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Since 2009, C&W Services has provided janitorial, operations and maintenance, and landscaping services for TLC’s 14-acre campus, consisting of 19 buildings totaling 120,000 square feet. Our organization’s DEI strategy is ingrained in our workplace, where DEI is everyone’s responsibility. That’s why we are proud to recognize our team members, Pablo Galeano, Facility Manager, and Michelle Leverone, Senior Manager of Service Delivery, who have gone above and beyond to learn ASL to connect and communicate with the many students and faculty on campus who are deaf or hard-of-hearing — while providing best-in-class customer service.</p> <p>Driving Better Workplaces for Our People The new Cushman & Wakefield office in Milan, Italy, was awarded the WELL Gold Certificate in 2023. Designed according to the “Total Workplace Ecosystem,” this office improves the day-to-day employee experience and workplace organization through the “activity-based working” approach. This system is based on fewer fixed workstations and more shared, open spaces that accommodate both individual and collective tasks and encourage interaction. Employee well-being was a core element in the design and building of these spaces and is a key action point within the WELL framework. The protocol requirements are extensive and include aspects related to both the configuration and design of the spaces as well as the services available to employees. Care has been given to the technology that monitors air quality, temperature, humidity, drinking water and power supply, as well as providing suitable lighting for each work situation, sound absorption in open-plan areas and sound insulation in meeting rooms and enclosed spaces. The Milan office embodies our philosophy on the modern workplace, accommodates a variety of work styles and encourages health and connection for our employees.</p> </div> <div class="nav-links"> </div> <p class="powered-by" itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype=""> Made with FlippingBook <A HREF="" TITLE="Learn about Creating Ebooks with FlippingBook">Ebook Creator</A> </p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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