Quality assurance | Protolabs Network
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flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: 100%; } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-nav { flex-basis: 25rem; border-right: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); padding: 2rem 2rem 2rem 0; } } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { flex: 1; } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { padding: 2rem 0 2rem 2rem; } } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article { padding: 0 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article a { text-decoration: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article img, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article .cnc-img { object-fit: cover; width: 432px; height: 274px; background: #262626; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article p { margin: 1rem 0; font-weight: 500; color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article:hover p { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show ~ .detail__item--default { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 10; background: black; } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { overflow: scroll; padding-top: 0.5rem; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { position: static; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default > *, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show > * { flex: 1; flex-basis: 50%; flex-direction: column; flex-shrink: 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default > .h3d-navbar__item--4-columns, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show > .h3d-navbar__item--4-columns { flex-basis: 25%; } } .h3d-navbar__banner-wrapper { float: right; color: white; align-self: flex-end; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 1rem; } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__banner-wrapper { margin-right: 0; } } .is-clicked .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--default { display: none; } .h3d-navbar { min-height: 55px; } .h3d-navbar__brand { min-height: 55px; } .detail__item-article { display: none; } .h3d-navbar .message-banner { margin: 0 -1rem; padding: 0.75rem 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { position: static; height: auto; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.86); font-weight: 400; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel-section { width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__link--expand::after, .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { border: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.86); border-right: 0; border-top: 0; content: " "; display: block; height: 0.7em; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); transition: transform 0.2s; width: 0.7em; margin-top: -0.4em; right: 0.5rem; top: 50%; } .is-clicked > .h3d-navbar__link--expand::after { transform: rotate(-225deg); top: 3%; display: block; } .is-clicked .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { display: none; } { display: block; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; background: #000; z-index: 1; margin: 0; } .detail__item .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title::before, > .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::before { font-family: "Material Icons"; content: "chevron_left"; position: fixed; left: 0.4rem; font-size: 1.6rem; } .detail__item .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title, > .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 500; text-align: center; padding: 1.1rem; left: 0; top: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; background: black; z-index: 1000; border-bottom: 1px solid #595959; cursor: pointer; } .detail__item--show .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { min-height: 100%; overflow: scroll; padding: 0 1rem; margin-top: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown { min-height: 100%; overflow: scroll; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag { display: flex; align-items: center; color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag img, .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag .cnc-img, .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag svg { margin-right: 0.5rem; height: 15px; } .h3d-navbar__account { display: none !important; } .icon.h3d-navbar__hamburger { display: block; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 1rem; line-height: unset; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__divider { display: block; border: none; height: 1px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); } .h3d-navbar__link { padding: 0; color: black; } .language-picker .h3d-navbar__link, .language-picker .h3d-navbar__link--title { color: white; } .h3d-navbar__link--main-link { font-weight: 500; text-decoration: none; } .h3d-navbar__link--main-link .subtitle { display: none; font-size: 0.875rem; color: #707070; font-weight: normal; margin: .5rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--offset { display: block; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__item--cta1, .h3d-navbar__item--cta2 { display: none; 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} } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__user-name { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__user-name { font-size: 1rem; line-height: unset; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .navbar__menu--mobile-top .h3d-navbar__end { top: 56px; max-height: calc(100vh - 17.5rem); overflow: scroll; } .h3d-navbar__end { display: block; height: auto; background-color: white; position: fixed; width: 100%; bottom: 0; left: 0; padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); } .h3d-navbar__end .h3d-navbar__book-a-demo { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 4.75rem; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__link:hover, .h3d-navbar__link:active { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-navbar__link--hide-desktop { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { display: flex; } .h3d-navbar__main-links { position: absolute; display: flex; left: 0; justify-content: center; flex-grow: 1; width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 500; text-align: center; margin: 0 1rem; padding: 0 1rem; transition: border-bottom-color 0.25s; height: 67px; display: flex; align-items: center; pointer-events: all; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link > .material-icons, .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link > .subtitle { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link:hover, .h3d-navbar__main-links { box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px #0071E3 inset; } .is-clicked > .h3d-navbar__link--expand { border-bottom: 2px solid #0071E3; } .h3d-navbar, .h3d-navbar__menu, .h3d-navbar__end { align-items: stretch; display: flex; } .h3d-navbar .message-banner, .h3d-navbar__menu .message-banner, .h3d-navbar__end .message-banner { display: none; } .navbar__menu--mobile-top { display: flex; flex-grow: 1; } .navbar__menu--mobile-top .h3d-navbar__end { align-self: center; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__end.navbar__menu--mobile-bottom { flex-grow: 0; } .h3d-navbar__brand { flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 1; } .h3d-navbar__menu, .h3d-navbar__end { flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 0; } .h3d-navbar__end { justify-content: flex-end; margin-left: auto; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { margin-top: 0; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); } } @media (min-width: 1200px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { font-size: 0.75rem; line-height: 17px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown { left: 0; min-width: 100%; z-index: 1001; cursor: default; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--offset-top { top: 2.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating { background: white; border-radius: 3px; left: unset; min-width: unset; position: absolute; right: 1rem; z-index: 2; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { display: block; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .border { border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); width: 10.5rem; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69); margin: 0; padding: .75rem 1rem .75rem 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--narrow { padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag { font-size: 0.875rem; display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; padding: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag:first-child { margin-top: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag:last-child { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag img, .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag .cnc-img { width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link:hover { color: #2563BE; background-color: #E6F1FC; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .top-link { margin-top: .75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .bottom-link { margin-bottom: .75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .has-icon { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .material-icons { font-size: 12px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .team { margin-right: .25rem; font-size: .9rem; } .is-clickable { cursor: pointer; } { left: auto; right: 2.6rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { border-radius: 0 0 0 3px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; color: white; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card--extra-margin { margin-top: -1.25rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { background: #000; border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); box-shadow: 0 5px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel-section { display: flex; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 85rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { margin: 1rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { margin: 0.5rem 0; line-height: 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item--spaced { margin: 1.5rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { font-size: 0.875rem; min-width: 12rem; white-space: nowrap; display: block; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:first-of-type { margin-top: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 14px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link:hover { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__divider { display: block; border: none; height: 1px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); margin: 0 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__user-avatar.material-icons { -webkit-text-stroke-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link) { font-size: 19px; margin-top: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__panel-link { text-decoration: none; color: white; } .h3d-navbar__panel-link:hover { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-button--s.h3d-navbar__link--button { font-size: 0.875rem; display: flex; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__link--button:hover { border-color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { padding-right: 1.2em; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); border-right: 0; border-top: 0; content: " "; display: none; height: 0.5em; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); width: 0.5em; margin-top: -0.4em; right: 1.125em; top: 50%; } #h3d-navbar__user { align-self: center; padding-left: 0.5rem; min-width: auto; padding-right: 1.5rem; position: relative; } .h3d-navbar__book-a-demo.h3d-button--s.h3d-navbar__link--button { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title.has-arrow.close { pointer-events: none; cursor: initial; } } #popup-banner-container { position: fixed; bottom: -13.75rem; display: flex; flex-direction: column; left: 1rem; border-radius: 3px; z-index: 999; width: 25rem; padding: 1.5rem; transition: all 250ms ease-out; background-color: #E6F1FC; box-shadow: 0px 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0px 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } #popup-banner-container #close-icon { position: absolute; top: .5rem; right: .5rem; margin-left: auto; cursor: pointer; } #popup-banner-container .controls { margin-top: 1rem; display: flex; align-items: center; margin-left: auto; } #popup-banner-container .controls button, #popup-banner-container .controls a { font-weight: bold; } #popup-banner-container .controls #learn-more { margin-left: .5rem; } #popup-banner-container .title { width: 90%; font-size: 1.25rem; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.75rem; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } #popup-banner-container .text { line-height: 1.5rem; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.56); } #popup-banner-container .controls { display: flex; align-items: center; margin-left: auto; } #popup-banner-container .controls #expand-button { margin-right: 8px; display: none; } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { #popup-banner-container { display: none; } } .h3d-button-section-container { display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: 3.5rem 0 0 0; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .h3d-button-section-container { margin: 2rem 0 0 0; } } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray { background-color: transparent; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); padding: .6rem 1rem .6rem 1rem; line-height: 1.2rem; font-size: .875rem; display: flex; } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray .custom-size { font-size: 1rem; margin: auto; padding-left: .5rem; } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:hover, .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:focus { outline: none; border: 1px solid transparent; box-shadow: none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:active { outline: none; border: 1px solid transparent; box-shadow: none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); } .h3d-button-section-container__left { justify-content: flex-start; 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Discount automatically applied at the checkout until 31 December 2024.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"Get 20% off your first order\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Get a quote\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% off your first order. Save up to $1,000/€1,000. Ends 31 Dec 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Create a team\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Quotes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"How it works\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Read more here\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/blog/3dhubs-is-now-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network is now Protolabs Network. Custom parts manufacturing for engineers worldwide.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Close\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Get instant quote\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Learn more\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused deposition modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Selective laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stereolithography)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metal laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D printing materials\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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We\\u0026rsquo;ve also started a Protolabs Network COVID-19 Manufacturing fund. Learn more \\u003ca href=\\\"/covid-19-fund/\\\"\\u003ehere\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie Policy\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience and to personalize our offerings, on and off this site, specifically for you.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Learn more\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Allow cookies\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Go to the English version\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Keep reading the current version\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"This website is also available in English\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"or\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Orders\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Account Settings\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Log out\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Go to homepage\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"For any questions about our services you can call us at:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \"de\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Schließen\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Sofortangebot anfordern\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Neukunden erhalten 20% Rabatt (max. 1.000 €/$) auf Aufträge für benutzerdefinierte Teile. Der Rabatt wird bis zum 31 Dezember 2024 automatisch während der Kaufabwicklung angewendet.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"20% Rabatt auf Ihren ersten Auftrag\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Angebot anfordern\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% Rabatt auf Ihre erste Bestellung. Sparen bis zum 31. Dez 2024 bis zu 1 000 €/$.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Team erstellen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Angebote\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"So funktioniert es\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Lesen Sie hier mehr\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/de/blog/3dhubs-ist-jetzt-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network ist jetzt Protolabs Network. Kundenspezifische Teilefertigung für Ingenieure auf der ganzen Welt.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"schließen\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Sofortangebot erhalten\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Mehr Informationen\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused deposition modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Selectives Lasersintern)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stereolithography)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metal laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D-Druck-Materialien\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"Typ\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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Wir haben ebenfalls einen Fonds zur Fertigung kritischer Teile für COVID-19-Initiativen gelauncht. Erfahren Sie \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\u003ehier\\u003c/a\\u003e mehr.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie Richtlinien\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen die bestmögliche Erfahrung zu bieten.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Erfahren Sie mehr\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Cookies zulassen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Gehen Sie auf die Englische Version\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Auf der deutschen Website bleiben\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"Diese Webseite gibt es auch auf Deutsch\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"oder\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Aufträge\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Kontoeinstellungen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Ausloggen\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Zur Startseite\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"Rufen Sie uns an:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n \n \n \n\n \"fr\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Commencer votre devis\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Les nouveaux clients bénéficient d\\u0026rsquo;une remise de 20% (max. 1 000 €/$) sur les commandes de pièces personnalisées. La remise, valable jusqu\\u0026rsquo;au 31 décembre 2024, est automatiquement appliquée au moment du paiement.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"Moins 20% sur la première commande\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Obtenir un devis\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"Remise de 20% sur votre première commande. Économisez jusqu\\u0026rsquo;à 1 000 €/$. Valable jusqu\\u0026rsquo;au 31 déc 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Créer une équipe\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Devis\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"Comment ça marche\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Lire la suite ici\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/fr/blog/3dhubs-devient-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network devient Protolabs Network. Un fabricant de pièces personnalisées pour les ingénieurs du monde entier.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Obtenez un devis instantané\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Dépôt de Fil Fondu)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Frittage Sélectif par Laser)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet Fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stéréolithographie)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Frittage Laser Direct de Métal)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"Matériaux pour impression 3D\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. We offer \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to CNC machining page\\\"\\u003eCNC machining\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to Sheet Metal fabrication page\\\"\\u003esheet metal fabrication\\u003c/a\\u003e and \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to Injection Molding page\\\"\\u003einjection molding\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-technology\": \"Fraisage CNC\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-finish\": \"Anodisé\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-link\": \"/manufacture/\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-material\": \"Aluminium 6061\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-common-applications\": \"Applications courantes\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-uv\": \"Résistance aux UV\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-esd\": \"Sécurité ESD\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-elongation\": \"Allongement à la rupture\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-service-temp\": \"Température maximale de service\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-weldability\": \"Soudabilité\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-corrosion\": \"Résistance à la corrosion\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-hardness\": \"Dureté\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-magnetism\": \"Magnétisme\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-modulus\": \"Module d’élasticité\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-tensile\": \"Résistance à la rupture par traction\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-types\": \"types\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-metals\": \"Métaux\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-plastics\": \"Plastiques\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Devis instantané\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-search-placeholder\": \"Search through our content\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-cta\": \"Voir nos prix\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-finish\": \"Finition\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-material\": \"Matériel\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-technology\": \"Technologie\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-finish\": \"Surface usinée (standard)\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-material\": \"Aluminium 6061\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-technology\": \"Fraisage CNC\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-finish\": \"As machined\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-material\": \"Copper C110\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-technology\": \"Sheet metal\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filter-categories\": \"Categories\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filter-topics\": \"Topics\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-clear\": \"Clear all\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filters\": \"Filters\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-all-articles\": \"All articles\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-title\": \"Blog\",\n\n \"status-message-banner\": \"Malgré l\\u0026rsquo;épidemie mondiale de COVID-19, nous maintenons notre activité habituelle. Nous avons également lancé le \\u0026ldquo;COVID-19 Manufacturing fund\\u0026rdquo;. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez \\u003ca href=\\\"/fr/covid-19-fond/\\\"\\u003eici\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Politique concernant les cookies\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Ce site utilise des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Autoriser les cookies\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Aller à la version française\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Continuez à lire la version française\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"Ce site est également disponible en français\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"ou\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Commandes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Paramètres du compte\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Déconnexion\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Se rendre sur la page d’accueil\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"Nous contacter par telephone au:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n \n \n \n\n \"nl\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Nu je prijsopgave aanvragen\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Nieuwe klanten krijgen 20% korting (max. €/$ 1,000) op bestellingen voor custom onderdelen. Deze korting wordt automatisch verrekend bij het betalen en is geldig t/m 31 december 2024.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"20% korting op je eerste bestelling\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Ontvang een prijsopgave\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% korting op je eerste bestelling. Bespaar tot €/$ 1,000. Eindigt op 31 dec 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Create a team\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Quotes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"Hoe het werkt\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Read more here\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/blog/3dhubs-is-now-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network is now Protolabs Network. Custom parts manufacturing for engineers worldwide.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Ontvang direct een offerte\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Meer informatie\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (selectief lasersinteren)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (stereolithografie)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metaallasersinteren)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D-printmaterialen\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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Daarnaast zijn we begonnen met het Protolabs Network COVID-19 Productiefonds. Meer informatie \\u003ca href=\\\"/nl/covid-19-fonds/\\\"\\u003e hier\\u003c/a\\u003e .\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"Naar:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"Om meerdere e-mails toe te voegen, scheidt ze met een komma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Voer één of meer e-mailadressen in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"Het mailen van dit artikel is gelukt. Bedankt dat u onze content hebt gedeeld!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Bedankt dat u dit hebt gedeeld!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Terug naar artikel\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Stuur e-mail\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Vul uw naam in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Uw naam:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Vul uw naam in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Vul een persoonlijk bericht in. (optioneel)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Bericht:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Deze pagina delen\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Uw bericht bevat een link naar deze pagina en een pdf over de professionele services van Protolabs Network.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Ga terug\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Ga verder om uw offerte te ontvangen\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe hebben u een e-mail met meer informatie over onze offerte-tool gestuurd.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eAls u contact met ons op wilt nemen, kunt u ons ook \\u003ca href=\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003edirect bellen\\u003c/a\\u003e of \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003eeen afspraak maken\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Bedankt!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Ga verder om uw offerte te ontvangen\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"E-mail mij\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Voer a.u.b. een geldig e-mailadres in.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"E-mailadres:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Laat uw e-mailadres achter en we sturen u naast een herinnering ook productupdates en industrienieuws\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Onze offerte-tool werkt veel beter op een pc\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie beleid\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies om ervoor te zorgen dat u een zo goed mogelijke ervaring krijgt.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Meer informatie\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Cookies toestaan\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Ga naar de Nederlandse versie\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Blijf de 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margin-top: 12px">Quality Assurance </h1> <div class="cta-subtitle"> <p>How Protolabs Network upholds quality processes</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--background-light"> <section id="we-set-the-bar-high-v2" class="section__landing-page "> <div class="section__lead"> <h2 id="we-set-the-bar-high">We set the bar high</h2> <p>Protolabs Network has developed a set of processes to make sure the highest manufacturing standards are applied to every custom part you order. We inspect each order dimensionally and visually, both during and after production, so that your custom components are delivered on time and to your exact specifications.</p> </div> <div class="content-cards content-cards--left-aligned" id="" h3d-component-name="" h3d-component-id="6g8FsFqU9Z75C8rqOvpHPz" h3d-component-type="Content Cards" > <div class="card "> <img class="lazy-load" alt='Dimensions icon' src="/images/trans.gif" data-src="//" /> <div class="text"> <div class="title">CNC machining standards</div> <div class="subtitle"> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/threads-and-tolerances/"><strong>Threads & tolerances</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/cosmetic-standards/"><strong>Cosmetic standards</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/part-cleaning-and-general-finishing/"><strong>Part cleaning & general finishing</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/inspection-standards/"><strong>Inspection standards</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/quality-documentation/"><strong>Quality documentation</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/the-protolabs-network-standard/non-standard-features-requirements/"><strong>Non standard features requirements</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card "> <img class="lazy-load" alt='File standard icon' src="/images/trans.gif" data-src="//" /> <div class="text"> <div class="title">3D printing standards</div> <div class="subtitle"> <p> <a href="/3d-printing/inspection-standards/"><strong>Inspection standards</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/3d-printing/dimensional-accuracy/"><strong>Dimensional accuracy</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/3d-printing/cosmetic-standards/"><strong>Cosmetic standards</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card "> <img class="lazy-load" alt='File standards icon version two' src="/images/trans.gif" data-src="//" /> <div class="text"> <div class="title">Injection molding standards</div> <div class="subtitle"> <p> <a href="/injection-molding/tolerances-dimensional-accuracy/"><strong>Tolerances & dimensional accuracy</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/injection-molding/inspection-standards/"><strong>Mold finish standards</strong></a></p> <p> <a href="/injection-molding/quality-control-procedures/"><strong>Quality control procedures</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--background-light"> <section id="iso-specifications" class="section__landing-page "> <div class="image-with-text " h3d-component-name="" h3d-component-id="28EIq5ZFyEK5uSSr7CV9vI" h3d-component-type="Content Image with Text" > <div class="content content-text "> <h2 id="iso-certifications">ISO certifications</h2> <p>Thanks to our highly vetted supplier network and ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System, it’s always possible to have your parts manufactured with industry-specific certifications. Our manufacturing partner network can certify to the following standards: ISO 9001, AS 9100, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO TS16949.</p> <p>Contact your Account Manager or <a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a> to find out more.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Download our ISO 9001 certificate</strong></a></p> </div> <div class="image"> <img src="//" alt=""> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--background-light"> <section id="how-we-asess-the-quality-of-our-suppliers" class="section__landing-page "> <div class="image-with-text content-image-with-text--right " h3d-component-name="" h3d-component-id="7i1IXoYYgWHRa9X2UOhTSF" h3d-component-type="Content Image with Text" > <div class="content content-text content-text--right "> <h2 id="how-we-assess-the-quality-of-our-suppliers">How we assess the quality of our suppliers </h2> <p>We have a comprehensive method for selecting, onboarding and tracking the performance of every supplier in our manufacturing partner (MP) network. Check out our MP network page to read more about our approach. </p> <p> <a href="/partner-network/"><strong>Read all about our manufacturing partner network</strong></a></p> </div> <div class="image"> <img src="//" alt=""> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--background-light"> <section id="quality-documentation" class="section__landing-page "> <div class="section__lead"> <h2 id="quality-documentation">Quality documentation</h2> <p>We track the performance of our suppliers to ensure that orders meet the Protolabs Network Standard. We can provide certifications and reports upon request.</p> </div> <div class="" id="" h3d-component-name="" h3d-component-id="olablgT0l13OS8aEfpXIF" h3d-component-type="Content Cards"> <div class=" content-cards content-cards--break-tablet "> <div class=" content-card content-card--background-grey " h3d-component-name="Certificate of Conformance" h3d-component-id="2a91pqfmSHrWEoXGgM0NDT" h3d-component-type="Content Card" > <div class="content-card__body"> <div class="content-card__title">Certificate of Conformance</div> <div class=" content-card__content "> <div class=""> <p>Availability: <br>CNC machining, sheet metal fabrication, injection molding</p> </div> </div> <div class="content-card__cta-container"> <a id="" href="" class="content-card__secondary-cta">Download template</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" content-card content-card--background-grey " h3d-component-name="Material Test Report" h3d-component-id="1hkfKQ8jaCEYTmBZk4nnf8" h3d-component-type="Content Card" > <div class="content-card__body"> <div class="content-card__title">Material Test Report</div> <div class=" content-card__content "> <div class=""> <p>Availability: <br>CNC machining (metals)</p> </div> </div> <div class="content-card__cta-container"> <a id="" href="" class="content-card__secondary-cta">Download template</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" content-card content-card--background-grey " h3d-component-name="CMM Inspection Report" h3d-component-id="1CV4bpCG6bnkYhXESqZ541" h3d-component-type="Content Card" > <div class="content-card__body"> <div class="content-card__title">CMM Inspection Report</div> <div class=" content-card__content "> <div class=""> <p>Availability: <br>CNC machining</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" content-card content-card--background-grey " h3d-component-name="REACH" h3d-component-id="j5CKzglO0QTX0oH4zlGYT" h3d-component-type="Content Card" > <div class="content-card__body"> <div class="content-card__title">REACH</div> <div class=" 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To check the status of your order, go to “<a href="" ><strong>My Orders</strong></a>” in the Quote Builder.<br><br>If you have questions on your quote before production starts, contact your account manager or email <a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a>. If you need help with your order during production, you can reach out to <a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a> and our Customer Support or Project Management teams will advise you.</p> </div> <div class="image"> <img src="//" alt=""> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--background-light"> <section id="we-handle-custom-clearance" class="section__landing-page "> <div class="image-with-text content-image-with-text--right " h3d-component-name="" h3d-component-id="3eKkvGJ8exqHN3cJLMMdQW" h3d-component-type="Content Image with Text" > <div class="content content-text content-text--right "> <h2 id="customs-clearance">Customs clearance </h2> <p>Customs fees are covered for orders delivered in the United States, <a href="" target="_blank">European Union, </a>and the United Kingdom. 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Our Customer Success Team will work on resolving your issue as quickly as possible, typically within 1-3 business days.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="u-prevent-collapse"></div> <div class="section--dark-grey" h3d-component-name="Your parts are in good hands with us. Start a production project today." h3d-component-id="CYoQydAhfrRlfKxf43Umv" id="" h3d-component-type="Content CTA Block" > <div class="section section--tall content-cta-block content-cta-block--full-width-dark"> <p class="content-cta-block__title">Your parts are in good hands with us. 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