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Feig Knipe </div>School counselor and rape survivor Knipe shares her journey with PTSD, mental illness, and healing in this supportive memoir. After being triggered during a graduate course, Knipe finds herself spiraling into flashbacks and depression, reliving the events of her assault while suffering from insomnia and obsessive thoughts. “I thought I was going to go crazy,” she writes—feelings that drove her to visit with her professor one on one and seek out a therapist to help explore her traumatic history, despite having prior negative experiences with counseling. The result is displayed with vulnerability and sensitivity here, in what Knipe describes as her “roadmap of what to do about PTSD.”<br /><br /> <p>Knipe’s transparency is powerful, as she sprinkles her breakthroughs and private therapy conversations throughout this emotive memoir and breaches her compartmentalized memories to ignite a process of self-discovery and emotional growth. She writes from a place of self-reflection and understanding, digging into her childhood and early experiences coping with grief and pain while sifting her memories of sexual assault—and recognizing how those events shaped her relationships, specifically her first marriage. Readers will be swept into Knipe’s sessions with her therapist, Rion Kweller, as she unpacks deeply complex revelations and shares the highs and lows of counseling.</p> <p>Steadily compassionate toward those who have suffered sexual abuse, Knipe urges readers to learn from her repressed emotions and “seek support,” discussing how to find the right therapist, recognize the lingering effects of trauma, and more. Her firsthand account is inspiring, as are the journal entries, therapist’s notes, and relayed conversations she includes here, as she reflects that "my being brave enough to do this might inspire readers to be brave enough to tell their own story, and that will help them heal.” Readers ready for the next steps in their healing journey will find Knipe’s story uplifting and empowering.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Vulnerable narrative of one woman's struggle to navigate PTSD.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Julie Smith's <em>Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?</em>, Lori Gottlieb's <em>Maybe You Should Talk to Someone</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/5620c550-be64-11ef-b967-547275647911">Braving Therapy</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/ba63eaf0-be56-11ef-b967-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/ba63eaf0-be56-11ef-b967-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Ruby's Revenge </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Christine Gallagher </div>Change comes fast (and furious) in Gallagher’s zippy fiction debut, whose put-upon protagonist discovers that she has a gift for vengeance. In brief, punchy chapters, Gallagher uses the brisk pacing and loopy logic of screwball comedy to transform guileless Ruby Bixler into an astute dispenser of poetic justice. At 33, Ruby has a picture-perfect house that she’s painstakingly renovated, a camera-ready newscaster husband whose career she bolstered, and an enviable job on a Los Angeles-based television show covering the entertainment industry. In all aspects of her life, Ruby’s behind the scenes, wearing niceness as her protective cloak.<br /><br /> <p>Gallagher upends that predictability with a phone call from a local hotel, driving a pin-sized hole into Ruby’s blissful façade—and cracks spread quickly. Her self-centered husband, Brad Diamond (known as “The Newsman You Can Trust”), has swapped reliable Ruby for his sleek assistant, Natasha, who envisions them as a media power couple—and has long admired that lovely house. If losing her marriage and home weren’t bad enough, the insidiously charming Guy Hadley Porter threatens Ruby’s promotion to producer on <em>The Scoop</em>. Entitled, manipulative, and ruthless, Natasha and Guy make for delicious villains who zero in on Ruby’s weaknesses: self-doubt and passivity.</p> <p>Instead of assertiveness training, Gallagher delivers Ruby’s retaliation in the form of the Revenge Ladies, a club she creates with her best friend Dottie, with clever modes of retribution that tickle—and sometimes bite—their treacherous targets. Gallagher rewards this newfound confidence with romance, but finding a magical man who truly appreciates her isn’t what transforms Ruby: she experiences revelations about herself and others that shift her perspective, allowing her to see the stifling effect of low expectations. With precise plotting, <em>Ruby’s Revenge</em> offers the sweet satisfaction of comeuppance, a subversive act that shifts the power dynamic just enough for Ruby to calibrate a new moral compass—and jump headfirst into her own new beginning.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Betrayal kickstarts a woman’s journey of vengeance—and self-discovery.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Natalie Sue’s <em>I Hope This Finds You Well</em>, Katy Brent’s <em>How to Kill Men and Get Away with It</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/ba63eaf0-be56-11ef-b967-547275647911">Ruby's Revenge</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/d2cdb2f0-be4d-11ef-b967-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/d2cdb2f0-be4d-11ef-b967-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Beyond the Shiny Object: Journey to Healing for Male Survivors </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Jeffrey Shearer </div>In this empowering self-help guide, therapist Shearer offers male survivors of sexual abuse and interpersonal trauma strategies to “mov[e] past the labels and the shame to explore the deeper reasons behind our behaviors, and [find] a path to genuine healing.” Using client case studies, he validates the pain of trauma while marking the different ways it can manifest in relationships, sharing 15 characteristics—such as authenticity, humility, and the ability to be optimistic—that are "crucial not only for guiding the therapeutic relationship" but also for creating a safe space for survivors to begin their healing process.<br /><br /> <p>Shearer builds on several already-established models, such as the OCEAN framework and cognitive behavioral therapy, to provide practical treatment guidance, and he uses "the shiny object" metaphor to describe how survivors avoid processing their underlying trauma. “The ‘shiny object’ represents the surface-level manifestations—such as elevated suicide rates, substance abuse, and other destructive behaviors that distract us,” he writes, and focusing only on those issues can derail recovery. Therapy must reach the root cause of behavioral issues to improve relationship dynamics, according to Shearer, and he recognizes trauma theory, gender theory, and attachment theory as the cornerstones of treatment for male trauma survivors. In challenging masculine norms of society, Shearer highlights how men experience shame, guilt, and vulnerability when faced with sharing their sexual abuse, and he offers therapists several methods of breaking through those barriers.</p> <p>On the other side of all this painful work, promises Shearer, is a chance to “find meaning and new perspectives… leading to greater emotional strength, deepened relationships, and a renewed sense of purpose.” His down-to-earth guidelines prove a rich resource for counselors and survivors to cultivate a meaningful therapeutic relationship, and this debut’s compassionate, uplifting tone gives a much-needed boost to trauma victims facing an often-terrifying road to healing.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Comprehensive, uplifting resource focused on healing for male trauma survivors.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Jim Turner's <em>The Disconnected Man</em>, Mike Lew's <em>Victims No Longer</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/d2cdb2f0-be4d-11ef-b967-547275647911">Beyond the Shiny Object</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/0f8ee640-be27-11ef-b967-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/0f8ee640-be27-11ef-b967-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">MindShifting: Stop Your Brain from Sabotaging Your Happiness and Success </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Mitchell Weisburgh </div>Weisburgh expands his MindShift technique—originally crafted to help educators train their students on self-regulation—to the general population in this perceptive debut, exploring how individuals can reshape their thought processes to unlock authentic learning and personal growth. “Everything starts with the mindset,” he writes, from nurturing self-confidence to battling procrastination, and learning how to shift unhealthy mindsets to those “that propel you forward” is the key to a fulfilling life. To that end, Weisburgh provides readers with practical strategies to break free from fixed beliefs, align learning with personal goals, and navigate challenges with resilience.<br /><br /> <p>Our brain controls everything we do, and Weisburgh taps into that power to both transform our way of thinking and illustrate how brain activity can go awry: “we sometimes reach false conclusions,” he asserts, “[and] our brain filters out and distorts data that doesn’t fit the patterns we already developed.” The hope, Weisburgh argues, lies in our ability to apply critical thinking skills to swap out those adverse beliefs—by creating alternate stories, reframing challenging situations, and learning to control our emotions. Those are just a handful of Weisburgh’s recommended strategies, and his guide overflows with research, real-life examples, and carefully developed techniques (mindfulness exercises, heading off limbic reactions, developing empathy) to help readers cultivate lifelong habits and thrive in an ever-evolving world.</p> <p>Though this is an enlightening discourse on self-management and executive functioning, Weisburgh’s tone when pointing out his family’s thinking errors can feel off-putting. Still, his ideas on interrupting maladaptive thought patterns and redirecting them are useful, and readers who consistently apply his strategies will be able to avoid the mire that comes with instantaneous reactions and master thoughtful, constructive responses instead. He closes with a reminder that MindShifting requires hard work, but “those struggles, as tough and exasperating as they are while you are going through them, are going to be your biggest triumphs.”</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Perceptive guide to unlocking potential with the correct mindset.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Brian Keane’s <em>Rewire Your Mindset</em>, Mark Goulston and Philip Goldberg’s <em>Get Out of Your Own Way</em>. </p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>C</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/0f8ee640-be27-11ef-b967-547275647911">MindShifting: Stop Your Brain from Sabotaging Your Happiness and Success</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/30ffd550-c93f-11ef-98e3-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/30ffd550-c93f-11ef-98e3-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> A Force for Good: Empowering Visionary Women to Lead High-Impact, High-Growth Enterprises </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Coco Sellman </div>“Purpose-led businesses have the power to reinvent the way we relate to each other and to change the way we all see the world” writes Sellman in this uplifting debut, aimed at helping women unlock their potential and spearhead “high-impact, high-growth” ventures. Drawing from her own professional success, Sellman provides a viable toolkit along with a compelling sense of enthusiasm, breaking down business jargon into digestible chunks and providing several charts and graphs to aid her readers’ comprehension. The result is a systematic roadmap to help companies grow, through Sellman’s four identified stages—existence, survival, scale, and impact—and maintain that growth over the long term.<br /><br /> <p>Sellman’s focus is not only on success, but also on giving back; a leader’s interactions with customers should be transformational, not transactional, she advises, reminding readers that “your business exists to be of service.” She explains that businesswomen must know their purpose, understand whom their company will serve, and then utilize that knowledge to create an impact plan, and she teaches readers how to apply the very same principles she used to grow her own business. Once a business starts expanding, Sellman offers readers her “Rituals of Innovation”—daily huddles, quarterly reviews, retreats, and more—to establish a steady, unwavering company culture.</p> <p>Throughout the text, Sellman generously taps into the wisdom of her colleagues, industry experts, and notable historical figures, such as Weight Watchers CEO Mindy Grossman, Lynn Twist, Founder of The Soul of Money Institute, and even Anne Frank. Her expectations for readers are sky high, but the accessible toolkit she offers—teeming with handy templates and exercises, like her 4-Page Growth Plan and links to online training videos—makes those expectations feel achievable for nearly any reader. The journey starts within, Sellman urges, closing with the prompting that “you won’t make a difference in your business… until you are aligned in your purpose.”</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Versatile toolkit for women seeking entrepreneurial success.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Julie Ellis’s <em>Big Gorgeous Goals</em>, David A. Naylor’s <em>Status Quo Is Not Company Policy</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B+</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/30ffd550-c93f-11ef-98e3-547275647911">A Force for Good</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/e0391fc0-c8c4-11ef-98e3-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/e0391fc0-c8c4-11ef-98e3-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> The Gales of Alexandria </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Ehab Elgammal </div>When estranged son, Nasser, returns to his father Omar in a coffin, he carries with him a secret he refused to take to the grave—a secret only his father can decode, one which could either stop a heinous act of terrorism or confirm Nasser’s radicalization. The secret is encoded in Nasser’s journal, which details his ambiguous journey for justice since his disappearance many years ago. As Omar races through his son’s final words, and his loved ones grieve the promising young man they once knew, there remains only one question: did Nasser turn to terrorism or did he ultimately stay true to the brave, moralistic man he was raised to be?<br /><br /> <p>Elgammal crafts Nasser’s story through flashbacks to the year 2000, when Alexandria, Egypt, shows nothing but promise for the brilliant young engineering graduate, who is engaged to Dalia, surrounded by his friends, Youssef and Adham, and nurtured by his family. As Youssef and Adham set out for America, a parallel timeline finds American West Point graduate, Matt, preparing to live a life serving his country. But the September 11 terrorist attacks uproot the world, leaving Youssef and Adham navigating a devastated America as young Egyptian men, Matt reeling in his position with the CIA, and Nasser and Dalia fighting injustice at home. Elgammal gently twines their lives together as each struggle to find their way, with Nasser serving as the connecting thread.</p> <p>Elgammal offers an intricate look at the precarious relationship between faith, politics, and their potent effects on people, shifting between characters and timelines while handling divisive themes with a graceful nuance. The only person who can truly understand Nasser’s journey—post his death and in the pages of his journal—is his father. At its heart, this debut is a dialogue between father and son, each victims of political circumstances, as they wrestle with their separate paths towards justice.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Richly complex story of faith, politics, and justice.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Hala Alyan’s <em>Salt Houses</em>, Alaa al Aswany's <em>Chicago</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/e0391fc0-c8c4-11ef-98e3-547275647911">The Gales of Alexandria </a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/0cd43250-bd93-11ef-984c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/0cd43250-bd93-11ef-984c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">THE WATCHERS </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">J.P. MacDonald </div>MacDonald’s intense dystopian thriller takes place in a near-future Australia, now controlled by the authoritarian People's Global Republic (PGR). The novel follows Harry M., a retired spy, and a team of brilliant scientists, including bio-robotics engineer Ame Goto-Loch and Christian, a geneticist. Trapped on Kangaroo Island, the team must work against time to counteract the PGR’s weaponized mind-control technology with a groundbreaking neural block. Against the stunning yet unforgiving backdrop of the Australian outback, this band of unlikely heroes fights for freedom while grappling with questions of sacrifice, loyalty, and technological ethics.<br /><br /> <p>MacDonald skillfully blends relentless action with a profound exploration of scientific and moral dilemmas. The inclusion of inventive bio-robotic creations, such as Louie, a spider-like QAINT, and Batty, a high-tech surveillance drone, add imaginative twists while illustrating the dual nature of technology as both a tool of oppression and resistance. Each character is vividly drawn, with Ame’s personal journey—marked by loss, resilience, and ingenuity—standing out as a particularly compelling narrative thread. Harry’s leadership and the team’s collective determination to stop the PGR before it’s too late add depth and emotional resonance to the story.</p> <p>The richly described landscapes of Kangaroo Island and the broader Australian wilderness enhance the story’s tension, grounding its futuristic themes in a tangible setting. MacDonald’s ability to make advanced scientific concepts both understandable and integral to the plot ensures that readers remain deeply engaged, and the novel’s reflections on the dangers of unchecked technology and authoritarian power are eerily timely, offering readers much to contemplate about our own world. <em>The Watchers</em> is an absorbing and thought-provoking novel that combines the urgency of a techno-thriller with the depth of dystopian fiction, a promising debut from MacDonald that is sure to appeal to fans of both action-packed narratives and stories that challenge the boundaries of morality and innovation.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> A team of brilliant scientists work to stop government mind control.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Rob Hart’s <em>The Warehouse</em>, Marc Elsberg’s <em>Code Zero</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/0cd43250-bd93-11ef-984c-547275647911">THE WATCHERS</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/b28c76a0-bcbf-11ef-af36-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/b28c76a0-bcbf-11ef-af36-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> The Rise of Lazarus </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">B. W. Jackson </div>Jackson’s debut, the first in a series, follows college student Aaron, who stumbles onto a centuries-old mystery with close ties to home. When Professor Freeman—known for his preoccupation with offbeat discussions and conspiracy theories—mentions his connections to a Holocaust survivor in class one day, Aaron is intrigued; his own Grandpa Moshe survived life in the Nazi death camps. As Aaron is drawn deeper into Freeman’s web, a cryptic figure emerges: a man who claims to have lived—and experienced the world’s most horrific events—for the last two thousand years. Shockingly, Aaron’s grandfather knows this man as well—his name, according to Moshe, is Lazarus, the one “whom Jesus raised from the dead.”<br /><br /> <p>Aaron’s discovery is just the start of a tangled web, and Jackson capably threads the mystery of Lazarus into Aaron’s past—and present. Moshe has secrets of his own, tales of his youth that speak of lost love and lives destroyed by the Nazis’ murders of his people, and his experience with Lazarus is intimately personal. Jackson delicately teases the central mystery’s components with stories of Lazarus that have been passed down for generations, legends murmured between millions of people that hint at impossible feats escaping death and torture. The puzzle of who Lazarus really is parallels what Aaron learns about his grandfather—and Professor Freeman, who holds his own perplexing connections with Aaron’s family.</p> <p><em>The Rise of Lazarus</em> is beautifully written and compelling, unfolding in a thrilling series of stories whispered between characters that paint an electrifying portrait of faith, power, and redemption. Aaron’s discoveries lead him on a deeply personal journey, one that holds purpose not just for his own life, but for the future of all humanity. Jackson closes with a stunning cliffhanger that foretells more mysteries to come, leaving readers eager for the next in the series.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Impressive series starter brimming with twisty, centuries-old mysteries.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Steve Berry’s <em>The Omega Factor</em>, Glenn Cooper’s <em>The Lost Pope</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A-</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/b28c76a0-bcbf-11ef-af36-547275647911">The Rise of Lazarus</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/414a4d80-a3a3-11ef-ae33-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/414a4d80-a3a3-11ef-ae33-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Ghastly and Ghoulish Tales from the ER: A Saga in Sixteen Parts </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Mitch Goldman </div>Reading like a prime-time medical drama, this collection of interconnected tales by ER physician Goldman (<em>Apocalypse Blue</em>) browses the gritty details of a hospital emergency room in all its glory: shocking patient diagnoses, chaotic staff relationships, and touching moments probe the fine line between life and death. The opening finds Lars Anderson guided through a grueling shift by an otherworldly voice that compels him to check on patients in moments of medical distress—saving the lives of a teenage girl with the "worst case of epiglottitis" and a male patient who, through an oversight, is never hooked to an oxygen supply. That sets the stage for a frenzied slew of behind-the-scenes ER fiction, often delivered with a well-placed slice of humor to break up the high stakes.<br /><br /> <p>Goldman’s experience in the field propels his writing, highlighting the intense stress, patient traffic, and desperate rescues of an ER through the lens of doctors, nurses, and various staff members. Humorous stories such as “Going to the Chapel” tap into the lighter side of medicine, with ER doc Bob Keller going undercover to spy on a rival hospital, only to be rewarded with an unconventional form of reverence, while in more serious offerings—like “The Train Wreck from Hell”—the “devil [makes] house call[s],” doctors turn into patients, and death becomes the common denominator. Goldman skillfully exposes the life and death dance that drives an ER, alongside the teamwork, friendships, and rivalries that keep it humming.</p> <p>The silver lining in Goldman’s sometimes unnerving stories is his portrayal of the profound emotional investment medical professionals put into their work; that driving force makes the scales of death and mortality feel more fairly balanced, and Goldman’s juxtaposition of science with unexplainable “miracles” adds a haunting elegance to this compendium. These fraught stories will leave readers contemplating their own slippery boundaries between life and death.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Interconnected tales of a big city ER and its medical staff.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Mark Brown's <em>Emergency!</em>, Vishwa Ratan's <em>A Night in the Emergency Room</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/414a4d80-a3a3-11ef-ae33-547275647911">Ghastly and Ghoulish Tales from the ER: A Saga in Sixteen Parts</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/4c0afb90-bc92-11ef-b541-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/4c0afb90-bc92-11ef-b541-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Around Vancouver Island on my Kayak </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Felipe Behrens </div>Packed with details and striking observations, Behrens’s inviting memoir of kayaking around Vancouver Island offers a rare glimpse of the beauty—and magnitude—of nature’s wilds. The 1,000-mile trip is both mentally and physically taxing, from the region’s freezing waters to nagging thoughts of failure, but Behrens counts himself fortunate: between the “constantly evolving scenery” and freedom of exploring at his own pace, the world is literally at his fingertips. He touches on the smallest details—steps to repairing fiberglass on the go, managing reentry rolls—in practical tones that give even the most stationary of landlubbers a nuanced understanding of the oceanic world, from a sea kayaker’s perspective.<br /><br /> <p>Paddling through an ever-shifting waterscape, Behrens is resourceful and determined, but he rarely sees himself as vulnerable. It’s only when he contemplates possible damage to his 18-foot fiberglass kayak, or faces down a bear during a hiking excursion, that he understands the concern behind the persistent question: “Why do you always want to go on these crazy trips?” Instead of danger, though, Behrens sees challenges, even expressing disappointment when a notoriously difficult passage turns out to be easier than anticipated. Since his childhood in Brazil, Behrens has loved to wander, and his writing nimbly paints kayaking as his preferred mode of exploration.</p> <p>Filled with well-chosen personal photographs and Rafael Bromberg’s exquisite map illustrations, Behrens’s debut makes good use of diary-style entries, ping-ponging from checklists to deeper contemplations, including several detours into the history that shaped the region. Though his voice is more pragmatic than philosophical, he beautifully expresses the focused concentration of sea kayaking, and his humorous observations often lead to startling insights, such as his note that he took to paddling around his hometown, Miami, to avoid traffic—and discovered a new way of viewing the world in the process. This is an immersive read that reflects humanity’s unwavering need to pursue new horizons.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Lively recollections of skirting Vancouver Island by kayak.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Tamar Glouberman’s <em>Chasing Rivers</em>, Dave Shively’s <em>The Pacific Alone</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/4c0afb90-bc92-11ef-b541-547275647911">Around Vancouver Island on my Kayak</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/dde20f50-c1e7-11ee-99d8-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/dde20f50-c1e7-11ee-99d8-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">FBI Snitches, Blackmail, and Obscene Ethics at the Supreme Court </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Alex Charns </div>An alarming dispatch from the “Yes, It Can Happen Here” Department, Charns’s muckraking follow-up to 1992’s Cloak and Gavel reveals nothing less than the FBI’s “secret war” on the Supreme Court as part of then-Director J. Edgar Hoover’s “counterintelligence program” to shape the court in his own “conservative image.” Hoover’s target in this instance was liberal Justice Abe Fortas, one of many individuals whose personal life Hoover and the bureau snooped on and weaponized in the interest of what Charns calls “sexual blackmail.” In 1967, his second year on the high court, Fortas received word that Hoover had “information reflecting participation in homosexual activities on his part.” Charns—a criminal defense attorney and author of legal thrillers—notes that, at a time when homosexuality was still listed as a “sexual deviation” by the American Psychiatric Association, the evidence in Hoover’s “Sexual Deviates” files gave Hoover leverage over Fortas. <br /><br /> <p>Charns’s proof: thousands of secret FBI documents obtained only after years of FOIA requests, lawsuits, and much federal resistance. Hoover, Charns writes, needed an “informer and provocateur” among the justices of Earl Warren’s boldly progressive court to help avoid scrutiny of the bureau’s illegal surveillance methods, most notably in the case of disgraced lobbyist Fred B. Black Jr. Charns reveals a complex web of schemes and lies, arguing that Hoover endeavored to pin the unauthorized surveillance on Attorney General Robert Kennedy.</p> <p>Charns persuasively backs up such claims with his hard-won documentation, briskly outlining the specifics of Hoover’s machinations, Fortas’s dilemma, and the high stakes for all involved, plus the FBI’s insistence, in later decades, that these files didn’t exist. While this compact account is convincing and upsetting, filled with startling revelations and thorough sourcing, Charns reports the story in the mode of a crisp but in-the-weeds legal brief rather than a compelling journalistic narrative with full, clarifying context. Still, this is a vital contribution to the public record.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Persuasive account of J. Edgar Hoover’s blackmailing of a Supreme Court justice.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Christopher M. Elias’s <em>Gossip Men</em>, Curt Gentry’s <em>J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and His Secrets</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>C</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A-</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/dde20f50-c1e7-11ee-99d8-547275647911">FBI Snitches, Blackmail, and Obscene Ethics at the Supreme Court</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/2f2bade0-bbd3-11ef-8490-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/2f2bade0-bbd3-11ef-8490-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">BUCK </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Buck Starr </div>Buck Starr, the protagonist of this series-starter thriller that also bears Buck Starr’s name as author, is an “old-fashioned” assassin who prefers the term “contract operative”—he does more than just kill, and he’s picky about who he’ll target. “I hope not to be sniping people when I’m 80 years old,” he admits after a night of bad sleep. So, he pounces on a protection/sting assignment in which he must shield a princess, Jules, and her country, Musjistan, from attempts on her life and a hostile government takeover. Both author and hero get right down to business in the crisp yet hard-hitting first pages, as a head explodes in the second sentence, setting the bar high for the high-stakes, high-intensity adventure that follows. As the king of “Muji” ails, Buck serves as watchdog on Jules’s lavish Greek vacation and must try to read the movements and schemes of a larger group of assassins making moves against her, all while laying low, pleasing Jules, admiring her “impeccable taste in bikinis,” but also keeping her in the dark.<br /><br /> <p>Author Starr reveals Buck’s character through both action (“He didn’t budge, so I did my part and kicked him in the ribs. He was now officially awake.”) and his private, pointed ambivalence about killing. He wants to be more than a hitman but, when the job gets complicated, wishes for “the clean finality of an assassination” and even relishes fantasizing about killing. His perspective is fresh, well-written, and believable as he strives to stay true to his mission.</p> <p>Less assured is the romance between Buck and Jules, which develops offhandedly, more quickly than the suspense. As the hero faces conspiracies and preps for an opera house showdown, Starr is convincing about Buck possessing the set of skills that serving as a contract operative demands, but <em>Buck</em> breezes through a much trickier operation: Buck’s seduction of a princess (or vice versa) while he poses as a real-estate broker. This central relationship deserves more detailed treatment, especially in light of some late-in-the-novel surprises.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Crisp thriller of a pained assassin and the princess he must protect.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Jay Bonansinga’s <em>The Killer’s Game</em>, Vince Flynn’s <em>Kill Shot</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B-</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/2f2bade0-bbd3-11ef-8490-547275647911">BUCK</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/de4bb9a0-bbc9-11ef-bb3a-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/de4bb9a0-bbc9-11ef-bb3a-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> A Little Something To Hide </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Craig Brown </div>Brown’s debut follows the lives of disparate, often desperate individuals, each harboring a secret, on a bus trip from San Francisco to Albuquerque. The journey opens with a lone woman boarding the bus, leaving behind a man’s lifeless body in the basement of her home. Noting that “she’s not the only killer travelling to Albuquerque,” Brown immediately draws readers into a hard world where ordinary appearances mask extraordinary truths. As further stops bring new passengers, the narrative expands to explore their stories of ambition, regret, resilience, and murder. Brown’s sharp, observant prose captures both vivid moments in the present—the shuffle of passengers, the hesitations when choosing seats, Rosa Fernandez wondering as her knitting needles clack whether she’s looking at a murderer—but also the inner dramas, delusions, and backstories of these transients.<br /><br /> <p>Brown excels at creating multidimensional, flawed individuals whose struggles and secrets stir empathy. Bobbie, a drag performer, seeks identity and familial acceptance. Rosa, burdened by sacrifice, strives to heal fractured bonds. Toby Ames battles his mother’s unfulfilled dreams to carve his own path in Hollywood, while Father Simon, once a beacon of faith, struggles with eroding belief and his inability to provide comfort. Amidst these passengers who have chosen “the cheapest option available,” the bus owner embodies a crumbling legacy, mirroring the worn-out, poorly maintained buses he runs.</p> <p>The thriller elements suggested by the prologue and cover remain atmospheric rather than central as Brown, like Nelson Algren, surveys hardscrabble lives. What the novel lacks in traditional plot, it compensates for with its richly drawn characters. Powering the narrative is a feeling of movement, both literal and metaphorical—Brown creates a sense of momentum in both the physical and emotional journeys. The bus becomes a space where fleeting connections leave lasting impacts. <em>A Little Something to Hide</em> proves less about what happens and more about who it happens to, a meditation on the stories we carry and the connections we make along the way.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Grittily humane novel of passengers with dark secrets on a cross-country bus.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Larry Brown’s <em>Dirty Work</em>, Gint Aras’s <em>The Fugue</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/de4bb9a0-bbc9-11ef-bb3a-547275647911">A Little Something To Hide</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/18880610-bbbf-11ef-bb3a-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/18880610-bbbf-11ef-bb3a-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Travel Escapes &amp; Dreams: Mexico </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">C. Bowden </div>Bowden kicks off a series of “Travel Escapes & Dreams” with this entry documenting four trips through Mexico, between 1983 and 2004, with an emphasis on hiking, swimming, musing about cultures and changes, and moments of “rediscover[ing] oneself in surprising, out-of-the-ordinary loveliness outside.” Encounters with moray eels, “feisty backroad dogs,” and locals—some graciously helpful, some engaged in “Commonplace Mexican macho antics … more ego-threatening than life-threatening”—occur in cities, parks, ruins, stretches of desert, and a range of campsites, hotels, and patches of brush in which he slept in a van, when not being urged into town by the police. Most hotels he “could afford in the southern provinces … had either a barking dog or a crowing rooster in a yard or an alley.”<br /><br /> <p>Bowden elects to tell his story and share his observations in the third person, adopting the persona of Zeke, purportedly the bestselling author of a book titled <em>Dummy’s Guide to Travel and Life</em>. Descriptive passages—of volcanoes and botanical gardens, of “fluttery, tiny yellow-breasted bananaquits in small flocks, and their finely woven nests,” of gory tabloids on newsstands as “thick as flies on rotting flesh”—offer lyric reportage, but the adoption of the Zeke guise results, in narrative passages, in a passive flatness: “A scarcity of traffic signs gave concern,” reads a typical sentence.</p> <p>Despite Zeke’s ambitious travels, Bowden notes that he’s actually a “so-so hiker,” and the author stirs some tension from accounts of getting lost and sundry mishaps both on and off the trails, like the “La Paz goof,” the “Santa Marta mishap,” and the jolt of stepping through a roof. Readers will likely wonder whether some of this is fiction, but Bowden excels at lived-in, convincing detail: the furtive glances, the sound of marching bands in Oaxaca, or Zeke “taking in a family of bobcats that were frolicking on a log.” Those details often are left to hang in the air, fleeting experiences that live again when written and read. This is where the soul of Zeke’s travels is found.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Unorthodox but richly detailed account of travels through Mexico over decades.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Oliver Sacks’s <em>Oaxaca Journal</em>, Catriona Rainsford’s <em>Urban Circus</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/18880610-bbbf-11ef-bb3a-547275647911">Travel Escapes &amp; Dreams: Mexico</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/3d985600-bb31-11ef-bb3a-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/3d985600-bb31-11ef-bb3a-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Foster's Leash </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Sarah Sommer </div>Sommer (author of <em>The Goose on the Roof</em>) offers a warm and wise look at fostering a pet—and all the complicated feelings that a young girl experiences while taking care of her new friend, Pepper, who eventually will move on to a forever home. At first, she acknowledges that she is “unsure of what to expect,” but as time goes on, Pepper and her new foster parent form a moving bond: they go for walks, play with toys in the yard, and share treats, and on those walks, the girl uses a leash that reads “ADOPT ME.” An onlooker inquires about the leash and gives voice to what readers will be wondering: “It must be hard for you spending all this time bonding and then having to say goodbye.”<br /><br /> <p>Soon, the best happens—though for the likable, relatable narrator, it might feel like the worst. The girl’s mother announces that Pepper has a potential adopter. Understandably, Pepper’s pal feels “a mixture of happiness, sadness, and nervousness.” Though she realizes that a permanent family is the best thing for Pepper, she can’t help but experience grief once the dog is gone from her life. BulankinaKa’s digital illustrations are vibrant, active, and pulsing with personality and expressive characters. They do a wonderful job of demonstrating fun and friendship between human and pup but also the harder emotions that follow—and the joy of seeing Pepper thrive in a new home. They tell the story with such clarity and power that the text, especially in some comic-book style word balloons, can feel a little verbose, cluttering some layouts.</p> <p>In helpful backmatter, Sommer includes a bulleted list of useful information and instructions regarding fostering. For children and families seeking a way to learn about the process and experience of fostering animals, or dog enthusiasts in general, Sommer’s picture book is a fun and engaging resource that teaches readers that letting go is also an act of love.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Touching, insightful picture book about a girl and her first foster dog.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Maria Gianferrari’s <em>Operation Rescue Dog</em>, and Troy Cummings’s <em>Can I Be Your Dog?</em></p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/3d985600-bb31-11ef-bb3a-547275647911">Foster's Leash</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/836096b0-b9b1-11ef-bb3a-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/836096b0-b9b1-11ef-bb3a-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> If They Won't Bend, Break Them!®: Tips, Tactics and Strategies You Need to Negotiate Like a Pro </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Geoffrey Michael </div>“Look for leverage in every negotiation,” Michael writes in this clear-eyed, hard-nosed guide to getting “the best deal possible under very trying circumstances.” What if you don’t have leverage? “Create it. If you can’t create it, make the other party believe you have it.” Advice like that powers <em>If They Won't Bend, Break Them!</em>, a handbook for negotiators but also anyone wishing to improve the negotiating skills that, as Michael argues, everyone can use—buying a car, setting bedtimes, or even choosing what movie to watch. Michael makes a persuasive case that since each of us, knowingly or not, negotiates each day, we owe it to ourselves to get a handle on our haggling ability. While the book casts a wide negotiating net, Michael’s centerpiece, a list of Twelve Fundamental Principles of Negotiation, is worth the price of admission on its own, warning against the “warranty trap” and reminding us all, in high-stakes business or everyday life, “Only negotiate with someone empowered to commit.”<br /><br /> <p>Michael’s guidance is detailed, practical, and convincing, drawn from hard-won experience in defense systems sales. From that work he offers some myth-busting claims: “lawyers are less effective negotiators than people I’ve worked with in other disciplines,” he argues. Other lessons demonstrate the importance of setting the bar beyond what you believe is attainable and acquiring thorough subject knowledge before starting any negotiation. Similarly, when one is the buyer in any negotiation, Michael urges starting “well below” where you’d like to finish, creating a wide “upside margin” that can be utilized in subsequent trading events.</p> <p>With anecdotes and examples, Michael shows how ordinary human personality traits can torpedo a seemingly promising negotiation and how "fairness" is "a highly subjective term open to interpretation." Occasionally the storytelling is self-regarding in a salesman's way, but the guidance is clearly built on years of hands-on, person-to-person experience. Whether you’re preparing to buy a home, request a raise, or pick a restaurant, Michael can help.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Persuasive, practical guide to negotiation tactics in business and life.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Victoria Medvec’s <em>Negotiate Without Fear</em>, Joshua N. Weiss’s <em>The Book of Real-World Negotiations</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B+-</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/836096b0-b9b1-11ef-bb3a-547275647911">If They Won't Bend, Break Them!®</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"></div> <ul data-jsclass="paginationController" class="pagination center-block"><li><a href="/booklife-reviews/3">&laquo;</a></li><li id="pagination-elipsis-start" class="disabled"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-horizontal"></i></a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/1">1</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/2">2</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/3">3</a></li><li class="active pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/4">4</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/5">5</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/6">6</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/7">7</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/8">8</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/9">9</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/10">10</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/11">11</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/12">12</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/13">13</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/14">14</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/15">15</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/16">16</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/17">17</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/18">18</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/19">19</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/20">20</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/21">21</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/22">22</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/23">23</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/24">24</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/25">25</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/26">26</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/27">27</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/28">28</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/29">29</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/30">30</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/31">31</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/32">32</a></li><li id="pagination-elipsis-end" class="disabled"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-horizontal"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/booklife-reviews/5">&raquo;</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="user-panel-here"></div> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div style="text-align:center;" class="col-sm-12 leaderboard-bottom"> <div style="display:inline-block;margin:0 auto;background-color:#eeeeee;font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#cacaca;text-align:center;padding:15px;">ADVERTISEMENT<br> <div class="center-block" id='div-gpt-ad-1410890261773-0' style='width:728px; 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