Legal notice | GTS

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grid-12 gap sectionToggle' data-section-toggle='commercial-information'><hr class='tMargin it-12'/><section class='grid-12 it-12 colGap'><div class='it-6 rt-12 grid-6 selfStretch'><h3 class='it-4 rt-6'>Contact</h3></div><div class='it-4 rt-12 text'><p><strong>International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum</strong></p> <p>Avenue de la Paix 17<br /> 1202 Geneva<br /> Switzerland</p> <p>+41 22 748 95 11<br />  </p></div></section><hr class='it-12 '/><section class='grid-12 it-12 colGap'><div class='it-6 rt-12 grid-6 selfStretch'><h3 class='it-4 rt-6'>Commercial Information</h3></div><div class='it-4 rt-12 text'><p>Executive Director : Pascal Hufschmid<br /> Extract from the Commercial Register : No. féd. CHE-660.0.344.981-8<br /> VAT number : CHE-108.629.165 TVA<br /> Head office : 1202 Geneva</p></div></section><hr class='it-12 '/><section class='grid-12 it-12 colGap'><div class='it-6 rt-12 grid-6 selfStretch'><h3 class='it-4 rt-6'>Privacy Policy</h3></div><div class='it-4 rt-12 text'><p>The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Contact us if you have any questions or problems regarding the use of your Personal Data and we will gladly assist you.</p> <p>By using this site or/and our services, you consent to the Processing of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>DEFINITIONS</strong></p> <p><strong>Personal Data</strong> – any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.<br /><strong>Processing</strong> – any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data.<br /><strong>Data subject</strong> – a person whose Personal Data is being Processed.<br /><strong>Child</strong> – a person under 16 years of age.<br /><strong>We/us</strong> (either capitalized or not) – International Red Cross and Red Cresent Museum</p> <p><strong>DATA PROTECTION PRINCIPLES</strong></p> <p>We promise to follow the following data protection principles:</p> <ul><li>Processing is lawful, fair, transparent. Our Processing activities have lawful grounds. We always consider your rights before Processing Personal Data. We will provide you information regarding Processing upon request.</li> <li>Processing is limited to the purpose. Our Processing activities fit the purpose for which Personal Data was gathered.</li> <li>Processing is done with minimal data. We only gather and Process the minimal amount of Personal Data required for any purpose.</li> <li>Processing is limited with a time period. We will not store your personal data for longer than needed.</li> <li>We will do our best to ensure the accuracy of data.</li> <li>We will do our best to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data.</li> </ul><p><strong>DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS</strong></p> <p>The Data Subject has the following rights:</p> <ol><li>Right to information – meaning you have to right to know whether your Personal Data is being processed; what data is gathered, from where it is obtained and why and by whom it is processed.</li> <li>Right to access – meaning you have the right to access the data collected from/about you. This includes your right to request and obtain a copy of your Personal Data gathered.</li> <li>Right to rectification – meaning you have the right to request rectification or erasure of your Personal Data that is inaccurate or incomplete.</li> <li>Right to erasure – meaning in certain circumstances you can request for your Personal Data to be erased from our records.</li> <li>Right to restrict processing – meaning where certain conditions apply, you have the right to restrict the Processing of your Personal Data.</li> <li>Right to object to processing – meaning in certain cases you have the right to object to Processing of your Personal Data, for example in the case of direct marketing.</li> <li>Right to object to automated Processing – meaning you have the right to object to automated Processing, including profiling; and not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated Processing. This right you can exercise whenever there is an outcome of the profiling that produces legal effects concerning or significantly affecting you.</li> <li>Right to data portability – you have the right to obtain your Personal Data in a machine-readable format or if it is feasible, as a direct transfer from one Processor to another.</li> <li>Right to lodge a complaint – in the event that we refuse your request under the Rights of Access, we will provide you with a reason as to why. If you are not satisfied with the way your request has been handled please contact us.</li> <li>Right for the help of <a href="">supervisory authority</a> – meaning you have the right for the help of a supervisory authority and the right for other legal remedies such as claiming damages.</li> <li>Right to withdraw consent – you have the right withdraw any given consent for Processing of your Personal Data.</li> </ol><p><strong>DATA WE GATHER</strong></p> <p><strong>Information you have provided us with</strong><br /> This might be your e-mail address, name, billing address, home address etc – mainly information that is necessary for delivering you a product/service or to enhance your customer experience with us. We save the information you provide us with in order for you to comment or perform other activities on the website. This information includes, for example, your name and e-mail address.</p> <p><strong>Information automatically collected about you</strong><br /> This includes information that is automatically stored by cookies and other session tools. For example, your shopping cart information, your IP address, your shopping history (if there is any) etc. This information is used to improve your customer experience. When you use our services or look at the contents of our website, your activities may be logged.</p> <p><strong>Information from our partners</strong><br /> We gather information from our trusted partners with confirmation that they have legal grounds to share that information with us. This is either information you have provided them directly with or that they have gathered about you on other legal grounds. See the list of our partners:</p> <ul><li>Infomaniak Network SA</li> <li>SecuTix</li> <li>Cosatic Sarl</li> <li>INT studio Sarl</li> </ul><p><strong>PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION</strong></p> <p>We might gather information about you that is publicly available.</p> <p><strong>HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA</strong></p> <p>We use your Personal Data in order to:</p> <ul><li>provide our service to you. This includes for example registering your account; providing you with other products and services that you have requested; providing you with promotional items at your request and communicating with you in relation to those products and services; communicating and interacting with you; and notifying you of changes to any services.</li> <li>enhance your customer experience;</li> <li>fulfil an obligation under law or contract;</li> </ul><p>We use your Personal Data on legitimate grounds and/or with your Consent.</p> <p>On the grounds of entering into a contract or fulfilling contractual obligations, we Process your Personal Data for the following purposes:</p> <ul><li>to identify you;</li> <li>to provide you a service or to send/offer you a product;</li> <li>to communicate either for sales or invoicing;</li> </ul><p>On the grounds of legitimate interest, we Process your Personal Data for the following purposes:</p> <ul><li>to send you personalized offers (from us and/or our carefully selected partners);</li> <li>to administer and analyse our client base (purchasing behaviour and history) in order to improve the quality, variety, and availability of products/ services offered/provided;</li> <li>to conduct questionnaires concerning client satisfaction;</li> </ul><p>As long as you have not informed us otherwise, we consider offering you products/services that are similar or same to your purchasing history/browsing behaviour to be legitimate interest.</p> <p>With your consent we Process your Personal Data for the following purposes:</p> <ul><li>to send you newsletters and campaign offers;</li> <li>for other purposes we have asked your consent for;</li> </ul><p>We Process your Personal Data in order to fulfil obligation rising from law and/or use your Personal Data for options provided by law. We reserve the right to anonymise Personal Data gathered and to use any such data. We will use data outside the scope of this Policy only when it is anonymised. We save your billing information and other information gathered about you for as long as needed for accounting purposes or other obligations deriving from law, but not longer than 3 years.</p> <p>We might process your Personal Data for additional purposes that are not mentioned here, but are compatible with the original purpose for which the data was gathered. To do this, we will ensure that:</p> <ul><li>the link between purposes, context and nature of Personal Data is suitable for further Processing;</li> <li>the further Processing would not harm your interests and</li> <li>there would be appropriate safeguard for Processing.</li> </ul><p>We will inform you of any further Processing and purposes.</p> <p><strong>Who else can access your Personal Data</strong></p> <p>We do not share your Personal Data with strangers. Personal Data about you is in some cases provided to our trusted partners in order to either make providing the service to you possible or to enhance your customer experience. We share your data with:</p> <p><strong>Our processing partners:</strong></p> <ul><li>Infomaniak Network SA</li> <li>SecuTix</li> <li>Cosatic Sarl</li> <li>INT studio Sarl</li> </ul><p>We only work with Processing partners who are able to ensure adequate level of protection to your Personal Data. We disclose your Personal Data to third parties or public officials when we are legally obliged to do so. We might disclose your Personal Data to third parties if you have consented to it or if there are other legal grounds for it.</p> <p><strong>HOW WE SECURE YOUR DATA</strong></p> <p>We do our best to keep your Personal Data safe. We use safe protocols for communication and transferring data (such as HTTPS). We use anonymising and pseudonymising where suitable. We monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks.</p> <p>Even though we try our best we can not guarantee the security of information. However, we promise to notify suitable authorities of data breaches. We will also notify you if there is a threat to your rights or interests. We will do everything we reasonably can to prevent security breaches and to assist authorities should any breaches occur.</p> <p>If you have an account with us, note that you have to keep your username and password secret.</p> <p><strong>CHILDREN</strong></p> <p>We do not intend to collect or knowingly collect information from children. We do not target children with our services.</p> <p><strong>COOKIES AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES WE USE</strong></p> <p>We use cookies and/or similar technologies to analyse customer behaviour, administer the website, track users’ movements, and to collect information about users. This is done in order to personalise and enhance your experience with us.</p> <p>A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that is used to help make sites work. Only we can access the cookies created by our website. You can control your cookies at the browser level. Choosing to disable cookies may hinder your use of certain functions.</p> <p><strong>We use cookies for the following purposes:</strong></p> <ul><li>Necessary cookies – these cookies are required for you to be able to use some important features on our website, such as logging in. These cookies don’t collect any personal information.</li> <li>Functionality cookies – these cookies provide functionality that makes using our service more convenient and makes providing more personalised features possible. For example, they might remember your name and e-mail in comment forms so you don’t have to re-enter this information next time when commenting.</li> <li>Analytics cookies – these cookies are used to track the use and performance of our website and services</li> <li>Advertising cookies – these cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you and to your interests. In addition, they are used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. They are usually placed to the website by advertising networks with the website operator’s permission. These cookies remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers. Often targeting or advertising cookies will be linked to site functionality provided by the other organisation.</li> </ul><p>You can remove cookies stored in your computer via your browser settings. Alternatively, you can control some 3rd party cookies by using these links:</p> <ul><li><a href="">If you use <strong>Internet Explorer</strong></a></li> <li><a href="">If you use <strong>Firefox</strong></a></li> <li><a href="">If you use <strong>Google Chrome</strong></a></li> <li><a href=";viewlocale=fr_FR">If you use <strong>Safari</strong></a></li> </ul><p>We use Google Analytics to measure traffic on our website. Google has their own Privacy Policy which you can review <a href="">here</a>. If you’d like to opt out of tracking by Google Analytics, visit thise website:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">Mentions légales | CGV (</a></p> <p><strong>CONTACT INFORMATION</strong></p> <p><strong>Department of Audience Devlopment</strong><br /> Email: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a><br /> Phone: +41 22 748 9504</p> <p><strong>Supervisory Authority</strong><br /> Email:<br /> Phone: +41 31 322 4395</p> <p><strong>CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</strong></p> <p>We reserve the right to make change to this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>In case of translation of this privacy policy into other languages, only the French version will prevail.</p> <p>Last modification was made 19 September 2023</p></div></section></div></section><hr/><section class='grid-12 it-12 colGap'><div class='pageAnchor' id='voici'></div><div class='it-12'><a class='flex spaceBetween sectionToggleButton' data-section-toggle-button='voici'><h2 class='noOverflow if-1' >General Terms and Conditions of Sale</h2><div class='icon__container listIcon vFlex alignMiddle vAlignMiddle'><svg class='icon' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 76 76"> <path vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" class="path" d="M75.3,37.5L38,74.8L0.7,37.5"/> <line vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" class="path" x1="38" y1="74.8" x2="38" y2="0.2"/> </svg> </div></a></div><div class='it-12 grid-12 gap sectionToggle' data-section-toggle='voici'><hr class='tMargin it-12'/><div class='it-6 rt-0'></div><div class='it-4 rt-12 text'><p><strong>ONLINE SHOP<br /> INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT MUSEUM</strong></p> <p><br /> The English version of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale is a translation from the French. In the event of any discrepancies or contradictions with the original, the French version shall prevail.</p> <p><strong>1. SCOPE</strong></p> <p>The General Terms and Conditions of Sale (“<strong>GTCS</strong>”) apply to online orders (“<strong>Order</strong>” or “<strong>Orders</strong>”) placed on the website of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum (the “<strong>MICR</strong>”) for:</p> <ul><li style="list-style-type:none;"> <ul style="list-style-type:disc;"><li>admission tickets (e-tickets)</li> <li>guided tours (given by an e-guide)</li> <li>merchandise from the Museum store</li> <li>all other requests for services.</li> </ul></li> </ul><p>The MICR reserves the right to amend the GTCS at any time. The version of the GTCS in force when the Order or purchase is concluded will be applicable.</p> <p>Orders are processed subject to availability and to quotas allocated to each offer. When the customer receives the ordered merchandise, they must check to ensure it corresponds to their Order.</p> <p>By ticking the box “I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions”, the customer declares that they unconditionally accept the GTCS, are at least 18 years old and has the legal capacity or parental consent to place an Order.</p> <p><strong>2. RATES</strong></p> <p>Prices are given in Swiss francs (CHF) and include all taxes.</p> <p>Orders are payable by bank card via the MICR’s secure payment system.</p> <p><strong>3. ORDERING ADMISSION TICKETS</strong></p> <p>An Order for an admission ticket will generate an e-ticket delivered by email. E-tickets will not be sent by post, nor will they be payable by invoice.</p> <p>An e-ticket is only valid for the date indicated on the ticket. E-tickets cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded.</p> <p>An e-ticket is valid if it is displayed using a device such as a smartphone or tablet. E-tickets can also be printed; however, partially printed or illegible e-tickets will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.</p> <p>No refunds will be issued for lost or stolen e-tickets.</p> <p>People entitled to a reduced admission fee must be able to show proof of eligibility at the entrance gate. Anyone who presents invalid identification will be denied admission.</p> <p><strong>4. ORDERING A GUIDED TOUR</strong></p> <p>Guided tours are limited to a maximum of 30 people.</p> <p>Ordering a guided tour will generate an Order confirmation. This will not be sent by post, nor will it by payable by invoice.</p> <p>Once payment is made, the ticket for a guided tour can be downloaded to your personal account, for printing or presentation at the Museum on an electronic device.</p> <p><strong>4.1 RESERVATIONS</strong></p> <p>Reservations for guided tours are only valid for the date and time indicated on the Order confirmation. Reservations will be processed subject to availability of times, dates and languages.</p> <p>Reservations for guided tours must be made at least forteen working days prior to the tour date.</p> <p>People entitled to a reduced admission fee must be able to show proof of eligibility at the entrance gate. Anyone who presents invalid identification will be denied admission.</p> <p><strong>4.2 CANCELLATION/POSTPONEMENT</strong></p> <p>Requests to cancel or postpone guided tours must be made in writing by the customer to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> no later than seven working days before the tour’s scheduled date. After that day, tours cannot be changed and no refund will be issued.</p> <p>The MICR makes every effort to guarantee the availability of guided tours. Any cancellations of tour services by the MICR will result in a refund. No refund can be claimed, however, in cases where the MICR is obliged to cancel a tour as a result of force majeure.</p> <p><strong>4.3 REFUNDS FOR GUIDED TOURS</strong></p> <p>All refunds are made via the same means of payment used for the payment. No refunds will be issued by MICR reception staff.</p> <p><strong>5. ORDERING MERCHANDISE FROM THE STORE</strong></p> <p>The MICR reserves the right to refuse an Order for merchandise from the store.</p> <p>Customers will be informed if an ordered product is not available for delivery.</p> <p><strong>5.1 DELIVERY</strong></p> <p>All Orders will be delivered to the address provided by the customer. Responsibility for merchandise passes to the customer as soon as it is transferred to the carrier. Delivery of ordered merchandise is made by Swiss Post.</p> <p>No deliveries can be made outside Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The customer is must pay delivery costs.</p> <p><strong>5.2 INSPECTION OF MERCHANDISE AND RETURNS</strong></p> <p>The customer is responsible for inspecting the quantities and condition of the merchandise upon delivery. If the customer observes any omissions or damage, they must submit a claim with the MICR within seven days following delivery.</p> <p>All claims must be sent to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> <p><strong>5.3 REFUNDS FOR MERCHANDISE</strong></p> <p>All refunds will be made via bank transfer and must be requested in an email sent to the following address: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> <p>No refunds will be issued by MICR reception staff.</p> <p>No refund can be claimed in cases where the MICR is forced to cancel an order as a result of force majeure.</p> <p><strong>6. DATA PROTECTION</strong></p> <p>The MICR complies with the legislation in force when collecting and processing personal data. The MICR safeguards its customers’ data using appropriate technical and organizational methods and keeps them confidential.</p> <p><strong>6.1 STATISTICAL PURPOSE</strong></p> <p>To enable the MICR to provide offers in line with market demand, the customer agrees to allow the MICR to store and use their personal data for statistical purposes.</p> <p>At any time, the customer may refuse to allow their personal data to be used for statistical purposes. This will have no effect on the legality of data processing carried out during the period for which valid consent has been granted.</p> <p>To exercise their right of objection with regard to statistics, the customer must send a written request to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> <p><strong>6.2 OTHER DATA PROTECTION POLICIES</strong></p> <p>Additional information on how the MICR processes data can be found in the privacy policy available <a href="/legal-notice/commercial-information/politique-de-confidentialite/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>7. APPLICABLE LAW AND PLACE OF JURISDICTION</strong></p> <p>The applicable law will be Swiss law and the place of jurisdiction will be Geneva.</p> <p><br /><strong>CONTACT/DEPARTMENT</strong></p> <p>Visitor department<br /> International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum<br /> Rue de la Paix 17<br /> 1202 Geneva</p> <p>November 2022</p></div></div></section><hr/><section class='grid-12 it-12 colGap'><div class='pageAnchor' id='cookies'></div><div class='it-12'><a class='flex spaceBetween sectionToggleButton' data-section-toggle-button='cookies'><h2 class='noOverflow if-1' >Cookies</h2><div class='icon__container listIcon vFlex alignMiddle vAlignMiddle'><svg class='icon' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 76 76"> <path vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" class="path" d="M75.3,37.5L38,74.8L0.7,37.5"/> <line vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" class="path" x1="38" y1="74.8" x2="38" y2="0.2"/> </svg> </div></a></div><div class='it-12 grid-12 gap sectionToggle' data-section-toggle='cookies'><hr 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