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Through four elemental sections—Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water—Iyamu grounds her vision for social change, believing that transformation must germinate from within: "We are the portal / To the Earth and the land we walk on" [13]. Her reverence for nature—"God chose me to birth this tree!"—becomes a powerful allegory for movement, urging readers to "Take back your life!" and break free from a passive acceptance that leads to spiritual dormancy. <br /><br /> <p>Iyamu’s verse adopts a rhythmic, trance-like cadence that at times obscures meaning but nevertheless amplifies the voices of those she seeks to champion: the marginalized, the oppressed, and even the voiceless flora and fauna whose fates remain mere collateral damage. Her poems, both a plea and a protest, demand equality in a world "first built so only the privileged could rise." Freedom, or the lack thereof, underpins much of Iyamu's work. In painful, contemplative lines—“What does it give to be at peace? / Your house, your home, your walls, your fears”—she gently exposes the irony of maintaining "peace" through walls and weapons that divide rather than unite. Her regard for God as "God," "Allah," or "Jah" subtly critiques the senseless competition between cultures and nations for supremacy.</p> <p>For all its occasional ambiguities, *Poetry in Eden* confronts, with passion and empathy, the destructive energy humans impose on the world: "But the very root / I cannot compute / What we have done to / The lands we say we love." This same energy, Iyamu suggests, shatters identity and a sense of belonging. At its core, this collection aims to dismantle self-constructed walls, urging readers to rediscover their roots, reclaim their faith, and let the "voices of a shared plight...of a shared right to live" finally be upheld.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Tender, empowering poetry of identity, peace, and collective healing</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Joy Harjo’s <em>An American Sunrise</em>, Kwame Alexander’s <em>Light for the World to See</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/55780290-979e-11ef-92a4-547275647911">Poetry in Eden</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/e6e9b920-8b56-11ef-ba90-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/e6e9b920-8b56-11ef-ba90-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">The Electric God and Other Shorts </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Michael Thomas Perone </div>Perone (author of <em>Danger Peak</em>) collects six prankish, horrific stories/provocations that feature TV, ghosts, and characters pushed past their breaking points in a world gone mad. Mostly written when he was in high school in the 1990s, when that world was only <em>heading</em> toward madness, the stories have the over-the-top energy of adolescence, as things quickly get extreme for the protagonists. A smirking satiric impulse powers some entries, reflecting the perspective of a young person (rightly) outraged about the way things are going. That's certainly true for the title story, in which small-town teen Teddy is jolted by the TV obsession all around him. (His mother demands he kiss the screen.) Teddy's doom is telegraphed from the start, but the glee that Perone takes—imagining townsfolk with screens strapped to their heads, his mother's self-mutilation, and more—sets it apart. <br /><br /> <p>"How To Save A Drowning Butterfly" centers on a young man of apparently reduced mental capacity who endures constant abuse. Through a series of pointedly extreme coincidences and bad decisions, he's framed for murder, sent to prison, and abused, with Perone playing his misfortune largely for laughs, like some sort of grotesque comedy of errors. The inventive "Paper Language" finds a writer inspired by a cursed ream of paper, while in "Investigating the Future's End,” the most complex story in the collection, a future cop/reporter realizes that an apocalyptic cult is haunting him with his past cruelties and causing increasingly widespread damage. The identity of the cult's messianic leader is a grisly surprise.</p> <p>As readers might expect of a smart, media-saturated young writer from an era that prized extremity of expression, the collection at times has a vicious edge, indulging in adolescent power fantasy and exploring revenge, cruelty, and misery. But the closing story, perhaps inevitably titled "School Spirit," surprises with a small note of hope—even redemption—in an otherwise bleak and snarky collection of horror stories that revel in <em>Doom Generation</em> nihilism.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Grisly, satiric 1990s horror stories of young men in a world going mad.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Rebecca Rowland’s <em>Generation X-Ed</em>, Adiran Ludens’s <em>The Tension of a Coming Storm</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/e6e9b920-8b56-11ef-ba90-547275647911">The Electric God and Other Shorts</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/8166b7f0-8b4d-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/8166b7f0-8b4d-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> Feuds and Interludes: Road to Roctoberfest 2024 </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">R.L./Rochelle Merrill </div>In the first of the Rock 'n' Romance Legends series from Merrill (author of <em>Hurricane Reese</em>, among others), Boone Collins and Shane Butler, both frontmen for some of today’s most popular rock bands, confront their past as they discover each other. Grandsons of the rock legends who founded one of the biggest bands of the 1970s, California, they each seem to have it all—good looks, incredible talent, adoring fans, an upward trajectory pointing to even greater fame, and a contentious relationship that the press just loves. At California’s Hall of Fame induction, these fractious not-quite-brothers are jolted by a surprise romance between Shane’s grandfather and Boone’s grandmother. As sparks fly, circumstances force Boone and Shane to spend time together, and they discover that perhaps they’re not rivals after all… and that maybe there’s something more if they let their guards down. <br /><br /> <p>Merrill conjures a sweet romance with lots of heart, some spice, and a convincing portrayal of contemporary rock stardom as a demanding job rather than a hedonistic holiday, all while exploring the leads’ lives as musicians, friends, caretakers, and lovers. Boone is publicly beloved yet feels that his grandmother, an Oscar-winning actress, is the only person who truly cares for him. Boone also harbors secrets and doubts, feeling a little lost as he faces a health crisis.</p> <p>Merrill proves adept at laying bare the wounded souls of creative men in the entertainment world as the story touches on touring, producing, the interpersonal dynamics of being in a band, and the persistent problem of imposter syndrome. The romance between Boone and Shane develops quickly, but not so quickly that the pieces don’t fit together. The chaos and conflict around them is engaging, though it never overshadows these men’s touching exploration of new feelings. Lovers of smart, media-savvy m/m romances will cheer.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Sweet romance of two male rock rivals’ unexpected connection.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Tammy Subia’s <em>Heartbreak Honey</em>, Christie Gordon’s <em>On a Different Mission</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/8166b7f0-8b4d-11ef-877c-547275647911">Feuds and Interludes: Road to Roctoberfest 2024</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/6472d6c0-8b10-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/6472d6c0-8b10-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">A HUSH AT MIDNIGHT: A killer sunrise... A breathtaking secret. </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Marlene M. Bell </div>This suspenseful standalone mystery centers on pastry chef Laura Harris, who reluctantly leaves her family’s California restaurant to support her parents in Texas. When Laura’s mother dies from cancer not long after the move, Laura is left reeling—and seeks comfort from her long-time mentor, the wealthy Hattie Stenburg, who resides in a sprawling estate and now defunct vineyard in her family’s namesake Texas town. Laura and Hattie quickly catch up after years of only writing letters to each other, but when Laura, who suspects something’s off about Hattie’s caregiver, Nicole, doubles back after their visit to check on Hattie, she’s shocked to find her dead.<br /><br /> <p>From this initial puzzle, Bells builds layers of intrigue that steadily deepen, as Laura encounters eccentric and vindictive townsfolk, police who seem reluctant to investigate Hattie’s death as a murder, and shocking personal news: Laura has been named as Hattie’s sole heir, propelling her to the top of the suspect list. To clear her name, she sleuths her way among the town’s mysterious figures, including her ex-boyfriend Lucas, Hattie’s disappearing groundskeeper Jordan Woods, and neighbors who seek Hattie’s inheritance for themselves. The mystery’s small-town aura—where secrets separate and invisible lines are drawn—adds suspense, and Bells throws in a dash of romance to spice the mix, in the form of Hattie’s handsome attorney, Brent Hill, whose heart is as warm as his flashy yellow Maserati. Also endearing is the resident irascible corgi, Moon Pie, who functions as both protector and comforter for Laura.</p> <p>Bell (author of the Annalisse series) capably builds tension with Laura’s back and forth decision-making, where intentions collide and suspicion mounts amid themes of jealousy, revenge, and shifting loyalties. Mystery fans will find the narrative’s dark twists and intricate relationships especially satisfying, particularly when paired with the sinister secrets hiding in plain sight.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Sole heir to a murdered woman’s estate transforms into sleuth to clear her name.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Madison Score’s <em>Say Yes to the Death</em>, Steve Higgs’s <em>Pork Pie Pandemonium</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/6472d6c0-8b10-11ef-877c-547275647911">A HUSH AT MIDNIGHT</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/787c84c0-8a5e-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/787c84c0-8a5e-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">BACKBONE: Surviving the Road Less Quantified--Toward a Deeper Understanding of Qualitative Research </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">David M. Schneer, Ph.D. </div>Schneer launches this well-balanced guide to making sense of qualitative research with a chilling narrative of his own severe spinal injury—suffered on Christmas Eve in 2015—that led to years of pain, surgeries, and tentative recovery. The “grit” he develops through that process serves as a metaphor not just for his personal resilience, but his professional resolve as well, with his “spirit to drive qualitative research to its zenith” forming <em>Backbone</em>’s structure. That passion for qualitative market analysis—born out of Schneer’s sharp interpersonal observation skills and early work in theology, where he learned to “synthesize” abstract topics—propels his development of seven principal qualitative research traits, outlined here in easy-to-grasp, clearly-defined terms.<br /><br /> <p>Often viewed as the polar opposite of data-driven quantitative research, qualitative analysis is, Schneer argues, just as crucial to the business world, particularly in its recognition of the nonverbal intelligence and emotions that power decisions. He dedicates much space to his seven different qualitative researcher characteristics—curiosity, on preparedness, extroversion, synthesizing complexity, listening with your eyes, grit, on being venturous—and sprinkles in discerning snippets, such as curiosity being the spark that fuels qualitative research, or the need to be a “people person” for a successful research career, while drawing on personal and professional examples for further clarity.</p> <p>Schneer tackles the role of Artificial Intelligence in qualitative research as well, deviating from similar resources to expound on how AI can “help identify changes in emotion based on stimuli”; research accuracy, he asserts, can be improved by “combining qualitative research with body language and backed up by Artificial Intelligence.” Schneer’s friendly tone infuses this quest to enhance personal communication with warmth, something sorely needed in an age of nonpersonal, machine-driven interaction, and he motivates readers to leave their professional field better than they found it, writing that “there is no giving up, only getting up.”</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Inviting, easy-to-grasp study on qualitative research, with contemporary insights.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Annette Lareau’s <em>Listening to People</em>, John W. Creswell and Johanna Creswell Báez’s <em>30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/787c84c0-8a5e-11ef-877c-547275647911">BACKBONE</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/4f11bd70-9536-11ef-8929-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/4f11bd70-9536-11ef-8929-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Gino's Contraband: Guilty Until Proven Innocent </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Gabrielle O'Donovan </div>O’Donovan (author of <em>Making Organizational Change Stick</em>) pens a real-life horror movie with this chilling memoir of mistaken identity. When Border Force officer Dave Callaway uncovers contraband cigarettes shipped to his cargo terminal at London’s Heathrow Airport, the address listed as their destination matches O’Donovan’s rented house, though she has no ties to Callaway’s discovery. That seemingly small mistake launches O’Donovan into a devastating cat-and-mouse, as His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) promptly names her as a tax defaulter smuggling illegal goods into the country, embroiling her in a nightmare of debt and criminal charges that threaten to be her undoing.<br /><br /> <p>O'Donovan’s penetrating first-person point of view reflects on her harrowing journey to clear her name—and the mistaken debt—in suspenseful tones as the HMRC intensifies its pursuit, and readers will experience mounting irritation and escalating fear right alongside her. What starts as a possible scam quickly swells to an all-out fight for survival, and O’Donovan candidly lays out the emotions that accompany that battle, sharing the hate mail she received after HMRC named her "a criminal and massive tax defaulter," the dead ends she hit when trying to get to the bottom of the claims, and her demoralizing treatment as “guilty until proven innocent.” Her experiences drive her resolve to uphold “our human right to be presumed innocent… [and] fix the foundations of our democracy and protect our way of life.”</p> <p>That crusade to fully protect innocence in a system that sometimes falls short propels the memoir, as O’Donovan peels back layers of a shocking nightmare that has the potential to happen to anyone. Her uphill battle to gain justice makes for a riveting tale, one she recounts with grace and a relatable, living narrative. She closes with an analysis of “the cost of HMRC getting it wrong” and a taste of the legal documentation she navigated throughout the process.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Chilling story of one woman’s battle against mistaken identity.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Anthony Ray Hinton's <em>The Sun Does Shine</em>, Yusef Salaam's <Em>Better, Not Bitter</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B+</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/4f11bd70-9536-11ef-8929-547275647911">Gino's Contraband</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/c2e4e950-89c1-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/c2e4e950-89c1-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">A Star in the Endless Night </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Jenna Page </div>Blending the gothic and the romantic with a light touch, Page’s debut kicks off a duology centered on Estelle, a young woman in the kingdom of Eventide whose indentured service to a meat-pie seller is abruptly ended when she catches the eye of Dirk, a blind wizard who shuns daylight, grants wishes for a living, and clearly harbors dark secrets. Uncertain whether she’s a guest, servant, or captive, Estelle is brought to swank Nightingale Manor, where the staff proves welcoming—"Well, my dear, the best cure for a worried mind is a caring ear,” declares the lovable Berry. Readers won’t be too surprised to learn that beneath his (literally) frigid exterior, Dirk is both hurting and capable of love … or that in Estelle’s starlit aura, he sees something rare: hope. <br /><br /> <p>While the novel is episodic and hefty in length, Page establishes all of this with brisk, chipper aplomb, quickly getting to the heart of the matter—the curse that Dirk has been suffering under ever since dabbling in necromancy to restore life to his beloved sister. Estelle quickly begins to find her place in the labyrinthine manor, studying herbs with the gardener and soon developing skills in magic, guided by Dirk himself. Unlike many romantasies that luxuriate in dark held-captive scenarios, Page eschews provocations as the leads lower their walls and discover each other. This choice, plus a disinterest in graphic spiciness, diminishes the tension somewhat but will please readers who prefer their fairy-tale fantasies upbeat and healthy.</p> <p>The broader plot involves the machinations of wizards beneath the town of Bulbrook, plus Estelle and Dirk’s efforts to remove his curse and unlock the mysteries of Estelle’s soul. Characterization is lively and consistent, with antagonist wizard Fiorenza a particular delight. While the pacing flags somewhat in a second half involving Dirk’s alma mater and a wizards’ council, Estelle’s development into a confident woman, wielding magic and innovating new healing techniques, is a pleasure to witness. </p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Warmly romantic fantasy debut of a servant bought by a mysterious cursed wizard. </p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Tricia Levenseller’s <em>The Shadows Between Us</em>, Lauren Blackwood’s <em>Within These Wicked Walls</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B+</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/c2e4e950-89c1-11ef-877c-547275647911">A Star in the Endless Night</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/469c23f0-94c9-11ef-8929-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/469c23f0-94c9-11ef-8929-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">P.E. Shadrick </div>A chance remark from a grandmother sparks an enchanting story-within-a-story one morning as she helps young Lisbeth detangle her hair. “The ladybugs must have thrown a grand gala in your hair last night,” the grandmother says. When Lisbeth asks, “What ladybugs?” her grandmother happily improvises, telling Lisbeth a funny, lively tale of an insect party on Lisbeth’s head, complete with refreshments, music, and dancing. (One ladybug uses his six legs to play the cello, guitar, and violin.) Young Lisbeth deduces that the tangles in her hair must be leftover party streamers, prompting her to ask, “Grandma, why didn’t the ladybugs clean up after themselves?” As readers imagine a ladybug frolic and get lost in hair that playfully stretches across page spreads, Lisbeth’s grandmother enjoys the opportunity to make a point about being a good helper and cleaning up even the messes one didn’t create. <br /><br /> <p>Shadrick’s amusingly alliterative storytelling surveys the planning, the fiesta itself, and the messy-haired aftermath, as ladybugs Lana, Lola, and Laney come up with the idea to throw a party to distract themselves from the scary weather. They enlist the help of their friends—including artistic types like Lorelai, who has an eye for fashion and whips up creative costumes—but don’t think ahead to the most important part: that having fun also comes with some responsibilities.</p> <p>Vibrant paintings from Maya Penzlik bring rich, unruly life to this charming tale of a grandmother and granddaughter bonding while performing a tedious task. Buoyant detail and a sense of warmth distinguish both of the book’s realities: the everyday family relationship with its PJs and smiles, and the gorgeous imaginative world of the ladybugs, who dance, sew, and show off fancy-funny costumes against a backdrop of sun-kissed flowers. These are pages to soak up and get lost in. This adorable children's story will delight elementary-aged kids but also parents and teachers.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Charming children's story of hair-tangling lady bugs and one glorious party.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Audrey Wood's <em>Silly Sally</em>, Ed Heck's <em>Many Marvelous Monsters</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/469c23f0-94c9-11ef-8929-547275647911">Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/3b4ed750-8901-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/3b4ed750-8901-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Becoming Fearless: 65 Strategies to Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Dr. Benjamin Ritter </div>Ritter offers a practical and insightful roadmap to help readers conquer fears and move toward self-mastery. This self-help guide is thoughtfully organized into two main sections—Personal and Professional—each packed with actionable strategies for improving both life and career. Ritter opens with the essential idea that fear is not a fixed reality but instead a perception shaped by our thoughts and beliefs. He encourages readers to confront their fears head-on by stepping into uncertainty. Strategies like “conquer your fears” and “feel your feelings” urge readers to reframe their mindsets—to “shift from victim to creator”—and fully embrace their emotions, rather than avoid them.<br /><br /> <p>The text is simple and sharp, with an emphasis on practical tips and results. Themes introduced through introspective questioning allow readers to initiate a dialogue from within. RItter adopts a warmly didactic tone, evoking the feeling of a personal guru instructing you through every step. In the Personal section, Ritter delves into cultivating a positive mindset, nurturing relationships, and finding purpose. He advises readers to “[c]reate a life that helps you feel good,” suggesting the importance of removing negativity and focusing on uplifting experiences. Ritter also stresses self-belief and encourages readers to share successes openly as a way to build confidence and foster recognition.</p> <p>The Professional section tackles job satisfaction, leadership, and career advancement. Ritter’s recommendation to “control your job satisfaction” by creating a meaningful work environment and “increase your visibility” through strategic networking is especially useful for career progression. He also emphasizes building trust and respect within the workplace, underscoring the value of a collaborative and supportive environment. <em>Becoming Fearless</em> is an empowering and accessible guide, providing readers with tangible steps to reshape their approach to fear and actively pursue personal and professional growth. Ritter’s direct, clear style and the book’s actionable strategies make it an invaluable tool for anyone on the path to self-improvement.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Empowering guide to facing fear and uncertainty to build confidence.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Brianna Wiest’s <em>The Mountain Is You</em>, Ethan Cross’s <em>Chatter</em>. </p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A-</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/3b4ed750-8901-11ef-877c-547275647911">Becoming Fearless</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/43bd3790-88ef-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/43bd3790-88ef-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> Land of the Frozen Sun </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">A. P. Malloy </div>The emotive, intriguingly non-human first entry in Malloy’s six-book Moonstorm series offers rousing fantasy that dares to be fantastical. At its heart is Lightning, a young kezel—spiked, tailed, telepathic creatures—who has lived her whole life in the stony caves of an “accrete” with the rest of her telepathic tribe. Her world is a place of hunger and violence where nonconformity and change are not tolerated. While out hunting, Lightning discovers a “hairless, beak-faced creature” she's never seen before, one that, shockingly, is able to hear her thoughts and respond in kind. Lightning hides her discovery, naming the creature Joy for the warm feelings that bloom between them. Joy’s inevitable discovery eventually forces the pair from the community into the frozen wastes, where they endure extreme survival adventures before Joy helps Lightning to form a very unlikely friendship with bombas, the avian-like food source for kezel. <br /><br /> <p>As Lightning and Joy forge through distrust and make their home among the Bombas, relying on manners and empathy to build trust, often facilitated by Joy, Malloy’s descriptive and imaginative series breathes life into the land of Aranae, a wild landscape regularly buffeted by extreme weather. Characterization is as engaging as the gripping scenes of braving the environment, especially as Lightning and Joy discover their connection. Malloy’s prose is crisply efficient, never losing narrative momentum as it captures danger, wonder, and uneasy social situations with real power, all while Lightning fears she’ll never be able to go home again.</p> <p>Malloy builds this world’s creatures, civilizations, and more with imaginative precision, developing languages, belief systems (even illustrating where different tribes diverge on various points), and arresting creation mythologies. Malloy adds enough attitude and emotion to allow readers fairly easy access to an entirely novel world built with wholly unfamiliar language. Though there are no human characters, the relationships, societies, family structures, and concerns are deeply human. A unique world breeds familiarity and feeling in this rich series starter.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Strong fantasy of surprise connections in a wholly original nonhuman world.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Martha Wells’s <em>The Cloud Roads</em>, Tad Williams’s <em>Tailchaser’s Song</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/43bd3790-88ef-11ef-877c-547275647911">Land of the Frozen Sun</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/dbc7ba50-88e6-11ef-ba90-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/dbc7ba50-88e6-11ef-ba90-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Landlocked In Foreign Skin: A Sapphic Sci-Fi Novella </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Drew Huff </div>Immersive, haunting, and melancholy, Huff’s tale draws out the obligations and degradation of the social elite, played out on Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Dame Isobel, the scion of a filthy rich family that mines the moon’s seabed for precious metals, is caught having sex with a woman, an illegal act. While her wealth saves her, her lover, Liore, is punished with a lobotomy. Tormented and desperate, Isobel devises a plan: she orders her ship to capture one of the native lifeforms, called a Fisherman, from the moon’s vast ocean, in hopes that the Fisherman’s god, Aeter—rumored to grant wishes—will help her restore Liore.<br /><br /> <p>The lives of Huff’s well-drawn but damaged characters quickly collapse into desperate actions. Isobel has three weeks to find Aeter before she’s forced into conversion therapy and an arranged marriage, and Fisherman—whose outer layer that enables them to shapeshift was removed by Isobel to ensure their compliance—is equally frenzied and enraged that their skin has been stolen. The story unfolds from Fisherman’s tortured perspective, delving into issues of control, sexual autonomy, and distorted views of cultural conformity, all against the background of a frantic race to find a god who can grant both freedom and destruction.</p> <p>Huff (author of <em>Free Burn</em>) incorporates erotic sexual descriptions and subtle elements of retribution into the storyline, as Isobel is as much a shapeshifter as Fisherman in many ways, a prisoner of a culture forcing her to give up her identity. Still, her treatment of Fisherman—who assumes the form of a female human to please Isobel and keep her sexually satisfied—echoes her own subjugation at the hands of others. As the plot morphs into a weighty examination of humanity’s greed and brutal disregard for divergence of any kind, Huff’s characters undergo their own transformations, leaving readers with a profound reflection on what truly defines a monster.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Stirring tale of the depths of love in an unforgiving alien world.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> C.L. Clark’s <em>The Unbroken</em>, Kameron Hurley’s The Worldbreaker Saga.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/dbc7ba50-88e6-11ef-ba90-547275647911">Landlocked In Foreign Skin</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/7dbec4c0-88bf-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/7dbec4c0-88bf-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Tyranny of the Mind: Self-Rule &amp; the Common American Uprising </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Julie A. Fragoules </div>Both a celebration of the values and promise of the United States and a dense, outraged, epic-length polemic that excoriates the treatment of conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Trump supporters in the American press, Fragoules’s impassioned debut argues that today’s “radical left elitists are in many ways the modern equivalent of the Roman Catholic Church, feudal lords, and royal cohorts who once dominated and subjugated Europe.” The book also charts Fragoules’s research into the nation’s founding, the brilliance of the Constitution, and the vigorous debates between Madison, Jefferson, and others on subjects like the separation of church and state. <br /><br /> <p>Considering American history and the roots of division, Fragoules acknowledges the brutality of history, slavery, and the “wanton destruction and the massive death” that followed Columbus in the New World. The Founders, she argues, were imperfect, but the Constitution transcends that—nothing in it “limited the application of American ideals by race or sex.” She likewise surveys millennia of the Catholic Church’s harsh enforcement of its doctrines, linking the punishment of heretics to the cancellation or treatment of conservatives in the sciences today. She quotes at length, often hundreds of words at a time with little context or explication, from popes, presidents, historical thinkers, and contemporary firebrands like Dinesh D’Souza (approvingly) and Bill Maher (not so much).</p> <p>The project is sprawling and deeply felt—Fragoules’s account of her family’s immigrant success story is rousing, and a passion for liberty shines throughout. But for all the history and first principles investigated here, many of Fragoules’s arguments feel like the product of their heated moment. Readers not already on board with her opinions about Trump, climate change, the science of conception, and more will likely find little to persuade them. Fragoules decries how leftist “elitists,” the “woke,” and a vague “they” demonize and presume the worst of the right, especially the 2008 Tea Party movement, even as she compares Democrats to Hitler and insists, “The left is not opposed to racism; they just think it’s justified when directed at the right people.”</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Searching study of the founders’ beliefs mixed with red-meat outrage at the contemporary left.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Glenn Beck; Jonah Goldberg’s <em>Liberal Fascism</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/7dbec4c0-88bf-11ef-877c-547275647911">Tyranny of the Mind</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/402b0530-88a4-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/402b0530-88a4-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;"><img src="/images/editors-pick.png" width=90 height=24> A Valley to Harness: A Novel for the World's Revolution </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Jason A. Bartles </div>Bartles’s grabber of a speculative fiction debut brings together a plucky spy, a vengeful butler, and a shy baker to navigate the mysteries of an Appalachian utopia in the climate-ravaged near future. All Henry Townsend wants is to bake for his patron, SustainAble CEO/philanthropic billionaire Lady Duggery, and forget the climate-ravaged world beyond Sediment Valley. But activist Brisa Arroyo looks to sabotage SustainAble’s cryptomines hidden beneath the supposedly green-powered Valley, while Duggery’s loyal butler, Colson Dagwood, harbors a dangerous secret and a burning desire for revenge. After a failed attempt on the visiting Pennsylvania Militia leadership, the three unlikely allies find themselves entangled in a sinister plot involving earthquakes, magic, and missing citizens.<br /><br /> <p>Readers will fall headfirst into this frightening near-future vision of a country torn apart by extreme weather, corporate greed, and ecofascism; where activists fight clandestine battles, enigmatic Awakened wield Earth’s gifts to protect the planet, and the rich lord over a common caste scraping to get by. Bartles explores his rich world via crisp prose and a roster of nuanced characters alive with complexity and heart—and always capable of surprise. This attention to drifts of mind and the textures of everyday living brings the world to life, though at times it diminishes narrative momentum and can feel at odds with some superhero-coded action. Still, <em>A Valley to Harness</em> mostly maintains consistent balance and flow, and despite the excitement of supernatural powers and a fight for freedom, Bartles’s scenes pulse with humanity and strange, striking detail.</p> <p>Bartles’s focus on a well-drawn, predominantly queer cast offers an honest, tender, and beautifully knotty forecast of possible futures for a community too often “othered” by society, and the simmering romance between Henry and Colson is a delightful reminder that even in the darkest era there’s room for love. Fans of genre-defying spec-fic with thought-provoking worldbuilding and deceptively complex characters will relish this.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Smart, humane novel of revolution and Earth-derived superpowers in a climate-ravaged future. </p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Graham Masterton’s <em>Drought</em>, Emmi Itäranta’s <em>The Weaver</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>A</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/402b0530-88a4-11ef-877c-547275647911">A Valley to Harness</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/e59a22a0-87bc-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/e59a22a0-87bc-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">The Pawn against the King: Genious vs Authority </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Giorgos Katsoulas </div>Katsoulas debuts with an encouraging parable centered on a classic matchup of the powerful and the upstart, in this case a creative battle of chess between a king and his subject. When the King, the “Ruler of everything” and “nature’s Commander,” issues a challenge for his people to devise “the most perfect strategy game,” a poor, unknown subject steps up to the plate—and presents a chess set, determined to astound his ruler and grasp the prize: guaranteed wealth beyond his imaginings. So begins an epic metaphorical battle, as the subject, referred to as an “unimportant black pawn,” instructs his monarch on the game’s rules—and tries to convince the “Great Conqueror” that chess is worthy of his favor.<br /><br /> <p>Beyond an innovative take on chess showdowns, <em>The Pawn Against the King</em> registers the dynamics at play between the powerful and those who are perceived as weak. As the pawn carefully manipulates his ruler into falling for the game, he also measures careful steps to his own victory, plotting his moves and weighing his words until he emerges as not just a brilliant game maker but also a surprisingly worthy opponent for “the absolute Monarch.” Katsoulas crafts the subtleties of that battle with brevity, though astute readers will read between the lines and grasp the larger themes at play here.</p> <p>Katsoulas’s stereotypical portrayal of a selfish, spoiled monarch—with little regard for the people he’s charged with protecting—takes away somewhat from the novel’s impact, though the twist at the end is satisfying. Hidden in the folds of the book’s rallying cry against complete power are wise snippets of battle advice with parallels drawn to everyday life, as in the pawn’s explanation that life, much like battles, is unpredictable, and “Sometimes, we’ll need to deviate and fight unorthodoxly.” Fans of thoughtful tales with tempered moral themes will appreciate this compact call to boldness and innovation.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> A game of chess represents larger themes on battle, life, and power.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Bob Burg and John David Mann’s <em>The Go-Giver</em>, Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble’s <em>How Stella Saved the Farm</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>B</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/e59a22a0-87bc-11ef-877c-547275647911">The Pawn against the King</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/4df4e630-8819-11ef-877c-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/4df4e630-8819-11ef-877c-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Healing: Discover how to rejuvenate your health, and the health of the planet, one ancestral step at a time </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">Tracy Houle, RHN </div>Inspired by her grandmother’s “ancestral ways of eating off the land” in Castrignano D’ei Greci, Italy, nutritionist Houle explores the evolution of people and food in this health-minded resource. "Half a world, it seems, separates my life from that little farming village where my grandmother grew up picking dandelions and stealing from the edges of farms," Houle writes, as she delves into how the Industrial and Digital Revolutions have transformed our eating habits and lifestyles, the capitalistic mindset of the “Big Food” companies, and why fresh, whole foods are the key to “a new relationship with food, your body, and your intuition.”<br /><br /> <p>Houle’s personal quest to take control of her family’s health was sparked by the digestive pains of her then six-year-old son, which served a catalyst for her plunge into ancestral eating patterns, analysis of the myths surrounding the costs of nutritionally dense food, and growing reliance on “buying locally produced food.” In many ways, her writing serves as a wake-up call for readers on the tactics of Big Food, as Houle addresses not only their tendency to “health-wash” by publicizing misleading statements on the benefits of their products but also their constant efforts to reach the “bliss point” for their goods—“the perfect balance of sweetness from sugar, richness from fat, and savoury flavour from salt” to hook consumers.</p> <p>As Houle breaks down contemporary society's addiction to unhealthy foods, she also offers readers an alternative, declaring that “our ability to feel good is deeply tied to what we eat.” That alternative includes advocating for local farms, body movement through exercise and strength training, and allowing for moments of boredom in a world plagued by constant notifications and technological engagement. Readers from all walks of life will find wisdom here, and Houle closes with a reminder that “growth does not happen all at once, but with patience and care, it happens inevitably.”</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Comprehensive resource on ancestral food and wisdom for healthy living.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Mark Bittman's <em>Animal, Vegetable, Junk</em>, Bill Schindler's <em>Eat Like a Human</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>B-</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>A</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/4df4e630-8819-11ef-877c-547275647911">Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Healing</a></div> <div style="margin-right:10px;margin-top:1px;" class="pull-left"><a href="/projectid/74bbff90-8717-11ef-ba90-547275647911"><img src="/image-factory/http/localhost/project-cover/74bbff90-8717-11ef-ba90-547275647911.jpg/w124.jpg" style="width:150px;height:auto;" class="media-object"></a></div> <div style="margin-top:1px;" class="book-browse-synopsis"> <div style="font-size:19px;font-weight:bold;">The Other Road </div> <div style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">S.L. Arrington </div>Arrington spins a sweet yet unconventional romance in this touching debut. When Izzy—who has been estranged from her family for a decade—gets word that her beloved grandfather, William, has died, she heads home for his funeral. While she’s there, her grandmother, Marina, announces to Izzy and her snippy mother, Susan Jane, that William left a legacy behind: the story of how he and Marina met, written in his own hand. As Izzy uncovers the secrets to her grandparents’ past, she, too, undergoes a quest of self-discovery, though her journey serves primarily as a springboard for the deeply emotive love story between William and Marina.<br /><br /> <p>Emotional resonance echoes throughout this sweet tale, as William’s story recounts the first time he met Marina—at Mildred’s Diner in Hudson, Ohio, where she was a sassy waitress determined to see the world—and delves into his impulsive decision to accompany her on a cross-country road trip to California. Arrington uses that trip as the instrument for the couple’s blossoming romance, ably showing both the literal and emotional journeys they undertake en route. As they stop in Memphis, Oklahoma City, and Denver, Arrington keeps the emotional stakes humming, spurring the couple through discussions of grief, death, and a tender romance rich with sentiment and connection.</p> <p>Arrington punctuates William’s narrative with snapshots from the present, though Izzy and Susan Jane’s roles are largely peripheral. The 1970s flashbacks to William and Marina captivate, and Arrington sensitively handles a host of challenging topics, including suicide, death, and cancer. Amid those developments—and a shocking twist in the form of a vehicle accident—the story revolves around the deeply abiding, measured bond between William and Marina. Anyone who has wished for a second chance at life and love will be satisfied by this stirring journey from tragedy and heartbreak to happily-ever-after.</p> <p><strong>Takeaway:</strong> Emotional second chance story of love, loss, and rebirth.</p> <p><strong>Comparable Titles:</strong> Jojo Moyes’s <em>Me Before You</em>, Hannah Ellis’s <em>Always With You</em>.</p> <p><strong>Production grades</strong><br /> Cover: <strong>A</strong><br /> Design and typography: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Illustrations: <strong>N/A</strong><br /> Editing: <strong>B+</strong><br /> Marketing copy: <strong>A</strong></p> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:50px;font-weight:bold;" class="book-browse-synopsis">Click here for more about <a href="/projectid/74bbff90-8717-11ef-ba90-547275647911">The Other Road</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"></div> <ul data-jsclass="paginationController" class="pagination center-block"><li class="disabled"><a href="#">&laquo;</a></li><li id="pagination-elipsis-start" class="disabled"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-horizontal"></i></a></li><li class="active pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/1">1</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/2">2</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/3">3</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/4">4</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/5">5</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/6">6</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/7">7</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/8">8</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/9">9</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/10">10</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/11">11</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/12">12</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/13">13</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/14">14</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/15">15</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/16">16</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/17">17</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/18">18</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/19">19</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/20">20</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/21">21</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/22">22</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/23">23</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/24">24</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/25">25</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/26">26</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/27">27</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/28">28</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/29">29</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/30">30</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/31">31</a></li><li class="pagination-page"><a href="/booklife-reviews/32">32</a></li><li id="pagination-elipsis-end" class="disabled"><a href="#"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-horizontal"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/booklife-reviews/2">&raquo;</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="user-panel-here"></div> </div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div style="text-align:center;" class="col-sm-12 leaderboard-bottom"> <div style="display:inline-block;margin:0 auto;background-color:#eeeeee;font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#cacaca;text-align:center;padding:15px;">ADVERTISEMENT<br> <div class="center-block" id='div-gpt-ad-1410890261773-0' style='width:728px; 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