Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent and Trademark Office - United States. Patent and Trademark Office - Google Books
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Mailing machine having an envelope stripping device. 4,489,651, 12-25-84, Cl. 101-93.360. DeLuca, Hector F.; Schnoes, Heinrich K.; and Jorgensen, Neal A., to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Method of preventing milk fever in dairy cattle. 4,428,946, 1-31-84, Cl. 424-236.000. DeLuca, Hector F.; Schnoes, Heinrich K.; and Morzycki, Jacek W., to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Hydroxyvitamin D2 compounds and process for preparing same. 4,448,721, 5-15-84, Cl. 260-239.500.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLuca, Hector F.; Schnoes, Heinrich K.; Paaren, Herbert E.; and Smith, Connie M., to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Ring A- and triene-modified vitamin D compounds. 4,448,726, 5-15-84, Cl. 260-397.200.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLuca, Hector F.; Schnoes, Heinrich K.; and Hart, Leslie E., to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Method for inducing molting in laying hens. 4,461,766, 7-24-84, Cl. 424-236.000. DeLuca, Hector F.; Schnoes, Heinrich K.; Chu, John Y.; and Kabakoff, Bruce D., to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Vitamin D metabolism inhibitor. 4,481,198, 11-6-84, Cl. 424-236.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Luca, Paul V.; and Atun, Albert, to Porta Systems Corp. Wall mounted distribution frame for telephone subscriber locations. 4,470,102, 9-4-84, Cl. 361-428.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLuca, Raymond F., to Georgia-Pacific Corporation. Severing web plies in multiple roll material dispensers. 4,432,261, 2-21-84, Cl. 83-37.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLuca, Raymond F., to Georgia-Pacific Corporation. Cut web material dispenser with web centering and tension control. 4,441,392, 4-10-84, Cl. 83-337.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeLuca, Raymond F.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Rasmussen, Holger; Jespersen, Paul W.; and DeLuca, Raymond F., 4,487,375, Cl. 242-55.300.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLuca, Robert D.; and Jones, Robin M. F., to Johnson & Johnson Dental Products Company. Process for producing a dental restoration. 4,461,618, 7-24-84, Cl. 433-200.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>De Lucia, David E.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Cannon, Joseph N.; De Lucia, David E.; Jackson, William M.; and Porter, James H., 4,476,816, Cl. 122-4.00D.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeLucia, Mary L.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Mathews, John H.; DeLucia, Mary L.; and Mattina, Charles F., 4,461,311, Cl. 131-365.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLucia, Paul V. Continuous, moveable thermal barrier system. 4,438,605, 3-27-84, Cl. 52-71.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLucia, Victor E. Modular X-ray inspection apparatus. 4,454,605, 6-12-84, Cl. 378-57.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLucia, Victor E. Arc proof dual interlock safety switch. 4,455,462, 6-19-84, Cl. 200-61.620.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLue, Norman R.; and Korach, Malcolm, to PPG Industries, Inc. Electro organic method and apparatus for carrying out same. 4,462,876, 7-31-84, Cl. 204-59.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeLue, Norman R., to PPG Industries, Inc. Electrolytic synthesis of organic compounds from gaseous reactants. 4,472,252, 9-18-84, Cl. 204-59.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deluhery, James G.: See</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: right; margin-left: 1em;'> <img height="85" width="175" src=",77,436,211" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Saur, Charles; and DeMan, Samuel J., 4,425,069, Cl. 414-398.000. Demand, Erhart E., to Temptronic Corporation. Electrical testing system including plastic window test chamber and method of using same. 4,426,619, 1-17-84, Cl. 324-73.0PC. Demand Hot Water Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'> Knight, Earl J., 4,459,465, Cl. 219-309.000. <br/>Demangeon, Yvon: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Ellis, Roger D.; Demangeon, Yvon; and Jacques, Alain, 4,486,329, <br/> Cl. 252-117.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarchi, Andrea. Atomic or molecular beam frequency standard with optical pumping and open resonator. 4,454,482, 6-12-84, Cl. 331-3.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>deMarco, Arthur P.; and Cook, Gerald E., to United States of America, Army. Intrusion detecting camouflage fluorescent coating. 4,481,422, 11-6-84, Cl. 250-459.100.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarco, David, to Cool-Zip Inc. Reusable insulating jacket for beverage containers. 4,478,265, 10-23-84, Cl. 150-52.00R. De Marco, Giuliano; and Gemi, Roberto, to Ing. C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A.; and Elettronica Belmonte, S.a.s. Device for recording and/or reading binary data on both faces of a flexible magnetic disk. 4,433,352, 2-21-84, Cl. 360-105.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarco, Joseph P. Terminal insulator. 4,427,257, 1-24-84, Cl. 339</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>184.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarco, Richard E.; Hopkins, David; and McVicar, Walter D., to Westvaco Corporation. Core plug. 4,460,087, 7-17-84, CI. 206-415.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarco, Richard E.; Hopkins, David; and Deegan, Dennis I., to Westvaco Corporation. Core plug. 4,484,715, 11-27-84, Cl. 242-68.600.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DeMarco, Ronald A.; and Moran, Michael J., to United States of America, Navy. Preparation of simple nitronium salts. 4,456,583, 6-26-84, Cl. 423-277.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demarest, David D.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Krooss, Robert J.; and Demarest, David D., 4,457,421, Cl. 198-396.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Demarest, Frank C.; and Iderosa, Richard A., to Zygo Corporation. <br/> Electro-optical measuring system. 4,427,296, 1-24-84, Cl. 356-387.000. <br/>DeMaria, Anthony J.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Black, James F.; Grudkowski, Thomas W.; and DeMaria, Anthony <br/> J., 4,426,768, Cl. 29-583.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Black, James F.; Grudkowski, Thomas W.; and DeMaria, Anthony <br/> J., 4,463,336, Cl. 338-4.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Skubitz, Frank L.; and Deluhery, James G., 4,466,441, Cl. 128- De Maria, Francesco: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>419.00P.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Del Valle, Frank: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Young, Chi C.; and De Maria, Francesco, 4,461,739, Cl. 264176.00F.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Friedman, Herman H.; Del Valle, Frank; and Hofmann, Lisa A., DeMarinis, Robert M.; and Hieble, Jacob P., to SmithKline Beckman</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>4,446,161, Cl. 426-335.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Katcher, Jay H.; and Del Valle, Frank, 4,469,712, Cl. 426-579.000. del Valle, Margarita E., to Laboratories Pharmedical SA. Process for the preparation of derivatives of 2-pyrrole acetic acid with anti-inflammatory activity. 4,465,843, 8-14-84, Cl. 548-539.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Delvaux, Andre L.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Maes, Robert H.; Delvaux, Andre L.; and Lenoir, Pierre J., 4,428,731, Cl. 432-247.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Delvaux, Myriam, to Colgate-Palmolive Company. Absorbent article with densified areas. 4,443,512, 4-17-84, Cl. 428-162.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Del Vecchio, Joseph A.; Hunnibell, Kenneth L.; Ladewig, Christopher G.; and Harrison, Mark S., to Lipstep Design Group Corp. Wheelchair lift. 4,457,402, 7-3-84, Cl. 187-12.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>DelVecchio, Leonard P., Jr.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Grudzien, Christopher P., Jr.; and DelVecchio, Leonard P., Jr., 4,467,155, Cl. 200-81.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Del Vecchio, Robert M.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Corporation. 2(4-tert.-Butyl-2,6-dichlorophenyl-imino)imidazolidine and use as an anti-hypertension agent. 4,444,782, 4-24-84, Cl. 424273.00R. DeMarinis, Robert M.; Hieble, Jacob P.; and Matthews, William D., to SmithKline Beckman Corporation. Pharmaceutical compositions and method of producing alpha2 antagonism. 4,465,677, 8-14-84, CI. 424-244.000. DeMarinis, Robert M., to SmithKline Beckman Corporation. Allyloxyand allylthio-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepines. 4,469,634, 9-4-84, Cl. 260-239.0BB.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeMario, Edmund E.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Hellman, Jeremy M.; and DeMario, Edmund E., 4,474,730, Cl. 376-462.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Demarne, Henri; and Wagnon, Jean, to Societe Anonyme dite: Sanofi. Ethers of phenol active on the cardiovascular system, process for preparing same and use thereof in drugs. 4,435,426, 3-6-84, CI. 424-324.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Holland, James R.; and Del Vecchio, Robert M., 4,477,958, Cl. DeMarse, Ernest W.; Kluss, Karl K.; Sawyer, John M.; and Allen,</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>29-423.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DelVecchio, William D.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Isgur, Irving E.; and DelVecchio, William D., 4,442,259, Cl. 524-839.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Delvy, Robert J.; Pentecost, Harry L.; and Patterson, Leroy R., to Universal Manufacturing Corp. Capacitor with integral discharge resistor and method of manufacture. 4,443,829, 4-17-84, Čl. 361-275.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Delwel, Francois; and De Goede, Roland, to Lever Brothers Company. Process for manufacturing detergent speckles. 4,434,068, 2-28-84, Cl. 252-135.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Delwiche, John L. Flow regulating device. 4,458,714, 7-10-84, Cl. 137-172.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeMaat, Jack H.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Terry F., to Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, The. Hose structure. 4,474,217, 10-2-84, Cl. 138-137.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Demarthe, Jean-Michel; Fossi, Paolo; and Gandon, Louis, to Minemet <br/> Recherche. Hydrometallurgical process for selective dissolution of <br/> mixtures of oxy compounds. 4,435,368, 3-6-84, Cl. 423-40.000. <br/>DeMasi, Dominick F.; and Scheideler, Gregg S., to Lever Brothers <br/> Company. Dispersion of hydrophilic gums to form non-swelling <br/> aqueous alcoholic mixtures. 4,453,979, 6-12-84, Cl. 106-188.000. <br/>Dematex Development & Investment Establishment: See- <br/> Rilliet, Francois, 4,434,802, Cl. 128-764.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>DeMato, Joseph J. Musical instrument case and holder. 4,474,290, <br/> 10-2-84, Cl. 206-314.000. <br/>Demchick, Paul H.: See <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bhaduri, Saumya; and Demchick, Paul H., 4,464,295, Cl. 260112.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Fairbrother, Larry E.; and DeMaat, Jack H., 4,473,107, Cl. Demco Inc.: See165-2.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Burns, Daniel E., 4,425,768, Cl. 62-237.000.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1739841197660835 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA397'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Burns, Daniel E., 4,480,536, Cl. 100-6.000. Demczyk, Brian G.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Irina B.; Osadchuk, Sara Z.; and Kadnikova, Galina I., 4,424,203, Cl. 424-52.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Liu, Chia-Tsun; Demczyk, Brian G.; and Rittko, Irvin R., Demizu, Michinosuke: See4,444,852, Cl. 429-29.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="107" width="198" src=",144,492,264" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demeo, Gregory, to Dorman-Bogdonoff Corporation. Membrane switch with means for preventing silver migration. 4,458,969, 7-10-84, Cl. 339-17.00F.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Demers, Donald R.; and Allemand, Charly D., to Baird Corporation. <br/> Spectrometer. 4,432,644, 2-21-84, Cl. 356-316.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Demers, Robert J.; and Schilbe, Rick, to Webster Air Equipment Ltd. <br/> Reed valve assembly. 4,437,490, 3-20-84, Cl. 137-512.400. <br/>De Mesmaeker, Ivan, to BBC Brown, Boveri & Company, Limited. <br/> Method and device for finding faults on electric lines by the principle <br/> of low impedance. 4,458,285, 7-3-84, Cl. 361-79.000. <br/>De Mesmaeker, Ivan: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Braissant, Pierre; and De Mesmaeker, Ivan, 4,426,671, Cl. <br/> 361-82.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demeter, Elek: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Apetrei, Constantin; Nitigus, Victor; Demeter, Elek; Radulescu, Marian; and Sachelarie, Toma, 4,477,743, Cl. 310-77.000. Demeter, Paul J. Tool for trimming lapping edge portions of sheet material. 4,443,942, 4-24-84, Cl. 30-293.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demetriou, Andreas, to Mitel Corporation. CMOS Turn-on circuit. 4,441,035, 4-3-84, Cl. 307-200.00B.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demetron Gesellschaft fur Electronik-Werstoffe mbH: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Siewert, G. A. Horst; Dietrich, Horst; Munz, Wolf-Dieter; and <br/> Goebel, Jorg, 4,466,940, Cl. 420-507.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>De Mey, Jan R.; and Moeremans, Marc K. J. J., to Janssen Phar- <br/> maceutica N.V. Bright field light microscopic method of localizing <br/> tissue antigens. 4,446,238, 5-1-84, Cl. 436-527.000. <br/>Demidenko, Vladimir A.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Volynets, Filipp K.; Demidenko, Vladimir A.; Denisov, Roman A.; Denx, Viktor P.; Dydelzak, Alexandr E.; Ryzhikov, Engels N.; and Terentieva, Evgenia A., 4,490,286, Cl. 252-583.000. Demidov, Vladimir V.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Kljuev, Vladimir V.; Kozlov, Valery P.; Degterev, Alexandr P.; <br/> Vainberg, Irina A.; Demidov, Vladimir V.; and Filimonov, <br/> Anatoly N., deceased, 4,481,825, Cl. 73-655.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="145" width="197" src=",893,490,359" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demircan, Niyazi: See—</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Brealey, Leslie; Wilson, John H.; and Demircan, Niyazi, 4,434,723, <br/> Cl. 110-245.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demirel, Turgut; and Enustun, Bekir V., to Iowa State University Research Foundation, Inc. Ice porosimeter. 4,453,398, 6-12-84, Cİ. 73-38.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demirjian, Ara M.; and Solbes, Albert, to United States of America, Energy. Apparatus for electrode current control in linear MHD generators. 4,437,026, 3-13-84, Cl. 310-11.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demirjian, John. Wire unwrapping tool. 4,444,228, 4-24-84, Cl. 140-123.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demishev, Vasily N.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Pakhomov, Gennady N.; Luste, Anita Y.; Kolesnik, Anatoly G.; Demishev, Vasily N.; Pashinina, Eva L.; Mordvinova, Maria V.; Morozova, Lilia V.; Boginskaya, Lidia M.; Voskresenskaya,</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Naya, Eizo; Horiuchi, Toshiaki; Takeya, Yasushi; Inagaki, Kouichi; Demizu, Michinosuke; and Okumura, Mitsuhiro, 4,486,631, Cl. 200-144.00B.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Yamanaka, Takashi; Inagaki, Kouichi; Naya, Eizo; Demizu, Michinosuke; and Okumura, Mitsuhiro, 4,424,429, Cl. 200-264.000. Demke, Kent R.; and Dwire, Jerold D., to International Business Machines Corporation. Multiple half-line spacing on a miniature page. 4,437,167, 3-13-84, Cl. 364-900.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demke, Kent R., to International Business Machines Corporation. Proportionally in miniature displays. 4,455,554, 6-19-84, Cl. 340-731.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deml, Hubert: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>von Gentzkow, Wolfgang; Deml, Hubert; and Soldner, Karl, 4,472,700, Cl. 336-57.000. Demmer, Walter: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Wolber, Jorg; Kunze, Dieter J.; Hahn, Friedrich E.; and Demmer, <br/> Walter, 4,470,066, Cl. 358-171.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demny, Werner; Moltner, Hermann; and Gerhards, Hans-Dieter, to Kocks Technik GmbH & Co. Rolling mill for the stretch-reducing of tubes. 4,430,875, 2-14-84, Cl. 72-205.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demole, Edouard P.; and Enggist, Paul, to Firmenich SA. Utilization of sulfur containing terpenes as flavoring ingredients. 4,478,865, 10-23-84, Cl. 426-535.000. Demonsablon, Philippe; Millot, Jean; and Corneloup, Andre, to Societe d'Etudes Techniques et d'Entreprises Generales-Sodeteg. Device for raising a casting table, more especially for concrete panels. 4,472,130, 9-18-84, Cl. 425-436.0RM.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Montmorency, David G. Guide case. 4,465,430, 8-14-84, Cl.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>415-205.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demopoulos, Dino M.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Haller, Jack R.; and Demopoulos, Dino M., 4,423,758, Cl. 144-176.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demopoulos, Harry B. Dry powder formulations having improved flow and compressibility characteristics, and method for the preparation thereof. 4,454,125, 6-12-84, Cl. 424-201.000. DeMoss, Dean: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Ragle, Herbert U.; and DeMoss, Dean, 4,425,592, Cl. 360-99.000. Ragle, Herbert U.; and DeMoss, Dean, 4,458,277, Cl. 360-99.000. DeMoss, Larry A., to DeMoss, Larry A.; and Edwards, Stephen A. Steering arrangement for recumbent bicycle or the like. 4,431,203, 2-14-84, Cl. 280-270.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>DeMoully, Thomas R.; Rockey, Robert E.; and Strickland, John J., to <br/> General Electric Company. Battery with improved terminal struc- <br/> ture. 4,452,869, 6-5-84, Cl. 429-94.000. <br/>Demoures, Bernard: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Le Coent, Jean-Louis; and Demoures, Bernard, 4,464,289, Cl. <br/> 252-33.400. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Le Coent, Jean-Louis; and Demoures, Bernard, 4,470,916, Cl. 252-33.400.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demoute, Jean-Pierre: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Martel, Jacques; Tessier, Jean; and Demoute, Jean-Pierre, 4,443,617, Cl. 549-302.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Martel, Jacques; Tessier, Jean; and Demoute, Jean-Pierre, 4,463,014, Cl. 424-275.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Martel, Jacques; Tessier, Jean; and Demoute, Jean-Pierre, 4,487,957, Cl. 560-177.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Tessier, Jean; Demoute, Jean-Pierre; and Bonin, Werner, 4,478,850, Cl. 424-304.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demovic, Vojtech: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Delius, Kurt; Demovic, Vojtech; and Schmidhuber, Karl, 4,470,634, Cl. 297-429.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dempf, Josef: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Rosler, Helmut; Muhlbauer, Otto; Dempf, Josef; and Bigall, KlausDieter, 4,428,267, Cl. 84-1.010.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dempsey, Donald J.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Szycher, Michael; Dempsey, Donald J.; and Rolfe, Jonathan L., 4,483,759, Cl. 204-159.240.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dempsey, Edmond N., to Peerless Machine & Tool Corporation. Small</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>blank feeder and tray former. 4,435,143, 3-6-84, Cl. 425-150.000. Dempsey, John C.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Stieff, Lorin R.; and Dempsey, John C., 4,445,364, Cl. 73-40.700. Dempsey, Russell M.; Fragala, Anthony R.; LaConti, Anthony B.; and Enos, John F., to General Electric Company. Method and device for evolution of oxygen with ternary electrocatalysts containing valve metals. 4,457,824, 7-3-84, Cl. 204-290.00F.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dempsey, Russell M.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>LaConti, Anthony B.; Dempsey, Russell M.; and Coker, Thomas G., 4,457,823, Cl. 204-282.000. Dempster Industries Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Blumer, John E.; and Linsenmeyer, Arthur F., 4,469,210, Cl. 193-22.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dempster, Philip T. Method and apparatus for measuring gaseous oxygen. 4,432,226, 2-21-84, Cl. 73-27.00A. Dempster Systems Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Durant, John A.; and Ratledge, R. Houston, 4,460,307, Cl. 414525.00R.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Scharf, Heino W., 4,455,118, Cl. 414-494.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Munck, Nicolaas A.; and Scholten, Joseph J. F., to Stamicarbon B.V. Process and catalyst for performing hydroformylation reactions. 4,434,302, 2-28-84, Cl. 568-454.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demus, Dietrich; Zaschke, Horst; Vorbrodt, Hans-Matthias; and Deresh, Sylvia, to VEB Werk fur Fernsehelektronik im VEB Kombinat</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1739841197679486 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA398'></a> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Mikroelektronik. Liquid crystalline nematic substances. 4,486,332, Den Hartog, Arie P., to Shell Oil Company. Apparatus for contacting 12-4-84, Cl. 252-299.610. fluid with particulate solid material. 4,446,112, 5-1-84, CI. 422-216.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Demus, Dietrich: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Schubert, Herrmann; Deutscher, Hans-Joachim; Kresse, Horst; <br/> Demus, Dietrich; Altmann, Heinz; Korber, Marlies; and Bottger, <br/> Ute, 4,490,278, Cl. 252-299.630. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Zaschke, Horst; Schafer, Wolfgang; Deutscher, Hans-Joachim; Demus, Dietrich; and Pelzl, Gerhard, 4,438,268, Cl. 544-315.000. DeMuth, David L.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Bowden, William L.; Barnette, Luverne H.; and DeMuth, David <br/> L., 4,481,267, Cl. 429-194.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demuth, Gordon L.; Hinkle, John E.; and Moran, J. Thomas, to International Business Machines Corporation. Control unit for a functional processor. 4,450,525, 5-22-84, Cl. 364-200.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demuth, Hans; Kropp, Peter; and Noll, Karl, to Wieland-Werke AG. Heat-transmitting device for heat pumps. 4,448,244, 5-15-84, Cl. 165-141.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demuth, Hans; and Gruber, Walter, to Sulzer Brothers Limited. Catcher and a method of operating a gripper projectile catcher. 4,460,021, 7-17-84, Cl. 139-185.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Demuth, Hans, to Sulzer Brothers Limited. Tensioning apparatus for a whip roll of a weaving machine. 4,483,372, 11-20-84, Cl. 139-114.000. Demuth, Martin; and Schaffner, Kurt, to Studiengesellschaft Kohle mbH. Pure enantiomers of bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-ones, processes for their production and their use. 4,454,352, 6-12-84, Cl. 568-374.000. Demuth, Martin; and Schaffner, Kurt, to Studiengesellschaft Kohle mbH. Processes for the preparation of pure enantiomers of bicyclo(2,2,2)oct-5-en-2-ones. 4,461,687, 7-24-84, Cl. 204-158.00R. DeMuth, Raymond W., to Teletype Corporation. Light source mounting bracket for a facsimile document scanner. 4,448,379, 5-15-84, Cl. 248-201.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="145" width="189" src=",503,470,359" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Abe, Haruhiko; Harada, Hiroshi; Denda, Masahiko; Nagasawa, <br/> Koichi; and Kono, Yoshio, 4,438,368, Cl. 315-39.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Abe, Haruhiko; Harada, Hiroshi; Kinoshita, Shigeji; Hirata, Yoshihiro; Denda, Masahiko; and Akasaka, Yoichi, 4,454,166, Cl. 427-85.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Dendia-Werk Dr. Ing. Hans O. Scheid Gesellschaft m.b.H.: See- <br/> Plischka, Gerhard, 4,466,795, Cl. 433-166.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>den Hartog, James; Butler, John P.; and Molson, Fred W. R., to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Ordered bed packing module. 4,471,014, 9-11-84, Cl. 428-182.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denholm, A. Stuart; Frutiger, William A.; and Williams, Kenneth E., to Sony Corporation. Process and apparatus for converged fine line electron beam treatment objects. 4,446,373, 5-1-84, Cl. 250-492.200. De Nicola, Anthony J., Jr.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bell, James P.; and De Nicola, Anthony J., Jr., 4,448,847, Cl. 428-413.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Nie-Sarink, Margaretha J.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Baardman, Frank; van Helden, Robert; and de Nie-Sarink, Margaretha J., 4,436,937, Cl. 564-409.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Niet, Edmond, to U.S. Philips Corporation. Device for coding signals which are distributed between a number of channels. 4,425,562, 1-10-84, Cl. 340-347.0DD.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denis, Bernard A.; and Eardley, David B., to International Business Machines Corporation. Random access memory cell. 4,455,625, 6-19-84, Cl. 365-154.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denis, Jacques; Weill, Jerome; and Rojey, Alexandre, to Institut Francais du Petrole. Method of operating a heat pump or a thermal engine with a chloro-fluorinated hydrocarbon having an increased thermal stability. 4,465,609, 8-14-84, Cl. 252-67.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Denis, Jean. Felling head. 4,467,849, 8-28-84, Cl. 144-34.00R. <br/>Denis, Jean-Pierre: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Renders, Gerard; Denis, Jean-Pierre; and Gryglewicz, Lucien, <br/> 4,444,730, Cl. 422-264.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denis, Michel, to Stein Heurtey Societe Anonyme. Supports for products in a steel-making furnace. 4,427,187, 1-24-84, Cl. 266-274.000. Denis, Phillippe, to Champion Spark Plug Europe S.A. Spacer for pivotally connecting wiper blade parts. 4,428,093, 1-31-84, Cl. 15-250.420.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Denison, John F., to Wilson Jones Company. Non-magnetic line guide <br/> unit for copy holder. 4,455,773, 6-26-84, Cl. 40-352.000. <br/>Denison, Philibert E., III; and Branecky, George, to Pitney Bowes Inc. <br/> Mail handling apparatus. 4,428,573, 1-31-84, Cl. 271-305.000. <br/>Denison, Tom G. Arc welding simulator. 4,452,589, 6-5-84, Cl. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gimg_column' style='float: right; margin-left: 1em;'> <img height="34" width="172" src=",612,428,83" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Volynets, Filipp K.; Demidenko, Vladimir A.; Denisov, Roman A.; Denx, Viktor P.; Dydelzak, Alexandr E.; Ryzhikov, Engels N.; Denk, Heimo; and Mantsch, Peter, to List, Hans. Apparatus for measurand Terentieva, Evgenia A., 4,490,286, Cl. 252-583.000. Denk, Heimo; Mantsch, Peter; and Moser, Werner, to List, Hans. ing the angular position of a shaft. 4,443,787, 4-17-84, Cl. 340-347.00P.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Device for generating an electric trigger pulse. 4,447,742, 5-8-84, Cl. 307-106.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denk, Heimo: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Claassen, Peter; Denk, Heimo; and Moser, Werner, 4,467,433, Cl. 364-481.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denk, Jpseph; and Martin, William B., to Garrett Corporation, The. High speed accessory disconnect apparatus and methods. 4,434,881, 3-6-84, Cl. 192-89.00A.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denka Chemical Corporation: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Banta, Edward M.; and Fitzgerald, Kenneth D., 4,481,313, CI. 524-84.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denka Chemie B.V.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>den Braber, Antonie A., 4,464,308, Cl. 260-969.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Deneau, Kenneth S., to Midland-Ross Corporation. Rotary hearth Denka Consultant & Engineering Co., Ltd.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>pyrolyzer with tapered spreader roll. 4,452,153, 6-5-84, Cl. 110-247.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DeNeef, John G.: See―</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Thiel, Patrick L.; Lawry, Clifford F.; and DeNeef, John G., 4,477,791, Cl. 336-60.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denes, Laszlo: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Kisfaludy, Lajos; Nyeki nee Kuprina, Olga; Schon, Istvan; Denes, <br/> Laszlo; Ember, Julia; Hajos, Gyorgy; Szporny, Laszlo; and <br/> Szende, Bela, 4,428,938, Cl. 424-177.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deneux, Pierre E.; Faure, Patrick J.; Laffitte, Denis R. G.; and Le</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>maoult, Michel E. M., to Societe Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation. Process for detection of rotating stall. 4,430,855, 2-14-84, Cl. 60-39.030.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Nevers, Noel H., to Oros Company. Cross flow solid-to-solid heat transfer apparatus. 4,443,332, 4-17-84, Cl. 209-331.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>De Neys, Robert: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Vandevelde, Jean; and De Neys, Robert, 4,451,446, Cl. 424-92.000. Dengel, Ferdinand: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Ehrmann, Oskar; Raschack, Manfred; Gries, Josef; Kretzschmar, <br/> Rolf; Lehmann, Hans D.; Friedrich, Ludwig; Wuppermann, <br/> Dirk; Zimmermann, Frank; Seitz, Werner; Treiber, Hans J.; <br/> Dengel, Ferdinand; Frank, Wolfram; Kurbjuweit, Hans-Georg; <br/> and Mueller, Claus D., 4,438,131, Cl. 424-278.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denham, Dan F.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Robinder, Ronald C.; Bates, David J.; and Denham, Dan F., 4,456,853, Cl. 313-421.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denham, Daniel W. Saw blade clamp. 4,446,760, 5-8-84, Cl. 76-79.000. Denham, Edward L.; and Tuso, Michael J., to General Electric Company. Compensated resolver feedback. 4,472,669, 9-18-84, Cl. 318-661.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Moriyama, Takashi, 4,483,646, Cl. 406-14.000. <br/>Shinozaki, Yoshinobu; Motozo, Yasuno; Tadaaki, Iwamura; <br/> Hironari, Marushima; Yoshiteru, Tagawa; Ryoji, Takabe; Taka- <br/> shi, Moriyama; Shuzo, Fujii; Keiichi, Achiba; Hideo, Oishi; <br/> Yasuo, Yanagihara; and Yoshiaki, Masuda, 4,482,275, Cl. <br/> 406-12.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denka Engineering Kabushiki Kaisha: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Saito, Hisatoshi; Fujii, Shuzo; Takase, Itaru; Nakamura, Akihiko; and Hara, Yoshihiro, 4,449,861, Cl. 406-39.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denker, Boris I.; Karasik, Alexandr Y.; Maximova, Galina V.; Maljutin,</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Alexandr A.; Osiko, Vyacheslav V.; Pashinin, Pavel P.; Prokhorov, Alexandr M.; and Scherbakov, Ivan A. Phosphate neodymium glass for laser use. 4,470,922, 9-11-84, Cl. 252-301.40P. Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Abe, Masanori; and Tamaura, Yutaka, 4,477,319, Cl. 204-56.00R. <br/>Doi, Hiroshi; Kadota, Osamu; and Kohno, Susumu, 4,439,555, CI. <br/> 523-122.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Ishii, Masaji; Hagiwara, Hirotoshi; and Hiraoka, Hideo, 4,482,838, <br/> Cl. 313-336.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Isogai, Jun; Nakaya, Seiichi; Saitou, Akira; Takahashi, Akio; and <br/> Yagi, Isao, 4,477,284, Cl. 106-104.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Ito, Higashi; and Watanabe, Seiichi, 4,461,920, Cl. 570-236.000. <br/>Kishida, Kozi; Iwato, Noboru; and Ozeki, Yuji, 4,478,903, Cl. <br/> 428-216.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Maeda, Tetsuro; Yoshii, Yasuo; Okamoto, Akihiro; and Ni- <br/> shinakagawa, Isamu, 4,461,865, Cl. 524-440.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Maeda, Tetsuro; Ohoka, Susumu; Shingai, Masafumi; and Igawa, <br/> Haruo, 4,476,266, Cl. 524-128.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Miyoshi, Shigeto; Hanabusa, Kanehisa; and Kagami, Toshio, <br/> 4,476,035, Cl. 252-62.540. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Nakajima, Takashi; and Matsui, Fujio, 4,430,518, Cl. 136-234.000.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1739841197695461 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA399'></a> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Nishimaki, Toshihiko; Nakaminato, Yoshikazu; and Fujimoto, Dennison Manufacturing Company: See- <br/> Katsuhiko, 4,485,476, Cl. 373-2.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Okazaki, Haruo; and Ohkubo, Takashi, 4,446,274, Cl. 524-812.000. <br/>Tanaka, Hideyuki; Saito, Kiyotaka; Hori, Shozo; and Mitsuda, <br/> Yutaka, 4,425,258, Cl. 502-154.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Wada, Tetsuya; Ishii, Masaji; Miyai, Akira; and Hagiwara, Hiroto- <br/> shi, 4,482,839, Cl. 313-346.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Yagi, Norio; Chiba, Hisashi; Mitsuda, Yutaka; Sakano, Yasuaki; and <br/> Aikawa, Masaki, 4,427,832, Cl. 525-238.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Denkowski, Walter J.; and Regan, Raymond D., to Philadelphia Gear <br/> Corporation. Valve operator de-clutch mechanism. 4,474,078, <br/> 10-2-84, Cl. 74-625.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denley, Ronald S., to Oak Industries Inc. Keyboard space bar stabilizer. 4,468,145, 8-28-84, Cl. 400-496.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denley, Ronald S.; and Van Zeeland, Anthony J., to Oak Industries Inc. Tactile feel switch with positive switch actuation. 4,479,040, 10-23-84, Cl. 200-77.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denmar Engineering & Control Systems, Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Martin, Dennis R., 4,428,503, Cl. 221-232.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denmark, James; and Shilcock, John. Carriers for containers. 4,432,579, 2-21-84, Cl. 294-87.200.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denmeade, James G.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denmeade, Robert G.; and Denmeade, James G., 4,471,517, Cl. 29-259.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denmeade, Robert G.; and Denmeade, James G. Ball bearing puller. 4,471,517, 9-18-84, Cl. 29-259.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennard, Robert H.; and Wordeman, Matthew R., to International Business Machines Corporation. Structure for collection of ionization-induced excess minority carriers in a semiconductor substrate and method for the fabrication thereof. 4,424,526, 1-3-84, Cl. 357-29.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennehey, T. Michael; Greff, Richard J.; and Wolf, Ludwig, Jr., to Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc. Tube connector. 4,439,188, 3-27-84, Cl. 604-283.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennen, William M.; and Turney, Mary E., to Union Carbide Corporation. Process for treating furred animal pelts and/or fur. 4,465,802, 8-14-84, Cl. 524-395.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denneny, James A., Jr.; and Rowland, Charles M., to Garrett Corporation, The. Cooling control system apparatus and method. 4,463,897, 8-7-84, Cl. 236-92.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dennert, Hans V.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennert, Heinz; Dennert, Hans V.; and Seidl, Alois, 4,430,107, Cl. 65-22.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Dennert, Hans Veit: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennert, Heinz; Dennert, Hans V.; and Seidl, Alois, 4,430,107, Cl. 65-22.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennert, Heinz; Dennert, Hans V.; and Seidl, Alois, to Dennert, Heinz; and Dennert, Hans Veit. Method for making shaped foam glass bodies. 4,430,107, 2-7-84, Cl. 65-22.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennesen Electrostatics, Inc.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Sliski, Alan P., 4,455,641, Cl. 369-249.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denney, Jerry W., to American Monitor Corporation. Assay method and reagent composition for the determination of magnesium. 4,454,230, 6-12-84, Cl. 436-74.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denney, Joseph M.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Abber, Herman, 4,460,371, Cl. 604-897.000. <br/>Amberkar, Suresh D., 4,456,632, Cl. 427-124.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Banks, William D.; Bond, Frank G.; and Naylor, Raymond L., <br/> 4,433,251, Cl. 307-246.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Capezzuto, John P., 4,469,464, Cl. 401-183.000. <br/>Daniels, George R. E., 4,426,422, Cl. 428-352.000. <br/>Geurtsen, Friedrich H. H.; Kebbel, Waldemar S.; and Meyer, <br/> Manfred, 4,452,659, Cl. 156-361.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Hamann, Robert W., 4,471,390, Cl. 360-15.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Hubbard, Karl E.; and Ventre, Augustus, 4,466,994, Cl. 427-56.100. <br/> Jodrey, Robert M.; and Croci, Paul, 4,457,079, Cl. 34-105.000. <br/> Jodrey, Robert M.; and Ryll, Walter E., 4,458,805, Cl. 198-481.000. <br/> Leahy, David J., 4,424,637, Cl. 40-152.000. <br/> Leahy, David J., 4,486,032, Cl. 281-46.000. <br/> Paradis, Joseph R., 4,429,437, Cl. 24-150.0FP. <br/> Pitts, Warren R., 4,463,365, Cl. 346-163.000. <br/> Pitts, Warren R., 4,484,401, Cl. 40-2.00R. <br/> Price, Lewis C., Jr., 4,484,827, Cl. 401-205.000. <br/> Russell, David B., 4,456,123, Cl. 206-343.000. <br/> Russell, David B., 4,456,161, Cl. 227-67.000. <br/> Russell, David B., 4,461,738, Cl. 264-145.000. <br/> Russell, David B., 4,462,784, Cl. 425-223.000. <br/> Swayze, Kenneth, 4,456,422, Cl. 414-744.00A. <br/>Dennison National Company: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Beleckis, Vytautas K.; and Cassidy, Raymond T., 4,426,007, Cl. <br/> 211-40.000. <br/>Dennison, Warren: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Crowell, Christopher S.; and Dennison, Warren, 4,441,270, Cl. 40-534.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_body' style='float: right; margin-left: 1em;'> <img height="67" width="186" src=",512,461,164" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Klee, George; De Noma, George R.; Collier, Stephen L.; and <br/> Newman, Rodney J., 4,461,603, Cl. 408-115.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>de Nora, Oronzio, to Oronzio de Nora Impianti Elettrochimici S.p.A. <br/> Electrolysis cell. 4,444,632, 4-24-84, Cl. 204-98.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>de Nora, Oronzio; and Bianchi, Giuseppe. Anodic structure for cathodic protection. 4,452,683, 6-5-84, Čl. 204-196.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>de Nora, Oronzio; Nidola, Antonio; and Martelli, Gian N., to Oronzio de Nora Impianti Elettrochimici S.p.A. Electrolysis cell. 4,468,311, 8-28-84, Cl. 204-252.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>den Otter, Johan L., to Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Method for mixing and masticating highly viscous materials. 4,443,110, 4-17-84, Cl. 366-97.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Barry, James D.; and Denney, Joseph M., 4,450,489, Cl. den Otter, Johan L., to Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor To</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>358-348.000.</p> </div> <div class='gimg_body' style='float: left; margin-right: 1em;'> <img height="60" width="183" src=",895,454,147" alt="[blocks in formation]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Dennis, Edmund G.; and Brandmaier, C. Edward, to Cashin Systems <br/> Corp. Automatic card dispenser and pick-off assembly. 4,452,031, <br/> 6-5-84, Cl. 53-586.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Dennis, James T.; and Kolomayets, George, to Dennis, James T. Auto- <br/> matic record player. 4,435,800, 3-6-84, Cl. 369-225.000. <br/>Dennis, John R., to Halliburton Company. System for measuring shear <br/> wave travel times. 4,484,313, 11-20-84, Cl. 367-27.000. <br/>Dennis, Kent S.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Bozzelli, John W.; Dennis, Kent S.; and Donate, Felipe A., <br/> 4,482,771, Cl. 585-10.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Donate, Felipe A.; Bozzelli, John W.; and Dennis, Kent S., 4,486,614, Čl. 585-10.000. Dennis, Richard S., to International Minerals & Chemical Corp. Process for recovery of uranium from wet process H3PO4. 4,466,944, 8-21-84, Cl. 423-6.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Dennis, Robert P., to General Motors Corporation. Adjustable lens for <br/> a transmission ratio indicator. 4,446,809, 5-8-84, Cl. 116-28.100. <br/>Dennis, Ronald D.; Dolak, Terence M.; and Kreighbaum, William E., <br/> to Mead Johnson & Company. Process for resolution of optical <br/> isomers. 4,463,176, 7-31-84, Cl. 546-208.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Dennis, Warren E., to Casablanca Fan Company, Inc. Combined shade <br/> and socket holder. 4,426,677, 1-17-84, Cl. 362-438.000. <br/>Dennis, Warren E.; and Plambeck, Eric D., to Casablanca Fan Com- <br/> pany, Inc. Canopy assembly. 4,448,388, 5-15-84, Cl. 248-663.000. <br/>Dennison, David K.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Kasik, James E.; Qurnell, Frank D.; and Dennison, David K., <br/> 4,428,903, Cl. 376-261.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Dennison, John J., to Cooper Industries, Inc. Electric switch with cleaning action. 4,471,181, 9-11-84, Cl. 200-68.300.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> egepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Method and device for <br/> preparing a fluid hydrocarbon product from coal. 4,483,257, 11-20-84, <br/> Cl. 110-218.000. <br/>Den Outer, Robert D.: See― <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Appel, Peter W.; Den Outer, Robert D.; Schutter, Klaas; and <br/> Broekhoff, Johan C. P., 4,466,897, Cl. 252-108.000. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denoya, Claudio: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Lattore, Jose L.; Denoya, Claudio; Scodeller, Eduardo; Vasquez, <br/> Cesar; Lebendiker, Mario; Dubra, Maria S.; and Crespo, Oscar, <br/> 4,471,054, Cl. 435-238.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Denoyer, Serge; Guerin, Jacques; Labrot, Maxime; and Serrano, Jean- <br/> Pierre, to Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Ionized gas generator <br/> at very high temperature and very high pressure. 4,426,597, 1-17-84, <br/> Cl. 313-231.410. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denryoku-Chuo-Kenkyusho: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'> Arai, Taiji; and Kako, Saburo, 4,486,217, Cl. 71-25.000. <br/>Densen, Mark S. Knockdown storage unit. 4,463,997, 8-7-84, Cl. <br/>Densetsukiki Industry Co., Ltd.: See― <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>312-259.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Hiramatsu, Rihei; Takeshita, Ko; and Inoue, Tokunari, 4,481,461, <br/> Cl. 323-272.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Densham, Robert L. Engine oil draining assembly. 4,442,936, 4-17-84, <br/> Cl. 200-223.000. <br/>Densmore, John C.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Curtis, Kenneth C.; and Densmore, John C., 4,448,137, Cl. 112- <br/> 79.00R. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Densmore, Neal W., to Joy Manufacturing Company. Conveyor belt <br/> drive sprocket. 4,433,777, 2-28-84, Cl. 198-834.000. <br/>Densmore, Neal W., to Joy Manufacturing Company. Control member <br/> for an elongatable conveyor belt. 4,474,289, 10-2-84, Cl. 198-818.000. <br/>Densmore, Neal W., to Joy Manufacturing Company. Monorail sus- <br/> pended conveyor system. 4,476,975, 10-16-84, CÌ. 198-864.000. <br/>Densmore, Richard M.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Klieman, Charles H.; and Densmore, Richard M., 4,452,357, Cl. <br/> 206-339.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>Klieman, Charles H.; and Densmore, Richard M., 4,452,376, Cl. 221-198.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>Denso-Chemie Wedekind KG: See</p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Faerber, Peter; Weingarten, Hans-Theo; Rosgen, Rudolf; and <br/> Wedekind, Benno, 4,483,544, Cl. 277-207.00A. <br/></p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1739841197711449 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA400'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dent, Hugh R., to Sterimatic Holdings Limited. Fitments for injection devices. 4,482,348, 11-13-84, Cl. 604-198.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dent, Paul W., to Marconi Company Limited, The. Frequency hopping radio communications apparatus having apparatus having pseudorandom channel selection. 4,476,566, 10-9-84, Cl. 375-1.000. Dente, Gregory C.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Salvi, Theodore C.; Smithers, Martin E.; and Dente, Gregory C., 4,477,909, Cl. 372-95.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Dente, Mario; Antonelli, Livio; and Gallazzi, Carlo, to Ingeco International S.A. Recovery of hydrocarbons from tar sands. 4,459,200, 7-10-84, Cl. 208-11.0LE.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denton, Clyde J.; and Lamb, Lloyd T., to Zetec, Inc. Phase rotation circuit for an eddy current tester. 4,424,486, 1-3-84, Cl. 324-225.000. Denton, David L.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Thompson, James M.; and Denton, David L., 4,457,317, Cl. 131-96.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denton, Donald W., to State Industries, Inc. Method of insulating the exterior of a water heater tank. 4,447,377, 5-8-84, Cl. 264-45.200. Denton, John D. Counter deflection torque device. 4,453,885, 6-12-84, Cl. 415-63.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denton, Robert A.; and Morgan, Craig R., to Robert A. Denton, Inc. Crash test dummy lower leg structure. 4,488,433, 12-18-84, Cl. 73432.00R.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Denton, William S.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Lindsey, Stanley D.; Ioannides, Socrates A.; Horner, Jack R.; Denton, William S.; Shell, Donald P.; and Bebb, Hubert, 4,442,639, Cl. 52-73.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>den Toonder, Pieter; Fondse, Pieter J.; Seltenrijch, Johannes; de Jong, Cornelis A., and de Koningh, Tom, to Oak Industries Inc. Coding and decoding system for video and audio signals. 4,424,532, 1-3-84, Cl. 358-120.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>den Toonder, Pieter, to Oak Industries Inc. Phase change dynamic scrambling. 4,447,828, 5-8-84, Cl. 358-118.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>D'Entremont, John R., to Texas Instruments Incorporated. Motor <br/> protector. 4,476,452, 10-9-84, Cl. 337-102.000. <br/>Dentsply Research & Development Corp.: See- <br/> Gonser, Donald I., 4,443,494, Cl. 156-64.000. <br/> Plowman, Richard E., 4,452,487, Cl. 297-411.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Tateosian, Louis H.; Royer, James R.; and Eden, George T., <br/> 4,425,094, Cl. 433-228.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Webb, Ronald C., 4,475,768, Cl. 297-283.000. Williams, Ralph J., 4,438,975, Cl. 297-412.000. Denver Surgical Developments, Inc.: See―</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Newkirk, John B., 4,474,569, Cl. 604-8.000. Denx, Viktor P.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Volynets, Filipp K.; Demidenko, Vladimir A.; Denisov, Roman A.; Denx, Viktor P.; Dydelzak, Alexandr E.; Ryzhikov, Engels N.; and Terentieva, Evgenia A., 4,490,286, Cl. 252-583.000. Denyer, Robert; and Fortuin, Michael S., to Imperial Chemical Industries PLC. Dental compositions from urethane acrylate, diacrylate monomer, camphorquinone and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate. 4,457,818, 7-3-84, Cl. 204-159.190.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denz, Helmut; and Barho, Hans, to Robert Bosch GmbH. Electronically controlled fuel metering system for an internal combustion engine. 4,440,136, 4-3-84, Cl. 123-491.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denz, Helmut; and Stumm, Hans-Peter, to Robert Bosch GmbH. Regulating device for an internal combustion engine. 4,465,043, 8-14-84,</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Cl. 123-327.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denzel, Theodor: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Breuer, Hermann; Treuner, Uwe D.; and Denzel, Theodor, 4,461,767, Cl. 424-246.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denzine, Allen F.; and Thurber, William E. F., Jr., to Resistic Materials Inc. Seal with teflon or rubber. 4,432,883, 2-21-84, Cl. 252-12.000. Denzinger, Walter; Trieselt, Wolfgang; Perner, Johannes; and Hartmann, Heinrich, to BASF Aktiengesellschaft. Copolymers which contain basic groups and are used as antiredeposition agents in washing and after-treating textile goods containing synthetic fibers. 4,444,561, 4-24-84, Cl. 8-137.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Denzinger, Walter; Goertz, Hans-Helmut; Sanner, Axel; and Hartmann, Heinrich, to BASF Aktiengesellschaft. Preparation of insoluble, only slightly swellable polymers of basic vinyl-heterocyclic compounds. 4,451,582, 5-29-84, Cl. 521-38.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Palezieux, Jacques, to Runtal Holding Company S.A. Radiator. 4,448,245, 5-15-84, Cl. 165-174.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Palma, Giovanni; and Motta, Bruno, to Rockwell-Rimoldi S.p.A. Presser foot control for sewing machines. 4,452,158, 6-5-84, Cl. 112-235.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>DePalma, Vincent M.; Dilley, Reginald J.; Doerner, Mary F.; and <br/> Nepela, Daniel A., to International Business Machines Corporation. <br/> Magnetic recording composition employing mono-dispersed spheri- <br/> cal load-bearing particles. 4,451,532, 5-29-84, Cl. 428-336.000. <br/>DePass, Ernest T.: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Casey, Francis J.; DePass, Ernest T.; and Gilman, Kevin R., <br/> 4,483,770, Cl. 210-401.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Paul, Michel V., and Riollet, Gilbert, to Alsthom-Atlantique. Diffuser with through-the-wall bleeding. 4,471,910, 9-18-84, Cl. 239-124.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deperis, Giovanni: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Croteau, Denis; Caspar, Roman; Krishnan, Ramamurthy G.; Malashenko, Alexander; Bryce, Rodney H.; Soomet, Valdur; and Deperis, Giovanni, 4,455,197, Cl. 162-343.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Pommery, Bertrand J. C. H.; and Goupil, Jean-Paul C., to Compagnie Internationale pour l'Informatique CII-Honeywell Bull (Societe Anonyme). Connector for portable objects such as credit cards. 4,443,049, 4-17-84, Cl. 339-75.0MP.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Pommery, Bertrand J. C. H.; Petiot, Gerard L. R.; Vergne, JeanClaude E.; and Goupil, Jean-Paul C., to Compagnie Internationale</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>pour l'Informatique CII-Honeywell Bull (Societe Anonyme). Connector for portable objects such as credit cards. 4,449,775, 5-22-84, Cl. 339-75.0MP.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Pommery, Bertrand J. C. H.; and Ugon, Michel, to Compagnie Internationale pour l'Informatique CII-Honeywell Bull (Societe Anonyme). System and method for authorizing access to an article distribution or service acquisition machine. 4,450,535, 5-22-84, Cl. 364-900.000. De Poorter, Adriaan W.: See—</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Zalm, Pieter; Jacobs, Bernardus A. J.; and De Poorter, Adriaan W., 4,476,214, Cl. 430-270.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Poray, Marcel C. K.; and Kissel, Roland. Solid fuel boiler of the radiating furnace tube type, method for converting a boiler and means for carrying out said method. 4,488,514, 12-18-84, Cl. 122-149.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deposition Technology, Inc.: See</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Meckel, Benjamin B.; and Meckel, Nathan K., 4,426,275, Cl. 204-298.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>De Pous, Olivier; Richon, Dominique; and Novotny, Hans, to Battelle Memorial Institute. Titanium boride based sintering composition and the use thereof in the manufacture of sintered articles. 4,486,544, 12-4-84, Cl. 501-96.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Depp, Steven W.; and Sincerbox, Glenn T., to International Business <br/> Machines Corporation. Optical fluid analyzing apparatus and <br/> method. 4,436,420, 3-13-84, Cl. 356-128.000. <br/>Deprez, Dominique: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Bizot, Jean; and Deprez, Dominique, 4,466,866, Cl. 204-78.000. Deprez, Jacques; Drope, Eckard; Greif, Peter; and Soth-Haas, Gabriele, to Bayer Aktiengesellschaft. Measuring apparatus for the analytical determination of a gas partial pressure. 4,444,645, 4-24-84, Cl. 204-409.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Depriest, Lloyd, to Capital-Mercury Shirt Corp. Collar pressing method and apparatus. 4,427,139, 1-24-84, Cl. 223-2.000. dePuglia, Gaston D.; and Huber, Greg A. Strip processing apparatus. 4,429,559, 2-7-84, Cl. 72-186.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Putter, Jan A.; and Tummers, Paul J. H., to Oce-Nederland B.V. Porous reusable ZnO electrophotographic element. 4,435,493, 3-6-84, Cl. 430-87.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Putter, Warner J.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Bontje, Theodorus P. M.; Schuldink, Gerrit; Heetbrink, Gerrit H.; de Putter, Warner J.; and Kok, Bernardus H., 4,452,303, Cl. 165-142.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>de Putter, Warner Uan: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Beune, Joannes H.; and de Putter, Warner Uan, 4,468,367, Cl. 264-255.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>DePuy, Robert P., to General Electric Company. Timing controller for <br/> a recloser relay. 4,454,556, 6-12-84, Cl. 361-73.000. <br/>DePuy, Robert P., to General Electric Company. Relay spare circuit <br/> for a recloser relay. 4,477,856, 10-16-84, Cl. 361-72.000. <br/>Depweg, Frank A., to Litton Industrial Products, Inc. Spindle powered <br/> adjustable chuck. 4,482,163, 11-13-84, Cl. 279-1.00H. <br/>Dequasie, Andrew E.; and Ross, Sidney D., to Sprague Electric Com- <br/> pany. AC Capacitor and impregnant therefor. 4,449,163, 5-15-84, CI. <br/> 361-315.000. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Dequet, Jean W. Fishing rod. 4,467,549, 8-28-84, Cl. 43-24.000. <br/>Der, Bruce: See- <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'> Parkinson, John R.; Fuller, Richard E.; and Der, Bruce, 4,483,740, <br/>Der, Chuck F.: See- <br/> Cl. 159-47.300. <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Frank, William E.; and Der, Chuck F., 4,471,196, Cl. 219-10.770. Steinbruegge, Harold A.; and Der, Chuck F., 4,430,697, Cl. 363-49.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Deraedt, Roger; Torelli, Vesperto; Vacher, Jean; and Benzoni, Josette, to Roussel Uclaf. Novel 3 a-amino steroids. 4,424,218, 1-3-84, Cl. 424-238.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Deraedt, Roger: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Philibert, Daniel; Teutsch, Jean G.; Costerousse, Germain; and Deraedt, Roger, 4,477,445, Cl. 424-239.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Teutsch, Jean G.; Costerousse, Germain; Philibert, Daniel; and Deraedt, Roger, 4,447,424, Cl. 424-238.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Torelli, Vesperto; Benzoni, Josette; and Deraedt, Roger, 4,444,767, Cl. 424-238.000.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Derbenwick, Gary F.: See</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Ryden, William D.; Hanson, Matthew V.; Derbenwick, Gary F.; Gnadinger, Alfred P.; and Adams, James R., 4,486,943, Cl. 29-571.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Derby, Norwin C.; and Williamson, Robert R., to Super Sack Manufacturing Company. Collapsible receptacle with static electric charge elimination. 4,457,456, 7-3-84, Cl. 222-105.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Derby, Norwin C.; and Williamson, Robert R., to Super Sack Manufacturing Corporation. Collapsible receptacle with prefabricated lift loops and method of making. 4,479,243, 10-23-84, Čl. 383-24.000. Derby, Robert L.; Hall, Richard H.; and Young, Howard L., to Dow Chemical Company, The. Synthetic resinous polymer containing biologically active organic material. 4,460,572, 7-17-84, Cl. 424-78.000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Derbyshire, Francis J.; and Varghese, Philip, to Mobil Oil Corporation. Process for co-processing coal and a paraffinic material. 4,437,972, 3-20-84, Cl. 208-8.0LE.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Derbyshire, Francis J.; Varghese, Philip; and Whitehurst, Darrell D., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Integration of short-contact-time liquefaction and critical solvent deashing with gasification through methanol-togasoline. 4,440,622, 4-3-84, Čl. 208-8.0LE. Derbyshire, Francis J.; and Whitehurst, Darrell D., to Mobil Oil Corporation. Production of distillates by the integration of supercritical</p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><a id="legacy-text-prev" style="font-size:80%;float:left;margin:2px 2px 2px 12px" href=>« Previous</a><a id="legacy-text-next" style="font-size:80%;float:right;margin:2px 12px 2px 2px" href=>Continue »</a></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div><script>(function() {var href = window.location.href;if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) {var parameters = href.split('?')[1].split('&');for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {var param = parameters[i].split('=');if (param[0] == 'focus') {var elem = document.getElementById(param[1]);if (elem) {elem.focus();}}}}})();</script>