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If you don't see the information you need, please contact ISTE Customer Service at 800.336.5191 or <a href=''></a></p> <h3 class="fancy-header">General Questions</h3> <div class="question" id="faq1"> <h3>When is ASCD Annual Conference 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans1"> <p> ASCD Annual will be held from midday Sunday, June 29, through Wednesday, July 2, 2025 with pre-conference content starting midday Saturday, June 28. </p> <p> Virtually presented content will be featured for a half day on Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29, for all attendees. Whether you're <a href="/2025/attend/pricing.php">attending in person or online</a>, expect a variety of formats, a flexible schedule and hundreds of learning opportunities. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq2"> <h3>Where is ASCD Annual Conference 25 being held? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans2"> <p> ASCD Annual Conference 25 is a hybrid event, with the face-to-face conference being held in San Antonio at the Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, and San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter. <a href="/2025/attend/pricing.php">Virtual attendees</a> can experience content from around the world from their devices, along with sessions from the in-person conference streamed to the virtual platform. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq3"> <h3>ASCD Annual 25 is co-located with ISTELive 25. Will I be able to attend sessions from both organizations? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans3"> <p> Yes! By purchasing a ticket to either event, attendees will have access to content from both events. That means you’ll be able to attend the ASCD content you know and love along with ISTE and blended content that spans both communities, all for one event registration. Find your community while meeting others in education that span every area of education. </p> <p> <em>Note that a small subset of content has additional fees, some events are invitation-only or are tailored to specific roles, and some sessions are free, but require pre-registration.</em> </p> </div> <h3 class="fancy-header">Event Experience</h3> <div class="question" id="faq4"> <h3>What is the in-person experience for ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans4"> <p> ASCD Annual 25 will offer varied content experiences, from hands-on interactive programming to listen-and-learn sessions to immersive demos in the expo hall, and some select in-person only content like playgrounds and posters. These formats will cover a variety of topics as well as content from ISTE and content that spans both communities. All recorded content will be made available in a timely manner and be available to both ASCD and ISTE communities. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq5"> <h3>What does “co-located” mean? What should I expect? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans5"> <p> "Co-located" means that the ISTELive and ASCD Annual conferences will be held simultaneously in the same physical location. This unique format is designed to support community choice and cross pollination. </p> <p> Here’s what you can expect: </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Program selection:</strong> Presenters submitted sessions through individual ASCD and ISTELive proposal processes. Over 100 individual review teams and 600+ reviewers with expertise in specific educational topics reviewed and recommended session selection, while an integrated program committee with volunteer representation from both communities made the final selections and scheduling decision. </li> <li> <strong>Community building:</strong> Onsite, attendees can expect separate registration check ins with badges for each event, making it easy to find community members from each legacy organization at a glance throughout the onsite experience. Focused networking opportunities are being planned to help attendees connect within individual communities, as well as by roles and topical interests, and through focused affinity groups. </li> <li> <strong>Content organization:</strong> Once the event is underway, sessions and learning experiences from both events will be integrated into topical clusters and zones, making it easy to discover relevant content regardless of primary affiliation. Mainstage speakers are being selected to appeal to both audiences and will be an integrated experience. A series of separate thought leader “mini-mainstages” is planned that will be branded under ASCD or ISTE (but are open to all). </li> <li> <strong>Industry participation:</strong> We will have one integrated expo experience with enhanced tools to help attendees discover the most pertinent companies. We’ll also provide additional educational programming to support the procurement process and making good purchasing/use decisions. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="question" id="faq6"> <h3>What is the virtual experience for ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans6"> <p> <a href="/2025/attend/pricing.php">ASCD Annual 25 Virtual</a> will include two half days of virtually presented content made available to all attendees on Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29. Content from Sunday, June 29, through Wednesday, July 2, will include 85+ high-quality sessions streamed from the in person event to the virtual platform. Immersive experiences will be available to virtual attendees throughout the week. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq7"> <h3>How long will the session recordings be available? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans7"> <p>Session recordings will be available for six months after the event unless otherwise noted on specific session detail pages based on individual speaker agreements.</p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq8"> <h3>This event is going to be very large–will I get lost? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans8"> <p> Don't worry! We understand this is a large event, and we're designing the flow and session tracks to guide you seamlessly to your desired content and connect you with like-minded attendees. While there's plenty to explore, we're taking extra steps to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. Learning tracks and sample schedules will be provided to help organize the content along with a host of filters and digital and in person tools to find desired content quickly. In addition, a team of expert program volunteers will be available onsite to help attendees plan their schedules and create personalized learning journeys through the events. </p> </div> <h3 class="fancy-header">Event Programming & Presenting</h3> <div class="question" id="faq9"> <h3>When can I see the full program? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans9"> <p>The full program will be published on the event website by late February. A secondary call for proposals happens in late Winter to ensure we capture fresh ideas and create additional opportunities for participation. Details about these sessions will be available late Spring.</p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq10"> <h3>How will I find content just from ASCD or just from ISTE? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans10"> <p>Sessions will be identified in the program with unique iconography and filters to make it easy to determine what is “ASCD content”, “ISTE content”, and “blended content” (a strand of content designed for both communities). We’ve also designed the event purposefully to help create content groupings that support ease of navigation through both events. These content clusters will help ensure attendees can find the topics they’re most interested in within close proximity, regardless of primary affiliation.</p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq11"> <h3>I submitted a proposal to present at ASCD Annual 25. What are my next steps? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans11"> <p>Visit your <a href="/2025/presenters/portal/00_login.php">presenter menu</a> for information on your presenter status (available by the third week in December) and answers to frequently asked questions. Contact <a href=''></a> with presenter or session questions.</p> </div> <h3 class="fancy-header">Attendee Travel and Logistics</h3> <div class="question" id="faq12"> <h3>Will there be shuttle service to the convention center? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans12"> <p> Select hotels within ASCD's official housing block will have shuttle service to the convention center. This information and additional housing details can be found on our <a href="/2025/attend/housing.php">Housing page</a>. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq13"> <h3>Where can I find my registration receipt and confirmation email? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans13"> <p>All registration details can be found in your <a href="/2025/account/">ASCD Annual 25 account</a>. You can print or resend your receipt or confirmation email from the “Attendee Menu” link in your account.</p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq14"> <h3>Can I earn CEUs or graduate-level credit for attending ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans14"> <p> You may be able to earn continuing education credits (CEUs) or graduate credit for attending ASCD Annual 25. A certificate of attendance will be available to all registrants after the event. </p> <p> Conference hours are <strong>not</strong> automatically eligible for CEU hours. Reach out to your district or state Department of Education to find out how to secure CEUs before the conference to ensure you can obtain your hours. You can find additional information on our <a href="/2025/program/earning_credit.php">Earning Credit page</a>. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq15"> <h3>Will I receive instructions for how to virtually attend ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans15"> <p> You’ll receive an email with specific instructions on how to log in and attend the conference virtually in June. The virtual platform will require a simple login process, and we’ll include supporting documentation to ensure you get the most out of your online experience. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq16"> <h3>Can I volunteer at ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans16"> <p> Whether you <a href="/2025/attend/pricing.php">attend in person or virtually</a>, you can help us make ASCD Annual 25 an amazing experience by volunteering! There are volunteer opportunities to fit your schedule and interests. Make sure to select “I’m interested in volunteering” on the registration form to receive updates. </p> <p> If you’ve already registered, log in to your <a href="/2025/account/">ASCD Annual 25 account</a> to express your interest under the “Volunteer” section. </p> </div> <div class="question" id="faq17"> <h3>What are the health and safety guidelines for ASCD Annual 25? <span class="showhide_plus">[+]</span><span class="showhide_minus">[—]</span></h3> </div> <div class="answer" id="ans17"> <p> As part of our overall risk management plan for the event, we monitor health and safety recommendations from the CDC, Texas and the city of San Antonio. At this time, we do not plan to have specific health requirements in place for ASCD Annual 25, but we reserve the right to implement policies should the current public health environment change. Guidelines for attending the conference will take into consideration the well-being of the ASCD community and federal, state and/or local guidance. </p> </div> <h4>Additional Questions?</h4> <p>Didn’t find an answer you were looking for? Please send any additional questions to <a href=''></a>.</p> <script> function expandFaq(e) { var qId = jQuery(this).prop('id'); // Get the ID of the clicked element var idNumbers = qId.match(/\d+/g); // extract just the digits from that ID (produces an array of matches) var idSuffix = idNumbers.pop(); // get the first item in the array var answerId = 'ans' + idSuffix; jQuery("#" + qId + " .showhide_plus").toggle(0); // hide the plus sign (as quickly as possible to avoid "hopping" the page = 0ms) jQuery("#" + qId + " .showhide_minus").toggle(0); // show the minus sign (as quickly as possible to avoid "hopping" the page = 0ms) jQuery("#" + answerId).slideToggle("slow"); // expand the answer div } function expandFaqByID(qId) { var idNumbers = qId.match(/\d+/g); // extract just the digits from that ID (produces an array of matches) var idSuffix = idNumbers.pop(); // get the first item in the array var answerId = 'ans' + idSuffix; jQuery("#" + qId + " .showhide_plus").toggle(0); // hide the plus sign (as quickly as possible to avoid "hopping" the page = 0ms) jQuery("#" + qId + " .showhide_minus").toggle(0); 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