Help Center | Protolabs Network

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flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: 100%; } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-nav { flex-basis: 25rem; border-right: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); padding: 2rem 2rem 2rem 0; } } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { flex: 1; } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { padding: 2rem 0 2rem 2rem; } } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article { padding: 0 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article a { text-decoration: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article img, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article .cnc-img { object-fit: cover; width: 432px; height: 274px; background: #262626; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article p { margin: 1rem 0; font-weight: 500; color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item-article:hover p { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show ~ .detail__item--default { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 10; background: black; } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { overflow: scroll; padding-top: 0.5rem; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show { position: static; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default > *, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show > * { flex: 1; flex-basis: 50%; flex-direction: column; flex-shrink: 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item--default > .h3d-navbar__item--4-columns, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--show > .h3d-navbar__item--4-columns { flex-basis: 25%; } } .h3d-navbar__banner-wrapper { float: right; color: white; align-self: flex-end; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 1rem; } @media screen and (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__banner-wrapper { margin-right: 0; } } .is-clicked .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__panel-detail .detail__item.detail__item--default { display: none; } .h3d-navbar { min-height: 55px; } .h3d-navbar__brand { min-height: 55px; } .detail__item-article { display: none; } .h3d-navbar .message-banner { margin: 0 -1rem; padding: 0.75rem 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { position: static; height: auto; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.86); font-weight: 400; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel-section { width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__link--expand::after, .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { border: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.86); border-right: 0; border-top: 0; content: " "; display: block; height: 0.7em; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); transition: transform 0.2s; width: 0.7em; margin-top: -0.4em; right: 0.5rem; top: 50%; } .is-clicked > .h3d-navbar__link--expand::after { transform: rotate(-225deg); top: 3%; display: block; } .is-clicked .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { display: none; } { display: block; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; background: #000; z-index: 1; margin: 0; } .detail__item .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title::before, > .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::before { font-family: "Material Icons"; content: "chevron_left"; position: fixed; left: 0.4rem; font-size: 1.6rem; } .detail__item .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title, > .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 500; text-align: center; padding: 1.1rem; left: 0; top: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; background: black; z-index: 1000; border-bottom: 1px solid #595959; cursor: pointer; } .detail__item--show .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card, .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { min-height: 100%; overflow: scroll; padding: 0 1rem; margin-top: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown { min-height: 100%; overflow: scroll; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag { display: flex; align-items: center; color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag img, .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag .cnc-img, .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--flag svg { margin-right: 0.5rem; height: 15px; } .h3d-navbar__account { display: none !important; } .icon.h3d-navbar__hamburger { display: block; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 1rem; line-height: unset; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .h3d-navbar__divider { display: block; border: none; height: 1px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); } .h3d-navbar__link { padding: 0; color: black; } .language-picker .h3d-navbar__link, .language-picker .h3d-navbar__link--title { color: white; } .h3d-navbar__link--main-link { font-weight: 500; text-decoration: none; } .h3d-navbar__link--main-link .subtitle { display: none; font-size: 0.875rem; color: #707070; font-weight: normal; margin: .5rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--offset { display: block; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: -0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__item--cta1, .h3d-navbar__item--cta2 { display: none; 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} } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__user-name { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__user-name { font-size: 1rem; line-height: unset; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .navbar__menu--mobile-top .h3d-navbar__end { top: 56px; max-height: calc(100vh - 17.5rem); overflow: scroll; } .h3d-navbar__end { display: block; height: auto; background-color: white; position: fixed; width: 100%; bottom: 0; left: 0; padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); } .h3d-navbar__end .h3d-navbar__book-a-demo { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 4.75rem; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__link:hover, .h3d-navbar__link:active { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-navbar__link--hide-desktop { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__panel-detail { display: flex; } .h3d-navbar__main-links { position: absolute; display: flex; left: 0; justify-content: center; flex-grow: 1; width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 500; text-align: center; margin: 0 1rem; padding: 0 1rem; transition: border-bottom-color 0.25s; height: 67px; display: flex; align-items: center; pointer-events: all; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link > .material-icons, .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link > .subtitle { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__main-links .h3d-navbar__link--main-link:hover, .h3d-navbar__main-links { box-shadow: 0px -3px 0px #0071E3 inset; } .is-clicked > .h3d-navbar__link--expand { border-bottom: 2px solid #0071E3; } .h3d-navbar, .h3d-navbar__menu, .h3d-navbar__end { align-items: stretch; display: flex; } .h3d-navbar .message-banner, .h3d-navbar__menu .message-banner, .h3d-navbar__end .message-banner { display: none; } .navbar__menu--mobile-top { display: flex; flex-grow: 1; } .navbar__menu--mobile-top .h3d-navbar__end { align-self: center; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__end.navbar__menu--mobile-bottom { flex-grow: 0; } .h3d-navbar__brand { flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 1; } .h3d-navbar__menu, .h3d-navbar__end { flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 0; } .h3d-navbar__end { justify-content: flex-end; margin-left: auto; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { margin-top: 0; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38); } } @media (min-width: 1200px) and (min-width: 0px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { font-size: 0.75rem; line-height: 17px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) and (min-width: 768px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link).h3d-navbar__link--title { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 20px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .h3d-navbar__dropdown { left: 0; min-width: 100%; z-index: 1001; cursor: default; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--offset-top { top: 2.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating { background: white; border-radius: 3px; left: unset; min-width: unset; position: absolute; right: 1rem; z-index: 2; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { display: block; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .border { border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); width: 10.5rem; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69); margin: 0; padding: .75rem 1rem .75rem 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--narrow { padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag { font-size: 0.875rem; display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; padding: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag:first-child { margin-top: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag:last-child { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag img, .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .cnc-img, .content-cards-gallery .content-cards-gallery__slide .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link--flag .cnc-img { width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link:hover { color: #2563BE; background-color: #E6F1FC; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .top-link { margin-top: .75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .bottom-link { margin-bottom: .75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .has-icon { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .material-icons { font-size: 12px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown--floating .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .team { margin-right: .25rem; font-size: .9rem; } .is-clickable { cursor: pointer; } { left: auto; right: 2.6rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { border-radius: 0 0 0 3px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; color: white; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card--extra-margin { margin-top: -1.25rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel { background: #000; border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); box-shadow: 0 5px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); width: 100%; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel-section { display: flex; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 85rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { margin: 1rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { margin: 0.5rem 0; line-height: 1rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item--spaced { margin: 1.5rem 0; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item { font-size: 0.875rem; min-width: 12rem; white-space: nowrap; display: block; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:first-of-type { margin-top: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__item:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link { font-size: 14px; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__link:hover { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__divider { display: block; border: none; height: 1px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); margin: 0 0.75rem; } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-card .h3d-navbar__user-avatar.material-icons { -webkit-text-stroke-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); } .h3d-navbar__dropdown-panel .h3d-navbar__link:not(.h3d-navbar__link--main-link) { font-size: 19px; margin-top: 0.5rem; } .h3d-navbar__panel-link { text-decoration: none; color: white; } .h3d-navbar__panel-link:hover { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); } .h3d-button--s.h3d-navbar__link--button { font-size: 0.875rem; display: flex; align-items: center; } .h3d-navbar__link--button:hover { border-color: #fff; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow { padding-right: 1.2em; } .h3d-navbar__link.has-arrow::after { border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.62); border-right: 0; border-top: 0; content: " "; display: none; height: 0.5em; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: rotate(-45deg); width: 0.5em; margin-top: -0.4em; right: 1.125em; top: 50%; } #h3d-navbar__user { align-self: center; padding-left: 0.5rem; min-width: auto; padding-right: 1.5rem; position: relative; } .h3d-navbar__book-a-demo.h3d-button--s.h3d-navbar__link--button { display: none; } .h3d-navbar__link.h3d-navbar__link--title.has-arrow.close { pointer-events: none; cursor: initial; } } #popup-banner-container { position: fixed; bottom: -13.75rem; display: flex; flex-direction: column; left: 1rem; border-radius: 3px; z-index: 999; width: 25rem; padding: 1.5rem; transition: all 250ms ease-out; background-color: #E6F1FC; box-shadow: 0px 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0px 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } #popup-banner-container #close-icon { position: absolute; top: .5rem; right: .5rem; margin-left: auto; cursor: pointer; } #popup-banner-container .controls { margin-top: 1rem; display: flex; align-items: center; margin-left: auto; } #popup-banner-container .controls button, #popup-banner-container .controls a { font-weight: bold; } #popup-banner-container .controls #learn-more { margin-left: .5rem; } #popup-banner-container .title { width: 90%; font-size: 1.25rem; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.75rem; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); margin-bottom: 0.25rem; } #popup-banner-container .text { line-height: 1.5rem; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.56); } #popup-banner-container .controls { display: flex; align-items: center; margin-left: auto; } #popup-banner-container .controls #expand-button { margin-right: 8px; display: none; } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { #popup-banner-container { display: none; } } .h3d-button-section-container { display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: 3.5rem 0 0 0; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .h3d-button-section-container { margin: 2rem 0 0 0; } } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray { background-color: transparent; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); padding: .6rem 1rem .6rem 1rem; line-height: 1.2rem; font-size: .875rem; display: flex; } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray .custom-size { font-size: 1rem; margin: auto; padding-left: .5rem; } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:hover, .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:focus { outline: none; border: 1px solid transparent; box-shadow: none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); } .h3d-button-section-container .outline-gray:active { outline: none; border: 1px solid transparent; box-shadow: none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85); } .h3d-button-section-container__left { justify-content: flex-start; 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Discount automatically applied at the checkout until 31 December 2024.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"Get 20% off your first order\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Get a quote\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% off your first order. Save up to $1,000/€1,000. Ends 31 Dec 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Create a team\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Quotes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"How it works\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Read more here\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/blog/3dhubs-is-now-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network is now Protolabs Network. Custom parts manufacturing for engineers worldwide.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Close\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Get instant quote\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Learn more\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused deposition modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Selective laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stereolithography)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metal laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D printing materials\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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We\\u0026rsquo;ve also started a Protolabs Network COVID-19 Manufacturing fund. Learn more \\u003ca href=\\\"/covid-19-fund/\\\"\\u003ehere\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie Policy\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience and to personalize our offerings, on and off this site, specifically for you.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Learn more\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Allow cookies\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Go to the English version\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Keep reading the current version\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"This website is also available in English\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"or\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Orders\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Account Settings\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Log out\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Go to homepage\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"For any questions about our services you can call us at:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \"de\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Schließen\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Sofortangebot anfordern\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Neukunden erhalten 20% Rabatt (max. 1.000 €/$) auf Aufträge für benutzerdefinierte Teile. Der Rabatt wird bis zum 31 Dezember 2024 automatisch während der Kaufabwicklung angewendet.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"20% Rabatt auf Ihren ersten Auftrag\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Angebot anfordern\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% Rabatt auf Ihre erste Bestellung. Sparen bis zum 31. Dez 2024 bis zu 1 000 €/$.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Team erstellen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Angebote\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"So funktioniert es\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Lesen Sie hier mehr\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/de/blog/3dhubs-ist-jetzt-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network ist jetzt Protolabs Network. Kundenspezifische Teilefertigung für Ingenieure auf der ganzen Welt.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"schließen\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Sofortangebot erhalten\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Mehr Informationen\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused deposition modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Selectives Lasersintern)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stereolithography)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metal laser sintering)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D-Druck-Materialien\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"Typ\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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Wir haben ebenfalls einen Fonds zur Fertigung kritischer Teile für COVID-19-Initiativen gelauncht. Erfahren Sie \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\u003ehier\\u003c/a\\u003e mehr.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie Richtlinien\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen die bestmögliche Erfahrung zu bieten.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Erfahren Sie mehr\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Cookies zulassen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Gehen Sie auf die Englische Version\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Auf der deutschen Website bleiben\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"Diese Webseite gibt es auch auf Deutsch\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"oder\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Aufträge\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Kontoeinstellungen\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Ausloggen\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Zur Startseite\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"Rufen Sie uns an:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n \n \n \n\n \"fr\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Commencer votre devis\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Les nouveaux clients bénéficient d\\u0026rsquo;une remise de 20% (max. 1 000 €/$) sur les commandes de pièces personnalisées. La remise, valable jusqu\\u0026rsquo;au 31 décembre 2024, est automatiquement appliquée au moment du paiement.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"Moins 20% sur la première commande\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Obtenir un devis\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"Remise de 20% sur votre première commande. Économisez jusqu\\u0026rsquo;à 1 000 €/$. Valable jusqu\\u0026rsquo;au 31 déc 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Créer une équipe\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Devis\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"Comment ça marche\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Lire la suite ici\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/fr/blog/3dhubs-devient-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network devient Protolabs Network. Un fabricant de pièces personnalisées pour les ingénieurs du monde entier.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Obtenez un devis instantané\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Dépôt de Fil Fondu)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (Frittage Sélectif par Laser)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet Fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (Stéréolithographie)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Frittage Laser Direct de Métal)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"Matériaux pour impression 3D\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. We offer \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to CNC machining page\\\"\\u003eCNC machining\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to Sheet Metal fabrication page\\\"\\u003esheet metal fabrication\\u003c/a\\u003e and \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\" title=\\\"Link to Injection Molding page\\\"\\u003einjection molding\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-technology\": \"Fraisage CNC\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-finish\": \"Anodisé\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-link\": \"/manufacture/\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-batch-material\": \"Aluminium 6061\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-common-applications\": \"Applications courantes\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-uv\": \"Résistance aux UV\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-esd\": \"Sécurité ESD\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-elongation\": \"Allongement à la rupture\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-service-temp\": \"Température maximale de service\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-weldability\": \"Soudabilité\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-corrosion\": \"Résistance à la corrosion\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-hardness\": \"Dureté\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-magnetism\": \"Magnétisme\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-modulus\": \"Module d’élasticité\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-subsets-tensile\": \"Résistance à la rupture par traction\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-types\": \"types\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-metals\": \"Métaux\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-plastics\": \"Plastiques\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Devis instantané\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Fermer\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-search-placeholder\": \"Search through our content\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-cta\": \"Voir nos prix\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-finish\": \"Finition\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-material\": \"Matériel\",\n\n \"parallax-overlay-technology\": \"Technologie\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-finish\": \"Surface usinée (standard)\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-material\": \"Aluminium 6061\",\n\n \"parallax-cnc-technology\": \"Fraisage CNC\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dprinting-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-link\": \"\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-finish\": \"As machined\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-material\": \"Copper C110\",\n\n \"parallax-sheetmetal-technology\": \"Sheet metal\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filter-categories\": \"Categories\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filter-topics\": \"Topics\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-clear\": \"Clear all\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-filters\": \"Filters\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-all-articles\": \"All articles\",\n\n \"knowledge-hub-title\": \"Blog\",\n\n \"status-message-banner\": \"Malgré l\\u0026rsquo;épidemie mondiale de COVID-19, nous maintenons notre activité habituelle. Nous avons également lancé le \\u0026ldquo;COVID-19 Manufacturing fund\\u0026rdquo;. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez \\u003ca href=\\\"/fr/covid-19-fond/\\\"\\u003eici\\u003c/a\\u003e.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"To:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"To add multiple emails separate them with a comma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Please enter one or more email addresses\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"We successfully emailed this article. Thanks for sharing our content!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Thanks for sharing!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Back to article\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Send email\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Your name:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Please enter your name\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Enter a personal message. (optional)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Message:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Share this page\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Your message will include a link to this page and a PDF of Protolabs Network professional services.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Close\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Go back\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe have emailed you more information about our quoting tool.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eIf you would like to get in touch with us, you can also \\u003ca href=\\\"#\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003ecall us directly\\u003c/a\\u003e or \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003ebook a meeting\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Thanks!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Continue to get quote\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"Email me\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Please enter a valid email address.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"Email address:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Leave your email and we will send you a reminder along with product updates and industry news\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Our quoting tool works much better on desktop\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Politique concernant les cookies\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Ce site utilise des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"En savoir plus\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Autoriser les cookies\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Aller à la version française\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Continuez à lire la version française\",\n\n \"language-banner-language-available\": \"Ce site est également disponible en français\",\n\n \"language-banner-alternative\": \"ou\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-orders\": \"Commandes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-account-settings\": \"Paramètres du compte\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-logout\": \"Déconnexion\",\n\n \"main-nav-go-home\": \"Se rendre sur la page d’accueil\",\n\n \"block-phone-banner-cta-call\": \"Nous contacter par telephone au:\"\n\n}\n,\n\n \n \n \n\n \"nl\": \n{\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-secondary-cta\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-cta\": \"Nu je prijsopgave aanvragen\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-text\": \"Nieuwe klanten krijgen 20% korting (max. €/$ 1,000) op bestellingen voor custom onderdelen. Deze korting wordt automatisch verrekend bij het betalen en is geldig t/m 31 december 2024.\",\n\n \"popup-banner-migration-title\": \"20% korting op je eerste bestelling\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-cta\": \"Ontvang een prijsopgave\",\n\n \"top-banner-migration-info\": \"20% korting op je eerste bestelling. Bespaar tot €/$ 1,000. Eindigt op 31 dec 2024.\",\n\n \"cs-hub-title\": \"Case studies\",\n\n \"cs-filter-success-stories\": \"Success stories:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-industries\": \"Industries:\",\n\n \"cs-filter-technologies\": \"Technologies:\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hft\": \"Create a team\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-quotes\": \"Quotes\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hiw\": \"Hoe het werkt\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link-text\": \"Read more here\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-link\": \"/blog/3dhubs-is-now-hubs/\",\n\n \"h3d-redirect-copy\": \"Protolabs Network is now Protolabs Network. Custom parts manufacturing for engineers worldwide.\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-prototyping-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-close\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-quote\": \"Ontvang direct een offerte\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sidebar-learn\": \"Meer informatie\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-fdm\": \"FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sls\": \"SLS (selectief lasersinteren)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-mjf\": \"MJF (MultiJet fusion)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-sla\": \"SLA (stereolithografie)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-dmls\": \"DMLS (Direct metaallasersinteren)\",\n\n \"3dp-materials-title\": \"3D-printmaterialen\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-cta\": \"See our price\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-material\": \"Nylon 12\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-technology\": \"SLS\",\n\n \"parallax-3dp-moonbase-link\": \"/manufacture/?technology=3d-printing\",\n\n \"cnc-materials-type\": \"type\",\n\n \"message-banner-oceania\": \"We currently do not deliver 3D printed parts to your country. 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Daarnaast zijn we begonnen met het Protolabs Network COVID-19 Productiefonds. Meer informatie \\u003ca href=\\\"/nl/covid-19-fonds/\\\"\\u003e hier\\u003c/a\\u003e .\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-placeholder\": \"\\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e, \\u003ca href=\\\"\\\"\\\\u003c/a\\u003e\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-label\": \"Naar:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-explanation\": \"Om meerdere e-mails toe te voegen, scheidt ze met een komma.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-to-error\": \"Voer één of meer e-mailadressen in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-message\": \"Het mailen van dit artikel is gelukt. Bedankt dat u onze content hebt gedeeld!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-cta\": \"Bedankt dat u dit hebt gedeeld!\",\n\n \"share-via-email-success-close-cta\": \"Terug naar artikel\",\n\n \"share-via-email-primary-cta\": \"Stuur e-mail\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-placeholder\": \"Vul uw naam in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-label\": \"Uw naam:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-name-error\": \"Vul uw naam in\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-placeholder\": \"Vul een persoonlijk bericht in. (optioneel)\",\n\n \"share-via-email-message-label\": \"Bericht:\",\n\n \"share-via-email-header\": \"Deze pagina delen\",\n\n \"share-via-email-cta\": \"Uw bericht bevat een link naar deze pagina en een pdf over de professionele services van Protolabs Network.\",\n\n \"share-via-email-close-cta\": \"Sluiten\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-secondary-cta\": \"Ga terug\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-cta\": \"Ga verder om uw offerte te ontvangen\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-body\": \"\\u003cp\\u003eWe hebben u een e-mail met meer informatie over onze offerte-tool gestuurd.\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cbr\\u003e\\u003cp\\u003eAls u contact met ons op wilt nemen, kunt u ons ook \\u003ca href=\\\" data-phonenumber-href-geolocated\\u003edirect bellen\\u003c/a\\u003e of \\u003ca href=\\\"/talk-with-an-expert/\\\"\\u003eeen afspraak maken\\u003c/a\\u003e.\\u003c/p\\u003e\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-success-header\": \"Bedankt!\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-secondary-cta\": \"Ga verder om uw offerte te ontvangen\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-primary-cta\": \"E-mail mij\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email-invalid-error\": \"Voer a.u.b. een geldig e-mailadres in.\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-email\": \"E-mailadres:\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-cta\": \"Laat uw e-mailadres achter en we sturen u naast een herinnering ook productupdates en industrienieuws\",\n\n \"checkout-email-capture-header\": \"Onze offerte-tool werkt veel beter op een pc\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-policy\": \"Cookie beleid\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-message\": \"Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies om ervoor te zorgen dat u een zo goed mogelijke ervaring krijgt.\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-learn-more\": \"Meer informatie\",\n\n \"cookie-consent-allow\": \"Cookies toestaan\",\n\n \"main-nav-user-hub-dashboard\": \"Hub Dashboard\",\n\n \"language-banner-switch\": \"Ga naar de Nederlandse versie\",\n\n \"language-banner-stay\": \"Blijf de 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