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The academic reference work will eventually cover all aspects of Iranian history and culture, as well as all Iranian languages and literatures, facilitating the entire range of Iranian studies research from <a href="/pages/scope">archeology to political sciences</a></span><span class="">.</span></div> <div class="">&nbsp;</div> <div class="">The <em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica</em> is an international, collaborative research project of the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation, Inc. In recognition of its high academic achievements, the <em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica</em> has received financial support, since its inception in the 1970s, from major sponsors, such as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Persian Heritage Foundation, the International Union of Academies, the Iran Heritage Foundation (London), the Semnani Foundation, the Institute of Ismaili Studies (London), and the Les Amies de l'Encyclopedie Iranica (Paris). Until 2018, the project was carried out at Columbia University, Center for Iranian Studies, recently named Ehsan Yarshater Center for Iranian Studies.</div> <div class="">&nbsp;</div> <div class="">The Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation was established in 1990 with the mission to guarantee the Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica's intellectual independence and ensure its ongoing publication both in digital and print versions.</div> <div class="">&nbsp;</div> <div class="">The <em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica</em> was, until 2017, overseen by its founder and editor-in-chief, Professor Ehsan Yarshater.</div> <h3><span class="">Audience</span></h3> <div class=""><em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica</em> benefits not only those who are interested in Persian life and culture but also students, specialists, and the educated general reader interested in a variety of academic disciplines. The disciplines represented include, but are not confined to: anthropology, archaeology, geography, art history, ethnology, sociology, economics, history of religion, philosophy, mysticism, history of science and medicine, Islamic history, botany, zoology, folklore, development of agriculture and industry, political science, international relations, and diplomatic history.</div> <h3>Authors</h3> <div class=""><em>Encyclop&aelig;dia Iranica</em> is an international undertaking and draws on the most authoritative scholarship worldwide to ensure the quality and reliability of its articles. To date over 1,300 scholars worldwide have contributed articles in a variety of languages, including English, Russian, Persian, Turkish, and Chinese. 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