Product Hunt API Documentation

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Ask for access grant code on behalf of the user</a> </li> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_user_authentication/oauth_token_use_the_access_grant_code_you_received_through_the_redirect_to_request_an_access_token">oauth#token - Use the access grant code you received through the redirect to request an access token</a> </li> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_user_authentication/oauth_test_add_the_access_token_as_header_to_any_request">oauth#test - Add the access_token as header to any request</a> </li> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_user_authentication/unauthorized_oauth_oauth_test_invalid_access_tokens_will_lead_to_error_messages">unauthorized_oauth: oauth#test - Invalid access_tokens will lead to error messages</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <li class="api--sidenav--heading"> <a href="#" data-collapsing-navigation-target="OAuth Client Only Authentication"> OAuth Client Only Authentication </a> </li> <ul class="api--sidenav--subnav" data-collapsing-navigation="OAuth Client Only Authentication"> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_client_only_authentication/oauth_token_ask_for_client_level_token">oauth#token - Ask for client level token</a> </li> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_client_only_authentication/oauth_test_use_the_client_level_token_for_read_api_access">oauth#test - Use the client level token for read api access</a> </li> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/oauth_client_only_authentication/unauthorized_oauth_oauth_test_invalid_access_to_user-level_content_with_just_an_client_level_token_will_lead_to_errors">unauthorized_oauth: oauth#test - Invalid access to user-level content with just an client level token will lead to errors</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <li class="api--sidenav--heading"> <a href="#" data-collapsing-navigation-target="GraphQL"> GraphQL </a> </li> <ul class="api--sidenav--subnav" data-collapsing-navigation="GraphQL"> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">API Reference</a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href="">API Explorer</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <li class="api--sidenav--heading"> <a href="#" data-collapsing-navigation-target="Rate Limits"> Rate Limits </a> </li> <ul class="api--sidenav--subnav" data-collapsing-navigation="Rate Limits"> <li> <a target="" href="/v2/docs/rate_limits/headers">Headers</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="api--content"> <h2>Welcome to the Product Hunt API 2.0</h2> <p> The goal of this API is to provide access to Product Hunt data via a simple <a href="" target="_blank">GraphQL</a> interface. </p> <p> If you have any ideas for improvements or just wanna chat about queries or mutations<br> <a href="">let us know on GitHub.</a> Remember to add <strong>v2</strong> label to the issue. </p> <h3>Not familiar with GraphQL?</h3> <p> Here are some resources that can help you get started with GraphQL. </p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">GraphQL</a> home page.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">How To GraphQL</a> - a free and open-source tutorial to learn all around GraphQL to go from zero to production.</li> </ul> <h3>Privileges</h3> <p>There are 3 types of scopes that an application can request on behalf of the user:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Public :</strong> Access public information on Product Hunt.</li> <li><strong>Private :</strong> Access Product Hunt on behalf of the authenticated user. For e.g application will be able to read goals of the user.</li> <li><strong>Write :</strong> Take actions on Product Hunt on behalf of the user. For e.g application will be able to mark user's goals as complete/incomplete.</li> </ul> <p>For example, if you are building an application in which you need to know if a user has followed a topic, or commented on a post, you would need to request <em>`public private`</em> scope.</p> <ul> <li>By default <strong>all apps are read-only</strong> i.e they have <em>`public`</em> scope. </li> <li> As part of API 2.0 we have decided to give <strong>partial write access</strong> to third party applications depending on the use-case. If your application needs it feel free to get in touch with us at <a href=""></a>. Remember you would also need to request <em>`public private write`</em> scope for write functions to work. </li> <li> The Product Hunt API must not be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for your business, please contact us at <a href=""></a>. </li> </ul> <h3>Accessing Endpoints</h3> <ul> <li>The API is reachable at <strong></strong></li> <li>Currently the API is only accessible with a provided <em>access_token</em>.</li> <li>We reserve the right to rate-limit any application if we feel you are not following <strong>fair-use</strong>.</li> <li>If you require faster access without rate limit please contact us.</li> </ul> <h3>Get started: Getting an OAuth2 token</h3> <p>Get a token on behalf of a user:</p> <ul> <li>Follow the steps in <em>OAuth User Authentication</em> oauth#authorize to receive an access_grant</li> <li>Use the access_grant in oauth#token</li> <li>Add the <em>Authorization</em> http header with the token to all requests. E.g <em>Authorization: Bearer {token}</em></li> <li>Test this and troubleshoot according to the examples in oauth#test</li> </ul> <p>Get a token without user context. (eg before a user logs in)</p> <ul> <li>Follow the steps explained in <em>OAuth Client Only Authentication</em> oauth#token</li> <li>Please remember that this tokens limit you to public endpoints that don't require user context.</li> </ul> <p>But… i just wanted to run a simple script?</p> <ul> <li>The oauth2 flow is a bit of a overkill if you just want to run a few scripts</li> <li> We provide a developer_token (does not expire, linked to your account) in the <a href="">API dashboard</a> </li> </ul> <h3>May I use the API for my business?</h3> <p> By default the Product Hunt API must not be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to use it for your business, please contact us at <a href=""></a>. </p> <h3>Done building? Get featured!</h3> <p> We’re excited to see what all you creative folks build and happy to feature your product on the site. Contact us at <a href=""></a> with its name, a couple sentence description, and link to the project. </p> <h3>Do I have to attribute Product Hunt?</h3> <p> We kindly ask that you include attribution in your project, linking back to <a href="">Product Hunt</a>. We’d also appreciate those that include a Product Hunt logo (it’s helpful for us!). </p> <p> You can <a href="">download the goodies here</a>. </p> <h3>Are there any other ways to do Product Hunt Integrations?</h3> <p> Yes! There is quite a bunch of third party APIs. Blazin' fast fulltext search, SDKs with callbacks for real-time like interaction, web-hooks, etc etc. Go here for the <a href="">full list</a>. </p> <p> Btw there is also a lot of Open Source software out there. <a href="">Take a look</a>. Maybe there is something you can reuse. </p> <h3>But…?</h3> <p> If you have any more questions, feedback, ideas or problems don’t hesitate to contact us! Also, let us know what you’re working on! Drop us a line at <a href=""></a>. </p> <p> Happy Hacking! </p> </div> </div> </div> </main> <script> $('[data-collapsing-navigation-target]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var subgroup = $('collapsing-navigation-target'); $("[data-collapsing-navigation!='" + subgroup + "']").removeClass('m-active'); $("[data-collapsing-navigation='" + subgroup + "']").toggleClass('m-active'); }); </script> </body> </html>

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