Math::Big - routines (cos,sin,primes,hailstone,euler,fibbonaci etc) with big numbers -
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sin(0.5,128); # sinus to 128 digits $cosh = cosh(0.5,128); # cosinus hyperbolicus to 128 digits $sinh = sinh(0.5,128); # sinus hyperbolicus to 128 digits $tan = tan(0.5,128); # tangens to 128 digits $arctan = arctan(0.5,64); # arcus tangens to 64 digits $arcsin = arcsin(0.5,32); # arcus sinus to 32 digits $arcsinh = arcsin(0.5,18); # arcus sinus hyperbolicus to 18 digits $pi = pi(1024); # first 1024 digits $log = log(64,2); # $log==6, because 2**6==64 $log = log(100,10); # $log==2, because 10**2==100 $log = log(100); # base defaults to 10: $log==2</code></pre> <h1 id="REQUIRES">REQUIRES</h1> <p>perl5.006002, Exporter, Math::BigInt, Math::BigFloat</p> <h1 id="EXPORTS">EXPORTS</h1> <p>Exports nothing on default, but can export <code>primes()</code>, <code>fibonacci()</code>, <code>hailstone()</code>, <code>bernoulli</code>, <code>euler</code>, <code>sin</code>, <code>cos</code>, <code>tan</code>, <code>cosh</code>, <code>sinh</code>, <code>arctan</code>, <code>arcsin</code>, <code>arcsinh</code>, <code>pi</code>, <code>log</code> and <code>factorial</code>.</p> <h1 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</h1> <p>This module contains some routines that may come in handy when you want to do some math with really, really big (or small) numbers. These are primarily examples.</p> <h1 id="FUNCTIONS">FUNCTIONS</h1> <dl> <dt id="primes()"><a id="primes"></a>primes()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>@primes = primes($n); $primes = primes($n);</code></pre> <p>Calculates all the primes below N and returns them as array. In scalar context returns the prime count of N (the number of primes less than or equal to N).</p> <p>This uses an optimized version of the <b>Sieve of Eratosthenes</b>, which takes half of the time and half of the space, but is still O(N).</p> </dd> <dt id="fibonacci()"><a id="fibonacci"></a>fibonacci()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>@fib = fibonacci($n); $fib = fibonacci($n);</code></pre> <p>Calculates the first N fibonacci numbers and returns them as array. In scalar context returns the Nth number of the Fibonacci series.</p> <p>The scalar context version uses an ultra-fast conquer-divide style algorithm to calculate the result and is many times faster than the straightforward way of calculating the linear sum.</p> </dd> <dt id="hailstone()"><a id="hailstone"></a>hailstone()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>@hail = hailstone($n); # sequence $hail = hailstone($n); # length of sequence</code></pre> <p>Calculates the <i>Hailstone</i> sequence for the number N. This sequence is defined as follows:</p> <pre><code> while (N != 0) { if (N is even) { N is N /2 } else { N = N * 3 +1 } }</code></pre> <p>It is not yet proven whether for every N the sequence reaches 1, but it apparently does so. The number of steps is somewhat chaotically.</p> </dd> <dt id="base()"><a id="base"></a>base()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>($n,$a) = base($number,$base);</code></pre> <p>Reduces a number to <code>$base</code> to the <code>$n</code>th power plus <code>$a</code>. Example:</p> <pre><code>use Math::BigInt :constant; use Math::Big qw/base/; print base ( 2 ** 150 + 42,2);</code></pre> <p>This will print 150 and 42.</p> </dd> <dt id="to_base()"><a id="to_base"></a>to_base()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$string = to_base($number,$base); $string = to_base($number,$base, $alphabet);</code></pre> <p>Returns a string of <code>$number</code> in base <code>$base</code>. The alphabet is optional if <code>$base</code> is less or equal than 36. <code>$alphabet</code> is a string.</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre><code>print to_base(15,2); # 1111 print to_base(15,16); # F print to_base(31,16); # 1F</code></pre> </dd> <dt id="factorial()"><a id="factorial"></a>factorial()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$n = factorial($number);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <code>n!</code> for <code>n </code>= 0>.</p> <p>Uses internally Math::BigInt's bfac() method.</p> </dd> <dt id="bernoulli()"><a id="bernoulli"></a>bernoulli()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$b = bernoulli($n); ($c,$d) = bernoulli($n); # $b = $c/$d</code></pre> <p>Calculate the Nth number in the <i>Bernoulli</i> series. Only the first 40 are defined for now.</p> </dd> <dt id="euler()"><a id="euler"></a>euler()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$e = euler($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>Euler's constant</i> to the power of $x (usual 1), to $d digits. Defaults to 1 and 42 digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="sin()"><a id="sin"></a>sin()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$sin = sin($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>sinus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="cos()"><a id="cos"></a>cos()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$cos = cos($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>cosinus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="tan()"><a id="tan"></a>tan()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$tan = tan($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>tangens</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="arctan()"><a id="arctan"></a>arctan()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$arctan = arctan($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>arcus tangens</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="arctanh()"><a id="arctanh"></a>arctanh()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$arctanh = arctanh($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>arcus tangens hyperbolicus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="arcsin()"><a id="arcsin"></a>arcsin()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$arcsin = arcsin($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>arcus sinus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="arcsinh()"><a id="arcsinh"></a>arcsinh()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$arcsinh = arcsinh($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>arcus sinus hyperbolicus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="cosh()"><a id="cosh"></a>cosh()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$cosh = cosh($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>cosinus hyperbolicus</i> of <code>$x</code>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="sinh()"><a id="sinh"></a>sinh()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$sinh = sinh($x,$d);</code></pre> <p>Calculate <i>sinus hyperbolicus</i> of $<$x>, to <code>$d</code> digits.</p> </dd> <dt id="pi()"><a id="pi"></a>pi()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$pi = pi($N);</code></pre> <p>The number PI to <code>$N</code> digits after the dot.</p> </dd> <dt id="log()"><a id="log"></a>log()</dt> <dd> <pre><code>$log = log($number,$base,$A);</code></pre> <p>Calculates the logarithmn of <code>$number</code> to base <code>$base</code>, with <code>$A</code> digits accuracy and returns a new number as the result (leaving <code>$number</code> alone).</p> <p>Math::BigInt objects are promoted to Math::BigFloat objects, meaning you will never get a truncated integer result like when using <code>Math::BigInt-</code>blog()>.</p> </dd> </dl> <h1 id="CAVEATS">CAVEATS</h1> <ul> <li><p>Primes and the Fibonacci series use an array of size N and will not be able to calculate big sequences due to memory constraints.</p> <p>The exception is fibonacci in scalar context, this is able to calculate arbitrarily big numbers in O(N) time:</p> <pre><code>use Math::Big; use Math::BigInt qw/:constant/; $fib = Math::Big::fibonacci( 2 ** 320 );</code></pre> </li> <li><p>The Bernoulli numbers are not yet calculated, but looked up in a table, which has only 40 elements. So <code>bernoulli($x)</code> with $x > 42 will fail.</p> <p>If you know of an algorithmn to calculate them, please drop me a note.</p> </li> </ul> <h1 id="BUGS">BUGS</h1> <p>Please report any bugs or feature requests to <code>bug-math-big at</code>, or through the web interface at <a href=""></a> (requires login). We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.</p> <h1 id="SUPPORT">SUPPORT</h1> <p>You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.</p> <pre><code>perldoc Math::Big</code></pre> <p>You can also look for information at:</p> <ul> <li><p>GitHub</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </li> <li><p>RT: CPAN's request tracker</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </li> <li><p>MetaCPAN</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </li> <li><p>CPAN Testers Matrix</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </li> <li><p>CPAN Ratings</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </li> </ul> <h1 id="LICENSE">LICENSE</h1> <p>This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.</p> <h1 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h1> <ul> <li><p>Tels 2001-2007.</p> </li> <li><p>Peter John Acklam <> 2016-.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div id="metacpan_install-instructions-dialog" class="modal fade"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div 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