Canned responses for Insurances Businesses
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</div> <div class="flex flex-col w-screen gap-16 px-5 py-16 lg:gap-32"> <div class="container flex items-center mx-auto"> <div class="items-center w-full grid-cols-12 gap-8 lg:grid"> <div class="col-span-6"> <h1 class="text-default">Quicker and faster replies <span class="custom-underline">for insurances companies.</span></h1> <h2 class="my-6 text-lg font-normal leading-snug tracking-tight lg:text-xl text-default opacity-70">Discover how typedesk can help you harness canned responses to provide faster and more consistent insurances services!</h2> <div class="my-10"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4 lg:flex-row lg:items-start"> <a class="inline-flex items-center w-auto py-3 pl-2 font-sans text-xl text-white transition-all rounded-lg bg-default group lg:inline-flex flex-nowrap pr-14 hover:ring-4 hover:ring-slate-200" href="/download" <img class="object-cover mx-2 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 w-7 h-7 lg:mx-5" src="/img/logo_icon.svg" alt=""> <div> <div class="flex items-center justify-start leading-3 text-white"> <p class="m-0 text-lg">Get started</p> <svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6 ml-3 transition-all group-hover:ml-5" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M17 8l4 4m0 0l-4 4m4-4H3" /> </svg> </div> <p class="text-base text-white opacity-50">鈿★笍 It's free!</p> </div> </a> <p class="flex items-center gap-1 mt-5"> <span class="mr-2">Available on</span> <img data-tippy-content="Windows" src="/img/windows.svg" class="h-5" alt="Keyboard macros, Typing shortcuts, Windows text expansion, Pre-made Messages, Productivity software"> <img data-tippy-content="Mac" src="/img/mac.svg" class="h-5" alt="Response Management, Copy and Paste Messages, Custom shortcuts, Response Templates, Text snippet tool"> <img data-tippy-content="Chrome" src="/img/google-chrome.svg" class="h-5" alt="Custom shortcuts, Automated Responses, Smart typing tool, Productivity enhancement tool, Pre-made Messages"> <img data-tippy-content="Firefox" src="/img/firefox.svg" class="h-5" alt="Text replacement software, Copy and Paste Messages, Text snippet tool, Templated Emails, Formatted Responses"> <img data-tippy-content="Brave" src="/img/brave.svg" class="h-5" alt="Response Templates, Auto-correct software, Smart typing tool, Email Autoresponders, Automation software"> </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-3"> <svg width="74" height="20" viewBox="0 0 74 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.1926 4.16667C11.5399 4.16667 12.7769 4.62794 13.7645 5.39505L16.7953 2.50341C15.0331 0.949961 12.7264 0 10.1926 0C6.35303 0 3.02334 2.16659 1.34766 5.34154L4.71794 8.00232C5.53436 5.76614 7.6739 4.16667 10.1926 4.16667Z" fill="#F44336" /> <path d="M20.1045 11.2515C20.1566 10.8418 20.1912 10.4239 20.1912 9.99999C20.1912 9.28512 20.1131 8.58901 19.9705 7.91666H10.1914V12.0833H15.5964C15.1592 13.2198 14.3807 14.1815 13.3897 14.8495L16.7725 17.5202C18.5657 15.9462 19.7928 13.742 20.1045 11.2515Z" fill="#2196F3" /> <path d="M4.35797 10C4.35797 9.29713 4.48869 8.62635 4.71649 8.00232L1.34621 5.34155C0.611674 6.73335 0.191406 8.3168 0.191406 10C0.191406 11.6644 0.603943 13.2303 1.32323 14.6108L4.69778 11.9466C4.48167 11.337 4.35797 10.6837 4.35797 10Z" fill="#FFC107" /> <path d="M10.1883 15.8333C7.65037 15.8333 5.49705 14.2096 4.69486 11.9466L1.32031 14.6108C2.9878 17.8112 6.32986 20 10.1883 20C12.7113 20 15.0121 19.0626 16.7693 17.5202L13.3865 14.8495C12.4725 15.4657 11.3786 15.8333 10.1883 15.8333Z" fill="#00B060" /> <path opacity="0.1" d="M10.1907 19.7917C7.24767 19.7917 4.60141 18.5774 2.73047 16.6428C4.56194 18.6982 7.22112 20 10.1907 20C13.1327 20 15.7699 18.7239 17.5973 16.7006C15.7319 18.6039 13.1057 19.7917 10.1907 19.7917Z" fill="black" /> <path opacity="0.1" d="M10.1914 11.875V12.0833H15.5964L15.6809 11.875H10.1914Z" fill="black" /> <path d="M20.1876 10.1234C20.1882 10.0821 20.1922 10.0416 20.1922 10.0002C20.1922 9.98848 20.1904 9.97717 20.1903 9.96546C20.1898 10.0182 20.1871 10.0704 20.1876 10.1234Z" fill="#E6E6E6" /> <path opacity="0.2" d="M10.1914 7.91666V8.12499H20.0125C19.9994 8.05622 19.985 7.98491 19.9705 7.91666H10.1914Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M19.9703 7.91666H10.1912V12.0833H15.5962C14.7557 14.268 12.6721 15.8333 10.1912 15.8333C6.9696 15.8333 4.35797 13.2216 4.35797 10C4.35797 6.77831 6.9696 4.16667 10.1912 4.16667C11.3593 4.16667 12.436 4.52555 13.3482 5.11724C13.4878 5.20798 13.6318 5.29317 13.763 5.39505L16.7939 2.50341L16.7255 2.45081C14.9718 0.930888 12.6941 0 10.1912 0C4.66843 0 0.191406 4.47713 0.191406 10C0.191406 15.5228 4.66843 20 10.1912 20C15.2891 20 19.4872 16.1823 20.1043 11.2515C20.1564 10.8418 20.1909 10.4239 20.1909 10C20.1909 9.28512 20.1129 8.58902 19.9703 7.91666Z" fill="url(#paint0_linear_736_986)" /> <path opacity="0.1" d="M13.3457 4.90889C12.4335 4.31721 11.3568 3.95832 10.1887 3.95832C6.9671 3.95832 4.35547 6.56996 4.35547 9.79165C4.35547 9.8268 4.35594 9.85426 4.35655 9.88931C4.41275 6.71624 7.00225 4.16665 10.1887 4.16665C11.3568 4.16665 12.4335 4.52554 13.3457 5.11722C13.4853 5.20796 13.6293 5.29316 13.7605 5.39504L16.7914 2.5034L13.7605 5.1867C13.6293 5.08483 13.4853 4.99963 13.3457 4.90889Z" fill="black" /> <path opacity="0.2" d="M10.1912 0.208333C12.6703 0.208333 14.9268 1.12366 16.6738 2.618L16.7939 2.50341L16.7022 2.42356C14.9485 0.903632 12.6941 0 10.1912 0C4.66843 0 0.191406 4.47713 0.191406 10C0.191406 10.0351 0.196289 10.0691 0.196645 10.1042C0.253101 4.62987 4.70358 0.208333 10.1912 0.208333Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M27.1953 7.32539H35.4845H40.4965V2.36154L27.1953 7.32539Z" fill="#FF9D28" /> <path d="M40.4922 2.36145V20L46.8054 0L40.4922 2.36145Z" fill="#69C3EA" /> <path d="M40.4925 7.32485H35.4805L40.4925 19.9995V7.32485Z" fill="#004F80" /> <path d="M27.1914 7.32485L36.7336 10.602L35.4806 7.32485H27.1914Z" fill="#E14748" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M73.8087 10C73.8087 15.5228 69.3315 20 63.8087 20C58.2858 20 53.8086 15.5228 53.8086 10C53.8086 4.47717 58.2858 0 63.8087 0C69.3315 0 73.8087 4.47717 73.8087 10Z" fill="#FF6154" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M65.0538 10.2933L62.2538 10.2934V7.29339H65.0538C65.8725 7.29339 66.5362 7.96489 66.5362 8.79331C66.5362 9.62172 65.8725 10.2933 65.0538 10.2933ZM65.0538 5.29331H60.2773V15.2933H62.2538V12.2934H65.0538C66.9641 12.2934 68.5127 10.7263 68.5127 8.79331C68.5127 6.86031 66.9641 5.29331 65.0538 5.29331Z" fill="white" /> <defs> <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_736_986" x1="0.191406" y1="10" x2="20.1909" y2="10" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0.2" /> <stop offset="1" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0" /> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg> <img class="my-2" src="/img/rating_4.5.svg" alt="Keyboard macros, Automation software, Formatted Responses, Templated Emails, Productivity enhancement tool"> <p class="z-0 flex items-center"> <span class="text-xs lg:text-sm"> <span class="hidden lg:inline">Rated 4.8/5 over</span> 300+ <span class="hidden lg:inline">verified</span> reviews </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-center col-span-6 lg:ml-12"> <div class="lg:rounded-xl lg:shadow border lg:border-slate-300 bg-slate-50 lg:bg-white p-5 lg:p-10 min-h-[650px] w-full"> <svg class="w-8 mb-5" viewBox="0 0 23 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M22.4405 5.30692L19.7691 6.76786L17.0977 9.2913V17.9507H20.8377C21.723 17.9507 22.4405 17.2372 22.4405 16.3569V5.30692Z" fill="#4CAF50" /> <path d="M0 5.30692L1.93091 6.21535L5.34286 9.2913V17.9507H1.60286C0.717547 17.9507 0 17.2372 0 16.3569V5.30692Z" fill="#1E88E5" /> <path d="M17.0972 2.65066L11.22 7.03348L5.34288 2.65066L4.80859 5.73192L5.34288 9.2913L11.22 13.6741L17.0972 9.2913L17.6315 5.73192L17.0972 2.65066Z" fill="#E53935" /> <path d="M0 3.23403V5.30698L5.34286 9.29136V2.65072L3.67375 1.40706C3.27624 1.11062 2.79325 0.950714 2.29636 0.950714C1.02797 0.950714 0 1.97284 0 3.23403Z" fill="#C62828" /> <path d="M22.4405 3.23402V5.30696L17.0977 9.29135V2.6507L18.7668 1.40704C19.1643 1.11061 19.6473 0.950699 20.1442 0.950699C21.4126 0.950699 22.4405 1.97283 22.4405 3.23402Z" fill="#FBC02D" /> </svg> <div> <p><span class="text-gray-500">From: </span><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="65070a0725111c15000100160e4b060a08">[email protected]</a></p> <hr class="my-4 border-slate-200"> <p><span class="text-gray-500">To: </span><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a4c1c8cbcae4d7d4c5c7c1dc8ac7cbc9">[email protected]</a></p> <hr class="my-4 border-slate-200"> <p><span class="text-gray-500">Subject: </span>Setting up typedesk at SpaceX</p> <div class="mt-12 typewriter"> Hi Elon </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container px-5 mx-auto overflow-hidden lg:px-10"> <div class="items-center grid-cols-12 gap-8 lg:grid"> <div class="flex items-center justify-center col-span-7 py-8"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-full max-w-lg" src="/img/devices_services.svg" alt="canned responses text snippets Insurance Companies"> </div> <div class="col-span-5"> <div class="max-w-lg"> <h2>typedesk works great with your insurance CRM and tools</h2> Whether you need to better manage your claims, send consistent follow-ups or quickly reply to incoming requests, typedesk makes your team more efficient at writing personalized emails with dynamic placeholders.<br><br>You'll never forget important mentions or leave generic placeholders again. It works <span class='custom-underline'>everywhere you do</span>: Microsoft Outlook, Word, Gmail, your CRM, any Web Browser etc.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container px-5 mx-auto my-5 overflow-hidden lg:px-10"> <div class="p-16 mx-auto rounded-lg bg-slate-50"> <div class="grid grid-cols-12 align-center"> <div class="col-span-8 pl-lg-5"> <p class="text-lg py-lg-4">We get a lot of queries that only require a standard response. typedesk has really made a difference. Team Folders allow us to create the most common responses for our team, so they can start using them as soon as it's setup.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-center col-span-4 lg:order-first"> <img width="150" src="/img/halligans-insurance-canned-response.png" alt="Insurance Companies"> <p class="mt-2">Gerard Halligans <span class="d-block small">Director - Halligans Insurances</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container px-5 mx-auto overflow-hidden lg:px-10"> <div class="items-center grid-cols-12 gap-8 lg:grid"> <div class="flex items-center justify-center col-span-7 py-8 lg:order-last"> <img alt="canned responses text snippets Insurance Companies" loading="lazy" class="w-full max-w-md" src="/img/team-social.svg"> </div> <div class="col-span-5"> <div class="max-w-lg"> <h2>Collaborate with your team to provide better services</h2> Ensure consistency when dealing with requests and claims, and improve the experience delivered to your customers and leads. Quickly share and sync your templates with everyone on your team thanks to Team Folders. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container max-w-6xl mx-auto overflow-hidden"> <div class="container mx-auto mb-12 overflow-hidden text-center"> <h2 class="mb-3 text-center">Powerful features for Insurance Companies</h2> <p>typedesk is making your everyday tasks much faster and easier!</p> </div> <div class="grid gap-6 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/lock-closed.svg" alt="Text expansion software, Email Automation, Auto-correct software, Boilerplate Text, Email Autoresponders"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Your data is safe</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">Your privacy is at the heart of our concerns and we never log or transfer your keystrokes. Your data is encrypted with LUKS and SSL.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/desktop-computer.svg" alt="Quick text tool, Templated Emails, Custom shortcuts, Standardized Messages, Pre-made Messages"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Works on all computers</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">typedesk works for everyone on your team thanks to our apps for all the major browsers and operating systems.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/bolt.svg" alt="Custom shortcuts, Boilerplate Text, Email Macros, Saved Replies, Automation software"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Lightning fast</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">Personalizing and inserting your responses literally takes a few keystrokes to reply at the speed of light!</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/fire.svg" alt="Typing shortcuts, Copy and Paste Messages, Automation software, Keyboard macros, Automated Responses"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Awesome keyboard shortcuts</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">Every feature in typedesk is designed to be fully usable without leaving your keyboard for maximum productivity.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/user-group.svg" alt="Email Automation, Formatted Responses, Text snippet tool, Quick text tool, Mac text expansion"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Perfect for teams</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">Keep everyone on the same page with team folders, notifications and built-in sharing capabilities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-start justify-start"> <img loading="lazy" class="w-8 mr-3" src="/img/search-circle.svg" alt="Email Macros, Standardized Messages, Text replacement software, Text expansion software, Message Templates"> <div> <p class="mt-0 mb-2">Searching is a breeze</p> <p class="m-0 text-sm opacity-50">Search by keyword or folder name to find the exact response you need, without leaving your current page or app.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-center mt-8"> <a class="btn text-primary hover:text-primary" href="">See all the features</a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center"> <p class="my-8 text-lg">Get typedesk for your insurance services company</p> <a class="inline-flex items-center w-auto py-3 pl-2 font-sans text-xl text-white transition-all rounded-lg bg-default group lg:inline-flex flex-nowrap pr-14 hover:ring-4 hover:ring-slate-200" href="/download" <img class="object-cover mx-2 lg:w-10 lg:h-10 w-7 h-7 lg:mx-5" src="/img/logo_icon.svg" alt=""> <div> <div class="flex items-center justify-start leading-3 text-white"> <p class="m-0 text-lg">Get started</p> <svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6 ml-3 transition-all group-hover:ml-5" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M17 8l4 4m0 0l-4 4m4-4H3" /> </svg> </div> <p class="text-base text-white opacity-50">鈿★笍 It's free!</p> </div> </a> <p class="flex items-center gap-1 mt-5"> <span class="mr-2">Available on</span> <img data-tippy-content="Windows" src="/img/windows.svg" class="h-5" alt="Text expansion program, Auto-correct software, Phrase expansion software, Templated Emails, Boilerplate Text"> <img data-tippy-content="Mac" src="/img/mac.svg" class="h-5" alt="Formatted Responses, Automation software, Templated Emails, Text snippet tool, Frequently Used Replies"> <img data-tippy-content="Chrome" src="/img/google-chrome.svg" class="h-5" alt="Text expansion app, Saved Replies, Workflow automation, Quick text tool, Phrase expansion software"> <img data-tippy-content="Firefox" src="/img/firefox.svg" class="h-5" alt="Time-saving software, Formatted Responses, Standardized Messages, Productivity software, Text replacement software"> <img data-tippy-content="Brave" src="/img/brave.svg" class="h-5" alt="Standardized Messages, Response Management, Automated Responses, Response Templates, Abbreviation tool"> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="p-4 font-normal bg-gray-800 lg:p-10"> <div class="container flex items-center justify-between py-10 mx-auto"> <div> <a href="/" class="inline-block"><img class="h-8 opacity-50" src="/img/logo_dark.svg" alt="Email Drafts, Text expansion program, Pre-written Responses, Templated Emails, Text replacement software"></a> </div> </div> <footer class="container grid gap-8 mx-auto transition-opacity md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-1"> <p class="mt-5 font-sans text-base font-semibold tracking-normal text-white">Product</p> <a class="text-white transition-opacity opacity-60 hover:opacity-100" href="/text-snippets-how-it-works">How it works</a> <a class="text-white transition-opacity opacity-60 hover:opacity-100" 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