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If you'd like to help the BPS with the printing of books, or support the organisation in general (for example with maintaining and updating the computers used for typesetting books, or with improving other staff facilities, etc), then you can make a donation to the BPS.</p> <p>Donations may be made by cheque or money order (see <a >Ordering Info</a>). All remittances should be made payable to: Buddhist Publication Society. Please mark all cheques, etc.: A/C Payee Only. Due to the risk of lost mail, cheques and money orders should only be sent by registered post.</p> <p>For internet payments, a donation amount can be added to an order: in the &ldquo;Notes&rdquo; box on the bottom of the cart-checkout page, simply leave an instruction to our Stores Department to include a donation in the specified amount.</p> <p>Or, use our <a href='contactus.php'>contact us</a> page to notify us of your intention to donate. In your message, please let us know the amount (in US Dollars or Sri Lankan Rupees), and we will return an email with a link to the Internet Payment Gateway.</p> <p>(We must go through this rather roundabout method for internet donations in order to comply with our bank&rsquo;s policies.)</p> <h2>Sponsoring the Publication of a Book</h2> <p>Regularly the BPS receives inquiries whether it is possible to partially or completely sponsor the publication of a BPS book. As the cost of printing books is going up, sponsoring the publication of books will bring down the price of the books and make them thus more affordable, which will help the dissemination of the Dhamma&mdash;the purpose of the BPS. A dedication by the sponsor, for example for a deceased relative, can be put at the beginning or end of the book. If you are interested in sponsoring the publication of a BPS book, either wholly or in part, then please contact the BPS General Secretary or the BPS Editor in Chief.</p> <p>Please note that the BPS does not publish books solely intended for free distribution because there is no suitable distribution network for this purpose. Although there are good arguments for publishing books just for free distribution, the problem remains that it is more difficult to distribute books widely without involving bookshops. The other problem is that free books sometimes are casually taken and put in the home library without ever being read. These are reasons is why the BPS distributes printed books through commercial networks, but at a low, affordable price. Free digital BPS books, however, can be viewed and downloaded from the <a href="library.php">BPS online library</a>; many can also be viewed on Google Books.</p> <p>Extra copies of a book that is being (re-) printed could be printed upon request if the sponsor would handle shipping and distribution.</p> </div> <!-- end of left_side div --> <div id="right_side"> <div class='feature_box_right'> <h4>New Releases from BPS</h4><ul class='arrow_list'> </ul> </div> <!-- end of feature box div --> <div class="feature_box_right"> <h4>From the Notice Board</h4> <ul class="arrow_list"> <li><i>The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha</i> Special Offer. Limited Stock</li> <li><i>Numerical Discourses of the Buddha</i> now available</li> <li>Fee increase for Sinhalese membership</li> <li><a href="notice_board.php">More. . .</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end of feature box div --> <p style="text-align:center;color:transparent;">vertical spacer<br> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit our Google page"> <img src="img/google+.png" style="margin:0 5px; border:0;" height="24" width="24" alt="google button"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit our Facebook page"> <img src="img/facebook.png" style="margin:0 5px; border:0;" height="24" width="24" alt="facebook button" /></a> <!-- no a-href for this button --> <img src="img/facebook-share2-New.png" style="margin:0 5px; border:0;" height="24" width="59" alt="Facebook-share button" onclick="'','facebook-share-dialog','width=626,height=436');" title="Share our Facebook page"/> </p> </div> <!-- end of right_side div --> <div class="spacer"> <p>Page updated Friday 23 Aug 2013 5:35PM</p> </div> </div> <!-- end of page_content div --> <div id='footer'> <div class='col1'> <p><a href='site_map.php'>Site Map</a></p> <p><a href='relatedlinks.php'>Links</a></p> <p><a href='contactus.php'>Contact Us</a></p> </div> <div class='col1'> <!-- <p><a href='#'>Our Staff</a></p> --> <p>Buddhist Publication Society<br/> P.O. Box 61, 54 Sangharaja Mawatha<br/> Kandy, Sri Lanka</p> </div> <div class='col1'> <p>Tel: +94 81 2237283<br/> Fax: +94 81 2223679<br/> e-mail:</p> <!-- <p><a href='#'>Acknowledgements</a></p> <p><a href='#'>Board of Management</a></p> --> </div> <div class='col2'> <img src='img/footer-logo.gif' style='margin:-10px 0 10px 55px;' alt='bps logo' /> </div> <div class='spacer' style='margin-top:0px;'> <p class='center'>Copyright &copy; 2006&ndash;2025 Buddhist Publication Society</p> </div> <!-- end of spacer div --> </div> <!-- end of page_footer div --> </div> <!-- end of page_wrapper div --> </body> </html>

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