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Times of opening will be notified to all Exhibitors and during these hours stands and exhibits must not be covered up.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>ALLOCATION OF SPACE</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn reserves the right to refuse, amend, change the position, withdraw or otherwise deal with the allocation of space.</li> <li>Should this need arise then Terrapinn will inform the Exhibitor and look to consult on this.</li> <li>The final decision rests with Terrapinn and it will proceed with a change that in its opinion, is in the general best interest of the Exhibition.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>CHANGES TO THE EXHIBTION</h2> <ol> <li>Changes to the Exhibition can be communicated to you verbally, by email or in the Exhibition Manual that Terrapinn will make available to you. Our directions may include, but are not limited to: <ol style="list-style-type:lower-roman"> <li>refusing to allow, or stopping displays, product demonstrations or other uses of your exhibition space;</li> <li>specifying display area wall heights and coverings;</li> <li>approving or disapproving the content and presentation of your materials;</li> <li>deciding times and days that you can set up and dismantle displays;</li> <li>deciding how you, your employees, contractors or agents use Exhibition entry cards;</li> <li>setting conditions for moving goods and displays before, during and after the Exhibition;</li> <li>setting restrictions on taking photographs and/or video recordings;</li> <li>specifying how you can use audio visual equipment, wi-fi and media and how you can demonstrate machines;</li> <li>making health and safety requirements.</li> <li>boarding-up or removing your stand from the floorplan if you do not arrive at the Exhibition or give us advance notice that you do not intend to arrive, in which case the cancellation terms outlined in the Contract will apply.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>RISK AND INSURANCE COVER</h2> <ol> <li>You agree that the Exhibition site can be hazardous. You agree that you will take due care to prevent injury and property damage and that Terrapinn is not responsible for any damage caused by your acts or omissions, including those of your staff and contractors. You must inform us in writing about any site incident and give us supporting evidence. After an incident you must not remove anything from the site without our prior approval.</li> <li>At all times you must comply with the relevant Health and Safety [or similar] legislation prevailing in the country in which the Exhibition is being run.</li> <li>Terrapinn recommends that you ensure that you have adequate insurance cover in place.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE</h2> <ol> <li>It may be a requirement that, in order to occupy the Exhibition Space, you have to have your own public liability insurance. If this is the case and you do not have public liability insurance, you must purchase your own policy. Your insurance policy must be current and must begin at least 3 days before the Exhibition starts and continue until the end of the move-out period. If requested, you agree to provide proof of insurance before being allowed to participate at the Exhibition.</li> <li>For all Exhibitions held in Australia the required level of public liability insurance is $20 million.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>SHARING OF SPACE</h2> <ol> <li>You must not share or co-brand your space without Terrapinn&rsquo;s written permission. If we permit you to share all or part of your Exhibition Space with another person (Co-exhibitor) they must sign these Terms and Conditions. Terrapinn reserves the right to charge you a separate public liability insurance fee for each Co- exhibitor if, on request, you do not give us a separate Certificate of Currency for them.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>ADDITIONAL COSTS</h2> <ol> <li>Unless agreed in writing as part of the Contract, you will be responsible for paying any additional costs including, but not limited to: <ol style="list-style-type:lower-roman"> <li>additional services and connections, electricity, water, gas, compressed air, cleaning, telephone and private internet access;</li> <li>loading and handling;</li> <li>duties and taxes including Sales Tax, VAT and/or GST;</li> <li>advertising and promotional material;</li> <li>insurance; and</li> <li>display stands, dressing, furniture hire and display items.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>EXHIBITS SUBJECT TO LIEN</h2> <ol> <li>In the event of Terrapinn having an account outstanding or claim pending against an Exhibitor then it shall have the right of lien on the exhibits of that Exhibitor.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>DECISION TO REFUSE ADMISSION TO THE EXHIBITION</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn reserves to itself the right, in its slie discretion, to refuse admission to any person to the Exhibition.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>DELIVERY AND REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS AND FITTINGS</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn will advise Exhibitors of the dates and times previous to the openings when exhibits and fittings may be received at the Exhibition Hall. All such goods must be brought in and taken out by the entrances and exits specified by Terrapinn. Exhibitors must accept the ruling of Terrapinn regarding the short- and long- term parking of delivery vehicles. Goods must not be removed from the Exhibition Hall during those hours when it is open to visitors except with the written permission of Terrapinn.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>NO STORAGE FOR EMPTY BOXES AND PACKING CASES IS PROVIDED</h2> <ol> <li>Empty cases and packing material may not be stored in offices or on stands as this is contrary to the regulations of the relevant authority/regulator and the Exhibition Venue. Exhibitors must make their own arrangements for storage.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>NO OBSTRUCTION OF GANGWAYS</h2> <ol> <li>No obstruction to the gangways shall be permitted, either by goods or by any other manner.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>NO DANGEROUS MATERIALS PERMITTED</h2> <ol> <li>Fulminates, explosive and all articles of a dangerous nature cannot be admitted to the Exhibition Hall.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>FIRE PRECAUTIONS TO BE ADHERED TO</h2> <ol> <li>All materials used for building, decorating, draping or covering stands must be non-flammable or rendered so by immersion in fire-proofing sliution to comply with regulations of the relevant authority/regulator and the Exhibition Venue.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>PROTECTION OF APPARATUS</h2> <ol> <li>All apparatus must be properly protected from danger by the Exhibitor, at their expense to meet the requirements of the relevant authority/regulator and the Exhibition Venue. Terrapinn reserves to itself the right to call upon the Exhibitor to remove any such apparatus as may be considered to represent a potential source of danger. The Exhibitor irrevocably indemnifies and renders Terrapinn harmless against any damage, loss or claim, of any person, arising in respect of or from any cause whatsoever in respect of the apparatus.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>BUILDING AND DISMANTLING OF THE EXHBIT</h2> <ol> <li>Full details will be provided at a later date and all Exhibitors must observe the right to call upon the Exhibitor to remove any such apparatus as may be considered to represent a potential source of danger.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>FOOD, TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL</h2> <ol> <li>The slie rights for the distribution and sale of all articles of food, drink or tobacco are held by the catering concessionaires and no Exhibitor shall give away or distribute any such article without the written consent of Terrapinn.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>PASSES AND TICKETS OF ADMISSIONS</h2> <ol> <li>Passes - which are not transferable - to admit Exhibitor, Attendants and Exhibitor&rsquo;s Workmen will be supplied free of cost to Exhibitors, and no Exhibitor, Attendant or Workmen will be admitted without such a pass being produced on entering to an official appointed by Terrapinn. In the event of any such pass being transferred or otherwise disposed of, the pass will be immediately forfeited, and no further pass will be issued. All passes must be signed by the actual hlider in ink before being presented.</li> <li>Exhibitors will be given complimentary tickets free of charge for their own use for the purpose of inviting customers to the Exhibition. Further supplies of Exhibition admission tickets will be available. These tickets are available for single admission on any day and are not returnable. All tickets are issued, and visitors are admitted to the Exhibition on the undertaking that no canvassing is allowed by non-exhibitors and visitors acting contrary to this condition, or who are suspected of canvassing render themselves liable to immediate expulsion.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>STAND FITTING</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn shall provide a dimensional drawing of the shell scheme to any Exhibitor who shall require the same. Terrapinn reserves the right to stipulate the standards for the construction of exhibition stands. This structure may not be altered in any way. Exhibitors are responsible for the cost and erection of any benches, counters or other contrivances for the display of their goods and for complete stand construction on space only sites. Terrapinn reserves the right to claim compensation or replacement of any stand which is, in the slie opinion of Terrapinn, damaged, whether materially, or otherwise, from the Exhibitor if the Stand is not returned in good condition. Exhibitors must comply in all respects with Terrapinn&rsquo;s regulations and any relevant authority/regulator and Exhibition Venue requirements currently in force and which govern the conduct of any Exhibition. No contractors will be allowed to enter the Exhibition without the written consent of Terrapinn who will not be liable in any way whatsoever for the acts or defaults of any contractors or their servants. Rates of pay for all labour employed by the Exhibitor&rsquo;s Contractors for work carried out on behalf of the Exhibitor including stand construction, stand-fitting, electrical installation, decoration (including floral work) must be neither more nor less favourable than those provided for in the Exhibition Stand Work Agreement of the National Joint Council for the Exhibition industry and the National Exhibition Electrical Joint Council in force at the time of the Exhibition.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>LIGHTING AND POWER ON STANDS</h2> <ol> <li>General gangway lighting will be provided by Terrapinn. Exhibitors must provide at their own expense all electrical apparatus and connections they may require additional to any lighting fittings or power supplies which may be provided on stands by Terrapinn. Such apparatus and connections will only be installed at the Exhibitor&rsquo;s expense and must be carried out by the Contractors officially appointed by Terrapinn for such work. The Exhibitor undertakes not to overload the lighting or power system and only to use equipment which has been approved by Terrapinn in respect of such lighting and power. Terrapinn reserves the right in its slie discretion to check any equipment used by the Exhibitor which provides or draws off lighting and power. All Exhibitors must observe Terrapinn&rsquo;s right to call upon the Exhibitor to remove any such apparatus as may be considered by Terrapinn in its slie opinion to represent a potential source of danger.</li> <li>Exhibitors must comply in all respects with Terrapinn&rsquo;s regulations and any relevant authority/regulator and Exhibition Venue requirements currently in respect of lighting and power at an Exhibition. The Exhibitor irrevocably indemnifies and renders Terrapinn harmless against any damage, loss or claim, of any person, of any nature, by or of any person, arising from any cause whatsoever in respect of the lighting and power.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>GAS, WATER, WASTE AND SIMILAR SUPPLIES</h2> <ol> <li>Exhibitors who may require gas, water or waste services to be brought to their stands must apply, in writing, to the official plumbing contractors not later than two months before the opening date of the event, advising Terrapinn at the same time. No Exhibitor will have any claim against Terrapinn if gas, water and waste services cannot be supplied.</li> <li>As Terrapinn will accept no responsibility for damages to the Exhibitor, caused by gas, water or waste, the Exhibitor is advised to cover itself by insurance in respect thereof.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>CLEANING</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn will arrange for the cleaning of all stand areas and public gangways, but Exhibitors will be responsible for the cleaning of their own exhibits and displays.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <h2>EXHIBITION SERVICES</h2> <ol> <li>Terrapinn accepts no responsibility for breakdown or failure of any of the services provided for, or in connection with the Exhibition.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!--footer section start--> <footer class="footer-main"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 footer-about"> <a href="#" class="ft-logo"><img src="" alt="Terrapinn"></a> <div class="ft-about"> <h4>ABOUT TERRAPINN</h4> <p>Terrapinn is a global events company. 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