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Read the <a href="inspection/#####################.asp">Full Review</a> </li> ---> <div class="w3-white w3-margin"> <div class="w3-container w3-padding w3-black"> <h4>Indie State Inspection Reviews</h4> </div> <ul class="w3-ul w3-hoverable w3-light-grey"> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ADayInTheLife.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ADayInTheLife.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Evan Ryan Canady</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ADayInTheLife.asp">A Day In The Life</a></em> (2025) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Throughout the early 2000s (and all the way through 2012), Evan Ryan Canady spent his time tearing up stages with his metalcore act, Shrapnel. After setting aside music for other life decisions (a job, a house, a wife), Canady started getting the itch again, setting out to learn the piano, which ultimately led to a new round of songwriting. The result is his debut solo album, <em>A Day In The Life</em>, which... Read the <a href="inspection/ADayInTheLife.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TheCureSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TheCureSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Shari Frink & the Mission</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TheCureSingle.asp">The Cure - Single</a></em> (2025) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Up-and-coming CCM pop rock act Shari Frink and the Mission are gearing up for their debut release in May. Until then, they're teasing audiences with their latest single, "The Cure." This track shows a different side to the band musically. Their previous single, "Go Fish," was an upbeat pop rock song... Read the <a href="inspection/TheCureSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/NearSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/NearSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Beautiful Gate</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/NearSingle.asp">Near - Single</a></em> (2025) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> A decade has passed since the debut album from solo act The Beautiful Gate. Since then, Dan Ucherek (the man behind the project) has continued his missionary work and has led worship for the body of Christ wherever he finds himself. And now he's kicking off 2025 with a brand new single called "Near." The song is a downtempo ballad that serves to encourage any believers struggling to get through life. While... Read the <a href="inspection/NearSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SaveYourSoulSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/SaveYourSoulSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">PTtheGospelSpitter</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SaveYourSoulSingle.asp">Save Your Soul (ft. PreacherMan) - Single</a></em> (2025) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> PTtheGospelSpitter has spent the last ten years dropping occasional singles in an effort to glorify the Lord through his musical talents. His latest effort, "Save Your Soul," calls on fellow artist Preacherman to help create an R&B flavored hip-hop track that has enough melody and rapping to fit on either rap or pop radio. The song blends a few different rap styles together, as well. The chorus is entirely... Read the <a href="inspection/SaveYourSoulSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <!--- <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Ascension.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Ascension.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Ascension.asp">Ascension</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> I continue to be baffled by the stunning amount of output by Matthew Konradt of Relentless Pursuit. It's not like Konradt is putting out garbage demos of half-baked songs either; Relentless Pursuit continues to grow and improve in all aspects. Music, vocals, production, songwriting and even the album art seems to get better with each subsequent release. While the band name is a reference to a relentless pursuit of Jesus, it could easily serve as a double meaning for Konradt's own pursuit of his musical passion... Read the <a href="inspection/Ascension.asp">Full Review</a> </li> ---> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SpotlessSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/SpotlessSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Joshua Band</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SpotlessSingle.asp">Spotless - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Joshua Band is a modern indie rock band with the heart and soul of a classic rock band. The Atlanta band features Jason Hoard (vocals and guitars) and Mathew Mossburg (guitars). The duo has released four previous songs in 2024, and their newest single, "Spotless," marks the fifth one this year (with one final sixth one releasing in December)... Read the <a href="inspection/SpotlessSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ThisisYourVictoryEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ThisisYourVictoryEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Frye Family Band</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ThisisYourVictoryEP.asp">This is Your Victory - EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Frye Family Band is a southern gospel/country band releasing their 8th recording. While the band is still a family affair, the line-up has changed with Tom Frye's daughters stepping away to focus on their own families. Instead, Jonathan Frye's wife, Mane, is stepping in to fill the void left, and to provide the female vocals on <em>This is Your Victory</em>. The Frye Family band has shared the stage with several prominent artists and has charted a #1 song on the CMW Country radio chart... Read the <a href="inspection/ThisisYourVictoryEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/RoomwithaView.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/RoomwithaView.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Brandon Hixson</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/RoomwithaView.asp">Room with a View</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Brandon Hixson, a talented worship artist and prolific singer/songwriter is back with his latest album of original material, <em>Room With A View</em>. The record falls sonically in familiar territory for Hixson, riding the line of classic pop rock CCM that dances between synth-driven '80s style tunes and more '90s leaning tracks. Hixson's talent as a composer is on full display with catchy melodic... Read the <a href="inspection/RoomwithaView.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <!--- <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/WarWithTheWorldSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/WarWithTheWorldSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/WarWithTheWorldSingle.asp">War With The World (feat. Eric Castiglia) - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> "War With The World" is the second single from <em>Ascension</em>, the soon-forthcoming fifth full-length album from Relentless Pursuit. The song showcases the continual growth of Matthew Konradt's artistry, and it also marks the first time that he's utilized a guest vocalist. Studio vocalist Eric Castiglia joins the track and provides some of the clean vocals in the chorus and bridge... Read the <a href="inspection/WarWithTheWorldSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> ---> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SovereignSacrificeSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/SovereignSacrificeSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Reawaken Hymns (Nathan Drake)</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SovereignSacrificeSingle.asp">Sovereign Sacrifice - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Reawaken Hymns is the brain-child of Nathan Drake, a worship leader hailing from St. Louis, Missouri. Drake wanted to write songs that brought all walks of life together in praise. As his songs and arrangements gained steam in other churches, Reawaken Hymns was born. Now, Drake's vision is stretching into the world of recorded music, too, with his latest single, "Sovereign Sacrifice." This track certainly... Read the <a href="inspection/SovereignSacrificeSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Figurative.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Figurative.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Roland Bühlmann</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Figurative.asp">Figurative</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Swiss artist, producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, even photographer, Roland Bühlmann does a little bit of everything. As a musician, his take on progressive music has been captured on several albums over the last decade, including his latest work, <em>Figurative</em>. A fully instrumental album, <em>Figurative</em> takes the experimental nature... Read the <a href="inspection/Figurative.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <!--- <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/HerewithMeSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/HerewithMeSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/HerewithMeSingle.asp">Here with Me - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> On the road to <em>Ascension</em>, Matthew Konradt's third full-length album in 2024 alone, Relentless Pursuit has released a brand new single called "Here With Me." The song capitalizes on the amazing progress Konradt has made over the years, delivering a loud, well-produced melodic metalcore song that has a lot to like. It's heavy and a little djenty, and it makes interesting... Read the <a href="inspection/HerewithMeSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> ---> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ScandalousGraceSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ScandalousGraceSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Joshua Band</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ScandalousGraceSingle.asp">Scandalous Grace - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Joshua Band is a collaboration between guitarist Mathew Mossburg and vocalist/producer Jason Hoard with an assist on drums from Brady Scoggin (son of Casting Crown's Brian Scoggin). Over the past couple months, the group has begun releasing singles into the world, with one of those being "Scandalous Grace." Bringing a classic rock sound to the table, between Mossburg's vocals and... Read the <a href="inspection/ScandalousGraceSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SundayMorningReflections.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/SundayMorningReflections.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Ina Allen</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SundayMorningReflections.asp">Sunday Morning Reflections</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Ina Allen is a music director and the mastermind behind the Music and Narrative website, where she aims to combine words and music together in a harmonious way. Her most recent album, <em>Sunday Morning Reflections</em>, attempts this by combining Scripture reading with old hymns and modern classics. Each of the 20 tracks opens with a reading by Glen Allen and immediately proceeds into a solo piano... Read the <a href="inspection/SundayMorningReflections.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/BeltofTruthSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/BeltofTruthSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Alex MacDonald</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/BeltofTruthSingle.asp">Belt of Truth - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Inspired by artists ranging from Bob Dylan to Jay-Z, Indiana-based hip hop artist Alex MacDonald took his love of music into the recording booth last year to drop a barrage of singles and EPs on potential fans. His newest song, dropping this month, is a slower track called "Belt of Truth." The song seems to pull from a wide range of styles, smashing them all... Read the <a href="inspection/BeltofTruthSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/PainfultoBelieveEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/PainfultoBelieveEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Nathan Wheeler</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/PainfultoBelieveEP.asp">Painful to Believe - EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Bandcamp Page</em></font></a> <br> Nathan Wheeler is an indie singer/songwriter that is no stranger to JFH. It's been three years since his self-titled EP released, but now Wheeler has returned with his newest EP. <em>Painful to Believe</em> is a 5-song pop rock set that brings some atmosphere and texture to the table. Wheeler's voice is often reminiscent of Michael Stipe of REM, and musically several songs fit within the wheelhouse of... Read the <a href="inspection/PainfultoBelieveEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/OpentheDoortoJesus.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/OpentheDoortoJesus.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Kevin Henderson</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/OpentheDoortoJesus.asp">Open the Door to Jesus</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook Page</em></font></a> <br> Kevin Henderson debuted his solo music back in 2021, launching with a single called "Throughout All Time God Is Good." Two more singles and three years later, Henderson's first full-length record has arrived. <em>Open The Door To Jesus</em> contains eight songs (including all three previously released singles) and focuses heavily on R&B and gospel. At times, he even seems to emulate the classic Kirk... Read the <a href="inspection/OpentheDoortoJesus.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/RiseEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/RiseEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Shimmering Carnelians</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/RiseEP.asp">Rise EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Shimmering Carnelians (brainchild of indie artist Adam Michael) have just released their second EP, <em>Rise</em> -- which follows-up 2023's <em>The Doorway</em>. The three-song set offers up an interesting mix of folk, alternative, and ambient styles blended into one cohesive sound. The... Read the <a href="inspection/RiseEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/LightSweetSatisfactionSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/LightSweetSatisfactionSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Revelators Music</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/LightSweetSatisfactionSingle.asp">Light, Sweet Satisfaction (feat. Violet Alexandria) - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Instagram</em></font></a> <br> The product of singer/songwriter Austin Wade, Revelators Music, is a modern pop project that seeks to bring glory to God and encourage fellow believers. A pretty eclectic act, Wade's music has dabbled in alternative, acoustic pop, and even tropical island rhythms. His latest creation, "Light, Sweet Satisfaction," takes an easygoing, guitar-led ballad... Read the <a href="inspection/LightSweetSatisfactionSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TheCrucible.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TheCrucible.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Harpazo</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TheCrucible.asp">The Crucible</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> There may be no musical genre that elicits a more immediate response than the rock opera. Some cringe just hearing the words, while others look forward to experiencing a tale told through this medium. This review is from the perspective of someone who enjoys them. Taking its cue from genre staples Avantasia, Blind Guardian, and (in the Christian space) Neal Morse, Harpazo is a supergroup formed by... Read the <a href="inspection/TheCrucible.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Beacon.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Beacon.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Jon Wymore</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Beacon.asp">Beacon</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Bandcamp Page</em></font></a> <br> Hailing from Midland, Texas, Jon Wymore aims to harken back to the late '80s/early '90s era of Christian rock, mixing chunky guitars with smooth synths. His latest album, <em>Beacon</em>, uses this style to tell a compelling tale of doubt and faith using the metaphor of being lost at sea. "Storm" opens the album on a darker note, wrestling with doubts of God's goodness... Read the <a href="inspection/Beacon.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/PlantATreeEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/PlantATreeEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Imagers.</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/PlantATreeEP.asp">Plant A Tree - EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook Page</em></font></a> <br> Coming off of their 2023 full-length album, <em>Militent Revival</em>, and their more recent release, <em>Tremors</em>, rock & roll band Imagers. is already moving forward with their brand new EP, <em>Plant A Tree</em>. Naturally, the EP doesn't sounds dissimilar to <em>Tremors</em>, although the former does lack the bigger rockers that appear on the latter (though "Guess What !?!"... Read the <a href="inspection/PlantATreeEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/OhMyMySEMPERFiSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/OhMyMySEMPERFiSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">WANUS</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/OhMyMySEMPERFiSingle.asp">Oh My My SEMPER Fi - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> WANUS (Wayne Anderson) is a rock artist from the Atlanta area. While his newest single, "Oh My My Semper Fi," is more of a Memorial Day themed song, it's also perfect for the current 4th of July holiday. While WANUS typically writes more spiritually-oriented songs... Read the <a href="inspection/OhMyMySEMPERFiSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/LandoftheLivingSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/LandoftheLivingSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Steven Joubert</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/LandoftheLivingSingle.asp">Land of the Living - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> After a brief stint with alt rock act Ayleron in the late '00s, Steven Joubert moved on to being a worship leader, ultimately ending up as a solo singer/songwriter. As he began writing more solo material, he dove straight into CCM and Americana for his debut EP, <em>The Entrance</em>. Ten years and a few more singles and EPs later... Read the <a href="inspection/LandoftheLivingSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/RedLedgerSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/redledgersingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Meeting of the Mimes</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/RedLedgerSingle.asp">Red Ledger - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook Page</em></font></a> <br> Alternative rock project Meeting of the Mimes is the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Alex O'Brien, who was inspired to create his own music after listening to some recent material from Weezer. O'Brien's singles, so far, have covered several different genres, including alternative, pop punk, and even cinematic pop rock. His newest release, "Red Ledger," comes in two forms: a rock version (with an... Read the <a href="inspection/RedLedgerSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/FearIsNotAnOptionEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/FearIsNotAnOptionEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Brian Mark Weller</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/FearIsNotAnOptionEP.asp">Fear Is Not An Option EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Brian Mark Weller is an independent singer/songwriter from the bay area of Florida. Weller has been active since 1975 and has recorded twelve albums along his musical journey. His ministry started humbly by singing in parks, prisons, nursing homes and the like before taking up touring as a musician... Read the <a href="inspection/FearIsNotAnOptionEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TurnUpTheDivine.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/turnupthedivine.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Eddy Mann</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TurnUpTheDivine.asp">Turn Up The Divine</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Approximately one year after the release of his praise and worship album, <em>Chapel Songs</em>, prolific singer/songwriter Eddy Mann is back again with his latest release, <em>Turn Up The Divine</em>. Mann continues with his classic rock-inspired musicianship and lyricism that will no doubt appeal to longtime fans of Christian artists like Keith Green and The Choir, but also mainstream artists such... Read the <a href="inspection/TurnUpTheDivine.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/IIdentifyWithChristSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/IIdentifyWithChristSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Kevin Henderson</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/IIdentifyWithChristSingle.asp">I Identify With Christ - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook Page</em></font></a> <br> Kevin Henderson is a singer, musician, and songwriter on the cusp of releasing his debut solo LP in June 2024. His newest single from the album entitled <em>Open the Door</em>, is called "I Identify With Christ." Kevin has released previously music with his group Kevin Henderson & Redefined, and has shared the stage with artists like Commissioned, Jackson Browne, Johnny Mathis and others... Read the <a href="inspection/IIdentifyWithChristSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/MechanismsofDestruction.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/MechanismsofDestruction.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/MechanismsofDestruction.asp">Mechanisms of Destruction</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> <em>Mechanisms of Destruction</em> is the fourth full album in just two years from <strong>Relentless Pursuit</strong>. Most artists probably wouldn't benefit from such a prolific release schedule. But as mentioned in previous reviews, this constant output from Matthew Konradt is an exercise in putting growth on display. And the growth has been tremendous... Read the <a href="inspection/MechanismsofDestruction.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/GreaterisHeSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/GreaterisHeSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Ricky Byrum</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/GreaterisHeSingle.asp">Greater is He - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> When times of loss hit us, sometimes the best hope and comfort is to turn to the words of Scripture and discover a timely message. Such was the case for North Carolina singer/songwriter Ricky Byrum in suffering the loss of his sister. Driven by grief and inspired by 1 John 4:4, Byrum wrote a... Read the <a href="inspection/GreaterisHeSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/MoreofYouSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/MoreofYouSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Mark Fonseca</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/MoreofYouSingle.asp">More of You - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> "More of You," the brand new single from singer/songwriter Mark Fonseca, came to life from a seemingly random moment during a worship service. As it began to take on a life of its own, Fonseca spent time focusing on writing, rewriting it, forgetting about it, and ultimately bringing it to completion with the help of friend and guest vocalist, Kierstan Lewis... Read the <a href="inspection/MoreofYouSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/whisperingHOPE.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/whisperingHOPE.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Gresha Schuilling</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/whisperingHOPE.asp">whispering HOPE</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Gresha Schuilling is a Sri Lankan-born producer, singer, songwriter, and worship leader who is making her CCM debut with <em>whispering HOPE</em>. Working alongside Pio Anandappa and Shimron Fernando, Schuilling has put together an 8-track worship album about God's mercy and grace, and the praise that springs from experiencing such riches... Read the <a href="inspection/whisperingHOPE.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/HopeAgainstSuffering.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/HopeAgainstSuffering.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Hope Beyond Suffering</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/HopeAgainstSuffering.asp">Hope Against Suffering</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook</em></font></a> <br> When Drew and Savannah Brammell debuted their new project Hope Beyond Suffering in 2020, there was no lack of talent, but there <em>was</em> a major lack of identity. The duo's sound and style were all over the place, which was quickly remedied for their 2022 EP, <em>Forevermore</em>, which focused heavily on symphonic metal. That brings us to 2024 and the duo's sophomore full-length record, <em>Hope Against Suffering</em>... Read the <a href="inspection/HopeAgainstSuffering.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/NirmataSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/NirmataSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/NirmataSingle.asp">Nirmata - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Matthew Konradt started off 2024 with his third album in as many years under the Relentless Pursuit moniker. Mere months out from that album's release, he's already gearing up for the next entry in his discography. The first single from LP4 is a heavy-hitter called "Nirmata." Though there is a lot to be said about spacing out releases, "Nirmata" really only exhibits further growth for the musician... Read the <a href="inspection/NirmataSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/HolySpiritLeadSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/HolySpiritLeadSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Two Fake Blondes</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/HolySpiritLeadSingle.asp">Holy Spirit Lead - Single</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Two Fake Blondes (Petey and Hannah Mac) are a unique husband and wife musical duo paring worship lyrics with dance music. Their new single, "Holy Spirit Lead," is their first original track in two years and was originally written as a simple acoustic worship song. Hannah came up with the melody and lyrics and eventually Petey put his production spin on it to turn it into the single you hear today... Read the <a href="inspection/HolySpiritLeadSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/GraffitiEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/GraffitiEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Trey Tate</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/GraffitiEP.asp">Graffiti EP</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Trey Tate is no stranger to the music scene, having played in a variety of worship bands as well his CCM band, All Came As One. Now, having branched out as a solo artist, Tate is entering rock and metal territory, starting with his debut EP, <em>Graffiti</em>. The EP's sound is pretty eclectic; its roots are instrumental metalcore, but "The Journey" sounds like it may have a good deal of Creed influence... Read the <a href="inspection/GraffitiEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SignsandWonders.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/signsandwonders.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Larry Taylor</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SignsandWonders.asp">Signs and Wonders</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Larry Taylor is a retired engineer but also a multi-instrumentalist who enjoys writing ambitious rock operas. Having already released <em>He Is Risen</em>, covering the death and resurrection of Jesus, Taylor is back with the "sequel," <em>Signs and Wonders</em>. This latest rock opera picks up where Taylor left off, this time covering the first 5 chapters of Acts and the birth and growth of the early... Read the <a href="inspection/SignsandWonders.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/PromiseinCreation.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/PromiseinCreation.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/PromiseinCreation.asp">Promise in Creation</a></em> (2024) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Coming off his latest single in November of 2023, Kentucky metal artist Matthew Konradt, known as Relentless Pursuit, is back with his newest album. <em>Promise in Creation</em> contains his last three singles - "Save Me," "Repercussions," and "Unending" - along with five brand new songs. As expected from Relentless Pursuit, Konradt dives into several different genres of metal and multiple sounds come out of this release... Read the <a href="inspection/PromiseinCreation.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ChapelSongs.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ChapelSongs.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Eddy Mann</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ChapelSongs.asp">Chapel Songs</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Eddy Mann is a Philadelphia singer-songwriter who's made a name for himself in the Christian indie circuit with popular singles and prolific output. His latest album is a passion project of 12 worship tunes collected as <em>Chapel Songs</em>. The feel of this record is very reminiscent of classic Maranatha! worship. In fact, through my first couple listens, I figured it was a cover album of older Calvary... Read the <a href="inspection/ChapelSongs.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ChristmasisReal.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ChristmasisReal.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Critical Mass</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ChristmasisReal.asp">Christmas is Real</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> After a heavy-laden album about the turmoil of divorce (2021's <em>Serenity</em>), Canadian rock band Critical Mass is back with something very different: a Christmas album. <em>Christmas Is Real</em> is mostly classic carols and covers, with a couple of original tunes, and it runs from alternative to acoustic to pop - there's even a little bit of that classic jazzy Christmas sound for good measure... Read the <a href="inspection/ChristmasisReal.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/LowResolution.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/LowResolution.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Nathan Jarrelle</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/LowResolution.asp">Low Resolution</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Rapper and record label owner Nathan Jarrelle released <em>Low Resolution 2</em> in 2023, but the original <em>Low Resolution</em> released in 2022. As expected, Jarrelle proudly spits raps praising and glorifying God while also addressing sinful and toxic lifestyles (such as on "Own Good"). The album itself is low key in sound and steeped in R&B influence -- this may be most evident in the piano led track... Read the <a href="inspection/LowResolution.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/KingdomDanceTherapySingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/KingdomDanceTherapySingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">PTtheGospelSpitter</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/KingdomDanceTherapySingle.asp">Kingdom (Dance Therapy) - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Based out of Atlanta, independent artist, and Christian Music Assocation-winning singer, rapper, and songwriter PTtheGospelSpitter is a Gospel artist that is all about furthering God's vision with his lyrics and music. His impact has been felt throughout the the urban Gospel world. The rising Gospel artists' latest drop is a remix of an original track called "Kingdom," featuring Canadian/Nigerian... Read the <a href="inspection/KingdomDanceTherapySingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Loved.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Loved.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Shannon Adducci</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Loved.asp">Loved</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> A singer/songwriter and worship leader from Colorado Springs, Colorado, Shannon Adducci is using her music to turn tragedy into triumph. With her latest album, <em>Loved</em>, Adducci explores both the everlasting love of Jesus and the kindling of new romance after going through divorce. Divorce is not an uncommon theme in the music world, and it's often accompanied by lyrics that are drenched in... Read the <a href="inspection/Loved.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TheSoundofForgiveness.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TheSoundofForgiveness.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Psalmist</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TheSoundofForgiveness.asp">The Sound of Forgiveness</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Instagram</em></font></a> <br> Jeff Nash was living a rough life when Jesus found him and turned him around. Nearly a decade later, Nash is leading worship with his wife at their home church and releasing music as Psalmist. His latest release is <em>The Sound of Forgiveness</em>, a 10-track offering that mixes praise with the gospel story of Jesus. In general, the lyrics don't break much ground; it offers a lot of standard fare... Read the <a href="inspection/TheSoundofForgiveness.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/UpwardWeMarch.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/UpwardWeMarch.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/UpwardWeMarch.asp">Upward We March</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Multi-instrumentalist Matthew Konradt is quite possibly one of the most prolific artists out there right now. Less than a year since his last album, <em>Through Confusion</em>, he's already back with his next Relentless Pursuit album, <em>Upward We March</em>. The Relentless Pursuit project has been a steady example of starting from the ground up... Read the <a href="inspection/UpwardWeMarch.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/BeyondYourReach.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/BeyondYourReach.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Nathan Jarrelle</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/BeyondYourReach.asp">Beyond Your Reach</a></em> (2020) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Nathan Jarrelle may be a new name to a lot of hip-hop fans, but he has been hard at work. Jarrelle himself has released eleven studio albums and has a label (Nathan Jarrelle Ministries) with several other artists involved. Jarrelle aims to have lyrics rooted in good Christian theology, but also addresses tough issues like anxiety, depression, and abuse. This is pretty evident in "John 1:4-5," as... Read the <a href="inspection/BeyondYourReach.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/JESUSSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/JESUSSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The Bootleggers Music Group</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/JESUSSingle.asp">J.E.S.U.S. - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> The Bootleggers Music Group is a unique collective of musicians (at times from around the world) that exists "for the Love of God one tune at a time." They release a wide variety of music from rock to rap to country. One particular example is their 2022 single "J.E.S.U.S.", which features group... Read the <a href="inspection/JESUSSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/YoureNotAloneEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/yourenotaloneep.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Caleb Russel Kennedy</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/YoureNotAloneEP.asp">You're Not Alone - EP</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Instagram</em></font></a> <br> Caleb Russel Kennedy is a singer/songwriter from Honolulu, Hawaii who makes alternative rock music mixed with a dash of classic rock. His latest release is a three-song EP called <em>You're Not Alone</em>, a collection of songs which features co-writing from industry vet Gabriel Wilson (Rock N Roll Worship Circus / The Listening). "Human Condition" opens with a driving guitar riff before diving into a late '90s/early '00s alt rock sound that almost reminds me of The Elms (even vocally). The guitar work is really solid; Kennedy proves to be quite handy with the instrument, making it the main highlight of the... Read the <a href="inspection/YoureNotAloneEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/GonnaLeaveSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/GonnaLeaveSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">CorbansDad</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/GonnaLeaveSingle.asp">Gonna Leave - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Music can serve many purposes. While some bands and artists are out to make a living, others exist to write truly great pieces of music simply for the love of it. And still others do it as a means of coping with tragedy. CorbansDad is the name of one such artist - a stand-up comedian by trade, but a country singer at heart. After 21-year-old Corban lost his life in an accident, CorbansDad wrote a tribute to his late son called "Gonna Leave." The song is partially a coming-of-age story of Corban's life, with the singer looking back on his son's adventures as he grows more and more independent... Read the <a href="inspection/GonnaLeaveSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TakeMetotheRiver.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TakeMetotheRiver.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Brandon Hixson</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TakeMetotheRiver.asp">Take Me to the River</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> While the 2020 pandemic brought a lot of things to a halt, Brandon Hixson's music release schedule only sped up, with at least one full-length each year since then. His latest offering (and third official release in 2023 alone) is a CCM/pop album called <em>Take Me to the River</em>. As no surprise to anyone who's listened to any of his past material, the album shows that Hixson is quite clearly a... Read the <a href="inspection/TakeMetotheRiver.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Evidence.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Evidence.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Kell Bailey</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Evidence.asp">Evidence</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> A musician and music lover since he was a kid, Kell Bailey has had nearly a lifetime to hone his craft. After playing with various organizations and gospel choirs, he began recording his music, dropping his first EP in 2019, followed by his first full-length in 2020. Three years later, his sophomore album, <em>Evidence</em>, has arrived. While Bailey is responsible for much of the singing and some... Read the <a href="inspection/Evidence.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/Paradigms.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Paradigms.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Life Church Music</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Paradigms.asp">Paradigms</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Serving their local community in Milwaukee, WI, Life Church and its worship team, Life Church Music (LCMSC for short), have committed to using their musical gifts for the sake of ministering and bringing honor to the Lord. Coming off of their 2022 studio album, <em>In Peace or Pieces I'm Complete</em>, the collective quickly got back to releasing new music with their second live album, <em>Paradigms</em>. Much of the tracklist consists of live versions of songs... Read the <a href="inspection/Paradigms.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/JoyChangesThingsSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/JoyChangesThingsSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Holly Dayle</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/JoyChangesThingsSingle.asp">Joy Changes Things - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Singer/songwriter Holly Dayle began steadily releasing singles in 2019, honing her craft and, in the process, using her musical talents to bless her peers and bring glory to Jesus. Her latest single, and first since 2020, is called "Joy Changes Things." The song mixes organic instrumentation (acoustic and electric guitar) with light synth and some electronic drums that sound like they have a classic... Read the <a href="inspection/JoyChangesThingsSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ThatsMyKing.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ThatsMyKing.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Norman Lee Schaffer</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ThatsMyKing.asp">That's My King</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Norman Lee Schaffer is a lifelong musician with an impressive musical history, including recently releasing his tenth full-length studio album. <em>That's My King</em> is a CCM album that blends contemporary and southern rock with pop country and a little bit of bluegrass. In fact, the title track wastes no time kicking it off with electric guitar, banjo, and fiddle for an upbeat track about the good... Read the <a href="inspection/ThatsMyKing.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/DaysoftheOneTrueKing.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/daysoftheonetrueking.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">One Breath</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/DaysoftheOneTrueKing.asp">Days of the One True King</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> One Breath is a rock band from Texas with worship leanings. The group has been around for about seven years now and have opened for bands like 7eventh Time Down and Unspoken. Though there were only three in One Breath initially, the group added three new members (drummer, lead guitarist, and a supporting vocalist) in 2021 and 2022. As a complete band, One Breath sets out to make music that gives reverence to God and glorifies Him. Their debut album, <em>Days of the One True King</em> is a rock outing that also brings in elements of alternative, Americana, and worship. The 9-track album features seven... Read the <a href="inspection/DaysoftheOneTrueKing.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/CriticalDaysinHumanHistorySingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/CriticalDaysinHumanHistorySingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Bassline Worship</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/CriticalDaysinHumanHistorySingle.asp">Critical Days in Human History - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em></em></font></a> <br> Bassline Worship is the ministry of seasoned DJ David Benic, who wants to create indie Christian dance music. With his debut EP on the horizon, Benic has released the first single and title track, "Critical Days in Human History." It takes its title from an audio clip that says, "In my judgment, we are living in the most critical days in human history." And what is the best solution and hope for... Read the <a href="inspection/CriticalDaysinHumanHistorySingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/VALUESingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/VALUESingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Revelators Music</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/VALUESingle.asp">VALUE - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Instagram</em></font></a> <br> What stands out regarding the bio for Revelators Music is that the starting point is Alabama, the current place is Amsterdam, and the sound is inspired by East African and South American rhythms. With such a variety of influences, one would expect a Revelators Music song to be a unique... Read the <a href="inspection/VALUESingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/FromFearToFaith.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/FromFearToFaith.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">N D Martin</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/FromFearToFaith.asp">From Fear To Faith</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook</em></font></a> <br> In early 2021, former The Violent Whispers member N D Martin began releasing a series of singles chronicling his journey into the Christian faith. Nearly two years and ten singles later, Martin has compiled them all into his debut solo album, <em>From Fear To Faith</em>. Martin's musical style is very classic rock in nature, combining acoustic guitar, piano, keys, and electric instruments in various... Read the <a href="inspection/FromFearToFaith.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/WildfireSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/WildfireSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/WildfireSingle.asp">Wildfire - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> There may not be an artist name more fitting than Relentless Pursuit. Though the name is primarily about pursuing the Lord, it also works for sole member Matthew Konradt's musicianship and attempts at getting better and better at his craft. "Flamboyant Intoxication," the first single from his upcoming album, was one of many continual steps in the right direction. The full album, <em>Through Confusion</em>, is... Read the <a href="inspection/WildfireSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ShipwreckedSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/shipwreckedsingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Hopeful.</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ShipwreckedSingle.asp">Shipwrecked - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Growing up with a love and appreciation for the Christian rock scene, the members of Southern California rock band Hopeful. are now trying their hands at participating in it. With only a couple of singles to their name since forming in 2021, they're now set to release an EP, while also dropping... Read the <a href="inspection/ShipwreckedSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/RideorDieSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/rideordiesingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">dustybonez</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/RideorDieSingle.asp">Ride or Die - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Facebook</em></font></a> <br> After releasing an EP's worth of singles in 2021, singer/songwriter Dusty Ballard - AKA <strong>dustybonez</strong> - played it slow last year, releasing only one song called "Breathe." Now he's jumpstarting the new year with his latest number, "Ride or Die," a Bruce Springsteen-esque, Americana rock & roll track. It's ripe with a bluesy, quasi-pop punk guitar riff in the verses alongside some expertly-played bass... Read the <a href="inspection/RideorDieSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/AllThoseLiesSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/AllThoseLiesSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Spenser Olson</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/AllThoseLiesSingle.asp">All Those Lies (feat. Allen Corrigan) - Single</a></em> (2023) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Beginning his singing ministry in 2013, pop artist Spenser Olson has spent this last decade writing music to glorify the name of Jesus, with numerous singles and a full-length worship album to his name. Now he's jumpstarted 2023 with a brand new single called "All Those Lies." The lowkey R&B beat and Spanish guitar licks are extremely reminiscent of turn-of-the-century boy bands (which is a nice, nostalgic... Read the <a href="inspection/AllThoseLiesSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/BeyondTheseCastleWalls.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/BeyondTheseCastleWalls.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Raid the Quarry</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/BeyondTheseCastleWalls.asp">Beyond These Castle Walls</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> North Carolina natives Raid the Quarry got their start in 2014, but became the complete unit they are now just two years later, locking in their core line-up and getting to work on their debut EP, <em>Priority One</em>. The band doesn't seem interested in rushing their work, as they've just put out their third release in 2022, a full-length record entitled <em>Beyond These Castle Walls</em>. Raid the Quarry... Read the <a href="inspection/BeyondTheseCastleWalls.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/JesusHasConqueredConfidenceSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/Jesushasconqueredconfidencesingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Phil Craig</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/JesusHasConqueredConfidenceSingle.asp">Jesus Has Conquered (Confidence) - Single</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Hailing from Vancouver, Canada, worship leader Phil Craig released a debut EP last year and is making a quick turnaround with his single "Jesus Has Conquered (Confidence)". The track bears all the hallmarks of classic Chris Tomlin or Matt Redman tunes: piano driven melodies, a light touch of electric guitar, and a mid-tempo beat playing over lyrics that balance worship with encouragement. The message of the... Read the <a href="inspection/JesusHasConqueredConfidenceSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/CALLED.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/CALLED.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">CALLED</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/CALLED.asp">CALLED</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> CALLED is not only an indie pop/rock band based in Stuart, Florida, but also an active ministry offering music-guided retreats, praise and worship events, and regular musical concerts. Each of these options blend music, theology, and prayer together to varying degrees. On top of that, the group has recently released their debut album, entitled <em>CALLED</em>. The band has stated their goal is to speak... Read the <a href="inspection/CALLED.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/inside.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/inside.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Jelani Malik</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/Inside.asp">Inside</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> When your family tree includes members of Public Enemy, it's likely that hip hop runs through your veins. Jelani Malik and his new album <em>Inside</em> seem to be solid evidence of this. That being said, instead of the classic gangsta rap sounds of Public Enemy, <em>Inside</em> is a lot more modern, with a larger focus on smooth R&B vocals and beats than raps and boom bap. Malik proves to be a competent... Read the <a href="inspection/Inside.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ThroughConfusion.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ThroughConfusion.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ThroughConfusion.asp">Through Confusion</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> There may not be an artist name more fitting than Relentless Pursuit. Though the name is primarily about pursuing the Lord, it also works for sole member Matthew Konradt's musicianship and attempts at getting better and better at his craft. "Flamboyant Intoxication," the first single from his upcoming album, was one of many continual steps in the right direction. The full album, <em>Through Confusion</em>, is... Read the <a href="inspection/ThroughConfusion.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/KeysofHeaven.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/KeysofHeaven.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Stephen Yeske</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/KeysofHeaven.asp">Keys of Heaven - EP</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook</em></font></a> <br> Having been a musician for nearly 30 years now, singer/songwriter Stephen Yeske finally decided to take the leap into recording. He's released a string of singles throughout 2022, which have now culminated in his debut EP, <em>Keys of Heaven</em>. As Yeske's main goal for his music is to worship the Lord and edify the Church, <em>Keys of Heaven</em> foregoes flashy instrumentation and poetic songwriting and instead focuses on solid musicianship and straightforward lyricism. Much of the album is low-key and unassuming, as if he's demonstrating his desire to lift up Jesus and not himself. The EP is full of soft... Read the <a href="inspection/KeysofHeaven.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/RestingPlace.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/RestingPlace.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">The King's People</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/RestingPlace.asp">Resting Place</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> The King's People are a collective of singers, songwriters, and musicians from a family of house churches in North Carolina. Instead of the big budget production and rock concert atmosphere of a Hillsong or Elevation album, The King's People and their debut album, <em>Resting Place</em>, focus on a much more intimate and down-to-earth approach. The songs are still very congregational and comparable in style, but are largely stripped down to the essentials... Read the <a href="inspection/RestingPlace.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TheUnfinishedRoad.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TheUnfinishedRoad.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Robert M Vasile</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TheUnfinishedRoad.asp">The Unfinished Road</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Spotify</em></font></a> <br> Robert M Vasile is a 70-year-old songwriter born in Brooklyn New York, who has previous experience in a band in the 90s. He plays a variety of instruments and has been on worship teams in a handful of states across the U.S. As far as I can tell, this is his solo debut album, titled <em>The Unfinished Road</em> and it features strong Americana, Bluegrass, and Gospel instrumentation like banjo, mandolin, and fiddle... Read the <a href="inspection/TheUnfinishedRoad.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/FlamboyantIntoxicationSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/FlamboyantIntoxicationSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Relentless Pursuit</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/FlamboyantIntoxicationSingle.asp">Flamboyant Intoxication - Single</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Over the last few years, Matthew Konradt has been learning and growing as a musician with his metalcore act, Ascend the Soul. Recently, he also branched out and started a solo act, which he is calling Relentless Pursuit. His first single, "Flamboyant Intoxication," is pretty straightforward melodic metalcore, but also has some fairly deathcore-inspired harsh growls and screams. If you're familiar at all with Ascend the Soul... Read the <a href="inspection/FlamboyantIntoxicationSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/ForevermoreEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/ForevermoreEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Hope Beyond Suffering</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/ForevermoreEP.asp">Forevermore EP</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Husband-wife musical duos usually appear in the folk genre. Hope Beyond Suffering (Drew and Vannah Brammell), however, turns that stereotype on its head and instead plays symphonic metal. Recently, they released their latest effort, <em>Forevermore (EP)</em>, featuring one instrumental track (the opener "Rest") and three lyrical tracks that take the listener on a journey. The first two (the title track and "Awake") have a more spiritual focus, singing about the endless love of God and the struggle to awake and accept that love... Read the <a href="inspection/ForevermoreEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/SoICanLoveHerSingle.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/SoICanLoveHerSingle.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Steve Hodges</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/SoICanLoveHerSingle.asp">So I Can Love Her - Single</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Official Site</em></font></a> <br> Steve Hodges is an American singer/songwriter and guitarist. His single, "So I Can Love Her," is inspired by his late wife during a time when Steven himself almost passed away after a failed medical procedure. While in a hospital bed and uncertain of what was to come with his own life, his wife Sheri was right there beside him every step of the way... Read the <a href="inspection/SoICanLoveHerSingle.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/NathanWheelerEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/NathanWheelerEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Nathan Wheeler</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/NathanWheelerEP.asp">Nathan Wheeler EP</a></em> (2021) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Bandcamp</em></font></a> <br> It's never too late to start a music career. Describing his music as a "midlife crisis with a bit of optimism," Nathan Wheeler kicked things off last spring with a self-titled, three-song EP (or six, if you count the bonus tracks on Bandcamp - this review, however, will cover the three standard tracks). Wheeler's style is pretty tame, but nonetheless seems to take a lot of influence from artists like Bruce Springsteen and The Killers, most noticeably the Americana rock & roll guitar tones, but occasionally in the vocal style as well. But instead of upbeat tracks like "Born in the USA" or the driving rhythms of... Read the <a href="inspection/NathanWheelerEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/UKChristianPunkRockEP.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/UKChristianPunkRockEP.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Peter118</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/UKChristianPunkRockEP.asp">UK Christian Punk Rock EP</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Bandcamp</em></font></a> <br> Peter118 is a punk band from England making music since around 2014. The group intends to share the news of Christ through the punk sub-culture and in places the church cannot reach. They really hit the ground running in 2017 with their split EP with No Lost Cause, <em>In Stereo</em>. In 2021, the band released the... Read the <a href="inspection/UKChristianPunkRockEP.asp">Full Review</a> </li> <li class="w3-padding-16"><a href="inspection/TheTreasureoftheCrucible.asp"><img src="/indiemusic/albumcovers/TheTreasureoftheCrucible.jpg" class="w3-left w3-margin-right" style="width:85px"></a> <b><font class="ltxt" color="#000000">Sevenoneself</font></b>, <em><a href="inspection/TheTreasureoftheCrucible.asp">The Treasure of the Crucible</a></em> (2022) / <font class="stxt"><a href="" target=_blank><em>Facebook</em></font></a> <br> Sevenoneself is the project of Canadian musician Barry Peters. Peters is a classically trained pianist who loves rock and metal music and decided to make some music in Saskatchewan where this is no music scene. Being involved in worship music, and as a former pastor, he wrote a rock album around his faith. Not only did he play every instrument, but he also edited, mixed, and produced the album completely solo. <em>The Treasure of the Crucible</em> took him about 7 years to complete, but Sevenoneself's debut album is finally available... Read the <a href="inspection/TheTreasureoftheCrucible.asp">Full Review</a> </li> </div> <p> </p> <div align="center"> Visit our full <a href="/indiemusic/indiearchive.asp"><font class="news">Indie Review Archive</font></a> for more reviews! </div> <!--- <br> <div align="center"> <a href="/indiemusic/indiearchive.asp"><img src="images/visitindiearchives.gif" alt="" width="300" height="85" border="0"></a> </div> <p> </p> ---> <p> </p> <div align="center"><a href="/indiemusic/submissions.asp"><img src="images/beheardpart1.png" alt="Indie Submissions" border="0"><img src="images/beheardpart2.png" alt="Indie Submissions" border="0"></a></div> <p> </p> </table> <!-- End CD Review Page Code --> </div> </div> <!-- END BLOG ENTRIES --> </div> <!-- -----------BEGIN RIGHT COLUMN--------------- --> <style> a:active,a:hover{outline-width:0;color:#f83333} </style> <div class="w3-col l4 w3-lgcontainer"> <!--- <div class="w3-colfrontpage news"> ---> <!-- Music News --> <div class="w3-white w3-margin"> <div class="w3-container w3-padding w3-jfhred"> <h4><a style="text-decoration:none;" a href="/news/default.asp">Music News Headlines</a></h4> </div> <div class="w3-container w3-light-grey"> <br><table><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Luke Wareham Teams Up with Neon Tigers for "Set Me Apart" Remix feat. Millie Ferguson</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 17:40:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Freedom Heart Releases "Plans" to Christian Radio</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 16:25:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>George Case Releases "Praise You More" to Christian Radio</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 16:20:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Earnest Pugh Inspires Hope As "Don't Give Up" Hits Top Ten</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 16:05:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Linda Boles Releases "New Life" to Christian Radio</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Tue, 18 Feb 2025 15:55:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>USA-Based Gospel Artist Noku Dlamini Releases "Nhaulele," A Cry for God's Mercy</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Mon, 17 Feb 2025 14:45:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Tamela Mann Premieres Music Video For Chart-Climbing Single "Deserve To Win"</a></font><br/>  <em><font class=newsxxstxt>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:45:00 EST</font></em><br/></td></tr></table> <br> <a target="_top" href="/news/default.asp"><font class="headlinetxt"><img src="/dot.png" border=0 alt=".">Click here All News Headlines</a> | <a href="" target=_blank><img src="/images/rss.gif" alt="RSS Icon" width="17" height="17" border="0"></a> <a href="" target=_blank>RSS</a></font><br /><br /> </div> </div> <div class="w3-container w3-xlarge w3-center w3-padding"> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-facebook-square w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-instagram w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-spotify w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-youtube w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> <!--- <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-comment w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> ---> <a href="" target=_blank><img src="/images/threads.png" border="0" class="w3-hover-opacity"></a> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-twitter w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> <a href="" target=_blank><i class="fa-brands fa fa-linkedin w3-hover-opacity2"></i></a> </div> <!-- Advertising --> <div class="w3-white w3-margin adpadding"> <div class="w3-lgcontainer w3-center"> <a href="" target=_blank><img src="/images/topsidebarlloydbook.jpg" width=100% alt="Check out JFH's Lloyd in his first-ever childrens book!" border="0"></a> </div> </div> <!-- Search Bar --> <div class="w3-white w3-margin adpadding"> <div class="w3-container w3-padding w3-jfhred"> <h4>Search JFH</h4> </div> <div class="w3-lgcontainer w3-center"> <br> <script> (function() { var cx = '015348796733994872658:rbdh0recldy'; 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