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</h2> </div> <article class="cols-1 post-730 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <div class="primary-content copy cols-1"> <p><strong>DEFINITIONS</strong></p> <p>In these terms, conditions, and privacy policy; &#8220;Cosmos&#8221;, &#8220;Cosmos Magazine&#8221;, &#8220;Cosmos Weekly&#8221;, &#8220;we&#8221; or &#8220;us&#8221; means Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (<strong>CSIRO</strong>), publisher of Cosmos Magazine. &#8220;Subscriber&#8221; &#8220;Customer&#8221; or &#8220;You&#8221; means a person who is a subscriber to Cosmos Magazine, which includes print or Digital Subscription, Cosmos Weekly Subscription, Enterprise, or Site Licence. A &#8220;Print Subscription&#8221; means a paid subscription of Cosmos Magazine hard copy product. A &#8220;Digital Subscription&#8221; means a paid subscription which enables a user to access the Cosmos website and digital magazine replicas. A &#8220;Cosmos Weekly Subscription&#8221; means a paid subscription to exclusive content on the Cosmos website. &#8220;Enterprise&#8221; means a multi-user subscription, including one Print Subscription of Cosmos Magazine, access to the Cosmos website and digital magazine replicas. &#8220;Site Licence&#8221; means a multi-user subscription, including access to the Cosmos website and digital magazine replicas. &#8220;Gift Subscription&#8221; refers to subscription packages to Cosmos print and digital, with a term of twelve months commencing on the date of redemption by the gift recipient and are restricted to the subscription package type chosen by the person who purchases the Gift Subscription.</p> <p><strong>SUBSCRIPTIONS</strong></p> <p><strong>SECTION 1 – CUSTOMER SERVICE ENQUIRIES</strong></p> <p>Call us on +[61 3] 9545 8555, or email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5831363e37183b372b35372b763b2b312a3776392d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="dbb2b5bdb49bb8b4a8b6b4a8f5b8a8b2a9b4f5baae">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.</p> <p>Address: Cosmos, CSIRO Publishing, PO Box 10041, Adelaide, SA 5001</p> <p><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#b3"></a></p> <p><strong>SECTION 2 &#8211; PRICING AND PAYMENTS</strong></p> <p>Subscription prices are in AUD (including <a>GST</a>) unless otherwise stated. While Australian GST is removed from all international orders, please be aware that your order may be subject to local Customs duties and/or local taxes in the country of destination, and these must be borne by you. Your payment details must be verified before your subscription can be activated unless arranged otherwise. If payment is not received, your subscription may be suspended or terminated. We reserve the right to reject any subscription order at any time, and you will not be charged in this case.</p> <p>It is your responsibility to ensure that the credit card details you have provided are valid. If no payment is received after 30 days your subscription will be automatically suspended. Following 30 days of suspension without payment your subscription will be cancelled. You agree to pay the price of your subscription which will be stated clearly at the time of your order. You also agree to the billing frequency stated at the time of your order if you have selected Auto renew in your online account settings. To the extent permitted by law (including the Australian Consumer law which we do not exclude), all charges, other than as specified in Section [5], are non &#8211; refundable.</p> <p>By acquiring, redeeming, or using a Cosmos Gift Subscription, you also agree to these Terms &amp; Conditions. It is the responsibility of the gift purchaser to ensure that the gift recipient&#8217;s email address, name and details of the gift are correct at the time of purchase. Gift recipients must provide their address details on gift redemption in order receive Cosmos Magazine print editions. Gift subscriptions may be transferred to another recipient from your online account settings. Recipients of Gift Subscriptions may also take ownership of their subscription through their online account settings. Gift Subscriptions are non-refundable.</p> <p>CSIRO reserves the right to change subscription prices at any time. We will provide you with 30 days’ prior notice if the regular rate of a Digital or Print Subscription changes from what was stated at the time of your order. For clarity, if you have purchased a subscription for a subscription term, the subscription price will not change during that term (this excludes any subscription renewals – see <strong>Renewals</strong> below). If you do not agree to the subscription price changes, you may cancel your subscription before the changes take effect – see section 5.</p> <p>Promotion and discount eligibility is determined at the time of order. If you have purchased your subscription through a third party, these Terms and Conditions may not apply.</p> <p><strong>SECTION 3 &#8211; RENEWALS</strong></p> <p>When you subscribe, you can ‘opt-in’ to automatic renewal of your subscription. A valid payment type must be provided to opt-in. If you ‘opt-in,’ we will notify you that the subscription is due to renew <a>30 days</a> prior to the renewal date, and of any subscription price changes. On the renewal date, the new subscription price (which may be different to your original subscription price) will be applied for the same term as your original subscription to the payment type provided.</p> <p>You may opt-out of automatic renewal at any time by contacting us on +[61 3] 9545 8555 or sending an email to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e78e898188a78488948a8894c984948e9588c98692"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="84edeae2ebc4e7ebf7e9ebf7aae7f7edf6ebaae5f1">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.</p> <p>If you do not ‘opt-in’ for automatic renewals, we will notify you 30 days prior to the expiry of your subscription, and your subscription will expire at the end of its term.</p> <p>To find out when your subscription expires, please log in to, go to &#8216;Account&#8217; and select &#8216;Subscriptions&#8217;.</p> <p>If we grant you access to a free subscription and you do not cancel or opt out of the subscription period prior to the expiry of the free subscription term, you will automatically be converted to a paid subscription upon expiry. You may cancel or opt out of the free subscription online or by contacting us on +[61 3] 9545 8555 or sending an email to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#dfb6b1b9b09fbcb0acb2b0acf1bcacb6adb0f1beaa"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2e474048416e4d415d43415d004d5d475c41004f5b">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.</p> <p><strong>SECTION 4 &#8211; SHIPPING AND DELIVERY</strong></p> <p>Subscription start date is listed in the product description. Subscribers of the Print Subscription will receive the next available issue. Shipping is by surface mail throughout Australia and sea mail overseas. If you do not receive your copy as expected, or have any questions regarding your order, please email &nbsp;<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#543d3a323b14373b27393b277a37273d263b7a3521"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="b5dcdbd3daf5d6dac6d8dac69bd6c6dcc7da9bd4c0">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.</p> <p>If you receive a magazine that is damaged or faulty please contact CSIRO within 30 days to arrange a replacement of that issue.</p> <p><strong>SECTION 5 &#8211; SUBSCRIPTION REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS</strong></p> <p>If you wish to cancel a Print Subscription before the end of the subscription term, simply notify us and we will send you a refund for the issues remaining on the subscription which have not been dispatched, minus a cancellation fee of $15. Please phone +61 1300 719623 or send an email to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#c5acaba3aa85a6aab6a8aab6eba6b6acb7aaeba4b0"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="41282f272e01222e322c2e326f223228332e6f2034">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> <a>requesting</a> to cancel your subscription.</p> <p>We may extend your Print Subscription pro-rata if we are at fault in failing to deliver you an issue of the print magazine.</p> <p>Subject to changes to the subscription prices under Section 2, and any rights you may have under Australian Consumer Laws which cannot be excluded, Digital Subscriptions are non-refundable.</p> <p>Subject to any rights you may have under Australian Consumer Laws which cannot be excluded, for subscriptions cancellations arising out of the transfer of a subscription held in an alternative publication, no refund is available if the transferred subscription is cancelled before the end of its term.</p> <p>Subject to any obligations we owe you under these terms and any rights you may have under Australian Consumer Laws, once your subscription ends your access to the Cosmos Digital Subscription content will be revoked entirely (apart from access to pdfs of the magazines that you may have downloaded)and we will no longer send you our magazines, as the case may be, depending on whether you held a Print Subscription, Digital Subscription or Print and Digital Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>SECTION 6 – SUBCRIPTION USE AND LICENCES </strong>The number of users permitted to use the Cosmos digital access is one (1) for single-user Digital or Print and Digital subscriptions, and unlimited for Enterprise or Site licence concurrent user subscriptions.</p> <p>Login details, which include usernames and passwords, for single user Digital Subscriptions or Print and Digital Subscriptions must not be shared. If misuse is detected, we will contact you and your subscription may be terminated and you will not be eligible for a refund. A single user Digital subscription is accessible to you on a non-concurrent user basis. You must purchase one (1) Digital subscription (or one (1) Print and Digital subscription) for each user that may use or access the Cosmos Digital subscription at any one time. If the number of users who may access or use the Cosmos Digital subscription at any one time exceeds the number of Digital subscriptions you have purchased, then you must contact CSIRO to purchase additional Digital subscriptions or subscribe to a Cosmos product which offers unlimited digital access. At no time can there be more than one Digital subscriber accessing a single user Digital Subscription or share their Cosmos login details with other users or organisations. You may not utilise a Digital, Enterprise or Site Licence subscription to provide hosting or establish connections for other users or organisations.</p> <p>An unlimited Digital subscription, such as Enterprise or Site Licence, permits the subscribing organisation to access the Cosmos Digital subscription on an unlimited use basis. Unlimited Digital subscriptions permit the use of the organisation who owns the subscription, employees of the organisation, students who attend the organisation or the organisations library visitors. You may not utilise your unlimited Digital subscription to provide hosting or establish connections for users or organisations not working directly on behalf of the organisation. At no time can there be more than one subscription owner for this subscription, nor can the subscription be shared with another organisation or campus.</p> <p>At no time can a single user Cosmos Digital subscription, or an unlimited Digital subscription be used to download and store Cosmos Magazine issues or Cosmos website content for the purpose of sharing with users not permitted within the subscription Terms and Conditions. CSIRO reserves the right to suspend or terminate the account of a subscriber in breach of these Terms and Conditions.</p> <p>Site licences (as part of education subscriptions) which utilise a unique URL must not be shared outside of the institution which holds that subscription. Unique URLs must not be made available publicly such as via an externally accessible institution portal page. Institutions found to be sharing their unique access to Cosmos Magazine&#8217;s website will be contacted and potentially have their subscription terminated. CSIRO reserves the right to disable any login URL visible to search engines.</p> <p><strong>USE OF WEBSITE</strong></p> <p><strong>SECTION 6 &#8211; ONLINE STORE TERMS</strong></p> <p>By purchasing, acquiring, redeeming, or using any Cosmos subscription or product or this site, you agree to these Terms &amp; Conditions. By agreeing to these Terms &amp; conditions, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence, and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site. You may not use our products for any illegal or unauthorised purpose nor may you, in the use of our subscriptions or products, violate any laws in your <a>jurisdiction</a> (including but not limited to copyright laws).</p> <p><strong>SECTION 7 &#8211; GENERAL CONDITIONS</strong></p> <p>The notice and disclaimer at to this site. <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>SECTION 8 &#8211; SUBSCRIPTION USE AND LICENCES</strong></p> <p>The number of users permitted to use the Cosmos digital access is one (1) for single-user Digital or Print and Digital subscriptions, and unlimited for Enterprise or Site licence concurrent user subscriptions.</p> <p>Login details, which include usernames and passwords, for single user Digital Subscriptions or Print and Digital Subscriptions must not be shared. If misuse is detected, we will contact you and your subscription may be terminated and you will not be eligible for a refund. A single user Digital subscription is accessible to you on a non-concurrent user basis. You must purchase one (1) Digital subscription (or one (1) Print and Digital subscription) for each user that may use or access the Cosmos Digital subscription at any one time. If the number of users who may access or use the Cosmos Digital subscription at any one time exceeds the number of Digital subscriptions you have purchased, then you must contact CSIRO to purchase additional Digital subscriptions or subscribe to a Cosmos product which offers unlimited digital access. At no time can there be more than one Digital subscriber accessing a single user Digital Subscription or share their Cosmos login details with other users or organisations. You may not utilise a Digital, Enterprise or Site Licence subscription to provide hosting or establish connections for other users or organisations.</p> <p>An unlimited Digital subscription, such as Enterprise or Site Licence, permits the subscribing organisation to access the Cosmos Digital subscription on an unlimited use basis. Unlimited Digital subscriptions permit the use <a>of:</a> the organisation who owns the subscription, employees of the organisation, students who attend the organisation or the organisations library visitors. You may not utilise your unlimited Digital subscription to provide hosting or establish connections for users or organisations not working directly on behalf of the organisation. 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