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display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B2', 'm'); </script> </div> <div class="bigbox2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Front Page"> <ul> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:5:Democracies must band together: Lai"> <div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h1 class="bf2">Democracies must band together: Lai</h1> <p> <font class="red ">HALIFAX FORUM: </font> HFX’s president said that ‘Taiwan is a vital democracy whose continued freedom and security is important to the security of the entire world’ Democratic nations must band together to counter consolidating authoritarian powers and build “non-red” supply chains, President William Lai (賴清德) said at the opening of the two-day Halifax International Security Forum (HFX) yesterday.Taiwan occupies a critical position in the first island chain, sa </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:6:Divorce petition rules amended"> <div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h1 class="bf2">Divorce petition rules amended</h1> <p> <font class="red ">RESPONSIBILITY: </font> Forbidding a divorce after a long separation and when reconciliation is impossible goes against the spirit of marriage, the justice ministry said The Cabinet yesterday approved amendments to marriage laws allowing both spouses to file for divorce if they have been separated for at least three of the past five years, bringing the law in line with a 2023 ruling that found it conditionally unconstitutional to bar the party deemed responsible for </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-B1 --> <div id="ad-B1" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B1" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B1', 'pc'); </script> </div> <div class="popular boxTitle boxText" id="read" data-desc="Most Popular"> <a href=""><h1>Most Popular<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:0:Tesla uses Chinese courts to silence critics and make them pay"><div class="no">1</div><h5 class="bf3">Tesla uses Chinese courts to silence critics and make them pay</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:1:US removes no independence statement"><div class="no">2</div><h5 class="bf3">US removes no independence statement</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:2:Taiwan thanks Japan for family registry change"><div class="no">3</div><h5 class="bf3">Taiwan thanks Japan for family registry change</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:3:Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China"><div class="no">4</div><h5 class="bf3">Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:4:MAC warns of PRC arrests, detentions"><div class="no">5</div><h5 class="bf3">MAC warns of PRC arrests, detentions</h5></a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-K2 --> <div id="ad-K2" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-K2" style="text-align: center; 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The request would be forwarded to the Executive Yuan by the end of the month at the earliest.If approved, ticket fare increases are expected to be implemented as </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:2:Workplace safety guidelines revised to cover bullying"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Workplace safety guidelines revised to cover bullying</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A revised workplace health and safety guideline to improve the protection of employees from physical or mental harm caused by bullying at work was published by the Ministry of Labor and went into effect yesterday.The newly published guideline is the fourth edition of a set of rules with a focus </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:3:Cat rakes in NT$10m for Kaohsiung MRT"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Cat rakes in NT$10m for Kaohsiung MRT</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A cat named Mikan (蜜柑) has brought in revenue of more than NT$10 million (US$305,390) for the Kaohsiung MRT last year.Mikan, born on April 4, 2020, was a stray cat before being adopted by personnel of Kaohsiung MRT’s Ciaotou Sugar Refinery Station.Mikan was named after a Japanese term for mandarin o </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="dlistbox"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:4:Workers’ Day designation as national holiday urged"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Workers’ Day designation as national holiday urged</h2> <p> <font class="red ">BIPARTISAN CONSENSUS:</font> The group said it has received the support of DPP, KMT and TPP legislators, who have proposed different versions of changes to the holiday act Workers’ Day on May 1 should be designated as a national holiday starting from this year, the National Federation of Teachers’ Unions (NFTU) said yesterday.Making Workers’ Day a national holiday has obtained bipartisan consensus, with legislators from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the Chin </p> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-home-B4 --> <div id="ad-B4" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B4" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B4', 'm'); </script> </div> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:5:Half of junior-high students anxious about future: poll"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Half of junior-high students anxious about future: poll</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Slightly more than half of junior-high students in Taiwan feel worried about their futures, with heavy social media use a major factor driving that anxiety, a survey by the Child Welfare League Foundation found.The non-governmental organization said in a news release earlier this week that 50.1 per </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:6:Control Yuan censures the MOL, Tainan government"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Control Yuan censures the MOL, Tainan government</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> The Control Yuan yesterday censured the Tainan City Government and Ministry of Labor (MOL) for inadequate supervision of the illegal employment and mistreatment of two Kenyans trafficked into Taiwan in 2022.The Kenyans were officially employed as arts and performing arts workers, but ended up doing </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="dlistbox"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:7:Ex-US official hails defense pledges"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Ex-US official hails defense pledges</h2> <p> <font class="red ">HFX SPEECH: </font> Foundation for Defense of Democracies member Matt Pottinger said defense spending is an important sign of Taiwan’s commitment to self-defense Pledges by President William Lai (賴清德) to increase military spending are an important signal of Taiwan’s commitment to self-defense, former US deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger said at a Halifax International Security Forum event in Taipei (HFX Taipei) yesterday.Pottinger, who served f </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:8:Consider women in military: researcher"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Consider women in military: researcher</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> The government should consider mandatory military service for women given the declining birthrate, a visiting fellow at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research said in an article published by the institute on Thursday.Most Taiwanese are opting not to have children due to stagnant wa </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:9:DPP’s Lin Tai-hua released on NT$1 million bail"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">DPP’s Lin Tai-hua released on NT$1 million bail</h2> <p> <font class="red ">‘DARK FORCES’: </font> The lawmaker told reporters that the corruption charges she faces were an ‘attack’ based on ‘biased’ reports and she would defend her innocence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lin Tai-hua (林岱樺) was released on NT$1 million (US$30,539) bail by the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday amid a corruption investigation.Lin is restricted from leaving the country, taking boat trips and required to live at her residence or </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox2"> <div class="dbox2s"> <ul> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Business"> <a href=""><h1>Business<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:US seeks to reshape Asia’s energy map"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">US seeks to reshape Asia’s energy map</h2> <p> <font class="red ">SALES PITCH:</font> The Trump administration is leaning on East Asian allies to increase purchases of and investments in US fossil fuels, possibly as a way to stave off US tariffs When US President Donald Trump sat down to lunch with his Japanese counterpart on Feb. 7, talk turned quickly to how Tokyo could help realize a decades-old proposal to unlock gas in Alaska and ship it to US allies in Asia.Trump and his energy czar — US Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum — framed </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Nytex sees rising contribution from chip-related sales"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Nytex sees rising contribution from chip-related sales</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Nytex Composites Co (耐特科技), which makes specialty plastic compounds, expects revenue contribution from semiconductor materials to rise to more than 23 percent this year due to growing demand for artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced chips.That would represent a big jump from 16.25 percent of tot </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Japan group eyes Tesla investment in Nissan: report"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Japan group eyes Tesla investment in Nissan: report</h2> <p> <font class="red ">STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE:</font> The group is proposing a consortium of investors, with Tesla as the largest backer, and possibly a minority investment by Hon Hai Precision Nissan Motor Co shares jumped after the Financial Times reported that a high-level Japanese group has drawn up plans to seek investment from Elon Musk’s Tesla Inc to aid the struggling automaker.The group believes the electric vehicle (EV) maker is interested in acquiring Nissan’s plants in the US, </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Editorials"> <a href=""><h1>Editorial & Opinion<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:0:EDITORIAL: Defense spending is a duty"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">EDITORIAL: Defense spending is a duty</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> President William Lai’s (賴清德) announcement on Friday last week to increase defense spending to at least 3 percent of GDP this year via a special budget is a welcome and long-overdue measure. The spending commitment demonstrates to Taiwan’s allies its commitment to bolstering deterrence and sends a c </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:1:Kao judge should recuse herself"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">Kao judge should recuse herself</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Suspended Hsinchu Mayor Anne Kao (高虹安) was prosecuted for corruption involving legislative assistant fees during her tenure as a legislator. The court of first instance handed her a prison sentence of seven years and four months, but following an appeal, a High Court panel in the court of second ins </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:2:Reform the military service system"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">Reform the military service system</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Actor Darren Wang (王大陸) is under suspicion of deliberately avoiding compulsory military service. Since this incident was exposed, nationwide attention has been placed on how the military service system can be reformed to prevent subsequent abuses.With the return last year to one year of compulsory m </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox3 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Sports"> <div class="dbox3s"> <a href=""><h1>Sports<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Andreeva stuns Swiatek to reach semis"> <div class="dbox1ss4"> <div class="spnewsimg "><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf7">Andreeva stuns Swiatek to reach semis</h2> <p class=""> <font class="red ">DUBAI CHAMPIONSHIP:</font> Taiwan’s Hsieh Su-wei and Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia are to face China’s Yang Zhaoxuan and Xu Yifan in the women’s doubles semi-final today Teenager Mirra Andreeva stunned second seed Iga Swiatek to become the youngest woman to reach the semi-finals of the Dubai Championships on Thursday, attributing victory to working on her “anger inside,” while Taiwan’s Hsieh Su-wei and Latvia’s Jelena Ostapenko defeated the US’ Bethanie Mattek-Sands </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Canada beat US in heated Four Nations Face-Off final"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Canada beat US in heated Four Nations Face-Off final</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> In an ice hockey grudge match of border rivals fueled by political tensions, Canada defeated the US 3-2 in overtime on Thursday to win the Four Nations Face-Off final.Canada’s Connor McDavid scored the title-winning goal off a pass from Mitch Marner to deliver Canada the victory after enduring polit </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Donald Trump and Tiger Woods hold talks on golf’s rift"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Donald Trump and Tiger Woods hold talks on golf’s rift</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> US President Donald Trump’s involvement in professional golf’s peace talks has ramped up further, with Tiger Woods among those afforded an audience with the US president at the White House on Thursday afternoon.Woods joined PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan, fellow board member Adam Scott and repres </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:3:Taiwan reach Asia Cup qualifying tournament"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Taiwan reach Asia Cup qualifying tournament</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Taiwan’s men’s basketball team advanced to the six-team qualifying tournament for this year’s Saudi Arabia International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Asia Cup after defeating the Philippines 91-84 in Taipei on Thursday.The victory is Taiwan’s first win against Gilas Pilipinas since 2016, avenging a </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox4"> <div class="dbox4s"> <ul> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="World News"> <a href=""><h1>World News<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Glaciers shrinking twice as fast: study"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Glaciers shrinking twice as fast: study</h2> <p> <font class="red ">CLIMATE CHANGE:</font> Glaciers in Alaska are melting at the fastest rate of any of the 19 regions studied, losing about 61 billion tonnes of ice a year, the biggest net ice loss Climate change is accelerating the melting of the world’s mountain glaciers, according to a massive new study that found them shrinking more than twice as fast as in the early 2000s.The world’s glaciers lost ice at the rate of about 231 billion tonnes annually from 2000 to 2011, but that quickened t </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Pilgrims make offerings to Hindu deities in India"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Pilgrims make offerings to Hindu deities in India</h2> <p> <font class="red ">FIVE-DAY FESTIVAL:</font> The pilgrimage is believed to have originated in the 16th century — before Lingamanthula Swamy temple was built on the huge rock in Suryapet Chants of “Om Linga, Om Linga” resonated as barefoot Hindu pilgrims, many balancing offering-filled baskets and clay pitchers on their heads, climbed more than 100 steps to a hilltop shrine in southern India.One family led a goat wearing a marigold garland around its neck. A burly man carrying two y </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Japanese Cabinet approves urban bear shooting bill"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Japanese Cabinet approves urban bear shooting bill</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Japan’s Cabinet yesterday approved a bill that would allow hunters to shoot bears in populated areas at their own discretion after human encounters with the wild animals hit record levels.Across the nation, 219 people were attacked by bears in the 12 months to April last year, with six human fatalit </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Features"> <a href=""><h1>Features<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Politics behind Taiwan’s thriving religions: scholars"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Politics behind Taiwan’s thriving religions: scholars</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), and the country’s other political groups dare not offend religious groups, says Chen Lih-ming (陳立民), founder of the Taiwan Anti-Religion Alliance (台灣反宗教者聯盟).“It’s the same in other democracies, of course, but because political </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Three must-sees for railway fanatics"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src=" Railfans Switcher.jpg" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Three must-sees for railway fanatics</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Taiwan doesn’t have a lot of railways, but its network has plenty of history. The government-owned entity that last year became the Taiwan Railway Corp (TRC) has been operating trains since 1891. During the 1895-1945 period of Japanese rule, the colonial government made huge investments in rail infr </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Movie Review: The Extra’s Journey"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Movie Review: The Extra’s Journey</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> This deep dive into the lives of professional movie extras starts out on a hilarious note, but the harshness of their lives soon sets in, and hits hard. Yet, the tone remains lighthearted and even upbeat due to the subjects’ relentless positivity, humor and self-deprecating nature, saving this docum </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Bilingual Pages"> <a href=""><h1>Bilingual Pages<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> 本文由生成式AI協作,本刊編輯編修。Tucked away in southwestern Taiwan, Yunlin County is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, rich history, and natural beauty. From its stunning temples and glove puppetry to historical architecture and picturesque landscapes, Yunlin rewards those who venture off the beaten path. Y </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:SPEAK UP: Taiwan Lantern Festival dazzles through Sunday (2/2) 台灣燈會閃耀至週日(下)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: Taiwan Lantern Festival dazzles through Sunday (2/2) 台灣燈會閃耀至週日(下)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern?B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour.A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns.B: There are even giant lanterns in the s </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:SPEAK UP: Taiwan Lantern Festival dazzles through Sunday (1/2) 台灣燈會閃耀至週日(上)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: Taiwan Lantern Festival dazzles through Sunday (1/2) 台灣燈會閃耀至週日(上)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A: When is the Lantern Festival?B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year.A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival?B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, whic </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="boxTitle boxText thematic" data-desc="Special Reports"> <h1>Special Reports</h1> <ul> <li> <div class="thematics"> <a href=""> <h2 class="bfb"> Taiwan in Time <i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i> </h2> </a> <a href="" class="onenews" data-desc="P:0:Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China"> <div class="bnewsimg"> <img src=" plane with chinese insignia.jpg" width="100%"> </div> <h1 class="bfb2">Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China</h1> <p>Feb. 17 to Feb. 23 “Japanese city is bombed,” screamed the banner in bold capital letters spanning the front page of the US daily New Castle News on Feb. 24, 1938. This was big news across the globe, as Japan had not been bombarded since Western forces attacked Shimonoseki in 1864. “Numerous Japanese citizens were killed and injured today when eight Chinese planes bombed Taihoku, capital of Formosa, and other nearby cities in the first Chinese air raid anywhere in the Japanese empire,” the subhead clarified. The target was the Matsuyama Airfield (today’s Songshan Airport in Taipei), which the Japanese had been using to support its full-scale invasion of China, which began on July 7, 1937. Outlets across the US and China lauded the surprise operation as a success, destroying 40 Japanese warplanes and devastating military infrastructure: “Our air force undertakes long-range overseas mission, fiercely bombs enemy airport in Taipei,” the Southeastern Daily (東南日報) noted. “Our forces completely destroy enemy’s air force base,” the Zhongshan Daily (中山日報) proclaimed. The Taiwan Daily News (台灣日日新報), however, reported that the attackers missed their targets and hit residential areas in Taipei and Hsinchu instead, killing a number of civilians. A few days later, the paper claimed that the pilots were Americans and Soviets operating Chinese planes; no Chinese personnel were involved. Other sources also suggest Soviet involvement. The Canberra Times wrote that it “was suggested that Russian planes were used,” and the Wanganui Chronicle stated the “Times’ Shanghai correspondent says that the Chinese air raid on Formosa was carried out by 12 Russian planes.” So who did it? And did the mission actually succeed? SOVIET ‘VOLUNTEERS’ Since China had no chance of defeating Japan without foreign assistance, it actively sought Western support — but to no avail, especially with tensions rising in Europe, writes Shih Chao-wei</p> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="thematics"> <a href=""> <h2 class="bfb"> Travel <i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i> </h2> </a> <a href="" class="onenews" data-desc="P:0:Take a step back in time at the Taipei Railway Workshop"> <div class="bnewsimg"> <img src="" width="100%"> </div> <h1 class="bfb2">Take a step back in time at the Taipei Railway Workshop</h1> <p>For decades, Taiwan Railway trains were built and serviced at the Taipei Railway Workshop, originally built on a flat piece of land far from the city center. As the city grew up around it, however, space became limited, flooding became more commonplace and the noise and air pollution from the workshop started to affect more and more people. Between 2011 and 2013, the workshop was moved to Taoyuan and the Taipei location was retired. Work on preserving this cultural asset began immediately and we now have a unique opportunity to see the birth of a museum. The Preparatory Office of National Railway Museum is responsible for restoring — or simply preserving — the workshop grounds and opening them up to the public. The only part regularly open at the moment is the employee bathhouse. With its exhibits and interior restoration, it feels more museum-like than the rest of the grounds, where the piles of disused equipment, tools and materials, as well as the smell of steel and oil, make it seem more like a working factory where the employees just happen to have the day off. This part needs to be cleaned up and made safer before it can be opened to the public on a regular basis, but occasional guided tours do allow a glimpse into this space as it is now. THE BATHHOUSE Visitors enter the museum through the west wing of the employee bathhouse. This was the earliest part of the Taipei Railway Workshop to be designated as a historic site, for both its architectural and its cultural significance, back in 2000 when the workshop was still in use. This wing features an exhibit on art deco style buildings throughout Taiwan from the 1930s. The bathhouse itself was built in this decade and in this style, so the exhibit serves to place</p> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dbox5"> <div class="dbox5s"> <ul> <li> <div class="weather"> <h1>Weather</h1> <ul> <li><div class="tablinks3 active" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod01')">North</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod02')">Central</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod03')">South</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod04')">East</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod05')">Outlying Islands</div></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod01"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>New Taipei City</td> <td>14-23</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hsinchu County</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hsinchu City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taipei City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Miaoli County</td> <td>12-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taoyuan City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Keelung City</td> <td>15-21</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod02"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Yunlin County</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taichung City</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nantou County</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Changhua County</td> <td>14-23</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod03"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Chiayi County</td> <td>13-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Chiayi City</td> <td>14-25</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tainan City</td> <td>15-22</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kaohsiung City</td> <td>17-23</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pingtung County</td> <td>16-25</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod04"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Yilan County</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hualien County</td> <td>16-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taitung County</td> <td>17-23</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod05"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Kinmen County</td> <td>11-18</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Penghu County</td> <td>17-20</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lienchiang County</td> <td>10-13</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </li> <li> <!-- facebook page --> <iframe src="" width="300" height="382" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> </li> <li> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-B2 --> <div id="ad-B2" class="boxTitle ad pc web" data-desc="廣告ad-B2" style="text-align: center; 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