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class="cont_tit">Company Overview</h4> <p>Celltrion Healthcare is a globally well-known biopharmaceutical company based in South Korea, we offer biosimilar products to patients around the world. Celltrion Healthcare, which managed to pave new ways and create achievements, will continue to produce a stable supply of biopharmaceutical products for patient wellbeing.</p> <h4 class="cont_tit">Mission</h4> <p> Celltrion is a combination of the terms “cell” in our body and “Triones,” a guiding star that is also known as the Big Dipper. The name of our company conveys our will to promote the health and welfare of humanity by becoming a “guiding star” in the bio pharma industry. We, Celltrion Healthcare, always work hard to achieve our dream of “re-writing the world bio-history.” We will exert all efforts to create a richer and healthier future for humanity that emphasizes the significance of co-existence and prosperity. </p> <h4 class="cont_tit">Core Values</h4> <div class="core_list"> <dl class="core01"><dt>Creativity</dt> <dd> We solve problems by going beyond our usual way of thinking and enhancing creative thinking. <img src="/images/sub/about/philosophy_core01.jpg" alt="전구모양 이미지" /></dd> </dl><dl class="core02"><dt>Compliance with Principles</dt> <dd> We comply with principles while maintaining confidence and trust. <img src="/images/sub/about/philosophy_core02.jpg" alt="퍼즐모양 아이콘" /></dd> </dl><dl class="core03"><dt>The Spirit of Challenge</dt> <dd> We make every effort to find new ways despite challenges. <img src="/images/sub/about/philosophy_core03.jpg" alt="산과 정상의 깃발 이미지" /></dd> </dl><dl class="core04"><dt>The Pursuit to Be the World’s Best</dt> <dd> We strive to be professional and competent to lead the global markets. <img src="/images/sub/about/philosophy_core04.jpg" alt="1등을 의미하는 월계관과 숫자 1 이미지" /></dd> </dl></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- // container --> </div> <!-- } 콘텐츠 끝 --> <!-- 하단 시작 { --> <!-- footer_wrap --> <div id="footer_wrap" class="footer_layout"> <div> <ul class="footer_menu"> <li><a href="/contactus/law">Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="/contactus/personal">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/contactus/cookiespolicy">Cookies Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/contactus/location">Directions</a></li> </ul> <div class="footer_info"> <ul> <li>Copyright &copy; 2020 Celltrion Healthcare Co.,Ltd. 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