RSSRail; RSSRail; Newcastle University

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This year the RSSRail International Conference will be held in&nbsp;<a href="">Pistoia &nbsp;- Italy&rsquo;s 2017 Capital of Culture</a>.</p> <div> <p align="JUSTIFY" dir="LTR"><em>So what&rsquo;s new?</em>&nbsp;While these are problems that the railway sector has faced for almost 200 years, new factors and new trends demand new solutions. One of the biggest challenges stems from ever increasing automation, driven by requirements for increased capacity and greater efficiency that are further compounded by increased integration of the railway network with other transport systems. The outcome is incorporation of ever more digital systems, with increasing complexity. This, together with the increased openness and interconnection of the railway systems, brings an ever-greater need for effective cyber security, guarding against malicious threats that could compromise both safety and operational performance.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" dir="LTR"><em>So what can be done?</em><span>&nbsp;Techniques and tools are needed for modelling, analysis, verification and validation that can cope with the new more complex systems; these techniques must support rather than impede the development process and must address and ensure:&nbsp;</span></p> <ul> <li> <div align="JUSTIFY">Required functionality</div> </li> <li>Safety and integrity</li> <li>System security</li> <li>Adherence to standards</li> </ul> </div> <div> <p>The conference will bring together practitioners and researchers from the railway industry as well as members of the relevant academic communities.</p> <p>The <a href="">Call for Papers</a> for the conference is now available and gives details of the range of topics that are anticipated. Elsewhere on the website are details of the&nbsp;<a href="">organizing committees</a> and <a href="">important dates</a>.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" dir="LTR"><em>What will the conference achieve?</em> First and foremost, the RSSR 2017 conference aims to bring together engineers and researchers who are interested in building critical advanced railway applications and systems. This will be a working conference in which research advances will be discussed and evaluated by both researchers and engineers, focusing on their potential to be deployed in industrial settings.</p> </div> <div>Website design: <span>Wayne Smith, Newcastle University, UK (</span><a href=""></a>)<span>.</span></div> <div> <table align="center" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src="/media/sites/conferencewebsites/rssrail/Logos_Final_v4.jpg" alt="All Logos" title="All Logos" style="width : 700px; height : 878px; " /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div><span>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="/media/sites/conferencewebsites/rssrail/Springer.jpg" alt="" title="" style="width : 200px; height : 56px; " />&nbsp;&zwnj;</div> <p style="text-align: center;"><br /><br /></p></p> </div> </div><!--// END OF HEADER STYLE//--> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <!-- navigation object : Sidebar Navigation --> <div class=''> <div> <p><p><img src="/media/sites/conferencewebsites/rssrail/sidebar colour thin 3.jpg" alt="bell tower of the cathedral in Piazza Duomo" title="bell tower of the cathedral in Piazza Duomo" style="width : 115px; height : 772px; " />&zwnj;</p></p> </div> </div> <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div> </div> <!-- footer padding could go here --> <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div> <div id="footerPadding"> </div> </div><!-- end of innerWrapper && contentWrapper--> <div class="innerWrapper"> <!-- <ul id="footer"> </ul> --> </div><!-- end of innerWrapper --> </div><!-- end of outerWrapper --> </div><!-- end of fullWidth fwcontent--> <div class="fullWidth"> <div class="outerWrapper" id="fb"> <div class="innerWrapper" id="footer_bottom"> <!--Footer--> <div class=''> <div> <p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Contact:</strong> <!--// END OF HEADER STYLE//-->Joan Atkinson<br />CSR Events Co-ordinator</p> <div> <p style="text-align: center;">Email: <a href=""></a></p> <p style="text-align: center;">School of Computing</p> <p style="text-align: center;">Newcastle University&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span><span>NE4 5TG</span></span><br /> United Kingdom&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;">Telephone:&nbsp;<span>+44&nbsp;</span>79 84 558070</p> </div> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- end of innerWrapper --> </div><!-- end of outerWrapper fb --> </div><!-- end of fullWidth footer_bottom--> </body> </html>

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