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id="pg-94853-1" class="panel-grid panel-no-style" ><div id="pgc-94853-1-0" class="panel-grid-cell" ><div id="panel-94853-1-0-0" class="so-panel widget widget_uu-card-widget panel-first-child" data-index="2" ><div class="so-widget-uu-card-widget so-widget-uu-card-widget-default-d75171398898-94853" > <div id="uu-card-widget-container" class="uu-card-widget-container-3col uu-card-widget-layout-vert-img-top" style="gap:20px;" > <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 1 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Here's how the University of Utah will showcase using AI responsibly"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Here's how the University of Utah will showcase using AI responsibly</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The University of Utah has long been at the center of revolutions in technology, from development of the internet to innovations in graphic computing. Now we're poised to take the same leading role with artificial intelligence. In this episode of U Rising, host Chris Nelson talks to Professor Manish Parashar, who is overseeing the university's Responsible AI Initiative. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Here's how the University of Utah will showcase using AI responsibly"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 1 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 2 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Pro Bono Initiative: Serving our community with free legal help"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Pro Bono Initiative: Serving our community with free legal help</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The Pro Bono Initiative at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law provides free legal help with a broad range of topics—and also has a new program assisting incarcerated Utahns at the Utah State Correctional Facility with civil law problems. Caisa Royer, program director, talks with host Chris Nelson about how the program works and the learning opportunities it provides for law students. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Pro Bono Initiative: Serving our community with free legal help"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 2 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 3 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="This powerful tool helps you treat other people better — especially when you disagree"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">This powerful tool helps you treat other people better — especially when you disagree</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Tim Shriver created The Dignity Index to shift how we interact with other people in all facets of life — from public and political conversations to engaging with those who are different from us or who hold views we don’t share. In this episode of U Rising, Shriver talks with host Chris Nelson about how the index was developed and then refined here on the U campus and his hope that this simple tool will lead to a cultural change in the way we treat each other. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to This powerful tool helps you treat other people better — especially when you disagree"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 3 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 4 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Breakthroughs await: This research lab seeks treatments for rare diseases"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Breakthroughs await: This research lab seeks treatments for rare diseases</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Rare diseases often don't get much attention because they're just that — rare. Each one affects fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S., but collectively, they're surprisingly common. And there are no treatments available for the majority of these diseases. In this episode of U Rising, host Julie Kiefer talks with Jill Hawkins, who has two children with a rare disorder, and Clement Chow, an associate professor of human genetics, whose lab is searching for treatments that may benefit Jill’s children and others with rare diseases. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Breakthroughs await: This research lab seeks treatments for rare diseases"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 4 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 5 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="U of U Health has a national role in tracking prescription drug shortages "></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">U of U Health has a national role in tracking prescription drug shortages </div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> U of U Health tracks and provides data on prescription drug shortages to the American Society of Health System Pharmacists website, one of just two sites dedicated to prescription drug shortages. Erin Fox, an adjunct professor of pharmacy and associate chief pharmacy officer at University of Utah Health, oversees that effort and is the go-to expert for national media on this problem. In this episode of U Rising, Erin explains the problem, causes and possible solutions to prescription drug shortages. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to U of U Health has a national role in tracking prescription drug shortages "> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 5 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 6 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="U Career Success helps students get their careers off to a strong start"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">U Career Success helps students get their careers off to a strong start</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> There is an ongoing national conversation right now about the value of higher education. Job placement is one measure used to talk about the value of a degree from the University of Utah. And by that we mean the job opportunities and starting salaries our graduates receive. Host Chris Nelson talks with Katie Abby, vice president for U Career Success and a special advisor to President Taylor Randall, about how U Career Success is helping students launch their careers – starting early to personalized coaching and salary negotiation workshops. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to U Career Success helps students get their careers off to a strong start"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 6 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 7 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="U of U Health is bringing world-class medical care to Rose Park, West Valley and Utah County"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">U of U Health is bringing world-class medical care to Rose Park, West Valley and Utah County</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The University of Utah has announced three major projects that greatly increase the reach of health care that University of Utah Health provides. There are two new health centers on the west side of Salt Lake County and one in Utah County. U Rising host Julie Kiefer and Dr. Michael Good, senior vice president of Health Sciences and CEO of University of Utah Health, talk about how each project will benefit the community where it is located through close-to-home care, the partnerships involved and the educational and job opportunities for students and residents. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to U of U Health is bringing world-class medical care to Rose Park, West Valley and Utah County"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 7 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 8 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Here's what the new earthquake maps show for Utah and the U.S."></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Here's what the new earthquake maps show for Utah and the U.S.</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Scientists have been forecasting a big earthquake in Utah for decades and newly released earthquake maps provide an update on our risk. Seismologist Jim Pechmann, a research associate professor emeritus in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, shares insights about the new maps and what it could mean for Utah in this episode of U Rising hosted by Julie Kiefer. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Here's what the new earthquake maps show for Utah and the U.S."> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 8 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 9 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Planting seeds: U’s Seed Library promotes health and builds community"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Planting seeds: U’s Seed Library promotes health and builds community</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Did you know you can “borrow” vegetable and flower seeds on our campus? Jennifer Macali, an associate professor in the College of Nursing, and Brandon Patterson, associate librarian at the Eccles Health Sciences Library, are co-founders of the University of Utah's Seed Library. In this episode of U Rising, learn all about the seed library and how you can give gardening a try this spring. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Planting seeds: U’s Seed Library promotes health and builds community"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 9 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 10 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Meet the U's artistic director: Dave Meikle, graphic designer, illustrator and landscape artist"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Meet the U's artistic director: Dave Meikle, graphic designer, illustrator and landscape artist</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Chances are you've seen his art on a billboard advertising Utah's beauty or in an ad for the U’s GO LEARN! program, in Wes Anderson's most recent film, “Asteroid City” and yes, he created U Rising’s cover art. Get to know award-winning artist Dave Meikle, the U’s artistic director, in this episode of U Rising, hosted by Chris Nelson. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Meet the U's artistic director: Dave Meikle, graphic designer, illustrator and landscape artist"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 10 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 11 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Science writers Brian Maffly and Lisa Potter translate research for you"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Science writers Brian Maffly and Lisa Potter translate research for you</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> It's one thing for scientists to explain their work to an academic audience, but it's quite another to make sure their advances are easily understood by the general public and by the media. In this episode of U Rising, Julie Kiefer hosts science writers Brian Maffly and Lisa Potter, who explain how they and other writers on campus work with researchers and translate their findings for a broad audience. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Science writers Brian Maffly and Lisa Potter translate research for you"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 11 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 12 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Small press, big impact: Celebrating 75 years with the University of Utah Press "></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Small press, big impact: Celebrating 75 years with the University of Utah Press </div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> For the past 75 years, the University of Utah Press has brought to life books on a wide range of topics, including the language of JRR Tolkien, Utah’s food and linguistic peculiarities and the state’s environmental challenges. In this episode of U Rising, host Chris Nelson talks with Director Glenda Cotter about the history of the Press and its impressive catalog. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Small press, big impact: Celebrating 75 years with the University of Utah Press "> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 12 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 13 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Natalie Gochnour explains the six transitions happening in Utah and what it means for the state’s future"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Natalie Gochnour explains the six transitions happening in Utah and what it means for the state’s future</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Natalie Gochnour says the state of Utah is at an inflection point. She calls it the “New Utah.” In this episode of U Rising, Gochnour, the director of the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, explains how Utah is changing and what it means for state leaders, policymakers and all of us. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Natalie Gochnour explains the six transitions happening in Utah and what it means for the state’s future"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 13 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 14 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Sundance film tells how Eastern Shoshone upbringing shaped U medical student’s journey to become a healer"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Sundance film tells how Eastern Shoshone upbringing shaped U medical student’s journey to become a healer</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The Sundance Film Festival is underway in Park City, showcasing some of the year’s best independent films. One is “Winding Path,” a short documentary featuring Jenna Murray, an MD-PhD student at the U, and her journey to become a healer and how that path has been shaped by her Eastern Shoshone upbringing and the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Jenna joins host Julie Kiefer along with Oscar Award-winning filmmaker Ross Kauffman, who co-directed “Winding Path,” and Joe Borgenicht, co-interim director of strategic communications at University of Utah Health Marketing and Communications and the film’s executive producer. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Sundance film tells how Eastern Shoshone upbringing shaped U medical student’s journey to become a healer"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 14 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 15 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Ryan Christiansen explains how the Stena Center is boosting opportunities in FinTech at the U and in Utah"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Ryan Christiansen explains how the Stena Center is boosting opportunities in FinTech at the U and in Utah</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> If you use your smartphone or computer to access bank accounts or pay bills, you already have some understanding of how technology and artificial intelligence have changed the financial industry. Host Chris Nelson talks with Ryan Christiansen, executive director of the U’s Stena Center for Financial Technology, about why Utah is a hub for this rising industry and the opportunities it brings for students and faculty. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Ryan Christiansen explains how the Stena Center is boosting opportunities in FinTech at the U and in Utah"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 15 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 16 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="On Ageism: What it is and how to avoid engaging in it"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">On Ageism: What it is and how to avoid engaging in it</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Age may just be a number, but ageism is real. In this episode of U Rising, host Julie Kiefer talks with Linda Edelman, co-director of the Utah Geriatric Education Consortium and the Hartford Center, about our perceptions of aging, ageism, what it means to be an age-friendly campus and the mindset that helps you age well. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to On Ageism: What it is and how to avoid engaging in it"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 16 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 17 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Focus on student mental health, Ep. 1: A primer"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Focus on student mental health, Ep. 1: A primer</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Focus on Student Mental Health is a five-part series. In episode 1, we start with the basics: What is good mental health and why is it crucial to your success as a college student? Christina Kelly LeCluyse, a clinical social worker with the University Counseling Center, talks about the challenges of anxiety, depression and relationships faced by many students. This overview sets the stage for more detailed discussions about mental wellness. The series is hosted and produced by Scot Singpiel of at University of Utah Health and was created in collaboration with Student Affairs and the University Counseling Center at the University of Utah. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Focus on student mental health, Ep. 1: A primer"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 17 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 18 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Focus on student mental health, Ep. 2: Anxiety"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Focus on student mental health, Ep. 2: Anxiety</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Ever wonder if what you’re experiencing is more than just college stress? In episode 2 of this five-part series, Amber Whiteley explores how anxiety differs from common stressors faced by students. Learn how to identify and manage anxiety, turning a common college challenge into an opportunity for growth and resilience. The series, Focus on Student Mental Health, is hosted and produced by Scot Singpiel of at University of Utah Health and was created in collaboration with Student Affairs and the University Counseling Center at the University of Utah. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Focus on student mental health, Ep. 2: Anxiety"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 18 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 19 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Focus on student mental health, Ep. 3: Depression"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Focus on student mental health, Ep. 3: Depression</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Keri Frantell, a licensed psychologist at University of Utah Counseling Center, provides a comprehensive look at depression in college life in episode 3 of this five-part series. Learn how to recognize the signs and understand the underlying causes of depression among students. Tackle one of the most pressing mental health issues on campus through hope and actionable steps for those struggling with depression. The series, Focus on Student Mental Health, is hosted and produced by Scot Singpiel of The at University of Utah Health and was created in collaboration with Student Affairs and the University Counseling Center at the University of Utah. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Focus on student mental health, Ep. 3: Depression"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 19 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 20 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Focus on student mental health, Ep. 4: Relationships"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Focus on student mental health, Ep. 4: Relationships</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> In episode 4 of the series, Roberto Martinez talks about navigating the complexities of college relationships. From identifying signs of unhealthy dynamics to building healthy connections, explore how relationships impact student well-being. Martinez, associate director for Clinical Services and a therapist at the University Counseling Center, walks us through how to set boundaries, engage in effective communication and nurture positive interactions. This five-part series, Focus on Student Mental Health, is hosted and produced by Scot Singpiel of at University of Utah Health and was created in collaboration with Student Affairs and the University Counseling Center at the University of Utah. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Focus on student mental health, Ep. 4: Relationships"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 20 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 21 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Focus on student mental health, Ep. 5: U of U mental health resources"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Focus on student mental health, Ep. 5: U of U mental health resources</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Claudia Navarro, director of clinical services at the University Counseling Center, highlights the many resources available to students struggling with mental health in the final episode of this series. Go beyond traditional one-on-one counseling to workshops, support groups and other resources. Demystify the process of seeking help and be proactive with your mental health care. The series is hosted and produced by Scot Singpiel of at University of Utah Health and was created in collaboration with Student Affairs and the University Counseling Center at the University of Utah. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Focus on student mental health, Ep. 5: U of U mental health resources"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 21 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 22 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="The public perception of higher education--in Utah and across the country"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">The public perception of higher education--in Utah and across the country</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> What is the perception of higher education, both in Utah and nationally? Ken Goldstein, senior vice president for survey research and institutional policy with the Association of American Universities, joins host Chris Nelson to talk about the association’s latest research findings and the takeaways for higher education leaders. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to The public perception of higher education--in Utah and across the country"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 22 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 23 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Special episode from Talking Climate"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Special episode from Talking Climate</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> There are many great podcasts on the University of Utah campus and today U Rising is pleased to share an episode from Talking Climate, a podcast produced by the Wilkes Center for Climate Science &amp; Policy.If you like what you hear, check out the rest of the Talking Climate podcast, where you'll find conversations about transformative research happening in the fields of climate science and policy at the University of Utah. Talking Climate is hosted and produced by Ross Chambless, community engagement manager for the Wilkes Center, and Margaret Call, an undergraduate researcher.In this episode of Talking Climate, Ross speaks with Ben Santer, a Fowler Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and a visiting researcher at UCLA’s Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science &amp; Engineering. Santer shares four lessons he has learned in the course of his career as a climate scientist. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Special episode from Talking Climate"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 23 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 24 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="This new center is working to reduce deaths of Native mothers and babies during pregnancy "></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">This new center is working to reduce deaths of Native mothers and babies during pregnancy </div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The National Institutes of Health recently awarded University of Utah Health a $14 million grant to establish a maternal health research center – one of 10 across the country investigating how to reduce pregnancy-related deaths. Dr. Torri Metz, an associate professor, vice chair of research and clinician who specializes in maternal fetal medicine, is leading the new Elevate Maternal Health Research Center. In this episode of U Rising, Dr. Metz talks about the center and its focus on improving pregnancy outcomes specifically for Utah’s Indigenous populations. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to This new center is working to reduce deaths of Native mothers and babies during pregnancy "> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 24 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 25 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="A new initiative at the U will ensure teachers know how to help students excel in STEM fields"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">A new initiative at the U will ensure teachers know how to help students excel in STEM fields</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The University of Utah has launched a new research hub to prepare future and current educators to teach science and mathematics in K-12 grades. Nancy Butler Songer is leading this initiative and, in this episode of U Rising with host Chris Nelson, explains how the initiative is aimed at shaping the STEM workforce of the future. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to A new initiative at the U will ensure teachers know how to help students excel in STEM fields"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 25 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 26 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="The Utah Prison Education Project is a national leader in bringing higher ed to incarcerated individuals. Here’s how it works–and how it is changing lives."></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">The Utah Prison Education Project is a national leader in bringing higher ed to incarcerated individuals. Here’s how it works–and how it is changing lives.</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The University of Utah’s Prison Education Project is a national leader in creating ethical, prison-university partnerships. In this episode, Andy Eisen, program director, and Sadie Ortiz, an intern with the program and ethnic studies major, explain how the program works and why it matters. You’ll also hear from a current U student who discovered she was capable of college success while formerly incarcerated at the Utah State Correctional Facility. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to The Utah Prison Education Project is a national leader in bringing higher ed to incarcerated individuals. Here’s how it works–and how it is changing lives."> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 26 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 27 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Space: The final junk heap? "></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Space: The final junk heap? </div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> You’ve probably heard about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. But have you heard about the space debris circling planet Earth? Join host Julie Kiefer for this episode of U Rising as Jake Abbott, a professor of mechanical engineering, explains the problem of space junk and his innovative idea to clean it up.Image credit: NASA </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Space: The final junk heap? "> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 27 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 28 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="The goal is $1 billion in research funding. Erin Rothwell explains how the University of Utah will get there—and why that matters for Utah "></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">The goal is $1 billion in research funding. Erin Rothwell explains how the University of Utah will get there—and why that matters for Utah </div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Erin Rothwell officially assumed the post of vice president for research at the University of Utah in April. She has already set in motion several initiatives aimed at helping U researchers land big, multidisciplinary grants so they can pursue groundbreaking research. In this episode of U Rising, Rothwell shares what she sees as the path to reaching $1 billion in research funding and highlights some of the projects aimed at improving lives in Utah and beyond. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to The goal is $1 billion in research funding. Erin Rothwell explains how the University of Utah will get there—and why that matters for Utah "> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 28 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 29 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="On World Mental Health Day, we’re checking in on how our students are doing"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">On World Mental Health Day, we’re checking in on how our students are doing</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> October 10 is World Mental Health Day, designed to raise awareness about this important public health issue. The mental health of college students came to wider public attention during the pandemic. Has anything changed since then? Are students experiencing similar stressors today? What are we doing to better address our students’ needs? Listen as experts Scott McAward and Sherrá Watkins share their insights with U Rising host Chris Nelson. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to On World Mental Health Day, we’re checking in on how our students are doing"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 29 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 30 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Keith Diaz Moore: Imagining—and creating—a vibrant, 21st century campus"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Keith Diaz Moore: Imagining—and creating—a vibrant, 21st century campus</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Keith Diaz Moore, who served as the dean of Architecture+Planning at the U for nearly a decade, has a new role as the associate provost for institutional design and strategy. His assignment: Help the U develop into a vibrant, 21st century campus with the buildings and amenities needed to serve the educational, research and social missions of a university that serves 40,000 students. On this episode of U Rising, host Chris Nelson talks with Keith about his background in human-centered design, how his grandmother’s experience in a nursing home shaped his architectural career, and how Keith envisions his new role. And: find out how Keith started one of the U's best graduation traditions! </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Keith Diaz Moore: Imagining—and creating—a vibrant, 21st century campus"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 30 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 31 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="This researcher is on a quest to understand how dust impacts Utah’s precious snowpack"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">This researcher is on a quest to understand how dust impacts Utah’s precious snowpack</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Utah’s mountains received a short-lived sprinkling of snow earlier this month and McKenzie Skiles is among those hoping for more snow soon. Skiles is an associate professor of geography and directs the Snow Hydro Lab at the U, where she researches how dust from urban and natural sources, such as the Great Salt Lake, impacts snowpack. In this episode of U Rising, host Julie Kiefer talks with Skiles about the surprising—and perhaps alarming—relationship between dust and snowmelt and the implications of a drier climate on snowpack and water resources. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to This researcher is on a quest to understand how dust impacts Utah’s precious snowpack"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 31 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 32 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Wilkes Student Innovation Prize winner shares his idea for a sustainable future"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Wilkes Student Innovation Prize winner shares his idea for a sustainable future</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Nicholas Witham received first place in the Wilkes Student Innovation Prize competition earlier this year for his idea to use textile engineering methods to create a renewable energy generator—based on technology used for artificial muscles. In this episode of U Rising, Nick describes his winning idea as well as his efforts to create prosthetic limbs that affordable and accessible. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Wilkes Student Innovation Prize winner shares his idea for a sustainable future"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 32 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 33 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Unraveling anxiety and OCD with Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Unraveling anxiety and OCD with Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> A pandemic, social media, climate change—these are just some of the factors behind a dramatic rise in anxiety and depression in recent years. Now, in this conversation with host Julie Kiefer, Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi shares exciting new research in mice that may shed light on mechanisms that control anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behaviors and lead to better treatments. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Unraveling anxiety and OCD with Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 33 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 34 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Verse meets vision: A poet takes charge at the University of Utah's American West Center"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Verse meets vision: A poet takes charge at the University of Utah's American West Center</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Paisley Rekdal is an acclaimed poet with a new—and she admits—surprising title: Director of the American West Center at the University of Utah. In this episode, Rekdal shares with host Chris Nelson why she was attracted to the role and how she hopes to use the sensitivities of a poet to expand its community engagement and take the center in new directions. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Verse meets vision: A poet takes charge at the University of Utah's American West Center"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 34 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 35 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="HBCU Partnership Program is broadening academic and cultural perspectives"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">HBCU Partnership Program is broadening academic and cultural perspectives</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> Rodney Cohen joined the University of Utah just over a year ago as the inaugural manager of the HBCU Partnership Program—and he is among the first in the nation to hold such a position. In this episode of U Rising, host Chris Nelson talks with Rodney about the program, how it came about, who its partners are and how the program is benefiting students, businesses and communities both in Utah and in other states. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to HBCU Partnership Program is broadening academic and cultural perspectives"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 35 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 36 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="The Utah Bionic Leg: Empowering people to walk, climb and do so much more"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">The Utah Bionic Leg: Empowering people to walk, climb and do so much more</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> U Researcher Tommaso Lenzi says the technology behind current prosthetic devices is decades old. That’s why he and his collaborators are so excited about the Utah Bionic Leg, which uses motors and sensors to power movement just like muscles do. U Rising Host Julie Kiefer talks with Lenzi, an associate professor in the U’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and director of the HGN Lab for Bionic Engineering, about this new prosthetic, which someday could benefit millions of people who experience amputations below or above the knee. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to The Utah Bionic Leg: Empowering people to walk, climb and do so much more"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 36 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 37 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="U’s Veterans Support Center gets top rating. Here’s what the center does"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">U’s Veterans Support Center gets top rating. Here’s what the center does</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> The University of Utah’s Veterans Support Center recently achieved designation as a military friendly school. What does that mean, for veterans and for the U? And just how does the center help student veterans succeed? </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to U’s Veterans Support Center gets top rating. Here’s what the center does"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 37 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 38 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Here’s what we know about how demographics of autism spectrum disorder in Utah are changing—and why"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Here’s what we know about how demographics of autism spectrum disorder in Utah are changing—and why</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> One in 40 Utah children who are 8-years-old have been identified with autism spectrum disorder. For the first time, a new analysis led by U researchers found that among Utah children in this age group, the rates were equal in white children and children from historically underserved populations. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Here’s what we know about how demographics of autism spectrum disorder in Utah are changing—and why"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 38 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 39 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="New campus in Herriman is a first for the U"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">New campus in Herriman is a first for the U</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> In a first for the university, the U has partnered with Salt Lake Community College on a shared campus in Herriman, which will open this month. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to New campus in Herriman is a first for the U"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 39 --> <!-- UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 40 --> <div class="uu-card-widget-card left-align"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-img" style="background-image:url('');" aria-label="Welcome to U Rising!"></div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-body"> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-title-black">Welcome to U Rising!</div> <div class="uu-card-widget-card-copy"> At the University of Utah, we have a saying: Imagine, then do. On the new U Rising podcast, you’ll hear stories from our faculty, staff and students that bring those words to life. We'll share inspiring, innovative and impactful initiatives that are benefiting our community and the world. </div> <a class="uu-btn small red" href="" aria-label="Link to Welcome to U Rising!"> Listen Now </a> </div> </div> <!-- END UU CARD WIDGET ITEM 40 --> </div></div></div><div id="panel-94853-1-0-1" class="so-panel widget widget_sow-editor panel-last-child" data-index="3" ><div class="so-widget-sow-editor so-widget-sow-editor-base" > <div class="siteorigin-widget-tinymce textwidget"> <h1>About U Rising</h1> <p>At the University of Utah, we have a saying: Imagine, then do. On U Rising, you’ll hear stories from our faculty, staff and students that bring those words to life. We'll share inspiring, innovative and impactful initiatives that are benefitting our community and the world.</p> <figure id="attachment_94991" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 150px"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-94991" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 768w, 600w, 800w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a><figcaption class="caption-bottom"><p class="wp-caption-text">            Chris Nelson</p></figcaption></figure> <figure id="attachment_95422" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 150px"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-95422" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 600w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" /></a><figcaption class="caption-bottom"><p class="wp-caption-text">           Julie Kiefer</p></figcaption></figure> <p>U Rising is hosted by <a href="">Chris Nelson</a> and <a href="">Julie Kiefer</a>.</p> <p>Chris, who has more than 26 years of experience in higher education and academic health care, is the chief university relations officer and secretary to the university.</p> <p>Julie, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, is the associate director of science communications at University of Utah Health and has 15 years of experience in science communication.</p> <p>The podcast is produced by Brooke Adams, national media strategist, with technical assistance from Robert J. Nelson media studios librarian at the Marriott Library.</p> <p>Our original album art was created by Dave Meikle, a professional landscape artist and art director for University Marketing &amp; Communications. Elisabet Curbelo González, a<span class="ContentPasted2" data-preserver-spaces="true">ssistant professor of electroacoustic music &amp; music theory in the School of Music</span>, created the original soundtrack. Her music has been performed worldwide and includes pieces for ensemble and solo instruments, voice, choir, acoustic and electroacoustic music, music for dance, installation work and music audiovisual media.</p> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> <!-- END ENTRY CONTENT --> </article> <!-- END POST 94853 --> </main> <!-- END MAIN --> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer id="footer"> <!-- TOP FOOTER --> <div id="top_footer" class="uu-top-footer"> <div class="uu-top-footer-container"> <!-- FOOTER MENU 1 --> <div class="uu-footer-menu1 uu-footer-menu"> <div class="footer-menu-title">@THEU</div><hr><ul id="menu-theu" class="footer-menu" rel="top"><li id="menu-item-86953" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-home menu-item-86953"><a href="">Homepage</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1510" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-1510"><a href="">Faculty/Staff</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1784" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-1784"><a href="">Students</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1511" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-1511"><a href="">Events</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1508" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1508"><a href="">Archives</a></li> <li id="menu-item-108803" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-108803"><a href="/#subscribe">Subscribe</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END FOOTER MENU 1 --> <!-- FOOTER DEPARTMENT --> <div class="uu-footer-dept"> <a href="" class="uu-footer-dept-logo" aria-label="Visit Site Homepage"> <img src="" alt="University of Utah Block U Logo" title="University of Utah"> </a> <div class="uu-footer-dept-name"> @theU </div> <p class="uu-footer-dept-address"> 201 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE <br> SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112 </p> <p class="uu-footer-dept-phone"> 801-581-7200 </p> </div> <!-- END FOOTER DEPARTMENT --> <!-- FOOTER MENU 2 --> <div class="uu-footer-menu2 uu-footer-menu"> <div class="footer-menu-title">Related Links</div><hr><ul id="menu-related-links" class="footer-menu" rel="top"><li id="menu-item-86954" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-86954"><a href="">UNEWS</a></li> <li id="menu-item-86955" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-86955"><a href="">CAMPUS EVENTS</a></li> <li id="menu-item-86956" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-86956"><a href="">Social Stream</a></li> <li id="menu-item-86957" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-86957"><a href="">U of U Resources</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END FOOTER MENU 2 --> </div> </div> <!-- END TOP FOOTER --> <!-- BOTTOM FOOTER --> <div id="bottom_footer" class="uu-bottom-footer"> <div class="uu-bottom-footer-container"> <!-- FOOTER GLOBAL LOGO --> <div class="uu-footer-logo"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="University of Utah"></a> </div> <!-- END FOOTER GLOBAL LOGO --> <!-- FOOTER GLOBAL LINKS --> <div class="uu-footer-links"> <p>© 2025 THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH</p> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank">Nondiscrimination &amp; 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