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Phone Number: +251928209230<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; +251910085979<br />E-mail:-; <br />Department of Economics (I am Holder of BA in Economics and M.Sc. in Development Economics) From Jimma University Which is one of Higher Educational Institution in Ethiopia.<br /><br />Personal Application letter for Paper/Research/, Teaching materials and Modules and Article Review Publication to the Website Owners (I am from Ethiopia). <br />To: Your Public/Private Journal Website/ Owners<br />Dear Sir or Madam<br />I am eager to Publish my Paper/Article Review/ on your journal website as one of the International Scholars and University Lecturer at Odaa Bultum University in the College of Business and Economics from Department of Economics. I had been teaching in this university starting from November, 2019 which is found in Ethiopia and one of Ethiopian higher Educational Institution.<br /> In my final year of Graduation, I had been carried out that my M.Sc. thesis on The Contribution of Export Diversification for the economic growths in Ethiopia. I will be very pleased and happy person in my life if you permit and accepted and published my paper/article review/ on your journal website. Moreover, I would like to assure you that I will do my best to give the entire satisfaction and commitment to reviewing and publishing different papers again and again which is highly concerned with practical and the theoretical aspect of my field. In addition to this I am so much ready to do and act any tasks as well as duty according to the rule and regulation of your journal website. For your kindly consideration copy of the followings are attached here:<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; You’re sincerely&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Abdella Mohammed Ahmed<br /><br />CURRICULUM VITEA (CV)<br />1. PERSONAL INFORMATION<br />Full name:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Abdella Mohammed Ahmed<br />Sex:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Male<br />Date of Birth:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; December 2, 2000 G.C <br />Place of Birth:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Arsi (Gololcha woreda Bogna kombe kebele)<br />Nationality:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Ethiopian<br />Marital status:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Married<br />Address:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Region: - Oromia <br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Phone Number: +251928209230<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; +251910085979 <br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Email: -<br />2. Educational Background <br />From-to (Years) According to Gregorian Calendar Level of Education Institution Credentials<br />2014-2017&nbsp; G .C<br /> Higher Education<br /> Jimma University<br /> BA Degree in Economics<br /><br />2017-2019&nbsp; G.C Higher Education<br /> Jimma University M.Sc. in Economics (Development Economics)<br />2011-2012&nbsp; G. C Preparatory School Chancho&nbsp; Preparatory School Entrance Exam Certificate<br />2009-2010&nbsp; G. C High School Chancho&nbsp; High School Metric Exam Certificate<br />2004-2008&nbsp; G. C Primary School Weragu Dheka Dima Elementary School Ministry Exam Certificate<br />3. Educational Qualification <br /> BA degree in Economics from Jimma University<br /> M.Sc. in Economics ( in Development Economics) from Jimma University<br /> 12th passed from Chancho preparatory school. <br /> 10th passed from Chancho high school.<br />4. Master’s thesis<br />I held my Master’s Thesis on the Title of The Contribution of Export Diversification for the economic growths in Ethiopia.<br />7. Reference<br />Mr. MuhdinMuhammedHussen&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br /> (Assistant professor in economics, M.A.) &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Telephone:-+251920256212 E-mail:-; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />Dr. Leta Sera (PhD in Economics)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Dr.Yekin Ahmed (PhD in Economics)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; +251922666671&nbsp; ( &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Phone(+251912099078)<br />Mr. Jibril Haji (Assistant professor, M.Sc)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />Telephone: +251945340136<br /><span class="u-fw700">Supervisors:&nbsp;</span>Dr. Leta Sera<br /><span class="u-fw700">Phone:&nbsp;</span>0928209230<br /><b>Address:&nbsp;</b>Ethioipia<br />Oromia<br /><div class="js-profile-less-about u-linkUnstyled u-tcGrayDarker u-textDecorationUnderline u-displayNone">less</div></div></div><div class="ri-section"><div class="ri-section-header"><span>Interests</span><a class="ri-more-link js-profile-ri-list-card" data-click-track="profile-user-info-primary-research-interest" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773">View All (10)</a></div><div class="ri-tags-container"><a data-click-track="profile-user-info-expand-research-interests" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773" href=""><div id="js-react-on-rails-context" style="display:none" data-rails-context="{&quot;inMailer&quot;:false,&quot;i18nLocale&quot;:&quot;en&quot;,&quot;i18nDefaultLocale&quot;:&quot;en&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;location&quot;:&quot;/AbdellaMohammed39&quot;,&quot;scheme&quot;:&quot;https&quot;,&quot;host&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;port&quot;:null,&quot;pathname&quot;:&quot;/AbdellaMohammed39&quot;,&quot;search&quot;:null,&quot;httpAcceptLanguage&quot;:null,&quot;serverSide&quot;:false}"></div> <div class="js-react-on-rails-component" style="display:none" data-component-name="Pill" data-props="{&quot;color&quot;:&quot;gray&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[&quot;Development Economics&quot;]}" data-trace="false" data-dom-id="Pill-react-component-26f97f0f-abe7-4b1e-af1f-d9292c184bab"></div> <div id="Pill-react-component-26f97f0f-abe7-4b1e-af1f-d9292c184bab"></div> </a><a data-click-track="profile-user-info-expand-research-interests" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773" href=""><div class="js-react-on-rails-component" style="display:none" data-component-name="Pill" data-props="{&quot;color&quot;:&quot;gray&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[&quot;Macroeconomics&quot;]}" data-trace="false" data-dom-id="Pill-react-component-2887c38a-ab5b-446a-bf96-a3c7068a60d6"></div> <div id="Pill-react-component-2887c38a-ab5b-446a-bf96-a3c7068a60d6"></div> </a><a data-click-track="profile-user-info-expand-research-interests" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773" href=""><div class="js-react-on-rails-component" style="display:none" data-component-name="Pill" data-props="{&quot;color&quot;:&quot;gray&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[&quot;International Economics&quot;]}" data-trace="false" data-dom-id="Pill-react-component-b5f5ff8b-0da7-46d6-a9a6-cc7f8cc23a7a"></div> <div id="Pill-react-component-b5f5ff8b-0da7-46d6-a9a6-cc7f8cc23a7a"></div> </a><a data-click-track="profile-user-info-expand-research-interests" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773" href=""><div class="js-react-on-rails-component" style="display:none" data-component-name="Pill" data-props="{&quot;color&quot;:&quot;gray&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[&quot;Political Economy&quot;]}" data-trace="false" data-dom-id="Pill-react-component-d28d75f6-d46b-4f3c-90df-7829010d3cde"></div> <div id="Pill-react-component-d28d75f6-d46b-4f3c-90df-7829010d3cde"></div> </a><a data-click-track="profile-user-info-expand-research-interests" data-has-card-for-ri-list="296672773" href=""><div class="js-react-on-rails-component" style="display:none" data-component-name="Pill" data-props="{&quot;color&quot;:&quot;gray&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[&quot;History of Economic Thought&quot;]}" data-trace="false" data-dom-id="Pill-react-component-853b7a8e-d23c-4662-8336-540d73f9096c"></div> <div id="Pill-react-component-853b7a8e-d23c-4662-8336-540d73f9096c"></div> </a></div></div><div class="external-links-container"><ul class="profile-links new-profile js-UserInfo-social"><li class="left-most js-UserInfo-social-cv" data-broccoli-component="" data-click-track="profile-user-info-cv" data-cv-filename="For_Job_Abdella_Mohammed_application__Letter_and_CV.docx" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" href="/AbdellaMohammed39/CurriculumVitae"><button class="ds2-5-text-link ds2-5-text-link--small" style="font-size: 20px; 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The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.<br />While there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.<br />Against this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.<br />Analysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:<br /><br />• Divergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;<br /><br />• Deepening inequalities in income and wealth;<br /><br />• Growing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.<br />These three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,<br /> <br />China and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.<br />Historically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and<br /> <br />“There is no clear driving force<br />to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”<br /> <br />multilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.<br />The prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.<br />These threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />financial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.<br />For people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).<br />Against this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.<br /> <br />“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”<br /> <br />This Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment<br /> <br />– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.<br />To address these problems, this Report suggests that:<br /> <br />1. Reducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole<br /> <br />“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”<br /> <br />policy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.<br />2. In light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.<br />3. Internationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.<br />4. To help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.<br />5. Finally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="6189349d97ffb317fd926b4820200e47" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119704812,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125711098,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125711098"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125711098"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125711098; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125711098]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125711098]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125711098; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125711098']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125711098, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "6189349d97ffb317fd926b4820200e47" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125711098]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125711098,"title":"What is the Major Challenges of World economy in Contemporary time According to Various Literature's?","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, meeting the conventional criteria for a global recession. The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.\nWhile there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.\nAgainst this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.\nAnalysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:\n\n•\tDivergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;\n\n•\tDeepening inequalities in income and wealth;\n\n•\tGrowing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.\nThese three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,\n \nChina and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.\nHistorically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and\n \n“There is no clear driving force\nto propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”\n \nmultilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.\nThe prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.\nThese threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing\n \n\n\n\n\nfinancial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.\nFor people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).\nAgainst this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.\n \n“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”\n \nThis Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment\n \n– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.\nTo address these problems, this Report suggests that:\n \n1.\tReducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole\n \n“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”\n \npolicy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.\n2.\tIn light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.\n3.\tInternationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.\n4.\tTo help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.\n5.\tFinally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.\n \n\n\n\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.\n\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, meeting the conventional criteria for a global recession. The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.\nWhile there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.\nAgainst this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.\nAnalysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:\n\n•\tDivergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;\n\n•\tDeepening inequalities in income and wealth;\n\n•\tGrowing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.\nThese three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,\n \nChina and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.\nHistorically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and\n \n“There is no clear driving force\nto propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”\n \nmultilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.\nThe prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.\nThese threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing\n \n\n\n\n\nfinancial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.\nFor people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).\nAgainst this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.\n \n“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”\n \nThis Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment\n \n– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.\nTo address these problems, this Report suggests that:\n \n1.\tReducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole\n \n“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”\n \npolicy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.\n2.\tIn light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.\n3.\tInternationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.\n4.\tTo help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.\n5.\tFinally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.\n \n\n\n\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.\n\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-20T04:50:05.194-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119704812,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"210_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_210.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DWhat_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=UAjc933Gaq2WiUc024qnwK9VRcVpqs713oK~hbT~WyuWm6oMvlnqv8g8uRsbxIqwQQ4fLq~35Pqwc0O-0Bobi522SxOsjMyRmkOgrsxfDJjyPYELmH4Za8uMSjwi1zMOA8IuSHraWhHtQpHXSk3cPkmyRY-Cu2IxJVrghoooqPiArXpRUQo5KgCOqoheh9xhF0x6qeK9DBoMoRkVY59rryO~1zHxpTad8aqn~QrUvh0YIKxkuOmNt4eumHxR0PCxbU1fL8H1kdVHRJN89HAV5jTjO6QrIo3Mj0XQTA7zPjfrc4oWXBWltnB2UUAdek6EpMKBxEeTKQvC-qowXVrZQA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_economy_in_Contemporary_time_According_to_Various_Literatures","translated_slug":"","page_count":31,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119704812,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"210_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_210.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DWhat_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=UAjc933Gaq2WiUc024qnwK9VRcVpqs713oK~hbT~WyuWm6oMvlnqv8g8uRsbxIqwQQ4fLq~35Pqwc0O-0Bobi522SxOsjMyRmkOgrsxfDJjyPYELmH4Za8uMSjwi1zMOA8IuSHraWhHtQpHXSk3cPkmyRY-Cu2IxJVrghoooqPiArXpRUQo5KgCOqoheh9xhF0x6qeK9DBoMoRkVY59rryO~1zHxpTad8aqn~QrUvh0YIKxkuOmNt4eumHxR0PCxbU1fL8H1kdVHRJN89HAV5jTjO6QrIo3Mj0XQTA7zPjfrc4oWXBWltnB2UUAdek6EpMKBxEeTKQvC-qowXVrZQA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":2280358,"name":"Social and Economic Problems","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125710973"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America&#39;s History?" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America&#39;s History?</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that cro...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.<br />• Throughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.<br />• Arguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for &quot;The Theory of Moral Sentiments&quot; and &quot;The Wealth of Nations.&quot;<br />• David Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.<br />• John Maynard Keynes, or the &quot;giant economist,&quot; favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.<br />• Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5f2dc83e788e3585be09fa52c26568aa" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119704707,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125710973,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125710973"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125710973"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125710973; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125710973]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125710973]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125710973; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125710973']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125710973, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "5f2dc83e788e3585be09fa52c26568aa" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125710973]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125710973,"title":"How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America's History?","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.\n•\tThroughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.\n•\tArguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for \"The Theory of Moral Sentiments\" and \"The Wealth of Nations.\"\n•\tDavid Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.\n•\tJohn Maynard Keynes, or the \"giant economist,\" favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.\n•\tAbhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.\n•\tThroughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.\n•\tArguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for \"The Theory of Moral Sentiments\" and \"The Wealth of Nations.\"\n•\tDavid Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.\n•\tJohn Maynard Keynes, or the \"giant economist,\" favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.\n•\tAbhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies. \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-20T04:43:48.996-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119704707,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"209_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_209.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHow_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=TeDJqmmjPOqosQN1ZRrmyXlTrryjQwaYYWKuqamVVgljCDZPhp~OUHGJ-c75xejICY26bQ0azywSLgKIt7w00Uext1A2WiyaVRSKk9lLuCNaIGVXQ92-uYDJnAGNOWWQ4dGCXnfUgVRTm~aAc1VbbMDsVJu~L7Uum6-cMJ-w9iXZIfbFOZC5yS1s1q5Tc-kDyHhRUasAqvtSZVfzpDTGQ~oDlXJeGYoZcwQakvuwTYSwW4Ol3A~tSgHXZO-SSE9v2fLpLQKbw8OKUkeRR~CwcmKEXo5J7yJy3cdZrAAn9f1CbzybBeaxp20TV-FFgXo1PYHtlopJZEN8YtKm2iLaZg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Changed_Americas_History","translated_slug":"","page_count":9,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119704707,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"209_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_209.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHow_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=TeDJqmmjPOqosQN1ZRrmyXlTrryjQwaYYWKuqamVVgljCDZPhp~OUHGJ-c75xejICY26bQ0azywSLgKIt7w00Uext1A2WiyaVRSKk9lLuCNaIGVXQ92-uYDJnAGNOWWQ4dGCXnfUgVRTm~aAc1VbbMDsVJu~L7Uum6-cMJ-w9iXZIfbFOZC5yS1s1q5Tc-kDyHhRUasAqvtSZVfzpDTGQ~oDlXJeGYoZcwQakvuwTYSwW4Ol3A~tSgHXZO-SSE9v2fLpLQKbw8OKUkeRR~CwcmKEXo5J7yJy3cdZrAAn9f1CbzybBeaxp20TV-FFgXo1PYHtlopJZEN8YtKm2iLaZg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":137,"name":"Economic History","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237553"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Does Ethiopia&#39;s Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Does Ethiopia&#39;s Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethi...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia&#39;s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government&#39;s &#39;Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan&#39; (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a &#39;Home-grown Economic Reform&#39; agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.<br />The country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.<br />A gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.<br />This redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.<br />At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.<br />They also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.<br />This event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:<br />• Perspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections<br />• Imperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition<br />• Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance<br />The government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.)</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="b3c446fb47544aa69e3edc2efc6f8411" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119317151,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237553,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237553"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237553"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237553; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237553]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237553]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237553; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237553']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237553, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "b3c446fb47544aa69e3edc2efc6f8411" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237553]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237553,"title":"Does Ethiopia's Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia's ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government's 'Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan' (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a 'Home-grown Economic Reform' agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.\nThe country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.\nA gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.\nThis redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.\nAt this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.\nThey also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.\nThis event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:\n•\tPerspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections\n•\tImperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition\n•\tEthiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance\nThe government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.) \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia's ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government's 'Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan' (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a 'Home-grown Economic Reform' agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.\nThe country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.\nA gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.\nThis redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.\nAt this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.\nThey also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.\nThis event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:\n•\tPerspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections\n•\tImperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition\n•\tEthiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance\nThe government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.) \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:20:36.627-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119317151,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"208_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_208.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDoes_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=ApzNJMR5lOKQnnUOq82I3CbzMB-j~BCUz8uMLD5Q0zwVpKou61DdGN-mSeVAeybcYarlWZQe9uUqZgcP~Y0q96O4uVaeK6EJwFyiMnwWQfyQOi9KnUG0iFxMQyYX6tD6U9NspIIkS5CAa6IahtVRiCUdofyx9h8C0sS4NZCoJN8onNR5CJM6vX2OR1kgZZZ5iRpc7ERq2zXVqsY34gDs3S31p8tgaqN~kw~lPYTehOONHq7dBBD1382eC7sJREGGaQeRwucS2dMNd1Mcn-7Nu6hb1SYi3ZTMXo86JeHVN6DMzAxyYgycjGz1v6eslwkiYuHsobc5WZ5bUwoBKNo5ig__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_Liberalization_Policy_Will_Achieve_and_Meets_the_Long_Period_Economic_Plan_of_the_Country_Conceptual_Review_of_Various_Economic_Literature","translated_slug":"","page_count":14,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119317151,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"208_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_208.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDoes_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=ApzNJMR5lOKQnnUOq82I3CbzMB-j~BCUz8uMLD5Q0zwVpKou61DdGN-mSeVAeybcYarlWZQe9uUqZgcP~Y0q96O4uVaeK6EJwFyiMnwWQfyQOi9KnUG0iFxMQyYX6tD6U9NspIIkS5CAa6IahtVRiCUdofyx9h8C0sS4NZCoJN8onNR5CJM6vX2OR1kgZZZ5iRpc7ERq2zXVqsY34gDs3S31p8tgaqN~kw~lPYTehOONHq7dBBD1382eC7sJREGGaQeRwucS2dMNd1Mcn-7Nu6hb1SYi3ZTMXo86JeHVN6DMzAxyYgycjGz1v6eslwkiYuHsobc5WZ5bUwoBKNo5ig__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1485324,"name":"Market Liberalisation","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237498"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="8a6b6fc1bc65880c5cbd4d521ee5e405" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119317105,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237498,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237498"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237498"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237498; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237498]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237498]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237498; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237498']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237498, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "8a6b6fc1bc65880c5cbd4d521ee5e405" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237498]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237498,"title":"The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:16:41.065-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119317105,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"207_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_207.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DThe_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=gTlbD0lLTrQbuDCA-akVRicF4kbSydqkiAsWRn~oJfqcn0jLeU9ynnYm7zmcLyMWTmthu~DvFtFe6VXVWvTk1X6kSyqYUvyI6Vm0Is38qtbqhvp5Onekztb~XI85qOYr2Lhitj8XcV~YCcGvOppIre27xNPJWEPwcD2EaWgyNmOS-jQQ3DIWOHu9DD0ph7UJIn6pX5rl2Qpomo6CP6rrYK3LJofU1zqowU3YP8mZwBWSF26y6WzE6l6Qcedazb0QOuiJGhgqKFz9MUwQaz6m6udcsGlzfOnIgrzuXY7XGNGNHemTO8KaipeYgAjNxg7c5h6v17k-VoQUQzXKXNur9g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Policy_on_Poverty_in_Ethiopia_A_Computable_General_Equilibrium_Micro_simulation_Analysis","translated_slug":"","page_count":46,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119317105,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"207_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_207.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DThe_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=gTlbD0lLTrQbuDCA-akVRicF4kbSydqkiAsWRn~oJfqcn0jLeU9ynnYm7zmcLyMWTmthu~DvFtFe6VXVWvTk1X6kSyqYUvyI6Vm0Is38qtbqhvp5Onekztb~XI85qOYr2Lhitj8XcV~YCcGvOppIre27xNPJWEPwcD2EaWgyNmOS-jQQ3DIWOHu9DD0ph7UJIn6pX5rl2Qpomo6CP6rrYK3LJofU1zqowU3YP8mZwBWSF26y6WzE6l6Qcedazb0QOuiJGhgqKFz9MUwQaz6m6udcsGlzfOnIgrzuXY7XGNGNHemTO8KaipeYgAjNxg7c5h6v17k-VoQUQzXKXNur9g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":21198,"name":"Fiscal policy","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237405"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.<br /><br />The chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="c59c4d1f602220820d85cb86ec7824e2" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316959,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237405,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237405"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237405"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237405; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237405]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237405]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237405; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237405']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237405, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "c59c4d1f602220820d85cb86ec7824e2" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237405]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237405,"title":"ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:06:08.564-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316959,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"206_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_206.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=exPKunKCoJ40sGJTTN1K0I0qjQ~f0zdja6KYxgcKZvXmbKh8qAXQ6japNtgMr3K1m0eaOEPLiP5Wxi3Vhwrzas2n~nKhTL0yLur1s1LIQVRk3nHmofYgSQR4MpNDYLeFnfwUovxQMyrR5webJai3FBilkDJeMjRDsF~MWvoJCXF8EbaGdyzKVHnZ3Z1UzUiAB8~-aOjLqo-rd5Gsw57Gp9BcqjIkect0wnB0D6pJHkO2aCS0tqp9I9anQ2kVvZTBCJN~ZL5vcA5PB-hJ90kk5pNF3EX6TBVtPO2D-GOeEhTHx6pAjkIN3~8C9DtawFTrvdO~3jbxGtpwVnEdTVJ2NA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_WAR_ON_AFRICAN_AGRICULTURE_TRADE_POVERTY_AND_FOOD_SYSTEMS","translated_slug":"","page_count":29,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316959,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"206_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_206.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=exPKunKCoJ40sGJTTN1K0I0qjQ~f0zdja6KYxgcKZvXmbKh8qAXQ6japNtgMr3K1m0eaOEPLiP5Wxi3Vhwrzas2n~nKhTL0yLur1s1LIQVRk3nHmofYgSQR4MpNDYLeFnfwUovxQMyrR5webJai3FBilkDJeMjRDsF~MWvoJCXF8EbaGdyzKVHnZ3Z1UzUiAB8~-aOjLqo-rd5Gsw57Gp9BcqjIkect0wnB0D6pJHkO2aCS0tqp9I9anQ2kVvZTBCJN~ZL5vcA5PB-hJ90kk5pNF3EX6TBVtPO2D-GOeEhTHx6pAjkIN3~8C9DtawFTrvdO~3jbxGtpwVnEdTVJ2NA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1803257,"name":"Russian war in Ukraine","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237251"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecas...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="416403165b038201925b6a3c782aef26" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316843,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237251,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237251"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237251"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237251; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237251]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237251]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237251; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237251']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237251, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "416403165b038201925b6a3c782aef26" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237251]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237251,"title":"COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:57:23.609-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316843,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"205_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_205.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCOVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D87qn1t8MXu-1FX~nccqeXDrRpOOF9w-fk4xkS0NYApoMj-3VMO2dQGcnilhvCpGmr8gFutgi55BlhHzTK3r-N8KJPt9ZIIusBdNwveCjNA9OExnLiZ1TuVfEbN9yJex-f~V1zmMtjcs3EEbe02j82t4PCcgvs5dp~T2YqJkWae0-MYA90oNT0IT8yxvyABzGrVwpU-ODMISDjQkjl18rP-x-OSr4SX1NojHkyDDrwA5Sazf8Ye5GOjQs9FDMcFLQhLSrKOLGXEG6M1mhhEYZafXZz9h9eQcLJ~MZ6PhM42dE1O5W6Zvm36MMml8Yw3xq8By0yRaKfTJrGM5Bzh89g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC_INDICATORS_IN_ETHIOPIA_SYSTEMATIC_REVIEW_OF_ARTICLES","translated_slug":"","page_count":14,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316843,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"205_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_205.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCOVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D87qn1t8MXu-1FX~nccqeXDrRpOOF9w-fk4xkS0NYApoMj-3VMO2dQGcnilhvCpGmr8gFutgi55BlhHzTK3r-N8KJPt9ZIIusBdNwveCjNA9OExnLiZ1TuVfEbN9yJex-f~V1zmMtjcs3EEbe02j82t4PCcgvs5dp~T2YqJkWae0-MYA90oNT0IT8yxvyABzGrVwpU-ODMISDjQkjl18rP-x-OSr4SX1NojHkyDDrwA5Sazf8Ye5GOjQs9FDMcFLQhLSrKOLGXEG6M1mhhEYZafXZz9h9eQcLJ~MZ6PhM42dE1O5W6Zvm36MMml8Yw3xq8By0yRaKfTJrGM5Bzh89g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237154"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of ETHIOPIA&#39;S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">ETHIOPIA&#39;S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Ethiopia&#39;s economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several cha...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Ethiopia&#39;s economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.<br /><br />This paper explores China&#39;s macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries&#39; policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="f38e464f0542a93d3cfcc5e2485d8943" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316776,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237154,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237154"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237154"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237154; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237154]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237154]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237154; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237154']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237154, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "f38e464f0542a93d3cfcc5e2485d8943" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237154]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237154,"title":"ETHIOPIA'S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Ethiopia's economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.\n\nThis paper explores China's macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries' policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Ethiopia's economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.\n\nThis paper explores China's macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries' policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:50:46.932-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316776,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"204_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_204.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=Xw5TUi1Vb8DaYZ31DdDL~O~0gIdo-ij7X6-HuiWcuRgSMApQNwbFCX76~8uDY6fK~MaFGS9dZ9z~K44UXjv1PHfMmxoyO1cTBytGIOVATtFov8YHSE8aymsWRVMyOTjg5MCyeJnnUzBugxkxJ0KJTPdONTqtvYnKtHZCmx~Ox3lrYfRPGwrywEechrlvSYhpSunGxAyC7eDib9GBcYA9GVDIvleoV~2XkZrWAT-qP4x7PPkLq42CK2vfrYyamNkXzlZtZcIiam9F1SEXVer9Fzo6oRpazMuuTsQwlj4PODNOWIO7pKXeNafRHyg01O4ybtlpFSY69lhxceXLWNeIVA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERFORMANCES_AND_POLICY_DIRECTION_FRAMEWORK_FOR_STRUCTURAL_TRANSFORMATION_OF_THE_ECONOMY","translated_slug":"","page_count":36,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316776,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"204_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_204.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=Xw5TUi1Vb8DaYZ31DdDL~O~0gIdo-ij7X6-HuiWcuRgSMApQNwbFCX76~8uDY6fK~MaFGS9dZ9z~K44UXjv1PHfMmxoyO1cTBytGIOVATtFov8YHSE8aymsWRVMyOTjg5MCyeJnnUzBugxkxJ0KJTPdONTqtvYnKtHZCmx~Ox3lrYfRPGwrywEechrlvSYhpSunGxAyC7eDib9GBcYA9GVDIvleoV~2XkZrWAT-qP4x7PPkLq42CK2vfrYyamNkXzlZtZcIiam9F1SEXVer9Fzo6oRpazMuuTsQwlj4PODNOWIO7pKXeNafRHyg01O4ybtlpFSY69lhxceXLWNeIVA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237032"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3b8c1e0a1f286e40b0aed3814627ee98" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316631,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237032,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237032"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237032"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237032; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237032]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237032]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237032; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237032']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237032, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3b8c1e0a1f286e40b0aed3814627ee98" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237032]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237032,"title":"THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:42:53.060-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316631,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"203_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_203.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=cgP20SkiYICMd6ZUbqC2hhs0rr0dqlP79fp2Pch~cls-2va5glmMIvBhcKeBngDzWSHKk5TYyov6bYgO2cnG~qwjpxm75Pnj42dJ5IvE31StCCtYjZgZ9vJdCZ2A7Nk9K5w~NrxCbs4yG7Bg41Rp2IeBOgPh7unf8FR3yYVR4gUVp1WJVIvCQd4058NYt-y9XVGt~V-SlnQVR3wvM4OEX0Z9-V2vrIf2Ja6zZ0SOUm2dzjCxzLRQl53D~xS8dROEjX1EgyL4dlj1nXTMsE822hQNxQT7UXrw4HR19vLxpPuUyoO8qTuxXeYOLBzlH86bgc98HStj3XVVn9uYtji3CQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON_STOCK_MARKET_A_VARIOUS_REVIEW_OF_LITERATURE","translated_slug":"","page_count":32,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316631,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"203_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_203.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=cgP20SkiYICMd6ZUbqC2hhs0rr0dqlP79fp2Pch~cls-2va5glmMIvBhcKeBngDzWSHKk5TYyov6bYgO2cnG~qwjpxm75Pnj42dJ5IvE31StCCtYjZgZ9vJdCZ2A7Nk9K5w~NrxCbs4yG7Bg41Rp2IeBOgPh7unf8FR3yYVR4gUVp1WJVIvCQd4058NYt-y9XVGt~V-SlnQVR3wvM4OEX0Z9-V2vrIf2Ja6zZ0SOUm2dzjCxzLRQl53D~xS8dROEjX1EgyL4dlj1nXTMsE822hQNxQT7UXrw4HR19vLxpPuUyoO8qTuxXeYOLBzlH86bgc98HStj3XVVn9uYtji3CQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":29156,"name":"Stock Market","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236892"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Calculus for Economists Module teaching material" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Calculus for Economists Module teaching material</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed( Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated"> This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I&amp;II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.<br />1.1 The concept of calculus.<br />Definition:&nbsp; calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation &amp; differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. <br />1.1.1 Differential calculus<br />1. Derivatives<br />Given a function&nbsp; the derivative of&nbsp; at any point ‘x’ is given by <br /> if this limit exists then&nbsp; is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.<br />The term&nbsp; is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to&nbsp; and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when&nbsp; is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.<br />Example: find the derivative of&nbsp; <br />Solution:&nbsp; <br /> <br /> <br />Differentiability and continuity<br />It the derivative of a function, say&nbsp; exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.<br /> To say a function&nbsp; is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled<br /> 1.&nbsp; should be continuous at ‘c’<br /> 2.&nbsp; &nbsp; should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ <br />The 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. <br />1.&nbsp; should exist <br />2.&nbsp; <br />3.&nbsp; <br />From this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.<br />Continuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps &amp; cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two <br />Example show the function&nbsp; is not differentiable at x = 2. <br />Steps 1 Testing continuity of the function<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.&nbsp; so,&nbsp; is continuous at&nbsp; <br />Step 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.<br />Since&nbsp; is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:<br /> <br />To see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left &amp; right side limits .i.e.<br />&nbsp; From the above result, we can see that the left &amp; right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function&nbsp; is not differentiable at x=2.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="63e471f0d45520fca77ac0ade06c9263" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316546,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125236892,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236892"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236892"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236892; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236892]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236892]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236892; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236892']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236892, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "63e471f0d45520fca77ac0ade06c9263" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236892]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236892,"title":"Calculus for Economists Module teaching material","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":" This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I\u0026II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.\n1.1 The concept of calculus.\nDefinition: calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation \u0026 differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. \n1.1.1 Differential calculus\n1.\tDerivatives\nGiven a function the derivative of at any point ‘x’ is given by \n if this limit exists then is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.\nThe term is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.\nExample: find the derivative of \nSolution: \n\t \n \nDifferentiability and continuity\nIt the derivative of a function, say exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.\n\tTo say a function is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled\n\t1. should be continuous at ‘c’\n\t2. should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ \nThe 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. \n1. should exist \n2. \n3. \nFrom this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.\nContinuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps \u0026 cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two \nExample show the function is not differentiable at x = 2.\t\nSteps 1 Testing continuity of the function\n 1. \n 2. \n 3. so, is continuous at \nStep 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.\nSince is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:\n \nTo see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left \u0026 right side limits .i.e.\n From the above result, we can see that the left \u0026 right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function is not differentiable at x=2.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed( Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":" This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I\u0026II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.\n1.1 The concept of calculus.\nDefinition: calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation \u0026 differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. \n1.1.1 Differential calculus\n1.\tDerivatives\nGiven a function the derivative of at any point ‘x’ is given by \n if this limit exists then is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.\nThe term is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.\nExample: find the derivative of \nSolution: \n\t \n \nDifferentiability and continuity\nIt the derivative of a function, say exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.\n\tTo say a function is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled\n\t1. should be continuous at ‘c’\n\t2. should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ \nThe 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. \n1. should exist \n2. \n3. \nFrom this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.\nContinuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps \u0026 cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two \nExample show the function is not differentiable at x = 2.\t\nSteps 1 Testing continuity of the function\n 1. \n 2. \n 3. so, is continuous at \nStep 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.\nSince is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:\n \nTo see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left \u0026 right side limits .i.e.\n From the above result, we can see that the left \u0026 right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function is not differentiable at x=2.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:35:55.191-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316546,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"202_Calculus_for_Economists_module_and_Handout_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_202.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCalculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=OQtWaFyWId48TkkKpdO2dOuDtmYY6edFjeMdA-5O4IldE0su1Wir2zEGuRPCUK21GAV5nW1QJhS-4L0DPubObMU6qSO4oiJn2dBO3CUJCLtiwWSHFFaIvCCpMKR2Gra54n9LxG~Ml2linKd2A6L4EBFEsh6pJQj~AVrotBE1rElmPyKp0r5~JNdz~rCY-7W2Mlv3QsqAvILR0rNpujuafwd8F4K0o~YheEUarl1fMYkl2-exbdCYOd3d~NTPvypF~Yr7K6URk-oO8lUfcFxx2o1yaDhavETtsSfiSBliarKUfOoGvqdn7hZ12szZeRWuGtI3c6NL9U-OqCVsJc-6zQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching_material","translated_slug":"","page_count":122,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316546,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"202_Calculus_for_Economists_module_and_Handout_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_202.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCalculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=OQtWaFyWId48TkkKpdO2dOuDtmYY6edFjeMdA-5O4IldE0su1Wir2zEGuRPCUK21GAV5nW1QJhS-4L0DPubObMU6qSO4oiJn2dBO3CUJCLtiwWSHFFaIvCCpMKR2Gra54n9LxG~Ml2linKd2A6L4EBFEsh6pJQj~AVrotBE1rElmPyKp0r5~JNdz~rCY-7W2Mlv3QsqAvILR0rNpujuafwd8F4K0o~YheEUarl1fMYkl2-exbdCYOd3d~NTPvypF~Yr7K6URk-oO8lUfcFxx2o1yaDhavETtsSfiSBliarKUfOoGvqdn7hZ12szZeRWuGtI3c6NL9U-OqCVsJc-6zQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":369,"name":"Calculus","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236861"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Goat Farming Business Plan" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Goat Farming Business Plan</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed ( Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create busines...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.<br />If you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.<br />In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.<br />Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here &gt;<br />What Is a Business Plan?<br />A business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.<br /> <br />Why You Need a Business Plan<br />If you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.<br /> <br />Sources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses<br />With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236861"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236861"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236861; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236861]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236861]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236861; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236861']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236861, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236861]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236861,"title":"Goat Farming Business Plan","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.\nIf you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.\nIn this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.\nDownload our Ultimate Business Plan Template here \u003e\nWhat Is a Business Plan?\nA business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.\n \nWhy You Need a Business Plan\nIf you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.\n \nSources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses\nWith regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed ( Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.\nIf you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.\nIn this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.\nDownload our Ultimate Business Plan Template here \u003e\nWhat Is a Business Plan?\nA business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.\n \nWhy You Need a Business Plan\nIf you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.\n \nSources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses\nWith regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:32:38.613-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"Goat_Farming_Business_Plan","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":39896,"name":"Business Plan","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236481"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed(M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Types of Function - Based on Degree • The polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Types of Function - Based on Degree<br />• The polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.<br />Types of Functions<br />The types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.<br />Every mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.<br />What are the Types of Functions?<br />The function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.<br />• Based on the mapping<br />• Based on Degree<br />• Based on Math Concepts<br />• Miscellaneous Functions<br />Representation of Functions<br />There are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236481"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236481"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236481; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236481]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236481]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236481; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236481']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236481, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236481]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236481,"title":"Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Types of Function - Based on Degree\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.\nTypes of Functions\nThe types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.\nEvery mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.\nWhat are the Types of Functions?\nThe function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.\n•\tBased on the mapping\n•\tBased on Degree\n•\tBased on Math Concepts\n•\tMiscellaneous Functions\nRepresentation of Functions\nThere are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed(M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Types of Function - Based on Degree\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.\nTypes of Functions\nThe types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.\nEvery mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.\nWhat are the Types of Functions?\nThe function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.\n•\tBased on the mapping\n•\tBased on Degree\n•\tBased on Math Concepts\n•\tMiscellaneous Functions\nRepresentation of Functions\nThere are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:04:13.474-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"Calculus_Main_Concepts_and_Short_notes_for_Undergraduate_Economics_Students","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":369,"name":"Calculus","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125218647"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarci...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. <br />1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). <br />2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and<br />3) Economics is the study of decision making<br />The science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: <br />a) What to produce&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; c) For whom to produce<br />b) How to produce:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; d) When to produce<br />4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources<br />This deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. <br />5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries<br />One major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="e8a57fb1be8129c257e980750d06b8c4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119301223,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125218647,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125218647"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125218647"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125218647; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125218647]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125218647]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125218647; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125218647']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125218647, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "e8a57fb1be8129c257e980750d06b8c4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125218647]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125218647,"title":"CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. \n1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). \n2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and\n3) Economics is the study of decision making\nThe science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: \na) What to produce c) For whom to produce\nb) How to produce: d) When to produce\n4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources\nThis deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. \n5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries\nOne major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. \n1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). \n2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and\n3) Economics is the study of decision making\nThe science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: \na) What to produce c) For whom to produce\nb) How to produce: d) When to produce\n4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources\nThis deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. \n5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries\nOne major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves. \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T10:30:46.988-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119301223,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"Macroeconomics_Handout_and_Lecture_note_for_Business_and_Economics_students_as_a_Common_courses.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=ElXaIyJA8RADfM7hL2litwb49A8q78mt-SoaM35skjNpLR3MOWtDuA5p6z8T7tklqR5JxlOaEZED2Xpdui7HoBokftlH1U2VFm6AzGzHGou10F6JksR0I4l~2WujpQ6CGuXNjYNYsm54LlgIZ73fZbzI5AVqmG3CB0sPgBWMa98rP3i3lCawIEs98xCRfs6-JX8iPfqC0iAQwJZa8xl-Dr0dMu91oHpFz-44Sdo5q1TPzmXqbXG5i5xOs6wQz-JVRjU3wa6B5iSTRepzloKVqcpusDEFd-10oPLOagcJEFVLoZUkEfADrsK6mYvqMF8KNc4gFOTPhDT4AMJJRUPTfQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":53,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119301223,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"Macroeconomics_Handout_and_Lecture_note_for_Business_and_Economics_students_as_a_Common_courses.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=ElXaIyJA8RADfM7hL2litwb49A8q78mt-SoaM35skjNpLR3MOWtDuA5p6z8T7tklqR5JxlOaEZED2Xpdui7HoBokftlH1U2VFm6AzGzHGou10F6JksR0I4l~2WujpQ6CGuXNjYNYsm54LlgIZ73fZbzI5AVqmG3CB0sPgBWMa98rP3i3lCawIEs98xCRfs6-JX8iPfqC0iAQwJZa8xl-Dr0dMu91oHpFz-44Sdo5q1TPzmXqbXG5i5xOs6wQz-JVRjU3wa6B5iSTRepzloKVqcpusDEFd-10oPLOagcJEFVLoZUkEfADrsK6mYvqMF8KNc4gFOTPhDT4AMJJRUPTfQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217776"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic ac...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of &quot;classical economics,&quot; he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217776"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217776"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217776; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217776]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217776]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217776; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217776']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217776, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217776]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217776,"title":"CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of \"classical economics,\" he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of \"classical economics,\" he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:43:39.525-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"CHAPTER_FOUR_KEYNESIAN_ECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217547"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.<br />The field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.<br /><br />Ancient and Medieval Periods<br />The first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.<br />Roman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.<br />Mercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith<br />In the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.<br /><br />Mercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.<br />As the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.<br />Physiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.<br />In the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group<br /> <br /><br /><br />advocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.<br /><br />In the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="e6b50dbac5f3920ac415b2a1ef412ee4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119300168,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217547,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217547"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217547"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217547; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217547]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217547]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217547; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217547']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217547, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "e6b50dbac5f3920ac415b2a1ef412ee4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217547]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217547,"title":"HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.\nThe field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.\n\nAncient and Medieval Periods\nThe first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.\nRoman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.\nMercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith\nIn the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.\n\nMercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.\nAs the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.\nPhysiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.\nIn the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group\n \n\n\nadvocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.\n\nIn the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.\nThe field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.\n\nAncient and Medieval Periods\nThe first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.\nRoman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.\nMercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith\nIn the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.\n\nMercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.\nAs the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.\nPhysiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.\nIn the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group\n \n\n\nadvocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.\n\nIn the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:31:26.196-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119300168,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"199_HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS_Main_Concepts_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_199.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=PVbX~m25evDSgGLEs~3gS0GLgVfiy3mEqg0UnsQfXF9ejg~6cXKh7P4pqPz48HBd9BLyQdJ08~-wlQNk4TLblHYzqDObq0Nzzi9YfB93-HgXD5siOoCHxhHuob8Qtd6zv8-GduHut2rMZTQCet~kXQrSSVud12TU0cp4RQt~ydC3w-moqJSXGB-D-iSx43xmMgmJlNP3VUReDIMNnnmARwWDVb838wku2UGrPTemsKwCS55OqaEXht1LbOQoI4ngE2hEjhUxfN811EeKwWgcxG6CVM8dcLn3Pgx6SHGZkHgt6nQwYUkO5SYPhsapTPL~eNPIPqpjlHkD5bmC3-f~Bg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS","translated_slug":"","page_count":5,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119300168,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"199_HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS_Main_Concepts_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_199.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=PVbX~m25evDSgGLEs~3gS0GLgVfiy3mEqg0UnsQfXF9ejg~6cXKh7P4pqPz48HBd9BLyQdJ08~-wlQNk4TLblHYzqDObq0Nzzi9YfB93-HgXD5siOoCHxhHuob8Qtd6zv8-GduHut2rMZTQCet~kXQrSSVud12TU0cp4RQt~ydC3w-moqJSXGB-D-iSx43xmMgmJlNP3VUReDIMNnnmARwWDVb838wku2UGrPTemsKwCS55OqaEXht1LbOQoI4ngE2hEjhUxfN811EeKwWgcxG6CVM8dcLn3Pgx6SHGZkHgt6nQwYUkO5SYPhsapTPL~eNPIPqpjlHkD5bmC3-f~Bg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1735,"name":"History of Economic Thought","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217238"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. <br />General equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. <br />The theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.<br />Broadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a &quot;bottom-up&quot; approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a &quot;top-down&quot; approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the &quot;big picture&quot;.) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. <br />In a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers&#39; wages. If bakers don&#39;t differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers&#39; wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.<br />The first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras&#39; Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money).</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3b79a90a796c9006613142ce325f19e6" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299965,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217238,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217238"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217238"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217238; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217238]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217238]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217238; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217238']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217238, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3b79a90a796c9006613142ce325f19e6" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217238]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217238,"title":"CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. \nGeneral equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. \nThe theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.\nBroadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a \"bottom-up\" approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a \"top-down\" approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the \"big picture\".) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. \nIn a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers' wages. If bakers don't differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers' wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.\nThe first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras' Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money). \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. \nGeneral equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. \nThe theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.\nBroadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a \"bottom-up\" approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a \"top-down\" approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the \"big picture\".) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. \nIn a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers' wages. If bakers don't differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers' wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.\nThe first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras' Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money). \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:22:39.913-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119299965,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"198_Chapter_3_General._Equilibrium_final_handout_History_of_Economic_thought_II_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_198.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=R76OoQDmi0ZB4WR04DObNHTtVsfd520NzfKCGTyIaWHp~IhnGPhIKWq8CSsp55t1imaqTlETjNdBCeuIqP3YEpMMhEmlIF0sektVOvZgSxzz6992GXX-zMKA~VUUVVZlRA3iS6dF9aM3saKX2Kp1duQ20h-xok7NMfyXk1e1iwbGGiLs2N822R9WIuxXPd4W2RnlYvqBRP~HK1MXW01wKQ6nz~6NiJKHdd6z3ghJUcnQwqD4lXbvSYrKeok3xNmqiO8UXXx4Cv-jWscFwCWz58YZN0xWiltK96b6ixN8FvD1v48FBuLYw72oDHcoAWR1b9abvlVU8Sis6tCRaPJz8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WELFARE_ECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":19,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119299965,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"198_Chapter_3_General._Equilibrium_final_handout_History_of_Economic_thought_II_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_198.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=R76OoQDmi0ZB4WR04DObNHTtVsfd520NzfKCGTyIaWHp~IhnGPhIKWq8CSsp55t1imaqTlETjNdBCeuIqP3YEpMMhEmlIF0sektVOvZgSxzz6992GXX-zMKA~VUUVVZlRA3iS6dF9aM3saKX2Kp1duQ20h-xok7NMfyXk1e1iwbGGiLs2N822R9WIuxXPd4W2RnlYvqBRP~HK1MXW01wKQ6nz~6NiJKHdd6z3ghJUcnQwqD4lXbvSYrKeok3xNmqiO8UXXx4Cv-jWscFwCWz58YZN0xWiltK96b6ixN8FvD1v48FBuLYw72oDHcoAWR1b9abvlVU8Sis6tCRaPJz8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1735,"name":"History of Economic Thought","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217145"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">1.1. Definition of Statistics How do we define Statistics? It has two meanings. In the more commo...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">1.1. Definition of Statistics<br />How do we define Statistics?<br />It has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.<br />Examples:<br />The number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;<br />Statistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;<br />But the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.<br />Therefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.<br />According to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”<br />As the definition suggests:<br /> The first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.<br /> The data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.<br /> Only after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.<br />Example: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they<br />a) have to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,<br />b) should organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),<br />c) should present that data by using charts, tables, etc,<br />d) and they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode variance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.<br />1.2. Types of Statistics<br />The study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:<br />a) Descriptive Statistics<br /> It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.<br /> It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="ec4e1c19754a71bd3744f6d15da2d480" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299826,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217145,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217145"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217145"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217145; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217145]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217145]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217145; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217145']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217145, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "ec4e1c19754a71bd3744f6d15da2d480" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217145]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217145,"title":"Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"1.1.\tDefinition of Statistics\nHow do we define Statistics?\nIt has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.\nExamples:\nThe number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;\nStatistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;\nBut the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.\nTherefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.\nAccording to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”\nAs the definition suggests:\n\tThe first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.\n\tThe data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.\n\tOnly after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.\nExample: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they\na)\thave to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,\nb)\tshould organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),\nc)\tshould present that data by using charts, tables, etc,\nd)\tand they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode\tvariance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.\n1.2.\tTypes of Statistics\nThe study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:\na)\tDescriptive Statistics\n It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.\n It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"1.1.\tDefinition of Statistics\nHow do we define Statistics?\nIt has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.\nExamples:\nThe number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;\nStatistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;\nBut the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.\nTherefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.\nAccording to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”\nAs the definition suggests:\n\tThe first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.\n\tThe data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.\n\tOnly after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.\nExample: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they\na)\thave to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,\nb)\tshould organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),\nc)\tshould present that data by using charts, tables, etc,\nd)\tand they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode\tvariance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.\n1.2.\tTypes of Statistics\nThe study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:\na)\tDescriptive Statistics\n It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.\n It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:18:39.787-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119299826,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"197_Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DIntroduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=HCEx2obfiLu490OvSjBliPmxbaySNJnba-f4a7X7p7WDjW9ABMcBrallQqZ9yXK04J9WVZuhyIffH-GuKFxoeuYs5XExcp0OYXKeWqZs19IP8HOP2a6peUMqNXAPzjQM-pwGUTttto3el6yxAe1IN739xTFYgyNF4Du6xcI4ZpMgNdmeeHaTuHRM0Oxsm64i7pAqg~vDgx8Hhv9--Qaerxvl76~-0DbIGAxebeD0F1fURPLXKDy3t8yoyjVuZAT1ZEsB5qH56bIBxz5uN5B6XzI2FZR3sApLkpoTCUiV0RkSBb2Oo~UQVnqPTAJ6JsQ0zhBoJnlqyWGoVgsHWFJI8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed","translated_slug":"","page_count":141,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119299826,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"197_Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DIntroduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=HCEx2obfiLu490OvSjBliPmxbaySNJnba-f4a7X7p7WDjW9ABMcBrallQqZ9yXK04J9WVZuhyIffH-GuKFxoeuYs5XExcp0OYXKeWqZs19IP8HOP2a6peUMqNXAPzjQM-pwGUTttto3el6yxAe1IN739xTFYgyNF4Du6xcI4ZpMgNdmeeHaTuHRM0Oxsm64i7pAqg~vDgx8Hhv9--Qaerxvl76~-0DbIGAxebeD0F1fURPLXKDy3t8yoyjVuZAT1ZEsB5qH56bIBxz5uN5B6XzI2FZR3sApLkpoTCUiV0RkSBb2Oo~UQVnqPTAJ6JsQ0zhBoJnlqyWGoVgsHWFJI8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1252103,"name":"Introduction to Statistics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); 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Classification of Planning 2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning Planning t...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">2. Classification of Planning<br /><br />2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning<br /><br />Planning takes different forms on the basis of:<br /><br /> Differences in time periods <br /><br /> Institutions affected <br /><br /> Extent of activities covered <br /><br /> Modes of executing the plan, etc.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="f720925f993f613d17d28bdeca25ee0c" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299501,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216744,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216744"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216744"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216744; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216744]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216744]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216744; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125216744']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125216744, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "f720925f993f613d17d28bdeca25ee0c" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125216744]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125216744,"title":"Lecture note: Development planning and project analysis I","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"2. Classification of Planning\n\n2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning\n\nPlanning takes different forms on the basis of:\n\n\tDifferences in time periods \n\n\tInstitutions affected \n\n\tExtent of activities covered \n\n\tModes of executing the plan, etc. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"2. Classification of Planning\n\n2.1. 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The evolution of Development thinking The evolution of development thinking can be summarize...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">1.1. The evolution of Development thinking<br />The evolution of development thinking can be summarized in to three different periods:<br />The Early Post War Consensus <br /> The Washington Consensus<br /> The Oscillating Search for Silver Bullet</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="37cd1069596f1e1bec6f20fb3f61a802" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299207,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216551,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216551"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216551"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216551; 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which lends itself to planning, financing and implementing as a unit.<br />A group of tasks performed in a definable time period in order to meet a specific set of objectives.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5a5d16748514dec87d6c7891f31f70ec" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299042,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216211,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216211"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216211"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216211; 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$(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125216091"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate natu...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.<br /> In the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5669fcf78035962179252712fff9be47" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119298949,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216091,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216091"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216091"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216091; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216091]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216091]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216091; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125216091']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125216091, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "5669fcf78035962179252712fff9be47" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125216091]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125216091,"title":"CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.\n\tIn the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.\n\tIn the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T08:36:05.683-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119298949,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"193_Development_Economics_I_Chapter_5_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_193.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D0LzwF4NwbZKefoP3mtNzLTqfWbjWk4ukH1fmfYLpzVr~FO4vzShrgQ1tdudv5TH3q6Gq~7iAiKwBndwRhn9YYw5zuedhxDbjEfYRDSa3nW-vBR3uUHuowvFLwR4lfZhutgaY~xfMcVOhrGHTa6YIxWvsHtXzuYxl3KkER1xej5z2wz~5NuKQ5ZGqp6degIw-PcMODIY2D3GCX1wTCac0fhPyfHpAb0tg3-7o2ebdet-5bjTks4MbQI-ct0u8pzneGlCF00euAec7DPIZ-BTbfsLpOw34Fcj6-1DDO89us8lstMUYKgUYlsNVEFnSsx6UQW38EEKANR7xIdQVuyZGw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVELOPMENT","translated_slug":"","page_count":21,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119298949,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"193_Development_Economics_I_Chapter_5_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_193.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D0LzwF4NwbZKefoP3mtNzLTqfWbjWk4ukH1fmfYLpzVr~FO4vzShrgQ1tdudv5TH3q6Gq~7iAiKwBndwRhn9YYw5zuedhxDbjEfYRDSa3nW-vBR3uUHuowvFLwR4lfZhutgaY~xfMcVOhrGHTa6YIxWvsHtXzuYxl3KkER1xej5z2wz~5NuKQ5ZGqp6degIw-PcMODIY2D3GCX1wTCac0fhPyfHpAb0tg3-7o2ebdet-5bjTks4MbQI-ct0u8pzneGlCF00euAec7DPIZ-BTbfsLpOw34Fcj6-1DDO89us8lstMUYKgUYlsNVEFnSsx6UQW38EEKANR7xIdQVuyZGw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":727,"name":"Development Economics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> </div><div class="profile--tab_content_container js-tab-pane tab-pane" data-section-id="19852350" id="papers"><div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125711098"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of What is the Major Challenges of World economy in Contemporary time According to Various Literature&#39;s?" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">What is the Major Challenges of World economy in Contemporary time According to Various Literature&#39;s?</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, mee...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, meeting the conventional criteria for a global recession. The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.<br />While there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.<br />Against this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.<br />Analysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:<br /><br />• Divergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;<br /><br />• Deepening inequalities in income and wealth;<br /><br />• Growing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.<br />These three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,<br /> <br />China and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.<br />Historically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and<br /> <br />“There is no clear driving force<br />to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”<br /> <br />multilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.<br />The prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.<br />These threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />financial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.<br />For people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).<br />Against this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.<br /> <br />“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”<br /> <br />This Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment<br /> <br />– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.<br />To address these problems, this Report suggests that:<br /> <br />1. Reducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole<br /> <br />“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”<br /> <br />policy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.<br />2. In light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.<br />3. Internationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.<br />4. To help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.<br />5. Finally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="6189349d97ffb317fd926b4820200e47" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119704812,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125711098,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125711098"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125711098"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125711098; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125711098]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125711098]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125711098; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125711098']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125711098, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "6189349d97ffb317fd926b4820200e47" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125711098]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125711098,"title":"What is the Major Challenges of World economy in Contemporary time According to Various Literature's?","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, meeting the conventional criteria for a global recession. The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.\nWhile there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.\nAgainst this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.\nAnalysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:\n\n•\tDivergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;\n\n•\tDeepening inequalities in income and wealth;\n\n•\tGrowing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.\nThese three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,\n \nChina and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.\nHistorically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and\n \n“There is no clear driving force\nto propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”\n \nmultilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.\nThe prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.\nThese threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing\n \n\n\n\n\nfinancial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.\nFor people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).\nAgainst this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.\n \n“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”\n \nThis Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment\n \n– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.\nTo address these problems, this Report suggests that:\n \n1.\tReducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole\n \n“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”\n \npolicy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.\n2.\tIn light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.\n3.\tInternationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.\n4.\tTo help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.\n5.\tFinally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.\n \n\n\n\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.\n\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"The global economy is flying at “stall speed”, with projected growth in 2023 of 2.4 per cent, meeting the conventional criteria for a global recession. The entire global economy, except East and Central Asia, has slowed since 2022. On a brighter note, inflation, while still above pre-pandemic years, is coming under control in many parts of the world. The banking crises that erupted in March 2023 did not lead to financial contagion, and commodity prices are down from their peaks in 2022. A small improvement in global growth is expected in 2024, contingent on the recovery in the euro area and other leading economies avoiding adverse shocks.\nWhile there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, celebrations of success would be inappropriate. Global growth, while showing some signs of improvement, has not sufficiently rebounded to pre-pandemic rates. This challenge compounds the difficulty of meeting critical needs such as food security, social protection, and climate adaptation, especially given the weakened foundation resulting from the global health pandemic.\nAgainst this background, 2023 may turn out to be an inflection point in a fragile and uneven global recovery. Without adequate multilateral policy responses or coordination mechanisms, today’s brittle economies and diverse shocks might evolve into tomorrow’s systemic crises. This scenario is a threat to the multilateral system and global economic stability. Policymakers need to operate on multiple fronts to chart a stronger, more resilient trajectory for the future.\nAnalysis shows that three worrying trends are emerging in 2023:\n\n•\tDivergent recovery paths in the context of slower growth across major regions;\n\n•\tDeepening inequalities in income and wealth;\n\n•\tGrowing pressures of indebtedness and thinning policy autonomy in developing economies.\nThese three factors build onto an increasingly complex interplay between economic, climate and geopolitical risks. Growing inequalities within countries are a source of weak global demand and continue to hold back investment and growth. Divergence of low-growth trends between key regions, as well as within the Group of Seven and the initial BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India,\n \nChina and South Africa), indicates that there is no clear driving force to propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.\nHistorically, growth divergence has led to uncoordinated domestic policy actions with negative global repercussions, especially for developing countries. Today, policy discussions in advanced economies often overlook systemic links and\n \n“There is no clear driving force\nto propel the world economy onto a robust and sustainable recovery track.”\n \nmultilateral forums for policy coordination, such as the Group of 20 (G20), are not remedying the problem. This can hinder international cooperation and prevent the global economy from taking a sustainable recovery path.\nThe prospects for developing countries are especially concerning. Development requires a favourable external environment, characterized by strong global demand, stable exchange rates and affordable financing. Developing countries’ ability to accelerate growth, strengthen productive capacities, decarbonize and meet their financial obligations is fundamentally dependent on steady and strong global demand. But international policy coordination centres on central banks that prioritize short-term monetary stability over long-term financial sustainability. This trend, together with inadequate regulation in commodity markets and continuous neglect for rising inequality are fracturing the world economy.\nThese threats are amplified by the uncertain impact of slower than expected growth in China and a deceleration of the economies in Europe, many of which have all but ground to a halt. They are particularly concerning given the present context, marked by a slowdown in the investment cycle, the impact of geopolitical conflicts on the structure of trade, food and energy security and the mounting costs of climate change and transition, all compounded by uncertainty in the outcome of the of the 2024 United States elections. Even if growing\n \n\n\n\n\nfinancial risks in the larger economies do not trigger sharper shocks, a development crisis is already unfolding, with countries across the global South facing increasing debt service obligations.\nFor people and planet, further rounds of monetary tightening to obtain quick disinflation in the advanced economies would mean more economic and social disruption at a time when recovery has stalled. An ongoing slowdown diminishes prospects for trade and investment, prompting a further loss of momentum, higher inequality and debt burdens expanding relative to gross domestic product (GDP).\nAgainst this context, 2024 is unlikely to show substantial improvement. A strategy of growth in the global North becomes less feasible if high levels of debt (chapters II and V) and inadequate financial regulation threaten financial stability and food security (chapter III), and while income is increasingly retained by capital owners rather than workers (figure I.1). In the face of a crisis, previous coordination efforts have tended to ignore sectors or countries that are not considered systemically relevant, thus compounding the very crisis they sought to resolve. This mistake should be avoided at all costs.\n \n“Monetary policy in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause, in terms of structural change, climate adaptation and debt sustainability.”\n \nThis Report presents an alternative response, in which the pace of disinflation takes into consideration the impact of high real interest rates not only on inflation indicators, but also on economic activity, employment, income inequality and fiscal stability. In an interconnected world in which developing countries are potential engines of economic growth, policymakers in advanced economies should take into account the damage that high interest rates can cause to long-term investment\n \n– Both in terms of structural change and climate adaptation – as well as debt sustainability. In the current international financial architecture, policy space is easily curtailed by movements in financial markets, with heavy impacts on social policies, investment and employment generation.\nTo address these problems, this Report suggests that:\n \n1.\tReducing inequality should be made a policy priority in developed and developing countries, keeping close watch on the labour share. This requires concerted increases of real wages and concrete commitments towards comprehensive social protection. Monetary policy is not to be used as a sole\n \n“A policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.”\n \npolicy tool to alleviate inflationary pressures. With supply-side problems still unaddressed, a policy mix is needed to attain financial sustainability, help lower inequalities and deliver inclusive growth.\n2.\tIn light of growing interdependencies in the global economy, central bankers should assume a wider stabilizing function, which would help balance the priorities of monetary stability with long-term financial sustainability.\n3.\tInternationally, a systemic approach to regulating commodity trading generally, and food trading in particular, needs to be developed within the framework of the global financial architecture.\n4.\tTo help address the crushing burden of debt servicing and the threat of spreading debt crises, reforms are needed to the rules and practices of the global financial architecture. This architecture should ensure reliable access to international liquidity and a stable financial environment that promotes investment-led growth. Given the failure of the current architecture to facilitate the resilience and recovery of developing countries from debt stress, it is crucial to establish a mechanism to resolve sovereign debt workouts. This should be based on the participation of all developing countries and have agreed procedures, incentives and deterrents.\n5.\tFinally, the energy transition would require not only fiscal and monetary agreements among the G20, but also agreements within the WTO to implement technology transfer, and within the IMF and World Bank to provide reliable access to finance. Without eliminating the incentives and regulatory conduits that make cross-border speculative investment so profitable, private capital is unlikely to be channelled to measures to help adapt to climate change.\n \n\n\n\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. Section B examines the emerging risks to post-COVID-19 growth trend at the global level. It finds that divergence within key regional blocks and between major economies clouds the fragile growth of 2023, with downside risks lingering into 2024. Section C analyses the sectoral contribution to global demand growth in G20 economies. Section D identifies some of the key dimensions of the asymmetry between growing corporate concentration on the one hand and thinning fiscal policy space on the other. Section E discusses credit, investment and the impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality. Section F explores inflation, distribution and the easing or persistence of inflationary trajectories. Section G looks at labour costs and inequality. Section H concludes.\n\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-20T04:50:05.194-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119704812,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"210_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_210.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DWhat_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=UAjc933Gaq2WiUc024qnwK9VRcVpqs713oK~hbT~WyuWm6oMvlnqv8g8uRsbxIqwQQ4fLq~35Pqwc0O-0Bobi522SxOsjMyRmkOgrsxfDJjyPYELmH4Za8uMSjwi1zMOA8IuSHraWhHtQpHXSk3cPkmyRY-Cu2IxJVrghoooqPiArXpRUQo5KgCOqoheh9xhF0x6qeK9DBoMoRkVY59rryO~1zHxpTad8aqn~QrUvh0YIKxkuOmNt4eumHxR0PCxbU1fL8H1kdVHRJN89HAV5jTjO6QrIo3Mj0XQTA7zPjfrc4oWXBWltnB2UUAdek6EpMKBxEeTKQvC-qowXVrZQA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_economy_in_Contemporary_time_According_to_Various_Literatures","translated_slug":"","page_count":31,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119704812,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"210_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_210.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"What_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DWhat_is_the_Major_Challenges_of_World_ec.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=UAjc933Gaq2WiUc024qnwK9VRcVpqs713oK~hbT~WyuWm6oMvlnqv8g8uRsbxIqwQQ4fLq~35Pqwc0O-0Bobi522SxOsjMyRmkOgrsxfDJjyPYELmH4Za8uMSjwi1zMOA8IuSHraWhHtQpHXSk3cPkmyRY-Cu2IxJVrghoooqPiArXpRUQo5KgCOqoheh9xhF0x6qeK9DBoMoRkVY59rryO~1zHxpTad8aqn~QrUvh0YIKxkuOmNt4eumHxR0PCxbU1fL8H1kdVHRJN89HAV5jTjO6QrIo3Mj0XQTA7zPjfrc4oWXBWltnB2UUAdek6EpMKBxEeTKQvC-qowXVrZQA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":2280358,"name":"Social and Economic Problems","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125710973"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America&#39;s History?" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America&#39;s History?</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that cro...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.<br />• Throughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.<br />• Arguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for &quot;The Theory of Moral Sentiments&quot; and &quot;The Wealth of Nations.&quot;<br />• David Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.<br />• John Maynard Keynes, or the &quot;giant economist,&quot; favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.<br />• Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5f2dc83e788e3585be09fa52c26568aa" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119704707,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125710973,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125710973"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125710973"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125710973; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125710973]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125710973]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125710973; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125710973']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125710973, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "5f2dc83e788e3585be09fa52c26568aa" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125710973]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125710973,"title":"How Ten (10) Influential Economists Changed America's History?","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.\n•\tThroughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.\n•\tArguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for \"The Theory of Moral Sentiments\" and \"The Wealth of Nations.\"\n•\tDavid Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.\n•\tJohn Maynard Keynes, or the \"giant economist,\" favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.\n•\tAbhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Many economists do incredible jobs, and some have made contributions to financial theory that crossed over into many aspects of social history. These are ten such economists and their impact on society.\n•\tThroughout history, several economists have contributed greatly to the field of economics and in such a manner that changed society.\n•\tArguably the most prominent is Adam Smith, a political economist during the Scottish Enlightenment best known for \"The Theory of Moral Sentiments\" and \"The Wealth of Nations.\"\n•\tDavid Ricardo is another well-known economist; he was a member of the British Parliament and argued that nations should specialize for their greater good.\n•\tJohn Maynard Keynes, or the \"giant economist,\" favoured government spending and monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of major economic shifts.\n•\tAbhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo pioneered an experimental approach to developmental economics, allowing a precise evaluation of specific policies. \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-20T04:43:48.996-08:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119704707,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"209_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_209.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHow_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=TeDJqmmjPOqosQN1ZRrmyXlTrryjQwaYYWKuqamVVgljCDZPhp~OUHGJ-c75xejICY26bQ0azywSLgKIt7w00Uext1A2WiyaVRSKk9lLuCNaIGVXQ92-uYDJnAGNOWWQ4dGCXnfUgVRTm~aAc1VbbMDsVJu~L7Uum6-cMJ-w9iXZIfbFOZC5yS1s1q5Tc-kDyHhRUasAqvtSZVfzpDTGQ~oDlXJeGYoZcwQakvuwTYSwW4Ol3A~tSgHXZO-SSE9v2fLpLQKbw8OKUkeRR~CwcmKEXo5J7yJy3cdZrAAn9f1CbzybBeaxp20TV-FFgXo1PYHtlopJZEN8YtKm2iLaZg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Changed_Americas_History","translated_slug":"","page_count":9,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119704707,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"209_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_209.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"How_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHow_Ten_10_Influential_Economists_Change.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=TeDJqmmjPOqosQN1ZRrmyXlTrryjQwaYYWKuqamVVgljCDZPhp~OUHGJ-c75xejICY26bQ0azywSLgKIt7w00Uext1A2WiyaVRSKk9lLuCNaIGVXQ92-uYDJnAGNOWWQ4dGCXnfUgVRTm~aAc1VbbMDsVJu~L7Uum6-cMJ-w9iXZIfbFOZC5yS1s1q5Tc-kDyHhRUasAqvtSZVfzpDTGQ~oDlXJeGYoZcwQakvuwTYSwW4Ol3A~tSgHXZO-SSE9v2fLpLQKbw8OKUkeRR~CwcmKEXo5J7yJy3cdZrAAn9f1CbzybBeaxp20TV-FFgXo1PYHtlopJZEN8YtKm2iLaZg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":137,"name":"Economic History","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237553"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Does Ethiopia&#39;s Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Does Ethiopia&#39;s Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethi...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia&#39;s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government&#39;s &#39;Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan&#39; (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a &#39;Home-grown Economic Reform&#39; agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.<br />The country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.<br />A gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.<br />This redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.<br />At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.<br />They also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.<br />This event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:<br />• Perspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections<br />• Imperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition<br />• Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance<br />The government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.)</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="b3c446fb47544aa69e3edc2efc6f8411" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119317151,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237553,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237553"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237553"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237553; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237553]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237553]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237553; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237553']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237553, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "b3c446fb47544aa69e3edc2efc6f8411" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237553]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237553,"title":"Does Ethiopia's Foreign Currency Market Liberalization Policy Will Achieve and Meets the Long Period Economic Plan of the Country? Conceptual Review of Various Economic Literature","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia's ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government's 'Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan' (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a 'Home-grown Economic Reform' agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.\nThe country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.\nA gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.\nThis redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.\nAt this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.\nThey also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.\nThis event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:\n•\tPerspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections\n•\tImperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition\n•\tEthiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance\nThe government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.) \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"The liberalization is expected to help rebalance the economy and promote sustainable growth. Ethiopia's ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government's 'Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan' (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a 'Home-grown Economic Reform' agenda. At this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth. Ethiopia’s ambition to become a middle-income economy and deliver shared and sustained prosperity is driven by the government’s ‘Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan’ (2021 – 2030), which supplements the existing vision for a ‘Home-grown Economic Reform’ agenda.\nThe country however faces significant challenges in this path, including escalating inflation rates and a long-standing debt and foreign currency crisis, as well as the multiplier effects of conflict in Tigray and insecurity in several regions, the COVID-19 pandemic and desert locus infestations.\nA gradual process of private-sector led liberalization has begun in some sectors, including in logistics and telecommunications, marking an important shift away from the largely state-led development pursued in recent decades.\nThis redirection sharpens the imperative for policy implementation that ensures inclusive job creation and makes further gains in reducing socio-economic inequalities, particularly in Ethiopia’s rural areas, within which almost 80 per cent of the population reside in rural areas.\nAt this event, speakers discuss Ethiopia’s economic reform trajectory and long-term developmental vision, reflecting on how this builds on existing achievements and the priorities for promoting more equitable and innovative growth.\nThey also focus on how efforts to build a more conducive and inclusive environment for economic policy delivery can contribute towards a reduction in political turbulence and instability in the long-term.\nThis event is part of a series of outputs on Ethiopia’s political transition. More from the series includes:\n•\tPerspectives on Ethiopia’s 2021 elections\n•\tImperfect elections do not fortify Ethiopia’s transition\n•\tEthiopia’s Tigray crisis: Protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian assistance\nThe government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies. $145.0 billion (nominal, 2024 est.) $434.44 billion (PPP, 2024 est.) \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:20:36.627-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119317151,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"208_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_208.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDoes_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=ApzNJMR5lOKQnnUOq82I3CbzMB-j~BCUz8uMLD5Q0zwVpKou61DdGN-mSeVAeybcYarlWZQe9uUqZgcP~Y0q96O4uVaeK6EJwFyiMnwWQfyQOi9KnUG0iFxMQyYX6tD6U9NspIIkS5CAa6IahtVRiCUdofyx9h8C0sS4NZCoJN8onNR5CJM6vX2OR1kgZZZ5iRpc7ERq2zXVqsY34gDs3S31p8tgaqN~kw~lPYTehOONHq7dBBD1382eC7sJREGGaQeRwucS2dMNd1Mcn-7Nu6hb1SYi3ZTMXo86JeHVN6DMzAxyYgycjGz1v6eslwkiYuHsobc5WZ5bUwoBKNo5ig__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_Liberalization_Policy_Will_Achieve_and_Meets_the_Long_Period_Economic_Plan_of_the_Country_Conceptual_Review_of_Various_Economic_Literature","translated_slug":"","page_count":14,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119317151,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"208_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_208.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Does_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDoes_Ethiopias_Foreign_Currency_Market_L.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715945\u0026Signature=ApzNJMR5lOKQnnUOq82I3CbzMB-j~BCUz8uMLD5Q0zwVpKou61DdGN-mSeVAeybcYarlWZQe9uUqZgcP~Y0q96O4uVaeK6EJwFyiMnwWQfyQOi9KnUG0iFxMQyYX6tD6U9NspIIkS5CAa6IahtVRiCUdofyx9h8C0sS4NZCoJN8onNR5CJM6vX2OR1kgZZZ5iRpc7ERq2zXVqsY34gDs3S31p8tgaqN~kw~lPYTehOONHq7dBBD1382eC7sJREGGaQeRwucS2dMNd1Mcn-7Nu6hb1SYi3ZTMXo86JeHVN6DMzAxyYgycjGz1v6eslwkiYuHsobc5WZ5bUwoBKNo5ig__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1485324,"name":"Market Liberalisation","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237498"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="8a6b6fc1bc65880c5cbd4d521ee5e405" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119317105,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237498,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237498"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237498"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237498; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237498]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237498]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237498; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237498']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237498, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "8a6b6fc1bc65880c5cbd4d521ee5e405" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237498]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237498,"title":"The Effect and Consequences of Fiscal Policy on Poverty in Ethiopia: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro simulation Analysis","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Ethiopia has implemented various fiscal policy reforms in the past decade. Most of these reforms centre on indirect taxes and pro-poor expenditure patterns. This study investigates the economy-wide impacts of these fiscal policy changes on poverty. To this effect, the study used a static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model linked to a micro simulation (MS) model. The CGE model used the 2005/06 social accounting matrix (SAM) and the MS model used the 2004/05 Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) survey to investigate household poverty by way of the consumption expenditure changes from the CGE model. The fiscal policies simulated are domestic indirect taxes, government consumption expenditures, and government transfers to households. The findings of the study suggest that the increase in revenue from indirect taxes has worsened the poverty state of households. The results from the CGE model have all shown decline in real GDP, sectorial output, employment and welfare. In contrast, the study found improvements in the poverty state of households as a result of the introduction of various short-run expenditure measures. However, examination of the net effect revealed worsening poverty at the national level in general and for rural households in particular. On the other hand, poverty tended to decline among urban households. The major conclusion is that the tax policy has dominant adverse effect on poverty in the short-run. Thus, policy makers need to take into account these adverse effects and come up with pro-poor spending policies that would protect households from the negative strains while the financing policies go along.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:16:41.065-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119317105,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"207_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_207.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DThe_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=gTlbD0lLTrQbuDCA-akVRicF4kbSydqkiAsWRn~oJfqcn0jLeU9ynnYm7zmcLyMWTmthu~DvFtFe6VXVWvTk1X6kSyqYUvyI6Vm0Is38qtbqhvp5Onekztb~XI85qOYr2Lhitj8XcV~YCcGvOppIre27xNPJWEPwcD2EaWgyNmOS-jQQ3DIWOHu9DD0ph7UJIn6pX5rl2Qpomo6CP6rrYK3LJofU1zqowU3YP8mZwBWSF26y6WzE6l6Qcedazb0QOuiJGhgqKFz9MUwQaz6m6udcsGlzfOnIgrzuXY7XGNGNHemTO8KaipeYgAjNxg7c5h6v17k-VoQUQzXKXNur9g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Policy_on_Poverty_in_Ethiopia_A_Computable_General_Equilibrium_Micro_simulation_Analysis","translated_slug":"","page_count":46,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119317105,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"207_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_207.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"The_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DThe_Effect_and_Consequences_of_Fiscal_Po.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=gTlbD0lLTrQbuDCA-akVRicF4kbSydqkiAsWRn~oJfqcn0jLeU9ynnYm7zmcLyMWTmthu~DvFtFe6VXVWvTk1X6kSyqYUvyI6Vm0Is38qtbqhvp5Onekztb~XI85qOYr2Lhitj8XcV~YCcGvOppIre27xNPJWEPwcD2EaWgyNmOS-jQQ3DIWOHu9DD0ph7UJIn6pX5rl2Qpomo6CP6rrYK3LJofU1zqowU3YP8mZwBWSF26y6WzE6l6Qcedazb0QOuiJGhgqKFz9MUwQaz6m6udcsGlzfOnIgrzuXY7XGNGNHemTO8KaipeYgAjNxg7c5h6v17k-VoQUQzXKXNur9g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":21198,"name":"Fiscal policy","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237405"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.<br /><br />The chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="c59c4d1f602220820d85cb86ec7824e2" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316959,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237405,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237405"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237405"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237405; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237405]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237405]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237405; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237405']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237405, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "c59c4d1f602220820d85cb86ec7824e2" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237405]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237405,"title":"ECONOMIC EFFECT OF THE RUSSIAN UKRAINE WAR ON AFRICAN AGRICULTURE, TRADE, POVERTY AND FOOD SYSTEMS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine, sparking one of the most intense conflicts in recent years. As of September 2023, the conflict is still active and continues to raise concerns. Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (which has been indirectly involved in the conflict) are key actors in world markets for two product groups critical for African countries: food (mainly cereals and vegetable oils) and fertilizers. With world markets already severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the new crisis in the Black Sea region, combined with climate shocks around the world, has further disrupted supply chains and increased prices. Since African countries are net food and fertilizer importers, the situation continues to raise serious concerns. This chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the conflict’s impact on Africa’s agricultural and food systems, with particular attention to the food and fertilizer sectors, the two main channels through which the shock has been transmitted. It is important to understand the extent of Africa’s exposure and vulnerability to the conflict’s impacts, including the impact on the ground in Africa in terms of lost or delayed agricultural production and increased food security risks. Moreover, this is an opportunity for policymakers not only to develop solutions that will mitigate the impact of the present crisis at the national, regional, and continental levels, but also to learn from the experience for future crises. As countries respond, it is also important to respect and improve the trade rules at the global level to avoid measures that may exacerbate the effects of the crisis.\n\nThe chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, we set the scene by describing the key role played by Russia and Ukraine in world food and fertilizer markets along with the evolution of key commodity prices and the factors influencing them, such as measures restricting trade. In the following section, we examine Africa’s dependence on world markets for food and fertilizers, with a focus on the role of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. This provides an overview of how African countries will be impacted by the conflict, with the impact proportional to the magnitude of the shock and the degree of exposure faced by different countries. We next explore the impacts of the conflict, first on African agrifood systems, then on poverty. In the final sections of the chapter, we present an overview of policy responses put in place in Africa to cushion the shocks, and provide some recommendations and conclusions.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T08:06:08.564-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316959,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"206_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_206.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=exPKunKCoJ40sGJTTN1K0I0qjQ~f0zdja6KYxgcKZvXmbKh8qAXQ6japNtgMr3K1m0eaOEPLiP5Wxi3Vhwrzas2n~nKhTL0yLur1s1LIQVRk3nHmofYgSQR4MpNDYLeFnfwUovxQMyrR5webJai3FBilkDJeMjRDsF~MWvoJCXF8EbaGdyzKVHnZ3Z1UzUiAB8~-aOjLqo-rd5Gsw57Gp9BcqjIkect0wnB0D6pJHkO2aCS0tqp9I9anQ2kVvZTBCJN~ZL5vcA5PB-hJ90kk5pNF3EX6TBVtPO2D-GOeEhTHx6pAjkIN3~8C9DtawFTrvdO~3jbxGtpwVnEdTVJ2NA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_WAR_ON_AFRICAN_AGRICULTURE_TRADE_POVERTY_AND_FOOD_SYSTEMS","translated_slug":"","page_count":29,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316959,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"206_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_206.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DECONOMIC_EFFECT_OF_THE_RUSSIAN_UKRAINE_W.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=exPKunKCoJ40sGJTTN1K0I0qjQ~f0zdja6KYxgcKZvXmbKh8qAXQ6japNtgMr3K1m0eaOEPLiP5Wxi3Vhwrzas2n~nKhTL0yLur1s1LIQVRk3nHmofYgSQR4MpNDYLeFnfwUovxQMyrR5webJai3FBilkDJeMjRDsF~MWvoJCXF8EbaGdyzKVHnZ3Z1UzUiAB8~-aOjLqo-rd5Gsw57Gp9BcqjIkect0wnB0D6pJHkO2aCS0tqp9I9anQ2kVvZTBCJN~ZL5vcA5PB-hJ90kk5pNF3EX6TBVtPO2D-GOeEhTHx6pAjkIN3~8C9DtawFTrvdO~3jbxGtpwVnEdTVJ2NA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1803257,"name":"Russian war in Ukraine","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237251"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecas...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="416403165b038201925b6a3c782aef26" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316843,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237251,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237251"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237251"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237251; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237251]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237251]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237251; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237251']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237251, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "416403165b038201925b6a3c782aef26" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237251]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237251,"title":"COVID-19’S CONSEQUENCES ON MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS IN ETHIOPIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF ARTICLES","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"According to the results of the review, COVID-19 has had a significant effect on real and forecasted key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty levels, and fiscal and monetary policy. In addition, this review reflects the sectorial effect of COVID-19 on health, factor productivity, domestic trade, exports, tourism, international aviation, remittances, the education sector, foreign direct investment, and the Ethiopian economy. While appropriate social distance and personal protective equipment strategies exist in all types of markets across the country, the government should take precautions against the recurrence of Covid-19 by disseminating credible information. Finally, fiscal optimization should be seen as a broader intervention in the economy as a whole. This study used a systematic and integrated method that began by searching relevant literature in professional and generally published journal databases from March 2019- December 2021.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:57:23.609-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316843,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"205_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_205.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCOVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D87qn1t8MXu-1FX~nccqeXDrRpOOF9w-fk4xkS0NYApoMj-3VMO2dQGcnilhvCpGmr8gFutgi55BlhHzTK3r-N8KJPt9ZIIusBdNwveCjNA9OExnLiZ1TuVfEbN9yJex-f~V1zmMtjcs3EEbe02j82t4PCcgvs5dp~T2YqJkWae0-MYA90oNT0IT8yxvyABzGrVwpU-ODMISDjQkjl18rP-x-OSr4SX1NojHkyDDrwA5Sazf8Ye5GOjQs9FDMcFLQhLSrKOLGXEG6M1mhhEYZafXZz9h9eQcLJ~MZ6PhM42dE1O5W6Zvm36MMml8Yw3xq8By0yRaKfTJrGM5Bzh89g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC_INDICATORS_IN_ETHIOPIA_SYSTEMATIC_REVIEW_OF_ARTICLES","translated_slug":"","page_count":14,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316843,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"205_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_205.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"COVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCOVID_19_S_CONSEQUENCES_ON_MACROECONOMIC.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D87qn1t8MXu-1FX~nccqeXDrRpOOF9w-fk4xkS0NYApoMj-3VMO2dQGcnilhvCpGmr8gFutgi55BlhHzTK3r-N8KJPt9ZIIusBdNwveCjNA9OExnLiZ1TuVfEbN9yJex-f~V1zmMtjcs3EEbe02j82t4PCcgvs5dp~T2YqJkWae0-MYA90oNT0IT8yxvyABzGrVwpU-ODMISDjQkjl18rP-x-OSr4SX1NojHkyDDrwA5Sazf8Ye5GOjQs9FDMcFLQhLSrKOLGXEG6M1mhhEYZafXZz9h9eQcLJ~MZ6PhM42dE1O5W6Zvm36MMml8Yw3xq8By0yRaKfTJrGM5Bzh89g__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237154"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of ETHIOPIA&#39;S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">ETHIOPIA&#39;S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Ethiopia&#39;s economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several cha...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Ethiopia&#39;s economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.<br /><br />This paper explores China&#39;s macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries&#39; policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="f38e464f0542a93d3cfcc5e2485d8943" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316776,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237154,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237154"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237154"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237154; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237154]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237154]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237154; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237154']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237154, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "f38e464f0542a93d3cfcc5e2485d8943" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237154]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237154,"title":"ETHIOPIA'S MACROECONOMIC AND FINANCE PERFORMANCES AND POLICY DIRECTION FRAMEWORK FOR STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE ECONOMY","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Ethiopia's economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.\n\nThis paper explores China's macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries' policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Ethiopia's economy grew at a double-digit rate over the 2003 to 2017 period. However, several challenges have emerged over the last four years that put in to question the possibility of sustaining the growth rate and transitioning the country into a middle-income country and beyond. These include stagnant export, significant delay and cost overruns of public projects, high debt relative to GDP and export capacity, high youth unemployment, and inflation.\n\nThis paper explores China's macro-financial policies that enabled its remarkable structural transformation to tease out lessons for Ethiopia. From the literature review and comparison of the two countries' policies, we identify the following critical steps Ethiopia needs to follow to ensure its structural transformation: (i) a monetary policy paradigm that gives attention to price stability; (ii) keeping the competitiveness of the real exchange rate; (iii) export orientation, especially in the manufacturing sector; (iv) enabling conditions for domestic savings;(v) enhanced efficiency of state owned banks in monitoring and assessment of credit risk(vi) and creating a suitable environment for manufacturing sector focused FDI.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:50:46.932-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316776,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"204_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_204.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=Xw5TUi1Vb8DaYZ31DdDL~O~0gIdo-ij7X6-HuiWcuRgSMApQNwbFCX76~8uDY6fK~MaFGS9dZ9z~K44UXjv1PHfMmxoyO1cTBytGIOVATtFov8YHSE8aymsWRVMyOTjg5MCyeJnnUzBugxkxJ0KJTPdONTqtvYnKtHZCmx~Ox3lrYfRPGwrywEechrlvSYhpSunGxAyC7eDib9GBcYA9GVDIvleoV~2XkZrWAT-qP4x7PPkLq42CK2vfrYyamNkXzlZtZcIiam9F1SEXVer9Fzo6oRpazMuuTsQwlj4PODNOWIO7pKXeNafRHyg01O4ybtlpFSY69lhxceXLWNeIVA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERFORMANCES_AND_POLICY_DIRECTION_FRAMEWORK_FOR_STRUCTURAL_TRANSFORMATION_OF_THE_ECONOMY","translated_slug":"","page_count":36,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316776,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"204_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_204.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"ETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DETHIOPIAS_MACROECONOMIC_AND_FINANCE_PERF.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=Xw5TUi1Vb8DaYZ31DdDL~O~0gIdo-ij7X6-HuiWcuRgSMApQNwbFCX76~8uDY6fK~MaFGS9dZ9z~K44UXjv1PHfMmxoyO1cTBytGIOVATtFov8YHSE8aymsWRVMyOTjg5MCyeJnnUzBugxkxJ0KJTPdONTqtvYnKtHZCmx~Ox3lrYfRPGwrywEechrlvSYhpSunGxAyC7eDib9GBcYA9GVDIvleoV~2XkZrWAT-qP4x7PPkLq42CK2vfrYyamNkXzlZtZcIiam9F1SEXVer9Fzo6oRpazMuuTsQwlj4PODNOWIO7pKXeNafRHyg01O4ybtlpFSY69lhxceXLWNeIVA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125237032"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3b8c1e0a1f286e40b0aed3814627ee98" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316631,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125237032,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125237032"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125237032"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237032; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237032]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125237032]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125237032; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125237032']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125237032, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3b8c1e0a1f286e40b0aed3814627ee98" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125237032]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125237032,"title":"THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET: A VARIOUS REVIEW OF LITERATURE","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"A large attention is being paid on various factors which impact stock market. Despite the growing literature on impact of variable on stock market, little effort has been done devoted to synthesize the overall state of art on the topic. In this paper, an attempt is being made to review the status of literature on impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market, thus to find research gap. A literature review scheme is presented. A total of 190 published articles 1961 to 2014 are reviewed. Based on review, suggestion for further research is likewise provided.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:42:53.060-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316631,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"203_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_203.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=cgP20SkiYICMd6ZUbqC2hhs0rr0dqlP79fp2Pch~cls-2va5glmMIvBhcKeBngDzWSHKk5TYyov6bYgO2cnG~qwjpxm75Pnj42dJ5IvE31StCCtYjZgZ9vJdCZ2A7Nk9K5w~NrxCbs4yG7Bg41Rp2IeBOgPh7unf8FR3yYVR4gUVp1WJVIvCQd4058NYt-y9XVGt~V-SlnQVR3wvM4OEX0Z9-V2vrIf2Ja6zZ0SOUm2dzjCxzLRQl53D~xS8dROEjX1EgyL4dlj1nXTMsE822hQNxQT7UXrw4HR19vLxpPuUyoO8qTuxXeYOLBzlH86bgc98HStj3XVVn9uYtji3CQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON_STOCK_MARKET_A_VARIOUS_REVIEW_OF_LITERATURE","translated_slug":"","page_count":32,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316631,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"203_Article_Review_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_203.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"THE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DTHE_EFFECT_OF_MACROECONOMIC_VARIABLES_ON.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=cgP20SkiYICMd6ZUbqC2hhs0rr0dqlP79fp2Pch~cls-2va5glmMIvBhcKeBngDzWSHKk5TYyov6bYgO2cnG~qwjpxm75Pnj42dJ5IvE31StCCtYjZgZ9vJdCZ2A7Nk9K5w~NrxCbs4yG7Bg41Rp2IeBOgPh7unf8FR3yYVR4gUVp1WJVIvCQd4058NYt-y9XVGt~V-SlnQVR3wvM4OEX0Z9-V2vrIf2Ja6zZ0SOUm2dzjCxzLRQl53D~xS8dROEjX1EgyL4dlj1nXTMsE822hQNxQT7UXrw4HR19vLxpPuUyoO8qTuxXeYOLBzlH86bgc98HStj3XVVn9uYtji3CQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":29156,"name":"Stock Market","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236892"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Calculus for Economists Module teaching material" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Calculus for Economists Module teaching material</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed( Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated"> This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I&amp;II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.<br />1.1 The concept of calculus.<br />Definition:&nbsp; calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation &amp; differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. <br />1.1.1 Differential calculus<br />1. Derivatives<br />Given a function&nbsp; the derivative of&nbsp; at any point ‘x’ is given by <br /> if this limit exists then&nbsp; is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.<br />The term&nbsp; is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to&nbsp; and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when&nbsp; is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.<br />Example: find the derivative of&nbsp; <br />Solution:&nbsp; <br /> <br /> <br />Differentiability and continuity<br />It the derivative of a function, say&nbsp; exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.<br /> To say a function&nbsp; is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled<br /> 1.&nbsp; should be continuous at ‘c’<br /> 2.&nbsp; &nbsp; should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ <br />The 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. <br />1.&nbsp; should exist <br />2.&nbsp; <br />3.&nbsp; <br />From this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.<br />Continuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps &amp; cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two <br />Example show the function&nbsp; is not differentiable at x = 2. <br />Steps 1 Testing continuity of the function<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.&nbsp; so,&nbsp; is continuous at&nbsp; <br />Step 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.<br />Since&nbsp; is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:<br /> <br />To see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left &amp; right side limits .i.e.<br />&nbsp; From the above result, we can see that the left &amp; right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function&nbsp; is not differentiable at x=2.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="63e471f0d45520fca77ac0ade06c9263" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119316546,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125236892,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236892"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236892"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236892; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236892]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236892]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236892; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236892']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236892, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "63e471f0d45520fca77ac0ade06c9263" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236892]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236892,"title":"Calculus for Economists Module teaching material","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":" This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I\u0026II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.\n1.1 The concept of calculus.\nDefinition: calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation \u0026 differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. \n1.1.1 Differential calculus\n1.\tDerivatives\nGiven a function the derivative of at any point ‘x’ is given by \n if this limit exists then is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.\nThe term is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.\nExample: find the derivative of \nSolution: \n\t \n \nDifferentiability and continuity\nIt the derivative of a function, say exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.\n\tTo say a function is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled\n\t1. should be continuous at ‘c’\n\t2. should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ \nThe 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. \n1. should exist \n2. \n3. \nFrom this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.\nContinuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps \u0026 cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two \nExample show the function is not differentiable at x = 2.\t\nSteps 1 Testing continuity of the function\n 1. \n 2. \n 3. so, is continuous at \nStep 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.\nSince is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:\n \nTo see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left \u0026 right side limits .i.e.\n From the above result, we can see that the left \u0026 right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function is not differentiable at x=2.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed( Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":" This chapter is concerned with revising the basic concepts related with quantitative methods in economics. These concepts are discussed in detail in quantitative method for economists I\u0026II courses. So, the discussions in this chapter will be very brief.\n1.1 The concept of calculus.\nDefinition: calculus, in simple terms, in a mathematical technique which is used to deal with change, motion and growth. It is a result of great advancement in the area of mathematics which is used to solve mathematical problems that can’t be solved using ordinary methods. In economics, it is frequently used to solve static and dynamic economic problem. Differential calculus, which indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable, is used in static economic analysis; On the other hand, Integral calculus, difference equation \u0026 differential equation are use in dealing with dynamic economic problems. These applications are dealt with in a separate chapter but for this section you will be reminded about only the basic concepts which you have dealt with your Quantitative methods course. \n1.1.1 Differential calculus\n1.\tDerivatives\nGiven a function the derivative of at any point ‘x’ is given by \n if this limit exists then is said to be differentiable function at ‘x’.\nThe term is simply slope of the functions which is an equivalent expression to and it represents average rate of change of a function .But the derivative approximates the rate of change of the positive function when is infinitesimal i.e. slope of a function at a point or instantaneous rate of change.\nExample: find the derivative of \nSolution: \n\t \n \nDifferentiability and continuity\nIt the derivative of a function, say exists at point ‘c’ then is said to be differentiable at ‘c’.\n\tTo say a function is differentiable at ‘c’ the following conditions should be fulfilled\n\t1. should be continuous at ‘c’\n\t2. should have a unique (only one ) slope at ‘c’ \nThe 1st condition requires the fulfillment of continuity conditions i.e. \n1. should exist \n2. \n3. \nFrom this we can understand that continuity doesn’t necessarily mean differentiability.\nContinuality rules out jumps and gaps at a point while differentiability condition requires smoothness of the curve at the given point in addition to continuity conditions. In other words, differentiability rules out jumps, gaps, sharps \u0026 cusp corners, while continuity rules out only the first two \nExample show the function is not differentiable at x = 2.\t\nSteps 1 Testing continuity of the function\n 1. \n 2. \n 3. so, is continuous at \nStep 2 in this step we will see weather the limit of the difference quotient exist or not.\nSince is an absolute value functions, it can be redefined as follows:\n \nTo see the existence of the limit of the difference quotient, we find its left \u0026 right side limits .i.e.\n From the above result, we can see that the left \u0026 right side limits are not equal. There fore the limit of the difference quotient doesn’t exist which intern means that the function is not differentiable at x=2.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:35:55.191-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119316546,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"202_Calculus_for_Economists_module_and_Handout_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_202.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCalculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=OQtWaFyWId48TkkKpdO2dOuDtmYY6edFjeMdA-5O4IldE0su1Wir2zEGuRPCUK21GAV5nW1QJhS-4L0DPubObMU6qSO4oiJn2dBO3CUJCLtiwWSHFFaIvCCpMKR2Gra54n9LxG~Ml2linKd2A6L4EBFEsh6pJQj~AVrotBE1rElmPyKp0r5~JNdz~rCY-7W2Mlv3QsqAvILR0rNpujuafwd8F4K0o~YheEUarl1fMYkl2-exbdCYOd3d~NTPvypF~Yr7K6URk-oO8lUfcFxx2o1yaDhavETtsSfiSBliarKUfOoGvqdn7hZ12szZeRWuGtI3c6NL9U-OqCVsJc-6zQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching_material","translated_slug":"","page_count":122,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119316546,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"202_Calculus_for_Economists_module_and_Handout_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_202.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Calculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCalculus_for_Economists_Module_teaching.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=OQtWaFyWId48TkkKpdO2dOuDtmYY6edFjeMdA-5O4IldE0su1Wir2zEGuRPCUK21GAV5nW1QJhS-4L0DPubObMU6qSO4oiJn2dBO3CUJCLtiwWSHFFaIvCCpMKR2Gra54n9LxG~Ml2linKd2A6L4EBFEsh6pJQj~AVrotBE1rElmPyKp0r5~JNdz~rCY-7W2Mlv3QsqAvILR0rNpujuafwd8F4K0o~YheEUarl1fMYkl2-exbdCYOd3d~NTPvypF~Yr7K6URk-oO8lUfcFxx2o1yaDhavETtsSfiSBliarKUfOoGvqdn7hZ12szZeRWuGtI3c6NL9U-OqCVsJc-6zQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":369,"name":"Calculus","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236861"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Goat Farming Business Plan" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Goat Farming Business Plan</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed ( Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create busines...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.<br />If you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.<br />In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.<br />Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here &gt;<br />What Is a Business Plan?<br />A business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.<br /> <br />Why You Need a Business Plan<br />If you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.<br /> <br />Sources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses<br />With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236861"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236861"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236861; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236861]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236861]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236861; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236861']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236861, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236861]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236861,"title":"Goat Farming Business Plan","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.\nIf you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.\nIn this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.\nDownload our Ultimate Business Plan Template here \u003e\nWhat Is a Business Plan?\nA business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.\n \nWhy You Need a Business Plan\nIf you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.\n \nSources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses\nWith regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed ( Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their goat farms.\nIf you’re unfamiliar with creating a goat farming business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.\nIn this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a goat farming business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.\nDownload our Ultimate Business Plan Template here \u003e\nWhat Is a Business Plan?\nA business plan provides a snapshot of your goat farming business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.\n \nWhy You Need a Business Plan\nIf you’re looking to start a goat farming business or grow your existing goat farm, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your goat farming business to improve your chances of success. Your goat farming business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.\n \nSources of Funding for Goat Farming Businesses\nWith regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a goat farming business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for goat farms.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:32:38.613-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"Goat_Farming_Business_Plan","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":39896,"name":"Business Plan","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125236481"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed(M.Sc. in Development economics)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Types of Function - Based on Degree • The polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Types of Function - Based on Degree<br />• The polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.<br />• The polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.<br />Types of Functions<br />The types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.<br />Every mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.<br />What are the Types of Functions?<br />The function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.<br />• Based on the mapping<br />• Based on Degree<br />• Based on Math Concepts<br />• Miscellaneous Functions<br />Representation of Functions<br />There are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125236481"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125236481"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236481; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236481]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125236481]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125236481; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125236481']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125236481, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125236481]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125236481,"title":"Calculus Main Concepts and Short notes for Undergraduate Economics Students","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Types of Function - Based on Degree\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.\nTypes of Functions\nThe types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.\nEvery mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.\nWhat are the Types of Functions?\nThe function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.\n•\tBased on the mapping\n•\tBased on Degree\n•\tBased on Math Concepts\n•\tMiscellaneous Functions\nRepresentation of Functions\nThere are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed(M.Sc. in Development economics)"},"translated_abstract":"Types of Function - Based on Degree\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree zero is called a Constant Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree one is called a Linear Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree two is called a Quadratic Function.\n•\tThe polynomial function of degree three is a Cubic Function.\nTypes of Functions\nThe types of functions are defined on the basis of the mapping, degree, and math concepts. The expression used to write the function is the prime defining factor for a function. Along with expression, the relationship between the elements of the domain set and the range set also accounts for the type of function. The classification of functions helps to easily understand and learn the different types of functions. A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output. Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input.\nEvery mathematical expression which has an input value and a resulting answer can be conveniently presented as a function provided that every input has only one output. Here we shall learn about the types of functions and their definitions along with their graphs and examples.\nWhat are the Types of Functions?\nThe function y = f(x) is classified into different types of functions, based on factors such as how they have been mapped, what is their degree, and what math concepts they belong to. The functions have a domain x value that is referred as input. The domain values (set of x-values) can be a number, angle, decimal, fraction, etc depending on its type. Similarly, the set of y values is the range. The types of functions have been classified into the following four types.\n•\tBased on the mapping\n•\tBased on Degree\n•\tBased on Math Concepts\n•\tMiscellaneous Functions\nRepresentation of Functions\nThere are three different forms of representation of functions. The functions need to be represented to showcase the domain values and the range values and the relationship between them. The functions can be represented with the help of algebraic form, graphical formats, and roster forms.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-02T07:04:13.474-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"Calculus_Main_Concepts_and_Short_notes_for_Undergraduate_Economics_Students","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":369,"name":"Calculus","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125218647"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarci...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. <br />1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). <br />2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and<br />3) Economics is the study of decision making<br />The science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: <br />a) What to produce&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; c) For whom to produce<br />b) How to produce:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; d) When to produce<br />4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources<br />This deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. <br />5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries<br />One major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="e8a57fb1be8129c257e980750d06b8c4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119301223,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125218647,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125218647"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125218647"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125218647; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125218647]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125218647]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125218647; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125218647']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125218647, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "e8a57fb1be8129c257e980750d06b8c4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125218647]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125218647,"title":"CHAPTER ONE THE STATE OF MACROECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. \n1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). \n2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and\n3) Economics is the study of decision making\nThe science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: \na) What to produce c) For whom to produce\nb) How to produce: d) When to produce\n4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources\nThis deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. \n5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries\nOne major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Economics can be defined in different ways by different economists in the view of resource scarcity, international economic relation, and science of decision making and process of making choice. The following are the major ones. \n1) Economics is a social study of production, distribution, and consumption of wealth or output.This definition emphasizes three major economic activities. According to the definition first output must be produced, then it must be distributed to potential consumers (distribution); and finally, consumers must choose from the available goods for consumption (consumption). \n2) Economics is a study of choice. Economic agents (producers and consumers of goods and services) make choice because of scarcity and\n3) Economics is the study of decision making\nThe science of economics is used to make decision with the help of economic principles; people may easily decide on: \na) What to produce c) For whom to produce\nb) How to produce: d) When to produce\n4) Economics is the study of wise and efficient use of limited resources\nThis deals with the optimal allocation or efficient allocation of scarce resource in producing goods and services to fulfill un limited human wants. \n5) Economics can also be defined from international or global point of view as trade among countries\nOne major feature of the current world economy is that of economic development which highly depend on the trade among nations and countries. So trade help countries acquire resources at cheaper prices that could be produced domestically only at higher cost. It also enables countries to transfer more efficient production and distribution mechanisms among themselves. \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T10:30:46.988-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119301223,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"Macroeconomics_Handout_and_Lecture_note_for_Business_and_Economics_students_as_a_Common_courses.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=ElXaIyJA8RADfM7hL2litwb49A8q78mt-SoaM35skjNpLR3MOWtDuA5p6z8T7tklqR5JxlOaEZED2Xpdui7HoBokftlH1U2VFm6AzGzHGou10F6JksR0I4l~2WujpQ6CGuXNjYNYsm54LlgIZ73fZbzI5AVqmG3CB0sPgBWMa98rP3i3lCawIEs98xCRfs6-JX8iPfqC0iAQwJZa8xl-Dr0dMu91oHpFz-44Sdo5q1TPzmXqbXG5i5xOs6wQz-JVRjU3wa6B5iSTRepzloKVqcpusDEFd-10oPLOagcJEFVLoZUkEfADrsK6mYvqMF8KNc4gFOTPhDT4AMJJRUPTfQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":53,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119301223,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"Macroeconomics_Handout_and_Lecture_note_for_Business_and_Economics_students_as_a_Common_courses.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_ONE_THE_STATE_OF_MACROECONOMICS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=ElXaIyJA8RADfM7hL2litwb49A8q78mt-SoaM35skjNpLR3MOWtDuA5p6z8T7tklqR5JxlOaEZED2Xpdui7HoBokftlH1U2VFm6AzGzHGou10F6JksR0I4l~2WujpQ6CGuXNjYNYsm54LlgIZ73fZbzI5AVqmG3CB0sPgBWMa98rP3i3lCawIEs98xCRfs6-JX8iPfqC0iAQwJZa8xl-Dr0dMu91oHpFz-44Sdo5q1TPzmXqbXG5i5xOs6wQz-JVRjU3wa6B5iSTRepzloKVqcpusDEFd-10oPLOagcJEFVLoZUkEfADrsK6mYvqMF8KNc4gFOTPhDT4AMJJRUPTfQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217776"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic ac...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of &quot;classical economics,&quot; he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217776"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217776"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217776; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217776]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217776]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217776; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217776']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217776, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (false){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "-1" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217776]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217776,"title":"CHAPTER FOUR KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of \"classical economics,\" he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Keynesian Economics is a term used to describe macroeconomic theories of the level of economic activity using the techniques developed by John Maynard Keynes. The Keynesian system of ideas is one of the most significant schools of economic thought. John Maynard Keynes is the chief representative and the founder of this school of thought. The school began with the publication of Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 and remains a major presence in orthodox economics today. It arose out of the neoclassical school, Keynes himself being steeped in the Marshallian tradition. Although Keynes sharply criticized certain aspects of neoclassical economics, which he lumped together with Ricardian doctrines under the heading of \"classical economics,\" he used many of its postulates and methods. His system was based on a subjective psychological approach, and it was permeated with marginalist concepts, including static equilibrium economics. Keynes disassociated himself from attacks on the neoclassical theory of value and distribution.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:43:39.525-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[],"slug":"CHAPTER_FOUR_KEYNESIAN_ECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":null,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[],"research_interests":[{"id":764,"name":"Macroeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217547"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.<br />The field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.<br /><br />Ancient and Medieval Periods<br />The first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.<br />Roman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.<br />Mercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith<br />In the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.<br /><br />Mercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.<br />As the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.<br />Physiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.<br />In the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group<br /> <br /><br /><br />advocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.<br /><br />In the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="e6b50dbac5f3920ac415b2a1ef412ee4" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119300168,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217547,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217547"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217547"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217547; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217547]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217547]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217547; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217547']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217547, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "e6b50dbac5f3920ac415b2a1ef412ee4" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217547]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217547,"title":"HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.\nThe field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.\n\nAncient and Medieval Periods\nThe first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.\nRoman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.\nMercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith\nIn the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.\n\nMercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.\nAs the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.\nPhysiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.\nIn the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group\n \n\n\nadvocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.\n\nIn the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Economics, study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.\nThe field of economics has undergone a remarkable expansion in the 20th cent. as the world economy has grown increasingly large and complex. Today, economists are employed in large numbers in private industry, government, and higher. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others.\n\nAncient and Medieval Periods\nThe first attempts to analyze economic problems appear in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Plato recognized the economic basis of social life and in his Republic organized a model society on the basis of a careful division of labor. Aristotle, too, attributed great importance to economic security as the basis for social and political health and saw the owner of a middle-sized plot of land as the ideal citizen.\nRoman writers such as Cicero, Vergil, and Varro gave significant advice about the economics of agriculture. The medieval period was marked by the disruption of the flourishing commerce of the ancient world, and its economic life was dominated by feudalism.\nMercantilism, the Physiocrats, and Adam Smith\nIn the transition to modern times (16th–18th cent.), European overseas expansion led to the growth of commerce and the economic policies of mercantilism.\n\nMercantilism - economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. The period 1500 - 1800 was one of religious and commercial wars, and large revenues were needed to maintain armies and pay the growing costs of civil government. Mercantilist nations were impressed by the fact that the precious metals, especially gold, were in universal demand. Foreign trade was favored above domestic trade, and manufacturing or processing, which provided the goods for foreign trade, was favored at the expense of the extractive industries (e.g., agriculture). The state exercised much control over economic life, chiefly through corporations and trading companies.\nAs the classical economists were later to point out, however, even a successful mercantilist policy was not likely to be beneficial, because it produced an oversupply of money and, with it, serious inflation. Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Oliver Cromwell conformed their policies to mercantilism. In France its chief exponent was Jean Baptiste Colbert.\nPhysiocrats - school of French thinkers in the 18th century who evolved the first complete system of economics. The founder and leader of physiocracy was Francois Quesnay.\nIn the late 17th and the 18th cents., protest against the governmental regulation characteristic of mercantilism was voiced, especially by the physiocrats. That group\n \n\n\nadvocated laissez-faire, arguing that business should follow freely the “natural laws” of economics without government interference. They regarded agriculture as the sole productive economic activity and encouraged the improvement of cultivation.\n\nIn the 18th century the Scottish philosopher David Hume did important work in economics. His analysis of the natural advantages that some nations enjoy in the cultivation of certain products and his observations on the flow of commerce became the basis for the theory of international trade.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:31:26.196-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119300168,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"199_HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS_Main_Concepts_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_199.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=PVbX~m25evDSgGLEs~3gS0GLgVfiy3mEqg0UnsQfXF9ejg~6cXKh7P4pqPz48HBd9BLyQdJ08~-wlQNk4TLblHYzqDObq0Nzzi9YfB93-HgXD5siOoCHxhHuob8Qtd6zv8-GduHut2rMZTQCet~kXQrSSVud12TU0cp4RQt~ydC3w-moqJSXGB-D-iSx43xmMgmJlNP3VUReDIMNnnmARwWDVb838wku2UGrPTemsKwCS55OqaEXht1LbOQoI4ngE2hEjhUxfN811EeKwWgcxG6CVM8dcLn3Pgx6SHGZkHgt6nQwYUkO5SYPhsapTPL~eNPIPqpjlHkD5bmC3-f~Bg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS","translated_slug":"","page_count":5,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119300168,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"199_HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS_Main_Concepts_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_199.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"HISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DHISTORY_OF_ECONOMIC_THOUGHTS.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=PVbX~m25evDSgGLEs~3gS0GLgVfiy3mEqg0UnsQfXF9ejg~6cXKh7P4pqPz48HBd9BLyQdJ08~-wlQNk4TLblHYzqDObq0Nzzi9YfB93-HgXD5siOoCHxhHuob8Qtd6zv8-GduHut2rMZTQCet~kXQrSSVud12TU0cp4RQt~ydC3w-moqJSXGB-D-iSx43xmMgmJlNP3VUReDIMNnnmARwWDVb838wku2UGrPTemsKwCS55OqaEXht1LbOQoI4ngE2hEjhUxfN811EeKwWgcxG6CVM8dcLn3Pgx6SHGZkHgt6nQwYUkO5SYPhsapTPL~eNPIPqpjlHkD5bmC3-f~Bg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1735,"name":"History of Economic Thought","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217238"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and ...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. <br />General equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. <br />The theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.<br />Broadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a &quot;bottom-up&quot; approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a &quot;top-down&quot; approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the &quot;big picture&quot;.) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. <br />In a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers&#39; wages. If bakers don&#39;t differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers&#39; wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.<br />The first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras&#39; Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money).</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3b79a90a796c9006613142ce325f19e6" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299965,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217238,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217238"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217238"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217238; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217238]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217238]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217238; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217238']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217238, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3b79a90a796c9006613142ce325f19e6" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217238]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217238,"title":"CHAPTER THREE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND WELFARE ECONOMICS","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. \nGeneral equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. \nThe theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.\nBroadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a \"bottom-up\" approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a \"top-down\" approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the \"big picture\".) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. \nIn a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers' wages. If bakers don't differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers' wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.\nThe first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras' Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money). \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"In economics, general equilibrium theory attempts to explain the behavior of supply, demand, and prices in a whole economy with several or many interacting markets, by seeking to prove that the interaction of demand and supply will result in an overall general equilibrium. \nGeneral equilibrium theory contrasts to the theory of partial equilibrium, which only analyzes single markets. It studies economies using the model of equilibrium pricing and seeks to determine in which circumstances the assumptions of general equilibrium will hold. \nThe theory dates to the 1870s, particularly the work of French economist Léon Walras in his pioneering 1874 work ‘Elements of Pure Economics’.\nBroadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a \"bottom-up\" approach, starting with individual markets and agents. (Macroeconomics, as developed by the Keynesian economists, focused on a \"top-down\" approach, where the analysis starts with larger aggregates, the \"big picture\".) Therefore, general equilibrium theory has traditionally been classified as part of microeconomics. \nIn a market system the prices and production of all goods, including the price of money and interest, are interrelated. A change in the price of one good, say bread may affect another price, such as bakers' wages. If bakers don't differ in tastes from others, the demand for bread might be affected by a change in bakers' wages, with a consequent effect on the price of bread.\nThe first attempt in neoclassical economics to model prices for a whole economy was made by Léon Walras. Walras' Elements of Pure Economics provides a succession of models, each taking into account more aspects of a real economy (two commodities, many commodities, production, growth, money). \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:22:39.913-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119299965,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"198_Chapter_3_General._Equilibrium_final_handout_History_of_Economic_thought_II_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_198.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=R76OoQDmi0ZB4WR04DObNHTtVsfd520NzfKCGTyIaWHp~IhnGPhIKWq8CSsp55t1imaqTlETjNdBCeuIqP3YEpMMhEmlIF0sektVOvZgSxzz6992GXX-zMKA~VUUVVZlRA3iS6dF9aM3saKX2Kp1duQ20h-xok7NMfyXk1e1iwbGGiLs2N822R9WIuxXPd4W2RnlYvqBRP~HK1MXW01wKQ6nz~6NiJKHdd6z3ghJUcnQwqD4lXbvSYrKeok3xNmqiO8UXXx4Cv-jWscFwCWz58YZN0xWiltK96b6ixN8FvD1v48FBuLYw72oDHcoAWR1b9abvlVU8Sis6tCRaPJz8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WELFARE_ECONOMICS","translated_slug":"","page_count":19,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119299965,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"198_Chapter_3_General._Equilibrium_final_handout_History_of_Economic_thought_II_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_198.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_THREE_GENERAL_EQUILIBRIUM_AND_WE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=R76OoQDmi0ZB4WR04DObNHTtVsfd520NzfKCGTyIaWHp~IhnGPhIKWq8CSsp55t1imaqTlETjNdBCeuIqP3YEpMMhEmlIF0sektVOvZgSxzz6992GXX-zMKA~VUUVVZlRA3iS6dF9aM3saKX2Kp1duQ20h-xok7NMfyXk1e1iwbGGiLs2N822R9WIuxXPd4W2RnlYvqBRP~HK1MXW01wKQ6nz~6NiJKHdd6z3ghJUcnQwqD4lXbvSYrKeok3xNmqiO8UXXx4Cv-jWscFwCWz58YZN0xWiltK96b6ixN8FvD1v48FBuLYw72oDHcoAWR1b9abvlVU8Sis6tCRaPJz8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1735,"name":"History of Economic Thought","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125217145"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">1.1. Definition of Statistics How do we define Statistics? It has two meanings. In the more commo...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">1.1. Definition of Statistics<br />How do we define Statistics?<br />It has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.<br />Examples:<br />The number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;<br />Statistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;<br />But the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.<br />Therefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.<br />According to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”<br />As the definition suggests:<br /> The first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.<br /> The data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.<br /> Only after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.<br />Example: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they<br />a) have to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,<br />b) should organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),<br />c) should present that data by using charts, tables, etc,<br />d) and they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode variance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.<br />1.2. Types of Statistics<br />The study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:<br />a) Descriptive Statistics<br /> It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.<br /> It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="ec4e1c19754a71bd3744f6d15da2d480" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299826,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125217145,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125217145"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125217145"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217145; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217145]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125217145]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125217145; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125217145']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125217145, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "ec4e1c19754a71bd3744f6d15da2d480" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125217145]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125217145,"title":"Introduction to Statistics Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"1.1.\tDefinition of Statistics\nHow do we define Statistics?\nIt has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.\nExamples:\nThe number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;\nStatistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;\nBut the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.\nTherefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.\nAccording to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”\nAs the definition suggests:\n\tThe first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.\n\tThe data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.\n\tOnly after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.\nExample: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they\na)\thave to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,\nb)\tshould organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),\nc)\tshould present that data by using charts, tables, etc,\nd)\tand they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode\tvariance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.\n1.2.\tTypes of Statistics\nThe study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:\na)\tDescriptive Statistics\n It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.\n It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"1.1.\tDefinition of Statistics\nHow do we define Statistics?\nIt has two meanings. In the more common usage (layman definition), statistics refers to a collection of numerically expressed facts or data.\nExamples:\nThe number of colleges in a city; The number of students in a college; Per capita income statistics;\nStatistics of imports, exports, consumption, etc;\nBut the subject statistics has a much broader meaning than just collecting and publishing numerical information.\nTherefore, we define statistics as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data to assist in making more effective decisions.\nAccording to Dominick Salvatore and Derrick Reagle “statistics refers to collection, presentation, analysis and utilization of numerical data to make inferences and reach decisions in the face of uncertainty in economics, business and other social and physical sciences.”\nAs the definition suggests:\n\tThe first step in investigating a problem is to collect data.\n\tThe data must be organized in some way and perhaps presented in a chart.\n\tOnly after the data have been organized and presented, we can analyze and interpret it.\nExample: If students of economics at a university would like to know the monthly household income of 200 residents in a town, then they\na)\thave to collect the data, that is, income of the households under study ,\nb)\tshould organize the data (say by arranging the data in ascending or descending order),\nc)\tshould present that data by using charts, tables, etc,\nd)\tand they should do some analysis (say find the average, median, mode\tvariance, standard deviation, , etc) and interpret the data.\n1.2.\tTypes of Statistics\nThe study of statistics is usually divided in to two categories:\na)\tDescriptive Statistics\n It is a statistical method that deals with describing (summarizing) given set of data without making conclusions about the larger data.\n It consists of collection, organization and presentation of data in an informative way.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:18:39.787-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119299826,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"197_Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DIntroduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=HCEx2obfiLu490OvSjBliPmxbaySNJnba-f4a7X7p7WDjW9ABMcBrallQqZ9yXK04J9WVZuhyIffH-GuKFxoeuYs5XExcp0OYXKeWqZs19IP8HOP2a6peUMqNXAPzjQM-pwGUTttto3el6yxAe1IN739xTFYgyNF4Du6xcI4ZpMgNdmeeHaTuHRM0Oxsm64i7pAqg~vDgx8Hhv9--Qaerxvl76~-0DbIGAxebeD0F1fURPLXKDy3t8yoyjVuZAT1ZEsB5qH56bIBxz5uN5B6XzI2FZR3sApLkpoTCUiV0RkSBb2Oo~UQVnqPTAJ6JsQ0zhBoJnlqyWGoVgsHWFJI8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed","translated_slug":"","page_count":141,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119299826,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"197_Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Introduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DIntroduction_to_Statistics_Prepared_by_A.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=HCEx2obfiLu490OvSjBliPmxbaySNJnba-f4a7X7p7WDjW9ABMcBrallQqZ9yXK04J9WVZuhyIffH-GuKFxoeuYs5XExcp0OYXKeWqZs19IP8HOP2a6peUMqNXAPzjQM-pwGUTttto3el6yxAe1IN739xTFYgyNF4Du6xcI4ZpMgNdmeeHaTuHRM0Oxsm64i7pAqg~vDgx8Hhv9--Qaerxvl76~-0DbIGAxebeD0F1fURPLXKDy3t8yoyjVuZAT1ZEsB5qH56bIBxz5uN5B6XzI2FZR3sApLkpoTCUiV0RkSBb2Oo~UQVnqPTAJ6JsQ0zhBoJnlqyWGoVgsHWFJI8A__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":1252103,"name":"Introduction to Statistics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); 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Classification of Planning 2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning Planning t...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">2. Classification of Planning<br /><br />2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning<br /><br />Planning takes different forms on the basis of:<br /><br /> Differences in time periods <br /><br /> Institutions affected <br /><br /> Extent of activities covered <br /><br /> Modes of executing the plan, etc.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="f720925f993f613d17d28bdeca25ee0c" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299501,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216744,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216744"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216744"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216744; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216744]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216744]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216744; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125216744']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125216744, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "f720925f993f613d17d28bdeca25ee0c" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125216744]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125216744,"title":"Lecture note: Development planning and project analysis I","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"2. Classification of Planning\n\n2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning\n\nPlanning takes different forms on the basis of:\n\n\tDifferences in time periods \n\n\tInstitutions affected \n\n\tExtent of activities covered \n\n\tModes of executing the plan, etc. \n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"2. Classification of Planning\n\n2.1. Long- Term, medium- Term and short- Term planning\n\nPlanning takes different forms on the basis of:\n\n\tDifferences in time periods \n\n\tInstitutions affected \n\n\tExtent of activities covered \n\n\tModes of executing the plan, etc. \n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T09:00:36.652-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119299501,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"196_Chapter_2_PLANNING_I_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_196.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Lecture_note_Development_planning_and_pr.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DLecture_note_Development_planning_and_pr.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=NUgmjLSogD6QBw-NEzexB6ntow6q~31LM8RFmkBk5Ylsx40dTnWLciDlRRSW~W8wZDVCP64fbnnuuYMbOlvf5h6oKOh~UmeHSSGfizjA3Ysk~NqsViyDhLe7pVgSq2-rdisDsaV9JJ2oEMFTTgz5aptFLOQDIje-PuBir4xcPYieEu6Lg6McL~DgRxTd64azVoaSq0siC2Tm~3njeRxhqN6TspQIFNmzxPHs7djqgA-gQNLytDK8Iw2RktEXvKzgptqmKdfVrs8De62zSp8s1Vx0uK8UuTx1SWqgV8sbQLwZk-duZrHBgsdcRAmSChCrCGNcJFGzD2DMl3U2lSy3rQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Lecture_note_Development_planning_and_project_analysis_I","translated_slug":"","page_count":14,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119299501,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"196_Chapter_2_PLANNING_I_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_196.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Lecture_note_Development_planning_and_pr.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DLecture_note_Development_planning_and_pr.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=NUgmjLSogD6QBw-NEzexB6ntow6q~31LM8RFmkBk5Ylsx40dTnWLciDlRRSW~W8wZDVCP64fbnnuuYMbOlvf5h6oKOh~UmeHSSGfizjA3Ysk~NqsViyDhLe7pVgSq2-rdisDsaV9JJ2oEMFTTgz5aptFLOQDIje-PuBir4xcPYieEu6Lg6McL~DgRxTd64azVoaSq0siC2Tm~3njeRxhqN6TspQIFNmzxPHs7djqgA-gQNLytDK8Iw2RktEXvKzgptqmKdfVrs8De62zSp8s1Vx0uK8UuTx1SWqgV8sbQLwZk-duZrHBgsdcRAmSChCrCGNcJFGzD2DMl3U2lSy3rQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":146055,"name":"Development planning","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125216551"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND PROJECT ANALYSIS I" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND PROJECT ANALYSIS I</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">1.1. The evolution of Development thinking The evolution of development thinking can be summarize...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">1.1. The evolution of Development thinking<br />The evolution of development thinking can be summarized in to three different periods:<br />The Early Post War Consensus <br /> The Washington Consensus<br /> The Oscillating Search for Silver Bullet</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="37cd1069596f1e1bec6f20fb3f61a802" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299207,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216551,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216551"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216551"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216551; 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which lends itself to planning, financing and implementing as a unit.<br />A group of tasks performed in a definable time period in order to meet a specific set of objectives.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5a5d16748514dec87d6c7891f31f70ec" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119299042,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216211,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216211"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216211"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216211; 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$(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="125216091"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate natu...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.<br /> In the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="5669fcf78035962179252712fff9be47" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:119298949,&quot;asset_id&quot;:125216091,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="125216091"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="125216091"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216091; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216091]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=125216091]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 125216091; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='125216091']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 125216091, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "5669fcf78035962179252712fff9be47" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=125216091]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":125216091,"title":"CHAPTER- FIVE INEQUALITY, POVERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.\n\tIn the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"The 1970, witnessed a remarkable change in public and private perceptions about the ultimate nature of economic activity. In both rich and poor countries, there was a growing disillusionment with the idea that relentless pursuit of growth was the principal economic objective of society. In the developed countries, the major emphasis seemed to shift toward more concern for the quality of life, a concern manifested mainly in the environmental movement.\n\tIn the poor countries, the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. That development required a higher GNP and faster growth rate was obvious. The basic issue, however, was (and is) not only how to make GNP grow but also who would make it grow, the few or the many. If it were the rich, they would most likely appropriate it, and poverty and inequality would continue to worsen. However, if it were generated by the many, they would be its principal beneficiaries, and the fruits of economic growth would be shared more evenly.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-11-01T08:36:05.683-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"paper","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":119298949,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"193_Development_Economics_I_Chapter_5_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_193.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D0LzwF4NwbZKefoP3mtNzLTqfWbjWk4ukH1fmfYLpzVr~FO4vzShrgQ1tdudv5TH3q6Gq~7iAiKwBndwRhn9YYw5zuedhxDbjEfYRDSa3nW-vBR3uUHuowvFLwR4lfZhutgaY~xfMcVOhrGHTa6YIxWvsHtXzuYxl3KkER1xej5z2wz~5NuKQ5ZGqp6degIw-PcMODIY2D3GCX1wTCac0fhPyfHpAb0tg3-7o2ebdet-5bjTks4MbQI-ct0u8pzneGlCF00euAec7DPIZ-BTbfsLpOw34Fcj6-1DDO89us8lstMUYKgUYlsNVEFnSsx6UQW38EEKANR7xIdQVuyZGw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVELOPMENT","translated_slug":"","page_count":21,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":119298949,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"193_Development_Economics_I_Chapter_5_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed_193.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"CHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DCHAPTER_FIVE_INEQUALITY_POVERTY_AND_DEVE.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715946\u0026Signature=D0LzwF4NwbZKefoP3mtNzLTqfWbjWk4ukH1fmfYLpzVr~FO4vzShrgQ1tdudv5TH3q6Gq~7iAiKwBndwRhn9YYw5zuedhxDbjEfYRDSa3nW-vBR3uUHuowvFLwR4lfZhutgaY~xfMcVOhrGHTa6YIxWvsHtXzuYxl3KkER1xej5z2wz~5NuKQ5ZGqp6degIw-PcMODIY2D3GCX1wTCac0fhPyfHpAb0tg3-7o2ebdet-5bjTks4MbQI-ct0u8pzneGlCF00euAec7DPIZ-BTbfsLpOw34Fcj6-1DDO89us8lstMUYKgUYlsNVEFnSsx6UQW38EEKANR7xIdQVuyZGw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":727,"name":"Development Economics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> </div><div class="profile--tab_content_container js-tab-pane tab-pane" data-section-id="19875177" id="drafts"><div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122571219"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Gravel Road Construction, Solid Waste Management System and Creation of Job Opportunity Project in Jimma Town: the case of Becho Bore Kebele, Tulema zone." class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Gravel Road Construction, Solid Waste Management System and Creation of Job Opportunity Project in Jimma Town: the case of Becho Bore Kebele, Tulema zone.</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Community Based Education is defined as a win-win learning process where students use the communi...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Community Based Education is defined as a win-win learning process where students use the community as a learning environment and render services to the community through problem identification, prioritization, implementation, and evaluation of the interventions in relation to the benefits reached to community and students in the learning process. The overall objective of the project is to improve the road problem, to provide solid waste management system and to create job opportunity for the community of Bacho Bore Kebele, Tulema area. To this effect, both non-interventional and interventional study design was employed to identify and solve the mentioned problem. Then the major problems prioritized using FGD, interview, observation and questionnaires. To implement the project the community of the kebele, governmental and non-governmental institution were played their role especially in providing both material and financial source.<br />Finally, 0.6 kilometer gravel road was constructed and solid waste management system was provided in order to remove waste from the environment by cart.&nbsp; Job opportunity created for unemployed youth of the community on removing waste from the kebele to generate income to change their life.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="ad16eb19c9018e988e91a8094d3da857" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117210584,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122571219,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122571219"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122571219"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122571219; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122571219]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122571219]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122571219; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122571219']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122571219, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "ad16eb19c9018e988e91a8094d3da857" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122571219]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122571219,"title":"Gravel Road Construction, Solid Waste Management System and Creation of Job Opportunity Project in Jimma Town: the case of Becho Bore Kebele, Tulema zone.","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Community Based Education is defined as a win-win learning process where students use the community as a learning environment and render services to the community through problem identification, prioritization, implementation, and evaluation of the interventions in relation to the benefits reached to community and students in the learning process. The overall objective of the project is to improve the road problem, to provide solid waste management system and to create job opportunity for the community of Bacho Bore Kebele, Tulema area. To this effect, both non-interventional and interventional study design was employed to identify and solve the mentioned problem. Then the major problems prioritized using FGD, interview, observation and questionnaires. To implement the project the community of the kebele, governmental and non-governmental institution were played their role especially in providing both material and financial source.\nFinally, 0.6 kilometer gravel road was constructed and solid waste management system was provided in order to remove waste from the environment by cart. Job opportunity created for unemployed youth of the community on removing waste from the kebele to generate income to change their life.\n","publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed"},"translated_abstract":"Community Based Education is defined as a win-win learning process where students use the community as a learning environment and render services to the community through problem identification, prioritization, implementation, and evaluation of the interventions in relation to the benefits reached to community and students in the learning process. The overall objective of the project is to improve the road problem, to provide solid waste management system and to create job opportunity for the community of Bacho Bore Kebele, Tulema area. To this effect, both non-interventional and interventional study design was employed to identify and solve the mentioned problem. Then the major problems prioritized using FGD, interview, observation and questionnaires. To implement the project the community of the kebele, governmental and non-governmental institution were played their role especially in providing both material and financial source.\nFinally, 0.6 kilometer gravel road was constructed and solid waste management system was provided in order to remove waste from the environment by cart. Job opportunity created for unemployed youth of the community on removing waste from the kebele to generate income to change their life.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T07:21:11.657-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"draft","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117210584,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"4_Final_Drafts_of_DTTP_Projects_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Gravel_Road_Construction_Solid_Waste_Man.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DGravel_Road_Construction_Solid_Waste_Man.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=VyteGXe4C9KAAE88VO7rkTxJJm-519OSlu-Mm48iJuuBteGQAW49fY~ItSYcmgBuzRABVsCac7ytYkrbwCeALSbC8SneYFmZnbRxe20mL2iT2RF7C8TZObhXB-WjLuBZcIYkNrMXUXfwoy5U3JMSvvOK6mwgK-LXgXZhWkEr521uf9MYoEZiy51kFu5rC~yuUo0myD-WbnXvLAU36OV~rusZiWTXTLzTI3Eo9dfQSRwPa3X69gcsuTMT0eZXncfxSFrV16VxkmtyhLJrfI6rJk9T8pTmm3MsmUbNj-WvD80njA1~2tyVF8FqJmHONyN26zJnKdYvR6G20cIz41IbXg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Gravel_Road_Construction_Solid_Waste_Management_System_and_Creation_of_Job_Opportunity_Project_in_Jimma_Town_the_case_of_Becho_Bore_Kebele_Tulema_zone","translated_slug":"","page_count":54,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117210584,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"4_Final_Drafts_of_DTTP_Projects_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Gravel_Road_Construction_Solid_Waste_Man.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DGravel_Road_Construction_Solid_Waste_Man.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=VyteGXe4C9KAAE88VO7rkTxJJm-519OSlu-Mm48iJuuBteGQAW49fY~ItSYcmgBuzRABVsCac7ytYkrbwCeALSbC8SneYFmZnbRxe20mL2iT2RF7C8TZObhXB-WjLuBZcIYkNrMXUXfwoy5U3JMSvvOK6mwgK-LXgXZhWkEr521uf9MYoEZiy51kFu5rC~yuUo0myD-WbnXvLAU36OV~rusZiWTXTLzTI3Eo9dfQSRwPa3X69gcsuTMT0eZXncfxSFrV16VxkmtyhLJrfI6rJk9T8pTmm3MsmUbNj-WvD80njA1~2tyVF8FqJmHONyN26zJnKdYvR6G20cIz41IbXg__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":196767,"name":"Project Report","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); 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$(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122577628"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Microeconomics II Handout Teaching materials for Students Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">Microeconomics II Handout Teaching materials for Students Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span> Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">In a perfectly competitive market each firm&#39;s production is such a small proportion of industry o...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">In a perfectly competitive market each firm&#39;s production is such a small proportion of industry out put that an individual firm has to influence on the market price. As we have seen the competitive firm is a price taker. In this unit we will see the opposite extreme to a purely competitive firm of pure monopoly a single seller in an industry. The sources of monopoly, price and out put determination in the short and long run periods, price discrimination by a monopoly and comparison of the price and out put with perfect competition are some of the points to be discussed in this unit.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="832b195997cd17eb4e221c976f6e7666" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117216119,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122577628,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122577628"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122577628"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577628; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577628]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577628]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577628; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122577628']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122577628, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "832b195997cd17eb4e221c976f6e7666" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122577628]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122577628,"title":"Microeconomics II Handout Teaching materials for Students Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"In a perfectly competitive market each firm's production is such a small proportion of industry out put that an individual firm has to influence on the market price. As we have seen the competitive firm is a price taker. In this unit we will see the opposite extreme to a purely competitive firm of pure monopoly a single seller in an industry. The sources of monopoly, price and out put determination in the short and long run periods, price discrimination by a monopoly and comparison of the price and out put with perfect competition are some of the points to be discussed in this unit.","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":" Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"In a perfectly competitive market each firm's production is such a small proportion of industry out put that an individual firm has to influence on the market price. As we have seen the competitive firm is a price taker. In this unit we will see the opposite extreme to a purely competitive firm of pure monopoly a single seller in an industry. The sources of monopoly, price and out put determination in the short and long run periods, price discrimination by a monopoly and comparison of the price and out put with perfect competition are some of the points to be discussed in this unit.","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T14:01:31.659-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"teaching_document","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117216119,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"23_Microeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_materials_for_Students_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Microeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_mater.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DMicroeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_mater.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=fJvdIl4ntsZJM07zKzRnQ6p10MJvAyFBmrrQA0csiuiow9JXLZE6Bgocoilj6w4XaYuOlcxbQDp917Zo3pikdL0-2NHd4pZb79uM1xPtwA-AEF6qHnl3b8s3SOuseqhG4GWVYjHo-P1LoL2kwi1sQ1H-T14T-M2jTmihnIRAp1HR8G6P0loK6o2rD-4R9VlPawHWv-HXaDItctEhx2FsTF9uD5Axcrc1LwSuOMDXcWGLhzvTcHLHG1qEW1lsd71cGNzgEjxqkMaO7vCmJBi~~tKgUE4JA7kIEuQFKwNlHWye8vC-wEVnzSzEjvn~qdkcuhNaV7xz-OLCVJo-x8pXKw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Microeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_materials_for_Students_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed","translated_slug":"","page_count":68,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117216119,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"23_Microeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_materials_for_Students_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Microeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_mater.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DMicroeconomics_II_Handout_Teaching_mater.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=fJvdIl4ntsZJM07zKzRnQ6p10MJvAyFBmrrQA0csiuiow9JXLZE6Bgocoilj6w4XaYuOlcxbQDp917Zo3pikdL0-2NHd4pZb79uM1xPtwA-AEF6qHnl3b8s3SOuseqhG4GWVYjHo-P1LoL2kwi1sQ1H-T14T-M2jTmihnIRAp1HR8G6P0loK6o2rD-4R9VlPawHWv-HXaDItctEhx2FsTF9uD5Axcrc1LwSuOMDXcWGLhzvTcHLHG1qEW1lsd71cGNzgEjxqkMaO7vCmJBi~~tKgUE4JA7kIEuQFKwNlHWye8vC-wEVnzSzEjvn~qdkcuhNaV7xz-OLCVJo-x8pXKw__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":760,"name":"Microeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122577537"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of MICRO ECONOMICS II MODULE FOR STUDENTS` TEACHING MATERIAL" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">MICRO ECONOMICS II MODULE FOR STUDENTS` TEACHING MATERIAL</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span> Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Perfect competition and pure monopoly are useful tools of analysis; but neither of the two depict...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Perfect competition and pure monopoly are useful tools of analysis; but neither of the two depicts the common phenomena of the real world. These real world phenomena are best analyzed using the market structures that fall between the two extremes – monopolistic competition and oligopoly.<br />As the name implies, monopolistic competition is a blend of competition and monopoly. The competitive element arises because there are many sellers, each of which is too small to affect the other sellers. Firms can also enter and leave a monopolistically competitive industry. The monopolistic element arises from product differentiation. That is, since the product of each seller is similar but not identical, each seller has a monopoly power over the specific product it sells. This monopoly power, however, is severely limited by the existence of close substitutes.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="2a02fea6402c3f90bad7e24c1dde93b5" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117215998,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122577537,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122577537"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122577537"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577537; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577537]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577537]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577537; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122577537']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122577537, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "2a02fea6402c3f90bad7e24c1dde93b5" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122577537]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122577537,"title":"MICRO ECONOMICS II MODULE FOR STUDENTS` TEACHING MATERIAL","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Perfect competition and pure monopoly are useful tools of analysis; but neither of the two depicts the common phenomena of the real world. These real world phenomena are best analyzed using the market structures that fall between the two extremes – monopolistic competition and oligopoly.\nAs the name implies, monopolistic competition is a blend of competition and monopoly. The competitive element arises because there are many sellers, each of which is too small to affect the other sellers. Firms can also enter and leave a monopolistically competitive industry. The monopolistic element arises from product differentiation. That is, since the product of each seller is similar but not identical, each seller has a monopoly power over the specific product it sells. This monopoly power, however, is severely limited by the existence of close substitutes.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":" Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Perfect competition and pure monopoly are useful tools of analysis; but neither of the two depicts the common phenomena of the real world. These real world phenomena are best analyzed using the market structures that fall between the two extremes – monopolistic competition and oligopoly.\nAs the name implies, monopolistic competition is a blend of competition and monopoly. The competitive element arises because there are many sellers, each of which is too small to affect the other sellers. Firms can also enter and leave a monopolistically competitive industry. The monopolistic element arises from product differentiation. That is, since the product of each seller is similar but not identical, each seller has a monopoly power over the specific product it sells. This monopoly power, however, is severely limited by the existence of close substitutes.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T13:55:29.265-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"teaching_document","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117215998,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"22_Microeconomics_II_Module_for_Teaching_Materials_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"MICRO_ECONOMICS_II_MODULE_FOR_STUDENTS_T.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DMICRO_ECONOMICS_II_MODULE_FOR_STUDENTS_T.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=IsiJ44kaIwb2ow00YTF2IC2ZepBDjxNxNhw0vr5gSq1zAf57noF7mFIsBNuIr5S1M69~uK65mKdFAPOdWWMoWHMn3oCmdelvszJdPHtQi9vQSEnqgsRFFda47S0Bcwki2hn5PjY1HoHHtMrtMwocidrxLIm1pq5cjWjfZd4hG3HXxLPH~meM-xbnSgUQHbC4u2M7UyJ0KvSNbEHcfD3rYBP849Ht0U3e1LzLLNj13UDH3sfE2nv1pA01viCAjS7JrYJG5IPIgO18fbQxkvKGUFeysd~8wcJuEhVAptruHyr990-zmoe6zmuF6sT1zsgbV3VdlbvwzsGSvTAlFFQExA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"MICRO_ECONOMICS_II_MODULE_FOR_STUDENTS_TEACHING_MATERIAL","translated_slug":"","page_count":66,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117215998,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"22_Microeconomics_II_Module_for_Teaching_Materials_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"MICRO_ECONOMICS_II_MODULE_FOR_STUDENTS_T.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DMICRO_ECONOMICS_II_MODULE_FOR_STUDENTS_T.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=IsiJ44kaIwb2ow00YTF2IC2ZepBDjxNxNhw0vr5gSq1zAf57noF7mFIsBNuIr5S1M69~uK65mKdFAPOdWWMoWHMn3oCmdelvszJdPHtQi9vQSEnqgsRFFda47S0Bcwki2hn5PjY1HoHHtMrtMwocidrxLIm1pq5cjWjfZd4hG3HXxLPH~meM-xbnSgUQHbC4u2M7UyJ0KvSNbEHcfD3rYBP849Ht0U3e1LzLLNj13UDH3sfE2nv1pA01viCAjS7JrYJG5IPIgO18fbQxkvKGUFeysd~8wcJuEhVAptruHyr990-zmoe6zmuF6sT1zsgbV3VdlbvwzsGSvTAlFFQExA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":760,"name":"Microeconomics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); 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$(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122577260"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of International economics module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">International economics module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated"> The basic question in international trade theory is to explain why nations trade with each other...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">The basic question in international trade theory is to explain why nations trade with each other. Countries trade with each other basically for the same reasons that individual people trade with each other. In today’s world of unlimited wants, no nation by itself can produce all the goods and services which its citizens require for their consumption. The following points explain why nations trade with each other.<br /><br />i. Differences in factor endowments<br /><br />Nature has distributed the factors of production unequally over the surface of the earth. Countries differ in terms of natural resource endowments, climatic conditions, mineral resources and mines, labor, capital, technological capabilities, entrepreneurial and management skills, and other variables that determine the capacities of countries to produce goods and services. All these differences in production possibilities lead to situations where some countries can produce some goods and services more efficiently than others; and no country can produce all the goods and services in the most efficient manner ( at the lowest possible cost of production). For example, Japan can produce automobiles or electronic goods more efficiently than any other country in the world; Malaysia can produce rubber and palm oil more efficiently than other countries can do. Their capacity to produce these goods is in excess of their capacity to consume them. Japan and Malaysia can, therefore, export these goods to other countries at relatively lower prices. Brazil, Ethiopia or Thailand can import these goods at a lower price from Japan and Malaysia and in return they can export coffee (Ethiopia) and rice (Thailand). Because Brazil and Ethiopia can produce coffee at much lower production costs and Thailand can produce rice at much lower cost than Japan and Malaysia.<br /><br />ii. Division of labor (specialization)<br /><br />Just as there is division of labor among individuals, there could be division of labor among countries of the world. No individual is able to produce all the goods and services that he/she requires to consume and this applies to countries as well. Just as individuals specialize in certain functions, countries specialize in the production of certain goods and services in which they have production superiorities over the other countries. Thus, a country specializes in the production and export of those goods and services over which they have absolute or comparative advantage; and it imports other goods and services in the production of which it has an absolute or a comparative disadvantage over the other countries of the world.<br /><br />iii. Gains form exchange of goods and services<br /> <br />The basis of international trade is the gains or profits to be made from the exchange of goods and services. If there are no gains to be made, there would be no such trade between countries.<br /><br /><br /><br />iv. Price differentials<br /><br />The immediate cause of international trade is the existence of differences in the prices of goods and services between nations. Foreigners buy our goods because they find them cheaper than anywhere else in the world; and we buy foreign goods because we find them cheaper. Price differences can arise due to either differences in supply conditions or differences in demand conditions or due to differences in both.<br /><br />a) differences in supply conditions (or production possibilities)<br /><br />Such differences can arise due to several factors that determine the cost of producing goods and services. These factors include natural endowments of economic resources, the degree of efficiency with which these factors are employed, the level of technology used in production, labor skills, factor abundance, etc.<br /><br />b) differences in demand conditions<br /><br />Differences in demand conditions, which are largely a function of income levels and taste patterns, contribute to international price differentials. Countries A and B may be producing the same commodity at the same cost of production, but that does not guarantee the same price in both countries for that commodity. If country A has a higher level of income matched by a stronger taste for that commodity, the commodity will sell for a higher price in country A than in country B. In country B there may be lower level of demand for that product due to lower level of income and/or taste. Hence, both income and tastes, in their capacity to affect demand, would affect international trade, by causing international price differentials.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="1c37aa526ac850057c87261162d17a7d" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117215785,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122577260,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122577260"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122577260"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577260; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577260]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577260]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577260; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122577260']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122577260, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "1c37aa526ac850057c87261162d17a7d" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122577260]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122577260,"title":"International economics module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":" The basic question in international trade theory is to explain why nations trade with each other. Countries trade with each other basically for the same reasons that individual people trade with each other. In today’s world of unlimited wants, no nation by itself can produce all the goods and services which its citizens require for their consumption. The following points explain why nations trade with each other.\n\ni.\tDifferences in factor endowments\n\nNature has distributed the factors of production unequally over the surface of the earth. Countries differ in terms of natural resource endowments, climatic conditions, mineral resources and mines, labor, capital, technological capabilities, entrepreneurial and management skills, and other variables that determine the capacities of countries to produce goods and services. All these differences in production possibilities lead to situations where some countries can produce some goods and services more efficiently than others; and no country can produce all the goods and services in the most efficient manner ( at the lowest possible cost of production). For example, Japan can produce automobiles or electronic goods more efficiently than any other country in the world; Malaysia can produce rubber and palm oil more efficiently than other countries can do. Their capacity to produce these goods is in excess of their capacity to consume them. Japan and Malaysia can, therefore, export these goods to other countries at relatively lower prices. Brazil, Ethiopia or Thailand can import these goods at a lower price from Japan and Malaysia and in return they can export coffee (Ethiopia) and rice (Thailand). Because Brazil and Ethiopia can produce coffee at much lower production costs and Thailand can produce rice at much lower cost than Japan and Malaysia.\n\nii.\tDivision of labor (specialization)\n\nJust as there is division of labor among individuals, there could be division of labor among countries of the world. No individual is able to produce all the goods and services that he/she requires to consume and this applies to countries as well. Just as individuals specialize in certain functions, countries specialize in the production of certain goods and services in which they have production superiorities over the other countries. Thus, a country specializes in the production and export of those goods and services over which they have absolute or comparative advantage; and it imports other goods and services in the production of which it has an absolute or a comparative disadvantage over the other countries of the world.\n\niii.\tGains form exchange of goods and services\n \nThe basis of international trade is the gains or profits to be made from the exchange of goods and services. If there are no gains to be made, there would be no such trade between countries.\n\n\n\niv.\tPrice differentials\n\nThe immediate cause of international trade is the existence of differences in the prices of goods and services between nations. Foreigners buy our goods because they find them cheaper than anywhere else in the world; and we buy foreign goods because we find them cheaper. Price differences can arise due to either differences in supply conditions or differences in demand conditions or due to differences in both.\n\na)\tdifferences in supply conditions (or production possibilities)\n\nSuch differences can arise due to several factors that determine the cost of producing goods and services. These factors include natural endowments of economic resources, the degree of efficiency with which these factors are employed, the level of technology used in production, labor skills, factor abundance, etc.\n\nb)\tdifferences in demand conditions\n\nDifferences in demand conditions, which are largely a function of income levels and taste patterns, contribute to international price differentials. Countries A and B may be producing the same commodity at the same cost of production, but that does not guarantee the same price in both countries for that commodity. If country A has a higher level of income matched by a stronger taste for that commodity, the commodity will sell for a higher price in country A than in country B. In country B there may be lower level of demand for that product due to lower level of income and/or taste. Hence, both income and tastes, in their capacity to affect demand, would affect international trade, by causing international price differentials.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed"},"translated_abstract":" The basic question in international trade theory is to explain why nations trade with each other. Countries trade with each other basically for the same reasons that individual people trade with each other. In today’s world of unlimited wants, no nation by itself can produce all the goods and services which its citizens require for their consumption. The following points explain why nations trade with each other.\n\ni.\tDifferences in factor endowments\n\nNature has distributed the factors of production unequally over the surface of the earth. Countries differ in terms of natural resource endowments, climatic conditions, mineral resources and mines, labor, capital, technological capabilities, entrepreneurial and management skills, and other variables that determine the capacities of countries to produce goods and services. All these differences in production possibilities lead to situations where some countries can produce some goods and services more efficiently than others; and no country can produce all the goods and services in the most efficient manner ( at the lowest possible cost of production). For example, Japan can produce automobiles or electronic goods more efficiently than any other country in the world; Malaysia can produce rubber and palm oil more efficiently than other countries can do. Their capacity to produce these goods is in excess of their capacity to consume them. Japan and Malaysia can, therefore, export these goods to other countries at relatively lower prices. Brazil, Ethiopia or Thailand can import these goods at a lower price from Japan and Malaysia and in return they can export coffee (Ethiopia) and rice (Thailand). Because Brazil and Ethiopia can produce coffee at much lower production costs and Thailand can produce rice at much lower cost than Japan and Malaysia.\n\nii.\tDivision of labor (specialization)\n\nJust as there is division of labor among individuals, there could be division of labor among countries of the world. No individual is able to produce all the goods and services that he/she requires to consume and this applies to countries as well. Just as individuals specialize in certain functions, countries specialize in the production of certain goods and services in which they have production superiorities over the other countries. Thus, a country specializes in the production and export of those goods and services over which they have absolute or comparative advantage; and it imports other goods and services in the production of which it has an absolute or a comparative disadvantage over the other countries of the world.\n\niii.\tGains form exchange of goods and services\n \nThe basis of international trade is the gains or profits to be made from the exchange of goods and services. If there are no gains to be made, there would be no such trade between countries.\n\n\n\niv.\tPrice differentials\n\nThe immediate cause of international trade is the existence of differences in the prices of goods and services between nations. Foreigners buy our goods because they find them cheaper than anywhere else in the world; and we buy foreign goods because we find them cheaper. Price differences can arise due to either differences in supply conditions or differences in demand conditions or due to differences in both.\n\na)\tdifferences in supply conditions (or production possibilities)\n\nSuch differences can arise due to several factors that determine the cost of producing goods and services. These factors include natural endowments of economic resources, the degree of efficiency with which these factors are employed, the level of technology used in production, labor skills, factor abundance, etc.\n\nb)\tdifferences in demand conditions\n\nDifferences in demand conditions, which are largely a function of income levels and taste patterns, contribute to international price differentials. Countries A and B may be producing the same commodity at the same cost of production, but that does not guarantee the same price in both countries for that commodity. If country A has a higher level of income matched by a stronger taste for that commodity, the commodity will sell for a higher price in country A than in country B. In country B there may be lower level of demand for that product due to lower level of income and/or taste. Hence, both income and tastes, in their capacity to affect demand, would affect international trade, by causing international price differentials.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T13:32:25.823-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"teaching_document","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117215785,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"19_International_economics_module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"International_economics_module_Prepared.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DInternational_economics_module_Prepared.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=BM9ML9s~CsbwCeTJ7xbtvAhXXMnr2meWImmStpKK777kmBjClOhAHs6yPWD0VCvNxqA8IiRDhoMddYLJM~uyjC1zWv6AhCtUua74RgZrARqcQaxO8ii0duQgEFHN89KGRW-x1pc8pFb2vaVAP3aB0JOUHgsJkWwc65JoJ~y6YZbYYAuxRNDXrdkc8KneRnaqrlqHPOVcTiBDvPPxeM986Px-gvBX5SOCxS3wBcaNhpzKLydTNO5cCuOQIPgtPCX9udhF3OmszFvyf0rNmHSmboY0udFZLdG6x02~jSTVvk2WXmRnkirS204Cnn7InW4ZQwdBknJKV4mkGCfiwtasIQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"International_economics_module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed","translated_slug":"","page_count":103,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117215785,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"19_International_economics_module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"International_economics_module_Prepared.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DInternational_economics_module_Prepared.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=BM9ML9s~CsbwCeTJ7xbtvAhXXMnr2meWImmStpKK777kmBjClOhAHs6yPWD0VCvNxqA8IiRDhoMddYLJM~uyjC1zWv6AhCtUua74RgZrARqcQaxO8ii0duQgEFHN89KGRW-x1pc8pFb2vaVAP3aB0JOUHgsJkWwc65JoJ~y6YZbYYAuxRNDXrdkc8KneRnaqrlqHPOVcTiBDvPPxeM986Px-gvBX5SOCxS3wBcaNhpzKLydTNO5cCuOQIPgtPCX9udhF3OmszFvyf0rNmHSmboY0udFZLdG6x02~jSTVvk2WXmRnkirS204Cnn7InW4ZQwdBknJKV4mkGCfiwtasIQ__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":735,"name":"International Economics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> <div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122577188"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of PUBLIC FINANCE MODULE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR UNDER GRADUATE ECONOMICS STUDENTS IN ODAA BULTUM UNIVERSITY" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" rel="nofollow" href="">PUBLIC FINANCE MODULE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR UNDER GRADUATE ECONOMICS STUDENTS IN ODAA BULTUM UNIVERSITY</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span>Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Public finance is one of those subjects, who lie on the borderline between economics and politics...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Public finance is one of those subjects, who lie on the borderline between economics and politics. It is concerned with the income or&nbsp; revenue raising and expenditure incurring or spending activities of public authorities and with the adjustment of the one with the other. Thus, the science of public finance studies systematically and scientifically the income and expenditure of the government and its control as well as administration. In a nut shell it is concerned with how and through what different sources does government gets income, how it spends it for the public welfare and fulfillment of its requirements and how it controls and administers this income and expenditure. Though numerous individuals defined it differently, there is no significant difference between them and all of them show it as a subject which studies the income and expenditure of the government as it is defined above. Thus, most of the time contents of public finance are divisible in two broad categories public income and public expenditure. And this implies the fact that the science of public finance deals with the finances of the state. But the scope of public finance is not only confined to public income and public expenditure, it also studies the financial implication and other aspects of such activities. More over it examines the mechanisms by which the above processes are carried on <br />&nbsp; It was widely accepted that the principles of maximum social advantage are the guiding principle in all the activities of the state in raising income and in spending it. And the state ensures maximum social welfare by providing housing facilities, medical facilities education and remove poverty setting up relief funds and other security measures. Now a days every state under takes various measures to raise the productive power by providing the facilities of infrastructure i.e. railways, roads, power irrigation etc. It also helps in controlling prices of essential commodities. It further takes measures against inflation and depression.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; In well-advanced countries, the governments are responsible for maintaining the stability and expanding the level of employment to achieve the goal of full employment. Developing countries, which are confronted with various problems, the government is committed to achieve high economic growth, to reduce high unemployment rate, to reduce inequality with in individuals or regional disparities, to avoid the negative balance of payment problem etc. The planners are trying to use scarce human and physical resource in the most prioritized areas to achieve the desired goals.<br />&nbsp; The rise of modern states has been accompanied by an increase in the number of functions and consequently the scope and importance of public finance. However, in general the government in a modern state provides the following services. <br /> Security both in internal and external<br /> To control and regularize the economy<br /> Justice or the settlement of disputes<br /> The social and cultural welfare of the people through education, social welfare schemes<br /> To make proper utilization of natural resources<br /> The regulation of moral standards<br /> The administration of the financial system, expenditure, revenues and fiscal control<br /> Proper and efficient administration<br />Thus, public finance has a close effect on investment and consumption which easily be used for controlling aggregate demand and stabilizing economy, for attaining full employment through the use of proper combination of its various instruments such as taxation, borrowing, expenditure.&nbsp; <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; In the light of the above discussion the scope of public finance may be categorized as follows which are to be seen in detail in the coming chapters.<br />1. Public revenue&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />2. Public expenditure <br />3. Public budget&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />4. Public debt<br />1.2 Public Finance and Private Finance<br />Finance in general means public as well as private finance. Since we study public finance as something distinct from the private finance, the question, which we are faced, is what are the differences between private and public finance that leads to the separate treatment of public finance?&nbsp; <br />Similarities<br />i. Rationality: both kinds of finance are based on rationality i.e. maximization of benefits. If some times the individual is tempted by circumstances to act in an irrational and wrong way the government is also subject to such circumstances in regard to expenditures. Of course, there may be unwise use by the government to its income.<br />ii. just as an individual can not have enough income to cover his expenses and fills it by borrowing from others, the government also unable to meet all its targets due to budget constraint and borrow funds from others<br />iii. Common interest: both public and private funds may be going in to the hands of selfish interest<br />iv. Both the private and the public sectors are engaged in satisfying the wants of the society. The over all economic activities are divided between the sectors and in some aspects their problems and decisions are similar.<br />v. Both the private and public sectors have limited resources at their disposal and both the sectors always endeavor to make optimum use of their resources.<br />vi. Both engaged in production, exchange, saving, capital accumulation investment etc.<br />Differences<br />In spite of the above similarities there are however, there are glaring differences between them. The differences between the two kinds of finances are more remarkable than similarities in them and are discussed as follows<br />i. Public revenue is determined by public expenditure: In the words of Dalton “while an individual income determines his expenditure, public authority expenditure determines its income. An individual makes his budget on the basis of the income he expects to receive. The determination of what and how much he will buy depends mainly on his income. But the state does not do so. It first sets out the plan of expenditure it wishes to incur and then investigates in to the resources from where it can raise funds to meet this expenditure. There may be exceptions to this. To some extent an individual adjusts his income to expenditure due to family burden or due to ambition of his own to buy a certain thing, and try to work hard to earn more income so as to meet his proposed expenditure. Similarly, to some extent a public authority also adjusts his expenditure to income. <br />ii. Welfare aspect: the existence of the state is for the welfare the society as a whole and not for the god of any individual or group. The individuals or corporations think of earning profits for themselves, where as the aim of public enterprises, which run on profits or not is to provide maximum benefit to the society. An individual wish to save after consumption, but a government has no such aim. On the contrary a deficit budget shows that the government collects less from the public and gives them more in the form of services.<br />iii. Long tem vision: since the state is a permanent body, its life is much longer than that of an individual, and tends to see more towards future. The government spends its funds in to the projects, which will have fruit full benefits after a considerable time lag. But an individual cannot wait so long. He is generally concerned with the immediate enjoyment and seldom bothers for the future.<br />iv. Sources of income: on the income side, the sources of income of an individual are relatively very much limited while those of the state are relatively wide. The government unlike the individual can use its power and authority. It has the power to levy taxes, to print notes, but an individual can use none of these resources. In case of loans also, the credit of an individual and the scope with in which an individual can borrow is also limited. But the state can have internal as well as external sources of loan.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="3495a132608471f43902c564defbe0e5" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117215693,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122577188,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122577188"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122577188"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577188; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577188]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577188]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577188; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122577188']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122577188, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "3495a132608471f43902c564defbe0e5" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122577188]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122577188,"title":"PUBLIC FINANCE MODULE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR UNDER GRADUATE ECONOMICS STUDENTS IN ODAA BULTUM UNIVERSITY","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Public finance is one of those subjects, who lie on the borderline between economics and politics. It is concerned with the income or revenue raising and expenditure incurring or spending activities of public authorities and with the adjustment of the one with the other. Thus, the science of public finance studies systematically and scientifically the income and expenditure of the government and its control as well as administration. In a nut shell it is concerned with how and through what different sources does government gets income, how it spends it for the public welfare and fulfillment of its requirements and how it controls and administers this income and expenditure. Though numerous individuals defined it differently, there is no significant difference between them and all of them show it as a subject which studies the income and expenditure of the government as it is defined above. Thus, most of the time contents of public finance are divisible in two broad categories public income and public expenditure. And this implies the fact that the science of public finance deals with the finances of the state. But the scope of public finance is not only confined to public income and public expenditure, it also studies the financial implication and other aspects of such activities. More over it examines the mechanisms by which the above processes are carried on \n It was widely accepted that the principles of maximum social advantage are the guiding principle in all the activities of the state in raising income and in spending it. And the state ensures maximum social welfare by providing housing facilities, medical facilities education and remove poverty setting up relief funds and other security measures. Now a days every state under takes various measures to raise the productive power by providing the facilities of infrastructure i.e. railways, roads, power irrigation etc. It also helps in controlling prices of essential commodities. It further takes measures against inflation and depression.\n In well-advanced countries, the governments are responsible for maintaining the stability and expanding the level of employment to achieve the goal of full employment. Developing countries, which are confronted with various problems, the government is committed to achieve high economic growth, to reduce high unemployment rate, to reduce inequality with in individuals or regional disparities, to avoid the negative balance of payment problem etc. The planners are trying to use scarce human and physical resource in the most prioritized areas to achieve the desired goals.\n The rise of modern states has been accompanied by an increase in the number of functions and consequently the scope and importance of public finance. However, in general the government in a modern state provides the following services. \n\tSecurity both in internal and external\n\tTo control and regularize the economy\n\tJustice or the settlement of disputes\n\tThe social and cultural welfare of the people through education, social welfare schemes\n\tTo make proper utilization of natural resources\n\tThe regulation of moral standards\n\tThe administration of the financial system, expenditure, revenues and fiscal control\n\tProper and efficient administration\nThus, public finance has a close effect on investment and consumption which easily be used for controlling aggregate demand and stabilizing economy, for attaining full employment through the use of proper combination of its various instruments such as taxation, borrowing, expenditure. \n In the light of the above discussion the scope of public finance may be categorized as follows which are to be seen in detail in the coming chapters.\n1.\tPublic revenue \n2.\tPublic expenditure \n3.\tPublic budget \n4.\tPublic debt\n1.2\t Public Finance and Private Finance\nFinance in general means public as well as private finance. Since we study public finance as something distinct from the private finance, the question, which we are faced, is what are the differences between private and public finance that leads to the separate treatment of public finance? \nSimilarities\ni.\tRationality: both kinds of finance are based on rationality i.e. maximization of benefits. If some times the individual is tempted by circumstances to act in an irrational and wrong way the government is also subject to such circumstances in regard to expenditures. Of course, there may be unwise use by the government to its income.\nii.\tjust as an individual can not have enough income to cover his expenses and fills it by borrowing from others, the government also unable to meet all its targets due to budget constraint and borrow funds from others\niii.\tCommon interest: both public and private funds may be going in to the hands of selfish interest\niv.\tBoth the private and the public sectors are engaged in satisfying the wants of the society. The over all economic activities are divided between the sectors and in some aspects their problems and decisions are similar.\nv.\tBoth the private and public sectors have limited resources at their disposal and both the sectors always endeavor to make optimum use of their resources.\nvi.\tBoth engaged in production, exchange, saving, capital accumulation investment etc.\nDifferences\nIn spite of the above similarities there are however, there are glaring differences between them. The differences between the two kinds of finances are more remarkable than similarities in them and are discussed as follows\ni.\tPublic revenue is determined by public expenditure: In the words of Dalton “while an individual income determines his expenditure, public authority expenditure determines its income. An individual makes his budget on the basis of the income he expects to receive. The determination of what and how much he will buy depends mainly on his income. But the state does not do so. It first sets out the plan of expenditure it wishes to incur and then investigates in to the resources from where it can raise funds to meet this expenditure. There may be exceptions to this. To some extent an individual adjusts his income to expenditure due to family burden or due to ambition of his own to buy a certain thing, and try to work hard to earn more income so as to meet his proposed expenditure. Similarly, to some extent a public authority also adjusts his expenditure to income. \nii.\tWelfare aspect: the existence of the state is for the welfare the society as a whole and not for the god of any individual or group. The individuals or corporations think of earning profits for themselves, where as the aim of public enterprises, which run on profits or not is to provide maximum benefit to the society. An individual wish to save after consumption, but a government has no such aim. On the contrary a deficit budget shows that the government collects less from the public and gives them more in the form of services.\niii.\tLong tem vision: since the state is a permanent body, its life is much longer than that of an individual, and tends to see more towards future. The government spends its funds in to the projects, which will have fruit full benefits after a considerable time lag. But an individual cannot wait so long. He is generally concerned with the immediate enjoyment and seldom bothers for the future.\niv.\tSources of income: on the income side, the sources of income of an individual are relatively very much limited while those of the state are relatively wide. The government unlike the individual can use its power and authority. It has the power to levy taxes, to print notes, but an individual can use none of these resources. In case of loans also, the credit of an individual and the scope with in which an individual can borrow is also limited. But the state can have internal as well as external sources of loan.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":"Abdella Mohammed Ahmed"},"translated_abstract":"Public finance is one of those subjects, who lie on the borderline between economics and politics. It is concerned with the income or revenue raising and expenditure incurring or spending activities of public authorities and with the adjustment of the one with the other. Thus, the science of public finance studies systematically and scientifically the income and expenditure of the government and its control as well as administration. In a nut shell it is concerned with how and through what different sources does government gets income, how it spends it for the public welfare and fulfillment of its requirements and how it controls and administers this income and expenditure. Though numerous individuals defined it differently, there is no significant difference between them and all of them show it as a subject which studies the income and expenditure of the government as it is defined above. Thus, most of the time contents of public finance are divisible in two broad categories public income and public expenditure. And this implies the fact that the science of public finance deals with the finances of the state. But the scope of public finance is not only confined to public income and public expenditure, it also studies the financial implication and other aspects of such activities. More over it examines the mechanisms by which the above processes are carried on \n It was widely accepted that the principles of maximum social advantage are the guiding principle in all the activities of the state in raising income and in spending it. And the state ensures maximum social welfare by providing housing facilities, medical facilities education and remove poverty setting up relief funds and other security measures. Now a days every state under takes various measures to raise the productive power by providing the facilities of infrastructure i.e. railways, roads, power irrigation etc. It also helps in controlling prices of essential commodities. It further takes measures against inflation and depression.\n In well-advanced countries, the governments are responsible for maintaining the stability and expanding the level of employment to achieve the goal of full employment. Developing countries, which are confronted with various problems, the government is committed to achieve high economic growth, to reduce high unemployment rate, to reduce inequality with in individuals or regional disparities, to avoid the negative balance of payment problem etc. The planners are trying to use scarce human and physical resource in the most prioritized areas to achieve the desired goals.\n The rise of modern states has been accompanied by an increase in the number of functions and consequently the scope and importance of public finance. However, in general the government in a modern state provides the following services. \n\tSecurity both in internal and external\n\tTo control and regularize the economy\n\tJustice or the settlement of disputes\n\tThe social and cultural welfare of the people through education, social welfare schemes\n\tTo make proper utilization of natural resources\n\tThe regulation of moral standards\n\tThe administration of the financial system, expenditure, revenues and fiscal control\n\tProper and efficient administration\nThus, public finance has a close effect on investment and consumption which easily be used for controlling aggregate demand and stabilizing economy, for attaining full employment through the use of proper combination of its various instruments such as taxation, borrowing, expenditure. \n In the light of the above discussion the scope of public finance may be categorized as follows which are to be seen in detail in the coming chapters.\n1.\tPublic revenue \n2.\tPublic expenditure \n3.\tPublic budget \n4.\tPublic debt\n1.2\t Public Finance and Private Finance\nFinance in general means public as well as private finance. Since we study public finance as something distinct from the private finance, the question, which we are faced, is what are the differences between private and public finance that leads to the separate treatment of public finance? \nSimilarities\ni.\tRationality: both kinds of finance are based on rationality i.e. maximization of benefits. If some times the individual is tempted by circumstances to act in an irrational and wrong way the government is also subject to such circumstances in regard to expenditures. Of course, there may be unwise use by the government to its income.\nii.\tjust as an individual can not have enough income to cover his expenses and fills it by borrowing from others, the government also unable to meet all its targets due to budget constraint and borrow funds from others\niii.\tCommon interest: both public and private funds may be going in to the hands of selfish interest\niv.\tBoth the private and the public sectors are engaged in satisfying the wants of the society. The over all economic activities are divided between the sectors and in some aspects their problems and decisions are similar.\nv.\tBoth the private and public sectors have limited resources at their disposal and both the sectors always endeavor to make optimum use of their resources.\nvi.\tBoth engaged in production, exchange, saving, capital accumulation investment etc.\nDifferences\nIn spite of the above similarities there are however, there are glaring differences between them. The differences between the two kinds of finances are more remarkable than similarities in them and are discussed as follows\ni.\tPublic revenue is determined by public expenditure: In the words of Dalton “while an individual income determines his expenditure, public authority expenditure determines its income. An individual makes his budget on the basis of the income he expects to receive. The determination of what and how much he will buy depends mainly on his income. But the state does not do so. It first sets out the plan of expenditure it wishes to incur and then investigates in to the resources from where it can raise funds to meet this expenditure. There may be exceptions to this. To some extent an individual adjusts his income to expenditure due to family burden or due to ambition of his own to buy a certain thing, and try to work hard to earn more income so as to meet his proposed expenditure. Similarly, to some extent a public authority also adjusts his expenditure to income. \nii.\tWelfare aspect: the existence of the state is for the welfare the society as a whole and not for the god of any individual or group. The individuals or corporations think of earning profits for themselves, where as the aim of public enterprises, which run on profits or not is to provide maximum benefit to the society. An individual wish to save after consumption, but a government has no such aim. On the contrary a deficit budget shows that the government collects less from the public and gives them more in the form of services.\niii.\tLong tem vision: since the state is a permanent body, its life is much longer than that of an individual, and tends to see more towards future. The government spends its funds in to the projects, which will have fruit full benefits after a considerable time lag. But an individual cannot wait so long. He is generally concerned with the immediate enjoyment and seldom bothers for the future.\niv.\tSources of income: on the income side, the sources of income of an individual are relatively very much limited while those of the state are relatively wide. The government unlike the individual can use its power and authority. It has the power to levy taxes, to print notes, but an individual can use none of these resources. In case of loans also, the credit of an individual and the scope with in which an individual can borrow is also limited. But the state can have internal as well as external sources of loan.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T13:23:55.734-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"teaching_document","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117215693,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"18_Public_Finance_Module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"PUBLIC_FINANCE_MODULE_TEACHING_MATERIAL.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DPUBLIC_FINANCE_MODULE_TEACHING_MATERIAL.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=YRvWdkxiF~WS9T49TQWjycRlDs4pIIyw2dYmFFFCnDiQYZNsYNHWVEfOa591VhRvks58BMyfjh7GwZrjIhS2UD1DNrVEUyKSIXCH~wdSjngpOwL5o~XRLd4XmB78R29CkFF8xqnXZWZA3IINmzK8xUwV7eyzCRXVqzltrRHGMg8dK8R2hlgzh5XW7InvhAUoYHD8F5RgrtTioveqdlaWLgJvbvR5sJB04lcl~7xbSs9EqR8xGM~M2IYLzGI38RauG5yDNYQNCyZJXiKL0OhOr6fRo8SsraYPMAAH~FWhXppBNe8sZpdrmBgrBxxxOYWEndMtLR1sPNGzY1o2puqiwA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"PUBLIC_FINANCE_MODULE_TEACHING_MATERIAL_FOR_UNDER_GRADUATE_ECONOMICS_STUDENTS_IN_ODAA_BULTUM_UNIVERSITY","translated_slug":"","page_count":110,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117215693,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"18_Public_Finance_Module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"PUBLIC_FINANCE_MODULE_TEACHING_MATERIAL.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DPUBLIC_FINANCE_MODULE_TEACHING_MATERIAL.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=YRvWdkxiF~WS9T49TQWjycRlDs4pIIyw2dYmFFFCnDiQYZNsYNHWVEfOa591VhRvks58BMyfjh7GwZrjIhS2UD1DNrVEUyKSIXCH~wdSjngpOwL5o~XRLd4XmB78R29CkFF8xqnXZWZA3IINmzK8xUwV7eyzCRXVqzltrRHGMg8dK8R2hlgzh5XW7InvhAUoYHD8F5RgrtTioveqdlaWLgJvbvR5sJB04lcl~7xbSs9EqR8xGM~M2IYLzGI38RauG5yDNYQNCyZJXiKL0OhOr6fRo8SsraYPMAAH~FWhXppBNe8sZpdrmBgrBxxxOYWEndMtLR1sPNGzY1o2puqiwA__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":741,"name":"Public Finance","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); $(this).data('initialized', true); } }); $a.trackClickSource(".js-work-strip-work-link", "profile_work_strip") }); </script> </div><div class="profile--tab_content_container js-tab-pane tab-pane" data-section-id="19875763" id="books"><div class="js-work-strip profile--work_container" data-work-id="122577436"><div class="profile--work_thumbnail hidden-xs"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-thumbnail" href=""><img alt="Research paper thumbnail of Development economics I and II Module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed" class="work-thumbnail" src="" /></a></div><div class="wp-workCard wp-workCard_itemContainer"><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--title"><a class="js-work-strip-work-link text-gray-darker" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-title" href="">Development economics I and II Module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed</a></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span> Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)</span><span>, 2024</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item"><span class="js-work-more-abstract-truncated">Generally, the major objectives of the course, development economics (both part I and II), are to...</span><a class="js-work-more-abstract" data-broccoli-component="work_strip.more_abstract" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-more-abstract" href="javascript:;"><span> more </span><span><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span></a><span class="js-work-more-abstract-untruncated hidden">Generally, the major objectives of the course, development economics (both part I and II), are to: <br />• understand the nature and characteristics of the developing countries; <br />• analyze the economic problems of developing countries, especially problems related to slow growth, stagnation, high poverty rates, high income inequality, high unemployment and;<br />• discuss strategies for accelerating growth, attaining sustainable development, reducing unemployment and income inequality, eradicating absolute poverty, and decreasing external imbalances<br /><br />This module is designed to familiarize the students with the concepts, theories, development problems and characteristics of developing countries.&nbsp; The module is divided in to three parts. The first chapter discusses the concept of development and its measures. The second chapter explores the dimensions of development problems of developing countries and their characteristics. The last part of this module assesses the different growth models and theories of development.</span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--actions"><span class="work-strip-bookmark-button-container"></span><a id="e4ce4c35caa0ad65f92a580f25cb7722" class="wp-workCard--action" rel="nofollow" data-click-track="profile-work-strip-download" data-download="{&quot;attachment_id&quot;:117215953,&quot;asset_id&quot;:122577436,&quot;asset_type&quot;:&quot;Work&quot;,&quot;button_location&quot;:&quot;profile&quot;}" href=""><span><i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i></span><span>Download</span></a><span class="wp-workCard--action visible-if-viewed-by-owner inline-block" style="display: none;"><span class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper profile-work-strip-edit-button-wrapper" data-work-id="122577436"><a class="js-profile-work-strip-edit-button" tabindex="0"><span><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></span><span>Edit</span></a></span></span><span id="work-strip-rankings-button-container"></span></div><div class="wp-workCard_item wp-workCard--stats"><span><span><span class="js-view-count view-count u-mr2x" data-work-id="122577436"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577436; window.Academia.workViewCountsFetcher.queue(workId, function (count) { var description = window.$h.commaizeInt(count) + " " + window.$h.pluralize(count, 'View'); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577436]").text(description); $(".js-view-count[data-work-id=122577436]").attr('title', description).tooltip(); }); });</script></span></span><span><span class="percentile-widget hidden"><span class="u-mr2x work-percentile"></span></span><script>$(function () { var workId = 122577436; window.Academia.workPercentilesFetcher.queue(workId, function (percentileText) { var container = $(".js-work-strip[data-work-id='122577436']"); container.find('.work-percentile').text(percentileText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + percentileText.slice(1)); container.find('.percentile-widget').show(); container.find('.percentile-widget').removeClass('hidden'); }); });</script></span><span><script>$(function() { new Works.PaperRankView({ workId: 122577436, container: "", }); });</script></span></div><div id="work-strip-premium-row-container"></div></div></div><script> require.config({ waitSeconds: 90 })(["",""], function() { // from javascript_helper.rb var dispatcherData = {} if (true){ window.WowProfile.dispatcher = window.WowProfile.dispatcher || _.clone(Backbone.Events); dispatcherData = { dispatcher: window.WowProfile.dispatcher, downloadLinkId: "e4ce4c35caa0ad65f92a580f25cb7722" } } $('.js-work-strip[data-work-id=122577436]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('initialized')) { new WowProfile.WorkStripView({ el: this, workJSON: {"id":122577436,"title":"Development economics I and II Module Prepared by Abdella Mohammed Ahmed","translated_title":"","metadata":{"abstract":"Generally, the major objectives of the course, development economics (both part I and II), are to: \n•\tunderstand the nature and characteristics of the developing countries; \n•\tanalyze the economic problems of developing countries, especially problems related to slow growth, stagnation, high poverty rates, high income inequality, high unemployment and;\n•\tdiscuss strategies for accelerating growth, attaining sustainable development, reducing unemployment and income inequality, eradicating absolute poverty, and decreasing external imbalances\n\nThis module is designed to familiarize the students with the concepts, theories, development problems and characteristics of developing countries. The module is divided in to three parts. The first chapter discusses the concept of development and its measures. The second chapter explores the dimensions of development problems of developing countries and their characteristics. The last part of this module assesses the different growth models and theories of development.\n","publication_date":{"day":null,"month":null,"year":2024,"errors":{}},"publication_name":" Abdella Mohammed Ahmed (M.Sc.)"},"translated_abstract":"Generally, the major objectives of the course, development economics (both part I and II), are to: \n•\tunderstand the nature and characteristics of the developing countries; \n•\tanalyze the economic problems of developing countries, especially problems related to slow growth, stagnation, high poverty rates, high income inequality, high unemployment and;\n•\tdiscuss strategies for accelerating growth, attaining sustainable development, reducing unemployment and income inequality, eradicating absolute poverty, and decreasing external imbalances\n\nThis module is designed to familiarize the students with the concepts, theories, development problems and characteristics of developing countries. The module is divided in to three parts. The first chapter discusses the concept of development and its measures. The second chapter explores the dimensions of development problems of developing countries and their characteristics. The last part of this module assesses the different growth models and theories of development.\n","internal_url":"","translated_internal_url":"","created_at":"2024-08-04T13:46:35.542-07:00","preview_url":null,"current_user_can_edit":null,"current_user_is_owner":null,"owner_id":296672773,"coauthors_can_edit":true,"document_type":"book","co_author_tags":[],"downloadable_attachments":[{"id":117215953,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"21_Development_economics_I_and_II_Module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Development_economics_I_and_II_Module_Pr.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDevelopment_economics_I_and_II_Module_Pr.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=VIgEbK6qOlM79I~5XpuSfg5zEahHcS7bD9Oy5XcMA5NIsHx4EAL~Cs-Qtz1Ybr08zU11ZXtOV2msRCrbpjzmpUUQ9qrO0WIWdPGIw29ZGRWH2i0SwZL-Z9YyqFsHaTcIZaemhZEItkAeCEhybaXxbdsg851ErdQ4lCbUsTQN0N1XFCm~YX7xVBlEomiHejD4ucEqsDVTFaNapZ10PsCVfdKYY2w8xQvU5eYiXyuGchukgil-681EyTo4v580d9t3idJ-b1oZOK0f0jQw9eANynH8Xnu6~cxfUiw3VvOW5bi984Yu19EL3huZZccQbv5maoCHQLZKUjQKbjB4AYkRow__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"slug":"Development_economics_I_and_II_Module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed","translated_slug":"","page_count":486,"language":"en","content_type":"Work","owner":{"id":296672773,"first_name":"Abdella","middle_initials":"M O H A M M E D","last_name":"Ahmed","page_name":"AbdellaMohammed39","domain_name":"independent","created_at":"2023-12-18T05:46:09.306-08:00","display_name":"Abdella M O H A M M E D Ahmed","url":""},"attachments":[{"id":117215953,"title":"","file_type":"pdf","scribd_thumbnail_url":"","file_name":"21_Development_economics_I_and_II_Module_Prepared_by_Abdella_Mohammed_Ahmed.pdf","download_url":"","bulk_download_file_name":"Development_economics_I_and_II_Module_Pr.pdf","bulk_download_url":"\u0026response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3DDevelopment_economics_I_and_II_Module_Pr.pdf\u0026Expires=1732715947\u0026Signature=VIgEbK6qOlM79I~5XpuSfg5zEahHcS7bD9Oy5XcMA5NIsHx4EAL~Cs-Qtz1Ybr08zU11ZXtOV2msRCrbpjzmpUUQ9qrO0WIWdPGIw29ZGRWH2i0SwZL-Z9YyqFsHaTcIZaemhZEItkAeCEhybaXxbdsg851ErdQ4lCbUsTQN0N1XFCm~YX7xVBlEomiHejD4ucEqsDVTFaNapZ10PsCVfdKYY2w8xQvU5eYiXyuGchukgil-681EyTo4v580d9t3idJ-b1oZOK0f0jQw9eANynH8Xnu6~cxfUiw3VvOW5bi984Yu19EL3huZZccQbv5maoCHQLZKUjQKbjB4AYkRow__\u0026Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA"}],"research_interests":[{"id":727,"name":"Development Economics","url":""}],"urls":[]}, dispatcherData: dispatcherData }); 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