Optics & Photonics News - 2023
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id="image-gallery-container"> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image0" class="card_image" src="" alt="Glass Sphere"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Glass Sphere" data-image-id="#image0" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/glass_sphere/" data-text="A glass sphere is the geometrically simplest form of lens. In this photo, one can clearly see how the lens magnifies the lines in the background. The spherical aberrations toward the edges are visible, as well as another fascinating effect: the straight lines gradually become distorted into closed curves when looking toward the edges perpendicular to the lines in the background.&nbsp;&nbsp;[OPN 2023 Photo Contest Winner]&nbsp;" data-owner="Susanne Viezens, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Glass Sphere </a> </h5> A glass sphere is the geometrically simplest form of lens. In this photo, one can clearly see how the lens magnifies the lines in the background. The spherical aberrations toward the edges are visible, as well as another fascinating effect: the straight lines gradually become distorted into closed curves when looking toward the edges perpendicular to the lines in the background. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Winner] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Susanne Viezens, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-columns mt-1"> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image1" class="card_image" src="" alt="Ring Nebula's Spectrum"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Ring Nebula's Spectrum" data-image-id="#image1" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/ring_nebula_s_spectrum/" data-text="Picture of the Ring Nebula (M57) taken with a Canon T2i DSLR and an RSpec Star Analyser 100 diffraction grating on a 10-inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope at f/9. The diffraction grating generated the spectra seen in the image. Well to the right of each star is the star&rsquo;s spectrum. The Ring Nebula is the ring-shaped object just to the left of center in the image. Its spectrum also appears to its right. Interestingly, its spectrum appears to consist of only two wavelengths, a red one and a cyan one. The red one is H-alpha (656 nm). The cyan-colored one is O-III (501 nm). We don&rsquo;t see a broad spectrum because the Ring Nebula, like most nebulae in the Milky Way galaxy, is an emission nebula. The picture is a stack of 60 one-minute unguided exposures.
[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Second Place]" data-owner="Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University, Belle Mead, New Jersey, USA" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Ring Nebula's Spectrum </a> </h5> Picture of the Ring Nebula (M57) taken with a Canon T2i DSLR and an RSpec Star Analyser 100 diffraction grating on a 10-inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope at f/9. The diffraction grating generated the spectra seen in the image. Well to the right of each star is the star’s spectrum. The Ring Nebula is the ring-shaped object just to the left of center in the image. Its spectrum also appears to its right. Interestingly, its spectrum appears to consist of only two wavelengths, a red one and a cyan one. The red one is H-alpha (656 nm). The cyan-colored one is O-III (501 nm). We don’t see a broad spectrum because the Ring Nebula, like most nebulae in the Milky Way galaxy, is an emission nebula. The picture is a stack of 60 one-minute unguided exposures. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Second Place] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University, Belle Mead, New Jersey, USA </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image2" class="card_image" src="" alt="Fighter Jet Rainbow Vapor"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Fighter Jet Rainbow Vapor" data-image-id="#image2" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/fighter_jet_rainbow_vapor/" data-text="The Eurofighter Typhoon &ldquo;Blackjack&rdquo; performs at the Ayr International Airshow, UK. At transonic speeds, the local pressure behind the wings drops considerably and the surrounding air is sucked in and supercooled to form a vapor cone of liquid water and ice crystals. When the cone is viewed from a specific angle, the sun is refracted into its constituent wavelengths, resulting in a spectacular rainbow cone that lasts a split second. Images captured with a Nikon D5600 with&nbsp; Nikkor 55-300mm lens. The vibrance, saturation and clarity were enhanced in Lightroom to make the effect more clear.&nbsp; Three consecutive images were panoramic stitched using Microsoft Image Composite Editor. [OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Third&nbsp;Place Tie]" data-owner="Kevin Mitchell, University of Glasgow, UK" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Fighter Jet Rainbow Vapor </a> </h5> The Eurofighter Typhoon “Blackjack” performs at the Ayr International Airshow, UK. At transonic speeds, the local pressure behind the wings drops considerably and the surrounding air is sucked in and supercooled to form a vapor cone of liquid water and ice crystals. When the cone is viewed from a specific angle, the sun is refracted into its constituent wavelengths, resulting in a spectacular rainbow cone that lasts a split second. Images captured with a Nikon D5600 with Nikkor 55-300mm lens. The vibrance, saturation and clarity were enhanced in Lightroom to make the effect more clear. Three consecutive images were panoramic stitched using Microsoft Image Composite Editor. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Third Place Tie] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Kevin Mitchell, University of Glasgow, UK </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image3" class="card_image" src="" alt="Liquid Jet with Blue Laser"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Liquid Jet with Blue Laser" data-image-id="#image3" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/herr/" data-text="This image captures the intersection of engineering, physics and chemistry in the realm of optical-pump
THz-probe spectroscopy. A blue laser momentarily renders the liquid jet impervious to THz radiation,
creating the surreal image submitted here as well as the fastest triggerable electrical switch known to
date (APL Photon., doi: 10.1063/5.0130236).[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Third&nbsp;Place Tie]" data-owner="Adrian Buchmann, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Liquid Jet with Blue Laser </a> </h5> This image captures the intersection of engineering, physics and chemistry in the realm of optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopy. A blue laser momentarily renders the liquid jet impervious to THz radiation, creating the surreal image submitted here as well as the fastest triggerable electrical switch known to date (APL Photon., doi: 10.1063/5.0130236).[OPN 2023 Photo Contest Third Place Tie] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Adrian Buchmann, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image4" class="card_image" src="" alt="Eye of the Sky"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Eye of the Sky" data-image-id="#image4" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/eye_of_the_sky/" data-text="Image of halo phenomena taken in Maribor, Slovenia. The halo is brightest above and below the sun&rsquo;s disk. In those parts of the sky, the circumscribed and 22&deg; halo overlap. Solar elevation was ~48&deg;.&nbsp;[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Honorable Mention]" data-owner="Borislav Simonović, Serbia" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Eye of the Sky </a> </h5> Image of halo phenomena taken in Maribor, Slovenia. The halo is brightest above and below the sun’s disk. In those parts of the sky, the circumscribed and 22° halo overlap. Solar elevation was ~48°. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Honorable Mention] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Borislav Simonović, Serbia </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image5" class="card_image" src="" alt="Colorful scattering "> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Colorful scattering " data-image-id="#image5" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/colorful_scattering/" data-text="White light from a halogen light source is scattered inside a bulb-shaped piece of glass. Due to a phase separation within the glass, Tyndall scattering of the light between the different phase regions leads to a striking effect.
[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Honorable Mention]" data-owner="Azim-Onur Yazici (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Colorful scattering  </a> </h5> White light from a halogen light source is scattered inside a bulb-shaped piece of glass. Due to a phase separation within the glass, Tyndall scattering of the light between the different phase regions leads to a striking effect. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Honorable Mention] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Azim-Onur Yazici (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image6" class="card_image" src="" alt="Dichroic Door"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Dichroic Door" data-image-id="#image6" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/dichroic_door/" data-text="A row of consecutive dichroic filters is obliquely illuminated by a circular white torchlight, creating a diverse range of colors. A Huawei P30 smartphone in macro mode was positioned at the rectangular entrance (3 &times; 10 mm) with a strong tilt, providing a unique perspective. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Editors&#39; Choice]" data-owner="Aliaksei Kobylinskiy and Robert Brunner, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Jena, Germany" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Dichroic Door </a> </h5> A row of consecutive dichroic filters is obliquely illuminated by a circular white torchlight, creating a diverse range of colors. A Huawei P30 smartphone in macro mode was positioned at the rectangular entrance (3 × 10 mm) with a strong tilt, providing a unique perspective. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Editors' Choice] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Aliaksei Kobylinskiy and Robert Brunner, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Jena, Germany </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image7" class="card_image" src="" alt="Resonant Bend Loss"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Resonant Bend Loss" data-image-id="#image7" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/resonant_bend_loss/" data-text="Image captured by coupling light from a supercontinuum source into a 3-m length of anti-resonant hollow-core fibers (ARFs) and then bending a section of the ARF into a tight bend diameter. The bend corresponds to a critical bend diameter for blue, green and yellow wavelengths, causing the transverse loss of these wavelengths from the fiber. ARF fabricated by Leah Murphy and Stephanos Yerolatsitis at the University of Bath&rsquo;s fiber fabrication facility. A white piece of paper was placed behind the fiber to capture the transverse loss of light.
[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Honorable Mention]" data-owner="Leah R Murphy, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK " data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Resonant Bend Loss </a> </h5> Image captured by coupling light from a supercontinuum source into a 3-m length of anti-resonant hollow-core fibers (ARFs) and then bending a section of the ARF into a tight bend diameter. The bend corresponds to a critical bend diameter for blue, green and yellow wavelengths, causing the transverse loss of these wavelengths from the fiber. ARF fabricated by Leah Murphy and Stephanos Yerolatsitis at the University of Bath’s fiber fabrication facility. A white piece of paper was placed behind the fiber to capture the transverse loss of light. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Honorable Mention] <br> <p> <br> <em> —Leah R Murphy, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image8" class="card_image" src="" alt="Color-Coded Microlenses"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Color-Coded Microlenses" data-image-id="#image8" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/spheres/" data-text="A deconvolved color-coded projection of microlenses used in thin-film-transitor monitors. The image was formed from 78 confocal photos captured with a 50&times;/0.95 objective and a 405 nm laser. Each lens has a diameter of 60 &mu;m.
[OPN 2023&nbsp;Photo Contest Honorable Mention]" data-owner="José Manuel Martínez López / Química Tech Cd. Juárez Chihuahua México" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Color-Coded Microlenses </a> </h5> A deconvolved color-coded projection of microlenses used in thin-film-transitor monitors. The image was formed from 78 confocal photos captured with a 50×/0.95 objective and a 405 nm laser. Each lens has a diameter of 60 μm. [OPN 2023 Photo Contest Honorable Mention] <br> <p> <br> <em> —José Manuel Martínez López / Química Tech Cd. Juárez Chihuahua México </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card card--gallery"> <div class="card_imagebox"> <img id="image9" class="card_image" src="" alt="Pseudosphere Lens"> </div> <div class="card_textbox p-1"> <h5 class="card_title"> <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gallery-modal" data-name="Pseudosphere Lens" data-image-id="#image9" data-image-link="/home/gallery/photo_contests/2023/pseudosphere_lens/" data-text="An inverse pseudosphere lens from a swimming pool drain. In the context of relativity, massive objects can &quot;bend&quot; light, forming Einstein rings, which behave like lenses, as in the case of the pseudosphere lens. In the case of a black hole, the properties of Minkowsky&#39;s spacetime are altered by the presence of mass, causing it to curve around itself&nbsp;as if it were a lens. We also observed the reverse shape of this pseudosphere lens causing space-time distortion as the lines of this pool projected onto the surface of the water." data-owner="Alberto Tufaile, Soft Matter Lab, EACH-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil" data-owner-affiliate="" class="packery_modal-toggle text-primary js-modal-toggle"> Pseudosphere Lens </a> </h5> An inverse pseudosphere lens from a swimming pool drain. In the context of relativity, massive objects can "bend" light, forming Einstein rings, which behave like lenses, as in the case of the pseudosphere lens. In the case of a black hole, the properties of Minkowsky's spacetime are altered by the presence of mass, causing it to curve around itself as if it were a lens. We also observed the reverse shape of this pseudosphere lens causing space-time distortion as the lines of this pool projected onto the surface of the water. <br> <p> <br> <em> —Alberto Tufaile, Soft Matter Lab, EACH-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil </em> </p> <p> <small>01 Dec 2023</small> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="loadmore1"><div class="text-center mb-3"><a class="btn btn-primary text-white" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success="var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(; queryParams.set("pageNumber", "2"); history.replaceState(null, null, "?"+queryParams.toString());" data-ajax-update="#loadmore1" data-ajax-url="/ViewComponent/ImageGallery?PageNumber=2&PageSize=10&ParentPath=/Home/Gallery/Photo_Contests/2023&OrderByNodeOrder=True">Load More</a></div></div> <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal fade" id="gallery-modal" role="dialog" tabindex="-1"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button aria-label="Close" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="modal-image-title">Image Title</h4> </div> <div> <img alt="" class="modal-image" id="image-target" src="/opn/media/Images/ImageOfTheWeek/15-01-26.jpg?width=1024&height=768&ext=.jpg"/> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p class="modal-text" id="image-description">Image Description</p> <p class="modal-text"> <em id="image-credit">Image Credit</em> </p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <div class="modal-share"> <ul class="list-inline list-unstyled"> <li> <strong>Share:</strong> </li> <li> <a class="twitter-link" href="" target="_blank" title="Share on X"><i class="fab fa-x-twitter"> </i> Share on Twitter</a> </li> <li> <a class="facebook-link" href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook"><i class="fab fa-facebook"> </i> Share on Facebook</a> </li> <li> <a class="instagram-link" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i> Visit our Instagram</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </article> <aside id="ArticleOnlySidebar" class="col-md-4"> <div class="card bg-light mb-1"> <div class="card-body"> <h6>Send us your Best! 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