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For more stories of impact, see our website.</p> <p>Corporate Volunteerism in Singapore In a landmark initiative, Cushman & Wakefield was proud to have been one of 14 entities selected for Project V , a national pilot shaping the future of corporate volunteerism in Singapore. Project V is led jointly by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth; the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre; and the National Council for Social Service. The project aims to transform how companies engage in community service. In addition to volunteerism, the initiative is about building a cohesive society through active corporate participation through regular volunteering and at scale. Our C&W Services Singapore Workplace Experience Team brought together more than 160 employees to be at the heart of two impactful volunteer programs: Bridging the Digital Gap: In collaboration with a local organization, our people stepped up as digital ambassadors to equip the elderly with digital skills. Bi-weekly sessions at our office have empowered the elderly to navigate health apps and secure medical appointments independently. Creating Joyful Experiences at PCF Sparklecare: Through monthly engagements at PCF Sparklecare, an integrated aged care facility, we contribute to create a community of care and companionship through culinary activities like popiah -making and creative pursuits like tote bag painting.</p> <p>Volunteering on Behalf of Women in Brazil Our WIN ERG in Brazil supported the non-governmental organization Cruzando Histórias’ “Impulsione” day. This event offered career advice and skills to unemployed women. Our Cushman & Wakefield employees served as mentors and addressed questions about writing CVs, leveraging LinkedIn and preparing for interviews. The two-day event benefited 90 women whose average age was 41 years old. Women of color made up 53% of the participants. Histórias for their “Impulsione Pretas ” event. This initiative focused on supporting Black women in search of professional relocation who may be facing challenges related to racial and gender inequality in the job market. The event took place over three days and combined online and face-to-face activities on the following pillars: employability, entrepreneurship and physical/psychological safety. Cushman & Wakefield employees participated as mentors helping 200 Black women. BUILD (Blacks United in Leadership & Development) , another Cushman & Wakefield ERG in Brazil, also worked with Cruzando</p> <p>Supporting Community Health in Italy Cushman & Wakefield offices in Italy hosted training sessions in partnership with Fondazione ADMO Lombardia ETS health organization. Founded in Italy in 1990, the mission of this organization is to provide people in Italy with information and details about bone marrow donation and transplantation to fight leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood neoplasm diseases. We hosted several training sessions in our Italy offices and employees interested in joining the donor registry were able to take a saliva swab directly in the office to assess their eligibility to become potential donors. This initiative was part of our ongoing efforts to involve our people in service-minded activities that directly benefit our surrounding communities.</p> </div> <div class="nav-links"> </div> <p class="powered-by" itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype=""> Made with FlippingBook <A HREF="" TITLE="Learn about Creating Ebooks with FlippingBook">Ebook Creator</A> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>