Terms and Conditions - Medical Tourism Directory Est. 2015
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They constitute a legally binding agreement between the user of this website and Swedish Plate AB (2015 Medical Tourism / 2015 Medical Tourism Directory). We retain the right to modify the General Terms at any time without prior notice to the users and in that case the updated text will be published on this Website and taken into effect immediately and be deemed as automatically binding on the users. By using this Website, you agree that you accept the General Terms as well as any changes concerned and that you agree to abide by them. User is responsible for reading the General Terms every time the user accesses this Website. If any provision of the General Terms is found to be invalid, the other provisions will continue in effect and the user agrees to cooperate with us for reasonable application of such provision in order to give full force and effect to the intent of this agreement. If any invalid provision would be valid if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect. All users must be of legal age in their jurisdiction or country of origin, if not, they are not entitled to use the Website. If you do not agree to these General Terms, you are not entitled to use the Website. If you do not accept this Agreement, you are not entitled to use the Website.</p> <p> </p> <h1>TERMS AND CONDITIONS</h1> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy and any Disclaimer notice:<br /> “Agreement” refers to the legally binding agreement concerning the General Terms between the user of this website and 2015 Medical Tourism – Swedish Plate AB.<br /> “General Terms” refers to the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy (including GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), the Cookie Policy and any Disclaimer notice.<br /> “User”, “You”, “Your” “Client” and “Patient” refers to persons accessing this Website.<br /> “Hospital” refers to the hospitals that are listed on the Website.<br /> “Clinic” refers to the clinics that are listed on the Website.<br /> “Contact person” refers to contact persons related to hospitals / clinics that are listed on the Website.<br /> “Doctors” refers to the doctors that are listed on the Website.<br /> “Dentists” refers to the dentists that are listed on the Website.<br /> “2015 Medical Tourism”, “Medical Tourism Directory”, “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We” and “Us”, refers to our Company: 2015 Medical Tourism – Swedish Plate AB, company registration number 556721-2864.<br /> “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the User, Hospital, Clinic, Doctors and ourselves, or either the User, Hospital, Clinic, Doctors or ourselves.<br /> “Website”, “site” and “Directory” refers to ( inclusive all its URL:s and its sub-domains.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: You agree to use this Website only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this Website by any third party, or that is not compliant with the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy and any Disclaimer notice.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: You must not misuse our Website by introducing viruses or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to our Website, or any computer or database connected to our website. You must not in any way attack our Website or other Website users, hospitals, clinics or doctors. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, we will cooperate with those authorities and we will disclose your identity to them.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: All content provided on this Website is protected by various international copyright laws, patent laws, trademark laws, and various intellectual property laws. It is strictly forbidden to copy or reproduce any content from this Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Any brand names, company names or similar, mentioned on this website, are trademarks of their respective owners and are protected by various international law and regulations. Using any protected name or content on this Website is strictly prohibited. Any designations or references to brand names, company names, trademarks or similar, are made only for purposes of providing information to the Website visitors.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: The Website is provided on an “as is” basis and is used by the users, hospitals and doctors entirely at their own risk. We are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, inclusive any damage on computers, arising from the usage of this Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism provides the Website as an internet-based place where patients can search, find and communicate with hospitals and doctors worldwide. The Website can be a link between patients, seeking international health care and hospitals / doctors, offering healthcare to international patients.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We provide some medical information on the Website; however, such information has not been prepared by medical professionals and should not be used for making diagnosis, choosing treatments or choosing doctors. Even if we do our best to provide to most correct and accurate medical information, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct or accurate. It is the responsibility of the user to verify and double-check all such information. The medical information on this Website can under no circumstances be a substitute for visiting a qualified medical practitioner. The usage of this Website does not establish a doctor-patient relationship between the user and us. If the user needs any healthcare, he/she should contact a qualified medical practitioner. We are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from using medical information on this Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Even if we do our best to provide the most correct information about the hospitals and the doctors on this Website, we cannot guarantee that the information is correct or accurate. Information about the hospitals and the doctors can be submitted by themselves on the Website, but, can also be uploaded by us. In any case, we are not responsible to verify any information about hospitals and doctors that is published on the Website. It is the responsibility of the user to verify and double-check all such information and to do all the background checks that are required. This is valid also in the case where we receive compensation from the hospital or the doctor, for being listed on the Website. We are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from using information about the hospitals and the doctors on this Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We do not perform any background checks, quality control or any control at all of the hospitals or doctors listed on the Website. We do not have any process of approval before listing a hospital or a doctor on the Website. We do not recommend any hospital or doctor listed on the Website. It is the responsibility of the user to verify and double-check all information about the hospitals and doctors and to do all the background checks that are required. This is valid also in the case where we receive compensation from the hospital or the doctor, for being listed on the Website. Any agreements about medical / dental care are made entirely between the hospitals/doctors and the patients. We are in no case part of any such agreement, we are not responsible of any such agreement, and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from such agreement.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: The links on our Website are provided only as a source of reference. Even if we do our best to provide the best links, we cannot guarantee that the information on the websites of these links is correct or accurate. These websites have probably other terms, privacy policies, cookie policies and disclaimers than our Website. We are not responsible to verify any information on the links. We have no control or responsibility over the content of these websites or resources and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences, losses or damages at all, arising from using information on these links.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Any payment or agreement of payment for the medical care offered by the hospitals/doctors to the patients is entirely an issue between the hospitals/doctors and the patients. We are in no case part of any such payment, we are not responsible of any such payment and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from such payment.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We do not arrange or recommend any travels at all, even if some travel agencies may be listed on the Website. Any travel that doctors or patients need to do they must entirely arrange by themselves. We are in no case part of any such arrangement, we are not responsible of any such arrangement and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from such arrangement. This is valid also in the case where we receive compensation from the travel agency, for being listed on the Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We do not recommend any insurance companies at all, even if some insurance companies may be listed on the Website. Any insurance needed must be evaluated and acquired by the hospitals, doctors or patients themselves. We are in no case part of any such arrangement, we are not responsible of any such arrangement and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from such arrangement. This is valid also in the case where we receive compensation from the company agency, for being listed on the Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We do not recommend any financing companies at all, even if some financing companies may be listed on the Website. Any financing needed must be evaluated and arranged by the hospitals, doctors or patients themselves. We are in no case part of any such arrangement, we are not responsible of any such arrangement and we are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences at all, arising from such arrangement. This is valid also in the case where we receive compensation from the financing company, for being listed on the Website.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: The Website, hospitals and representatives of Hospitals that receive data from a user (patient) through the Website are obliged to store that data in a secure way and to delete the same data when it is no longer necessary to have, for the treatment of the patient. The Website, hospitals and representatives of hospitals are obliged to delete user data immediately on a user’s request, as long as it is not against the law.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: The hospitals, doctors and users, as well as any other person who may have received information published on the Website; shall hold us free for any claim or liability or for any damage, loss or injury related to the direct or indirect usage of this Website, inclusive possible following medical treatments or contacts and agreements between hospitals/doctors and patients.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: These General Terms and any disputes arising hereof, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden, by the city court of Gothenburg, Sweden, without regard to conflict of law provisions.</p> <p>Any questions regarding terms or policies of can be addressed to us through the contact form on this Website.</p> <p>These Terms and Conditions are applicable together with our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.</p> <p>Swedish Plate AB (2015 Medical Tourism Directory – Medical Tourism Website) / Law department.</p> </div> </section> <section class="terms-content middle-terms" id="privacy-policy"> <div class="middle-title-section container"> <h4 class="middle-title" itemprop="name">Privacy Policy</h4> </div> <div class="terms-container container" itemprop="text"> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Our data processing complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and is carried out in accordance with this Privacy policy. The policy applies both to all personal data you provide us as well as all data we collect and process when you visit our Website. It can for example be information about you, about the services you purchase, about how you use our Website and about the communication you have with us. The purpose with our site is to connect potential patients with hospitals.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Hospitals need to sign up and login, in order to create a hospital profile and to be listed on the website. In case the hospital provides photos, names, professional titles, e-mail addresses and other contact details of the hospital’s contact persons, we will store that personal data on our website;<br /> – Name and professional title of contact person will be visible on the 2015 Medical Tourism website.<br /> – The e-mail address can be visible to patients that contact the hospital through the 2015 Medical Tourism website.<br /> All information that is provided in the hospital profile will be saved on the 2015 Medical Tourism website until the hospital’s contact person deletes it or terminates the hospital profile. If considered beneficiary for the hospital, we can communicate with the hospital’s contact persons via the e-mail addresses provided in the hospital’s profile.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Any communication between a patient and a hospital is executed directly between the patient and the hospital. We don’t see that information and we do not store it. If a patient sends an e-mail to a hospital through the contact form on our website, then that e-mail is going directly to the hospital’s registered e-mail address, no matter in which country the hospital is located, inside or outside the European Union (EU). The patient and the hospital can then continue to exchange e-mails directly between themselves. All the information in this communication, inclusive (but not limited to) names, addresses and medical statements will be read and processed by a representative of the hospital and handled in accordance with the hospital’s routines, general terms and privacy policy. If a patient starts to chat with a hospital through our website, then that is a private chat between the patient and the hospital, we don’t save any information from that chat. To completely delete the chat conversation instantly, the patient do have the option to click on the END CHAT button, which will end and delete the conversation instantly.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: If a user contacts us, we will read and process all provided information inclusive (but not limited to) names and e-mail addresses. If not needed anymore, the information will be deleted within a month.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: By providing us your personal data, you agree that we can process it in accordance with this policy and the relevant laws and regulations, including utilization of the data by our employees and the transmission of the data within EU. Transmission of data outside EU is not allowed without special acceptance of the user.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Your personal data may be shared within our company, as well as within companies that are sub-contracted by us if necessary, related to the nature of the business.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Your IP address will be logged along with the dates and times of access. This information can be used to analyze trends, administer the website, track users movement and gather demographic information. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use this Website. Google Analytics stores information about how you got to the website, pages you visit, time spent on the pages and what pages you click on.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We store the collected data on secure servers in EU, where it could be viewed by our staff. Transmitting information over the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your data. All data transmitting is at your own risk. We may pass on your personal information if we have a legal obligation to do so.<br /> The Website does not hold any information related to payment transactions. The usage of your personal information is controlled by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You can find out what information we hold about you and ask us to delete all information we have about you. We take all relevant measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against destruction or unauthorized usage. If you have subscribed to our newsletter or in any similar way accepted any activity that can include communication from our side, you may receive offers from us. You can unsubscribe at any time to any communication from our side by contacting us. This Privacy Policy is applicable together with our Terms and Conditions and our Cookie Policy.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism – Swedish Plate AB / Law department</p> </div> </section> <section class="terms-content" id="cookie-policy"> <div class="middle-title-section container"> <h4 class="middle-title" itemprop="name">Cookie Policy</h4> </div> <div class="terms-container container" itemprop="text"> <p>Our Website, ( uses cookies. The cookies are placed by 2015 Medical Tourism, Swedish Plate AB, Södra Hamngatan 13A, 41114 Gothenburg, Sweden. Company registration number 556721-2864.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We put small files (cookies) onto your computer to collect information about how you browse this Website. Cookies may be set by the Website you are visiting (“first party cookies”) or they may be set by organizations which are not the owner of the Website you are viewing (“third party cookies”). A cookie is used to store small amounts of information.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: There are two types of cookies:<br /> a) Session cookies, which are stored only temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed.<br /> b) Persistent cookies, which are saved on your computer for a fixed period (usually a year or longer) and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are used to identify you from one browsing session to the next, for example, to store your preferences, so that they are remembered for the next visit.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: We use cookies to improve the user experience by enabling our Website to identify you, either for the duration of your visit or for repeated visits. The cookies we use may be necessary to enable you to move around the website (necessary cookies) or to enhance the functionality of the Website by storing your preferences and making it possible to provide a more personal browsing experience (functionality cookies) or to help us improve the performance of the Website (performance cookies). We use all these different kind of cookies, however the cookies do not contain personal details and cannot be used to identify you personally. By continuing browsing on the Website and using our online services you agree that we may place all these cookies on your device. We can also use cookies to enable the advertisers to target their advertising or marketing messages based for example on your location or Website usage.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Furthermore, the Website uses Google Analytics cookies and all information about these cookies can be read on Google’s homepage:<br /></p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: If we did not use cookies, the Website would think that you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on the Website and then for example you could not stay logged in on all the pages.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: Depending on the browser that you use, you can set your preferences to refuse cookies, or to notify you before they are placed. You can also delete cookies that have already been placed on your device. The “Help” function within your browser will tell you what you need to do. You can also visit for more information on how to manage and remove cookies from internet browsers and how to opt-out from cookies on different types of web browser. For managing cookies on your mobile device browser, please check corresponding manual. On you can find information about how behavioral advertising works, further information about cookies and the steps you can take to protect your privacy on the internet. Please be aware that if you block or delete some of the cookies, some functionalities on the Website can stop to work properly and the user experience can be changed.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: You have the right to request information about our data processing, and to request rectification, erasure or blocking if any personal data has been collected by the cookies.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: You can read more about the law that is regulating the usage of cookies on the EUR-Lex Website:<br /></p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: If you suspect that anything related to personal data on the Website is against the law, please contact us immediately. In that case, you can also contact The Swedish Data Protection Authority;</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism: This cookie policy is applicable together with our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.</p> <p>2015 Medical Tourism – Swedish Plate AB / Law department.</p> </div> </section> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> <!-- <div class='cookie-info-popup alert alert-info container'>This site uses cookies. 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