ROR API paging
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class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/matching"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Match organization names to ROR IDs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/mapping"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Map other organization IDs to ROR IDs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/grid"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Transition from GRID to ROR</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/funder-registry"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Transition from Open Funder Registry to ROR</span></span></a></li></ul></section><section class="Sidebar-listWrapper6Q9_yUrG906C rm-Sidebar-section"><h2 class="Sidebar-headingTRQyOa2pk0gh rm-Sidebar-heading">Sending ROR IDs</h2><ul class="Sidebar-list3cZWQLaBf9k8 rm-Sidebar-list"><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/crossref"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Add ROR IDs to Crossref DOIs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/datacite"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Add ROR IDs to DataCite 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rel="nofollow" href="/edit/api-paging"><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-edit"></i> Suggest Edits</a></div></div></header><div class="grid-container-fluid" id="content-container"><section class="content-body grid-75"><div dehydrated="<blockquote class="callout callout_default" theme="1️⃣"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a href="" target="" title=""></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a href="/docs/api-versions" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-versions">API versions</a> and a summary of what&#x27;s new in <a href="/docs/schema-v2" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="schema-v2">Schema 2.0</a> and <a href="/docs/schema-2-1" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="schema-2-1">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="about-paging"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-about-paging" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>About paging</div><a aria-label="Skip link to About paging" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#about-paging"></a></h1> <p>Responses to queries of the ROR API are broken into pages with a maximum of 20 results per page beginning at page 1. If <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> is greater than 20, you can retrieve subsequent records by specifying the page number of the result. </p> <blockquote class="callout callout_info" theme="📘"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">📘</span><p>Paging format</p></h2><p><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">[page number]</code></p></blockquote> <p>The maximum number of pages that can be retrieved is 500, which means that the maximum number of ROR records that can be retrieved via the ROR API is 10,000. If you send a request for a page beyond 500, you will receive a 200 status, but also an error response like <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">{&quot;errors&quot;:[&quot;page &#x27;5144&#x27; outside of range 1-500”]}</code></p> <p>To determine how many pages you will need to retrieve in order to obtain your entire result set, check <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> and divide by 20. Regardless of which page you are on, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> indicates the total number of results returned by your request.</p> <blockquote class="callout callout_error" theme="❗️"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">❗️</span><p>It is not possible to retrieve all ROR records from the API</p></h2><p>The API is best for use cases that involve searching for or retrieving individual records. The maximum number of results that can be retrieved via the API is 10,000, which means that it is currently not possible to retrieve all 100,000+ records from the ROR API. If you need to use the entire ROR dataset in your application, please download the <a href="/docs/data-dump" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="data-dump">data dump</a>.</p></blockquote> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response is a list of the 20 organization records from the fourth page of results of a request to list all active records in ROR. Counts in <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">&lt;metadata&gt;</code> pertain to the entire results list, not the individual page. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Foligno&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Foligno&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;IT.55&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Umbria&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 3176854, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 42.95488, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 12.70268, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;IT&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Italy&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1857, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100009511&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479033.a&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479033.a&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0000 9871 8184&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Nonprofit&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Georgetown&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Georgetown&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.SC&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;South Carolina&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4579662, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 33.37683, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -79.2945, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bunnelle Foundation&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2000, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100009246&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479034.d&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479034.d&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 5905 5655&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Other&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Genoa&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Genoa&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;IT.42&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Liguria&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 3176219, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 44.40478, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 8.94439, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Fondazione Carige&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;IT&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Italy&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1483, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;501100007496&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479035.c&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479035.c&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; 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: &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 14648, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 13376, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 11437, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 8643, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 7122, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 3024, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 109806, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 36 } </code></pre></div></div>" style="margin-left:31px" class="rm-Markdown markdown-body rm-Markdown markdown-body ng-non-bindable" data-testid="RDMD"><blockquote class="callout callout_default" theme="1️⃣"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a target="_self" href="/v2/docs/api-paging"></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-versions">API versions</a> and a summary of what's new in <a target="_self" href="/docs/schema-v2">Schema 2.0</a> and <a target="_self" href="/docs/schema-2-1">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="about-paging"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-about-paging" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>About paging</div><a aria-label="Skip link to About paging" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#about-paging"></a></h1> <p>Responses to queries of the ROR API are broken into pages with a maximum of 20 results per page beginning at page 1. If <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> is greater than 20, you can retrieve subsequent records by specifying the page number of the result. </p> <blockquote class="callout callout_info" theme="📘"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">📘</span><p>Paging format</p></h2><p><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">[page number]</code></p></blockquote> <p>The maximum number of pages that can be retrieved is 500, which means that the maximum number of ROR records that can be retrieved via the ROR API is 10,000. If you send a request for a page beyond 500, you will receive a 200 status, but also an error response like <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">{"errors":["page '5144' outside of range 1-500”]}</code></p> <p>To determine how many pages you will need to retrieve in order to obtain your entire result set, check <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> and divide by 20. Regardless of which page you are on, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">metadata.number_of_results</code> indicates the total number of results returned by your request.</p> <blockquote class="callout callout_error" theme="❗️"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">❗️</span><p>It is not possible to retrieve all ROR records from the API</p></h2><p>The API is best for use cases that involve searching for or retrieving individual records. The maximum number of results that can be retrieved via the API is 10,000, which means that it is currently not possible to retrieve all 100,000+ records from the ROR API. If you need to use the entire ROR dataset in your application, please download the <a target="_self" href="/docs/data-dump">data dump</a>.</p></blockquote> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response is a list of the 20 organization records from the fourth page of results of a request to list all active records in ROR. Counts in <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0"><metadata></code> pertain to the entire results list, not the individual page. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Foligno", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Foligno", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "IT.55", "id" : null, "name" : "Umbria" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 3176854, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.95488, "line" : null, "lng" : 12.70268, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "IT", "country_name" : "Italy" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1857, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100009511" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.479033.a", "preferred" : "grid.479033.a" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0000 9871 8184" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Nonprofit", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : null }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Georgetown", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Georgetown", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.SC", "id" : null, "name" : "South Carolina" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4579662, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 33.37683, "line" : null, "lng" : -79.2945, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Bunnelle Foundation" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2000, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100009246" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.479034.d", "preferred" : "grid.479034.d" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 5905 5655" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Frances P. 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"all" : [ "501100007496" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.479035.c", "preferred" : "grid.479035.c" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Nonprofit", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bethesda", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bethesda", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MD", "id" : null, "name" : "Maryland" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4348599, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 38.98067, "line" : null, "lng" : -77.10026, "postcode" : null, 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"city" : "Sydney", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "AU.NSW", "id" : null, "name" : "New South Wales" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2147714, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : -33.86785, "line" : null, "lng" : 151.20732, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "AU", "country_name" : "Australia" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1970, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "501100000953" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.479042.c", "preferred" : "grid.479042.c" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 5900 0726" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], 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If you send a request for a page beyond 500, you will receive a 200 status, but also an error response like `{\"errors\":[\"page '5144' outside of range 1-500”]}`\n\nTo determine how many pages you will need to retrieve in order to obtain your entire result set, check `metadata.number_of_results` and divide by 20. Regardless of which page you are on, `metadata.number_of_results` indicates the total number of results returned by your request.\n\n> ❗️ It is not possible to retrieve all ROR records from the API\n> \n> The API is best for use cases that involve searching for or retrieving individual records. The maximum number of results that can be retrieved via the API is 10,000, which means that it is currently not possible to retrieve all 100,000+ records from the ROR API. If you need to use the entire ROR dataset in your application, please download the [data dump](doc:data-dump).\n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response is a list of the 20 organization records from the fourth page of results of a request to list all active records in ROR. Counts in `<metadata>` pertain to the entire results list, not the individual page. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Foligno\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Foligno\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"IT.55\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Umbria\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 3176854,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 42.95488,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : 12.70268,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"IT\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Italy\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1857,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100009511\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.479033.a\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.479033.a\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0000 9871 8184\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Nonprofit\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Georgetown\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Georgetown\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.SC\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"South Carolina\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4579662,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 33.37683,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -79.2945,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bunnelle Foundation\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2000,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100009246\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.479034.d\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.479034.d\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 5905 5655\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Frances P. 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\"all\" : \"grid.479046.8\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.479046.8\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 5902 4621\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Francis Family Foundation\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Other\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"New York\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"New York\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.NY\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"New York\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 5128581,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : 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\"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 30199,\n \"id\" : \"company\",\n \"title\" : \"Company\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 21507,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 16948,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 14648,\n \"id\" : \"nonprofit\",\n \"title\" : \"Nonprofit\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 13376,\n \"id\" : \"healthcare\",\n \"title\" : \"Healthcare\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 11437,\n \"id\" : \"facility\",\n \"title\" : \"Facility\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 8643,\n \"id\" : \"other\",\n \"title\" : \"Other\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 7122,\n \"id\" : \"government\",\n \"title\" : \"Government\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 3024,\n \"id\" : \"archive\",\n \"title\" : \"Archive\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 109806,\n \"time_taken\" : 36\n}\n```","dehydrated":{"toc":"<nav><ul class=\"toc-list\"><li><a class=\"tocHeader\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"icon icon-text-align-left\"></i>Table of Contents</a></li><li class=\"toc-children\"><ul>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#about-paging\">About paging</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul></li></ul></nav>","body":"<blockquote class=\"callout callout_default\" theme=\"1️⃣\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\"></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a href=\"/docs/api-versions\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-versions\">API versions</a> and a summary of what&#x27;s new in <a href=\"/docs/schema-v2\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"schema-v2\">Schema 2.0</a> and <a href=\"/docs/schema-2-1\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"schema-2-1\">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"about-paging\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-about-paging\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>About paging</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to About paging\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#about-paging\"></a></h1>\n<p>Responses to queries of the ROR API are broken into pages with a maximum of 20 results per page beginning at page 1. If <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">metadata.number_of_results</code> is greater than 20, you can retrieve subsequent records by specifying the page number of the result. </p>\n<blockquote class=\"callout callout_info\" theme=\"📘\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">📘</span><p>Paging format</p></h2><p><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">[page number]</code></p></blockquote>\n<p>The maximum number of pages that can be retrieved is 500, which means that the maximum number of ROR records that can be retrieved via the ROR API is 10,000. If you send a request for a page beyond 500, you will receive a 200 status, but also an error response like <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{&quot;errors&quot;:[&quot;page &#x27;5144&#x27; outside of range 1-500”]}</code></p>\n<p>To determine how many pages you will need to retrieve in order to obtain your entire result set, check <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">metadata.number_of_results</code> and divide by 20. Regardless of which page you are on, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">metadata.number_of_results</code> indicates the total number of results returned by your request.</p>\n<blockquote class=\"callout callout_error\" theme=\"❗️\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">❗️</span><p>It is not possible to retrieve all ROR records from the API</p></h2><p>The API is best for use cases that involve searching for or retrieving individual records. The maximum number of results that can be retrieved via the API is 10,000, which means that it is currently not possible to retrieve all 100,000+ records from the ROR API. If you need to use the entire ROR dataset in your application, please download the <a href=\"/docs/data-dump\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"data-dump\">data dump</a>.</p></blockquote>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response is a list of the 20 organization records from the fourth page of results of a request to list all active records in ROR. Counts in <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">&lt;metadata&gt;</code> pertain to the entire results list, not the individual page. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Foligno&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Foligno&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;IT.55&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Umbria&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 3176854,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 42.95488,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 12.70268,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;IT&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Italy&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1857,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100009511&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479033.a&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479033.a&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0000 9871 8184&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Georgetown&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Georgetown&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.SC&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;South Carolina&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4579662,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 33.37683,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -79.2945,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Bunnelle Foundation&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2000,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100009246&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479034.d&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479034.d&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 5905 5655&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Other&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Genoa&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Genoa&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;IT.42&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Liguria&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 3176219,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 44.40478,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 8.94439,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Fondazione Carige&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;IT&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Italy&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1483,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100007496&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479035.c&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479035.c&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bethesda&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bethesda&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MD&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Maryland&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4348599,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 38.98067,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -77.10026,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1981,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100003760&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479036.f&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479036.f&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2106 2508&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Foundation for Iranian Studies&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;New York&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;New York&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.NY&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;New York&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 5128581,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 40.71427,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -74.00597,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;French-American Cultural Exchange&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2003,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100009879&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479037.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479037.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 6092 8847&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q30271455&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;FACE Foundation&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Piacenza&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Piacenza&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;IT.45&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Emilia-Romagna&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 3171058,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 45.05242,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 9.69342,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Piacenza e Vigevano&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;IT&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Italy&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1992,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100007498&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479038.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479038.1&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0000 9428 5780&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;FMEP&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.DC&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;District of Columbia&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4140963,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; 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For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <>. You can also read more about ROR [API versions](doc:api-versions) and a summary of what's new in [Schema 2.0](doc:schema-v2) and [Schema 2.1](doc:schema-2-1).\n\n# About paging\n\nResponses to queries of the ROR API are broken into pages with a maximum of 20 results per page beginning at page 1. If `metadata.number_of_results` is greater than 20, you can retrieve subsequent records by specifying the page number of the result. \n\n> 📘 Paging format\n> \n> `[page number]`\n\nThe maximum number of pages that can be retrieved is 500, which means that the maximum number of ROR records that can be retrieved via the ROR API is 10,000. If you send a request for a page beyond 500, you will receive a 200 status, but also an error response like `{\"errors\":[\"page '5144' outside of range 1-500”]}`\n\nTo determine how many pages you will need to retrieve in order to obtain your entire result set, check `metadata.number_of_results` and divide by 20. Regardless of which page you are on, `metadata.number_of_results` indicates the total number of results returned by your request.\n\n> ❗️ It is not possible to retrieve all ROR records from the API\n> \n> The API is best for use cases that involve searching for or retrieving individual records. The maximum number of results that can be retrieved via the API is 10,000, which means that it is currently not possible to retrieve all 100,000+ records from the ROR API. If you need to use the entire ROR dataset in your application, please download the [data dump](doc:data-dump).\n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response is a list of the 20 organization records from the fourth page of results of a request to list all active records in ROR. Counts in `<metadata>` pertain to the entire results list, not the individual page. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Foligno\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Foligno\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"IT.55\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Umbria\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 3176854,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 42.95488,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : 12.70268,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"IT\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Italy\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1857,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100009511\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.479033.a\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.479033.a\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0000 9871 8184\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Nonprofit\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Georgetown\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Georgetown\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.SC\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"South Carolina\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4579662,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 33.37683,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -79.2945,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bunnelle Foundation\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2000,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100009246\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.479034.d\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.479034.d\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 5905 5655\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Frances P. 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