Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent and Trademark Office - United States. Patent and Trademark Office - Google Books
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Liquefaction of coal. 4,428,818, 1-31-84, Cl. 208-8.0LE. <br/>Derbyshkin, Valentin V.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Shutov, Gennady M.; Erdman, Maya E.; Boltovsky, Valery S.; <br/> Solomakha, Adel I.; Nosevich, Alexandr F.; Pukhalsky, Miroslav <br/> E.; Kirichenko, Vladimir A.; and Derbyshkin, Valentin V., <br/> 4,486,475, Cl. 427-351.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derckx, Henricus A. J. M. Device for twisting a packing wrapping. <br/> 4,459,792, 7-17-84, Cl. 53-370.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derderian, Edward J. Box-erecting machine. 4,439,174, 3-27-84, Cl. <br/> 493-125.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derderian, Scott K.; and Katsekas, James C., to General Electric <br/> Company. Dynamoelectric machine stator wedge. 4,443,725, 4-17-84, <br/> Cl. 310-214.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Derdzinski, Krzysztof A.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dawson, Marcia I.; Hobbs, Peter D.; and Derdzinski, Krzysztof A., 4,454,341, Cl. 560-100.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>DeReggi, Aime' S.; and Harris, Gerald R., to United States of America, Health and Human Services. Acoustically transparent hydrophone probe. 4,433,400, 2-21-84, Cl. 367-163.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Derenzo, Stephen E.; and Budinger, Thomas F., to United States of America, Energy. Clamshell tomograph. 4,473,749, 9-25-84, Cl. 250-363.00S.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deresh, Sylvia: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>De Roo, Pierre R.; Gilliams, Yvan K.; and Van Gijsel, Francine, to AGFA-GEVAERT N.V. Fusible electrostatically attractable toner. 4,478,923, 10-23-84, Cl. 430-110.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Rooij, Johannes F. M., to Lever Brothers Company. Process for preparing 4-hydroxy-5-methyl-2,3-dihydro-furanone-3 and changing organoleptic properties of foods. 4,464,409, 8-7-84, Cl. 426-536.000. DeRosa, Alfred C. Two piece interchangeable button. 4,471,510, 9-18-84, Cl. 24-90.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Ross, Kris B.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>van den Bosch, Steven; Kettenes, Dirk K.; de Ross, Kris B.; Sipma, Gerben; and Stoffelsnia, Jan, 4,477,678, Cl. 549-62.000. De Rossett, Terry A.: See—</p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Kurtz, Stuart J.; De Rossett, Terry A.; and Shaw, Montgomery T., <br/> 4,449,395, Cl. 73-56.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>De Rossi, Danilo E.; Galletti, Pierre M.; and Dario, Paolo, to Brown <br/> University Research Foundation. Catheter. 4,456,013, 6-26-84, CI. <br/> 128-675.000. <br/>Deroubaix, Pierre; and Millot, Jean-Paul, to Framatome. Method of <br/> control of a nuclear reactor by movement within the core of this <br/> reactor, of groups of control rods. 4,470,949, 9-11-84, Cl. 376-217.000. <br/>Derr, Paul B.; Paullus, Clarence L.; and Shaffer, Howard R., to AMP <br/> Incorporated. Electrical connector having improved coupling ring. <br/> 4,483,579, 11-20-84, Cl. 339-90.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derr, Ralph, Jr., to Gulf & Western Manufacturing Company. Cam <br/> activated planetary turning machine. 4,423,991, 1-3-84, Cl. <br/> 409-200.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Demus, Dietrich; Zaschke, Horst; Vorbrodt, Hans-Matthias; and Derr, Walter R.; and Sarli, Michael S., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Deresh, Sylvia, 4,486,332, Cl. 252-299.610.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeRespiris, Donald L.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Hydrocracking process for aromatics production. 4,435,275, 3-6-84, <br/>CI. 208-89.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Covitch, Michael J.; DeRespiris, Donald L.; Benezra, Leo L.; and Derrenbacker, Edward L.: See- <br/> Vauss, Elvin M., 4,469,579, Cl. 204-283.000. <br/>Derevyanko, Vitaly P.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Akimova, Alla Y.; Buyanov, Valentin M.; Galperin, Eduard I.; <br/> Davydov, Anatoly B.; Derkach, Galina M.; Derevyanko, Vitaly <br/> P.; Keshelava, Viktor V.; Malyarova, Larisa P.; Rusakov, Igor <br/> G.; Timokhina, Valeria I.; and Chissov, Valery I., 4,479,933, Cl. <br/> 424-81.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dergazarian, Thomas E.: See</p> </div> <div class='gimg_body' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="190" width="183" src=",630,454,473" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dernar, Helen D.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Clingan, William R.; Derrenbacker, Edward L.; and Dunn, <br/> Thomas J., 4,440,954, Cl. 564-439.000. <br/>Derrenbacker, James A., Jr.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Lewis, Roy R., III; and Derrenbacker, James A., Jr., 4,487,588, Cl. <br/> 441-43.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derrick, Dennis P., to General Motors Corporation. Quick take-up <br/> master cylinder. 4,445,334, 5-1-84, Cl. 60-585.000. <br/>D'Errico, Michael J.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Engelhart, John E.; Angeles, Marshall R.; and D'Errico, Michael <br/> J., 4,442,122, Cl. 424-304.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derrien, Michel; and Cosyns, Jean, to Institut Francais du Petrole. <br/> Process for producing benzene by hydrodealkylation of a hydrocar- <br/> bon fraction comprising alkyl-aromatic hydrocarbons, olefinic hydro- <br/> carbons and sulfur compounds. 4,463,206, 7-31-84, Cl. 585-483.000. <br/>Derry, Cecil: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Preston, Frederick R.; Grosvenor, Ronald L.; and Derry, Cecil, 4,426,015, Cl. 220-403.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Ruiter, Ernest: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Even, Gert; Kern, Josef; and de Ruiter, Ernest, 4,452,850, Cl. 428-252.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>von Blucher, Hubert; von Blucher, Hasso; and de Ruiter, Ernest, 4,454,191, Cl. 428-244.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>von Blucher, Hubert; von Blucher, Hasso; and de Ruiter, Ernest, 4,455,187, Cl. 156-277.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>von Blucher, Hubert; von Blucher, Hasso; and de Ruiter, Ernest, <br/> 4,457,345, Cl. 139-420.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>DeRusha, Mark A.; Schultz, Thomas E.; and Luchio, Stephen W., to <br/> Keene Corporation. Self-rolled foam tape without release layer and <br/> method of making same. 4,484,574, 11-27-84, Cl. 128-156.000. <br/>Dery, Roger: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Wey, Robert A.; Roberts, Harold A.; and Dery, Roger, 4,444,461, <br/> Cl. 350-96.210. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Deryk, George. Display bracket and attachment. 4,439,940, 4-3-84, Cl. <br/> 40-10.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>De Sa, Alten J. A., to Geodate Limited. Method for utilizing three-dimensional radiated magnetic field gradients for detecting serving faults in buried cables. 4,438,389, 3-20-84, Cl. 324-52.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>De Sabatier, Philippe D.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Bradley, John J.; Franklin, Benjamin S.; Slosberg, David M.; Appell, Marc; Cassonnet, Jean-Claude; and De Sabatier, Philippe D., 4,447,874, Cl. 364-200.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Eskamani, Abolghassem; Dernar, Helen D.; and Bartoszek-Loza, Desai, Bharat B., to Miranol Chemical Company, Inc. Betaine based Rosemary, 4,450,059, Cl. 204-158.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Derndinger, Walter: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Beyer, Johann; and Derndinger, Walter, 4,483,343, Cl. 128-660.000. <br/>Dernedde, Robert; and Koch, Jurgen, to Klein, Schanzlin & Becker <br/> Aktiengesellschaft. Stress-resistant mount for the casing of a centrifu- <br/> gal pump. 4,433,825, 2-28-84, Cl. 248-672.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Derner, Paul; and Mertin, Dietrich, to BFG Glassgroup. Insulating <br/> glass window structure. 4,485,603, 12-4-84, Cl. 52-398.000. <br/>De Ro, Michel: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Lemaire, Emmanuel; De Ro, Michel; and Cuylits, Jacques, <br/> 4,459,919, Cl. 105-169.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>DeRoche, Donald R., to Rusenstrom, Olivia D. Hair shaping method and apparatus. 4,471,791, 9-18-84, Cl. 132-9.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Ronde, Frans C., to U.S. Philips Corporation. Arrangement for biasing high-frequency active components. 4,484,163, 11-20-84, Cl. 333-247.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Ronde, Frans C., to U.S. Philips Corporation. Antenna element for circularly polarized high-frequency signals. 4,486,758, 12-4-84, Cl. 343-700.OMS.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Ronde, Frans C., to U.S. Philips Corporation. Wideband power adder-divider for high-frequency circuits and impedance transformer realized on the basis of the adder-divider. 4,490,695, 12-25-84, Cl. 333-128.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>cosmetic formulations. 4,490,355, 12-25-84, Cl. 424-70.000. Desai, Mukund: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Walker, Bruce K.; Desai, Mukund; and Gai, Eliezer, 4,445,421, Cl. 91-186.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Desai, Natvarlal B.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Lowicki, Norbert; and Desai, Natvarlal B., 4,454,153, Cl. 424-289.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Desai, Nitin; Delaney, Rory A. M.; Brouwer, Peter; and Huang, Victor T., to Pillsbury Company, The. Stable aerated frozen food product. 4,434,186, 2-28-84, Cl. 426-565.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Desai, Rajendra K., to Whitehead & Kales Company. Panel clip. 4,452,027, 6-5-84, Cl. 52-712.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Saint Georges-Gridelet, Daniele: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Lebrun, Philippe; and de Saint Georges-Gridelet, Daniele, 4,442,091, CI. 424-181.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Saint-Palais, Jacques: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Cabrit, Philippe; Mourlevat, Jean; and de Saint-Palais, Jacques, 4,489,472, Cl. 29-426.500.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>DeSalve, Dennis W., to United Aircraft Products, Inc. Thermostatic device with fail-safe capability. 4,469,275, 9-4-84, Cl. 236-93.00A. DeSalve, Dennis W.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Mort, Charles B.; and DeSalve, Dennis W., 4,453,301, Cl. 29157.30C.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1732494961239486 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA402'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Mort, Charles B.; and DeSalve, Dennis W., 4,482,415, Cl. 156-91.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSantis, Alfred J.; and Schibinger, Joseph S., to Burroughs Corporation. System and method of renaming data items for dependency free code. 4,456,958, 6-26-84, Cl. 364-200.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSantis, Alfred J.; and Schibinger, Joseph S., to Burroughs Corporation. Concurrent processing elements for using dependency free code. 4,466,061, 8-14-84, Cl. 364-200.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSantis, Alfred J.; and Schibinger, Joseph S., to Burroughs Corporation. Mechanism for creating dependency free code for multiple processing elements. 4,468,736, 8-28-84, Cl. 364-200.000. DeSantis, Charles M.; Zannella, Albert H.; Begala, Michael W.; Wills, John R.; and Czerwinski, Watson P., to United States of America, Army. Lossy matching for broad bonding low profile small antennas. 4,443,803, 4-17-84, Cl. 343-749.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeSantis, Frank A.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Musits, Bela L.; and DeSantis, Frank A., 4,455,044, Cl. 294-113.000. DeSantis, Raymond P.; and Puffer, Herbert J., Jr., to PTX-Pentronix, Inc. Part pick-up mechanism for powder compacting presses and the like. 4,424,185, 1-3-84, Cl. 264-334.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSantis, Raymond P.; and Puffer, Herbert J., Jr., to PTX-Pentronix, Inc. Mounting structure for die, punch and core rod assembly for compacting powder material. 4,427,352, 1-24-84, Cl. 425-78.000. DeSantis, Raymond P.; and Puffer, Herbert J., Jr., to PTX-Pentronix, Inc. Method for compacting powder material with adjustable die and punch assembly. 4,450,127, 5-22-84, Cl. 264-56.000. DeSantis, Raymond P.; and Puffer, Herbert J., Jr., to PTX-Pentronix, Inc. Mounting structure for die, punch and core rod assembly for compacting powder material. 4,456,445, 6-26-84, Cl. 425-78.000. DeSatnick, Allen H.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Burke, Roger M.; DeSatnick, Allen H.; and Honkanen, George P., 4,433,687, Cl. 128-318.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSaw, Fred A., to Bundy Corporation. Induction welding impeder apparatus with fluid cooling. 4,443,677, 4-17-84, Cl. 219-8.500. Desbois, Michel, to Rhone-Poulenc Specialites Chimiques. Process for preparation of di- or trifluoromethoxyphenyl ketones or di- or trifluoromethylthiophenyl ketones. 4,438,043, 3-20-84, Cl. 260-465.00F. Desbois, Michel, to Rhone-Poulenc Specialites Chimiques. Process for the preparation of a,a-difluoroalkyl-thiophenyl ketones. 4,446,078, 5-1-84, Cl. 260-465.00F.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desbois, Michel, to Rhone-Poulenc Specialites Chimiques. Process for the preparation of phenyl ketones. 4,453,012, 6-5-84, Cl. 568-323.000. Desbois, Michel, to Rhone-Poulenc Specialites Chimiques. Process for the acylation of halo- or trihalomethylbenzenes. 4,454,350, 6-12-84, Cl. 568-319.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desbois, Michel; and Reppelin, Michel, to Rhone-Poulenc Specialites Chimiques. Preparation of N-benzylimides. 4,465,842, 8-14-84, Cl. 548-473.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Desborough, Colin L.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Design Controls Corporation: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Zamek, Paul, 4,443,100, Cl. 355-76.000. Design Engineering Service Inc.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Rabotski, John, 4,456,443, Cl. 425-4.00R. Design Professionals Financial Corporation: See— Okubo, Shigeo, 4,446,733, Cl. 73-579.000. Okubo, Shigeo, 4,461,463, Cl. 269-60.000. Okubo, Shigeo, 4,471,303, Cl. 324-207.000. Designs for Vision, Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Feinbloom, Richard E.; and Levine, Melvin, 4,445,010, Cl. 20011.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Simone, Pantaleo, to Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. Original feeder for copying machines. 4,456,243, 6-26-84, Cl. 271-245.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desiro, Richard. Radiator recoring fixturing and tools. 4,462,146, 7-31-84, Cl. 29-243.500.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeSisto, Richard E. Means for adjusting motor end play. 4,455,498, 6-19-84, Cl. 310-42.000. Desitech Limited: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Wiltshire, Antony R., 4,462,285, Cl. 81-468.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Sivry, Bruno; Herve, Guy J.; Colas, Claude J.; and Caputi, JeanLouis, to Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. Rotary metal brush for removing submerged anti-corrosive covering and method for using the same. 4,476,605, 10-16-84, Cl. 15-179.000. de Sivry, Bruno: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Colas, Claude; Herve, Guy J.; Caputi, Jean-Louis M.; and de Sivry, Bruno, 4,425,059, Cl. 408-1.00R. de Sivry, Bruno J. M.; Carsac, Claude R.; and Bonnet, Christian, to Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. Electron beam welding. 4,430,550, 2-7-84, Cl. 219-121.0ED.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Sivry, Bruno J. M.; Migliarese-Caputi, Jean-Louis; and Josien, Daniel, to Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. Internal obturators for pipes. 4,442,867, 4-17-84, Cl. 138-93.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Sivry, Bruno J. M.; Migliarese-Caputi, Jean-Louis; Herve, Guy J.; and Colas, Claude J., to Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. Method and apparatus for tapping a submerged pipe. 4,443,129, 4-17-84, C1. 405-170.000. de Sivry, Bruno J. M.; Migliarese-Caputi, Jean-Louis; Herve, Guy J.; Baylot, Michel P.; Colas, Claude J.; and Baudet, Pierre, to Compagnie Francaise des Petroles. Apparatus for electromagnetically measuring the ovalization of a ferromagnetic pipe. 4,485,344, 11-27-84, Cl. 324-207.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deska, Theodore J.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Morscheck, Timothy J.; Byar, Robert R.; and Deska, Theodore J., 4,428,469, Cl. 192-53.00E.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Deslauriers, Clovis F. Waste stripper. 4,467,948, 8-28-84, Cl. 225-97.000. Deslauriers, Jean S.; and Levinstein, Hyman J., to AT&T Bell Laboratories. Reactive ion etching of tantalum and silicon. 4,472,237, 9-18-84, Cl. 156-643.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Loosemore, William R.; Watkins, Roger D.; and Desborough, Desmarais, Mark R., to AMP Incorporated. Low profile keyboard</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Colin L., 4,481,811, Cl. 73-198.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Descente Ltd.: See</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="48" width="191" src=",798,475,116" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deschapelles, Jorge B.; and Haiar, Mark J., to Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation. Rolling ingot. 4,486,509, 12-4-84, Cl. 428-582.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deschatrettes, Gerard; and Tirel, Rene, to Glaenzer Spicer. Shaping</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>machine. 4,428,163, 1-31-84, Cl. 51-237.00M. Deschatrettes, Gerard; and Tirel, Rene, to Glaenzer Spicer. Machine for machining and in particular grinding cylindrical surfaces. 4,468,893, 9-4-84, Cl. 51-105.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>De Schepper, Achille; Coussement, Marc; and Van Peteghem, Antoine, <br/> to Metallurgie Hoboken-Overpelt. Process for separating germanium <br/> from an aqueous solution. 4,432,951, 2-21-84, Cl. 423-89.000. <br/>De Schepper, Achille; Coussement, Marc; and Van Peteghem, Antoine, <br/> to Metallurgie Hoboken-Overpelt. Process for separating germanium <br/> from an aqueous solution by means of an alphahydroxyoxime. <br/> 4,432,952, 2-21-84, Cl. 423-89.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>De Schepper, Achille; and Coussement, Marc, to Metallurgie Hoboken- <br/> Overpelt. Process for separating trivalent iron from an aqueous <br/> chloride solution. 4,490,338, 12-25-84, Cl. 423-54.000. <br/>Deschepper, Pierre: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Robyn, Pierre; and Deschepper, Pierre, 4,489,022, Cl. 264-30.000. Descure, Pierrick: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Berger, Jean L.; and Descure, Pierrick, 4,453,177, Cl. 358-44.000. Berger, Jean L.; and Descure, Pierrick, 4,477,835, Cl. 358-213.000. DeSelms, Roy C.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Adin, Anthony; and DeSelms, Roy C., 4,426,441, Cl. 430-351.000. Desert, Jean-Marie G.; and Walrave, Franciskus J. Grid-type breadslicing machine. 4,434,692, 3-6-84, Cl. 83-62.000. Desfontaines, Guy, to Framatome. Operating devices for control rods in a nuclear reactor. 4,472,348, 9-18-84, Cl. 376-228.000. Deshaw, Walter R., to Keeler Corporation. Universal joint seal and vibration damper for remotely actuated pivotal devices. 4,444,466, 4-24-84, Cl. 350-289.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desiderio, Ron. Exercise weight-lifting apparatus and improved carriage for same. 4,470,596, 9-11-84, Cl. 272-118.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Design Applications Incorporated: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Shofu, Koichi, 4,445,611, Cl. 206-369.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>switch actuating assembly. 4,440,992, 4-3-84, Cl. 200-340.000. Desmarais, Mark R., to AMP Incorporated. Switch key assembly having improved switch actuation. 4,447,681, 5-8-84, Cl. 200-5.00A. DesMarais, Raymond C., Jr., to Additive Technology Corporation. Method, materials and apparatus for manufacturing printed circuits. 4,429,657, 2-7-84, Cl. 118-114.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DesMarais, Raymond C., Jr., to Additive Technology Corporation. Method, materials and apparatus for manufacturing printed circuits. 4,457,861, 7-3-84, Cl. 252-512.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DesMarais, Thomas A., to Procter & Gamble Company, The. Compound sanitary napkin. 4,425,130, 1-10-84, Cl. 604-389.000. DeSmet, Greg: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Richardson, Donald M.; and DeSmet, Greg, 4,472,067, Cl. Desmet, Maccalleen C.: See― 368-96.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Castelli, Joseph T.; and Desmet, Maccalleen C., 4,453,541, Cl. Desmond, John D.; and Feirman, Barbara M., to Container Corporation 128-158.000. of America. Tray for carded products. 4,485,922, 12-4-84, Cl. Desmond, Michael J.; Benton, Kenneth C.; and Weinert, Raymond J., 206-485.000. to Standard Oil Company, The. Catalysts for the polymerization of ethylene. 4,482,639, 11-13-84, Cl. 502-117.000. Desmond, Mike J.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Eshraghi, Reza; Pesa, Frederick A.; and Desmond, Mike J., 4,486,397, Cl. 423-306.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Desnoulez, Bruno: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dejoux, Andre; and Desnoulez, Bruno, 4,437,359, Cl. 81-3.38A. Desnoyers, Michel R. L.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Vairetti, Claude R. L.; Desnoyers, Michel R. L.; Carbonel, Jack; Grammont, Paul D. A.; Pachkov, Arkadyi B.; Grigoriev, Vladimir A.; and Firsov, Vladimir I., 4,424,318, Cl. 526-88.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Sorgo, Miksa: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Brown, George L.; de Sorgo, Miksa; and Spencer, Arthur T., 4,482,673, Cl. 525-119.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeSoto, Inc.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Ansel, Robert E.; Cutler, Orvid R., Jr.; and Pasternack, George I., 4,472,021, Cl. 350-96.230.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bishop, Timothy E.; Pasternack, George I.; and Cutler, Orvid R., Jr., 4,472,019, Cl. 350-96.300.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Crockatt, William B.; and Rimma, John, 4,450,247, Cl. 523-518.000. Devona, James E.; and Essigmann, Martin L., 4,490,491, Cl. 523-318.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Gaske, Joseph E.; and Pennanen, Hannu K., 4,433,014, Cl. 427-380.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Murphy, Edward J., 4,464,436, Cl. 428-463.000.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1732494961261795 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA403'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Murphy, Edward J.; Lewarchik, Ronald J.; and Thompson, Jeffrey <br/> W., 4,481,093, Cl. 204-159.190. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Ragas, Frank J.; Minnis, Ralph L.; and Beauchamp, Gerson E., <br/> 4,450,203, Cl. 428-514.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Sekmakas, Kazys; and Shah, Raj, 4,425,451, Cl. 523-414.000. <br/>Sekmakas, Kazys; and Richards, Ronald L., 4,451,603, Cl. <br/> 524-279.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Sekmakas, Kazys; Shah, Raj; Lewarchik, Ronald J.; and Murray, <br/> Kevin P., 4,459,401, Cl. 528-296.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Sekmakas, Kazys; and Shah, Raj, 4,461,857, Cl. 523-414.000. <br/>Sekmakas, Kazys; and Shah, Raj, 4,487,940, Cl. 548-320.000. <br/>Sekmakas, Kazys; and Shah, Raj, 4,487,941, Cl. 548-320.000. <br/>Smith, Philip M.; Hesler, Kenneth K.; Lofstrom, John R.; and <br/> Sikorski, Ursula A., 4,474,909, Cl. 523-220.000. <br/>Smith, Philip M.; Hesler, Kenneth K.; Lofstrom, John R.; and <br/> Sikorski, Ursula A., 4,474,910, Cl. 523-220.000. <br/>Smith, Philip M.; Hesler, Kenneth K.; Lofstrom, John R.; and <br/> Sikorski, Ursula A., 4,474,911, Cl. 523-220.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Tortorello, Anthony J.; and Kinsella, Mary A., 4,427,804, Cl. <br/> 523-404.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Tortorello, Anthony J.; and Roberts, Donald R., 4,454,265, Cl. 523-420.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Tortorello, Anthony J.; and Hansen, Nestor P., 4,480,083, Cl. 528-111.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Tortorello, Anthony J., 4,489,179, Cl. 523-420.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Zychowski, Edwin A.; Jasenof, Kenneth E.; and Jimenez, Artemio <br/> L., 4,440,894, Cl. 524-390.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Zychowski, Edwin A.; and Richards, Ronald L., 4,450,251, Cl. <br/> 524-251.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desourdy, Bernard. Endless track assembly. 4,458,773, 7-10-84, Cl. 180-9.500.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desourdy, Bernard. Shelter carriage system. 4,484,853, 11-27-84, Cl. 414-534.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Souza, Noel J.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Lal, Bansi; D'Sa, Adolf; Dohadwalla, Alihussein N.; de Souza, Noel J.; and Dornauer, Horst, 4,479,948, Cl. 424-248.400. Lal, Bansi; Dornauer, Horst; Bhattacharya, Bani K.; Dohadwalla, Alihussein N.; and de Souza, Noel J., 4,482,556, Cl. 424-251.000. Despins, Maurice, to Omniart Distributions Inc. Sealant applicator for joining planar materials. 4,484,976, 11-27-84, Cl. 156-578.000. Despins, Paul. Apparatus for stringing power lines across supporting towers. 4,487,395, 12-11-84, Cl. 254-134.30R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desplats, Andre, to Tractel S.A. Electric hoist. 4,434,973, 3-6-84, Cl. 254-344.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desplats, Andre, to Tractel S.A. Release mechanism for a traction apparatus acting on a cable which passes therethrough. 4,438,659, 3-27-84, Cl. 74-529.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desplats, Andre; and Klabunde, Hans, to Societe dite: Tractel, S.A. Traction apparatus anchored by means of a securing pin. 4,475,717, 10-9-84, Cl. 254-264.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="90" width="184" src=",815,457,221" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Box, Stephen J. C.; Kovach, Ronald J.; and Desroziers, Andre J., 4,481,630, CI. 372-38.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessaint, Andre L.; and Lina, Marie-Jose, to Atochem. Compositions and process for the oilproofing and waterproofing treatment of construction materials. 4,478,975, 10-23-84, Cl. 524-871.000. Dessales, Jean, deceased: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Charamathieu, Andre G.; Dessales, Jean, deceased; Dessales nee Vacher, Blanche A., administratrix; and Lebouc, Bernard P., 4,424,769, CI. 122-392.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessales nee Vacher, Blanche A., administratrix: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Charamathieu, Andre G.; Dessales, Jean, deceased; Dessales nee Vacher, Blanche A., administratrix; and Lebouc, Bernard P., 4,424,769, CI. 122-392.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M.; and Kerr, George T., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Activity enhancement of high silica zeolites. 4,438,215, 3-20-84, Cl. 502-71.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M.; and Haag, Werner O., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Process for the production of fermentation ethanol. 4,442,210, 4-10-84, Cl. 435-161.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Activation of alkali metal zeolite catalysts by steaming. 4,443,554, 4-17-84, Cl. 502-71.000. Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Selective sorption by zeolites. 4,444,986, 4-24-84, Cl. 585-828.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Selective sorption by zeolites. 4,448,671, 5-15-84, Cl. 208-26.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Selective sorption by zeolites. 4,453,029, 6-5-84, Cl. 585-828.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M.; and Kerr, George T., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Reactivation of steam-deactivated catalysts. 4,461,845, 7-24-84, Cl. 502-27.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Selective sorption of linear fused polynuclear aromatic compounds by zeolites. 4,469,913, 9-4-84, Cl. 585-828.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessau, Ralph M., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Selective sorption of lubricants of high viscosity index. 4,487,688, 12-11-84, Cl. 208310.00Z.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dessenoix, Pierre: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessenoix, Robert; and Dessenoix, Pierre, 4,450,853, Cl. 137-212.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessenoix, Robert; and Dessenoix, Pierre. Assembly for drawing off a liquid by means of a gas under pressure. 4,450,853, 5-29-84, Cl. 137-212.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dessens, Jan A. H.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Barnes, Derek; Dessens, Jan A. H.; and Rosenberg, George N., 4,478,896, Cl. 427-421.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desserre, Jacques; and Helle, Michel, to Compagnie Internationale pour l'Informatique CII-Honeywell Bull (Societe Anonyme). Shielded magnetoresistance transducer high data density applications. 4,432,028, 2-14-84, Cl. 360-113.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desserre, Jacques; and Helle, Michel, to Compagnie Internationale pour l'Informatique CII-Honeywell Bull (Societe Anonyme). Magnetoresistant transducer. 4,447,839, 5-8-84, Cl. 360-113.000. Dessilani, Teresio. Machine for spray painting a material being carried on a blanket. 4,458,626, 7-10-84, Cl. 118-315.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dessouroux, Alexis A. J. F., to Shur-Lok International SA. Assembly sleeve for fixing a screw in an object, particularly of a soft material. 4,439,078, 3-27-84, Cl. 411-178.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Destannes, Louis: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Chambaz, Bernard; Delapierre, Gilles; and Destannes, Louis, 4,438,480, Cl. 361-278.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Desthieux, Johannes. Bottle-filling method and device. 4,446,673, 5-8-84, Cl. 53-467.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Desvard, Alain: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dinh, Chan T.; Desvard, Alain; Jacquin, Yves; and Martino, Germain, 4,435,277, Cl. 208-108.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Des Voignes, Gregory C. Attack repellent holder. 4,463,879, 8-7-84, Cl. 222-175.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Desyatov, Alexandr T.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Arkharov, Alexei M.; Desyatov, Alexandr T.; Bondarenko, Vitaly L.; Pronko, Vladimir G., deceased; Pronko, Natalia D., heir; Krakovsky, Boris D.; Korsakov-Bogatkov, Sergei M.; Jushin, Viktor P.; Kopova, Alexandra M.; Gorodnov, Petr V.; Borisov, Julian Y.; Ermilov, Vadim V.; and Romanteev, Jury P., 4,444,019, Cl. 62-87.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Arkharov, Alexei M.; Desyatov, Alexandr T.; Bondarenko, Vitaly L.; Pronko, Vladimir G.; Krakovsky, Boris D.; Korsakov-Bogatkov, Sergei M.; Jushin, Viktor P.; Kopova, Alexandra M.; Gorodnov, Petr V.; Borisov, Julian Y.; Ermilov, Vadim V.; and Romanteev, Jury P., 4,483,158, Cl. 62-402.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deta Corporation: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Kiehl, William C.; and McEwen, James P., 4,482,258, Cl. 368-90.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detection Systems, Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Lederer, David B., 4,442,359, Cl. 250-342.000. Detector Electronics Corp.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Larsen, Theodore E., 4,462,319, Cl. 110-238.000. Detectors, Inc.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Conn, Worth R., 4,438,720, Cl. 116-215.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deter, Christhard: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Brandt, Udo; and Deter, Christhard, 4,474,470, Cl. 356-408.000. Deters, Paul M., to Bussco Engineering, Inc. Insulated electrical connector and method of making same. 4,460,620, 7-17-84, Cl. 427-58.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detexomat Machinery Limited: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Hodges, Michael J., 4,434,918, Cl. 223-75.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Detienne, Jean-Louis; Levesque, Guy; and Tozzolino, Pierre, to Societe <br/> Nationale Elf Aquitaine (Production). Process of production of <br/> organic dithio-acids. 4,455,262, 6-19-84, Cl. 260-502.600. <br/>DeTine, Pamela E.: See— <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'> Matty, Thomas C.; Whalen, Dennis E.; Schmitz, William E.; and <br/> De Tine, Pamela E., 4,458,185, Cl. 318-270.000. <br/>Detinko, Felix M.; Kosanovich, Nicholas S.; and Levino, John A., to <br/> Westinghouse Electric Corp. Core spring support system for a dyna- <br/> moelectric machine. 4,425,523, 1-10-84, Cl. 310-258.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeTora, Sigismondo; and D'Amelia, Ronald P., to Nabisco Brands, Inc. Process for preparing gum base. 4,459,311, 7-10-84, Cl. 426-3.000. DeTorre, Robert P., to PPG Industries, Inc. Method of and apparatus for severing a glass sheet. 4,466,562, 8-21-84, Cl. 225-2.000. DeTorre, Robert P., to PPG Industries, Inc. Method and apparatus for cutting pattern shaped holes in glass sheets. 4,487,350, 12-11-84, Cl. 225-2.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeTrano, Mario: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bohm, Georg G. A.; DeTrano, Mario; and Hall, James E., 4,445,562, Čl. 152-347.000. Detras Training Aids Limited: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Simpson, Anthony; Peterkin, Stuart M.; and Brooksby, Brian T., 4,464,115, Cl. 434-27.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Detriche, Jean-Marie: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Cornu, Jean; Detriche, Jean-Marie; Gil, Pierre; Marchal, Paul; and <br/> Vertut, Jean, 4,441,010, Cl. 219-124.340. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detroit-Armor Corporation: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Nikoden, Joseph, Jr., 4,426,935, Cl. 109-79.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detroit Edison Company, The: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bonser, Ralph G.; Charneski, Mitchell D.; and Collins, Robert V., 4,473,383, Cl. 55-148.000.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1732494961282486 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA404'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Detroit Reamer and Tool Company: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Molina, Jorge W., 4,433,459, Cl. 24-613.000. Molina, Jorge W., 4,464,091, Cl. 411-105.000. Molina, Jorge W., 4,472,095, Cl. 411-304.000. Deutsch, Gerlinde: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Andreasson, Donald C., 4,453,694, Cl. 248-559.000. Detroit Stoker Company: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Reschly, David C., 4,437,452, Cl. 126-182.000. Detroit, William J., to Reed Lignin, Inc. Oil well drilling clay conditioners and method of their preparation. 4,447,339, 5-8-84, Cl. 2528.50A.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detroit, William J., to Reed Lignin, Inc. Oil well drilling clay conditioners and method of their preparation. 4,457,853, 7-3-84, Cl. 2528.50A.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Detsch, Anton: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Hipp, Karl H.; and Detsch, Anton, 4,453,741, Cl. 280-801.000. Dettelbach, Alfred; and Henzler, Roland, to Reich Spezialmaschinen GmbH. Apparatus for melting and applying a meltable adhesive. 4,441,450, 4-10-84, Cl. 118-681.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dettling, Joseph C.; Carr, William F.; Heck, Ronald M.; and Chen, James M., to Engelhard Corporation. Platinum gold catalyst for removing NOx and NH3 from gas streams. 4,438,082, 3-20-84, Cl. 423-235.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dettling, Joseph C.: See―</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Eleazar, Antonio E.; Heck, Ronald M.; Dettling, Joseph C.; and Lui, Yiu-Kwan, 4,433,191, Cl. 585-671.000. Dettmer, Jay R., to Sperry Corporation. Memoryless artificial horizon generator. 4,484,189, 11-20-84, Cl. 340-723.000. Dettmers, Michael; and Weirich, Walter, to Gewerkschaft Eisenhutte Westfalia. Hydraulic control arrangement for a roof support unit of a mineral mining installation. 4,440,522, 4-3-84, Cl. 405-293.000. Detty, Garnett E. Knee sleeve. 4,474,573, 10-2-84, Cl. 128-80.00C. Detty, Michael R.; Murray, Bruce J.; and Perlstein, Jerome H., to Eastman Kodak Company. Monocyclic telluropyrones. 4,431,586, 2-14-84, Cl. 260-239.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detty, Michael R.; Murray, Bruce J.; and Perlstein, Jerome H., to Eastman Kodak Company. Substituted benzotelluropyrones. 4,434,098, 2-28-84, Cl. 260-239.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detty, Michael R.; and Perlstein, Jerome H., to Eastman Kodak Company. Chalcogenopentalene compounds in electrophotography. 4,450,217, 5-22-84, Cl. 430-58.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detuzzi, Gregory. Time lapse programmer. 4,466,721, 8-21-84, Cl. 354-267.100.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detweiler, Charles A., to Tom McGuane Industries, Inc. Throttle positioning device. 4,463,716, 8-7-84, Cl. 123-198.0DB.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Detweiler, Charles A., to Tom McGuane Industries, Inc. Insulated cap and heat sink for automatic choke control. 4,464,310, 8-7-84, Cl. 261-39.00E.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: right; margin-left: 1em;'> <img height="20" width="182" src=",142,451,47" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Kruger, Hermann; and Deutsch, Hermann, 4,449,487, Cl. 123-41.340.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, James W., to University of California, The Regents of the. Membrane receptor assay. 4,433,058, 2-21-84, Cl. 436-504.000. Deutsch, Leslie J.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deutsch, Ralph; and Deutsch, Leslie J., 4,442,747, Cl. 84-1.010. Deutsch, Ralph; and Deutsch, Leslie J., 4,467,688, Cl. 84-1.010. Deutsch, Ralph; and Deutsch, Leslie J., to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Octave phase decoupling in an electronic musical instrument. 4,442,747, 4-17-84, Cl. 84-1.010.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Combination tone generator for a musical instrument. 4,446,769, 5-8-84, Cl. 84-1.010.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Flute chorus generator for a polyphonic tone synthesizer. 4,450,746, 5-29-84, Cl. 84-1.240.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Frequency modulator for an electronic musical instrument. 4,453,441, 6-12-84, Cl. 84-1.220.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Tone color changes in an electronic musical instrument. 4,458,572, 7-10-84, Cl. 84-1.170.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Autocorrelation tone generator for an electronic musical instrument. 4,464,965, 8-14-84, Cl. 84-1.010.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph; and Deutsch, Leslie J., to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Polyphonic musical tone generator. 4,467,688, 8-28-84, Cl. 84-1.010.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Selectable ensemble effect in an electronic musical instrument. 4,467,691, 8-28-84, Cl. 84-1.240.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Note group selectable musical effects in an electronic musical instrument. 4,468,996, 9-4-84, Cl. 84-1.010.0001</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Ralph, to Kawai Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd. Percussive voice generator for an electronic musical instrument. 4,489,637, 12-25-84, Cl. 84-1.220.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Detwiler, Donna. Compound archery target. 4,456,264, 6-26-84, Cl. Deutsch, Richard A., to Adjustable Bushing Corp. Nose member for an 273-404.000. expandible bushing type locking assembly. 4,488,842, 12-18-84, CI. 411-33.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deubel, Reinhold: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Diery, Helmut; Deubel, Reinhold; and Weide, Joachim, 4,450,304, Deutsch, Robert W.; and Martinsons, Robert, to Motorola, Inc. AccelCl. 568-609.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="172" width="188" src=",782,466,427" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deuterium Corporation: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Spevack, Jerome S., 4,470,961, Cl. 423-580.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Alice; Brandwein, Harvey; Platt, Herbert; Hunter, Dianne M.; Dubitsky, Andrew; and Durham, Susan M., to Mex Research Associates. Antigen assay method and kit. 4,477,576, 10-16-84, Cl. 436-500.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Allan S.; and Musikant, Barry L. Dental post and wrench therefor and method of restoring bulk to a tooth root therewith. 4,480,997, 11-6-84, Cl. 433-221.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Allan S.; and Musikant, Barry L. Dental post and wrench therefor and method of restoring bulk to a tooth root therewith. 4,490,116, 12-25-84, CI. 433-215.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Edward A.; and Glavan, Kenneth A., to Research Corporation. Cationic lipophilic complexes of 99mTc and their use for myocardial and hepatobiliary imaging. 4,489,054, 12-18-84, Cl. 424-1.100. Deutsch Fastener Corp.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Molina, Jorge W., 4,432,680, Cl. 411-103.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>eration fuel enrichment system. 4,490,792, 12-25-84, Cl. 364-431.070. Deutsch, Robert W.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Martinsons, Robert; and Deutsch, Robert W., 4,453,514, Cl. 123-327.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsch, Wayne A.; Schroeder, James D.; and Hammel, Greg J. Storage case for fishhooks. 4,452,003, 6-5-84, Cl. 43-25.200. Deutsche Automobilgesellschaft: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Schneider, Claus; and Benczur-Urmossy, Gabor, 4,439,281, Cl. 204-2.100.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Babcock Aktiengesellschaft: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Brosdetzko, Hubert; Gerster, Wolfgang; and Muller, Klaus, 4,469,332, Cl. 277-12.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Richter, Robert; Wiehn, Helmut; and Lichtenberger, Horst, 4,465,021, Cl. 122-4.00D.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Babcock Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Maintok, Karl-Heinz, 4,473,032, Cl. 122-4.00D.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Maurer, Erich; Rafael, Aruth; and Wefing, Heinrich, 4,466,384, CI. 122-392.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Mayr, Heribert, 4,427,319, Cl. 405-196.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Seessle, Roland; and Maier, Werner, 4,489,754, Cl. 137-528.000. Thomas, Lothar, 4,429,644, Cl. 110-245.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Babcock Bau GmbH: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Ploger, Heinz, 4,453,475, Cl. 110-336.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Babcock Werke Aktiengesellschaft: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dibowski, Gunter; and Grommes, Helmut, 4,441,720, Cl. 277-3.000. Deutsche Forschungs, und Verschsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Lorenz, Dieter, 4,482,252, Cl. 356-448.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Hinz, Bernhard; and Kochendorfer, Richard, 4,466,399, Cl. 123193.0CP.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Lindner, Friedrich; and Scheunemann, Kurt, 4,442,016, Cl. 252-70.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Lindner, Friedrich; and Scheunemann, Kurt, 4,461,153, Cl. 62-3.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Mack, Robert; and Buschulte, Winfried, 4,464,907, Cl. 62-101.000. Rodloff, Rudiger; and Bentlage, Hans, 4,432,646, Cl. 356-350.000. Schmidt, Dieter; and Engler, Rolf, 4,432,237, Cl. 73-632.000. Sternfeld, Hans J.; Reinkenhof, Josef; and Lambrecht, Heinrich, 4,474,140, Cl. 122-31.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Wagner, Ulrich; and Buschulte, Winfried, 4,441,879, Cl. 431-284.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Gardner-Denver GmbH: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Koltermann, Jurgen K. D.; Stein, Dieter W.; Mattheiss, Eugen; and Polzer, Bernhard J., 4,467,877, Cl. 173-12.000. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Wiederaufarbeitung: SeeStritzke, Detlef, 4,462,200, Cl. 53-467.000.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1732494961305058 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA405'></a> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>van Geel, Jacobus N. C.; Dobbels, Frans M.; and Theunissen, Deve, Vagn, to Combustion Engineering, Inc. Thermal sand reclamaWalther A. H., 4,425,148, Cl. 65-142.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deutsche Salice GmbH: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Salice, Luciano, 4,423,537, Cl. 16-258.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Salice, Luciano, 4,430,771, Cl. 16-235.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Spezialglas AG: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Behr, Werner; Gliemeroth, Georg; and <span class="gstxt_hlt">Hanke, Klaus</span>-Peter, 4,473,612, Cl. 428-213.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Star Kugelhalter GmbH: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Blaurock, Gunter; and Albert, Ernst, 4,474,073, Cl. 74-424.80A. Deutsche Texaco Aktiengesellschaft: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Neier, Wilhelm; Webers, Werner; and Ostwald, Wolf, 4,456,776, <br/> Cl. 568-899.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Neier, Wilhelm; Webers, Werner; Ruckhaber, Rainer; Osterburg, <br/> Gunther; and Ostwald, Wolf J., 4,476,333, Cl. 568-899.000. <br/>Rietsch, Eike, 4,468,761, Cl. 367-43.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsche Thomson-Brandt GmbH: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Favreau, Jean-Claude; Hartmann, Uwe; and Mai, Udo, 4,469,992, <br/> Cl. 315-371.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deutscher, Fritz: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>tion system. 4,487,372, 12-11-84, Cl. 241-65.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeVecchi, Francisco, to Veco S.A. Vertical laminar flow filter module. 4,427,427, 1-24-84, Cl. 55-358.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Devel Corporation: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Kelsey, Charles C., Jr.; and Wolff, Walter C., 4,446,645, Cl. 42-50.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Develay, Roger; and Anagnostidis, Marc, to Societe Metallurgique de Gerzat. Method of making hollow bodies under pressure from aluminum alloys. 4,439,246, 3-27-84, Cl. 148-2.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Develay, Roger, to Aluminium Pechiney. Method of manufacturing stamped-out or forged parts made of aluminum alloys. 4,490,189, 12-25-84, Cl. 148-12.70A.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Develle, Guy; and Regnier, Alain, to Sofiltra-Poelman. Shelter pressurization and filter installation. 4,483,273, 11-20-84, Cl. 109-1.00S. Develop Dr. Eisbein GmbH & Co.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Eisbein, Juergen; Kaufmann, Heinrich; Moser, Kurt; and Brenner, <br/> Friedhelm, 4,443,092, Cl. 355-3.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Development Engineering and Associates: See- <br/> O'Donnell, John F., 4,460,285, Cl. 384-152.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Tai, Ho T.; Reed, David A.; Verhoef, Nicolaas J. F. D.; and Development Finance Corporation of New Zealand: See- <br/> Deutscher, Fritz, 4,452,717, Cl. 252-109.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deutscher, Hans-Joachim: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Schubert, Herrmann; Deutscher, Hans-Joachim; Kresse, Horst; <br/> Demus, Dietrich; Altmann, Heinz; Korber, Marlies; and Bottger, <br/> Ute, 4,490,278, Cl. 252-299.630. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Zaschke, Horst; Schafer, Wolfgang; Deutscher, Hans-Joachim; Demus, Dietrich; and Pelzl, Gerhard, 4,438,268, Cl. 544-315.000. Deutscher, Klaus-Konrad: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Reck, Ralf; Broemer, Heinz; and Deutscher, Klaus-Konrad, 4,473,909, Cl. 3-1.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Hammerling, Gunter; Muller, Ingo; and Menger, Erich, 4,446,104, <br/> Cl. 422-63.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutschle, Bruno J., to F. L. Saino Manufacturing Co. Door assembly. 4,475,312, 10-9-84, Cl. 49-360.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutschman, John E.; and Tahiani, Francoise, to Alcan International Limited. Method of recovering alumina values from a starting solid mixture comprising AlCl3 and NaCl. 4,472,361, 9-18-84, Cl. 423-122.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutschmann, Herbert, to MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH. Turbocharge system for internal combustion engines. 4,457,134, 7-3-84, Cl. 60-612.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deutschmann, Herbert, to MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH. Supercharged reciprocating internal combustion engine. 4,458,491, 7-10-84, Cl. 60-612.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deux, Alain; and Merant, Jean C., to Braud, Societe Anonyme Francaise. Fruit or berry harvesting device for in-line crops. 4,435,950, 3-13-84, Cl. 56-330.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dev, Harsh: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Sresty, Guggilam C.; Dev, Harsh; Snow, Richard H.; and Bridges, <br/> Jack E., 4,485,868, Cl. 166-248.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Devale, Donald, to Everpure, Inc. Computer controlled sensor for <br/> beverage dispenser. 4,437,499, 3-20-84, ČI. 141-95.000. <br/>DeVale, Donald P.; and Wieser, Joseph, to Everpure, Inc. Liquid <br/> dispenser with timing circuit. 4,440,200, 4-3-84, Cl. 141-95.000. <br/>DeVale, Donald P.; Wilbrandt, Howard B.; Tomlinson, Dennis E.; and <br/> Shah, Ashish, to Industrial Design Engineering Associates, Ltd. <br/> Computer controlled apparatus for grain elevators. 4,463,429, <br/> 7-31-84, Cl. 364-466.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeVall, Donald L.; and DeVall, Hu D. Pinion carrier. 4,458,548, 7-10-84, Cl. 74-467.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeVall, Donald L.; and DeVall, Hu D. Rotary valve. 4,478,248, 10-23-84, Cl. 137-624.130. DeVall, Hu D.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeVall, Donald L.; and DeVall, Hu D., 4,458,548, Cl. 74-467.000. DeVall, Donald L.; and DeVall, Hu D., 4,478,248, Cl. 137-624.130. Devalois, Serge; Hersant, Thierry; Goursat, Albert G.; and Weisang, Francois, to L'Air Liquide, Societe Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procedes Georges Claude. Process and installation for protecting a jet of molten metal for casting. 4,460,409, 7-17-84, Cl. 75-96.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Valroger, Pierre, to Valbrev (Societe a Respondabilite Limitee). Combination of a compression or expansion turbine engine and an electric motor. 4,485,310, 11-27-84, Cİ. 290-52.000. Devan, Joseph M., to United States of America, Navy. Flexi-bend corrugated waveguide. 4,429,290, 1-31-84, Cl. 333-241.000. Devarhubli, Vasudeo: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Beauquet, Gilles; Devarhubli, Vasudeo; Dubost, Gerard; and Nicolas, Michel, 4,472,695, Cl. 333-207.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Vaughn, Donald H.; Watts, Philip S.; Raty, Dallas L.; and Maker, Edward H., II, to De Vaughn, Donald H.; and Maker, Edward H., III. Pipetting techniques using replaceable tips. 4,487,081, 12-11-84, CI. 73-864.130.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Devault, Michel A.; Quinquis, Jean-Paul; and Rouaud, Yvon. Time division multiplex switching network for multiservice digital networks. 4,446,555, 5-1-84, Cl. 370-94.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Devault, Michel A.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Quinquis, Jean-Paul; and Devault, Michel A., 4,434,463, Cl. 364-200.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>De Vault, Robert T.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Baker, Kenneth R.; and De Vault, Robert T., 4,449,944, Cl. 440-47.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deve, Vagn, to Combustion Engineering, Inc. Thermal reclaimer apparatus for a thermal sand reclamation system. 4,429,642, 2-7-84, CI. 110-236.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Atwell, Graham J.; Baguley, Bruce C.; and Denny, William A., 4,474,961, Cl. 546-70.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Cain, Bruce F., deceased; Atwell, Graham J.; Baguley, Bruce C.; and Denny, William A., 4,472,582, Cl. 546-106.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Guy, Graeme R.; Morgan, Hugh W.; and Daniel, Roy M., 4,473,646, Cl. 435-229.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Lustig, Thomas P., 4,450,762, Cl. 99-584.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Morgan, Hugh W.; and Daniel, Roy M., 4,442,214, Cl. 435-253.000. <br/>Morgan, Hugh W.; Daniel, Roy M.; Cowan, Donald A.; and <br/> Hickey, Christopher W., 4,480,036, Cl. 435-220.000. <br/>Rewcastle, Gordon W.; Atwell, Graham J.; Baguley, Bruce C.; and <br/> Denny, William A., 4,479,000, Cl. 546-23.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deveney, Joseph E.; and Sanderson, Stephen N., to United States of America, Energy. Rotatable stem and lock. 4,454,934, 6-19-84, Cl. 188-171.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Devenyi, Tibor F.; and Turlik, Iwona, to Northern Telecom Limited. Gas seal for semiconductor processing equipment. 4,483,541, 11-20-84, Cl. 277-3.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Devenyi, Tibor F.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Chik, Kiu-Chi D.; Devenyi, Tibor F.; and Dyment, John C., 4,489,477, Cl. 29-569.00L.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeVera, Dennis; and Tzoumis, Nicholas, to Eaton Corporation. Dual sealing fluid connector. 4,482,172, 11-13-84, Cl. 285-137.00R. Deverell, Harry E.; and McCunn, Thomas H., to Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation. Ferritic stainless steel. 4,456,483, 6-26-84, Cl. 75-128.00N.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Devereux, Victor G., to British Broadcasting Corporation. Method and apparatus for deriving a PAL color television signal corresponding to any desired field in an 8-field PAL sequence from one stored field or picture of a PAL signal. 4,460,925, 7-17-84, Cl. 358-312.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Versterre, William I.; and Worden, Donald A., to Marotta Scientific Controls, Inc. Load-transfer mechanism. 4,481,801, 11-13-84, Cl. 72-21.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Versterre, William I.; and Worden, Donald A., to Marotta Scientific Controls, Inc. Load-transfer mechanism. 4,484,285, 11-20-84, Cl. 364-472.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deville, Christian; and Payen, Francis, to Thomson-CSF. Delay line having coupled cavities for a traveling-wave tube and a travelingwave tube equipped with said line. 4,431,944, 2-14-84, Cl. 315-3.600. De Villepoix, Raymond: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Abbes, Claude; Rouaud, Christian; Piednoir, Robert; and De Villepoix, Raymond, 4,427,222, Cl. 285-353.000. DeVillez, Richard L., to Brown, James Howard. Method of treating acne using ozonized materials. 4,451,480, 5-29-84, Cl. 424-278.000. De Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Compound with antiulcerogenic activity, process for the preparation thereof and pharmaceutical composition therefrom. 4,431,664, 2-14-84, Cl. 424-282.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Compound with analgesic, antiinflammatory and antipyretic activity, and pharmaceutical compositions therefrom. 4,435,591, 3-6-84, Cl. 560-73.000. de Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Compounds with antiinflammatory and analgesic activity, process for the preparation thereof and pharmaceutical compositio ns therefrom. 4,440,786, 4-3-84, Cl. 424-319.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Compounds with antiinflammatory and analgesic activity, process for the preparation thereof and pharmaceutical compositions therefrom. 4,440,787, 4-3-84, Cl. 424-319.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Hexamethylenetetramine-N-acetyl-thiazolidine-4-carboxylate, a process for its preparation and a pharmaceutical composition containing it. 4,469,691, 9-4-84, Cl. 424-249.000. De Vincentiis, Leonardo, to Ausonia Farmaceutici s.r.l. Phthalidyl apovincaminate with cerebral eubolic activity. 4,486,437, 12-4-84, Cl. 424-256.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Vincentis, Cheryl A. Shoe with interchangeable shoe straps having spring connectors. 4,461,102, 7-24-84, Cl. 36-101.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Devincenzo, John. Vertically-indexed posterior bite plates. 4,439,149, 3-27-84, Cl. 433-6.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Devine Manufacturing Company: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Cox, G. Robert, 4,447,402, Cl. 422-174.000. Devinney, Edward J., Jr.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Ruell, Hartwig; Devinney, Edward J., Jr.; and Chiu, Ming-Yee, 4,428,670, Cl. 356-71.000.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><a id="legacy-text-prev" style="font-size:80%;float:left;margin:2px 2px 2px 12px" href=>« Previous</a><a id="legacy-text-next" style="font-size:80%;float:right;margin:2px 12px 2px 2px" href=>Continue »</a></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div><script>(function() {var href = window.location.href;if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) {var parameters = href.split('?')[1].split('&');for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {var param = parameters[i].split('=');if (param[0] == 'focus') {var elem = document.getElementById(param[1]);if (elem) {elem.focus();}}}}})();</script>