Who We Are | Ellison Foundation
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We invest in innovative medical research, educational initiatives impacting lifelong achievement, and organizations addressing the needs of our most vulnerable families locally.</p> <p><strong>Our Vision</strong><br /> We are committed to improving the lives of others with a specific focus on the needs of women and children. Our hope is to create a framework for strategic, active, and thoughtful giving for future generations.</p> </div> </div> <div class="six-col fl"> <img src="" class="illustration" > <div class="content_image_caption bizango_cms bizango_cms_image bizango_image_caption content_image_caption" id="image_247686_caption" data-bizango='{"monkey":"data", "field":"caption", "object_type":"image", "cms_id":"247686", "label":"" , "tag":"div"}' > <p><em>Tom and Sue Ellison</em></p> </div> </div> <div class="nine-col fr noMar"> <div class="bizango_cms bizango_cms_content bizango_content_prose textdiv_prose" id="content_130799_prose" data-bizango='{"monkey":"data", "field":"prose", "object_type":"content", "cms_id":"130799", "label":"" , "tag":"div"}' > <h4><strong>Our Founders</strong></h4> <p>The Ellison Foundation was established by Tom and Sue Ellison in Bellevue, Washington in 2003. Tom and Sue are longtime residents of Seattle's "Eastside" where they raised two daughters and now enjoy spending time with their four grandchildren.</p> <p>Sue has always been the "CEO" of the family while Tom is the former owner and Chairman of the Board of Savers Inc., a privately held international retail chain. Savers™ had over 300 locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Its brands included Value Village, Savers, and Unique. Curently, Tom is the founder and owner of Legacy Companies which provides full service leasing, construction and property management for office, retail, warehouse and multi-family properties in the U.S. and Canada.</p> <p>The foundation allows the Ellisons to actively support nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and individuals dedicated to empowering the lives of others. It's their hope the foundation will create a legacy of thoughtful and impactful giving for the next generations of the Ellison Family.</p> <h4><a href="/about/staff"><strong>Staff and Contact</strong></a></h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="page_frame"> © 2025 Ellison Foundation<br> <a id="bizango" href="" title="Website Design" target=_NEW>Website Design</a> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#mobile_nav .nav").hide(); $("#mobile_nav").click(function() { $("#mobile_nav .nav").toggle(); }); $("#nav_about").addClass("current"); $("#buy_button").click(function() { $( ".buy_button_hidden" ).slideToggle("fast"); $("#buy_button").toggleClass(".buy_button_open"); return false; }); }); </script> </body> </html>