Arabic Collections Online: About

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ACO currently provides digital access to <b>17,699</b> volumes across <b>10,473</b> subjects drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries. Established with support from NYU Abu Dhabi, and supported by major grants from Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, and Carnegie Corporation of New York, this mass digitization project features volumes from the library collections of NYU and partner institutions. These institutions contributed published books in all fields鈥攍iterature, business, science, and more鈥攆rom their Arabic language collections.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲丕 賴賷 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱丕賳鬲乇賳鬲責</h3> <p><b>丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱丕賳鬲乇賳賽鬲</b> 賴賷 毓亘丕乇丞 毓賳 賲賰鬲亘丞 毓丕賲丞 乇賯賲賷賻賾丞 賱賱賰鬲亘 丕賱賲丐賱賻賾賮丞 亘丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 賵丕賱鬲賷 兀氐亘丨鬲 賮賷 丕賱賲噩丕賱 丕賱毓丕賲. 丨丕賱賷丕賸貙 賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓 賷賵賮賾乇 廿賲賰丕賳賷賾丞 丕賱賵賱賵噩 丕賱廿賱賰鬲乇賵賳賷 廿賱賶 <b>17,699</b> 賰鬲丕亘丕賸 賮賷 丕賰孬乇 賲賳 <b>10,473</b> 賲賵囟賵毓丕賸 賲購爻鬲賻賲丿丕賸 賲賳 賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 賯賷賾賲丞 賮賷 賲賰鬲亘丕鬲 賲賲賷賻賾夭丞. 鬲兀爻爻鬲 亘丿毓賲 賲賳 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 兀亘賵馗亘賷. 賵 賷爻丕賴賲購 賮賷 丿毓賲賴丕 賲丕丿賷丕賸 亘毓丿賷丿 丕賱賲賳丨 丕賱賴丕賲丞 賲賳 "兀乇賰丕丿賷丕"貙 賵賴賵 氐賳丿賵賯 禺賷乇賷 賷賳鬲賲賷 賱卮乇賰丞 "賱賷爻亘鬲 乇丕賵夭賷賳噩 賵亘賷鬲乇 亘丕賱丿賵賷賳" 貙 賵 賰匕賱賰 卮乇賰丞 "賰丕乇賳賷噩賷" 賮賷 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰. 賵 賷卮賲購賱購 賴匕丕 賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱禺丕氐 亘丕賱乇賯賲賳丞 丕賱賲賰孬賮丞 賱賽賲噩賱丿丕鬲 賲賳 賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 鬲丕亘毓丞 賱賲賰鬲亘丕鬲 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 賵毓丿丿 賲賳 丕賱賲丐爻爻丕鬲 丕賱卮乇賷賰丞 賱賴丕. 賰賲丕 爻丕賴賲鬲 賴匕賴 丕賱賲丐爻爻丕鬲 賮賷 鬲賯丿賷賲 毓丿丿 賲賳 丕賱賰鬲亘 賮賷 賲禺鬲賱賮 丕賱賲噩丕賱丕鬲: 丕賱兀丿亘貙 賵丕賱兀毓賲丕賱貙 賵丕賱毓賱賵賲貙 賵 丕賴賲 賲賯鬲賳賷丕鬲賴丕 賲賳 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 亘丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞. </p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>What is the purpose of the project?</h3><p>ACO aims to digitize, preserve, and provide free open access to a wide variety of Arabic language books in subjects such as literature, philosophy, law, religion, and more. Important Arabic language content is not widely available on the web, and ACO aims to ensure global access to a rich Arabic library collection. Many older Arabic books are out-of-print, in fragile condition, and are otherwise rare materials that are in danger of being lost. ACO will ensure that this content will be saved digitally for future generations.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲丕 賴賵 賴丿賮 賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓責 </h3><p>賷賴丿賮 賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲 廿賱賶 乇賯賲賳丞 賵丨賮馗 賵鬲賵賮賷乇 丕賱賵賱賵噩 丕賱賲賮鬲賵丨 賱賲噩賲賵毓丞 賵丕爻毓丞 賲賳 賰鬲亘 賮賷 丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 賮賷 賲賵丕囟賷毓 丕賱兀丿亘 賵丕賱賮賱爻賮丞 賵丕賱賯丕賳賵賳 賵丕賱丿賷賳 賵睾賷乇賴丕. 丨丕賱賷丕賸貙 丕賱毓丿賷丿 賲賳 丕賱賲丨鬲賵賷丕鬲 丕賱賲賴賲賾丞 賮賷 丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 賱賷爻鬲 賲鬲賵賮賾賽乇丞 毓賱賶 賳胤丕賯 賵丕爻毓 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲. 賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲 賷囟賲賳 丕賱賵賱賵噩 丕賱毓丕賱賲賷 賱賲賰鬲亘丞 乇賯賲賷賾丞 睾賳賷賾丞 亘賲噩賲賵毓鬲賴丕 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞. 丕賱毓丿賷丿 賲賳 丕賱賰鬲亘 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 丕賱賯丿賷賲丞 丕賱賳丕賮匕丞 賲賳 丕賱胤亘丕毓丞貙 賵爻賴賱丞 丕賱鬲賮鬲鬲貙 兀氐亘丨鬲 賳丕丿乇丞 賵賲購毓乇賾 囟丞 賱禺胤乇 丕賱囟賷丕毓. 賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲 賷囟賲賳 丨賽賮馗 賴匕賴 丕賱賰鬲亘 乇賯賲賷丕賾賸 賱兀噩賷丕賱 丕賱賲爻鬲賯亘賱. </p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>Which institutions are involved in the project?</h3><p>ACO contributing partners are <a href="">New York University</a>, <a href="">Princeton</a>, <a href="">Cornell</a>, <a href="">Columbia</a>, <a href="">American University in Cairo</a>, <a href="">American University of Beirut</a>, <a href="">United Arab Emirates National Archives</a> and <a href="">Qatar National Library</a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲丕 賴賷 丕賱賲丐爻爻丕鬲 丕賱賲卮丕乇賰丞 賮賷 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓責</h3><p> 丕賱賲爻丕賴賲賵賳 丕賱賲卮丕乇賰賵賳 賮賷 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓: <a href="">噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰</a>貙 <a href="">噩丕賲毓丞 倬乇賳爻鬲賵賳</a>貙 <a href="">噩丕賲毓丞 賰賵乇賳賷賱</a>貙<a href=""> 噩丕賲毓丞 賰賵賱賵賲亘賷丕</a>貙 <a href="">丕賱噩丕賲毓丞 丕賱兀賲乇賷賰賷丞 亘丕賱賯丕賴乇丞</a>貙 <a href="">丕賱噩丕賲毓丞 丕賱兀賲乇賷賰賷丞 賮賷 亘賷乇賵鬲</a>貙 <a href="">丕賱丕賲丕乇丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 丕賱賲鬲丨丿丞 - 丕賱丕乇卮賷賮 丕賱賵胤賳賷</a> 賵 <a href=""> 賲賰鬲亘丞 賯胤乇 丕賱賵胤賳賷丞</a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>Who does the project serve?</h3><p>ACO can be used by anyone, anywhere in the world, who is interested in Arabic language works. Specifically, the target audience is for students, scholars, academics, researchers, librarians, and general interest readers.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲賳 賷禺丿賲 賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓責</h3><p>亘丕爻鬲胤丕毓丞 兀賷 卮禺氐 賲賴鬲賲 亘兀毓賲丕賱 賮賷 丕賱賱睾丞 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞貙 兀賳 賷爻鬲禺丿賲 丕賱賲賵賯毓 丕賱廿賱賰鬲乇賵賳賷 賱賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲 賲賳 兀賷 賲賰丕賳 賮賷 丕賱毓丕賱賲. 毓賱賶 賵噩賴 丕賱鬲丨丿賷丿貙 丕賱噩賲賴賵乇 丕賱賲爻鬲賴丿賻賮 賴賵 丕賱胤賱丕亘貙 丕賱毓賱賲丕亍貙 丕賱兀賰丕丿賷賲賷賷賳貙 丕賱亘丕丨孬賷賳貙 兀賲賳丕亍 丕賱賲賰鬲亘丕鬲貙 賵丕賱賯乇丕亍.</p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>What are the standards used for digitization?</h3><p>All digital imaging meets the <a href="">Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative</a> (FADGI), which was developed with wide review and consensus by the cultural heritage community鈥檚 digital experts. Image master files must be produced as TIFF-6, uncompressed, sRGB- or RGB-embedded, 24-bit color (3-channels of 8-bit color), 400 ppi for all items.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲丕 賴賷 丕賱賲賵丕氐賮丕鬲 丕賱賲爻鬲禺丿賲丞 賮賷 丕賱乇賯賲賳丞責</h3><p>丕賱鬲氐賵賷乇 丕賱乇賯賲賷 賷鬲賵丕賮賯 賲毓 賲亘丕丿乇丞 賲賳 賵賰丕賱丕鬲 賮賷丿乇丕賱賷丞 賱丕乇卮丕丿丕鬲 賮賷 丨賯賱 丕賱乇賯賲賳丞 (<a href="">FADGI</a>) 丕賱鬲賷 鬲賲 鬲胤賵賷乇賴丕 亘賲乇丕噩毓丞 賵丕爻毓丞 賵鬲賵丕賮賯 丌乇丕亍 賲賳 賯亘賱 禺亘乇丕亍 丕賱乇賯賲賳丞 賮賷 賲噩鬲賲毓 丕賱鬲乇丕孬 丕賱孬賯丕賮賷. 賷噩亘 丕賳鬲丕噩 賲賱賮丕鬲 丕賱氐賵乇 丕賱乇卅賷爻賷丞 賮賷 賴賷卅丞 鬲賽賮-佴貙 睾賷乇 賲囟睾賵胤貙 兀賵 賲丿賲賵噩 廿爻-丌乇-噩賷-亘賷貙 兀賵 賲丿賲賵噩 丌乇-噩賷-亘賷貙佗伽-亘賽鬲 兀賱賵丕賳 (伲 賯賳賵丕鬲 賲賳侉-亘賽鬲 賱賵賳)貙 伽贍贍倬賷-倬賷-丌賷 賱噩賲賷毓 丕賱氐賵乇.</p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>How are items selected for digitization?</h3><p>All out-of-copyright books from NYU and partner institutions are selected for ACO. These titles, in turn, have been collected over centuries by subject specialists at each respective institution for their academic quality and relevance to intellectual and literary inquiry. </p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賰賷賮 鬲賲 丕禺鬲賷丕乇 丕賱毓賳丕賵賷賳 賱賱乇賯賲賳丞責</h3><p>噩賲賷毓 丕賱毓賳丕賵賷賳 丕賱賲禺鬲丕乇丞 賱賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓貙 賲賳 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 賵卮乇賰丕卅賴丕貙 賴賷 禺丕乇噩丞 毓賳 丨賯賵賯 丕賱胤亘毓 賵丕賱賳卮乇. 鬲賲 噩賲毓 賴匕賴 丕賱毓賳丕賵賷賳 毓亘乇 丕賱毓丿賷丿 賲賳 丕賱賯乇賵賳 賲賳 賯亘賱 賲鬲禺氐氐賷賳 賲賳 賰賱 噩丕賲毓丞 賲卮丕乇賰丞 賱噩賵丿鬲賴丕 丕賱兀賰丕丿賷賲賷丞 賵兀賴賲賷鬲賴丕 賮賷 丕賱鬲丨賯賷賯 丕賱賮賰乇賷 賵丕賱兀丿亘賷.</p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>What are ACO鈥檚 copyright guidelines?</h3><p>NYU has researched copyright requirements and restrictions for each of the countries of publication and believes the materials displayed on this site are all in the public domain. However, if you believe that you are the copyright owner of any material displayed here, please see our <a href="">takedown policy</a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賲丕 賴賷 廿乇卮丕丿丕鬲 丨賯賵賯 丕賱胤亘毓 賵丕賱賳卮乇 賱賴匕丕 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓 責</h3><p>賱賯丿 亘丨孬鬲 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 賲鬲胤賱亘丕鬲 丨賯賵賯 丕賱鬲兀賱賷賮 賵丕賱賳卮乇貙 賵丕賱賯賷賵丿 丕賱賲賮乇賵囟丞 毓賱賶 賰賱 賲賳 亘賱丿丕賳 丕賱賳卮乇. 賵賳毓鬲賯丿 兀賳 噩賲賷毓 丕賱賲賵丕丿 丕賱鬲賷 賷鬲賲 毓乇囟賴丕 毓賱賶 賴匕丕 丕賱賲賵賯毓 賴賷 賮賷 丕賱賲噩丕賱 丕賱毓丕賲. 賵賲毓 匕賱賰貙 廿匕丕 賰賳鬲 鬲毓鬲賯丿 兀賳賰 氐丕丨亘 丨賯賵賯 丕賱胤亘毓 賵丕賱賳卮乇 賱兀賷 賲賳 丕賱賲賵丕丿 丕賱賲毓乇賵囟丞 賴賳丕貙 賷乇噩賶 丕賱丕胤賱丕毓 毓賱賶 <a href="">爻賷丕爻丞 廿賳賴丕亍 丕賱禺丿賲丞 賱丿賷賳丕</a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>Is ACO metadata available?</h3><p>MARC metadata records for all ACO content are available to the public at:<br> <a target="_blank" class="ext" href=""></a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賴賱 丕賱亘賷丕賳丕鬲 丕賱賵氐賮賷丞 賲鬲丕丨丞 責</h3><p>鬲鬲賵賮乇 爻噩賱丕鬲 丕賱亘賷丕賳丕鬲 丕賱賵氐賮賷丞 賱噩賲賷毓 賲丨鬲賵賷丕鬲 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱丕賳鬲乇賳鬲 賱賱噩賲賴賵乇 毓賱賶 丕賱毓賳賵丕賳 丕賱鬲丕賱賷: <br><a target="_blank" class="ext" href=""></a></p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>Have more questions?</h3><p>For more information, please contact us at: <a class="email-link" href=""></a></p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>賴賱 賱丿賷賰 丕賱賲夭賷丿 賲賳 丕賱兀爻卅賱丞責</h3><p>賱賲夭賷丿 賲賳 丕賱賲毓賱賵賲丕鬲貙 賷乇噩賶 丕賱丕鬲氐丕賱 亘賳丕 毓賱賶 丕賱毓賳賵丕賳 丕賱鬲丕賱賷: <a class="email-link" href=""></a></p> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>ACO Advisory Board</h3><ul><li>Marilyn Booth, Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud Professor of the Contemporary Arab World, Magdalen College, Oxford University </li><li>Virginia Danielson, Former Director of the NYUAD Library (retired)</li><li>Roberta Dougherty, Librarian for Middle East Studies, Yale University</li><li>Beshara Doumani, Joukowsky Family Professor of Modern Middle East History, Brown University</li><li>James L. Gelvin, Professor of History, UCLA</li><li>David Hirsch, Advisor to Mohammed bin Rashid Library, Dubai</li><li>Charles Kurzman, Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina</li><li>Zachary Lockman, Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies and History, New York University (ex officio)</li><li>Carol Mandel, Dean Emerita of the NYU Division of Libraries</li></ul> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>丕賱賲噩賱爻 丕賱丕爻鬲卮丕乇賷 賱賱賲賵賯毓</h3><ul><li>賲丕乇賽賱賷賳 亘賵孬貙 兀爻鬲丕匕 賮賷 賯爻賲 禺丕賱丿 亘賳 毓亘丿丕賱賱賾賴 丌賱 爻毓賵丿 賱賱毓丕賱賲 丕賱毓乇亘賷 丕賱賲毓丕氐乇貙 賰賱賷賾丞 賲丕趩丿丕賱賽賳貙 噩丕賲毓丞 兀賰爻賮賵乇丿</li><li>賮賷乇噩賷賳賷丕 丿丕賳賷賱爻賵賳 貙 丕賱賲丿賷乇 丕賱爻丕亘賯 賱賲賰鬲亘丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 兀亘賵 馗亘賷 (賲鬲賯丕毓丿丞)</li><li>乇賵亘乇鬲丕 丿購賵賽乇鬲賷貙 兀賲賷賳 賲賰鬲亘丞 丿乇丕爻丕鬲 丕賱卮乇賯 丕賱兀賵爻胤貙 噩丕賲毓丞 賷賷賱</li><li>亘卮丕乇丞 丿賵賲丕賳賷貙 兀爻鬲丕匕 鬲丕乇賷禺 丕賱卮乇賯 丕賱兀賵爻胤 丕賱賲毓丕氐乇 賮賷 賰賱賾賷丞 毓丕卅賱丞 噩賵賰賻賵爻賰賷貙 噩丕賲毓丞 亘乇丕賵賳</li><li>噩賷賲爻 賱.趩賽賱冥賳貙 兀爻鬲丕匕 丕賱鬲丕乇賷禺貙 噩丕賲毓丞 賰丕賱賷賮賵乇賳賷丕</li><li>丿賷賮賷丿 賴賷乇卮 貙 賲爻鬲卮丕乇 賲賰鬲亘丞 賲丨賲丿 亘賳 乇丕卮丿 貙 丿亘賷</li><li>鬲卮丕乇賱夭 賰購乇夭賲賻賳貙 兀爻鬲丕匕 毓賱賲 丕賱丕噩鬲賲丕毓貙 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賵乇孬 賰丕乇賵賱賻賷賳丕</li><li>夭丕賰賻乇賷 賱賰賿賲賻賳貙 兀爻鬲丕匕 丿乇丕爻丕鬲 丕賱卮乇賯 丕賱兀賵爻胤 賵丿乇丕爻丕鬲 賵鬲丕乇賷禺 丕賱廿爻賱丕賲 (亘氐賮丞 乇爻賲賷丞)貙 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰</li><li>賰丕乇賵賱 賲丕賳丿賷賱 貙 丕賱毓賲賷丿 丕賱爻丕亘賯 賱賲賰鬲亘丕鬲 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰</li></ul> </div> <div class="col col-l" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <h3>Project Management</h3><p>ACO is managed by the libraries of NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU New York. ACO technical operations and this site are managed by NYU Libraries Digital Library Technology Services. <a href="/aco/team">Read more about the project team.</a></p> </div> <div class="col col-r" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <h3>廿丿丕乇丞 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓</h3><p>賷丿賷乇 賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱賲噩賲賵毓丕鬲 丕賱毓乇亘賷丞 毓賱賶 丕賱廿賳鬲乇賳鬲 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 賮賷 兀亘賵馗亘賷 賵噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 賮賷 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰 . 丕賲丕 丕賮乇丕丿 胤丕賯賲 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓 丕賱賲爻丐賵賱賵賳 毓賳 丕賳卮丕亍 賴匕丕 丕賱賲賵賯毓 丕賱廿賱賰鬲乇賵賳賷貙 賮賴賲 兀毓囟丕亍 賮乇賷賯 丕賱禺丿賲丕鬲 丕賱鬲賰賳賵賱賵噩賷丞 賱賱賲賰鬲亘丕鬲 丕賱乇賯賲賷丞 賮賷 賲賰鬲亘丕鬲 噩丕賲毓丞 賳賷賵賷賵乇賰. <a href="/aco/team">賱賱賲夭賷丿 毓賳 賮乇賷賯 丕賱賲卮乇賵毓</a></p> </div> <div class="col col-l fontmaker" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <p>This site uses the <a href="">Amiri Arabic font</a>, designed by Dr. Khaled Hosny and distributed under <a href="">Open Font License</a>.</p> </div> <div class="col col-r fontmaker" lang="ar" dir="rtl"> <p>賷爻鬲禺丿賲 賴匕丕 丕賱賲賵賯毓 丕賱禺胤 <a href="">丕賱毓乇亘賷</a> 丕賱兀賲賷乇賷 丕賱匕賷 氐賲賲賴 丕賱丿賰鬲賵乇 禺丕賱丿 丨爻賳賷. 賷賵夭毓 丕賱禺胤 丕賱兀賲賷乇賷 鬲丨鬲 <a href="">乇禺氐丞 丕賱禺胤賵胤 丕賱賲賮鬲賵丨丞</a>.</p> </div> </main> <footer class="footer-main container-fluid" role="contentinfo"> <div class="feedback"> <div dir="rtl"><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">兀爻卅賱丞責 胤賱亘丕鬲責 丕賱乇噩丕亍 丕毓賱丕賲賳丕</a></div> <div dir="ltr"><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Questions? 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