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disableRemember = false; } // Function to disable component "Remember this" function disableRememberThis() { $('#rememberThis').prop('disabled', true); disableRemember = true; } // Function to check component "Remember this" function checkRememberThis() { $('#rememberThis').prop('checked', true); } // Function to check component "Remember this" function unCheckRememberThis() { $('#rememberThis').prop('checked', false); } //---------------------------------------- // check and uncheck all the networks checkbox //---------------------------------------- function checkUncheckAll() { if ($('#checkAllButton').prop('checked') ) { //uncheck all $('.checkNetBtn').prop('checked', false); $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', false); if ($('#rememberThis').prop('checked')) { $('.networks-reminder').fadeIn(); } } else { //check all $('.checkNetBtn').prop('checked', true); $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', true); $('.networks-reminder').fadeOut(); } checkActiveSelections(); disableRememberThis(); unCheckRememberThis(); } function checkAll() { //show all $('.checkNetBtn').prop('checked', true); $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', true); } //This function enable the buttons search if the fields // quick_search, advance_search or author_search have text entered //Check active selections function checkActiveSelections() { var activeSelections = []; //store the shortname of the networks selected var inactiveSelections = []; // store the shrotnames of the netowrks unselected var activeSelectionsIds = []; // store the ids of the networks selected var textNetworksSelected = ''; // store the text to display in current Selection section var textNetworksSelectedIds = ''; // store the list of ids separated by ; of the networks selected var inactiveLength = 0; var activeLength = 0; $('.uncheckNetBtn').each(function() { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { activeSelections.push($(this).attr('shortname')); activeSelectionsIds.push($(this).attr('id')); } else { inactiveSelections.push($(this).attr('shortname')); } }); inactiveLength = inactiveSelections.length; activeLength = activeSelections.length; // order alphabetical to the networks selected activeSelections = activeSelections.sort(); //manage the check all / uncheck all checkbox. if (activeLength == 0) { $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', false); $('#checkAllButton').attr( "aria-label", "Select all Networks" ); textNetworksSelected = 'None'; disableRememberThis(); unCheckRememberThis(); } if (inactiveLength == 0) { $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', true); $('#checkAllButton').attr( "aria-label", "Unselect all Networks" ); textNetworksSelected = 'ALL SSRN Networks'; disableRememberThis(); unCheckRememberThis(); } else { $('#checkAllButton').prop('checked', false); for (var i = 0; i < activeLength ; i++) { if (textNetworksSelected.length == 0) { textNetworksSelected = activeSelections[i]; textNetworksSelectedIds = activeSelectionsIds[i]; } else { textNetworksSelected = textNetworksSelected + ', ' + activeSelections[i]; textNetworksSelectedIds = textNetworksSelectedIds + ', ' + activeSelectionsIds[i]; } } } document.frmSearch.networkSelected.value = textNetworksSelectedIds; document.frmSearch.networkSelectedNames.value = textNetworksSelected; document.frmSearch.preferencesChanged.value = 'true'; $('#currentSelections').html(textNetworksSelected); } $(document).ready(function() { var activeSelections = new Array(); var networkNameList = new Array(); var networkSelected = ''; // If the user is unknowed or has not preferences saved then all networks are selected if (document.frmSearch.preferencesSaved.value == 'false' && document.frmSearch.networkSelected.value == '') { $('.networks-reminder').fadeOut(); checkAll(); } //If the user is knowed and not came from another search else if (document.frmSearch.inSearch.value == 'false') { document.frmSearch.networkSelected.value = ''; getPreferences(); if ($('#rememberThis').prop('checked')) { $('.networks-reminder').fadeIn(); } else { $('.networks-reminder').fadeOut(); } } //if the user came from another search (Ex using back button in the browser) //We need set the network filter according to the before search. else { //Get the networks used in the before search networkSelected = document.frmSearch.networkSelected.value; networkSelected = networkSelected.trim(); activeSelections = networkSelected.split(','); activeLength = activeSelections.length; //Uncheck all networks. $('.checkNetBtn').prop('checked', false); //Check the networks selected in the before search $('#currentSelections').html(document.frmSearch.networkSelectedNames.value); for (var i = 0; i < activeLength ; i++) { $('#'+ activeSelections[i].trim()).prop('checked', true); } if (document.frmSearch.networkSelectedNames.value == 'ALL SSRN Networks') { unCheckRememberThis(); disableRememberThis(); $('.networks-reminder').hide(); } else if (document.frmSearch.preferencesChanged.value == 'true') { unCheckRememberThis(); enableRememberThis(); $('.networks-reminder').hide(); } else { //Set the remember this button enableRememberThis(); checkRememberThis(); } } // TODO: Check if we really need this if ($('#warningMessageBox').length && document.frmSearch.inSearch.value == 'true') { $('#warningMessageBox').hide(); }; ////////CALLS///////////// addNetworkNameList(); //Show / hide networks $('.toggle-networks-btn').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.modify-btn').toggleClass('visible'); $('.table-networks').toggle(); }); //Check - Uncheck each network $('.uncheckNetBtn').each(function() { $(this).click(function() { enableRememberThis(); unCheckRememberThis(); checkActiveSelections(); }); }); //Check/Uncheck all networks $('#checkAllButton').parent('label').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); checkUncheckAll(); return false; }); //Remember This Button $('#rememberThis').next('label').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $rememberThis = $(this).parent().find('input'); if (!$rememberThis.prop('disabled')) { if ($rememberThis.prop('checked')) { messageRemovePref = ""; messageRemovePref = 'Are you sure you want to remove your default Network preferences? Future searches will search all subject networks in the SSRN eLibrary.'; if (confirm(messageRemovePref)) { unCheckRememberThis(); deletePreferences(); document.frmSearch.preferencesSaved.value = 'false'; checkAll(); checkActiveSelections(); $('.networks-reminder').hide(); } } else { checkRememberThis(); if ('true' == 'True') { setPreferences(); getPreferences(); } else if (document.frmLoginBox.bknowuser.value == 'True') { setPreferences(); getPreferences(); } else { showLoginWin(); } } } return false; }); //Search when tapping Enter key $('#advanced_search').keypress(function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.preventDefault(); CheckSubmitAS(); } }); $('#txtAuthorsName').keypress(function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.preventDefault(); CheckSubmitAS(); } }); /*Generates Array by Name*/ function addNetworkNameList() { $('.uncheckNetBtn').parent().each(function() { var $this = $(this), $parentRow = $this.closest('.networkContentListRow'); var indexVal = $this.closest('.networkContentListRow').attr('index'); var shortNameVal = $parentRow.find('.netNameTxt').text(); var longNameVal = shortNameVal; var papersNumTxt = $parentRow.find('.lastNetNumb').text().replace(',',''); var papersNumVal = papersNumTxt.replace('.',''); var value = { shortName: shortNameVal, longName: longNameVal, papersNum: papersNumVal, index: indexVal } networkNameList.push(value); }); } /*sort list of networdks by Name*/ function sortListByName(order) { if (order == 'desc') { return function(a,b) { if (a.shortName < b.shortName) return -1; if (a.shortName > b.shortName) return 1; return 0; } } else { return function(a,b) { if (a.shortName > b.shortName) return -1; if (a.shortName < b.shortName) return 1; return 0; } } } /*sort list of networdks by Number*/ function sortListByPapers(order) { if (order == 'desc') { return function(a,b) { return Number(a.papersNum) - Number(b.papersNum); } } else { return function(a,b) { return Number(b.papersNum) - Number(a.papersNum); } } } /*Click to sort list by Name*/ $('#netNameOrder').click(function() { var order = toggleArrowAndOrder('#netNameOrder','#numPaperOrder'); networkNameList.sort(sortListByName(order)); orderNetworkElements(); }); /*Click to sort list by Numbers*/ $('#numPaperOrder').click(function() { var order = toggleArrowAndOrder('#numPaperOrder','#netNameOrder'); networkNameList.sort(sortListByPapers(order)); orderNetworkElements(); }); /*Order elements in network List*/ function orderNetworkElements() { var totalHeight = $('.netlistElements').height(); var elemHeight = 24; var prevIndex = 0; var addSum = 0; for (i in networkNameList) { if (i > 0) { prevIndex = networkNameList[i-1].index; addSum+= $('.networkContentListRow[index="'+prevIndex+'"]').outerHeight() - elemHeight; } index = networkNameList[i].index; $el = $('.networkContentListRow[index="'+index+'"]'); $el.css('top',(i*elemHeight) + addSum); $el.removeClass('zebraStripe'); if (i % 2 == 0) { $el.addClass('zebraStripe'); } } $('.netlistElements').height(totalHeight).addClass('ordered'); } /*Toggle arrow and order*/ function toggleArrowAndOrder(elem1,elem2) { var order; $(elem2).removeClass('arrowVisible arrowUp'); $(elem1).addClass('arrowVisible'); $(elem1).toggleClass('arrowUp'); if ($(elem1).hasClass('arrowUp')) { order = 'desc'; } else { order = 'asc'; } return order; } /*Check Inputs Value and Focus for IE*/ if (navigator.userAgent.match('MSIE') || navigator.userAgent.match('Trident')) { var hasValue = []; var searchFields = ['#advanced_search', '#txtAuthorsName', '#quick_search']; function checkInputsValue() { setTimeout(function() { $('#btnSearch, #btnQuickSearch').click(function() { checkCompleteFields(); }); $('#advanced_search, #txtAuthorsName, #quick_search').on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 13) { checkCompleteFields(); } }); }, 200) } checkInputsValue(); /*Checks if fields has content*/ function checkCompleteFields() { for (i in searchFields) { if ($(searchFields[i]).val() != '') { checkValuesOnInput(searchFields[i]); } } } /*Checks fields and save data*/ function checkValuesOnInput(elem) { if ($(elem).attr('id') == 'quick_search') { hasValue = []; } else { for (i in hasValue) { if (hasValue[i].id == 'quick_search') { hasValue.splice(i, 1); } } } if ($(elem).val() != "") { exists = false; for (i in hasValue) { if (hasValue[i].id == $(elem).attr('id')) { exists = true; } } if (!exists) { var input = { id: $(elem).attr('id'), val: $(elem).val() } hasValue.push(input); } } else { for (i in hasValue) { if (hasValue[i].id == $(elem).attr('id')) { hasValue.splice(i, 1); } } } /*saves data*/ if (hasValue.length > 0) { localStorage.setItem('hasValue', JSON.stringify(hasValue)); } } /*Checks for previous values*/ function chechValuesReceived() { if (localStorage.getItem('hasValue')) { var inputValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("hasValue")); for (i in inputValues) { var inputId = '#' + String(inputValues[i].id); $(inputId).val(inputValues[i].val); setTimeout(function() { $(inputId).focus().val(inputValues[i].val); }, 100) } localStorage.removeItem('hasValue'); } else { $('#advanced_search').focus(); } } chechValuesReceived(); } });//close ready </script> </div> </div> </form> </div> <nav class="tabs abs-search-tabs"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class=active> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <strong>Advanced Search</strong> Author, title, abstract, keywords <i class="icon-gizmo-navigate-right"></i> </a> </li> <li > <a href=""> <strong>Browse</strong> by Network & Subject Area <i class="icon-gizmo-navigate-right"></i> </a> </li> <li > <a href=""> <strong>Browse</strong> by JEL code <i class="icon-gizmo-navigate-right"></i> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { if($('.maint-msg').length > 0 && $('#advanced_search').val().length > 0) { $('#advanced_search').focus(); 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