George R. Minot

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Minot</b></font><p><img src="george-r-minot.jpg" height=330 width=220 align=right hspace=10 vspace=10 alt="George R. Minot"><b>AKA</b> George Richards Minot<p><b>Born:</b> <a href="/lists/854/000106536/" class=proflink>2-Dec</a>-<a href="/lists/884/000105569/" class=proflink>1885</a><br><b>Birthplace:</b> <a href="/geo/430/000069223/" class=proflink>Boston, MA</a><br><b>Died:</b> <a href="/lists/939/000106621/" class=proflink>25-Feb</a>-<a href="/lists/460/000106142/" class=proflink>1950</a><br><b>Location of death:</b> <a href="/geo/435/000069228/" class=proflink>Brookline, MA</a><br><b>Cause of death:</b> unspecified<br><p><b>Gender:</b> Male<br><b>Religion:</b> <a href="/lists/279/000069072/" class=proflink>Unitarian</a><br><b>Race or Ethnicity:</b> White<br><b>Sexual orientation:</b> Straight<br><b>Occupation:</b> <a href="/lists/632/000096344/" class=proflink>Doctor</a><p><b>Nationality:</b> United States<br><b>Executive summary:</b> Liver therapy for pernicious anemia<p>George Minot researched numerous blood disorders, including leukemia, and made his most famous discovery by isolating a treatment for pernicious anemia. Though we now think of this as a relatively minor ailment, in the early 20th century it was a deadly disease. Minot meticulously recorded the diets of patients with anemia, seeking a unifying factor that might lead to a cause and a cure. Following up on the research of <a href="/people/092/000127708/">George H. Whipple</a>, Minot and his colleague <a href="/people/287/000127903/">William P. Murphy</a> fed liver to patients suffering from pernicious anemia -- basically, feeding them liver until they could stand to eat no more.<p> Their findings showed that the ingestion of one half-pound of liver daily effectively reversed the course of the disease. In collaboration with chemist Edwin Cohn, Minot and Murphy then formulated an effective liver extract, and showed that a very small quantity of this extract, administered intravenously, had the same effect as eating huge quantities of liver. This became the standard treatment for pernicious anemia until Vitamin B-12 was isolated, two decades later. For their life-saving work, Minot, Murphy, and Whipple shared the 1934 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.<p> He married Marian Linzee Weld, who had been his next-door neighbor in childhood. A member of the Boston blueblood Minot family, he was distantly related to 1890s Secretary of State <a href="/people/070/000102761/">Richard Olney</a> and 1990s Massachusetts Governor <a href="/people/491/000063302/">Bill Weld</a>.<p><p><b>Father:</b> James Jackson Minot (physician, b. 1853, d. 1938)<br><b>Mother:</b> Elizabeth Whitney Minot (b. 1860, d. 1903)<br><b>Brother:</b> James Jackson Minot Jr (stockbroker, b. 17-Nov-1891, d. 5-Sep-1985)<br><b>Brother:</b> Henry Whitney Minot (b. 6-Feb-1896, 15-Apr-1971)<br><b>Wife:</b> Marian Linzee Weld (b. 17-May-1890, m. 29-Jun-1915, d. 1979)<br><b>Daughter:</b> Marian Linzee Minot (b. 6-Oct-1918)<br><b>Daughter:</b> Elizabeth Whitney Minot (b. 4-Dec-1920)<br><b>Son:</b> Charles Sedgwick Minot (physician, b. 18-Mar-1930)<br><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; University: <a href="/edu/473/000068269/">BA, Harvard University (1908)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Medical School: <a href="/edu/403/000127022/">MD, Harvard Medical School (1912)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Teacher: <a href="/edu/633/000068429/">Medicine, Johns Hopkins University (1913-15)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Teacher: <a href="/edu/403/000127022/">Medicine, Harvard Medical School (1915-28)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Professor: <a href="/edu/403/000127022/">Medicine, Harvard Medical School (1928-47)</a><br><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/honors/214/000068010/">Nobel Prize for Medicine</a> 1934 (with <a href="/people/092/000127708/">George H. Whipple</a> and <a href="/people/287/000127903/">William P. Murphy</a>)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Risk Factors: <a href="/lists/783/000064591/">Diabetes</a><br> <p> <br><br><p> <font size=-1>Do you know something we don't?</font><br> <font size=-1><a href="" rel="nofollow">Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile</a></font><br> <p> <br><br><p><font size=-1>Copyright &copy;2019 Soylent Communications</font><p> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="top" style="padding: 0px 0px 8px 25px;"></td></tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>

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