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margin: 12px 6px; float: left;" src="" alt="Mark Coker of Smashwords" width="200" height="215" /><strong>Q&amp;A With Mark Coker<br />Smashwords Founder and Former CEO<br />Draft2Digital CSO<br /></strong></h2> <p>(Updated March 2023)</p> <p><strong>What is Smashwords?</strong><br /> Smashwords is an ebook retailer serving readers around the globe.</p> <p><strong>What's the story behind Smashwords?</strong><br />I launched Smashwords back in 2008.&nbsp; Originally, Smashwords was an ebook publishing platform and store.&nbsp; We made it possible for writers around the world to self-publish ebooks and sell those ebooks in the Smashwords Store.</p> <p>In 2009. in addition to operating our store and ebook publishing platform, Smashwords began distributing our books to major retailers.&nbsp; In 2009, Smashwords became the first distributor to open up Barnes &amp; Noble to self-published ebooks.&nbsp; In the years that followed, Smashwords built a global distribution network, opening up several major retailers and library platforms to self-published ebooks.&nbsp;</p> <p>We've always been about breaking down the barriers that stand between authors and their readers.</p> <p>By the end of 2022, Smashwords was helping over 160,000 authors and small press publishers around the world to publish and distribute nearly 600,000 ebooks.&nbsp; Also by the end of 2022, the Smashwords Store clocked its sixth straight consecutive year of sales growth, another record.&nbsp; Thank you Smashwords readers and authors!</p> <p>In March 2022, Smashwords was acquired by our former competitor, Draft2Digital, in an all-stock deal.&nbsp; As part of the combination, I joined Draft2Digital as Chief Strategy Officer and board member.&nbsp; In addition to helping to guide Draft2Digital's long term business planning, I also act as the manager of the Smashwords Store though that's not my title.&nbsp; Where's my cat?</p> <p>In 2023, per the plan we laid out at the acquisition in 2022, Draft2Digital began migrating the book publishing and distribution options of Smashwords over Draft2Digitial.&nbsp; The plan is to transition Smashwords to become a store only.&nbsp; Yay!</p> <p>This transformation is well underway.&nbsp;</p> <p>In March, 2023, Smashwords began instructing new authors and publishers to work directly with Draft2Digital to publish ebooks and have those books distributed to the Smashwords Store.&nbsp; By the end of 2023, it's expected all authors and publishers that currently manage their books at Smashwords will have their publishing interface moved over to Draft2Digital as well.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>What are your goals with the Smashwords Store?</strong></p> <p>The Smashwords Store has always had a reputation for being one of the most reader-friendly and author-friendly online bookstores anywhere.&nbsp; Now that we can focus Smashwords on serving as a retailer only, look for us to improve the shopping experience even more.&nbsp; With the publishing tools removed, the book discovery interface is simplified and more intuitive.</p> <p>We've grown our book selection dramatically now that we can carry Draft2Digital ebooks, and in the years ahead we look forward carrying the books of more authors, publishers, and distributors.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>What's the story behind the Smart Author podcast?</strong><br />Over the last 15 years I've presented hundreds of workshops and keynotes at writers conferences around the world.&nbsp; Yet I always found it frustrating that most writers couldn't afford to attend these important conferences.&nbsp; And as much as I enjoyed attending these conferences, I'd never reach them all.&nbsp; So I decided to share my knowledge with everyone at no cost.&nbsp; I launched Smart Author in October, 2017 and by 2019 it was pretty much complete as a master class in ebook publishing.&nbsp; I'm temped to add new episodes, so I'm not ready to say it's over!. The Smart Author podcast guides you step-by-step from the very basics of ebook publishing to more advanced topics.&nbsp; If you're curious to learn about ebook self-publishing, click below to listen to the four-minute series introduction now, or visit the <a href="">Smart Author podcast home page</a> to listen to all the episodes.&nbsp; And then when you're done listening, please do publish and distribute your books at Draft2Digital!</p> <p><iframe style="border: none;" src="//" width="640" height="90" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>W</strong><strong>hat is Smashwords&rsquo; position on digital rights management (DRM), and do you support it?</strong><br />DRM stands for "digital rights management." DRM is a form of copy protection intended to prevent ebook piracy.&nbsp; However, its effectiveness at preventing piracy is dubious.</p> <p>I believe most readers are honest, ethical, and well-intentioned.&nbsp; Readers want authors and publishers to be paid for their books.</p> <p>At Smashwords, we believe most piracy is accidental.&nbsp; This is why we remind our customers that the books they purchase are licensed for their personal personal enjoyment only, and may not be copied, shared, or resold.&nbsp; I think our customers already appreciate that we and authors authors (who price their own books) have always worked so hard to keep our books affordably priced.</p> <p>Smashwords has historically opposed DRM because it's harmful to readers and authors alike.&nbsp; We believe DRM makes it difficult for law-abiding customers to enjoy their purchased books on the different devices they own, now and in the future.&nbsp; We believe when given the choice between DRM-free books and DRM-infected books, informed readers will choose DRM-free.</p> <p><strong>Will Smashwords ever allow DRM'd books to be sold in the Smashwords Store?</strong><br />We have no plans for 2023 or 2024, so it's about the last thing on our radar right now.&nbsp; If there was huge demand, either from authors or publishers, maybe we'd do it, or do it earlier.&nbsp; At the end of the day, we believe the decision to DRM a book or not should be the author or publisher's declsion to make, not ours.&nbsp; We believe DRM'd books should be clearly labeled so a customer's purchase decision can be fully informed.</p> <p><br /><strong>What is Smashwords&rsquo; privacy policy?</strong><br />Privacy is incredibly important to of us at Smashwords.&nbsp; Whether you're a reader or an author, we have you covered.&nbsp; We will never sell, rent or share our members&rsquo; contact information with any third party. We respect the privacy of authors who choose to publish under pen names. We respect your inbox.&nbsp; We also protect the privacy of book buyers by not revealing their purchases or identity to anyone. Read our complete privacy statement <a href="/about/privacy">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>I'm organizing a writer's conference. Can Smashwords supply a speaker</strong><strong>?</strong><br />Please contact Jim Azevedo, corporate communications manager at Draft2Digital, to arrange for either virtual or personal appearances.&nbsp; Click the "support" link below and ask to be forwarded to Jim.&nbsp; We are honored by your invitation.</p> <p><strong>I'm an author or publisher.&nbsp; How do I sell my books at the Smashwords Store?<br /></strong>Please sign up for a free account at <a href="">Draft2Digital</a>, our parent.&nbsp; Draft2Digital is the world's leading distributor for self-published authors and small independent presses!</p> <p><strong>I'm a book distributor or large ONIX-capable publisher.&nbsp; How do I add Smashwords to my distribution network?</strong><br />Although the Smashwords Store is currently only able to receive ebooks from distributor Draft2Digital, support for additional top distributors is planned.&nbsp; Interested distributors or large ONIX-capable publishers can contact the "support" link below and ask to be forwarded to Draft2Digital's business development team and myself for more information or scheduling.</p> <p><br /><strong>What&rsquo;s next for Smashwords?</strong><br />We are bursting with ideas for how we will make the Smashwords Store the best ebook store in the universe for readers and authors.&nbsp;</p> <p>In 2023, the year we finalize much of the techical integration work remaining after our acquisition by Draft2Digital in 2022, it'll be a quiet year.&nbsp; Expect to see the store offer a greater selection (DONE! - welcome Draft2Digital authors and publishers!) and a more streamlined bookstore experience (in process!).&nbsp; In 2024, once the merge work is over, look for some exciting surprises as the Smashwords team gets back to the business of store-building!&nbsp; If you have specific ideas for how we can make the Smashwords Store your favorite store in the universe, won't you please take a moment to write me?&nbsp; How can we do better?&nbsp; My personal email is first initial second initial at smashwords dot com.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <footer class="footer"> <nav> <ul class="inline"> <li><a href="">About</a></li> <li><a href="">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="/about/readerfaq">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="">Terms of Service</a></li> <li><a href="/publishing">Authors / Publishers</a></li> <li><a href="#showTop" id="showBottom">Support</a></li> <li> <div> <a data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" title="Erotica controls" > Filtering </a> <ul id="filterMenuFooter" class="dropdown-menu"> <a type="button btn-filter" class="dropdown-item active" style="margin: 0px; " onclick="oldsw.contentFilteringChange('no_erotica');" title="Blocks erotica books from appearing on the home page and in search results." > Exclude erotica </a> <a type="button btn-filter" class="dropdown-item " style="margin: 0px; " onclick="oldsw.contentFilteringChange('no_taboo');" title="Mainstream erotica is carried by most major ebook stores. 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