Best low-cost neurosurgery hospitals in the world: medical tourism

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="-KAZxws3bONYtiCdlMWqzZgUIgMGOg7JPxI4Lv8whNw" /> <link rel="profile" href=""> <link rel="pingback" href=""> <meta name='robots' content='index, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1' /> <!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v22.6 - --> <title>Best low-cost neurosurgery hospitals in the world: medical tourism</title> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /> <meta property="og:type" content="article" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Best low-cost neurosurgery hospitals in the world: medical tourism" /> <meta property="og:description" content="People are traveling to other countries looking for the best specialist out there. Many patients would like to find the best neurosurgeon in the world so that they can rest assured that their health is in good hands. That is why traveling to another continent is the only way to get the treatment of that quality. Many countries that are underdeveloped do not have the newest surgical instruments and are also lacking in surgeons. Therefore, the only option is to seek medical help and attention overseas. That is where the medical tourism comes in handy. Thanks to the globalization of health care, now it is possible for patients to seek health service somewhere else other than their country of residence. What is Neurosurgery Neurosurgery, or neurological surgery, involves all surgeries that are eliminating problems originating in and affecting the nervous system. With such a delicate system, precision in medical procedures is mandatory. Modern technology and contemporary computers really made an advance in the way these surgeries are performed. Even mere millimeters are of great importance in surgeries such as these. The technological aspect renewed this medical field and people have more trust and faith in surgeons and medical technology based instruments are giving people the assurance. Neurosurgeons are doctors responsible for neurosurgeries. They are also prescribing pain-killers and post-surgery treatments and rehabilitation for their patients. Medical Tourism and Neurosurgery Let us say that you found the best neurosurgery hospital in Spain for your treatment. Before you rush off to reserve and pay your travel tickets and hotel accommodation, check if your passport is up to date. If it is not, it may take you some time to extend its validity or apply for a new passport. Also, while you are at it, do check if you need a visa for the country you wish to travel to. For example, Turkey is one of the countries that issue a special medical visa for citizens of certain nationalities that are traveling to their country only on the basis of seeking medical attention. If the visa is mandatory for you, it is best to apply for it at least one month in advance. The process of approving the visa can take some time and you might even need to go to an interview at the embassy. Start preparing your travel documentation and apply as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays. Depending on the medical institution, some hospitals are offering services of taking care of the visa process for you. In some cases they are even making sure to secure you the accommodation during the medical treatment. Find information if the hospitals you are interested in offer these services. They may charge them additionally. But it would be of immense help to have everything settled in advance without wasting precious time on double-checking paperwork and documentation. Finding Neurosurgery Treatments Abroad How to find the right hospital or medical center? The best neurosurgeon in India may just be a click away from you. With the Medical Tourism Directory you can easily select the treatment you are looking for and you will almost immediately see the list of available medical institutions that offer rehabilitation and/or treatment you are looking for. When it comes to neurosurgery, you can find treatment in countries such as Spain, and Greece in Europe or Turkey in Asia. Some of hospitals that offer neurological treatments are Medicana Hospitals in Turkey, and Hygeia Hospital in Greece. Choose the best option, schedule your medical examination and discuss the best course of treatment with your doctor. Neurosurgery Treatments Back and neck pain treatment; Spine Health on back and neck pain treatment. Brachial plexus surgery (treatment of nerves that goes from the spinal cord in the neck down to the arm; ASSH on brachial plexus injury; CUMC on brachial plexus avulsion injuries. Brain aneurysm repair (surgery to correct an aneurysm); Medline plus on brain aneurysm repair; Brain aneurysms on brain aneurysm treatment; AANS on cerebral aneurysm treatment. Brain surgery; Brain tumor charity on neurosurgery for brain tumors in adults. Brain tumor treatment; Brain tumor center on their clinical programs. Cervical disc replacement, artificial disc replacement; The spine hospital on arthroplasty (artificial disc replacement). Craniotomy (surgery to open the head and operate on the brain). CyberKnife (high-power energy radiation therapy); Medline plus on stereotactic radiosurgery–CyberKnife. Deep brain stimulation, DBS (treatment of disabling neurological symptoms). Double vision treatment. Epilepsy brain surgery; Epilepsy action on epilepsy surgery for adults;. Gamma Knife (beams of gamma radiation to treat lesions within the brain); NCSR on gamma knife treatment. Headache treatment; Columbia neurosurgeons on headache relief; UCLH on the headache group. Hydrocephalus treatment, water on the brain (buildup of fluid inside the skull, which can increase pressure and cause damage to the brain). Laminectomy (surgery to remove the lamina in order to take pressure off the spinal nerves or spinal cord); Medline plus on laminectomy. Lumbar decompression surgery (treatment of compressed nerves in the lower spine); Medline plus on lumbar decompression surgery. Lumbar puncture, spinal tap (procedure to examine the cerebrospinal fluid in order to diagnose disorders of the central nervous system, or cancer of the brain or spinal cord); Neurosurgical associates on lumbar puncture. Microdiscectomy, minidiscectomy, microlumbar discectomy, MLD (remove the intervertebral disc that is compressing the nerve root);USC on microdiscectomy; BASS on lumbar discectomy and decompression. Microsurgical clipping (surgical treatment for brain aneurysms);Brain aneurysm foundation on clipping. MINS Minimally invasive neurosurgery, minimally invasive surgery, MIS; Beaumont on minimally invasive neurosurgery. Neuro-oncology (treatment of tumours in the central nervous system, CNS, i.e. in the brain and spinal cord; NHS trust on neuro-oncology. Neuroendoscopy (minimally invasive treatment of central nervous system disorders); Renishaw on neuroendoscopy. Neurotraumatology; Hawaii government on neurotrauma support. Pediatric neurosurgery. Peripheral nerve surgery (treatment of peripheral nerve disorders); Medline plus on peripheral neuropathy. Pituitary tumors treatment; Macmillan on pituitary tumors. Radiofrequency rhizotomy, radiofrequency neurotomy, facet joint radiofrequency rhizotomy (therapeutic procedure to decrease nerve pain by destroying nerves with heat); CDI on radiofrequency (RF) rhizotomy; SMM on facet joint radiofrequency rhizotomy. Spinal decompression therapy, spinal traction, Intermittent sustained spinal traction ISST, Triton decompression traction system, DTS (treatment to release the pressure on damaged spinal discs, joints and nerves) Spinal fusion, spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis (join two or more adjoining vertebrae); Wikipedia on spinal fusion. Spinal stenosis (narrowing of spaces in the backbone that results in pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots); National Institutes of Health on spinal stenosis. Spinal surgery; NHS trust on spinal surgery. SBRT Stereotactic body radiotherapy (treatment of body tumors); RadiologyInfo on stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). SRS Stereotactic radiosurgery (treat functional abnormalities and small tumors of the brain); Medline plus on stereotactic radiosurgery – CyberKnife; Cancer research UK on primary brain tumor. TCD Transcranial doppler study, intracranial neurovascular exam (measure the rate and direction of blood flow inside vessels by ultrasound to support the diagnosis of various brain conditions). Vascular neurosurgery, cerebrovascular surgery (treatment of abnormalities of blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord); NHS trust on vascular neurosurgery." /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Medical Tourism Directory Est. 2015" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <!-- / Yoast SEO plugin. --> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ru" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="zh" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ar" href="" /> <link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' /> <link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' /> <link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Medical Tourism Directory Est. 2015 &raquo; Feed" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Medical Tourism Directory Est. 2015 &raquo; Comments Feed" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Medical Tourism Directory Est. 2015 &raquo; Neurosurgery Specilaity Feed" href="" /> <script type="text/javascript"> window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=a60269afe01404979a22400e8edc9ad5"}}; /*! 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Many patients would like to find the best neurosurgeon in the world so that they can rest assured that their health is in good hands. That is why traveling to another continent is the only way to get the treatment of that quality.</p> <p>Many countries that are underdeveloped do not have the newest surgical instruments and are also lacking in surgeons. Therefore, the only option is to seek medical help and attention overseas.</p> <p>That is where the medical tourism comes in handy. Thanks to the globalization of health care, now it is possible for patients to seek health service somewhere else other than their country of residence.</p> <h2>What is Neurosurgery</h2> <p>Neurosurgery, or neurological surgery, involves all surgeries that are eliminating problems originating in and affecting the nervous system.</p> <p>With such a delicate system, precision in medical procedures is mandatory. Modern technology and contemporary computers really made an advance in the way these surgeries are performed. Even mere millimeters are of great importance in surgeries such as these. The technological aspect renewed this medical field and people have more trust and faith in surgeons and medical technology based instruments are giving people the assurance.</p> <p>Neurosurgeons are doctors responsible for neurosurgeries. They are also prescribing pain-killers and post-surgery treatments and rehabilitation for their patients.</p> <h2>Medical Tourism and Neurosurgery</h2> <p>Let us say that you found the best neurosurgery hospital in Spain for your treatment. Before you rush off to reserve and pay your travel tickets and hotel accommodation, check if your passport is up to date. If it is not, it may take you some time to extend its validity or apply for a new passport.</p> <p>Also, while you are at it, do check if you need a visa for the country you wish to travel to. For example, Turkey is one of the countries that issue a special medical visa for citizens of certain nationalities that are traveling to their country only on the basis of seeking medical attention. If the visa is mandatory for you, it is best to apply for it at least one month in advance.</p> <p>The process of approving the visa can take some time and you might even need to go to an interview at the embassy. Start preparing your travel documentation and apply as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays.</p> <p>Depending on the medical institution, some hospitals are offering services of taking care of the visa process for you. In some cases they are even making sure to secure you the accommodation during the medical treatment. Find information if the hospitals you are interested in offer these services. They may charge them additionally. But it would be of immense help to have everything settled in advance without wasting precious time on double-checking paperwork and documentation.</p> <h2>Finding Neurosurgery Treatments Abroad</h2> <p>How to find the right hospital or medical center? The best neurosurgeon in India may just be a click away from you.</p> <p>With the Medical Tourism Directory you can easily select the treatment you are looking for and you will almost immediately see the list of available medical institutions that offer rehabilitation and/or treatment you are looking for.</p> <p>When it comes to neurosurgery, you can find treatment in countries such as Spain, and Greece in Europe or Turkey in Asia.</p> <p>Some of hospitals that offer neurological treatments are <a href="">Medicana Hospitals in Turkey,</a> and <a href="">Hygeia Hospital in Greece</a>.</p> <p>Choose the best option, schedule your medical examination and discuss the best course of treatment with your doctor.</p> <h2>Neurosurgery Treatments</h2> <ul> <li>Back and neck pain treatment; <a href="">Spine Health on back and neck pain treatment</a>.</li> <li>Brachial plexus surgery (treatment of nerves that goes from the spinal cord in the neck down to the arm; ASSH on brachial plexus injury; CUMC on brachial plexus avulsion injuries.</li> <li>Brain aneurysm repair (surgery to correct an aneurysm); <a href="">Medline plus on brain aneurysm repair</a>; Brain aneurysms on brain aneurysm treatment; AANS on cerebral aneurysm treatment.</li> <li>Brain surgery; Brain tumor charity on neurosurgery for brain tumors in adults.</li> <li>Brain tumor treatment; <a href="">Brain tumor center on their clinical programs</a>.</li> <li>Cervical disc replacement, artificial disc replacement; The spine hospital on arthroplasty (artificial disc replacement).</li> <li>Craniotomy (surgery to open the head and operate on the brain).</li> <li>CyberKnife (high-power energy radiation therapy); Medline plus on stereotactic radiosurgery–CyberKnife.</li> <li>Deep brain stimulation, DBS (treatment of disabling neurological symptoms).</li> <li>Double vision treatment.</li> <li>Epilepsy brain surgery; <a href="">Epilepsy action on epilepsy surgery for adults</a>;.</li> <li>Gamma Knife (beams of gamma radiation to treat lesions within the brain); <a href="">NCSR on gamma knife treatment</a>.</li> <li>Headache treatment; Columbia neurosurgeons on headache relief; UCLH on the headache group.</li> <li>Hydrocephalus treatment, water on the brain (buildup of fluid inside the skull, which can increase pressure and cause damage to the brain).</li> <li>Laminectomy (surgery to remove the lamina in order to take pressure off the spinal nerves or spinal cord); <a href="">Medline plus on laminectomy</a>.</li> <li>Lumbar decompression surgery (treatment of compressed nerves in the lower spine); <a href="">Medline plus on lumbar decompression surgery</a>.</li> <li>Lumbar puncture, spinal tap (procedure to examine the cerebrospinal fluid in order to diagnose disorders of the central nervous system, or cancer of the brain or spinal cord); Neurosurgical associates on lumbar puncture.</li> <li>Microdiscectomy, minidiscectomy, microlumbar discectomy, MLD (remove the intervertebral disc that is compressing the nerve root);USC on microdiscectomy; BASS on lumbar discectomy and decompression.</li> <li>Microsurgical clipping (surgical treatment for brain aneurysms);Brain aneurysm foundation on clipping.</li> <li>MINS Minimally invasive neurosurgery, minimally invasive surgery, MIS; Beaumont on minimally invasive neurosurgery.</li> <li>Neuro-oncology (treatment of tumours in the central nervous system, CNS, i.e. in the brain and spinal cord; NHS trust on neuro-oncology.</li> <li>Neuroendoscopy (minimally invasive treatment of central nervous system disorders); <a href="">Renishaw on neuroendoscopy</a>.</li> <li>Neurotraumatology; <a href="">Hawaii government on neurotrauma support</a>.</li> <li>Pediatric neurosurgery.</li> <li>Peripheral nerve surgery (treatment of peripheral nerve disorders); <a href="">Medline plus on peripheral neuropathy</a>.</li> <li>Pituitary tumors treatment; Macmillan on pituitary tumors.</li> <li>Radiofrequency rhizotomy, radiofrequency neurotomy, facet joint radiofrequency rhizotomy (therapeutic procedure to decrease nerve pain by destroying nerves with heat); <a href="">CDI on radiofrequency (RF) rhizotomy</a>; SMM on facet joint radiofrequency rhizotomy.</li> <li>Spinal decompression therapy, spinal traction, Intermittent sustained spinal traction ISST, Triton decompression traction system, DTS (treatment to release the pressure on damaged spinal discs, joints and nerves)</li> <li>Spinal fusion, spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis (join two or more adjoining vertebrae); <a href="">Wikipedia on spinal fusion</a>.</li> <li>Spinal stenosis (narrowing of spaces in the backbone that results in pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots); <a href="">National Institutes of Health on spinal stenosis</a>.</li> <li>Spinal surgery; NHS trust on spinal surgery.</li> <li>SBRT Stereotactic body radiotherapy (treatment of body tumors); <a href="">RadiologyInfo on stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)</a>.</li> <li>SRS Stereotactic radiosurgery (treat functional abnormalities and small tumors of the brain); <a href="">Medline plus on stereotactic radiosurgery – CyberKnife</a>; <a href="">Cancer research UK on primary brain tumor</a>.</li> <li>TCD Transcranial doppler study, intracranial neurovascular exam (measure the rate and direction of blood flow inside vessels by ultrasound to support the diagnosis of various brain conditions).</li> <li>Vascular neurosurgery, cerebrovascular surgery (treatment of abnormalities of blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord); <a href="">NHS trust on vascular neurosurgery</a>.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="to-search-wrap"> <!--<a href="" id="to-search-bar">Browse our medical directory</a>--> <a href="" id="to-search-bar">Search Neurosurgery hospitals</a> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> <!-- <div class='cookie-info-popup alert alert-info container'>This site uses cookies. 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