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Rieck, <strong>Chairman</strong>- Dutch INCERT & <strong>Vice President</strong>- AVERE </li> <li>Pavol Bauer, <strong>Head of the DC Systems</strong>, Energy Conversion & Storage group, TU Delft </li> <li>Robert van den Hoed, <strong>Professor of Energy and Innovation</strong>, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences </li> <li>Harm-Jan Idema, <strong>International expert E-Mobility and Smart Charging infrastructure</strong>, APPM</li> <li>Alberto Piglia, <strong>Head of e-Mobility,</strong> ENEL X</li> </ul> <h2> </h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Events --> <!--hr class="mb-4"--> </section> <!-- /.Events --> <div class="d-flex navbar-dark bg-infoh"> <div class="container text-center"> <a class="navbar-brand js-scroll-trigger" href=""><img src="" alt=""> </a> </div> </div> <div class="container "> <div class="row pt-2 pb-5"> <div class="col-md-12" uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-animation-slide-right-small; delay: 100; repeat: true"> <div class="text-center mt-3"><a href=""><button class="btn btn-warning-two text-white">Register</button></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <!-- Footer --><!--div class="lightbox" id="popupwn"> <div class="box" style="border-radius: 20px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20)"> <a class="close" href="#">X</a> <div class="content"> <div id="popup-box"> <div id="popup-box-content" class="text-center"> <div class="events-title-upcomming ml-4 m-4">SUBSCRIBE NOW!</div> <p class="h5 m-4"><br> Dont miss out on our latest conference updates, offers and news<br><br> </p> <span id="mailerror" style="color:Red;display:none;">Please Enter a Valid Email ID</span> <span id="mailsuccess" style="color:green;display:none;">Thank you! 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