time he reassured them of his saftey and stated that, &quot;He no longer desired to be where he had been.&quot;<br /> <br /> He refused to provide any other information, but the Sorocco PD is aware of his location and have no concerns about his well being.<br /> <br /> No mystery here folks. Just another guy tired of his weblog and feuding with a domestic partner.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">cedar</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594601" target="_self">3:26 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594604"></a><div class="comments"><i>No mystery here folks. Just another guy tired of his weblog and feuding with a domestic partner.</i><br /> <br /> Jeesh, that's a relief.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">bobo123</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594604" target="_self">3:32 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594607"></a><div class="comments">Thanks for digging that up, cedar. Glad to hear it's less ominous than it looked.<br /> <br /> This isn't the first time that weblogging has reminded me of science-fiction fandom, which has several people who became infamous for completely disappearing (often out of a desire to get away from fans and fandom). They've even coined a term for it: &quot;gafiate,&quot; based on the acronym &quot;Get Away From It All.&quot;<br /> <br /> Surely, Jorn wouldn't be the first Web celeb who gafiated. There's got to be some others we've completely driven away.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">rcade</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594607" target="_self">3:38 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594624"></a><div class="comments">Cedar, thanks for posting that info. I'd been getting different info out of Socorro, but I should be able to confirm what you found out tomorrow. It's still possible that Officer Lopez was referring to an earlier incident.<br /> <br /> I've known people to gefiate before, but never quite so thoroughly.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ewagoner</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594624" target="_self">4:06 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594643"></a><div class="comments">ewagoner,<br /> Please post back and let me know the results of your conversation with Sorocco PD. I was stunned at their response, I didn't get past the dispatcher when I called. She placated me, took my number and said she would have an officer get back to me. I pretty much wrote it off it at that point.<br /> <br /> It wasn't five minutes before Officer Lopez called... I gave him some line about about an 'internet publication' and 'unsubstantiated rumor' that he actually listened to. Then he was amazingly forthcoming, to the point I had to end the conversation by thanking him for his time (it must be *very* quiet in Sirocco, this was one bored cop).<br /> <br /> All I can add to previous post is that he made it pretty clear that Barger had asked to have his privacy respected. I gather in a somewhat abrasive manner, along the lines of, &quot;I don't have to to tell you squat. This is America.&quot; What surprised me the most is Lopez (who was the officer that actually spoke to him on the street) had no problem with this. <br /> <br /> I compared this, in my mind, to how this would have been handled by my local PD (in the interests of full disclosure I should mention that I work in a law enforcement related field) and found it incredibly refreshing. As retirement nears I'm going to be taking a longer look at New Mexico.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">cedar</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594643" target="_self">4:41 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594646"></a><div class="comments">thanks cedar, for finding out...and they were really forthcoming (which is always good)<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">amberglow</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594646" target="_self">4:45 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594684"></a><div class="comments">&gt; &quot;I don't have to to tell you squat. This is America.&quot; <br /> <br /> Not to derail, since this thread seem pretty complete, but I dare hope that <i>one or two of you</i> will notice the response Jorn got to his assertion of rights and file it away mentally before pulling your next Godwin. Fuller tips hat.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">jfuller</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594684" target="_self">5:52 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594824"></a><div class="comments">One of my favorite sites and I too have been wondering and waiting for the great links he has pointed me to. Hope he is ok.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">thedailygrowl</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594824" target="_self">10:08 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594855"></a><div class="comments">Good to know that Jorn's apparently ok. Been wondering ever since he stopped doing regular updates some months ago. Thanks to those who checked it out.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Twang</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594855" target="_self">11:27 PM</a> on December 2, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594902"></a><div class="comments">he was a inspiration for my linklog and many other weblogs i have come across on the web. i always loved his simplistic layout and the fact that there were no graphics on his page. anyone who has a web page under 10k is still OK in my book.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">lsd4all</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594902" target="_self">2:13 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594930"></a><div class="comments"><i>made it <b>pretty clear</b> that Barger had asked to have his privacy respected. <b>I gather</b> in a somewhat abrasive manner, <b>along the lines of</b>, &quot;I don't have to to tell you squat. This is America.&quot;</i> - cedar <small>[emphasis added]</small><br /> <br /> <i>hope that one or two of you will notice <b>the response Jorn got to his assertion of rights</b></i> - jfuller <small>[emphasis added]</small><br /> <br /> wow. just, wow. <br /> <br /> &quot;that's one one small step for jfuller, one giant leap for mankind.&quot;<br /> &lt;/neil armstrong&gt;<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">quonsar</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594930" target="_self">4:33 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594955"></a><div class="comments">There's a pretty healthy libertarian streak in Western states, especially in rural places like Socorro. I'll bet that police officer is pretty accustomed to that kind of response.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">rcade</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594955" target="_self">5:40 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="594967"></a><div class="comments">Not that I don't appreciate the initiative of cedar, and am mildly interested in the fate of Jorn, but I'm sort of stunned that the police gave that much information out to just anyone.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">crunchland</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#594967" target="_self">5:54 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595001"></a><div class="comments"><i>Not that I don't appreciate the initiative of cedar, and am mildly interested in the fate of Jorn, but I'm sort of stunned that the police gave that much information out to just anyone.</i><br /> <br /> I'm not. It sounds to me like a very extended version of &quot;Don't worry, we're aware of the situation and he's not considered a missing person.&quot;<br /> <br /> In this day and age I don't think we can fault a police department for giving out more information (none of it sounds all that personal, really -- they just said they know of where he is, but did not give out that location, right?) rather than less.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">anastasiav</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595001" target="_self">6:53 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595049"></a><div class="comments">As for his response to the police -- no offense to the messengers -- but this is hearsay of hearsay! How the heck do we know what he really said to the police and how the policeman reacted. I wouldn't get too excited about it. I don't deny it might have gone down that way, I just question the level of excitement warranted. Besides, just because the police in some areas are tolerant of a little citizen snippiness still does NOT mean this country isn't sliding into fascism. We'll Godwin all we want, thank you!<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">PigAlien</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595049" target="_self">8:24 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595051"></a><div class="comments">Oh, and just a question. Sure, people can and do just get up and gefiate, but wouldn't they take some of their personal belongings? At least their ID? My impression was that this guy had left even his most personal possessions behind. Seems odd, if nothing else, although I'm getting the impression from this thread that perhaps this isn't so surprising.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">PigAlien</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595051" target="_self">8:26 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595105"></a><div class="comments">PigAlien: &quot;How the heck do we know what he really said to the police and how the policeman reacted.&quot;<br /> <br /> Maybe because the cop <em>told</em> me how he reacted?<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">cedar</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595105" target="_self">9:28 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595167"></a><div class="comments">I'm going to shit on the cupcakes being handed out here and say: I don't miss Jorn Barger one bit. He should stay gone. He was an asshole to me when I first started blogging and I'll never forget it.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Mo Nickels</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595167" target="_self">10:48 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595221"></a><div class="comments">AH, a fine lad to nurse your grudges. Hate sustains a body, forgiveness is such a fool's game.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">john</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595221" target="_self">11:44 AM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595235"></a><div class="comments">I seem to recall that Jorn originally lived in Chicago, like a block or two away from me in Roger's Park. His was one of the first blogs I read. I think he moved to Socorro about the same time I moved to Albuquerque.<br /> <br /> If someone walked out into the wilderness near Socorro, I can't imagine they'd last very long. Between the weaons training and testing labs at Tech which are under tight security, White Sands (where they can shoot you for tresspassing), and the Sevilleta, there isn't much in the way of water supply or shelter. Hopefully he's just offline and safe.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">answergrape</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595235" target="_self">12:03 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595280"></a><div class="comments"><b>He has been found.</b> He's not in a cave or under a bridge, but he did voluntarily abandon everything to get away from it all. I'll leave the rest of the details for Jorn to divulge if he wants to, but those near to him (who had feared the worst) are glad he's OK. Oddly enough, the police, who were happy to tell the story to strangers who called up, never updated the people who reported him missing.<br /> <br /> On another note, here's a recent headline from the local paper that sums up quite nicely the oddity that is Socorro: <a href="">Prince Andrew plants a tree, blows up a car</a>.</b><br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ewagoner</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595280" target="_self">1:21 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595296"></a><div class="comments">I wonder if Jorn moved to New Mexico to get away from Jews. He dislikes Jews, in case you didn't notice. He dresses it up as anti-Zionism, but it's anti-Semitism. His blog became a no-visit zone at about 9 a.m. Sept. 11, 2001.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">Holden</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595296" target="_self">1:52 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595325"></a><div class="comments">Hmm... I wondered how long this outpouring of concern would go on before <i>somebody</i> started the &quot;Eek! Jorn's Anti-Semitic! Run him off the Web&quot; squealing <a href="">again</a>...<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">JollyWanker</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595325" target="_self">2:37 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595349"></a><div class="comments">Answergrape I hate to break this to you but White Sands are nowhere near Socorro. <br /> <br /> You can walk directly east of Socorro and get to the river in not too many hours of hiking. I have done it many times. It's not exactly a day in the park but at this time of year with some water in hand it can certainly be done.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">filchyboy</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595349" target="_self">3:26 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595352"></a><div class="comments">i think there are jewish people in new mexico too...we do get around, you know : &gt;<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">amberglow</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595352" target="_self">3:34 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595400"></a><div class="comments"><i>i think there are jewish people in new mexico too...we do get around, you know : &gt;</i><br /> <br /> <a href="">Yeah</a>, <a href="">but</a> <a href="">they're</a> <a href="">secret</a>. Shhhh!<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ewagoner</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595400" target="_self">4:51 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595421"></a><div class="comments">Is JollyWanker incapable of polite discourse?<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">rcade</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595421" target="_self">5:27 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595450"></a><div class="comments">You are right bout White Sands, of course. For me, the hike from the mall parking lot is a bit much....<br /> <br /> The secret jews is interesting. <br /> <br /> New Mexico has all kinds of secrets, the Penitente's moradas, the Germans who brought oompapa music to Spanish-speakers, etc..<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">answergrape</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595450" target="_self">6:40 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595452"></a><div class="comments">And, btw, does anybody know why on EARTH Jorn chose Socorro anyway? Not usually a big stop on the world-travelling map unless you're a scientists who likes to <a href="">blow stuff up.</a><br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">answergrape</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595452" target="_self">6:43 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595481"></a><div class="comments"><i>&quot;Eek! Jorn's Anti-Semitic! Run him off the Web&quot;</i><br /> <br /> No one is being &quot;run off the web&quot;, that's ridiculous. People have every right to embrace or reject a web personality based on the choices, actions, and/or statements these personalities have made.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">dgaicun</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595481" target="_self">7:53 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595482"></a><div class="comments">Also &quot;squeeling&quot; implies the attitudes are unjustified, a convincing case for which has never been made.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">dgaicun</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595482" target="_self">7:55 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595513"></a><div class="comments">into the wild! or the mossad finally got to him :D<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">kliuless</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595513" target="_self">9:08 PM</a> on December 3, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595613"></a><div class="comments">Thanks for those secret Jews links, ewagoner. Great stuff -- especially the <i>Atlantic</i> article.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">rcade</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595613" target="_self">5:41 AM</a> on December 4, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="595668"></a><div class="comments"><a href="">Mo Nickels:</a> <i>&quot;He was an asshole to me when I first started blogging and I'll never forget it.&quot;</i> <br /> <br /> Word to the wise, Mo. If I held a grudge for every pobucker who didn't give me the time of day or (come to think of it) did anything short of worshipping my very breath since I first started my online journal back in 1997... well I'd be the washedup worthless hasbeen neverwas that I am today. Believe me. I've been brushed off or flipped off by the best of 'em. Going around calling them names was and is a bad strategy. I recommend you quit referring to Barger as a posterior orifice and turn the other buttcheek. <br /> <br /> But hey. Maybe you gotta learn the hard way, too. Good luck with that.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">ZachsMind</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#595668" target="_self">7:34 AM</a> on December 4, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <a name="596772"></a><div class="comments">hey, this thread made a <a href=",1284,61458,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3">Wired </a>story about him.<br><span class="smallcopy">posted by <a href="" target="_self">amberglow</a> at <a href="/29966/Jorn-Barger-missing#596772" target="_self">6:31 PM</a> on December 5, 2003 </span></div><br><br> <p class="comments copy whitesmallcopy" style="font-size:11px;"> <a href="/29965/Wheres-Bill" target="_self">&laquo; Older</a> Where's Bill? &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; I Saw the Light <a href="/29967/I-Saw-the-Light" target="_self">Newer &raquo;</a> </p> <br> <div class="comments" style="margin-bottom:22px;margin-top:10px;"> </div> <p class="comments">This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments</p> <br><br> <div id="related" class="recently copy" ><div style="margin-bottom:4px;">Related Posts</div> <a href="" style="font-weight:normal;">X-Mensch</a> <span class="smallcopy">January 29, 2013</span><br> <a href="" style="font-weight:normal;"></a> <span class="smallcopy">September 13, 2007</span><br> <a href="" style="font-weight:normal;">Write this one in your diary Anne!</a> <span class="smallcopy">March 4, 2006</span><br> <a href="" style="font-weight:normal;">'Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the...</a> <span class="smallcopy">June 15, 2004</span><br> <a href="" style="font-weight:normal;">Jorn Barger seems to be declaring holy war on...</a> <span class="smallcopy">December 27, 2000</span><br> </div> </div> </div> <br clear="all"> <div id="footer"> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Features</strong></p> - <a href="" target="_self">Login</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">New User</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Links</strong></p> - <a href="/" target="_self">Home</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Guidelines</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Content Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Privacy Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">BIPOC Board</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Steering Committee</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Mall</a><br> - <a href="/archive.mefi" target="_self">Archives</a><br> - <a href="/tags/" target="_self">Tags</a><br> - <a href="//" target="_self">About</a> <br>- <a href="">MeFi Wiki</a> <br>- <a href="//" target="_self">Modern Theme</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Sites</strong></p> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaFilter</a><br> - <a href="" title="Ask MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">AskMeFi</a><br> - <a href="" title="FanFare RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">FanFare</a><br> - <a href="" title="Projects RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Projects</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Music RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Music</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Jobs RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Jobs</a><br> - <a href="" title="IRL RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">IRL</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaTalk RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaTalk</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p style="margin-top:30px;">Join 8,306 readers in helping <a href="" target="_self">fund MetaFilter</a></p> <p style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="">Contact Us</a></p> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <form action="/search.mefi" id="cse-search-box" style="margin-top:15px;"><div><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-8621957794194569:1154310032"><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10"><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"><input type="text" name="q" size="31" style="width:120px;"><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" style="margin-left:3px;"></div></form><script type="text/javascript" src="//;lang=en"></script> <span class="fineprint">&copy; 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