Global Fintech career opportunities | Deriv

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4.57701C14.7249 4.45985 14.4711 4.33294 14.1391 4.19626C13.8072 4.05958 13.4265 3.92291 12.9969 3.78623C12.5869 3.64955 12.128 3.54216 11.6204 3.46406C11.1322 3.36643 10.6343 3.31762 10.1267 3.31762C9.05276 3.31762 8.08626 3.50311 7.22714 3.87409C6.36802 4.24508 5.63581 4.78202 5.03053 5.48494C4.42524 6.18786 3.95663 7.04697 3.6247 8.0623C3.3123 9.05809 3.15609 10.1808 3.15609 11.4304C3.15609 12.641 3.29277 13.7442 3.56612 14.74C3.85901 15.7358 4.28857 16.5949 4.8548 17.3173C5.42104 18.0203 6.12395 18.567 6.96355 18.9575C7.82267 19.348 8.81846 19.5432 9.95094 19.5432C11.2591 19.5432 12.3428 19.4066 13.2019 19.1332C14.061 18.8599 14.7054 18.6158 15.1349 18.401L15.8671 20.7441C15.7305 20.8417 15.4864 20.9686 15.1349 21.1248C14.7835 21.2615 14.3442 21.3982 13.817 21.5348C13.2898 21.6715 12.6747 21.7887 11.9718 21.8863C11.2689 21.9839 10.5074 22.0327 9.68734 22.0327Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M22.929 19.6311C23.5733 19.6311 24.1396 19.6213 24.6277 19.6018C25.1354 19.5628 25.5552 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17.0538C16.6906 16.2142 16.8566 15.4917 17.1885 14.8864C17.54 14.2811 18.0086 13.793 18.5944 13.422C19.1801 13.051 19.8635 12.7777 20.6445 12.602C21.4256 12.4262 22.2456 12.3384 23.1047 12.3384C23.3781 12.3384 23.6612 12.3579 23.9541 12.3969C24.247 12.4165 24.5203 12.4555 24.7742 12.5141C25.0475 12.5531 25.2818 12.5922 25.4771 12.6312C25.6723 12.6703 25.809 12.6996 25.8871 12.7191V11.9576C25.8871 11.5085 25.8383 11.0692 25.7407 10.6397C25.643 10.1906 25.4673 9.80006 25.2135 9.46813C24.9597 9.11667 24.6082 8.84331 24.1591 8.64806C23.7296 8.43328 23.1633 8.32589 22.4604 8.32589C21.5622 8.32589 20.7714 8.39423 20.0881 8.53091C19.4242 8.64806 18.9263 8.77497 18.5944 8.91165L18.2722 6.65646C18.6237 6.50026 19.2094 6.35382 20.0295 6.21714C20.8496 6.06094 21.738 5.98284 22.6947 5.98284Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M37.528 6.04141C37.7623 6.04141 38.0259 6.06094 38.3188 6.09999C38.6312 6.11952 38.9338 6.15857 39.2267 6.21714C39.5196 6.25619 39.7832 6.30501 40.0175 6.36358C40.2713 6.40263 40.4568 6.44169 40.574 6.48074L40.1054 8.85308C39.8906 8.77497 39.5294 8.68711 39.0217 8.58948C38.5336 8.47233 37.899 8.41375 37.118 8.41375C36.6103 8.41375 36.1026 8.47233 35.595 8.58948C35.1068 8.68711 34.7847 8.75545 34.6285 8.7945V21.5934H31.9047V7.00792C32.549 6.77362 33.3496 6.55884 34.3063 6.36358C35.2631 6.1488 36.337 6.04141 37.528 6.04141Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M41.1815 14.0078C41.1815 12.6605 41.3767 11.489 41.7672 10.4932C42.1577 9.47789 42.6752 8.6383 43.3195 7.97443C43.9638 7.31057 44.7058 6.81267 45.5454 6.48074C46.385 6.1488 47.2441 5.98284 48.1228 5.98284C50.1729 5.98284 51.7447 6.62718 52.8381 7.91585C53.9316 9.18501 54.4783 11.1278 54.4783 13.7442C54.4783 13.8613 54.4783 14.0176 54.4783 14.2128C54.4783 14.3885 54.4685 14.5545 54.449 14.7107H44.0224C44.1396 16.2923 44.5984 17.4931 45.399 18.3131C46.1995 19.1332 47.4491 19.5432 49.1478 19.5432C50.1046 19.5432 50.9051 19.4651 51.5495 19.3089C52.2133 19.1332 52.7112 18.9672 53.0432 18.811L53.4239 21.0955C53.092 21.2712 52.5062 21.4567 51.6666 21.652C50.8466 21.8472 49.9093 21.9449 48.855 21.9449C47.5272 21.9449 46.3752 21.7496 45.399 21.3591C44.4422 20.9491 43.6514 20.3926 43.0266 19.6897C42.4018 18.9868 41.9332 18.1569 41.6208 17.2002C41.3279 16.2239 41.1815 15.1598 41.1815 14.0078ZM51.6373 12.5141C51.6569 11.284 51.3445 10.2784 50.7001 9.49741C50.0753 8.69687 49.2064 8.2966 48.0935 8.2966C47.4686 8.2966 46.9122 8.42352 46.424 8.67735C45.9554 8.91165 45.5552 9.22406 45.2232 9.61457C44.8913 10.0051 44.6277 10.4542 44.4324 10.9618C44.2567 11.4695 44.1396 11.9869 44.081 12.5141H51.6373Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M56.3701 14.0078C56.3701 12.6605 56.5654 11.489 56.9559 10.4932C57.3464 9.47789 57.8638 8.6383 58.5081 7.97443C59.1525 7.31057 59.8945 6.81267 60.734 6.48074C61.5736 6.1488 62.4327 5.98284 63.3114 5.98284C65.3616 5.98284 66.9334 6.62718 68.0268 7.91585C69.1202 9.18501 69.6669 11.1278 69.6669 13.7442C69.6669 13.8613 69.6669 14.0176 69.6669 14.2128C69.6669 14.3885 69.6572 14.5545 69.6376 14.7107H59.2111C59.3282 16.2923 59.7871 17.4931 60.5876 18.3131C61.3881 19.1332 62.6378 19.5432 64.3365 19.5432C65.2932 19.5432 66.0938 19.4651 66.7381 19.3089C67.402 19.1332 67.8999 18.9672 68.2318 18.811L68.6125 21.0955C68.2806 21.2712 67.6949 21.4567 66.8553 21.652C66.0352 21.8472 65.098 21.9449 64.0436 21.9449C62.7159 21.9449 61.5639 21.7496 60.5876 21.3591C59.6308 20.9491 58.8401 20.3926 58.2153 19.6897C57.5904 18.9868 57.1218 18.1569 56.8094 17.2002C56.5165 16.2239 56.3701 15.1598 56.3701 14.0078ZM66.826 12.5141C66.8455 11.284 66.5331 10.2784 65.8888 9.49741C65.2639 8.69687 64.395 8.2966 63.2821 8.2966C62.6573 8.2966 62.1008 8.42352 61.6127 8.67735C61.1441 8.91165 60.7438 9.22406 60.4119 9.61457C60.0799 10.0051 59.8163 10.4542 59.6211 10.9618C59.4454 11.4695 59.3282 11.9869 59.2696 12.5141H66.826Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M78.0314 6.04141C78.2657 6.04141 78.5293 6.06094 78.8222 6.09999C79.1346 6.11952 79.4373 6.15857 79.7302 6.21714C80.023 6.25619 80.2866 6.30501 80.5209 6.36358C80.7748 6.40263 80.9602 6.44169 81.0774 6.48074L80.6088 8.85308C80.394 8.77497 80.0328 8.68711 79.5251 8.58948C79.037 8.47233 78.4024 8.41375 77.6214 8.41375C77.1137 8.41375 76.6061 8.47233 76.0984 8.58948C75.6103 8.68711 75.2881 8.75545 75.1319 8.7945V21.5934H72.4081V7.00792C73.0525 6.77362 73.853 6.55884 74.8097 6.36358C75.7665 6.1488 76.8404 6.04141 78.0314 6.04141Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M86.0781 19.6311C87.1911 19.6311 88.0111 19.4847 88.5383 19.1918C89.085 18.8989 89.3584 18.4303 89.3584 17.786C89.3584 17.1221 89.0948 16.5949 88.5676 16.2044C88.0404 15.8139 87.1715 15.3746 85.961 14.8864C85.3752 14.6521 84.809 14.4178 84.2623 14.1835C83.7351 13.9297 83.2762 13.6368 82.8857 13.3049C82.4952 12.9729 82.1828 12.5727 81.9485 12.1041C81.7142 11.6354 81.597 11.0594 81.597 10.3761C81.597 9.0288 82.0949 7.96467 83.0907 7.18365C84.0865 6.38311 85.4435 5.98284 87.1618 5.98284C87.5913 5.98284 88.0209 6.01213 88.4504 6.0707C88.88 6.10975 89.2803 6.16833 89.6513 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Millions of transactions every day. With an AI-first mindset, we need curious minds in every field to help us deliver excellence on a global scale.</p></div><div class="hero-btn-wrap"><div class="margin-top margin-medium"><a data-attributes="btn-primary-hero" href="" target="_blank" class="button w-button">Open roles</a></div></div></div><div class="hero-new_review-careers"><img width="22" src="" alt="Glassdoor company logo" class="hero-new_icon-wrapper"/><div class="hero-new_review-text"><div class="text-color-white"><strong>4.1</strong> Glassdoor Rating</div><div class="hero-new_subtext">based on 430+ reviews</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="hero-new_background-wrapper careers-page"><div class="hero-new_overlay_layer careers-page"></div><img width="960" sizes="100vw" alt="Deriv team members engaged in a collaborative discussion, reflecting the company&#x27;s commitment to an AI-first approach and global excellence." src="" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w" class="hero-new_background-image careers-page"/></div></div></div><div class="section_careers-description"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-medium"><div class="max-width-large"><div class="text-align-center">For 25 years, we’ve been quietly revolutionising global access to opportunities, now accelerated by AI innovation. Our platforms never sleep—processing hundreds of transactions every second, running 24/7 across time zones, and supporting traders in forex, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and synthetic indices.<br/>‍<br/>At this scale, every detail matters and the standards are high. This is the challenge a career at Deriv offers.</div></div></div></div></div><div class="section_careers-why"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-xlarge"><div class="careers-why_wrapper"><div class="careers-why_image-wrapper"><img width="608" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 93vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, (max-width: 991px) 95vw, 46vw" alt="A collaborative team discussion at Deriv, with members sharing ideas and reviewing information on mobile devices and a laptop." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1216w" class="careers-why_image"/></div><div class="careers-why_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2>Why Deriv?</h2></div><p>We&#x27;re driven by the need to innovate and powered by the freedom to experiment. Where you&#x27;re free to explore, create, and even fail—because that&#x27;s how breakthroughs happen.<br/><br/>Whether you&#x27;re building technology, creating products, growing business, or supporting operations, you&#x27;ll be part of a team that turns ideas into action.<br/>‍<br/>If you bring curiosity, energy, and courage to try new things—you belong here.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section_careers-best-work"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-xlarge"><div class="content_component"><div class="container-medium"><div class="max-width-large"><h2 class="text-align-center">Do your best work here</h2></div></div><div class="platforms_component"><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-top careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Take on hard problems</div><p>You’ll take on challenges that will stretch your abilities. Every project at Deriv is impactful, not just “business as usual”.</p></div><div class="steps_item-bottom careers-page"><div class="steps_image-wrapper"><img width="400" sizes="100vw" alt="Fintech experts discussing strategies at a whiteboard, reflecting experience and innovative thinking." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w" class="steps_image"/></div></div></div><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-top careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Innovate with the best</div><p>You’ll adapt and innovate with agility, using an AI-first mindset to help us scale faster and smarter.</p></div><div class="steps_item-bottom careers-page"><div class="steps_image-wrapper"><img width="400" sizes="100vw" alt="A team of experienced trading professionals collaborating around a laptop in a modern workspace, showcasing teamwork and a collective focus on problem-solving." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w" class="steps_image"/></div></div></div><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-top careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Create global reach</div><p>You’ll help millions experience financial markets in ways that work for them by simplifying access to global markets and creating user-friendly experiences.</p></div><div class="steps_item-bottom careers-page"><div class="steps_image-wrapper"><img width="400" sizes="100vw" alt="A speaker wearing a Deriv 25-year anniversary t-shirt, symbolising decades of innovation and a commitment to global financial solutions." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w" class="steps_image"/></div></div></div></div><a data-attributes="btn-primary-hiring" href="" target="_blank" class="button is-full-width w-button">Open roles</a></div></div></div></div><div class="section_careers-ai"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-xlarge"><div class="careers-ai_wrapper"><div class="careers-ai_content"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><h2>Do it with AI</h2></div><div class="careers-ai_content_body"><p>From engineering to marketing, we’re reimagining everything through AI.</p><div class="quote_wrapper"><p class="text-style-italic text-size-medium">“We know that AI will drive Deriv’s future. By implementing agentic workflows and embracing AI across all operations, we will fundamentally transform how we work and grow. We want people who are all in on AI to join us and create something extraordinary.”</p><p class="text-weight-bold">Jean-Yves Sireau &amp; Rakshit Choudhary, Co-CEOs</p></div><p>Need access to bleeding-edge LLMs? You’ve got it. Want to experiment with new workflows? Go for it. Our default mindset: ‘Let AI take the first shot.’</p></div></div><div class="careers-ai_image-wrapper"><img width="608" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 93vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, (max-width: 991px) 95vw, 43vw" alt=" Deriv&#x27;s CEO and Co-CEO seated together, highlighting their leadership and vision for advancing the company&#x27;s innovation through AI technologies." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w" class="careers-ai_image"/></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section_careers-features"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-xlarge"><div class="careers-features_component"><div class="careers-features_highlight"><div class="careers-features_highlight-content"><div class="padding-bottom padding-xsmall"><h2 class="text-color-white">Our Culture</h2></div><div class="text-color-white">At Deriv, our people and our culture are the pillars of our success. Brilliant people thrive in a supportive environment, and together, we achieve extraordinary results. This belief is embodied in the principles that guide our actions, decisions, and interactions with each other and our customers. They shape our company and make Deriv an exceptional place to work.</div></div><div class="careers-features_highlight-image"><img width="640" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 96vw, (max-width: 991px) 95vw, 68vw" alt="Deriv team members collaborating in a bright workspace, sharing ideas and discussing a project on a computer." src="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1500w" class="careers-features_image"/><div class="careers-features_overlay_layer"></div></div></div><div class="careers-features_content-wrapper"><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-content careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Customer Focus</div><p>We put customers at the heart of everything we do, constantly pushing boundaries to exceed their expectations. Our obsession with customer needs drives innovation and shapes our decisions at every level.</p></div></div><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-content careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Integrity</div><p>We believe in doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. Our commitment to honesty and transparency builds trust and forms the foundation of our relationships with customers and colleagues.</p></div></div><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-content careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Teamwork</div><p>We thrive on collaboration. We actively work on bringing together diverse and talented go-getters. Our goal is to break down barriers to drive innovation and achieve extraordinary results every day.</p></div></div><div class="steps_item"><div class="steps_item-content careers-page"><div class="text-size-large text-weight-bold text-color-black">Competence</div><p>We pursue excellence relentlessly, constantly learning and adapting to stay ahead. Our bias for action, coupled with deep expertise, enables us to deliver outstanding results in a rapidly evolving industry.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section_our-locations"><div class="padding-global padding-section-large"><div class="container-xlarge"><div class="our-locations_content"><div class="our-locations_wrapper"><div class="our-locations_text-wrapper"><div class="padding-bottom padding-xsmall"><h2>Our locations</h2></div><p>We&#x27;ve built a culture of excellence where curious minds solve global challenges. 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